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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 32

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


3101 tomorrow.   promise   that   I   you   that   I’ll   do
3102 that   promise   that   I   you   do   I   won’t   again.
3103 here.   remember   promising   I   Tom   be   us   he’d
3104 that.   remember   promising   I   Tom   do   us   he’d
3105 that.   promised   you’d   You   that   do   help   Tom
3106 promised   you’d   You   that   tomorrow.   do   that
3107 make.   must   the   You   keep   you   promises   that
3108 again.   promise   we’ll   We   you   late   never   be
3109 he’d   did   he   Tom   what   that   promised   me   do.
3110 on   promise   that   I   you   there   I’ll   be   time.
3111 the   promised   I’d   I   Tom   in   meet   him   lobby.
3112 by   promised   that   I   Tom   there   I’d   be.104166666666667
3113 promise   you’ll   Please   me   again.   never   lie
3114 that.   promise   that   Please   me   do   you   won’t
3115 angry.   promise   that   Just   me   get   you   won’t
3116 time.   promise   I’ll   I   that   next   try   harder
3117 you.   promise   I   I   that   without   won’t   leave
3118 do   promise   I   I   that   to   won’t   forget   that.
3119 promised   he’d   Tom   Mary   shopping.   take   her
3120 promise.   says   sorry   Tom   he’s   his   he   broke
3121 he?   promised   he’d   Tom   you   didn’t   do   that,
3122 do.   couldn’t   what   Tom   do   he’d   he   promised
3123 isn’t   to   That   likely   soon.   happen   anytime
3124 not   to   That’s   likely   soon.   happen   anytime
3125 didn’t   anybody   I   hear   guitar.   playing   the
3126 still   that   I’m   worried   happen.   that   might
3127 was   don’t   that   I   think   did   what   Tom   easy.
3128 case.   pretty   that   I’m   sure   the   that’s   not
3129 case.   pretty   that   I’m   sure   the   that   isn’t
3130 I   never   to   I   got   that   tell   him.   Tom   loved
3131 does   really   the   I   like   Tom   way   that   that.
3132 do   didn’t   know   I   even   to   Tom   wanted   that.
3133 do   didn’t   know   I   even   to   Tom   needed   that.
3134 happens.   still   to   I’m   waiting   that   see   if
3135 be   told   he   Tom   me   would   hoped   Mary   quiet.
3136 suicidal.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3137 be   told   he   Tom   me   would   hoped   Mary   early.
3138 clueless.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3139 finished.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3140 gullible.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3141 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   fun.
3142 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   fun.
3143 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   odd.
3144 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   odd.
3145 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   ill.
3146 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   ill.
3147 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   new.
3148 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   new.
3149 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   fat.
3150 friendly.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3151 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   sad.
3152 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   hot.
3153 mistaken.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3154 unbiased.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3155 ticklish.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3156 troubled.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3157 annoying.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
3158 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   mad.
3159 was   told   that   Tom   me   Mary   he   thought   out.
3160 was   told   he   Tom   me   Mary   thought   that   out.
3161 tired.   was   to   It   obvious   was   everyone   Tom
3162 would’ve   that   I   thought   unhappy.   you’d   be
3163 would’ve   you’d   I   thought   happy.   have   been
3164 certain   that   I’m   that   today.   won’t   happen
3165 pretty   that   I’m   confident   that’ll   happen.
3166 obvious   no   It’s   you’re   longer   interested.
3167 this   was   that   It   obvious   be   it   would   way.
3168 here.   obvious   doesn’t   It’s   Tom   be   want   to
3169 obvious   doesn’t   It’s   Tom   that.   like   doing
3170 not   in   I’m   interested   anybody.   talking   to
3171 obvious   really   It’s   Tom   Mary.   cares   about
3172 was   glad   Tom   obviously   happened.   that   had
3173 was   happy   Tom   obviously   chosen.   he’d   been
3174 to   knew   it   Tom   that   duty   was   that.   his   do
3175 that.   don’t   that   I   think   do   anybody   would
3176 do   also   think   I   don’t   will   that   Tom   that.
3177 beer.   don’t   that   I   think   more   there’s   any
3178 do   really   Tom   I’m   happy   to   was   able   that.
3179 be   really   Tom   I’m   happy   to   was   able   here.
3180 my   really   Tom   I’m   happy   at   will   be   party.
3181 afraid   there’s   I’m   that   problem.   a   little
3182 that.   was   surprised   I   pretty   did   that   Tom
3183 got   told   he’d   Tom   me   we   wait   until   there.
3184 of   told   he’d   Tom   me   one   never   seen   these.
3185 a   told   he   Tom   me   to   was   married   Canadian.
3186 try   told   he   Tom   me   to   was   again.   going   it
3187 talk   told   he   Tom   me   to   was   Mary.   going   to
3188 kill   told   he   Tom   me   to   was   going   himself.
3189 this   told   he   Tom   me   in   was   born   hospital.
3190 minutes.   told   he   Tom   me   thirty   waited   for
3191 to   told   he   Tom   me   tattoo   showed   his   Mary.
3192 that.   told   he   Tom   me   do   probably   wouldn’t
3193 to   told   he   Tom   me   time   had   books.   no   read
3194 chess.   told   he   Tom   me   playing   didn’t   like
3195 peppers.   told   he   Tom   me   green   didn’t   like
3196 laughing.   told   he   Tom   me   like   didn’t   feel
3197 he   told   that   Tom   me   but   he’d   win,   didn’t.
3198 to   told   that   Tom   me   glad   he’d   me.   be   help
3199 for   told   that   Tom   me   looking   he   was   Mary.
3200 to   told   that   Tom   me   going   he   gym.   was   the


3101 I promise you that I’ll do that tomorrow.
3102 I promise you that I won’t do that again.
3103 I remember Tom promising us he’d be here.
3104 I remember Tom promising us he’d do that.
3105 You promised that you’d help Tom do that.
3106 You promised that you’d do that tomorrow.
3107 You must keep the promises that you make.
3108 We promise you we’ll never be late again.
3109 Tom did what he promised me that he’d do.
3110 I promise you that I’ll be there on time.
3111 I promised Tom I’d meet him in the lobby.
3112 I promised Tom that I’d be there by 2:30.
3113 Please promise me you’ll never lie again.
3114 Please promise me that you won’t do that.
3115 Just promise me that you won’t get angry.
3116 I promise that I’ll try harder next time.
3117 I promise that I won’t leave without you.
3118 I promise that I won’t forget to do that.
3119 Tom promised Mary he’d take her shopping.
3120 Tom says he’s sorry he broke his promise.
3121 Tom promised you he’d do that, didn’t he?
3122 Tom couldn’t do what he promised he’d do.
3123 That isn’t likely to happen anytime soon.
3124 That’s not likely to happen anytime soon.
3125 I didn’t hear anybody playing the guitar.
3126 I’m still worried that that might happen.
3127 I don’t think that what Tom did was easy.
3128 I’m pretty sure that that’s not the case.
3129 I’m pretty sure that that isn’t the case.
3130 I never got to tell Tom that I loved him.
3131 I really like the way that Tom does that.
3132 I didn’t even know Tom wanted to do that.
3133 I didn’t even know Tom needed to do that.
3134 I’m still waiting to see if that happens.
3135 Tom told me he hoped Mary would be quiet.
3136 Tom told me he thought Mary was suicidal.
3137 Tom told me he hoped Mary would be early.
3138 Tom told me he thought Mary was clueless.
3139 Tom told me he thought Mary was finished.
3140 Tom told me he thought Mary was gullible.
3141 Tom told me that he thought Mary was fun.
3142 Tom told me he thought that Mary was fun.
3143 Tom told me that he thought Mary was odd.
3144 Tom told me he thought that Mary was odd.
3145 Tom told me that he thought Mary was ill.
3146 Tom told me he thought that Mary was ill.
3147 Tom told me that he thought Mary was new.
3148 Tom told me he thought that Mary was new.
3149 Tom told me he thought that Mary was fat.
3150 Tom told me he thought Mary was friendly.
3151 Tom told me he thought that Mary was sad.
3152 Tom told me he thought that Mary was hot.
3153 Tom told me he thought Mary was mistaken.
3154 Tom told me he thought Mary was unbiased.
3155 Tom told me he thought Mary was ticklish.
3156 Tom told me he thought Mary was troubled.
3157 Tom told me he thought Mary was annoying.
3158 Tom told me he thought that Mary was mad.
3159 Tom told me that he thought Mary was out.
3160 Tom told me he thought that Mary was out.
3161 It was obvious to everyone Tom was tired.
3162 I would’ve thought that you’d be unhappy.
3163 I would’ve thought you’d have been happy.
3164 I’m certain that that won’t happen today.
3165 I’m pretty confident that that’ll happen.
3166 It’s obvious you’re no longer interested.
3167 It was obvious that it would be this way.
3168 It’s obvious Tom doesn’t want to be here.
3169 It’s obvious Tom doesn’t like doing that.
3170 I’m not interested in talking to anybody.
3171 It’s obvious Tom really cares about Mary.
3172 Tom was obviously glad that had happened.
3173 Tom was obviously happy he’d been chosen.
3174 Tom knew that it was his duty to do that.
3175 I don’t think that anybody would do that.
3176 I also don’t think that Tom will do that.
3177 I don’t think that there’s any more beer.
3178 I’m really happy Tom was able to do that.
3179 I’m really happy Tom was able to be here.
3180 I’m really happy Tom will be at my party.
3181 I’m afraid that there’s a little problem.
3182 I was pretty surprised that Tom did that.
3183 Tom told me he’d wait until we got there.
3184 Tom told me he’d never seen one of these.
3185 Tom told me he was married to a Canadian.
3186 Tom told me he was going to try it again.
3187 Tom told me he was going to talk to Mary.
3188 Tom told me he was going to kill himself.
3189 Tom told me he was born in this hospital.
3190 Tom told me he waited for thirty minutes.
3191 Tom told me he showed his tattoo to Mary.
3192 Tom told me he probably wouldn’t do that.
3193 Tom told me he had no time to read books.
3194 Tom told me he didn’t like playing chess.
3195 Tom told me he didn’t like green peppers.
3196 Tom told me he didn’t feel like laughing.
3197 Tom told me that he’d win, but he didn’t.
3198 Tom told me that he’d be glad to help me.
3199 Tom told me that he was looking for Mary.
3200 Tom told me that he was going to the gym.

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