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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 25

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


2401 good   thought   Tom’s   I   that   a   plan   was   one.
2402 together.   thought   we   I   that   that   could   do
2403 together.   thought   we   I   that   this   could   do
2404 napkins.   thought   could   I   we   cloth   use   the
2405 control.   thought   we   I   that   under   had   that
2406 tonight.   thought   we   I   that   out   were   going
2407 baseball.   thought   were   I   we   play   going   to
2408 about   thought   were   I   we   talk   here   to   Tom.
2409 Tom.   thought   we   I   that   about   were   talking
2410 thought   we’d   I   that   outsmarted   everybody.
2411 bill.   thought   you   I   that   the   already   paid
2412 Tom.   thought   you   I   that   about   didn’t   care
2413 money.   thought   you   I   that   any   didn’t   have
2414 do   thought   didn’t   I   you   to   know   how   that.
2415 thought   didn’t   I   you   movies.   like   romance
2416 call   thought   didn’t   I   you   to   want   us   Tom.
2417 left.   thought   you   I   that   already   guys   had
2418 at   thought   you   I   that   meeting   had   a. 2:30.
2419 up   thought   you   I   that   get   had.3125   to   by
2420 thought   you   I   that   jury-rigged   something.
2421 Boston.   thought   you   I   that   from   just   came
2422 the   thought   knew   I   you   play   how   to   piano.
2423 win.   thought   you   I   that   couldn’t   knew   Tom
2424 to   thought   was   I   that   wanted   what   you   do.
2425 to   thought   was   I   that   wanted   what   Tom   do.
2426 thought   that   I   that   interesting.   was   very
2427 to   thought   was   I   that   thing   the   right   do.
2428 strange.   thought   that   I   that   little   was   a
2429 stay   thought   I   I   that   to   told   you   behind.
2430 thought   we   I   maybe   together.   could   travel
2431 for   thought   you   I   maybe   that   could   do   me.
2432 kill   thought   father   I   my   to   was   going   me.
2433 married.   thought   Tom   I   that   were   and   Mary
2434 Australia.   thought   knew   I   Tom   about   a   lot
2435 at   thought   Tom   I   that   angry   might   be   you.
2436 do   thought   Tom   I   that   to   was   likely   that.
2437 that.   thought   was   I   Tom   doing   planning   on
2438 Boston.   thought   was   I   Tom   in   still   living
2439 easier.   thought   that   I   that   it   would   make
2440 laugh.   thought   that   I   that   Tom   would   make
2441 iPhone.   thought   you   I   that   an   already   had
2442 thought   had   I   you   experience.   enjoyed   the
2443 thought   Mary   I   that   girlfriend.   was   Tom’s
2444 us.   thought   perhaps   I   that   help   you   could
2445 room.   thought   heard   I   I   the   someone   enter
2446 come   thought   I   I   that   to   asked   you   alone.
2447 by   thought   I   I   that   that   could   do   myself.
2448 for   thought   I   I   that   that   could   get   free.
2449 bills.   thought   had   I   I   these   already   paid
2450 kitchen.   thought   heard   I   I   the   someone   in
2451 thought   I   I   that   outside.   heard   something
2452 do   thought   might   I   I   to   be   required   that.
2453 to   thought   might   I   I   able   not   that.   be   do
2454 some   thought   ought   I   I   Tom   to   offer   help.
2455 there.   thought   I   I   that   out   saw   something
2456 to   thought   I   I   that   not   told   that.   you   do
2457 eat   thought   told   I   I   to   you   more.   not   any
2458 make   thought   told   I   I   to   you   not   trouble.
2459 right   thought   was   I   I   the   doing   that   way.
2460 here   thought   was   I   I   be   going.104166666666667   to   by
2461 a   thought   was   I   I   become   going   to   doctor.
2462 the   thought   was   I   I   win   going   to   contest.
2463 the   thought   I   I   that   of   was   part   problem.
2464 on   thought   I   I   that   clear   was   quite   that.
2465 be   thought   I   I   that   to   wasn’t   going   late.
2466 that   thought   be   I   I’d   do   able.104166666666667   to   by
2467 that   thought   be   I   I’d   do   able   Tom.   to   for
2468 all   thought   I’d   I   that   that   be   doing   day.
2469 say   thought   I’d   I   that   and   drop   by   hello.
2470 door.   thought   forgotten   I   I’d   the   to   lock
2471 number.   thought   give   I   I’d   phone   Tom   your
2472 with   thought   I’d   I   that   Boston   go   to   Tom.
2473 I   thought   have   I   I’d   time   all   the   needed.
2474 I   thought   I’d   I   that   but   like   it,   didn’t.
2475 possibility.   thought   it   I   that   a   might   be
2476 that.   thought   must   I   it   like   be   something
2477 at   thought   was   I   it   idea   a   time.   good   the
2478 that.   thought   wasn’t   I   it   do   necessary   to
2479 thought   here   I   everyone   vegetarian.   was   a
2480 cold.   thought   was   I   Boston   be   supposed   to
2481 thought   Mary   Tom   that   John.   wouldn’t   like
2482 thought   would   Tom   Mary   concert.   enjoy   the
2483 thought   Mary   Tom   that   sleeping.   was   still
2484 thought   was   Tom   Mary   overweight.   a   little
2485 car.   thought   Mary   Tom   that   a   didn’t   drive
2486 help   thought   was   Tom   it   to   too   late   Mary.
2487 be   thought   he   Tom   that   to   was   going   busy.
2488 thought   everything   Tom   that   order.   was   in
2489 for   thought   he   Tom   that   that   could   do   me.
2490 backfire.   thought   he   Tom   that   car   heard   a
2491 do   thought   might   Tom   he   to   not   have   that.
2492 do   thought   might   Tom   he   to   not   need   that.
2493 himself.   thought   should   Tom   he   by   do   that
2494 all   thought   was   Tom   he   be   going   to   alone.
2495 be   thought   he   Tom   that   to   was   going   shot.
2496 needed.   thought   he   Tom   that   longer   was   no
2497 do   thought   he’d   Tom   that   to   be   able   that.
2498 again.   thought   never   Tom   he’d   son   see   his
2499 of   thought   I   Tom   that   piece   ate   his   cake.
2500 that   thought   might   Tom   I   do   have   to   soon.


2401 I thought that Tom’s plan was a good one.
2402 I thought that we could do that together.
2403 I thought that we could do this together.
2404 I thought we could use the cloth napkins.
2405 I thought that we had that under control.
2406 I thought that we were going out tonight.
2407 I thought we were going to play baseball.
2408 I thought we were here to talk about Tom.
2409 I thought that we were talking about Tom.
2410 I thought that we’d outsmarted everybody.
2411 I thought that you already paid the bill.
2412 I thought that you didn’t care about Tom.
2413 I thought that you didn’t have any money.
2414 I thought you didn’t know how to do that.
2415 I thought you didn’t like romance movies.
2416 I thought you didn’t want us to call Tom.
2417 I thought that you guys had already left.
2418 I thought that you had a meeting at 2:30.
2419 I thought that you had to get up by 7:30.
2420 I thought that you jury-rigged something.
2421 I thought that you just came from Boston.
2422 I thought you knew how to play the piano.
2423 I thought that you knew Tom couldn’t win.
2424 I thought that was what you wanted to do.
2425 I thought that was what Tom wanted to do.
2426 I thought that that was very interesting.
2427 I thought that was the right thing to do.
2428 I thought that that was a little strange.
2429 I thought that I told you to stay behind.
2430 I thought maybe we could travel together.
2431 I thought maybe you could do that for me.
2432 I thought my father was going to kill me.
2433 I thought that Tom and Mary were married.
2434 I thought Tom knew a lot about Australia.
2435 I thought that Tom might be angry at you.
2436 I thought that Tom was likely to do that.
2437 I thought Tom was planning on doing that.
2438 I thought Tom was still living in Boston.
2439 I thought that that would make it easier.
2440 I thought that that would make Tom laugh.
2441 I thought that you already had an iPhone.
2442 I thought you had enjoyed the experience.
2443 I thought that Mary was Tom’s girlfriend.
2444 I thought that perhaps you could help us.
2445 I thought I heard someone enter the room.
2446 I thought that I asked you to come alone.
2447 I thought that I could do that by myself.
2448 I thought that I could get that for free.
2449 I thought I had already paid these bills.
2450 I thought I heard someone in the kitchen.
2451 I thought that I heard something outside.
2452 I thought I might be required to do that.
2453 I thought I might not be able to do that.
2454 I thought I ought to offer Tom some help.
2455 I thought that I saw something out there.
2456 I thought that I told you not to do that.
2457 I thought I told you not to eat any more.
2458 I thought I told you not to make trouble.
2459 I thought I was doing that the right way.
2460 I thought I was going to be here by 2:30.
2461 I thought I was going to become a doctor.
2462 I thought I was going to win the contest.
2463 I thought that I was part of the problem.
2464 I thought that I was quite clear on that.
2465 I thought that I wasn’t going to be late.
2466 I thought I’d be able to do that by 2:30.
2467 I thought I’d be able to do that for Tom.
2468 I thought that I’d be doing that all day.
2469 I thought that I’d drop by and say hello.
2470 I thought I’d forgotten to lock the door.
2471 I thought I’d give Tom your phone number.
2472 I thought that I’d go to Boston with Tom.
2473 I thought I’d have all the time I needed.
2474 I thought that I’d like it, but I didn’t.
2475 I thought that it might be a possibility.
2476 I thought it must be something like that.
2477 I thought it was a good idea at the time.
2478 I thought it wasn’t necessary to do that.
2479 I thought everyone here was a vegetarian.
2480 I thought Boston was supposed to be cold.
2481 Tom thought that Mary wouldn’t like John.
2482 Tom thought Mary would enjoy the concert.
2483 Tom thought that Mary was still sleeping.
2484 Tom thought Mary was a little overweight.
2485 Tom thought that Mary didn’t drive a car.
2486 Tom thought it was too late to help Mary.
2487 Tom thought that he was going to be busy.
2488 Tom thought that everything was in order.
2489 Tom thought that he could do that for me.
2490 Tom thought that he heard a car backfire.
2491 Tom thought he might not have to do that.
2492 Tom thought he might not need to do that.
2493 Tom thought he should do that by himself.
2494 Tom thought he was going to be all alone.
2495 Tom thought that he was going to be shot.
2496 Tom thought that he was no longer needed.
2497 Tom thought that he’d be able to do that.
2498 Tom thought he’d never see his son again.
2499 Tom thought that I ate his piece of cake.
2500 Tom thought I might have to do that soon.

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