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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 38

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


3701 later.   and   said   Tom   Mary   you   they’ll   call
3702 of   and   said   Tom   Mary   care   they’d   take   it.
3703 tomorrow.   and   said   Tom   Mary   me   they’d   see
3704 swim.   and   said   Tom   Mary   not   they’d   rather
3705 that.   and   said   Tom   Mary   doing   they’d   quit
3706 on   and   said   Tom   Mary   it   they’d   make   time.
3707 eat   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they’d   like   now.
3708 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they’d   like   that.
3709 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   us   they’d   help   that.
3710 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   me   they’d   help   that.
3711 early.   and   said   Tom   Mary   there   they’d   get
3712 and   said   Tom   Mary   something.   they’d   found
3713 for   and   said   Tom   Mary   that   they’d   do   you.
3714 as   and   said   Tom   Mary   that   they’d   do   well.
3715 later.   and   said   Tom   Mary   back   they’d   come
3716 stamps.   and   said   Tom   Mary   some   they’d   buy
3717 lucky.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they’d   been
3718 and   said   Tom   Mary   humiliated.   they’d   been
3719 and   said   Tom   Mary   handcuffed.   they’d   been
3720 soon.   and   said   Tom   Mary   leaving   they’d   be
3721 tonight.   and   said   Tom   Mary   here   they’d   be
3722 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   glad   they’d   be   help.
3723 up.   and   said   Tom   Mary   given   they’d   almost
3724 there.   and   said   Tom   Mary   be   they   wouldn’t
3725 it   and   said   Tom   Mary   sort   they   would   out.
3726 it   and   said   Tom   Mary   do   they   would   again.
3727 cold.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   weren’t
3728 and   said   Tom   Mary   terrified.   they   weren’t
3729 and   said   Tom   Mary   surprised.   they   weren’t
3730 and   said   Tom   Mary   skeptical.   they   weren’t
3731 and   said   Tom   Mary   satisfied.   they   weren’t
3732 and   said   Tom   Mary   impressed.   they   weren’t
3733 and   said   Tom   Mary   convinced.   they   weren’t
3734 and   said   Tom   Mary   concerned.   they   weren’t
3735 worried.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3736 unlucky.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3737 unhappy.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3738 thirsty.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3739 shocked.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3740 serious.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3741 nervous.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3742 jealous.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3743 excited.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3744 curious.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   were
3745 afraid.   and   said   Tom   Mary   still   they   were
3746 upset.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3747 tired.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3748 sorry.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3749 lucky.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3750 happy.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3751 drunk.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3752 broke.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3753 bored.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3754 angry.   and   said   Tom   Mary   really   they   were
3755 different.   and   said   Tom   Mary   no   they   were
3756 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   here   they   were   stay.
3757 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   going   they   were   win.
3758 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   going   they   were   die.
3759 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   glad   they   were   help.
3760 fine.   and   said   Tom   Mary   feeling   they   were
3761 and   said   Tom   Mary   discontented.   they   were
3762 and   said   Tom   Mary   disappointed.   they   were
3763 and   said   Tom   Mary   conservative.   they   were
3764 and   said   Tom   Mary   appreciative.   they   were
3765 and   said   Tom   Mary   ambidextrous.   they   were
3766 worn   and   said   Tom   Mary   all   they   were   out.
3767 details.   and   said   Tom   Mary   more   they   want
3768 and   said   Tom   Mary   French.   they   understood
3769 win.   and   said   Tom   Mary   you’d   they   thought
3770 that.   and   said   Tom   Mary   do   they   shouldn’t
3771 taxes.   and   said   Tom   Mary   income   they   paid
3772 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they   needed   that.
3773 money.   and   said   Tom   Mary   some   they   needed
3774 money.   and   said   Tom   Mary   more   they   needed
3775 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   not   they   might   that.
3776 temper.   and   said   Tom   Mary   their   they   lost
3777 did   and   said   Tom   Mary   who   they   knew   that.
3778 was   and   said   Tom   Mary   I   they   knew   coming.
3779 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they   intend   that.
3780 shots.   and   said   Tom   Mary   three   they   heard
3781 that.   and   said   Tom   Mary   done   they   haven’t
3782 talk   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they   me.   had   to
3783 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   nowhere   they   had   go.
3784 of   and   said   Tom   Mary   lots   they   had   money.
3785 nervous.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they   felt
3786 same   and   said   Tom   Mary   the   they   felt   way.
3787 dancing.   and   said   Tom   Mary   like   they   felt
3788 and   said   Tom   Mary   disappointed.   they   felt
3789 party.   and   said   Tom   Mary   the   they   enjoyed
3790 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   want   they   didn’t   go.
3791 to   and   said   Tom   Mary   plan   they   didn’t   go.
3792 money.   and   said   Tom   Mary   need   they   didn’t
3793 tired.   and   said   Tom   Mary   feel   they   didn’t
3794 wine.   and   said   Tom   Mary   drink   they   didn’t
3795 it.   and   said   Tom   Mary   believe   they   didn’t
3796 wrong.   and   said   Tom   Mary   nothing   they   did
3797 get   and   said   Tom   Mary   come   they   could   it.
3798 police.   and   said   Tom   Mary   the   they   called
3799 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they   agreed   that.
3800 yet.   and   said   Tom   Mary   thirty   they   aren’t


3701 Tom and Mary said they’ll call you later.
3702 Tom and Mary said they’d take care of it.
3703 Tom and Mary said they’d see me tomorrow.
3704 Tom and Mary said they’d rather not swim.
3705 Tom and Mary said they’d quit doing that.
3706 Tom and Mary said they’d make it on time.
3707 Tom and Mary said they’d like to eat now.
3708 Tom and Mary said they’d like to do that.
3709 Tom and Mary said they’d help us do that.
3710 Tom and Mary said they’d help me do that.
3711 Tom and Mary said they’d get there early.
3712 Tom and Mary said they’d found something.
3713 Tom and Mary said they’d do that for you.
3714 Tom and Mary said they’d do that as well.
3715 Tom and Mary said they’d come back later.
3716 Tom and Mary said they’d buy some stamps.
3717 Tom and Mary said they’d been very lucky.
3718 Tom and Mary said they’d been humiliated.
3719 Tom and Mary said they’d been handcuffed.
3720 Tom and Mary said they’d be leaving soon.
3721 Tom and Mary said they’d be here tonight.
3722 Tom and Mary said they’d be glad to help.
3723 Tom and Mary said they’d almost given up.
3724 Tom and Mary said they wouldn’t be there.
3725 Tom and Mary said they would sort it out.
3726 Tom and Mary said they would do it again.
3727 Tom and Mary said they weren’t very cold.
3728 Tom and Mary said they weren’t terrified.
3729 Tom and Mary said they weren’t surprised.
3730 Tom and Mary said they weren’t skeptical.
3731 Tom and Mary said they weren’t satisfied.
3732 Tom and Mary said they weren’t impressed.
3733 Tom and Mary said they weren’t convinced.
3734 Tom and Mary said they weren’t concerned.
3735 Tom and Mary said they were very worried.
3736 Tom and Mary said they were very unlucky.
3737 Tom and Mary said they were very unhappy.
3738 Tom and Mary said they were very thirsty.
3739 Tom and Mary said they were very shocked.
3740 Tom and Mary said they were very serious.
3741 Tom and Mary said they were very nervous.
3742 Tom and Mary said they were very jealous.
3743 Tom and Mary said they were very excited.
3744 Tom and Mary said they were very curious.
3745 Tom and Mary said they were still afraid.
3746 Tom and Mary said they were really upset.
3747 Tom and Mary said they were really tired.
3748 Tom and Mary said they were really sorry.
3749 Tom and Mary said they were really lucky.
3750 Tom and Mary said they were really happy.
3751 Tom and Mary said they were really drunk.
3752 Tom and Mary said they were really broke.
3753 Tom and Mary said they were really bored.
3754 Tom and Mary said they were really angry.
3755 Tom and Mary said they were no different.
3756 Tom and Mary said they were here to stay.
3757 Tom and Mary said they were going to win.
3758 Tom and Mary said they were going to die.
3759 Tom and Mary said they were glad to help.
3760 Tom and Mary said they were feeling fine.
3761 Tom and Mary said they were discontented.
3762 Tom and Mary said they were disappointed.
3763 Tom and Mary said they were conservative.
3764 Tom and Mary said they were appreciative.
3765 Tom and Mary said they were ambidextrous.
3766 Tom and Mary said they were all worn out.
3767 Tom and Mary said they want more details.
3768 Tom and Mary said they understood French.
3769 Tom and Mary said they thought you’d win.
3770 Tom and Mary said they shouldn’t do that.
3771 Tom and Mary said they paid income taxes.
3772 Tom and Mary said they needed to do that.
3773 Tom and Mary said they needed some money.
3774 Tom and Mary said they needed more money.
3775 Tom and Mary said they might not do that.
3776 Tom and Mary said they lost their temper.
3777 Tom and Mary said they knew who did that.
3778 Tom and Mary said they knew I was coming.
3779 Tom and Mary said they intend to do that.
3780 Tom and Mary said they heard three shots.
3781 Tom and Mary said they haven’t done that.
3782 Tom and Mary said they had to talk to me.
3783 Tom and Mary said they had nowhere to go.
3784 Tom and Mary said they had lots of money.
3785 Tom and Mary said they felt very nervous.
3786 Tom and Mary said they felt the same way.
3787 Tom and Mary said they felt like dancing.
3788 Tom and Mary said they felt disappointed.
3789 Tom and Mary said they enjoyed the party.
3790 Tom and Mary said they didn’t want to go.
3791 Tom and Mary said they didn’t plan to go.
3792 Tom and Mary said they didn’t need money.
3793 Tom and Mary said they didn’t feel tired.
3794 Tom and Mary said they didn’t drink wine.
3795 Tom and Mary said they didn’t believe it.
3796 Tom and Mary said they did nothing wrong.
3797 Tom and Mary said they could come get it.
3798 Tom and Mary said they called the police.
3799 Tom and Mary said they agreed to do that.
3800 Tom and Mary said they aren’t thirty yet.

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