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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 37

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


3601 suspect   is   I   Tom   TV.   downstairs,   watching
3602 suspect   is   I   Tom   murderer.   a   cold-blooded
3603 all   suspect   and   I   Tom   busy   Mary   were   day.
3604 mistaken.   suspect   and   I   Tom   both   Mary   are
3605 bit   suspect   and   I   Tom   a   Mary   are   puzzled.
3606 him.   suspected   Mary   Tom   that   to   was   lying
3607 do   suspect   you   I   that   to   don’t   need   that.
3608 do   suspect   you   I   that   to   don’t   have   that.
3609 that.   suspect   Tom   I   that   about   is   worried
3610 knows   they   Everyone   that   other.   like   each
3611 work?   you   that   Did   know   doesn’t   your   oven
3612 match?   you   that   Did   know   don’t   your   socks
3613 happen?   you   that   Didn’t   know   to   was   going
3614 happen.   know   bad   I   something   to   is   likely
3615 happen.   didn’t   that   Tom   know   to   was   going
3616 doesn’t   that   Tom   know   today.   won’t   happen
3617 water?   you   that   Didn’t   know   on   oil   floats
3618 prison?   you   Tom   Didn’t   know   in   spent   time
3619 be   you   Tom   Didn’t   know   to   was   going   here?
3620 in   you   I   Didn’t   know   live   used   to   Boston?
3621 Boston?   you   Tom   Didn’t   know   in   was   living
3622 Boston?   you   that   Didn’t   know   to   Tom   moved
3623 scooter?   you   that   Didn’t   know   a   Tom   owned
3624 do   you   that   Didn’t   know   to   Tom   used   that?
3625 Mary?   you   that   Didn’t   know   dating   Tom   was
3626 sure   calculated   I’m   I   correctly.   the   bill
3627 here.   know   isn’t   I   that   you’re   the   reason
3628 here.   know   not   I   that’s   you’re   the   reason
3629 you?   know   that   You   that   don’t   isn’t   true,
3630 you?   know   that’s   You   that   don’t   not   true,
3631 can   want   to   I   you   you   know   me.   that   trust
3632 never   want   all   I   you   I’ll   to   know   change.
3633 to   think   know   I   you   need   that   that.   we   do
3634 to   think   know   I   you   have   that   that.   we   do
3635 do.   think   know   I   you   to   that’s   impossible
3636 car.   suppose   already   I   you   my   know   that’s
3637 optimistic.   should   you   I   let   not   know   I’m
3638 know   means   lot   It   a   to   to   me.   love   me   you
3639 do   let   know   Tom   us   wouldn’t   that   he   that.
3640 do   let   know   Tom   me   wouldn’t   that   he   that.
3641 do   let   know   Tom   us   couldn’t   that   he   that.
3642 do   let   know   Tom   me   couldn’t   that   he   that.
3643 this.   know   you’ve   I   that   for   been   waiting
3644 with   know   you’re   I   that   love   still   in   me.
3645 be   know   you   I   that   to   still   me.   want   with
3646 very   know   still   I   you   that   can’t   do   well.
3647 the   know   you   I   that   me   lied   day.   to   other
3648 talk   know   you   I   that   to   don’t   me.   want   to
3649 to   know   don’t   I   you   happens   care   what   me.
3650 know   aren’t   I   you   here.   enjoying   yourself
3651 really   know   what   I   that   was   I   did   stupid.
3652 to   know   wasn’t   I   that   thing   the   right   do.
3653 wanted.   know   wasn’t   I   that   you   the   answer
3654 us   know   this   I   that   for   is   important   all.
3655 French.   know   people   I   most   speak   here   can
3656 did   know   weren’t   I   you   who   the   ones   that.
3657 do   know   I’m   I   that   to   not   yet.   ready   that
3658 good   know   haven’t   I   I   very   been   a   father.
3659 married   know   don’t   I   I   be   want   you.   to   to
3660 don’t   know   wants   You   Tom   that,   to   do   you?
3661 don’t   know   likes   You   Tom   that,   to   do   you?
3662 don’t   know   I   You   that   that,   won’t   do   you?
3663 don’t   know   don’t   You   I   that,   need   do   you?
3664 here   just   you   I   want   I’m   to   you.   know   for
3665 I   just   you   I   want   that   to   it.   know   regret
3666 can’t   don’t   people   I   like   I   to   know   swim.
3667 can’t   don’t   people   I   like   I   to   know   read.
3668 case?   do   actually   How   you   the   know   that’s
3669 you.   didn’t   your   I   know   with   mother   lived
3670 there.   didn’t   that   I   know   be   you   wouldn’t
3671 didn’t   that   I   know   Canadians.   you   weren’t
3672 be   didn’t   you   I   know   to   were   going   there.
3673 work   didn’t   that   I   know   to   you   used   here.
3674 in   didn’t   you   I   know   live   used   to   Boston.
3675 much   didn’t   that   I   know   so   you   had   money.
3676 legal.   didn’t   what   I   know   wasn’t   I’d   done
3677 was   didn’t   what   I   know   doing   I   was   wrong.
3678 closed.   didn’t   that   I   know   was   the   bridge
3679 to   will   and   We   eat,   straight   then   go   bed.
3680 don’t   know   needs   You   Tom   that,   to   do   you?
3681 dark.   don’t   we’ll   I   think   before   get   home
3682 book   you   That   helps   effectively.   to   write
3683 was   for   He   arrested   funds.   abusing   public
3684 mountain.   climbed   the   He   to   the   summit   of
3685 thinker.   between   he’s   Just   us,   deep   not   a
3686 as   don’t   Tom   I   think   stubborn   is   as   Mary.
3687 that.   should’ve   to   I   agreed   with   help   Tom
3688 shoulders?   you   me   Do   want   your   to   massage
3689 fear   there   I   that   complications.   would   be
3690 so   are   so   Why   you   you’re   poor   when   smart?
3691 anybody.   has   secret   Tom   a   told   he’s   never
3692 else   I   do   If   don’t   someone   it,   then   will.
3693 that.   and   said   Tom   Mary   doing   they   regret
3694 busy.   and   said   Tom   Mary   very   they’ve   been
3695 leave.   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they’re   ready
3696 thirty.   and   said   Tom   Mary   yet   they’re   not
3697 used.   and   said   Tom   Mary   being   they’re   not
3698 now.   and   said   Tom   Mary   that   they’re   doing
3699 do   and   said   Tom   Mary   to   they’ll   try   that.
3700 for   and   said   Tom   Mary   that   they’ll   do   us.


3601 I suspect Tom is downstairs, watching TV.
3602 I suspect Tom is a cold-blooded murderer.
3603 I suspect Tom and Mary were busy all day.
3604 I suspect Tom and Mary are both mistaken.
3605 I suspect Tom and Mary are a bit puzzled.
3606 Tom suspected that Mary was lying to him.
3607 I suspect that you don’t need to do that.
3608 I suspect that you don’t have to do that.
3609 I suspect that Tom is worried about that.
3610 Everyone knows that they like each other.
3611 Did you know that your oven doesn’t work?
3612 Did you know that your socks don’t match?
3613 Didn’t you know that was going to happen?
3614 I know something bad is likely to happen.
3615 Tom didn’t know that was going to happen.
3616 Tom doesn’t know that won’t happen today.
3617 Didn’t you know that oil floats on water?
3618 Didn’t you know Tom spent time in prison?
3619 Didn’t you know Tom was going to be here?
3620 Didn’t you know I used to live in Boston?
3621 Didn’t you know Tom was living in Boston?
3622 Didn’t you know that Tom moved to Boston?
3623 Didn’t you know that Tom owned a scooter?
3624 Didn’t you know that Tom used to do that?
3625 Didn’t you know that Tom was dating Mary?
3626 I’m sure I calculated the bill correctly.
3627 I know that isn’t the reason you’re here.
3628 I know that’s not the reason you’re here.
3629 You know that that isn’t true, don’t you?
3630 You know that that’s not true, don’t you?
3631 I want you to know that you can trust me.
3632 I want you all to know I’ll never change.
3633 I think you know that we need to do that.
3634 I think you know that we have to do that.
3635 I think you know that’s impossible to do.
3636 I suppose you already know that’s my car.
3637 I should let you know I’m not optimistic.
3638 It means a lot to me to know you love me.
3639 Tom let us know that he wouldn’t do that.
3640 Tom let me know that he wouldn’t do that.
3641 Tom let us know that he couldn’t do that.
3642 Tom let me know that he couldn’t do that.
3643 I know that you’ve been waiting for this.
3644 I know that you’re still in love with me.
3645 I know that you still want to be with me.
3646 I know you still can’t do that very well.
3647 I know that you lied to me the other day.
3648 I know that you don’t want to talk to me.
3649 I know you don’t care what happens to me.
3650 I know you aren’t enjoying yourself here.
3651 I know that what I did was really stupid.
3652 I know that wasn’t the right thing to do.
3653 I know that wasn’t the answer you wanted.
3654 I know that this is important for us all.
3655 I know most people here can speak French.
3656 I know you weren’t the ones who did that.
3657 I know that I’m not ready to do that yet.
3658 I know I haven’t been a very good father.
3659 I know I don’t want to be married to you.
3660 You know Tom wants to do that, don’t you?
3661 You know Tom likes to do that, don’t you?
3662 You know that I won’t do that, don’t you?
3663 You know I don’t need do that, don’t you?
3664 I just want you to know I’m here for you.
3665 I just want you to know that I regret it.
3666 I don’t like people to know I can’t swim.
3667 I don’t like people to know I can’t read.
3668 How do you actually know that’s the case?
3669 I didn’t know your mother lived with you.
3670 I didn’t know that you wouldn’t be there.
3671 I didn’t know that you weren’t Canadians.
3672 I didn’t know you were going to be there.
3673 I didn’t know that you used to work here.
3674 I didn’t know you used to live in Boston.
3675 I didn’t know that you had so much money.
3676 I didn’t know what I’d done wasn’t legal.
3677 I didn’t know what I was doing was wrong.
3678 I didn’t know that the bridge was closed.
3679 We will eat, and then go straight to bed.
3680 You know Tom needs to do that, don’t you?
3681 I don’t think we’ll get home before dark.
3682 That book helps you to write effectively.
3683 He was arrested for abusing public funds.
3684 He climbed to the summit of the mountain.
3685 Just between us, he’s not a deep thinker.
3686 I don’t think Tom is as stubborn as Mary.
3687 I should’ve agreed to help Tom with that.
3688 Do you want me to massage your shoulders?
3689 I fear that there would be complications.
3690 Why are you so poor when you’re so smart?
3691 Tom has a secret he’s never told anybody.
3692 If I don’t do it, then someone else will.
3693 Tom and Mary said they regret doing that.
3694 Tom and Mary said they’ve been very busy.
3695 Tom and Mary said they’re ready to leave.
3696 Tom and Mary said they’re not yet thirty.
3697 Tom and Mary said they’re not being used.
3698 Tom and Mary said they’re doing that now.
3699 Tom and Mary said they’ll try to do that.
3700 Tom and Mary said they’ll do that for us.

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