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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 26

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


2501 do   thought   I   Tom   that   to   might   have   that.
2502 do   thought   I   Tom   that   to   might   need   that.
2503 do   thought   I   Tom   that   to   might   want   that.
2504 him.   thought   I   Tom   that   with   was   flirting
2505 good   thought   it   Tom   that   a   would   be   idea.
2506 thought   Mary   Tom   that   French.   could   speak
2507 thought   didn’t   Tom   Mary   anymore.   like   him
2508 of   thought   Mary   Tom   that   lot   had   a   money.
2509 thought   Mary   Tom   that   kidnapped.   had   been
2510 thought   had   Tom   Mary   that.   finished   doing
2511 mistake.   thought   Mary   Tom   that   a   had   made
2512 was.   thought   knew   Tom   Mary   father   who   his
2513 that.   thought   might   Tom   Mary   do   refuse   to
2514 thought   Mary   Tom   that   win.   probably   would
2515 thought   Mary   Tom   that   busy.   seemed   really
2516 bedroom.   thought   Mary   Tom   that   her   was   in
2517 thought   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   blonde.   a   natural
2518 cook.   thought   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   good   a   very
2519 thought   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   today.   doing   that
2520 here.   thought   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   be   going   to
2521 that.   thought   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   do   going   to
2522 that.   thought   wasn’t   Tom   Mary   do   ready   to
2523 soon.   thought   Mary   Tom   that   back   would   be
2524 thought   Mary   Tom   that   depressed.   would   be
2525 thought   Mary   Tom   that   exhausted.   would   be
2526 thought   Mary   Tom   that   impressed.   would   be
2527 now.   thought   would   Tom   Mary   by   be   retired
2528 thought   Mary   Tom   that   surprised.   would   be
2529 party.   thought   would   Tom   Mary   his   come   to
2530 that.   thought   would   Tom   Mary   do   forget   to
2531 thought   Mary   Tom   that   him.   would   remember
2532 thought   wouldn’t   Tom   Mary   busy.   likely   be
2533 thought   wouldn’t   Tom   Mary   that.   likely   do
2534 thought   cooking   Tom   Mary’s   was   delicious.
2535 thought   Mary’s   Tom   that   perfect.   plan   was
2536 thought   plan   Tom   Mary’s   good.   wasn’t   very
2537 thought   situation   Tom   the   sad.   was   really
2538 thought   you’d   Tom   that   that.   already   done
2539 one.   thought   you’d   Tom   that   blue   prefer   a
2540 do.   thinks   doesn’t   Tom   Mary   to   knows   what
2541 beach.   thinks   is   Tom   Mary   the   probably   at
2542 do   thinks   Mary   Tom   that   to   is   ready   that.
2543 me.   thinks   Mary   Tom   that   than   is   stronger
2544 now.   thinks   Mary   Tom   that   Boston   isn’t   in
2545 is.   thinks   Mary   Tom   that   John   knows   where
2546 blue.   thinks   Mary   Tom   that   in   looks   great
2547 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   interested.   might   be
2548 careful.   thinks   needs   Tom   Mary   more   to   be
2549 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   cry.   probably   didn’t
2550 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   win.   probably   didn’t
2551 thinks   should   Tom   Mary   John.   apologize   to
2552 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   cooperative.   will   be
2553 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   discouraged.   will   be
2554 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   embarrassed.   will   be
2555 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   heartbroken.   will   be
2556 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   sympathetic.   will   be
2557 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   unimpressed.   will   be
2558 thinks   will   Tom   Mary   husband.   divorce   her
2559 that.   thinks   Mary   Tom   that   do   will   really
2560 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   interested.   won’t   be
2561 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   suspicious.   won’t   be
2562 herself.   thinks   won’t   Tom   Mary   by   do   that
2563 thinks   won’t   Tom   Mary   dessert.   likely   eat
2564 thinks   Mary   Tom   that   interested.   would   be
2565 that.   thinks   wouldn’t   Tom   Mary   do   have   to
2566 that.   thinks   wouldn’t   Tom   Mary   do   need   to
2567 that.   thinks   wouldn’t   Tom   Mary   do   want   to
2568 thinks   this   Tom   that   reasonable.   price   is
2569 died.   thinks   his   Tom   it’s   Mary   fault   that
2570 experience.   thinks   it   Tom   that   good   was   a
2571 vegetables.   thinks   need   Tom   I   more   to   eat
2572 women.   thinks   he’s   Tom   that   to   God’s   gift
2573 wants.   thinks   he   Tom   that   Mary   knows   what
2574 on.   thinks   he   Tom   that   going   knows   what’s
2575 went.   thinks   he   Tom   that   Mary   knows   where
2576 answer.   thinks   he   Tom   that   the   might   have
2577 herself.   thinks   can   Tom   Mary   of   take   care
2578 yourself.   thinks   can   Tom   you   of   take   care
2579 do.   knows   got   Tom   he’s   to   some   explaining
2580 happens.   knows   I   Tom   that   what   don’t   care
2581 early.   knows   I   Tom   that   leave   don’t   often
2582 lunch.   knows   Mary   Tom   that   any   didn’t   eat
2583 drive.   knows   doesn’t   Tom   Mary   to   know   how
2584 knows   Mary   Tom   that   French.   doesn’t   speak
2585 knows   is   Tom   Mary   alcoholic.   a   recovering
2586 do   knows   Mary   Tom   that   to   knows   how   that.
2587 a   knows   what   Tom   that   was   he   did   mistake.
2588 now.   knows   shouldn’t   Tom   he   that   be   doing
2589 here.   knows   he   Tom   that   that   shouldn’t   do
2590 do   knows   never   Tom   he’ll   to   be   able   that.
2591 arrested.   knows   he’s   Tom   that   be   going   to
2592 punished.   knows   he’s   Tom   that   be   going   to
2593 that   knows   he’s   Tom   that   do   got   to   today.
2594 punished.   knows   not   Tom   he’s   be   likely   to
2595 Mary.   knows   borrowed   Tom   I   from   the   money
2596 very   knows   I   Tom   that   that   can’t   do   well.
2597 well.   knows   can’t   Tom   I   very   speak   French
2598 do   knows   I   Tom   that   to   didn’t   agree   that.
2599 do   knows   I   Tom   that   to   was   supposed   that.
2600 truth.   knows   Mary   Tom   that   the   is   telling


2501 Tom thought that I might have to do that.
2502 Tom thought that I might need to do that.
2503 Tom thought that I might want to do that.
2504 Tom thought that I was flirting with him.
2505 Tom thought that it would be a good idea.
2506 Tom thought that Mary could speak French.
2507 Tom thought Mary didn’t like him anymore.
2508 Tom thought that Mary had a lot of money.
2509 Tom thought that Mary had been kidnapped.
2510 Tom thought Mary had finished doing that.
2511 Tom thought that Mary had made a mistake.
2512 Tom thought Mary knew who his father was.
2513 Tom thought Mary might refuse to do that.
2514 Tom thought that Mary probably would win.
2515 Tom thought that Mary seemed really busy.
2516 Tom thought that Mary was in her bedroom.
2517 Tom thought Mary wasn’t a natural blonde.
2518 Tom thought Mary wasn’t a very good cook.
2519 Tom thought Mary wasn’t doing that today.
2520 Tom thought Mary wasn’t going to be here.
2521 Tom thought Mary wasn’t going to do that.
2522 Tom thought Mary wasn’t ready to do that.
2523 Tom thought that Mary would be back soon.
2524 Tom thought that Mary would be depressed.
2525 Tom thought that Mary would be exhausted.
2526 Tom thought that Mary would be impressed.
2527 Tom thought Mary would be retired by now.
2528 Tom thought that Mary would be surprised.
2529 Tom thought Mary would come to his party.
2530 Tom thought Mary would forget to do that.
2531 Tom thought that Mary would remember him.
2532 Tom thought Mary wouldn’t likely be busy.
2533 Tom thought Mary wouldn’t likely do that.
2534 Tom thought Mary’s cooking was delicious.
2535 Tom thought that Mary’s plan was perfect.
2536 Tom thought Mary’s plan wasn’t very good.
2537 Tom thought the situation was really sad.
2538 Tom thought that you’d already done that.
2539 Tom thought that you’d prefer a blue one.
2540 Tom thinks Mary doesn’t knows what to do.
2541 Tom thinks Mary is probably at the beach.
2542 Tom thinks that Mary is ready to do that.
2543 Tom thinks that Mary is stronger than me.
2544 Tom thinks that Mary isn’t in Boston now.
2545 Tom thinks that Mary knows where John is.
2546 Tom thinks that Mary looks great in blue.
2547 Tom thinks that Mary might be interested.
2548 Tom thinks Mary needs to be more careful.
2549 Tom thinks that Mary probably didn’t cry.
2550 Tom thinks that Mary probably didn’t win.
2551 Tom thinks Mary should apologize to John.
2552 Tom thinks that Mary will be cooperative.
2553 Tom thinks that Mary will be discouraged.
2554 Tom thinks that Mary will be embarrassed.
2555 Tom thinks that Mary will be heartbroken.
2556 Tom thinks that Mary will be sympathetic.
2557 Tom thinks that Mary will be unimpressed.
2558 Tom thinks Mary will divorce her husband.
2559 Tom thinks that Mary will really do that.
2560 Tom thinks that Mary won’t be interested.
2561 Tom thinks that Mary won’t be suspicious.
2562 Tom thinks Mary won’t do that by herself.
2563 Tom thinks Mary won’t likely eat dessert.
2564 Tom thinks that Mary would be interested.
2565 Tom thinks Mary wouldn’t have to do that.
2566 Tom thinks Mary wouldn’t need to do that.
2567 Tom thinks Mary wouldn’t want to do that.
2568 Tom thinks that this price is reasonable.
2569 Tom thinks it’s his fault that Mary died.
2570 Tom thinks that it was a good experience.
2571 Tom thinks I need to eat more vegetables.
2572 Tom thinks that he’s God’s gift to women.
2573 Tom thinks that he knows what Mary wants.
2574 Tom thinks that he knows what’s going on.
2575 Tom thinks that he knows where Mary went.
2576 Tom thinks that he might have the answer.
2577 Tom thinks Mary can take care of herself.
2578 Tom thinks you can take care of yourself.
2579 Tom knows he’s got some explaining to do.
2580 Tom knows that I don’t care what happens.
2581 Tom knows that I don’t often leave early.
2582 Tom knows that Mary didn’t eat any lunch.
2583 Tom knows Mary doesn’t know how to drive.
2584 Tom knows that Mary doesn’t speak French.
2585 Tom knows Mary is a recovering alcoholic.
2586 Tom knows that Mary knows how to do that.
2587 Tom knows that what he did was a mistake.
2588 Tom knows he shouldn’t be doing that now.
2589 Tom knows that he shouldn’t do that here.
2590 Tom knows he’ll never be able to do that.
2591 Tom knows that he’s going to be arrested.
2592 Tom knows that he’s going to be punished.
2593 Tom knows that he’s got to do that today.
2594 Tom knows he’s not likely to be punished.
2595 Tom knows I borrowed the money from Mary.
2596 Tom knows that I can’t do that very well.
2597 Tom knows I can’t speak French very well.
2598 Tom knows that I didn’t agree to do that.
2599 Tom knows that I was supposed to do that.
2600 Tom knows that Mary is telling the truth.

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