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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 11

Correcting sentences is an essential skill in mastering language proficiency. Online tools for sentence correction can be incredibly helpful in refining written communication. Utilizing an English sentence corrector aids in rectifying grammatical errors, enhancing vocabulary, and improving overall sentence structure. Constructing coherent and accurate sentences in English involves understanding grammar rules and vocabulary usage. Practice in sentence making not only improves language skills but also nurtures the ability to convey thoughts and ideas effectively.

Making sentences in English requires attention to grammar and word usage, and tools like sentence correction online or English sentence corrections serve as valuable aids in this process. For More such Correct the sentence exercise CLICK HERE to download our app from Google Play Store.

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1001 You ______ to the passage birds. (listen)
1002  ____________Mr Trotter all this time? (you/detain/?)
1003 I ____________you for four or five years and doing your dirty work, colonel, without picking up a little intelligence-and a little information! (not/look after)
1004 I ____________them these twenty years. (read)
1005 The cars______since we came back to Jackson from our march after Forrest. (not/run)
1006 I______time to think over that at all. (not/take)
1007 But lately things______well. (not/go)
1008 And______for the last ten days? (what/I/act/?)
1009 He______in the library ever since. (sit)
1010 Do you suppose I______about it, on the hot nights when I couldn’t sleep? (not/think)
1011 I______with them all the afternoon. (drive)
1012 I______as pretty girls as you. (kiss)
1013 But______the Queen’s curtains back at dawn? (her Grace/not/tear/?)
1014 Ever since this morning you must have seen that I______here. (suffer)
1015 But______on his couch? (what length of time/he/lie/?)
1016 They , I know that. (not/sleep)
1017 I______about it for a long time. (think)
1018 We______in a little summer romance, entertaining enough at the seaside, but which must die a natural death as soon as we return to Paris. (not/indulge)
1019  , or is this something we have really lived through? (we/dream/?)
1020 It______for a long time. (go on)
1021 I ____________of it some time. (think)
1022  ____________a charity school in my room? (you/set up/?)
1023 We ____________you for half an hour. (hunt)
1024 He______his work like a brick. (stick to)
1025 We______of your horse. (just/talk)
1026 ______all my life but the biggest sort of chances? (what/I/take/?)
1027 This department______a square deal in the catalogue. (not/get)
1028 She______for a long time, and no one seems to know exactly where she is. (not/act)
1029 In fact I’m afraid I______the matter serious attention. (not/give)
1030 I only hope he______Dan Levy as Jack Rutter served old Baird! (not/serve)
1031 Matters______his way lately. (not/go)
1032 I______very well, dear Diary, and so I suddenly began to weep. (not/feel)
1033 ______these seven years? (we/not/fight/and/march/?)
1034 I______here for hours in the dark, and you never heard me. (lie)
1035 I______with him ever since. (sit)
1036 Peter and I______it over. (talk)
1037 And______her flowers and books and pictures, and reading to her, and talking to her the whole time, this three months! (you/not/send/?)
1038 I______of the evening. (not/think)
1039 It suggests itself to Mr. Browne that she______to him. (not/listen)
1040 I don’t know whether you______on me-you and some of the others. (depend)
1041 They ____________there for the last twenty years. (go)
1042 I ____________to your father about him. (speak)
1043 Sir Peter I hope you______with Maria? (not/quarrel)
1044 I______quite so robust as I did when I saw her daily. (not/feel)
1045  , or seeing more people of late? (he/go out/?)
1046 I______for you the whole day. (search)
1047 He______it in the club. (study)
1048 He______there in the night. (sleep)
1049 ______a part in his behaviour to your sister all this time? (he/act/?)
1050 Tell her from me that she______the truth. (not/speak)
1051 I______of it ever since. (think)
1052 ______together, you two? (how/you/get on/?)
1053 You______up in mathematics lately, and a difficult problem might bother you a little. (not/brush)
1054 I hope you______long. (not/wait)
1055 Really, I have felt terribly bad about it, and have wanted to apologize, but your manner______of confidence. (not/invite)
1056 But there has been no mistake; I______unless I am dreaming now. (not/dream)
1057 People______waistcoats like that for years. (not/wear)
1058 And______you to do to keep them all? (what/we/ask/?)
1059 The truth is, I______you (how far from that!) (not/forget)
1060 ______here under the snow six months? (I/lie/?)
1061 That’s why I should say that they ____________about a woman. (not/quarrel)
1062 It______continuously without a lull. (blow)
1063 I______myself that for some time. (ask)
1064 ______to him for his statue? (your sister/not/sit/?)
1065 The young pale general there, the placid woman, the man in the orchestra stall,______only? (they/play/?)
1066 I______for him for a long time. (hunt)
1067 ______pains to explain it all to you? (I/not/take/?)
1068 That Pamela and I______to each other. (not/write)
1069 I______my day at a sale. (waste)
1070 ______to the talk of some Moor or other? (you/listen/?)
1071 I ; merely feverish and weak and unable to use my mind for anything but a daily hour or two of the lightest reading. (not/suffer)
1072 If that be really so,______of so bitterly? (what in the world/he/complain/?)
1073 I______to your father about it. (talk)
1074 She______with us for months. (stay)
1075 ______over until our brains are weak? (what/we/speculate/?)
1076 We______you for four years. (keep)
1077 I______quite clearly about it all. (not/think)
1078 I hear you______in a mad way. (go on)
1079 You are the man I______for. (wait)
1080 I______her, if that’s what you’re thinking. (not/beat)
1081 I______you longer, perhaps, than I ought to do. (detain)
1082 But______the whole day? (you/really/mow/?)
1083 It______now a long time. (go on)
1084 This morning I______to gather apples. (help)
1085 I hope you______devilish again. (not/act)
1086 I wonder they______about yet. (not/run)
1087 You______naughty books now, that you shouldn’t open? (not/read)
1088 I______by you such a time. (sit)
1089 The first man I met said I think we______pecans because of that spittle bug. (not/get)
1090 I______of you all day. (think)
1091 ______with the cook, or did you get up on the wrong side of your bed? (you/quarrel/?)
1092 I______here till you came out. (wait)
1093 But I______of this moment. (dream)
1094 I , because I’ve been looking at you. (not/listen)
1095 ______for but you, Sophronia? (what the deuce/I/wait/?)
1096 And______at the register to what they’ve been saying? (you/listen/?)
1097 We______on your promise-we’ve got the papers ready and have collected the money! (depend)
1098 …I understand that you______anything especially-medicine for instance. (not/study)
1099 He______since he went to Paris. (look up)
1100 She______the fellow for months. (dodge)

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1001 You have been listening to the passage birds. (listen)
1002  Have you been detaining Mr Trotter all this time? (you/detain/?)
1003 I haven’t been looking after you for four or five years and doing your dirty work, colonel, without picking up a little intelligence-and a little information! (not/look after)
1004 I have been reading them these twenty years. (read)
1005 The cars haven’t been running since we came back to Jackson from our march after Forrest. (not/run)
1006 I haven’t been taking time to think over that at all. (not/take)
1007 But lately things haven’t been going well. (not/go)
1008 And what have I been acting for the last ten days? (what/I/act/?)
1009 He has been sitting in the library ever since. (sit)
1010 Do you suppose I haven’t been thinking about it, on the hot nights when I couldn’t sleep? (not/think)
1011 I have been driving with them all the afternoon. (drive)
1012 I have been kissing as pretty girls as you. (kiss)
1013 But hasn’t her Grace been tearing the Queen’s curtains back at dawn? (her Grace/not/tear/?)
1014 Ever since this morning you must have seen that I have been suffering here. (suffer)
1015 But what length of time has he been lying on his couch? (what length of time/he/lie/?)
1016 They haven’t been sleeping, I know that. (not/sleep)
1017 I have been thinking about it for a long time. (think)
1018 We haven’t been indulging in a little summer romance, entertaining enough at the seaside, but which must die a natural death as soon as we return to Paris. (not/indulge)
1019  Have we been dreaming, or is this something we have really lived through? (we/dream/?)
1020 It has been going on for a long time. (go on)
1021 I have been thinking of it some time. (think)
1022  Have you been setting up a charity school in my room? (you/set up/?)
1023 We have been hunting you for half an hour. (hunt)
1024 He has been sticking to his work like a brick. (stick to)
1025 We have just been talking of your horse. (just/talk)
1026  What have I been taking all my life but the biggest sort of chances? (what/I/take/?)
1027 This department hasn’t been getting a square deal in the catalogue. (not/get)
1028 She hasn’t been acting for a long time, and no one seems to know exactly where she is. (not/act)
1029 In fact I’m afraid I haven’t been giving the matter serious attention. (not/give)
1030 I only hope he hasn’t been serving Dan Levy as Jack Rutter served old Baird! (not/serve)
1031 Matters haven’t been going his way lately. (not/go)
1032 I haven’t been feeling very well, dear Diary, and so I suddenly began to weep. (not/feel)
1033 Haven’t we been fighting and marching these seven years? (we/not/fight/and/march/?)
1034 I have been lying here for hours in the dark, and you never heard me. (lie)
1035 I have been sitting with him ever since. (sit)
1036 Peter and I have been talking it over. (talk)
1037 And haven’t you been sending her flowers and books and pictures, and reading to her, and talking to her the whole time, this three months! (you/not/send/?)
1038 I haven’t been thinking of the evening. (not/think)
1039 It suggests itself to Mr. Browne that she hasn’t been listening to him. (not/listen)
1040 I don’t know whether you have been depending on me-you and some of the others. (depend)
1041 They have been going there for the last twenty years. (go)
1042 I have been speaking to your father about him. (speak)
1043 Sir Peter I hope you haven’t been quarrelling with Maria? (not/quarrel)
1044 I haven’t been feeling quite so robust as I did when I saw her daily. (not/feel)
1045  Has he been going out, or seeing more people of late? (he/go out/?)
1046 I have been searching for you the whole day. (search)
1047 He has been studying it in the club. (study)
1048 He has been sleeping there in the night. (sleep)
1049  Has he been acting a part in his behaviour to your sister all this time? (he/act/?)
1050 Tell her from me that she hasn’t been speaking the truth. (not/speak)
1051 I have been thinking of it ever since. (think)
1052  How have you been getting on together, you two? (how/you/get on/?)
1053 You haven’t been brushing up in mathematics lately, and a difficult problem might bother you a little. (not/brush)
1054 I hope you haven’t been waiting long. (not/wait)
1055 Really, I have felt terribly bad about it, and have wanted to apologize, but your manner hasn’t been inviting of confidence. (not/invite)
1056 But there has been no mistake; I haven’t been dreaming unless I am dreaming now. (not/dream)
1057 People haven’t been wearing waistcoats like that for years. (not/wear)
1058 And what have we been asking you to do to keep them all? (what/we/ask/?)
1059 The truth is, I haven’t been forgetting you (how far from that!) (not/forget)
1060  Have I been lying here under the snow six months? (I/lie/?)
1061 That’s why I should say that they haven’t been quarrelling about a woman. (not/quarrel)
1062 It has been blowing continuously without a lull. (blow)
1063 I have been asking myself that for some time. (ask)
1064  Hasn’t your sister been sitting to him for his statue? (your sister/not/sit/?)
1065 The young pale general there, the placid woman, the man in the orchestra stall, have they been playing only? (they/play/?)
1066 I have been hunting for him for a long time. (hunt)
1067  Haven’t I been taking pains to explain it all to you? (I/not/take/?)
1068 That Pamela and I haven’t been writing to each other. (not/write)
1069 I have been wasting my day at a sale. (waste)
1070  Have you been listening to the talk of some Moor or other? (you/listen/?)
1071 I haven’t been suffering; merely feverish and weak and unable to use my mind for anything but a daily hour or two of the lightest reading. (not/suffer)
1072 If that be really so, what in the world has he been complaining of so bitterly? (what in the world/he/complain/?)
1073 I have been talking to your father about it. (talk)
1074 She has been staying with us for months. (stay)
1075  What have we been speculating over until our brains are weak? (what/we/speculate/?)
1076 We have been keeping you for four years. (keep)
1077 I haven’t been thinking quite clearly about it all. (not/think)
1078 I hear you have been going on in a mad way. (go on)
1079 You are the man I have been waiting for. (wait)
1080 I haven’t been beating her, if that’s what you’re thinking. (not/beat)
1081 I have been detaining you longer, perhaps, than I ought to do. (detain)
1082 But have you really been mowing the whole day? (you/really/mow/?)
1083 It has been going on now a long time. (go on)
1084 This morning I have been helping to gather apples. (help)
1085 I hope you haven’t been acting devilish again. (not/act)
1086 I wonder they haven’t been running about yet. (not/run)
1087 You haven’t been reading naughty books now, that you shouldn’t open? (not/read)
1088 I have been sitting by you such a time. (sit)
1089 The first man I met said I think we haven’t been getting pecans because of that spittle bug. (not/get)
1090 I have been thinking of you all day. (think)
1091 Have you been quarrelling with the cook, or did you get up on the wrong side of your bed? (you/quarrel/?)
1092 I have been waiting here till you came out. (wait)
1093 But I have been dreaming of this moment. (dream)
1094 I haven’t been listening, because I’ve been looking at you. (not/listen)
1095  What the deuce have I been waiting for but you, Sophronia? (what the deuce/I/wait/?)
1096 And have you been listening at the register to what they’ve been saying? (you/listen/?)
1097 We have been depending on your promise-we’ve got the papers ready and have collected the money! (depend)
1098 …I understand that you haven’t been studying anything especially-medicine for instance. (not/study)
1099 He has been looking up since he went to Paris. (look up)
1100 She has been dodging the fellow for months. (dodge)

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