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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 5

Do You know you can Improve Your Writing very easily. We have more than 5000 Correct the Sentence exercise questions with answers. In each part, we will share 100 questions with answers. If you want all questions at one place you can download our app from Google Play Store. CLICK HERE to download our app.

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401 She ______ the clothing with her. (unconsciously/drag)
402 A spirit of change ____________on our literature. (act)
403 He ____________the background of the affair. (also/investigate)
404 And you ____________to be a big boy. (get)
405 You don’t know what you______about! (talk)
406 They can’t realize that she . (go)
407 The wind______through an opening in the wall. (blow)
408 He______for our daughter’s hand. (ask)
409 I______my heart on it. (quite/set)
410 You know you______to destroy him. (hope)
411 I don’t see where we . (go)
412 I______at the end of next week. (go)
413 He______right here in this hotel. (stop)
414 It’s the danger I______about. (think)
415 I______as a friend, you know. (speak)
416 They______at the sides of the ship. (beat)
417 She______a letter with evident interest. (read)
418 I______to feel like a man now. (begin)
419 He______in front of the fireplace. (stand)
420 She______about the country with him. (run)
421 She doesn’t know what I ______ ! (feel)
422 Do you think I ____________back without you? (go)
423 It is a serious charge you ______ . (bring)
424 They______to nature and to truth. (accord)
425 You______to cover up the truth. (fight)
426 Don’t you see you______him? (kill)
427 She______the blood from my heart. (suck)
428 I______in a room in a dirty hotel. (sit)
429 I______to you in all frankness. (talk)
430 You don’t know whom you______to! (speak)
431 He______to take the world easily. (begin)
432 I______an open hand with you. (play)
433 And now I______for the news. (wait)
434 It______a mean advantage of a fellow. (take)
435 And they______through the hollow world. (rise)
436 But I______before my story. (again/get)
437 He______me here against my will. (hold)
438 I know you are; but you______away from me. (always/think)
439 They______for the rest of the crowd. (only/wait)
440 I______in this hotel for a particular purpose. (stay)
441 Do you think they ____________back to it? (go)
442 They ____________again down in the town. (cheer)
443 I______a part of my education. (forget)
444 She______on a pavement of lies. (walk)
445 I______for nothing but the truth. (ask)
446 It______the earth at the rate of six miles per second. (approach)
447 A new era______upon the world. (dawn)
448 You would never guess what I______from. (travel)
449 He can tell you if I . (lie)
450 It’s the distance I______about. (talk)
451 He______very much from his head. (suffer)
452 Do you know of whom I ? (think)
453 I’m glad you______to see it. (begin)
454 And she______on her trade here. (carry)
455 We______the possibility of a short trip. (discuss)
456 She______her hand to her breast. (hold)
457 I______no false picture of the reality. (give)
458 They don’t know what they______about! (talk)
459 He______on the steps of the omnibus. (stand)
460 But I see what you______at. (drive)
461 I ____________now of my real mother. (speak)
462 I don’t know how you . (feel)
463 She does not realise where we . (drift)
464 We______with him to a new land. (go)
465 It______to walk about over the cloth. (begin)
466 The tragedy______under our eyes. (always/go on)
467 I______back for it in the morning. (go)
468 Yes, I know what I______about. (talk)
469 I______my leave of the world. (take)
470 He______your treasures in this world. (look after)
471 We______together to see the country. (travel)
472 I______to be worthy of her. (seek)
473 She______such a book to them. (read)
474 It’s her happiness I______of. (think)
475 You______yourself to move a mountain. (set)
476 He______it in the basket by the fire. (pile)
477 The process______at a rapid rate. (proceed)
478 I mean she______to our standards. (accord)
479 I______you in your own interest. (ask)
480 They______them round to the door. (bring)
481 He______to hear himself talk. (merely/talk)
482 The sun______in the sky. (now/mount)
483 You______yourself at this instant. (certainly/deceive)
484 I know the stake you______for. (play)
485 The morn______fiery from the sea. (rise)
486 Do you know who you______to? (talk)
487 I understand so exactly what you . (feel)
488 He has got it now-now he______it. (read)
489 You______me to make a sacrifice. (ask)
490 He______along by a great rock. (swim)
491 The other boy______on a buffalo. (ride)
492 I______the rent for your honour. (earn)
493 He______a long voyage for his health. (take)
494 It’s my troop I______of. (think)
495 This is why I______to you. (write)
496 I______the same train as you. (go in)
497 I______to get some things for breakfast. (go out)
498 I______to dislike that man so. (get)
499 The letter______there in the box. (lie)
500 But he______to see through her. (begin)

We have more than 5000 questions in our app. It is 100% free to use app. Click on green button to download the app

401 She is unconsciously dragging the clothing with her. (unconsciously/drag)
402 A spirit of change is acting on our literature. (act)
403 He is also investigating the background of the affair. (also/investigate)
404 And you are getting to be a big boy. (get)
405 You don’t know what you are talking about! (talk)
406 They can’t realize that she is going. (go)
407 The wind is blowing through an opening in the wall. (blow)
408 He is asking for our daughter’s hand. (ask)
409 I am quite setting my heart on it. (quite/set)
410 You know you are hoping to destroy him. (hope)
411 I don’t see where we are going. (go)
412 I am going at the end of next week. (go)
413 He is stopping right here in this hotel. (stop)
414 It’s the danger I am thinking about. (think)
415 I am speaking as a friend, you know. (speak)
416 They are beating at the sides of the ship. (beat)
417 She is reading a letter with evident interest. (read)
418 I am beginning to feel like a man now. (begin)
419 He is standing in front of the fireplace. (stand)
420 She is running about the country with him. (run)
421 She doesn’t know what I am feeling! (feel)
422 Do you think I am going back without you? (go)
423 It is a serious charge you are bringing. (bring)
424 They are according to nature and to truth. (accord)
425 You are fighting to cover up the truth. (fight)
426 Don’t you see you are killing him? (kill)
427 She is sucking the blood from my heart. (suck)
428 I am sitting in a room in a dirty hotel. (sit)
429 I am talking to you in all frankness. (talk)
430 You don’t know whom you are speaking to! (speak)
431 He is beginning to take the world easily. (begin)
432 I am playing an open hand with you. (play)
433 And now I am waiting for the news. (wait)
434 It is taking a mean advantage of a fellow. (take)
435 And they are rising through the hollow world. (rise)
436 But I am again getting before my story. (again/get)
437 He is holding me here against my will. (hold)
438 I know you are; but you are always thinking away from me. (always/think)
439 They are only waiting for the rest of the crowd. (only/wait)
440 I am staying in this hotel for a particular purpose. (stay)
441 Do you think they are going back to it? (go)
442 They are cheering again down in the town. (cheer)
443 I am forgetting a part of my education. (forget)
444 She is walking on a pavement of lies. (walk)
445 I am asking for nothing but the truth. (ask)
446 It is approaching the earth at the rate of six miles per second. (approach)
447 A new era is dawning upon the world. (dawn)
448 You would never guess what I am travelling from. (travel)
449 He can tell you if I am lying. (lie)
450 It’s the distance I am talking about. (talk)
451 He is suffering very much from his head. (suffer)
452 Do you know of whom I am thinking? (think)
453 I’m glad you are beginning to see it. (begin)
454 And she is carrying on her trade here. (carry)
455 We are discussing the possibility of a short trip. (discuss)
456 She is holding her hand to her breast. (hold)
457 I am giving no false picture of the reality. (give)
458 They don’t know what they are talking about! (talk)
459 He is standing on the steps of the omnibus. (stand)
460 But I see what you are driving at. (drive)
461 I am speaking now of my real mother. (speak)
462 I don’t know how you are feeling. (feel)
463 She does not realise where we are drifting. (drift)
464 We are going with him to a new land. (go)
465 It is beginning to walk about over the cloth. (begin)
466 The tragedy is always going on under our eyes. (always/go on)
467 I am going back for it in the morning. (go)
468 Yes, I know what I am talking about. (talk)
469 I am taking my leave of the world. (take)
470 He is looking after your treasures in this world. (look after)
471 We are travelling together to see the country. (travel)
472 I am seeking to be worthy of her. (seek)
473 She is reading such a book to them. (read)
474 It’s her happiness I am thinking of. (think)
475 You are setting yourself to move a mountain. (set)
476 He is piling it in the basket by the fire. (pile)
477 The process is proceeding at a rapid rate. (proceed)
478 I mean she is according to our standards. (accord)
479 I am asking you in your own interest. (ask)
480 They are bringing them round to the door. (bring)
481 He is merely talking to hear himself talk. (merely/talk)
482 The sun is now mounting in the sky. (now/mount)
483 You are certainly deceiving yourself at this instant. (certainly/deceive)
484 I know the stake you are playing for. (play)
485 The morn is rising fiery from the sea. (rise)
486 Do you know who you are talking to? (talk)
487 I understand so exactly what you are feeling. (feel)
488 He has got it now-now he is reading it. (read)
489 You are asking me to make a sacrifice. (ask)
490 He is swimming along by a great rock. (swim)
491 The other boy is riding on a buffalo. (ride)
492 I am earning the rent for your honour. (earn)
493 He is taking a long voyage for his health. (take)
494 It’s my troop I am thinking of. (think)
495 This is why I am writing to you. (write)
496 I am going in the same train as you. (go in)
497 I am going out to get some things for breakfast. (go out)
498 I am getting to dislike that man so. (get)
499 The letter is lying there in the box. (lie)
500 But he is beginning to see through her. (begin)

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