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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 9

Do You know you can Improve Your Writing very easily. We have more than 5000 Correct the Sentence exercise questions with answers. In each part, we will share 100 questions with answers. If you want all questions at one place you can download our app from Google Play Store. CLICK HERE to download our app.

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801 ______ this place for a flirtation? (I/choose/?)
802 .____________that you never saw them before? (where/your eyes/be/?)
803 It is the way I .____________it. (do)
804 I hope he .____________his train. (not/lose)
805 I’m afraid I______it. (not/see)
806 She______like the rest of us. (be)
807 It would almost appear that you . (succeed)
808 I______him since he went away. (not/meet)
809 I trust I______a liberty. (not/take)
810 I______my heart in vain. (not/spend)
811 I______the courage to tell you. (never/find)
812 They______life enough in them. (not/get)
813 He______me into his private office. (call)
814 I______business to talk to you. (get)
815 ______to merit such anathema? (what/he/do/?)
816 I______my mind to do it. (make up)
817 I______to him in that view. (write)
818 He______the horses in his charge. (have)
819 ______to trust me-your good genius? (you/cease/?)
820 I______all there is to see. (see)
821 We .____________this storm for two days. (have)
822 And I .____________of him since. (not/hear)
823 I am afraid she.____________no advice. (have)
824 I______a chat for days. (not/have)
825 I______the opportunity to see his play. (not/have)
826 ______that you should feel that way? (what/I/do/?)
827 I______one who is a fool. (not/get)
828 That’s why I______to you. (come)
829 I will therefore proceed as I . (begin)
830 I______him since you did. (not/see)
831 We______here a few days. (only/be)
832 You______like a son to me. (be)
833 It______in any considerable measure for food. (never/serve)
834 There they______the night in play. (spend)
835 I______anything about it yet. (not/say)
836 ______the development of the United States? (you/study/?)
837 It______to us in this light. (not/appear)
838 I______an idea, that’s all. (get)
839 I______her of my affection. (not/tell)
840 ______ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love? (we/show/?)
841 .____________me so much that it can never give me any more? (it/give/?)
842 I .____________my promise to my mother. (break)
843 I______that name for ten years. (not/hear)
844 I______the circumstances of the crime. (forget)
845 This world______from a long ways. (come)
846 ______a great man in your state send his slave into another to choose a wife for his son? (you/ever/know/?)
847 I______your love in your face. (read)
848 That’s all we______to do. (get)
849 I______like it all my life. (be)
850 Because he______a study of it. (not/make)
851 ______to see us? (why/you/not/be/?)
852 For my part, I______upon it. (not/yet/think)
853 You______your reason, have you? (not/lose)
854 I______a breath all day. (not/have)
855 But______in crushing us? (what/you/do/?)
856 I don’t know if he . (arrive)
857 ______so much for the negro, and shall American women do nothing? (English women/then/do/?)
858 She______in this country long. (not/be)
859 It______to be a race for a dinner. (come)
860 I suppose they______to the station. (not/go)
861 He won’t know what we .______ . (write)
862 They______in an appearance yet. (not/put)
863 But I______a horse yet. (not/get)
864 I______it from my father. (often/hear)
865 We______to it throughout this book. (keep)
866 ______the source whence I sprang? (I/forget/?)
867 You know something you______me. (not/tell)
868 The fellow______a good hand of it. (make)
869 ______for this sum? (what/the purchaser/obtain/?)
870 This increase______from any additional duties. (not/arise)
871 ______in the spirit land? (how long/you/be/?)
872 I______in love with her. (really/fall)
873 I believe it______of any account. (not/bear)
874 She’s the only hope you . (get)
875 I______him for over a year. (not/see)
876 He______a sick day since. (not/have)
877 And now I______to this place. (come)
878  , to be so pursued! (what/I/do/?)
879 They______anything away from us. (not/take)
880 ______in your own experience? (what/they/mean/?)
881 I______big news from the village. (bring)
882 He______as a father to me. (be)
883 He______his soul to me. (not/open)
884 ______so grand and terrible? (why/you/grow/?)
885 It______so in my time. (always/be)
886 I______so hot in my life. (never/be)
887 However, I______my heart on that. (not/set)
888 I______this production for several years. (not/see)
889 I______the shock it gave me. (not/forget)
890 For that reason I______this book. (write)
891 I______him a good many times. (see)
892 I______of the creature’s skill. (hear)
893 I______it on for a good while. (not/have)
894 I______you time to think. (not/give)
895 ______to deserve such love? (what/I/do/?)
896 I am afraid I______too late. (come)
897 I______to color the picture. (not/seek)
898 I’m certain he______any money. (not/get)
899 I______this man for six years. (know)
900 ______happy for a time? (we/not/be/?)

We have more than 5000 questions in our app. It is 100% free to use app. Click on green button to download the app

801 Have I chosen this place for a flirtation? (I/choose/?)
802  Where have your eyes been that you never saw them before? (where/your eyes/be/?)
803 It is the way I have done it. (do)
804 I hope he hasn’t lost his train. (not/lose)
805 I’m afraid I haven’t seen it. (not/see)
806 She has been like the rest of us. (be)
807 It would almost appear that you have succeeded. (succeed)
808 I haven’t met him since he went away. (not/meet)
809 I trust I haven’t taken a liberty. (not/take)
810 I haven’t spent my heart in vain. (not/spend)
811 I have never found the courage to tell you. (never/find)
812 They haven’t got life enough in them. (not/get)
813 He has called me into his private office. (call)
814 I have got business to talk to you. (get)
815  What has he done to merit such anathema? (what/he/do/?)
816 I have made up my mind to do it. (make up)
817 I have written to him in that view. (write)
818 He has had the horses in his charge. (have)
819  Have you ceased to trust me-your good genius? (you/cease/?)
820 I have seen all there is to see. (see)
821 We have had this storm for two days. (have)
822 And I haven’t heard of him since. (not/hear)
823 I am afraid she has had no advice. (have)
824 I haven’t had a chat for days. (not/have)
825 I haven’t had the opportunity to see his play. (not/have)
826  What have I done that you should feel that way? (what/I/do/?)
827 I haven’t got one who is a fool. (not/get)
828 That’s why I have come to you. (come)
829 I will therefore proceed as I have begun. (begin)
830 I haven’t seen him since you did. (not/see)
831 We have only been here a few days. (only/be)
832 You have been like a son to me. (be)
833 It has never served in any considerable measure for food. (never/serve)
834 There they have spent the night in play. (spend)
835 I haven’t said anything about it yet. (not/say)
836  Have you studied the development of the United States? (you/study/?)
837 It hasn’t appeared to us in this light. (not/appear)
838 I have got an idea, that’s all. (get)
839 I haven’t told her of my affection. (not/tell)
840  Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled, that force must be called in to win back our love? (we/show/?)
841 Has it given me so much that it can never give me any more? (it/give/?)
842 I have broken my promise to my mother. (break)
843 I haven’t heard that name for ten years. (not/hear)
844 I have forgotten the circumstances of the crime. (forget)
845 This world has come from a long ways. (come)
846  Have you ever known a great man in your state send his slave into another to choose a wife for his son? (you/ever/know/?)
847 I have read your love in your face. (read)
848 That’s all we have got to do. (get)
849 I have been like it all my life. (be)
850 Because he hasn’t made a study of it. (not/make)
851 Why haven’t you been to see us? (why/you/not/be/?)
852 For my part, I haven’t yet thought upon it. (not/yet/think)
853 You haven’t lost your reason, have you? (not/lose)
854 I haven’t had a breath all day. (not/have)
855 But what have you done in crushing us? (what/you/do/?)
856 I don’t know if he has arrived. (arrive)
857  Have English women then done so much for the negro, and shall American women do nothing? (English women/then/do/?)
858 She hasn’t been in this country long. (not/be)
859 It has come to be a race for a dinner. (come)
860 I suppose they haven’t gone to the station. (not/go)
861 He won’t know what we have written. (write)
862 They haven’t put in an appearance yet. (not/put)
863 But I haven’t got a horse yet. (not/get)
864 I have often heard it from my father. (often/hear)
865 We have kept to it throughout this book. (keep)
866  Have I forgotten the source whence I sprang? (I/forget/?)
867 You know something you haven’t told me. (not/tell)
868 The fellow has made a good hand of it. (make)
869  What has the purchaser obtained for this sum? (what/the purchaser/obtain/?)
870 This increase hasn’t arisen from any additional duties. (not/arise)
871 How long have you been in the spirit land? (how long/you/be/?)
872 I have really fallen in love with her. (really/fall)
873 I believe it hasn’t born of any account. (not/bear)
874 She’s the only hope you have got. (get)
875 I haven’t seen him for over a year. (not/see)
876 He hasn’t had a sick day since. (not/have)
877 And now I have come to this place. (come)
878  What have I done, to be so pursued! (what/I/do/?)
879 They haven’t taken anything away from us. (not/take)
880  What have they meant in your own experience? (what/they/mean/?)
881 I have brought big news from the village. (bring)
882 He has been as a father to me. (be)
883 He hasn’t opened his soul to me. (not/open)
884  Why have you grown so grand and terrible? (why/you/grow/?)
885 It has always been so in my time. (always/be)
886 I have never been so hot in my life. (never/be)
887 However, I haven’t set my heart on that. (not/set)
888 I haven’t seen this production for several years. (not/see)
889 I haven’t forgotten the shock it gave me. (not/forget)
890 For that reason I have written this book. (write)
891 I have seen him a good many times. (see)
892 I have heard of the creature’s skill. (hear)
893 I haven’t had it on for a good while. (not/have)
894 I haven’t given you time to think. (not/give)
895  What have I done to deserve such love? (what/I/do/?)
896 I am afraid I have come too late. (come)
897 I haven’t sought to color the picture. (not/seek)
898 I’m certain he hasn’t got any money. (not/get)
899 I have known this man for six years. (know)
900  Haven’t we been happy for a time? (we/not/be/?)

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