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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 1

Do You know you can Improve Your Writing very easily. We have more than 5000 Correct the Sentence exercise questions with answers. In each part, we will share 100 questions with answers. If you want all questions at one place you can download our app from Google Play Store. CLICK HERE to download our app.

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1 I ______ now to come tomorrow. (not/ask)
2 They will see that you____________the truth. (speak)
3 It____________to my nature to mince matters-I will then tell you in plain terms, what I think. (not/accord)
4 But he____________not of his mother. (think)
5 ______in love with this woman? (I/fall/?)
6 He______his class outside the building. (hold)
7 But we______straight to Buxton. (not/go)
8 I______to you from the bar. (talk)
9 We______to any particular comet. (not/here/refer)
10 It______by a fellow as he ought to do. (not/stand)
11 We______for any land at all. (not/steer)
12 And now I______for the news. (wait)
13 ______here in the city? (where/you/stay/?)
14 I______a part of my education. (forget)
15 But I______against the turf. (not/preach)
16 We______him for a good purpose. (keep)
17 You know you______the truth. (not/speak)
18 I don’t know how you . (feel)
19 They______over the right man now. (send)
20 ______about, madam? (what on earth/you/talk/?)
21 But ____________at this moment? (what/he/suffer/?)
22 I ____________of medicine or morality; I ____________of pleasure. (not/talk) (talk)
23 I like the way he______it. (take)
24 I______to ride with your father. (go out)
25 Of course I______of things wherein we ought to exercise will and choice. (not/speak)
26 But I______ahead of my story. (run)
27 ______from the topic of health? (I/wander/?)
28 You______properly to your mother. (not/behave)
29 ______back to his own country? (he/go/?)
30 We______off the old faiths. (not/kill)
31 I______to feel like a man now. (begin)
32 I______any fault with your daughter. (not/find)
33 I______you to do anything difficult. (not/ask)
34 I am glad to see you: ? (how/you/get on/?)
35 I______my leave of the world. (take)
36 I believe you______to understand me. (begin)
37 It______to overhear too much. (not/always/cheer)
38 I______as a friend, you know. (speak)
39 ______at, Mulligan? (what on earth/you/shoot/?)
40 They______for me on the platform. (wait)
41 I ____________him home from the school. (take)
42 ____________that veil for, mother? (what/you/wear/?)
43 I swear I______of myself. (not/think)
44 This latter name is well given; for I defy any one at first to feel certain that a small dog______somewhere in the forest. (not/yelp)
45 ______under a law of the concern? (you/act/?)
46 I______of what I owe you. (not/speak)
47 It is the future I______of. (think)
48 He______for our daughter’s hand. (ask)
49 I______now to give you a sermon on duty. (not/go)
50 I______a new light on him. (get)
51 It______my promise to tell you. (not/break)
52 I______my heart on it. (quite/set)
53 I , and I’m not sorry. (not/complain)
54 It______us in the face. (there/stare)
55 I know very well that most mistresses are as much to blame for this result as the servants are; but we______about them. (not/talk)
56 Why, then, and ? (for what/we/wait/?)
57 And I______you to have her. (not/implore)
58 ______to improve in this line? (you/study/?)
59 I______a good eye on them. (keep)
60 He , luckily, at least only minor discomforts. (not/suffer)
61 ____________on my boy for? (what/he/sit/?)
62 ______back by the next train along with me? (you/go/?)
63 But we______of the violations of human morality in various parts of the world. (not/talk)
64 I______to write that character well. (not/pretend)
65 I______you to tell me who the man is. (not/ask)
66 The mutiny______standards and precedents. (not/violate)
67 He______very much from his head. (suffer)
68 But we______for a walk. (just/go out)
69 The process______at a rapid rate. (proceed)
70 He answers he______for a poet. (go)
71 I______some thought of the morrow. (merely/take)
72 , and what is the truth which they are trying so hard to conceal? (why/they/lie/?)
73 But I______on your account. (not/stay)
74 4.______the history of Orlando or Amadis? (I/write/?)
75 We______it for a lean day. (keep)
76 They______within the house, you say. (sleep)
77 A large part of the time he______a question. (not/even/ask)
78 Do you know who you______to? (speak)
79 We______their work for his children. (not/find)
80 I______back to the office. (not/go)
81 I know I______like a book. (talk)
82 I______an American flag with me. (take)
83 I______now of my real mother. (speak)
84 I______you to break your engagement. (not/ask)
85 I______to her sea-going qualities. (not/allude)
86 I______of the Congo boy. (not/speak)
87 We______you to a pastime. (not/call)
88 But it ; it is not the laughter of the mind. (not/illuminate)
89 I don’t know what others do, but we read when I______in this. (not/scribble)
90 I______a book on roses. (not/write)
91 .______for, you little fool? (what/you/scream/?)
92 ______already for his golden thumb? (he/provide/?)
93 Well, papa,______at home? (how/you/get on/?)
94 And there they______to this day. (sit)
95 I______a girl into society. (not/launch)
96 Now we______in the old way. (talk)
97 I______round now to see it. (go)
98 They______quite forward with their work. (get)
99 ______that they do not hear me? (where/they/go/?)
100 You______of backing out, are you? (not/think)

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1 I am not asking now to come tomorrow. (not/ask)
2 They will see that you are speaking the truth. (speak)
3 It isn’t according to my nature to mince matters-I will then tell you in plain terms, what I think. (not/accord)
4 But he is thinking not of his mother. (think)
5 Am I falling in love with this woman? (I/fall/?)
6 He is holding his class outside the building. (hold)
7 But we aren’t going straight to Buxton. (not/go)
8 I am talking to you from the bar. (talk)
9 We aren’t here referring to any particular comet. (not/here/refer)
10 It isn’t standing by a fellow as he ought to do. (not/stand)
11 We aren’t steering for any land at all. (not/steer)
12 And now I am waiting for the news. (wait)
13 Where are you staying here in the city? (where/you/stay/?)
14 I am forgetting a part of my education. (forget)
15 But I am not preaching against the turf. (not/preach)
16 We are keeping him for a good purpose. (keep)
17 You know you aren’t speaking the truth. (not/speak)
18 I don’t know how you are feeling. (feel)
19 They are sending over the right man now. (send)
20  What on earth are you talking about, madam? (what on earth/you/talk/?)
21 But what is he suffering at this moment? (what/he/suffer/?)
22 I am not talking of medicine or morality; I am talking of pleasure. (not/talk) (talk)
23 I like the way he is taking it. (take)
24 I am going out to ride with your father. (go out)
25 Of course I am not speaking of things wherein we ought to exercise will and choice. (not/speak)
26 But I am running ahead of my story. (run)
27  Am I wandering from the topic of health? (I/wander/?)
28 You aren’t behaving properly to your mother. (not/behave)
29  Is he going back to his own country? (he/go/?)
30 We aren’t killing off the old faiths. (not/kill)
31 I am beginning to feel like a man now. (begin)
32 I am not finding any fault with your daughter. (not/find)
33 I am not asking you to do anything difficult. (not/ask)
34 I am glad to see you: how are you getting on? (how/you/get on/?)
35 I am taking my leave of the world. (take)
36 I believe you are beginning to understand me. (begin)
37 It isn’t always cheering to overhear too much. (not/always/cheer)
38 I am speaking as a friend, you know. (speak)
39  What on earth are you shooting at, Mulligan? (what on earth/you/shoot/?)
40 They are waiting for me on the platform. (wait)
41 I am taking him home from the school. (take)
42 What are you wearing that veil for, mother? (what/you/wear/?)
43 I swear I am not thinking of myself. (not/think)
44 This latter name is well given; for I defy any one at first to feel certain that a small dog isn’t yelping somewhere in the forest. (not/yelp)
45 Are you acting under a law of the concern? (you/act/?)
46 I am not speaking of what I owe you. (not/speak)
47 It is the future I am thinking of. (think)
48 He is asking for our daughter’s hand. (ask)
49 I am not going now to give you a sermon on duty. (not/go)
50 I am getting a new light on him. (get)
51 It isn’t breaking my promise to tell you. (not/break)
52 I am quite setting my heart on it. (quite/set)
53 I am not complaining, and I’m not sorry. (not/complain)
54 It is there staring us in the face. (there/stare)
55 I know very well that most mistresses are as much to blame for this result as the servants are; but we aren’t talking about them. (not/talk)
56 Why, then, and for what are we waiting? (for what/we/wait/?)
57 And I am not imploring you to have her. (not/implore)
58  Are you studying to improve in this line? (you/study/?)
59 I am keeping a good eye on them. (keep)
60 He isn’t suffering, luckily, at least only minor discomforts. (not/suffer)
61 What is he sitting on my boy for? (what/he/sit/?)
62 Are you going back by the next train along with me? (you/go/?)
63 But we aren’t talking of the violations of human morality in various parts of the world. (not/talk)
64 I am not pretending to write that character well. (not/pretend)
65 I am not asking you to tell me who the man is. (not/ask)
66 The mutiny isn’t violating standards and precedents. (not/violate)
67 He is suffering very much from his head. (suffer)
68 But we are just going out for a walk. (just/go out)
69 The process is proceeding at a rapid rate. (proceed)
70 He answers he is going for a poet. (go)
71 I am merely taking some thought of the morrow. (merely/take)
72 Why are they lying, and what is the truth which they are trying so hard to conceal? (why/they/lie/?)
73 But I am not staying on your account. (not/stay)
74 Am I writing the history of Orlando or Amadis? (I/write/?)
75 We are keeping it for a lean day. (keep)
76 They are sleeping within the house, you say. (sleep)
77 A large part of the time he isn’t even asking a question. (not/even/ask)
78 Do you know who you are speaking to? (speak)
79 We aren’t finding their work for his children. (not/find)
80 I am not going back to the office. (not/go)
81 I know I am talking like a book. (talk)
82 I am taking an American flag with me. (take)
83 I am speaking now of my real mother. (speak)
84 I am not asking you to break your engagement. (not/ask)
85 I am not alluding to her sea-going qualities. (not/allude)
86 I am not speaking of the Congo boy. (not/speak)
87 We aren’t calling you to a pastime. (not/call)
88 But it isn’t illuminating; it is not the laughter of the mind. (not/illuminate)
89 I don’t know what others do, but we read when I am not scribbling in this. (not/scribble)
90 I am not writing a book on roses. (not/write)
91 What are you screaming for, you little fool? (what/you/scream/?)
92 Is he providing already for his golden thumb? (he/provide/?)
93 Well, papa, how are you getting on at home? (how/you/get on/?)
94 And there they are sitting to this day. (sit)
95 I am not launching a girl into society. (not/launch)
96 Now we are talking in the old way. (talk)
97 I am going round now to see it. (go)
98 They are getting quite forward with their work. (get)
99  Where are they going that they do not hear me? (where/they/go/?)
100 You aren’t thinking of backing out, are you? (not/think)

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