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The Most Practical English Correct The Sentences Exercise Part 11

  1. I always rely on an online sentence correction tool to enhance my writing.
  2. An English sentence corrector is crucial for refining language skills.
  3. Accurate English phrase correction is key to effective communication.
  4. Could you please correct your sentence before submitting the document?
  5. Let me help you correct these sentences to meet language standards.
  6. Looking for an online solution to English correct the sentences? Explore various available tools!
  7. Utilize tools for English grammar correction to improve overall writing proficiency.
  8. The teacher recommended regular practice of English correct the sentences exercises.
501 Correct The Given Sentences –  There is very strict rule forbidding smoking in bed.
502 Correct The Given Sentences –  Do you have extra English dictionary by any chance?
503 Correct The Given Sentences –  She had changed so much I couldn’t recognize her.
504 Correct The Given Sentences –  A piece of bread was not enough satisfy his hunger.
505 Correct The Given Sentences –  Mr Balboa is well known as to need no introduction.
506 Correct The Given Sentences –  Blow out all candles on birthday cake at once.
507 Correct The Given Sentences –  I was caught in shower and was drenched to skin.
508 Correct The Given Sentences –  Whatever results may follow, I will carry my plan.
509 Correct The Given Sentences –  Tom got so absorbed in work that he forgot to eat.
510 Correct The Given Sentences –  Even if you go away, I’ll still passionate love you.
511 Correct The Given Sentences –  Television enables us to know what happening today.
512 Correct The Given Sentences –  You should memorize as many English words as possible.
513 Correct The Given Sentences –  I don’t eat supper because I want lose some weight.
514 Correct The Given Sentences –  Far from hesitating, she willingly offered help me.
515 Correct The Given Sentences –  The hardness of diamond is that it can cut glass.
516 Correct The Given Sentences –  It is clever her to solve such difficult problem.
517 Correct The Given Sentences –  Don’t take it literally. He is inclined exaggerate.
518 Correct The Given Sentences –  By the way, do you know good restaurant around here?
519 Correct The Given Sentences –  A gentle wind made ripples on surface of pond.
520 Correct The Given Sentences –  Whether we will go on trip depends on weather.
521 Correct The Given Sentences –  You may borrow this book as long as you keep it cleanly.
522 Correct The Given Sentences –  Tower is three hundred twenty-one meters high.
523 Correct The Given Sentences –  Climber stayed alert while climbing precipice.
524 Correct The Given Sentences –  Last person I told my idea thought I was nuts.
525 Correct The Given Sentences –  Whenever I find something I like, it’s too expensive.
526 Correct The Given Sentences –  Why does one say “Good day” when day is not good?
527 Correct The Given Sentences –  When you can’t do what you want, you do what you can’t.
528 Correct The Given Sentences –  Mathematics is not just memorization of formulas.
529 Correct The Given Sentences –  Since Mario lied to me, I don’t speak him anymore.
530 Correct The Given Sentences –  You look tired. You ought to rest for hour or two.
531 Correct The Given Sentences –  You’ll have some difficulty carrying out plan.
532 Correct The Given Sentences –  Your sister looks noble as if she were princess.
533 Correct The Given Sentences –  Compare your sentence with one on blackboard.
534 Correct The Given Sentences –  Money and I are strangers; in other words, I am poor.
535 Correct The Given Sentences –  Nowadays we are apt forget benefits of nature.
536 Correct The Given Sentences –  Teachers should treat all their students partial.
537 Correct The Given Sentences –  Church is decorated with flowers for wedding.
538 Correct The Given Sentences –  Education doesn’t consist learning lot of facts.
539 Correct The Given Sentences –  It is hard wake up without strong cup of coffee.
540 Correct The Given Sentences –  I’m sorry we gave you such short notice our visit.
541 Correct The Given Sentences –  As it was written in haste, book has many faults.
542 Correct The Given Sentences –  We can get beautiful view of sea from hill.
543 Correct The Given Sentences –  She carries on smiling even face adversity.
544 Correct The Given Sentences –  Habit of smoking is very difficult get rid of.
545 Correct The Given Sentences –  All rules must be in line with company policy.
546 Correct The Given Sentences –  We were roused at daybreak by whistle of train.
547 Correct The Given Sentences –  Anticipating cold winter, we bought bigger stove.
548 Correct The Given Sentences –  Students demonstrated against new government.
549 Correct The Given Sentences –  Rise and fall of sea is governed by moon.
550 Correct The Given Sentences –  Sea got rough, so we had to give up fishing.
501 Missing “a” before “very.” and “the” before “rule.” There is a very strict rule forbidding smoking in bed.
502 Missing “an” before “extra.” Do you have an extra English dictionary by any chance?
503 Missing “that” after “much.” She had changed so much that I couldn’t recognize her.
504 Missing “to” after “enough.” A piece of bread was not enough to satisfy his hunger.
505 Missing “so” before “well known.” Mr Balboa is so well known as to need no introduction.
506 Missing “the” before “candles.” Blow out all the candles on the birthday cake at once.
507 Missing “a” before “shower” and “the” before “skin.” I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin.
508 Missing “out” after “carry.” Whatever results may follow, I will carry out my plan.
509 Missing “his” before “work.” Tom got so absorbed in his work that he forgot to eat.
510 Missing “be” after “still.” Even if you go away, I’ll still be passionately love you.
511 Missing “is” before “happening.” Television enables us to know what is happening today.
512 Missing “as” before “possible.” You should memorize as many English words as possible.
513 Missing “to” after “want” and “to” before “lose.” I don’t eat supper because I want to lose some weight.
514 Missing “to” before “help.” Far from hesitating, she willingly offered to help me.
515 Missing “such” before “that.” The hardness of diamond is such that it can cut glass.
516 Missing “of” after “clever” and “a” before “difficult.” It is clever of her to solve such a difficult problem.
517 Missing “to” before “exaggerate.” Don’t take it literally. He is inclined to exaggerate.
518 Missing “a” before “good.” By the way, do you know a good restaurant around here?
519 Missing “the” before “gentle” and “the” before “surface.” A gentle wind made ripples on the surface of the pond.
520 Missing “the” before “trip” and “the” before “weather.” Whether we will go on the trip depends on the weather.
521 Incorrect adverb form; “cleanly” should be “clean.” You may borrow this book as long as you keep it clean.
522 Missing “the” before “tower.” The tower is three hundred and twenty-one meters high.
523 Missing “the” before “climber” and “the” before “precipice.” The climber stayed alert while climbing the precipice.
524 Missing “to” after “thought.” and “to” before “nuts.” The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts.
525 Missing “that” after “something.” Whenever I find something that I like, it’s too expensive.
526 Missing “the” before “day” in the second occurrence. Why does one say “Good day” when the day is not good?
527 Incorrect contraction; “can’t” should be “can.” When you can’t do what you want, you do what you can.
528 Missing “the” before “memorization.” Mathematics is not just the memorization of formulas.
529 Missing “to” after “speak.” Since Mario lied to me, I don’t speak to him anymore.
530 Missing “an” before “hour.” You look tired. You ought to rest for an hour or two.
531 Missing “in” after “difficulty” and “the” before “plan.” You’ll have some difficulty in carrying out the plan.
532 Missing “as” after “looks” and “a” before “princess.” Your sister looks as noble as if she were a princess.
533 Missing “the” before “blackboard.” Compare your sentence with the one on the blackboard.
534 Missing “to” before “I am poor.” Money and I are strangers; in other words, I am poor.
535 Missing “to” before “forget.” and “the” before “benefits.” Nowadays we are apt to forget the benefits of nature.
536 Missing “im” before “partial.” and “ly” after “partial.” Teachers should treat all their students impartially.
537 Missing “the” before “church” and “the” before “wedding.” The church is decorated with flowers for the wedding.
538 Missing “of” before “learning” and “in” before “lot.” Education doesn’t consist of learning a lot of facts.
539 Missing “to” before “wake” and “a” before “strong.” It is hard to wake up without a strong cup of coffee.
540 Missing “of” after “notice” and “for” before “our.” I’m sorry we gave you such short notice of our visit.
541 Missing “the” before “book.” As it was written in haste, the book has many faults.
542 Missing “a” before “beautiful” and “the” before “sea.” We can get a beautiful view of the sea from the hill.
543 Missing “in” before “the” and “in” before “face.” She carries on smiling even in the face of adversity.
544 Missing “to” before “get” and “to” before “rid.” The habit of smoking is very difficult to get rid of.
545 Missing “the” before “rules.” All of the rules must be in line with company policy.
546 Missing “the” before “daybreak” and “the” before “whistle.” We were roused at daybreak by the whistle of a train.
547 Missing “a” before “cold” and “a” before “bigger.” Anticipating a cold winter, we bought a bigger stove.
548 Missing “the” before “students.” The students demonstrated against the new government.
549 Missing “the” before “rise” and “the” before “sea.” The rise and fall of the sea is governed by the moon.
550 Missing “the” before “sea.” The sea got rough, so that we had to give up fishing.

Q1: What benefits does an online sentence correction tool offer?

A1: An online sentence correction tool helps improve writing by identifying and fixing grammatical errors for enhanced clarity.

Q2: How does an English sentence corrector contribute to language refinement?

A2: An English sentence corrector plays a crucial role in refining language skills by identifying and rectifying errors in sentence structure and grammar.

Q3: Why is accurate English phrase correction essential in communication?

A3: Accurate English phrase correction is essential to ensure clear and effective communication by eliminating ambiguity and improving sentence structure.

Q4: How can one effectively correct your sentence without external tools?

A4: To correct your sentence effectively, review your writing for grammatical errors and seek feedback from peers or mentors.

Q5: What is the significance of correcting these sentences?

A5: Correcting these sentences is important to ensure that writing meets language standards, improving readability and overall quality.

Q6: Are there dedicated online platforms for English correct the sentences?

A6: Yes, various online platforms are specifically designed to assist users in English correct the sentences exercises, offering valuable support in language improvement.

Q7: How does English grammar correction contribute to writing proficiency?

A7: English grammar correction is crucial for enhancing writing proficiency by identifying and rectifying grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, and ensuring clarity in expression.

Q8: What advice did the teacher provide for those practicing English correct the sentences exercises?

A8: The teacher recommended consistent practice of English correct the sentences exercises as an effective method for honing language skills and reinforcing grammatical concepts.

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