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The Most Practical English Correct The Sentences Exercise Part 7

  1. I always rely on an online sentence correction tool to enhance my writing.
  2. An English sentence corrector is crucial for refining language skills.
  3. Accurate English phrase correction is key to effective communication.
  4. Could you please correct your sentence before submitting the document?
  5. Let me help you correct these sentences to meet language standards.
  6. Looking for an online solution to English correct the sentences? Explore various available tools!
  7. Utilize tools for English grammar correction to improve overall writing proficiency.
  8. The teacher recommended regular practice of English correct the sentences exercises.
301 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  What have become of the books I put here a few minutes ago?
302 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  No! After you do your homework, you can watches television.
303 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  We could meet downtown. Would that be inconvenient for you?
304 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If you do such a foolish thing, people will laughs at you.
305 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  He can’t be smart if he can screw up somethings like that.
306 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It’s a tiny country that most people never heard of it.
307 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The old doctor gave individual attentions to each patient.
308 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Let’s looks at the problem from a different point of view.
309 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone elses.
310 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to have sibling.
311 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I don’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting this.
312 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It would be fun to see how things changes over the years.
313 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I can’t takes it anymore! I haven’t slept for three days!
314 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I am alive even though I am not giving any signs of life.
315 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I’m going to buy myself a new camera, digital these time.
316 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  He has just published an interesting series of article.
317 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  All I need to know about life, I learned from a snowmans.
318 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Open the cupboard on the left, the bottles are in theres.
319 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If you don’t want to stay alone, I can keep you companys.
320 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The day will surely come when your dream will comes true.
321 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It doesn’t matter whether your answers are right or wrong.
322 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Your mother must have been beautiful when she was youngs.
323 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Compare your translation with the ones on the blackboard.
324 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  No matter where you may go, don’t forget to writes to me.
325 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  How long do you think it will take to go to the airports?
326 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The express trains went by so fast that we hardly saw it.
327 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Have you made up your minds where to go for the holidays?
328 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Any orders you place with us will be processed promptlies.
329 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If your windows are not airtight, moisture will seep ins.
330 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  So great were his emotion that he could not utter a words.
331 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Nuclear weapons may brings about the annihilation of mans.
332 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  We hoped to have done with the work before the holiday.
333 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I wonder if she will recognizes me after all those years.
334 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If there is anything you want, don’t hesitate to ask me it.
335 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  We wish to advise you of the following price reductions.
336 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The small island looked like a tortoises from a distance.
337 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Do you know how far it is from the station to city halls?
338 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  My muscular strengths has weakened from lack of exercises.
339 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The rain prevented us from finishing our games of tennis.
340 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  In generals, it may be said that he is a genius in music.
341 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The doctor has ordered the patient to abstains from wine.
342 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The doctor thought the patients pulse was rather rapid.
343 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  He got very angry, for she refused to follows his advice.
344 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understands.
345 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Much of London were destroyed in the seventeenth century.
346 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I put my lighter down somewhere and now I can’t finds it.
347 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If my mother were still alive, she would have help me.
348 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If I had had enough money, I would have buy the books.
349 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If you want this jobs, you must apply for it by tomorrow.
350 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Should he be given another chance, he would do his bests.
301 Incorrect verb form; “have” should be “has,” and “books” should be “book.” What has become of the book I put here a few minutes ago?
302 Incorrect verb forms; “do” should be “have done,” and “watches” should be “watch.” No! After you have done your homework, you can watch television.
303 Incorrect negation; “inconvenient” should be “convenient.” We could meet downtown. Would that be convenient for you?
304 Incorrect verb form; “laughs” should be “laugh.” If you do such a foolish thing, people will laugh at you.
305 Incorrect plural form; “somethings” should be “something.” He can’t be smart if he can screw up something like that.
306 Incorrect verb form; “heard of it” is redundant. It’s a tiny country that most people have never heard of.
307 Incorrect plural form; “attentions” should be “attention.” The old doctor gave individual attention to each patient.
308 Incorrect verb form; “looks” should be “look.” Let’s look at the problem from a different point of view.
309 Incorrect plural form; “elses” should be “else.” I can only wonder if this is the same for everyone else.
310 Incorrect singular form; “sibling” should be “siblings.” I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to have siblings.
311 Incorrect pronoun; “this” should be “it.” I don’t want to spend the rest of my life regretting it.
312 Incorrect verb form; “changes” should be “change.” It would be fun to see how things change over the years.
313 Incorrect verb form; “takes” should be “take.” I can’t take it anymore! I haven’t slept for three days!
314 Incorrect verb form; “giving” should be “showing.” I am alive even though I am not showing any signs of life.
315 Incorrect plural form; “these” should be “this.” I’m going to buy myself a new camera, digital this time.
316 Incorrect plural form; “article” should be “articles.” He has just published an interesting series of articles.
317 Incorrect plural form; “snowmans” should be “snowmen.” All I need to know about life, I learned from a snowman.
318 Incorrect plural form; “theres” should be “there.” Open the cupboard on the left, the bottles are in there.
319 Incorrect plural form; “companys” should be “company.” If you don’t want to stay alone, I can keep you company.
320 Incorrect verb form; “comes” should be “come.” The day will surely come when your dream will come true.
321 Incorrect verb form; “answers” should be “answer.” It doesn’t matter whether your answer is right or wrong.
322 Incorrect plural form; “youngs” should be “young.” Your mother must have been beautiful when she was young.
323 Incorrect plural form; “ones” should be “one.” Compare your translation with the one on the blackboard.
324 Incorrect verb form; “writes” should be “write.” No matter where you may go, don’t forget to write to me.
325 Incorrect plural form; “airports” should be “airport.” How long do you think it will take to go to the airport?
326 Incorrect plural form; “trains” should be “train.” The express train went by so fast that we hardly saw it.
327 Incorrect plural form; “minds” should be “mind.” Have you made up your mind where to go for the holidays?
328 Incorrect plural form; “promptlies” should be “promptly.” Any orders you place with us will be processed promptly.
329 Incorrect plural form; “ins” should be “in.” If your windows are not airtight, moisture will seep in.
330 Incorrect plural form; “words” should be “word.” So great were his emotion that he could not utter a word.
331 Incorrect plural form; “brings” should be “bring,” “mans” should be “man.” Nuclear weapons may bring about the annihilation of man.
332 Incorrect plural form; “holiday” should be “holidays.” We hoped to have done with the work before the holidays.
333 Incorrect verb form; “recognizes” should be “recognize.” I wonder if she will recognize me after all those years.
334 Incorrect pronoun; “me it” is redundant. If there is anything you want, don’t hesitate to ask me.
335 Incorrect verb form; “reductions” should be “reduction.” We wish to advise you of the following price reduction.
336 Incorrect plural form; “tortoises” should be “tortoise.” The small island looked like a tortoise from a distance.
337 Incorrect plural form; “halls” should be “hall.” Do you know how far it is from the station to city hall?
338 Incorrect plural form; “strengths” should be “strength.” My muscular strength has weakened from lack of exercise.
339 Incorrect plural form; “games” should be “game.” The rain prevented us from finishing our game of tennis.
340 Incorrect plural form; “generals” should be “general.” In general, it may be said that he is a genius in music.
341 Incorrect verb form; “abstains” should be “abstain.” The doctor has ordered the patient to abstain from wine.
342 Incorrect plural form; “patients” should be “patient’s.” The doctor thought the patient’s pulse was rather rapid.
343 Incorrect verb form; “follows” should be “follow.” He got very angry, for she refused to follow his advice.
344 Incorrect verb form; “understands” should be “understand.” Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t understand.
345 Incorrect plural form; “were” should be “was.” Much of London was destroyed in the seventeenth century.
346 Incorrect verb form; “finds” should be “find.” I put my lighter down somewhere and now I can’t find it.
347 Incorrect verb form; “help” should be “helped.” If my mother were still alive, she would have helped me.
348 Incorrect verb form; “buy” should be “bought.” If I had had enough money, I would have bought the books.
349 Incorrect plural form; “jobs” should be “job.” If you want this job, you must apply for it by tomorrow.
350 Incorrect plural form; “bests” should be “best.” Should he be given another chance, he would do his best.

Q1: What benefits does an online sentence correction tool offer?

A1: An online sentence correction tool helps improve writing by identifying and fixing grammatical errors for enhanced clarity.

Q2: How does an English sentence corrector contribute to language refinement?

A2: An English sentence corrector plays a crucial role in refining language skills by identifying and rectifying errors in sentence structure and grammar.

Q3: Why is accurate English phrase correction essential in communication?

A3: Accurate English phrase correction is essential to ensure clear and effective communication by eliminating ambiguity and improving sentence structure.

Q4: How can one effectively correct your sentence without external tools?

A4: To correct your sentence effectively, review your writing for grammatical errors and seek feedback from peers or mentors.

Q5: What is the significance of correcting these sentences?

A5: Correcting these sentences is important to ensure that writing meets language standards, improving readability and overall quality.

Q6: Are there dedicated online platforms for English correct the sentences?

A6: Yes, various online platforms are specifically designed to assist users in English correct the sentences exercises, offering valuable support in language improvement.

Q7: How does English grammar correction contribute to writing proficiency?

A7: English grammar correction is crucial for enhancing writing proficiency by identifying and rectifying grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, and ensuring clarity in expression.

Q8: What advice did the teacher provide for those practicing English correct the sentences exercises?

A8: The teacher recommended consistent practice of English correct the sentences exercises as an effective method for honing language skills and reinforcing grammatical concepts.

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