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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 12

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


1101 said   he   Tom   that   concern.   understands   our
1102 that.   said   thought   Tom   he   do   you   wouldn’t
1103 too   said   thought   Tom   he   was   the   room   hot.
1104 mad.   said   thought   Tom   he   wasn’t   that   Mary
1105 sleepy.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   Mary
1106 scared.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   Mary
1107 pretty.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   Mary
1108 lonely.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   Mary
1109 hungry.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   Mary
1110 asleep.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   Mary
1111 afraid.   said   thought   Tom   he   was   that   Mary
1112 John.   said   thought   Tom   he   hated   that   Mary
1113 not   said   thought   Tom   he   might   that   I   win.
1114 hungry.   said   thought   Tom   he   looked   that   I
1115 win.   said   thought   Tom   he   couldn’t   that   he
1116 wait.   said   he   Tom   that   would   thought   Mary
1117 sleepy.   said   thought   Tom   he   be   Mary   would
1118 scared.   said   thought   Tom   he   be   Mary   would
1119 lonely.   said   thought   Tom   he   be   Mary   would
1120 hungry.   said   thought   Tom   he   be   Mary   would
1121 afraid.   said   thought   Tom   he   be   Mary   would
1122 absent.   said   thought   Tom   he   be   Mary   would
1123 said   thought   Tom   he   sleeping.   Mary   wasn’t
1124 mad.   said   he   Tom   that   wasn’t   thought   Mary
1125 said   thought   Tom   he   unimpressed.   Mary   was
1126 awake.   said   thought   Tom   he   still   Mary   was
1127 thirty.   said   thought   Tom   he   over   Mary   was
1128 vacation.   said   thought   Tom   he   on   Mary   was
1129 said   thought   Tom   he   embarrassed.   Mary   was
1130 said   thought   Tom   he   confused.   Mary   looked
1131 snow.   said   thought   Tom   he   likely   it   would
1132 stubborn.   said   thought   Tom   he   being   I   was
1133 that.   said   thought   Tom   he   do   he   shouldn’t
1134 do   said   thought   Tom   he   to   he   needed   that.
1135 do   said   thinks   Tom   he   can   that   Mary   that.
1136 ankle.   said   thinks   Tom   he   his   he   sprained
1137 his   said   still   Tom   he   in   feels   pain   legs.
1138 yesterday.   said   he   Tom   that   Mary   spoke   to
1139 weeks   said   sold   Tom   he   three   his   car   ago.
1140 the   said   saw   Tom   he   for   Mary   waiting   bus.
1141 John’s   said   saw   Tom   he   into   Mary   get   car.
1142 morning.   said   saw   Tom   he   this   Mary   crying
1143 at   said   he   Tom   that   stay   prefers   to   home.
1144 in   said   he   Tom   that   stay   plans   to   Boston.
1145 that   said   he   Tom   that   do   plans   to   Monday.
1146 doctor   said   plans   Tom   he   a   to   be   someday.
1147 on   said   he   Tom   that   go   planned   to   Monday.
1148 Monday.   said   he   Tom   that   going   planned   on
1149 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   never   wanted   that.
1150 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   never   agreed   that.
1151 more   said   he   Tom   that   get   needs   to   sleep.
1152 a   said   he   Tom   that   take   needed   to   shower.
1153 food.   said   needed   Tom   he   healthier   to   eat
1154 that   said   he   Tom   that   do   needed   to   today.
1155 by   said   needed   Tom   he   that   to   do   himself.
1156 umbrella.   said   needed   Tom   he   an   to   borrow
1157 anymore.   said   may   Tom   he   French   not   study
1158 of   said   he   Tom   that   kind   loves   that   work.
1159 of   said   he   Tom   that   time   likes   this   year.
1160 of   said   he   Tom   that   sound   likes   the   that.
1161 at   said   he   Tom   that   wallet   left   his   home.
1162 from   said   he   Tom   that   lot   learned   a   Mary.
1163 brothers.   said   knows   Tom   he   Mary’s   one   of
1164 to   said   knew   Tom   he   had   why   that.   Mary   do
1165 do   said   knew   Tom   he   didn’t   why   Mary   that.
1166 was   said   he   Tom   that   that   knew   what   like.
1167 do   said   knew   Tom   he   would   that   Mary   that.
1168 do   said   knew   Tom   he   could   that   Mary   that.
1169 the   said   knew   Tom   he   win   Mary   would   race.
1170 to   said   knew   Tom   he   need   I   that.   might   do
1171 to   said   knew   Tom   he   have   I   that.   might   do
1172 to   said   knew   Tom   he   able   he’d   that.   be   do
1173 do   said   hopes   Tom   he   to   you’re   able   that.
1174 the   said   hopes   Tom   he   at   you’ll   be   party.
1175 do   said   hopes   Tom   he   won’t   that   you   that.
1176 be   said   hopes   Tom   he   won’t   that   you   late.
1177 do   said   hopes   Tom   he   will   that   Mary   that.
1178 win.   said   hoped   Tom   he   wouldn’t   that   Mary
1179 cry.   said   hoped   Tom   he   wouldn’t   that   Mary
1180 fired.   said   he   Tom   that   shots   heard   three
1181 said   he   Tom   that   screaming.   heard   someone
1182 of   said   he   Tom   that   lot   heard   a   gunshots.
1183 do.   said   hasn’t   Tom   he   he’ll   decided   what
1184 school   said   has   Tom   he   to   to   go   tomorrow.
1185 Mary.   said   hadn’t   Tom   he   hurt   intended   to
1186 on   said   he   Tom   that   work   had   to   Saturday.
1187 to   said   he   Tom   that   plans   had   that.   no   do
1188 to   said   had   Tom   he   but   no   that.   choice   do
1189 to   said   he   Tom   that   things   had   better   do.
1190 things   said   he   Tom   that   few   had   say.   a   to
1191 on   said   he   Tom   that   home   got   back   Monday.
1192 said   he   Tom   that   strange.   found   something
1193 do   said   figured   Tom   he   could   that   I   that.
1194 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   felt   tempted   that.
1195 nauseous.   said   he   Tom   that   and   felt   dizzy
1196 on   said   expects   Tom   he   that   to   do   Monday.
1197 tomorrow.   said   expects   Tom   he   there   to   be
1198 do   said   he   Tom   that   to   expects   Mary   that.
1199 said   expected   Tom   he   participate.   Mary   to
1200 night.   said   enjoyed   Tom   he   last   the   party


1101 Tom said that he understands our concern.
1102 Tom said he thought you wouldn’t do that.
1103 Tom said he thought the room was too hot.
1104 Tom said he thought that Mary wasn’t mad.
1105 Tom said he thought that Mary was sleepy.
1106 Tom said he thought that Mary was scared.
1107 Tom said he thought that Mary was pretty.
1108 Tom said he thought that Mary was lonely.
1109 Tom said he thought that Mary was hungry.
1110 Tom said he thought that Mary was asleep.
1111 Tom said he thought that Mary was afraid.
1112 Tom said he thought that Mary hated John.
1113 Tom said he thought that I might not win.
1114 Tom said he thought that I looked hungry.
1115 Tom said he thought that he couldn’t win.
1116 Tom said that he thought Mary would wait.
1117 Tom said he thought Mary would be sleepy.
1118 Tom said he thought Mary would be scared.
1119 Tom said he thought Mary would be lonely.
1120 Tom said he thought Mary would be hungry.
1121 Tom said he thought Mary would be afraid.
1122 Tom said he thought Mary would be absent.
1123 Tom said he thought Mary wasn’t sleeping.
1124 Tom said that he thought Mary wasn’t mad.
1125 Tom said he thought Mary was unimpressed.
1126 Tom said he thought Mary was still awake.
1127 Tom said he thought Mary was over thirty.
1128 Tom said he thought Mary was on vacation.
1129 Tom said he thought Mary was embarrassed.
1130 Tom said he thought Mary looked confused.
1131 Tom said he thought it would likely snow.
1132 Tom said he thought I was being stubborn.
1133 Tom said he thought he shouldn’t do that.
1134 Tom said he thought he needed to do that.
1135 Tom said he thinks that Mary can do that.
1136 Tom said he thinks he sprained his ankle.
1137 Tom said he still feels pain in his legs.
1138 Tom said that he spoke to Mary yesterday.
1139 Tom said he sold his car three weeks ago.
1140 Tom said he saw Mary waiting for the bus.
1141 Tom said he saw Mary get into John’s car.
1142 Tom said he saw Mary crying this morning.
1143 Tom said that he prefers to stay at home.
1144 Tom said that he plans to stay in Boston.
1145 Tom said that he plans to do that Monday.
1146 Tom said he plans to be a doctor someday.
1147 Tom said that he planned to go on Monday.
1148 Tom said that he planned on going Monday.
1149 Tom said that he never wanted to do that.
1150 Tom said that he never agreed to do that.
1151 Tom said that he needs to get more sleep.
1152 Tom said that he needed to take a shower.
1153 Tom said he needed to eat healthier food.
1154 Tom said that he needed to do that today.
1155 Tom said he needed to do that by himself.
1156 Tom said he needed to borrow an umbrella.
1157 Tom said he may not study French anymore.
1158 Tom said that he loves that kind of work.
1159 Tom said that he likes this time of year.
1160 Tom said that he likes the sound of that.
1161 Tom said that he left his wallet at home.
1162 Tom said that he learned a lot from Mary.
1163 Tom said he knows one of Mary’s brothers.
1164 Tom said he knew why Mary had to do that.
1165 Tom said he knew why Mary didn’t do that.
1166 Tom said that he knew what that was like.
1167 Tom said he knew that Mary would do that.
1168 Tom said he knew that Mary could do that.
1169 Tom said he knew Mary would win the race.
1170 Tom said he knew I might need to do that.
1171 Tom said he knew I might have to do that.
1172 Tom said he knew he’d be able to do that.
1173 Tom said he hopes you’re able to do that.
1174 Tom said he hopes you’ll be at the party.
1175 Tom said he hopes that you won’t do that.
1176 Tom said he hopes that you won’t be late.
1177 Tom said he hopes that Mary will do that.
1178 Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn’t win.
1179 Tom said he hoped that Mary wouldn’t cry.
1180 Tom said that he heard three shots fired.
1181 Tom said that he heard someone screaming.
1182 Tom said that he heard a lot of gunshots.
1183 Tom said he hasn’t decided what he’ll do.
1184 Tom said he has to go to school tomorrow.
1185 Tom said he hadn’t intended to hurt Mary.
1186 Tom said that he had to work on Saturday.
1187 Tom said that he had no plans to do that.
1188 Tom said he had no choice but to do that.
1189 Tom said that he had better things to do.
1190 Tom said that he had a few things to say.
1191 Tom said that he got back home on Monday.
1192 Tom said that he found something strange.
1193 Tom said he figured that I could do that.
1194 Tom said that he felt tempted to do that.
1195 Tom said that he felt dizzy and nauseous.
1196 Tom said he expects to do that on Monday.
1197 Tom said he expects to be there tomorrow.
1198 Tom said that he expects Mary to do that.
1199 Tom said he expected Mary to participate.
1200 Tom said he enjoyed the party last night.

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