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The Most Practical English Correct The Sentences Exercise Part 9

  1. I always rely on an online sentence correction tool to enhance my writing.
  2. An English sentence corrector is crucial for refining language skills.
  3. Accurate English phrase correction is key to effective communication.
  4. Could you please correct your sentence before submitting the document?
  5. Let me help you correct these sentences to meet language standards.
  6. Looking for an online solution to English correct the sentences? Explore various available tools!
  7. Utilize tools for English grammar correction to improve overall writing proficiency.
  8. The teacher recommended regular practice of English correct the sentences exercises.
401 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  We expect you to carry out what you have once promiseds.
402 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  We arrived at agreement after two hours’ discussion.
403 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I want to go on journey around world if possible.
404 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Were it not for music, world would be dull place.
405 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Stop beating around bush and tell me what happened.
406 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Little lights were blinking on and off at distance.
407 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Viewed from distance, island looked like cloud.
408 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Please be so kind to show me way to station.
409 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  You’d better take umbrella, just in case it rains.
410 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It looks like rain. You had better take washing.
411 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  But for rain, we would have had pleasant journey.
412 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The doctor continued observe patient’s behavior.
413 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The doctor placed stethoscope on patient’s chest.
414 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The doctor recommended that you should give up smoking.
415 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  You had better see doctor; it may not be just cold.
416 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  No one ever knew true story except three of us.
417 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I have not yet learned whether he reached there or not.
418 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  OK. I’ll send it out as soon as machine is available.
419 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Be sure to drop us line as soon as you get to London.
420 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The radio is too loud. Can’t you turn it down little?
421 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Better to be head of dog than tail of lion.
422 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If John should call me, tell him I’ll be back at seven.
423 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If it hadn’t been for his help, she might have drowns.
424 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If he had told me truth, I would have forgiven him.
425 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If it were not for plants, we wouldn’t be able live.
426 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If I had bought painting then, I would be rich now.
427 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If I had known about plan, I could have helped him.
428 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If I had had enough money, I would have bought bag.
429 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  One minute earlier, and they could have caught bus.
430 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Mary blamed Jack for leaving their children unattendeds.
431 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Mary goes to that restaurant for lunch every another day.
432 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It will not be long before boy learns what life is.
433 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Bob suggested that party be put off till Wednesday.
434 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Bob is very timid and blushes when chatting with girlss.
435 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I used to keep diary in English when I was student.
436 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  You must be crazy to ride bicycle that has no brakes!
437 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I’d like to come to see doctor as soon as possibility.
438 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  There is rule concerning use of knives and forks.
439 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Under no circumstances must you swim in deep river!
440 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Dollar dropped to 125 today from 126 yen yesterday.
441 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Child had no overcoat on although it was very cold.
442 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Whichever way you may take, you can get to station.
443 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Not knowing what to do, I asked teacher for advice.
444 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I have complicated matter I want to discuss with you.
445 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Just as he was going out, there was great earthquake.
446 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Even if she comes to see me, tell her I am not at homes.
447 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Even if you do not like it, you must take charge of it.
448 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Dozens of people encouraged me to fulfill my ambitionss.
449 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Soviet troops started to withdraw from Afghanistan.
450 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  How careless you are to forget such important thing!
401 Incorrect plural form; “promiseds” should be “promised.” We expect you to carry out what you have once promised.
402 Missing “an” before “agreement.” We arrived at an agreement after two hours’ discussion.
403 Missing “a” before “journey” and “the” before “world.” I want to go on a journey around the world if possible.
404 Missing “the” before “world” and “a” before “dull.” Were it not for music, the world would be a dull place.
405 Missing “the” before “bush.” Stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened.
406 Missing “in” before “distance.” Little lights were blinking on and off in the distance.
407 Missing “a” before “distance” and “a” before “cloud.” Viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.
408 Missing “as” after “kind” and “the” before “way” and “the” before “station.” Please be so kind as to show me the way to the station.
409 Missing “your” before “umbrella” and “the” before “rains.” You’d better take your umbrella, just in case it rains.
410 Missing “in” before “washing” and “your” before “washing.” It looks like rain. You had better take in the washing.
411 Missing “the” before “rain.” But for the rain, we would have had a pleasant journey.
412 Missing “to” after “continued” and “to” before “observe.” The doctor continued to observe the patient’s behavior.
413 Missing “a” before “stethoscope” and “the” before “patient’s.” The doctor placed a stethoscope on the patient’s chest.
414 Unnecessary “should” after “that.” The doctor recommended that you give up smoking.
415 Missing “a” before “doctor” and “a” before “cold.” You had better see a doctor; it may not be just a cold.
416 Missing “the” before “true” and “the” before “three.” No one ever knew the true story except the three of us.
417 Redundant “not” after “or.” I have not yet learned whether he reached there.
418 Missing “a” before “machine.” OK. I’ll send it out as soon as a machine is available.
419 Missing “a” before “line.” Be sure to drop us a line as soon as you get to London.
420 Missing “a” before “little.” The radio is too loud. Can’t you turn it down a little?
421 Missing “the” before “head” and “the” before “tail.” Better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.
422 Missing “to” before “tell.” If John should call me, tell him I’ll be back at seven.
423 Incorrect verb form; “drowns” should be “drowned.” If it hadn’t been for his help, she might have drowned.
424 Missing “the” before “truth.” If he had told me the truth, I would have forgiven him.
425 Missing “to” after “able” and “to” before “live.” If it were not for plants, we wouldn’t be able to live.
426 Missing “the” before “painting.” If I had bought the painting then, I would be rich now.
427 Missing “the” before “plan.” If I had known about the plan, I could have helped him.
428 Missing “a” before “bag” and “the” before “bag.” If I had had enough money, I would have bought the bag.
429 Missing “the” before “bus.” One minute earlier, and they could have caught the bus.
430 Incorrect plural form; “unattendeds” should be “unattended.” Mary blamed Jack for leaving their children unattended.
431 Incorrect use of “another”; it should be “other.” Mary goes to that restaurant for lunch every other day.
432 Missing “a” before “boy.” It will not be long before the boy learns what life is.
433 Missing “the” before “party.” Bob suggested that the party be put off till Wednesday.
434 Incorrect plural form; “girlss” should be “girls.” Bob is very timid and blushes when chatting with girls.
435 Missing “a” before “diary” and “a” before “student.” I used to keep a diary in English when I was a student.
436 Missing “a” before “bicycle.” You must be crazy to ride a bicycle that has no brakes!
437 Missing “a” before “possibility.” I’d like to come to see the doctor as soon as possible.
438 Missing “a” before “rule” and “the” before “use.” There is a rule concerning the use of knives and forks.
439 Missing “a” before “deep.” Under no circumstances must you swim in a deep river!
440 Missing “the” before “Dollar.” The dollar dropped to 125 today from 126 yen yesterday.
441 Missing “a” before “child.” Child had no overcoat on although it was very cold.
442 Missing “the” before “way” and “the” before “station.” Whichever way you may take, you can get to the station.
443 Missing “the” before “teacher.” Not knowing what to do, I asked the teacher for advice.
444 Missing “a” before “complicated.” I have a complicated matter I want to discuss with you.
445 Missing “a” before “great.” Just as he was going out, there was a great earthquake.
446 Incorrect plural form; “homes” should be “home.” Even if she comes to see me, tell her I am not at home.
447 Missing “to” after “like.” Even if you do not like it, you must take charge of it.
448 Incorrect plural form; “ambitionss” should be “ambitions.” Dozens of people encouraged me to fulfill my ambitions.
449 Missing “the” before “Soviet.” The Soviet troops started to withdraw from Afghanistan.
450 Missing “a” before “careless.” How careless you are to forget such an important thing!

Q1: What benefits does an online sentence correction tool offer?

A1: An online sentence correction tool helps improve writing by identifying and fixing grammatical errors for enhanced clarity.

Q2: How does an English sentence corrector contribute to language refinement?

A2: An English sentence corrector plays a crucial role in refining language skills by identifying and rectifying errors in sentence structure and grammar.

Q3: Why is accurate English phrase correction essential in communication?

A3: Accurate English phrase correction is essential to ensure clear and effective communication by eliminating ambiguity and improving sentence structure.

Q4: How can one effectively correct your sentence without external tools?

A4: To correct your sentence effectively, review your writing for grammatical errors and seek feedback from peers or mentors.

Q5: What is the significance of correcting these sentences?

A5: Correcting these sentences is important to ensure that writing meets language standards, improving readability and overall quality.

Q6: Are there dedicated online platforms for English correct the sentences?

A6: Yes, various online platforms are specifically designed to assist users in English correct the sentences exercises, offering valuable support in language improvement.

Q7: How does English grammar correction contribute to writing proficiency?

A7: English grammar correction is crucial for enhancing writing proficiency by identifying and rectifying grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, and ensuring clarity in expression.

Q8: What advice did the teacher provide for those practicing English correct the sentences exercises?

A8: The teacher recommended consistent practice of English correct the sentences exercises as an effective method for honing language skills and reinforcing grammatical concepts.

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