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The Most Practical English Correct The Sentences Exercise Part 6

  1. I always rely on an online sentence correction tool to enhance my writing.
  2. An English sentence corrector is crucial for refining language skills.
  3. Accurate English phrase correction is key to effective communication.
  4. Could you please correct your sentence before submitting the document?
  5. Let me help you correct these sentences to meet language standards.
  6. Looking for an online solution to English correct the sentences? Explore various available tools!
  7. Utilize tools for English grammar correction to improve overall writing proficiency.
  8. The teacher recommended regular practice of English correct the sentences exercises.
251 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Everyone would like to believe that dreams can comes true.
252 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If you do not have these programs, you can download them now.
253 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If your answer is correct, it follows that mines is wrong.
254 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  You’re going to leave to London next Sunday, aren’t you?
255 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Chestnuts has to be boiled for at least fifteen minutes.
256 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It happened that I saw my friend walk in the distance.
257 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  He said he would give us his decision for sure by Fridays.
258 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The burglar broke into the post office in broad daylights.
259 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  There are as good fishes in the sea as ever came out of it.
260 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  When the visitor entered the room, we stood for greet him.
261 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  My brother-in-law is ready to lose his temper at trifles.
262 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I studied in England for six months when I was an student.
263 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The students assisted the professor on the investigation.
264 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Students took the lead on the campaign against pollution.
265 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Whenever I go abroad, I suffer from jet lags and diarrhea.
266 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  We are always aiming for improving the quality of service.
267 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It is very hard to get rid of cockroach from our house.
268 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  In case of fires, break the glass and push the red button.
269 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I came to this country for the purposes of studying music.
270 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Musical talents can be developed if it’s properly trained.
271 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Don’t be afraid of make mistakes when speaking English.
272 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  When you are driving, you should make way with ambulances.
273 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The weather being rainy, the baseball game was cancelling.
274 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I only hope that the rains holds off for a few hours more.
275 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Space travel will be common places some time in the future.
276 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  On one hand he is kind, but on other hand he is lazy.
277 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Can you tell me where the nearest hotel service phones is?
278 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  She had been ill for a week when the doctor was sent for.
279 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Our guide misinformed us about the locations of the hotel.
280 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  We are all looking forward for seeing you and your family.
281 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The records of our discussion are kept by the secretary.
282 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I’d like to be left alone for a while, if you don’t minds.
283 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  So, we finally meets! I’ve waited so long for this moments.
284 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If it were not for your helps, I could not run this stores.
285 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If you had helped me, I could have accomplish the works.
286 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If anything go wrong, I’ll answer for the consequence.
287 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Hello, it’s me. Could you comes pick me up at the station?
288 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Had we leave home at seven, we could have arrive on times.
289 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  If you break the clock again, you’ll catches it from Mommy.
290 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The rainy seasons will be over in another two weeks or so.
291 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  The Mafias use legitimate business operations as fronts.
292 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  What have you did with my pen? It was here a minute ago.
293 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Do you know what to does if there’s a fire in the building?
294 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I became very nervous when I couldn’t locate my passports.
295 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  It can be dangers for young people to ride motorcycles.
296 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  No matter how hardly you try, you can’t finish it in a day.
297 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Some people read the newspapers while watching televisions.
298 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  You’d better puts your cigarette out before Terry see it.
299 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  Finally she gave into temptation and ate the wholes cake.
300 Find the Mistake in Given Sentence –  I wasn’t being mindfully and got on a wrong buses by mistake.
251 Incorrect verb form; “comes” should be “come.” Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true.
252 Incorrect plural form; “programs” should be “program.” If you do not have this program, you can download it now.
253 Incorrect possessive form; “mines” should be “mine.” If your answer is correct, it follows that mine is wrong.
254 Incorrect preposition; “to” should be “for.” You’re going to leave for London next Sunday, aren’t you?
255 Incorrect verb form; “has” should be “have.” Chestnuts have to be boiled for at least fifteen minutes.
256 Incorrect verb form; “walk” should be “walking.” It happened that I saw my friend walking in the distance.
257 Incorrect plural form; “Fridays” should be “Friday.” He said he would give us his decision for sure by Friday.
258 Incorrect plural form; “daylights” should be “daylight.” The burglar broke into the post office in broad daylight.
259 Incorrect plural form; “fishes” should be “fish.” There are as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.
260 Incorrect preposition; “for” should be “to.” When the visitor entered the room, we stood to greet him.
261 Incorrect preposition; “at” should be “over.” My brother-in-law is ready to lose his temper over trifles.
262 Incorrect article; “an” should be “a.” I studied in England for six months when I was a student.
263 Incorrect preposition; “on” should be “in.” The students assisted the professor in the investigation.
264 Incorrect preposition; “on” should be “in.” Students took the lead in the campaign against pollution.
265 Incorrect plural form; “lags” should be “lag.” Whenever I go abroad, I suffer from jet lag and diarrhea.
266 Incorrect preposition; “for” should be “at.” We are always aiming at improving the quality of service.
267 Incorrect plural form; “cockroach” should be “cockroaches.” It is very hard to get rid of cockroaches from our house.
268 Incorrect plural form; “fires” should be “fire.” In case of fire, break the glass and push the red button.
269 Incorrect plural form; “purposes” should be “purpose.” I came to this country for the purpose of studying music.
270 Incorrect pronoun; “it’s” should be “they’re.” Musical talents can be developed if they’re properly trained.
271 Incorrect verb form; “make” should be “making.” Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English.
272 Incorrect preposition; “with” should be “for.” When you are driving, you should make way for ambulances.
273 Incorrect verb form; “cancelling” should be “cancelled.” The weather being rainy, the baseball game was cancelled.
274 Incorrect verb form; “rains” should be “rain.” I only hope that the rain holds off for a few hours more.
275 Incorrect plural form; “common places” should be “commonplace.” Space travel will be commonplace sometime in the future.
276 Incorrect preposition; “on” should be “on the.” On one hand he is kind, but on the other hand he is lazy.
277 Incorrect plural form; “phones” should be “phone.” Can you tell me where the nearest hotel service phone is?
278 Incorrect verb form; “was” should be “had been.” She had been ill for a week when the doctor had been sent for.
279 Incorrect plural form; “locations” should be “location.” Our guide misinformed us about the location of the hotel.
280 Incorrect preposition; “for” should be “to.” We are all looking forward to seeing you and your family.
281 Incorrect plural form; “discussion” should be “discussions.” The records of our discussions are kept by the secretary.
282 Incorrect plural form; “minds” should be “mind.” I’d like to be left alone for a while, if you don’t mind.
283 Incorrect verb form; “meets” should be “meet.” So, we finally meet! I’ve waited so long for this moment.
284 Incorrect plural form; “helps” should be “help.” If it were not for your help, I could not run this store.
285 Incorrect verb form; “accomplish” should be “accomplished.” If you had helped me, I could have accomplished the work.
286 Incorrect verb form; “go” should be “goes.” If anything goes wrong, I’ll answer for the consequences.
287 Incorrect verb form; “comes” should be “come.” Hello, it’s me. Could you come pick me up at the station?
288 Incorrect verb forms; “leave” should be “left,” “arrive” should be “arrived,” and “times” should be “time.” Had we left home at seven, we could have arrived on time.
289 Incorrect verb form; “catches” should be “catch.” If you break the clock again, you’ll catch it from Mommy.
290 Incorrect plural form; “seasons” should be “season.” The rainy season will be over in another two weeks or so.
291 Incorrect plural form; “Mafias” should be “Mafia.” The Mafia uses legitimate business operations as a front.
292 Incorrect verb form; “have” should be “have done.” What have you done with my pen? It was here a minute ago.
293 Incorrect verb form; “does” should be “do.” Do you know what to do if there’s a fire in the building?
294 Incorrect plural form; “passports” should be “passport.” I became very nervous when I couldn’t locate my passport.
295 Incorrect plural form; “dangers” should be “danger.” It can be dangerous for young people to ride motorcycles.
296 Incorrect adverb; “hardly” should be “hard.” No matter how hard you try, you can’t finish it in a day.
297 Incorrect plural form; “newspapers” should be “newspaper,” and “televisions” should be “television.” Some people read the newspaper while watching television.
298 Incorrect verb form; “puts” should be “put,” and “see” should be “sees.” You’d better put your cigarette out before Terry sees it.
299 Incorrect verb form; “gave” should be “gave in,” and “wholes” should be “whole.” Finally she gave in to temptation and ate the whole cake.
300 Incorrect adverb; “mindfully” should be “mindful,” and “buses” should be “bus.” I wasn’t being mindful and got on a wrong bus by mistake.

Q1: What benefits does an online sentence correction tool offer?

A1: An online sentence correction tool helps improve writing by identifying and fixing grammatical errors for enhanced clarity.

Q2: How does an English sentence corrector contribute to language refinement?

A2: An English sentence corrector plays a crucial role in refining language skills by identifying and rectifying errors in sentence structure and grammar.

Q3: Why is accurate English phrase correction essential in communication?

A3: Accurate English phrase correction is essential to ensure clear and effective communication by eliminating ambiguity and improving sentence structure.

Q4: How can one effectively correct your sentence without external tools?

A4: To correct your sentence effectively, review your writing for grammatical errors and seek feedback from peers or mentors.

Q5: What is the significance of correcting these sentences?

A5: Correcting these sentences is important to ensure that writing meets language standards, improving readability and overall quality.

Q6: Are there dedicated online platforms for English correct the sentences?

A6: Yes, various online platforms are specifically designed to assist users in English correct the sentences exercises, offering valuable support in language improvement.

Q7: How does English grammar correction contribute to writing proficiency?

A7: English grammar correction is crucial for enhancing writing proficiency by identifying and rectifying grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, and ensuring clarity in expression.

Q8: What advice did the teacher provide for those practicing English correct the sentences exercises?

A8: The teacher recommended consistent practice of English correct the sentences exercises as an effective method for honing language skills and reinforcing grammatical concepts.

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