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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 35

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


3401 busy   don’t   that   I   think   so   Tom   was   today.
3402 that.   don’t   Tom   I   think   about   was   serious
3403 that.   don’t   Tom   I   think   by   was   frightened
3404 don’t   that   I   think   disrespectful.   Tom   was
3405 sincere.   don’t   that   I   think   being   Tom   was
3406 shy   don’t   that   I   think   as   Tom   Mary.   is   as
3407 don’t   Tom   I   think   that.   intentionally   did
3408 that   don’t   Tom   I   think   do   wants   to   alone.
3409 that   don’t   Tom   I   think   do   ought   to   alone.
3410 that   don’t   Tom   I   think   do   needs   to   alone.
3411 alone.   don’t   Tom   I   think   that   likes   doing
3412 here.   don’t   that   I   think   you’re   Tom   knows
3413 here.   don’t   Tom   I   think   you’re   knows   that
3414 here.   don’t   that   I   think   anyone   Tom   knows
3415 as   don’t   Tom   I   think   smart   is   is.   as   Mary
3416 as   don’t   Tom   I   think   handsome   is   as   John.
3417 don’t   that   I   think   there.   there’s   anybody
3418 problems.   don’t   there   I   think   any   will   be
3419 here.   don’t   that   I   think   doctor   there’s   a
3420 sense.   don’t   this   I   think   much   makes   very
3421 do.   don’t   there’s   I   think   can   anything   we
3422 can   don’t   there’s   I   think   I   any   way   help.
3423 problem.   don’t   it’s   I   think   the   Tom   who’s
3424 do   don’t   it’ll   I   think   to   take   long   that.
3425 you   don’t   Tom   I   think   see   wants   to   again.
3426 that   don’t   Tom   I   think   do   wants   to   again.
3427 anything.   don’t   Tom   I   think   say   wanted   to
3428 do   don’t   Tom   I   think   to   wanted   Mary   that.
3429 by   don’t   Tom   I   think   there   should   go   car.
3430 outside.   don’t   Tom   I   think   that   should   do
3431 anymore.   don’t   Tom   I   think   that   should   do
3432 were   don’t   Tom   I   think   we   saw   what   doing.
3433 that   don’t   Tom   I   think   do   ought   to   again.
3434 that   don’t   Tom   I   think   do   needs   to   today.
3435 at   don’t   Tom   I   think   help   needs   much   all.
3436 so   don’t   Tom   I   think   talk   needed   to   loud.
3437 did   don’t   Tom   I   think   you   knows   why   that.
3438 is   don’t   Tom   I   think   Mary   knows   why   here.
3439 can   don’t   Tom   I   think   he   knows   who   trust.
3440 don’t   Tom   I   think   happening.   knows   what’s
3441 done.   don’t   Tom   I   think   you’ve   knows   what
3442 did   don’t   Tom   I   think   you   knows   how   that.
3443 I   don’t   Tom   I   think   worried   knows   how   am.
3444 tie   don’t   Tom   I   think   to   knows   tie.   how   a
3445 play   don’t   Tom   I   think   to   knows   how   golf.
3446 Mary   don’t   Tom   I   think   sick   knows   how   is.
3447 Mary   don’t   Tom   I   think   rich   knows   how   is.
3448 drive.   don’t   Tom   I   think   can’t   knows   Mary
3449 do   don’t   Tom   I   think   can   knows   Mary   that.
3450 at   don’t   Tom   I   think   good   is   very   skiing.
3451 do   don’t   Tom   I   think   to   is   prepared   that.
3452 he   don’t   Tom   I   think   than   is   older   looks.
3453 to   don’t   Tom   I   think   enough   is   old   drive.
3454 to   don’t   Tom   I   think   enough   is   old   drink.
3455 opera.   don’t   Tom   I   think   in   is   interested
3456 for   don’t   Tom   I   think   enough   is   good   you.
3457 afternoon.   don’t   Tom   I   think   this   is   free
3458 that.   don’t   Tom   I   think   doing   is   finished
3459 truthful.   don’t   Tom   I   think   very   is   being
3460 peanuts.   don’t   Tom   I   think   to   is   allergic
3461 on   don’t   Tom   I   think   work   has   to   Mondays.
3462 that   don’t   Tom   I   think   do   has   to   anymore.
3463 license.   don’t   Tom   I   think   driver’s   has   a
3464 do   don’t   Tom   I   think   to   expected   me   that.
3465 he   don’t   Tom   I   think   where   even   knows   is.
3466 don’t   Tom   I   think   intentionally.   did   that
3467 did   don’t   Tom   I   think   you   cares   why   that.
3468 by   don’t   Tom   I   think   that   can   do   himself.
3469 so   don’t   I’ve   I   think   you   ever   seen   busy.
3470 do   don’t   I’ve   I   think   you   ever   seen   that.
3471 do   don’t   I’ve   I   think   Tom   ever   seen   that.
3472 before.   don’t   I’ve   I   think   here   ever   been
3473 longer.   don’t   I’m   I   think   any   needed   here
3474 Tom   don’t   I’m   I   think   see   going   to   today.
3475 that   don’t   I’m   I   think   do   going   to   today.
3476 that   don’t   I’m   I   think   do   going   to   again.
3477 do   don’t   I’ll   I   think   to   permit   Tom   that.
3478 that   don’t   I’ll   I   think   do   need   to   today.
3479 that   don’t   I’ll   I   think   do   need   to   again.
3480 your   don’t   I’ll   I   think   to   make   it   party.
3481 that   don’t   I’ll   I   think   do   let   Tom   today.
3482 that   don’t   I’ll   I   think   do   have   to   today.
3483 tonight.   don’t   I’ll   I   think   sleep   get   any
3484 don’t   I’ll   I   think   women.   ever   understand
3485 to   don’t   I’ll   I   think   used   ever   get   this.
3486 anymore.   don’t   I’ll   I   think   that   be   doing
3487 do   don’t   I’ll   I   think   to   be   allowed   that.
3488 tomorrow.   don’t   I’ll   I   think   come   be   able
3489 in   don’t   I’d   I   think   live   like   to   Boston.
3490 at   don’t   I’d   I   think   that   like   doing   all.
3491 live   don’t   I’d   I   think   to   ever   want   here.
3492 by   don’t   I’d   I   think   that   ever   do   myself.
3493 Boston.   don’t   I’d   I   think   in   enjoy   living
3494 after   don’t   I   I   think   that   would   do   dark.
3495 there   don’t   I   I   think   go   want   to   anymore.
3496 that   don’t   I   I   think   do   want   you.   to   with
3497 that   don’t   I   I   think   do   want   Tom.   to   with
3498 anymore.   don’t   I   I   think   Tom   should   trust
3499 let   don’t   that   I   think   will   this   rain   up.
3500 sense.   don’t   that   I   think   much   this   makes


3401 I don’t think that Tom was so busy today.
3402 I don’t think Tom was serious about that.
3403 I don’t think Tom was frightened by that.
3404 I don’t think that Tom was disrespectful.
3405 I don’t think that Tom was being sincere.
3406 I don’t think that Tom is as shy as Mary.
3407 I don’t think Tom intentionally did that.
3408 I don’t think Tom wants to do that alone.
3409 I don’t think Tom ought to do that alone.
3410 I don’t think Tom needs to do that alone.
3411 I don’t think Tom likes doing that alone.
3412 I don’t think that Tom knows you’re here.
3413 I don’t think Tom knows that you’re here.
3414 I don’t think that Tom knows anyone here.
3415 I don’t think Tom is as smart as Mary is.
3416 I don’t think Tom is as handsome as John.
3417 I don’t think that there’s anybody there.
3418 I don’t think there will be any problems.
3419 I don’t think that there’s a doctor here.
3420 I don’t think this makes very much sense.
3421 I don’t think there’s anything we can do.
3422 I don’t think there’s any way I can help.
3423 I don’t think it’s Tom who’s the problem.
3424 I don’t think it’ll take long to do that.
3425 I don’t think Tom wants to see you again.
3426 I don’t think Tom wants to do that again.
3427 I don’t think Tom wanted to say anything.
3428 I don’t think Tom wanted Mary to do that.
3429 I don’t think Tom should go there by car.
3430 I don’t think Tom should do that outside.
3431 I don’t think Tom should do that anymore.
3432 I don’t think Tom saw what we were doing.
3433 I don’t think Tom ought to do that again.
3434 I don’t think Tom needs to do that today.
3435 I don’t think Tom needs much help at all.
3436 I don’t think Tom needed to talk so loud.
3437 I don’t think Tom knows why you did that.
3438 I don’t think Tom knows why Mary is here.
3439 I don’t think Tom knows who he can trust.
3440 I don’t think Tom knows what’s happening.
3441 I don’t think Tom knows what you’ve done.
3442 I don’t think Tom knows how you did that.
3443 I don’t think Tom knows how worried I am.
3444 I don’t think Tom knows how to tie a tie.
3445 I don’t think Tom knows how to play golf.
3446 I don’t think Tom knows how sick Mary is.
3447 I don’t think Tom knows how rich Mary is.
3448 I don’t think Tom knows Mary can’t drive.
3449 I don’t think Tom knows Mary can do that.
3450 I don’t think Tom is very good at skiing.
3451 I don’t think Tom is prepared to do that.
3452 I don’t think Tom is older than he looks.
3453 I don’t think Tom is old enough to drive.
3454 I don’t think Tom is old enough to drink.
3455 I don’t think Tom is interested in opera.
3456 I don’t think Tom is good enough for you.
3457 I don’t think Tom is free this afternoon.
3458 I don’t think Tom is finished doing that.
3459 I don’t think Tom is being very truthful.
3460 I don’t think Tom is allergic to peanuts.
3461 I don’t think Tom has to work on Mondays.
3462 I don’t think Tom has to do that anymore.
3463 I don’t think Tom has a driver’s license.
3464 I don’t think Tom expected me to do that.
3465 I don’t think Tom even knows where he is.
3466 I don’t think Tom did that intentionally.
3467 I don’t think Tom cares why you did that.
3468 I don’t think Tom can do that by himself.
3469 I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so busy.
3470 I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do that.
3471 I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tom do that.
3472 I don’t think I’ve ever been here before.
3473 I don’t think I’m needed here any longer.
3474 I don’t think I’m going to see Tom today.
3475 I don’t think I’m going to do that today.
3476 I don’t think I’m going to do that again.
3477 I don’t think I’ll permit Tom to do that.
3478 I don’t think I’ll need to do that today.
3479 I don’t think I’ll need to do that again.
3480 I don’t think I’ll make it to your party.
3481 I don’t think I’ll let Tom do that today.
3482 I don’t think I’ll have to do that today.
3483 I don’t think I’ll get any sleep tonight.
3484 I don’t think I’ll ever understand women.
3485 I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this.
3486 I don’t think I’ll be doing that anymore.
3487 I don’t think I’ll be allowed to do that.
3488 I don’t think I’ll be able come tomorrow.
3489 I don’t think I’d like to live in Boston.
3490 I don’t think I’d like doing that at all.
3491 I don’t think I’d ever want to live here.
3492 I don’t think I’d ever do that by myself.
3493 I don’t think I’d enjoy living in Boston.
3494 I don’t think I would do that after dark.
3495 I don’t think I want to go there anymore.
3496 I don’t think I want to do that with you.
3497 I don’t think I want to do that with Tom.
3498 I don’t think I should trust Tom anymore.
3499 I don’t think that this rain will let up.
3500 I don’t think that this makes much sense.

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