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The Most Useful Daily Use Hindi Words With English Meaning 5

  1. Daily use Hindi words with English meaning: The term “Namaste” is commonly used as a greeting, meaning “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Daily word meaning English to Hindi: When translating from English to Hindi, the word “meaning” is equivalent to “arth” in Hindi.
  3. Basic English words Hindi meaning: “Water” in English translates to “paani” in Hindi, a fundamental word used in daily conversations.
  4. Basic English words with Hindi meaning: The English word “sun” is synonymous with “surya” in Hindi, representing the shining celestial body.
  5. Daily English words with Hindi meaning list: A comprehensive list might include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among daily-use English words with Hindi meanings.
  6. Daily use English to Hindi words: “Please” in English corresponds to “kripya” in Hindi, a polite term frequently used in requests or expressions of courtesy.
  7. Daily used English words with meaning in Hindi: The word “thank you” in English translates to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi, expressing gratitude and appreciation.
  8. 100 daily use English words with Hindi meaning: Among the commonly used English words, “house” is translated to “ghar” in Hindi.
  9. Basic English words Hindi meaning: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a fundamental term used daily.
4001 cubby छेद – Cubby-hole a small, enclosed compartment used to store things – चीज़ों को रखने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक छोटा, बंद डिब्बा The student put her jacket and lunchbox into a small cubby-hole inside her classroom.
4002 निरर्थक दिखावटी वस्तुऐ – Trumpery something that is showy (looks good) but is really worthless – कुछ ऐसा जो दिखावटी है (अच्छा दिखता है) लेकिन वास्तव में बेकार है The coins were trumpery, looking as if they were gold but were actually worthless.
4003 केंद्रीय – Pivotal of crucial significance – निर्णायक महत्व का The fighter planes gave pivotal assistance to the ground forces that were surrounded by the enemy.
4004 हानिकारक – Disruptive causing trouble or chaos – परेशानी या अराजकता पैदा करना The disruptive teenagers ruined everyone’s movie visit by laughing too loud and throwing popcorn.
4005 पुनः सबमिट करें – Resubmit to present or offer something again – किसी चीज़ को दोबारा पेश करना या पेश करना We had to resubmit the plans to the city council after I caught an error in the original plans.
4006 उपस्री – Concubine a woman who lives with a man as a mistress but has a lower status than his wife/wives – एक महिला जो एक पुरुष के साथ एक रखैल के रूप में रहती है लेकिन उसकी पत्नी/पत्नियों से कम दर्जा रखती है Though he loved his concubine the most, the king decided long ago just to have one wife.
4007 झनकार – Strum to pluck or play the strings of a musical instrument – किसी वाद्ययंत्र के तार छेड़ना या बजाना We could hear the musicians strum their guitars along the main street in Downtown Nashville.
4008 बरछा – Lance a long, thin pole with a sharp point carried by horsemen – घुड़सवारों द्वारा ले जाया जाने वाला एक नुकीला नुकीला लंबा, पतला खंभा Every tribesman carries around a lance whose tip is so sharp that it pierces the flesh at the slightest touch.
4009 धुँधला – Wispy describes objects that are thin and fine – उन वस्तुओं का वर्णन करता है जो पतली और महीन हैं The soft-spoken woman’s wispy voice could barely be heard in the crowd.
4010 रिसना – Seep to slowly flow through a small opening – एक छोटे से छिद्र से धीरे-धीरे प्रवाहित होना After hitting the bump in the road, oil began to seep out of my car’s radiator.
4011 पूंजीवाद – Capitalism a monetary arrangement in which goods and services are owned by groups or individuals not associated with the government – एक मौद्रिक व्यवस्था जिसमें वस्तुओं और सेवाओं का स्वामित्व उन समूहों या व्यक्तियों के पास होता है जो सरकार से जुड़े नहीं होते हैं Under the system of capitalism, goods and services are created and distributed by private enterprises.
4012 जाली – Lattice crisscross or diamond pattern with spaces in-between – बीच में रिक्त स्थान के साथ क्रिसक्रॉस या हीरे का पैटर्न I pierced through the wooden lattice, splitting the diamond pattern in two.
4013 यह समझाते हुए कि – Convincing the process of persuading someone to believe or do something – किसी को विश्वास करने या कुछ करने के लिए मनाने की प्रक्रिया I tried to give a convincing argument, but I could tell that no one was convinced.
4014 वास्तविकता पर नहीं आशाओं के आधार पर कामना करना – Wishful Thinking a hope or dream that is unlikely to come true – एक आशा या सपना जिसके सच होने की संभावना नहीं है Hoping that I’m going to win the lottery on my birthday is just wishful thinking.
4015 कट्टर – Inveterate have a particular interest or habit that is unlikely to change – कोई विशेष रुचि या आदत है जिसके बदलने की संभावना नहीं है Ginger is an inveterate reader who always has a book in her hands.
4016 खट्टा – Acerb sour, bitter, and sharp in taste – स्वाद में खट्टा, कड़वा और तीखा The bitter lemon’s acerb taste caused the toddler to frown.
4017 झालर – Skirting skirting is going around something instead of straight through it – स्कर्टिंग का अर्थ किसी चीज़ के सीधे आर-पार जाने के बजाय उसके चारों ओर घूमना है The daughter tried skirting around the truth about how she wrecked her car.
4018 निकालना – Withdraw to remove or take away something from a specific place – किसी विशिष्ट स्थान से कोई चीज़ हटाना या ले जाना Because he no longer wants the job, the applicant decided to withdraw his application from the running.
4019 विलंब – Latency the period of time that one component in a system is waiting for another component – समय की वह अवधि जब एक सिस्टम में एक घटक दूसरे घटक की प्रतीक्षा कर रहा होता है A system update allowed the system to run faster and reduced any latency or wait time.
4020 राजनीति में क्षेत्रीय हितों के लिए सार्वजनिक धन का व्यय – Pork barrel the use of government funds to appease voters and win votes – मतदाताओं को खुश करने और वोट जीतने के लिए सरकारी धन का उपयोग Pork and barrel politics make it seem impossible to win an election without buying votes.
4021 पड़ना – Crumple crush something in a way that it becomes wrinkled with many folds – किसी चीज़ को इस तरह कुचलना कि वह कई सिलवटों वाली झुर्रियों वाली हो जाए The girl used her foot to crumple each can she collected.
4022 गुंबद – Dome a rounded top on a building or object – किसी भवन या वस्तु का गोलाकार शीर्ष Shaking the glass dome, the boy seemed spellbound by the falling snow inside the globe.
4023 श्रेणी – Grade a level of quality, size and importance – गुणवत्ता, आकार और महत्व का एक स्तर I will only purchase the best grade eggs even though the cost is higher.
4024 वास्तविकता की जांच – Reality check an event or action where someone remembers this is real life – एक घटना या क्रिया जहां कोई इसे याद रखता है वह वास्तविक जीवन है When I believed that I was going to win the lottery, I received a reality check from my sister explaining that I was really throwing my money away.
4025 दंडात्मक – Punitive done as an act of punishment – दण्ड के रूप में किया गया The purpose of the punitive lawsuit’s community service ruling is to forever remind the drunk driver of the cost of his actions.
4026 कामुक – Carnal associated with passions of the flesh or body – मांस या शरीर के जुनून से जुड़ा हुआ Minors are not invited to the art exhibit because the paintings display carnal nudity.
4027 भीड़ – Throng a large cluster of individuals – व्यक्तियों का एक बड़ा समूह When the game ended, a throng of fans carried some of the winning players off the field.
4028 सुविधाजनक – Handy useful; practical – उपयोगी; व्यावहारिक The woman’s husband was not a good cook, but was handy around the house when things needed to be fixed.
4029 शंकायुक्त – Apocryphal well-known but probably not true – सर्वविदित है लेकिन शायद सच नहीं है Although everyone has heard the apocryphal story of the tooth fairy, there is no way such a magical creature exists.
4030 ठीक गोली चलाना – Snipe to shoot at someone from a hiding place – छुपे हुए स्थान से किसी पर गोली चलाना The soldier used his long-range rifle to snipe his targets off of the building.
4031 सजाना – Adorn make more attractive or beautiful – अधिक आकर्षक या सुन्दर बनाना George likes to adorn his office with expensive paintings so that everyone knows how wealthy he is.
4032 आधा – Half one of two equal parts that together constitutes a whole – दो समान भागों में से एक जो मिलकर एक संपूर्ण बनाता है During the lecture, half the students took notes.
4033 सच्चा – Unfeigned real; not pretense – असली; दिखावा नहीं Because the woman truly loved her husband, her sorrow was unfeigned during the funeral.
4034 कुत्सित – Mawkish being overly sentimental to the point it comes across as fake or silly – इस हद तक अत्यधिक भावुक होने के कारण यह नकली या मूर्खतापूर्ण प्रतीत होता है The star’s mawkish poem at her mentor’s funeral was so insincere that most of the guests rolled their eyes.
4035 संक्षिप्त – Succinct expressed in a clear but brief manner – स्पष्ट लेकिन संक्षिप्त तरीके से व्यक्त किया गया Everyone was happy when the politician made a succinct speech that did not take all evening.
4036 कुत्ते का पिल्ला – Puppy a dog that is 12 months or younger – एक कुत्ता जो 12 महीने या उससे कम उम्र का है The cute little puppy barked often and played with other puppies in the backyard.
4037 शांत लेना – Unnerve to make someone lose confidence; to discourage – किसी का आत्मविश्वास खोना; हतोत्साहित करने के लिए In an effort to unnerve his foe, the politician brought up some of the less honorable things he had done in the past during their debate.
4038 बहुत बढ़िया – Awesome extremely good or excellent – अत्यंत अच्छा या उत्तम Going to Mexico was an awesome experience for the tourists since they had lots of fun on the trip.
4039 बढ़ती – Surging swelling or an increase in the rushing of waves or water – सूजन या लहरों या पानी के वेग में वृद्धि Hurricane Florence caused the surging ocean to pound its big waves close to the oceanfront hotels.
4040 अंतर – Differentiate to identify as dissimilar – भिन्न के रूप में पहचान करना The cashier told me a sticker would differentiate the regular cheeseburger from the cheeseburger without pickles.
4041 कन्फ्यूशीवाद – Confucianism an ancient philosophy of respect and kindness based on the teachings of Confucius – कन्फ्यूशियस की शिक्षाओं पर आधारित सम्मान और दयालुता का एक प्राचीन दर्शन Confucianism promotes the idea that people should be both virtuous and honest.
4042 बरपा – Wreak cause a lot of damage or harm – बहुत अधिक क्षति या नुकसान पहुँचाना If the internet goes down, it will wreak havoc with our ability to communicate and continue doing any kind of business.
4043 भावपूर्ण – Impassioned overflowing with strong emotion – प्रबल भावना से ओत-प्रोत The widow’s impassioned speech brought the members of congress to their feet.
4044 वकालत की – Advocated encouraged; supported – प्रोत्साहित; का समर्थन किया The teacher advocated for students with special needs and urged lawmakers to put rules in place to protect their rights.
4045 मचलना – Sulk to pout or be in a bad mood – मुँह फुलाना या बुरे मूड में होना You just dropped your cupcake, but there’s no need to pout and sulk because we have more.
4046 संविधान – Constitution the supreme law of the United States. It sets out the framework of the government and outlines the rights and responsibilities of citizens. It also defines the powers of each branch of government, including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches – संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका का सर्वोच्च कानून. यह सरकार की रूपरेखा तय करता है और नागरिकों के अधिकारों और जिम्मेदारियों की रूपरेखा तैयार करता है। यह कार्यकारी, विधायी और न्यायिक शाखाओं सहित सरकार की प्रत्येक शाखा की शक्तियों को भी परिभाषित करता है The constitution gives each branch of government specific powers and responsibilities, in order to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.
4047 नफ़रत करना – Contemn to treat someone or something with disrespect or hatred – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के साथ अनादर या घृणा का व्यवहार करना Using an alias, the online bully likes to contemn and vilify those he doesn’t like with internet insults.
4048 भड़कीला – Gaudy so showy that it is unattractive – इतना दिखावटी कि यह अनाकर्षक है When Crystal returned from the nail salon, she showed me her gaudy nails that were painted bright orange.
4049 अग्रिम – Upfront direct and honest – प्रत्यक्ष और ईमानदार It’s best to be upfront and honest with people about your true intentions.
4050 प्रतिशोध – Retaliation the action of harming someone in response to something equally hurtful – किसी समान रूप से दुखदायी बात के जवाब में किसी को नुकसान पहुंचाने की क्रिया In the act of retaliation for turning on the mob, several gangsters killed the rat’s entire family.
4051 कमजोर – Infirm feeble and weak in health, usually because of illness or old age – आमतौर पर बीमारी या बुढ़ापे के कारण स्वास्थ्य में कमज़ोरी और कमज़ोरी The infirm patients were sent to live out the rest of their days in the nursing home.
4052 मार्की – Marquee a structure placed over the entrance to a hotel or theatre, stating either the name of the establishment or the play or movie and the artists appearing at that venue – किसी होटल या थिएटर के प्रवेश द्वार पर रखी गई एक संरचना, जिसमें प्रतिष्ठान या नाटक या फिल्म और उस स्थान पर प्रदर्शित होने वाले कलाकारों का नाम बताया जाता है। The old theater in town had a marquee sign that still read, “Now Showing: The Wizard of Oz”.
4053 निरर्थक – Preposterous contrary to nature, reason, or common sense – प्रकृति, कारण या सामान्य ज्ञान के विपरीत His idea of selling dead bugs for big money is totally preposterous!
4054 देदीप्यमान – Resplendent shiny and colourful, and thus pleasing to the eye – चमकदार और रंगीन, और इस प्रकार आंख को भाता है After the medal ceremony, Marshall’s comrades gathered around to congratulate him, looking resplendent in their dress blues.
4055 स्वभाव – Flair the natural capability to do something very well – कुछ बहुत अच्छा करने की प्राकृतिक क्षमता Anna demonstrated her flair for drama by passing out when her daughter announced she was not going to college.
4056 गोपनीयता – Privacy one’s right to control access to his or her personal information – किसी को अपनी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी तक पहुंच को नियंत्रित करने का अधिकार Valuing his privacy, Quan didn’t share anything about his personal life while at work.
4057 आपसी – Mutual shared; common – साझा; सामान्य The husband and wife came to a mutual agreement that she would drive the new car and he would drive the older one.
4058 स्पर्शोन्मुख – Asymptomatic displaying no signs or symptoms of illness – बीमारी का कोई लक्षण या लक्षण प्रदर्शित नहीं होना Although the doctor says I have a heart condition, I’m currently asymptomatic and feel fine.
4059 ज्येष्ठाधिकार – Primogeniture the state of being the firstborn child; an exclusive right of inheritance belonging to the eldest son – पहली संतान होने की अवस्था या भाव; सबसे बड़े बेटे से संबंधित विरासत का विशेष अधिकार Although they were twins, the system of primogeniture awarded the estate to the boy who was born first.
4060 चेतावनी देनेवाला – Cautionary something that serves as a warning to others – कुछ ऐसा जो दूसरों के लिए चेतावनी का काम करता है My brother’s foolishness while driving his go cart served as a cautionary tale to anyone that didn’t want to end up in a similar wreck.
4061 समृद्धिपूर्वक – Prosperously wealthily – धन से Living prosperously, the Jeffersons could now afford to move up to a deluxe apartment in the sky.
4062 बिलिंग – Billing the process of creating and sending out invoices to people who owe money – जिन लोगों पर पैसा बकाया है, उनके लिए चालान बनाने और भेजने की प्रक्रिया The office manager has purchased new billing software that will allow her to send out charge invoices to customers through email.
4063 कूड़ा-कर्कट – Pelf money – धन The penny-pincher refused to part with any of his pelf, choosing to only spend on things that were absolutely necessary.
4064 पारगमन – Transit the carrying of people, goods, or materials from one place to another – लोगों, वस्तुओं या सामग्री को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक ले जाना The transit agency works to find cheap transportation for people to take to work.
4065 में तेजी लाने – Accelerate to increase the motion or growth – गति या वृद्धि को बढ़ाने के लिए It was fun to watch the racecar accelerate from zero to one hundred and fifty miles per hour.
4066 दाँतेदार – Serrated having a row of sharp or tooth-like projections – नुकीले या दांत जैसे उभारों की एक पंक्ति होना A serrated knife allowed the chef to saw the bread into slices.
4067 तीखा – Scathing extremely severe or harsh – अत्यंत कठोर या कठोर The scathing remarks brought tears to my eyes.
4068 कृपया – Please to make someone happy – किसी को खुश करने के लिए It is impossible to please everyone, so I just focus on keeping myself happy.
4069 उत्साह – Excitedly to be thrilled or interested – रोमांचित या रुचि होना The 16-year old boy said excitedly, “I can’t believe you got me a brand new car for my birthday!”
4070 लापरवाही से काम करनेवाला – Sloven a person who is messy and careless – एक व्यक्ति जो गन्दा और लापरवाह है Living in a messy house with such a sloven roommate was difficult from Dave who was a neat freak who liked things just so.
4071 तड़प – Yearning desiring; longing for something – चाहना; किसी चीज़ की लालसा The dieter is yearning for a big bowl of ice cream, but she refuses to give in to her cravings.
4072 पायसन – Emulsion a mixture that results when one liquid is added to another and is mixed with it but does not dissolve into it – एक मिश्रण जो तब बनता है जब एक तरल को दूसरे में मिलाया जाता है और उसमें मिलाया जाता है लेकिन उसमें घुलता नहीं है Because oil and water make an emulsion, the two don’t mix and will stay separated when placed in the same container.
4073 संरक्षकता – Conservatorship the system were someone is legally appointed to haveownership of a legal ward’s property – प्रणाली यह थी कि किसी को कानूनी वार्ड की संपत्ति का स्वामित्व रखने के लिए कानूनी रूप से नियुक्त किया जाता है While John was in a coma, the court appointed conservatorship of all his property to his brother Bill.
4074 ऊपर मजबूत – Uptight overly tense and anxious – अत्यधिक तनावग्रस्त और चिंतित Because she is so uptight, Liz spends most of her days worrying about things that can’t be fixed.
4075 त – Awesomeness greatness or excellence – महानता या उत्कृष्टता The awesomeness of the fireworks show was so grand that it blew everyone’s socks clean off.
4076 नैनो – Nano a prefix added to a word to denote that is very small – किसी शब्द में यह बताने के लिए जोड़ा गया उपसर्ग कि वह बहुत छोटा है Because I ordered a nano version of the iPod, it was much smaller than the original product.
4077 बोझिल – Cumbersome difficult to manage – प्रबंधन करना कठिन Because the cumbersome package weighed over three hundred pounds, it took two men to move it.
4078 द्वार – Gateway an entrance or network that connects one thing to another – एक प्रवेश द्वार या नेटवर्क जो एक चीज़ को दूसरी चीज़ से जोड़ता है Research says that marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to the abuse of harder substances.
4079 चूहे की तरह डरपोक – As Timid as a Mouse describes someone that is easily frightened or skittish as a mouse – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करता है जो आसानी से डर जाता है या चूहे की तरह भागता है Charlotte has always been someone that was as timid as a mouse, frightened by loud noises, large people, and just about anything in general.
4080 सस आउट – Suss out to come to understand – समझने के लिए आना The private investigator was determined to suss out every piece of evidence and eyewitness statement in an effort to solve the crime.
4081 बाहर निकाल देना – Relegate to lower in position or reduce in rank – पद कम करना या पद कम करना After the lead actors had been repeatedly late for rehearsal, the director decided to relegate them to the chorus and replace them with their understudies.
4082 पाइपलाइन – Plumbing the water pipes and similar systems used for conveying water, liquid wastes, etc – पानी, तरल अपशिष्ट आदि पहुंचाने के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले पानी के पाइप और समान प्रणालियाँ The homeowners are frustrated by their house’s plumbing problems since the toilets stop up regularly.
4083 नक़रत – Detestation intense dislike – तीव्र नापसंदगी The actor’s simmering detestation for the movie’s producer made working together difficult.
4084 गड़बड़ करना – Discomfit to make a person feel uncomfortable – किसी व्यक्ति को असहज महसूस कराना The manager’s mean look served to discomfit me during the interview.
4085 हास्यानुकृति – Parody a humorous impression of a creative work – किसी रचनात्मक कार्य की एक विनोदी छाप When I heard the parody of the love song, I could not stop laughing.
4086 बढ़ोतरी – Increase made greater in size or amount – आकार या मात्रा में बड़ा बनाया हुआ An increase in the amount of the loan made it possible for the car shoppers to purchase the vehicle they really wanted.
4087 करतब – Stunt a brave or clever act or deed – एक साहसी या चतुर कार्य या कार्य After the acrobat completed her stunt at the Barnum and Bailey Circus, everyone in the crowd applauded loudly.
4088 निपुण – Skillful being good at doing a certain task – किसी निश्चित कार्य को करने में अच्छा होना A skillful painter, the artist was able to capture any image on canvas.
4089 आगे – Onward progressing ahead – आगे बढ़ रहा है “Onward, men we go!” shouted the army sergeant to his troops noticing the enemy in the near distance.
4090 प्रोत्साहन – Persuasion the act of attempting to influence someone – किसी को प्रभावित करने का प्रयास करने की क्रिया Roland’s attempts at persuasion failed miserably, judging by the fact that he was still arrested after his excuse to the guards.
4091 असाध्य – Insubstantial not enough; not strong enough – पर्याप्त नहीं; बहुत ज्यादा मजबूत नहीं है Because the evidence was insubstantial, there wasn’t strong enough proof to charge the man with murder.
4092 पैदल चलना – Trudge move forward slowly because of exhaustion – थकावट के कारण धीरे-धीरे आगे बढ़ें Despite three days without food or rest, the weary soldiers continue to trudge over the battlefield.
4093 प्रारंभिक – Preparatory designed to prepare for another task – किसी अन्य कार्य की तैयारी के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया The preparatory school was created with the goal of getting students ready for college.
4094 होरा – Hora a Romanian or Israeli dance in which the performers form a ring – एक रोमानियाई या इज़राइली नृत्य जिसमें कलाकार एक अंगूठी बनाते हैं At the Romanian wedding, the guests performed the great hora, dancing in a circle in celebration of the couple’s nuptials.
4095 चरित्र की दुर्बलता – Foible a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior – चरित्र या व्यवहार में कोई छोटा सा दोष या कमी Smoking is the foible that prevents Jenna from being healthy.
4096 सदाबहार – Evergreen describes a plant that stays green throughout the entire year – एक ऐसे पौधे का वर्णन करता है जो पूरे वर्ष हरा रहता है Even during the winter, and evergreen tree still keeps its green leaves or pines, never losing them to the cold.
4097 चतुराई से – Deftly in a skillful way that is both quick and clever – एक कुशल तरीके से जो त्वरित और चतुर दोनों है Using her creative writing skills and keen imagination, the author deftly created a children’s story that was both interesting and thought-provoking.
4098 कर्कश – Hoarse afflicted by a dry, quite harsh voice – एक सूखी, काफी कठोर आवाज से पीड़ित Jessica was unable to sing with the choir because her voice sounded hoarse.
4099 बख़्तरबंद – Ironclad coated or wrapped in iron usually for protection – आमतौर पर सुरक्षा के लिए लोहे से लेपित या लपेटा जाता है During the American Civil War, two ironclad ships fought each other without causing much damage due to the strong metal shield of the ships’ outer material.
4100 संकाय – Faculty the teachers who work at a school or university – वे शिक्षक जो किसी स्कूल या विश्वविद्यालय में काम करते हैं Faculty pictures were included with the students in the school yearbook.
4101 पढ़ाया – Taught instructed or trained someone on a subject or how to do something – किसी को किसी विषय पर या कुछ कैसे करना है, इस बारे में निर्देश या प्रशिक्षण देना My mother taught me how to cook and clean the kitchen at an early age.
4102 सलाम – Salute to show distinction to someone by raising the right hand using a certain gesture – एक निश्चित इशारे का उपयोग करके दाहिना हाथ उठाकर किसी को विशिष्टता दिखाना During the military funeral, everyone notices the officer’s salute to the coffin as it passed by.
4103 स्थूल – Portly somewhat overweight – कुछ हद तक अधिक वजन वाला Because the portly woman was unhappy with her weight, she joined a weight loss program.
4104 तीखा – Tart acid or sharp in taste – स्वाद में अम्लीय या तीखा The sour candy I eat is very tart and I love it, but my mom that hates sour food does not.
4105 विलिपेंड – Vilipend to belittle someone or something through bad-mouthing or degrading statements – अपशब्दों या अपमानजनक बयानों के माध्यम से किसी को या किसी चीज को छोटा करना The bitter husband loves to vilipend his wife in public, bad-mouthing her any chance he gets.
4106 चर्चा की – Discussed talked about a specific topic during conversation – बातचीत के दौरान एक खास विषय पर बात की The coach discussed new plays with his team right before going over old ways to score.
4107 क्षेत्र – Sector a specific part of the country, economy, or a company – देश, अर्थव्यवस्था या कंपनी का एक विशिष्ट हिस्सा Our nonprofit sector is in need of a donation drive to boost funds.
4108 उत्तर – Answer to give a response – प्रतिक्रिया देने के लिए The student raised his hand to answer the question, but the teacher called on someone else.
4109 ताबीज़ – Amulet a necklace with an ornament to ward off harm – नुकसान से बचने के लिए एक आभूषण के साथ एक हार Dressed in the traditional religious garb, the young woman threw the amulet around her neck in order to be cautious of the hexes.
4110 चाल – Ploy a gimmick or strategy – एक चाल या रणनीति The store used a bait and switch ploy to get customers to buy a more expensive item.
4111 पूर्व दर्शन – Preview a special show or performance that allows certain people to see a movie, play, product, etc., before the public – एक विशेष शो या प्रदर्शन जो कुछ लोगों को जनता के सामने कोई फिल्म, नाटक, उत्पाद आदि देखने की अनुमति देता है The movie preview showed the upcoming movie to a packed audience at the theater.
4112 निवेदन करना – Beg to ask a person for something, typically food or money – किसी व्यक्ति से कुछ माँगना, आम तौर पर खाना या पैसा The puppy continued to beg for food by whimpering and panting at his master’s feet.
4113 उपेक्षा करना – Disparage to express a negative opinion; belittle – नकारात्मक राय व्यक्त करना; कम हो जाना It is never right to disparage people based on ethnicity.
4114 सामान्य स्थिति – Normalcy state of being normal – सामान्य होने की अवस्था Everything went back to normalcy once the holidays were over.
4115 ग्रिडलॉक – Gridlock a situation in which nothing is progressing or moving forward – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें कुछ भी प्रगति या आगे नहीं बढ़ रहा है Thanks to an accident occurring at a major junction, three sections of the city have been put into gridlock, with no one being able to move an inch.
4116 ताज – Crown a wreath or band for the head, especially one given as reward of victory or mark of honor – सिर पर पहना जाने वाला पुष्पमाला या बैंड, विशेष रूप से वह जो जीत के इनाम या सम्मान चिह्न के रूप में दिया जाता है The previous winner of Miss America will hand off her crown to the next winner.
4117 अनुरूप – Analogous similar – समान Because my teacher is analogous to my mother, I have accidentally called her, “mom.”
4118 इसके विपरीत – Contrary something that is opposite from what is believed to be true – कुछ ऐसा जो सत्य माने जाने वाले से विपरीत है Contrary to what my wife has told the judge, I have never been unfaithful to her.
4119 वेतन श्रेणी – Paygrade a step on a multi-level wage or salary range – बहु-स्तरीय वेतन या वेतन सीमा पर एक कदम When the potential entry-level candidate researched the job’s paygrade, he realized that he could not work for that little amount of money for entry-level workers.
4120 निर्मल – Immaculate without any blemish or imperfection – बिना किसी दोष या अपूर्णता के Since I am having guests over for dinner, my house must be cleaned until it is immaculate.
4121 स्पष्टता – Lucidity the capability to view things in a logical way – चीज़ों को तार्किक ढंग से देखने की क्षमता The colonel’s lucidity allowed him to quickly plan a strategy of attack.
4122 उपशीर्षक – Subtitle the second part of the heading or label given to a performance or written document – किसी प्रदर्शन या लिखित दस्तावेज़ को दिए गए शीर्षक या लेबल का दूसरा भाग With the subtitle written on the cover, people could figure out exactly what the book was about.
4123 समावेश – Inculpation an accusation or charges brought up against someone – किसी के विरुद्ध लगाया गया आरोप या आरोप Because of his tendency towards inculpation, the sue-happy man is best known for bringing false charges to court.
4124 मिलाना – Amalgamate to join or combine – जुड़ना या मिलाना Because of budget cuts, the two schools were forced to amalgamate into one building.
4125 अमन – Détente a relaxing of tension, especially between countries – विशेषकर देशों के बीच तनाव में कमी The prolonged détente between the warring neighbors allowed us to cross the border without fear of being arrested.
4126 तेज़ – Precipitous done rapidly without thinking – बिना सोचे-समझे तेजी से किया Because Richard never thinks about the consequences of his precipitous actions, he often ends up in jail.
4127 मार्गदर्शन – Guidance help and advice on how to deal with a problem or difficulty – किसी समस्या या कठिनाई से निपटने के तरीके पर सहायता और सलाह When I cannot make a decision, I usually ask my parents for guidance.
4128 अप्रत्याशित विजेता – Dark horse a little known competitor that unexpectedly wins – एक अल्पज्ञात प्रतियोगी जो अप्रत्याशित रूप से जीतता है Like a dark horse, the knight came out of nowhere and won the joust.
4129 लत – Addiction a condition in which one is chemically or psychologically dependent on something despite negative consequences – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति नकारात्मक परिणामों के बावजूद रासायनिक या मनोवैज्ञानिक रूप से किसी चीज़ पर निर्भर होता है Cathy’s coffee addiction was so severe that she couldn’t even get up in the morning without a cup of joe.
4130 अप्रत्याशित – Unpredictable describes something that is uncertain and not able to be predicted or foretold – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करता है जो अनिश्चित है और भविष्यवाणी या भविष्यवाणी करने में सक्षम नहीं है The unpredictable weather was sunny one day and rainy the next.
4131 अतिचार – Trespass to enter someone else’s property illegally – किसी और की संपत्ति में अवैध रूप से प्रवेश करना Hoping no one would see him trespass, the hunter ignored the sign and headed in to the woods.
4132 बेकार – Useless not having value or purpose – जिसका कोई मूल्य या उद्देश्य न हो If you won’t take the medicine that he gives you, going to the doctor is useless.
4133 मानवाकार – Anthropoid having characteristics of a human being, usually in terms of shape or appearance – आम तौर पर आकार या रूप-रंग के संदर्भ में मनुष्य की विशेषताएं होना While visiting the zoo, we watched a monkey peal a banana in such an anthropoid way.
4134 नीरस – Vapid lacking liveliness; dull – सजीवता का अभाव; उदासीन To me, baseball is a vapid sport that quickly puts me to sleep.
4135 आकर्षक – Fascinating interesting or intriguing – दिलचस्प या दिलचस्प It is fascinating how the Mayfly is born, grows, and dies all within the span of two days, a lifespan much shorter than most any other insect.
4136 झड़प – Skirmish a skirmish is a brief argument – झड़प एक संक्षिप्त तर्क है Several players got into a skirmish following the first play of the game.
4137 प्रभुत्व – Domination power or control over people or things – लोगों या चीज़ों पर शक्ति या नियंत्रण Lex Luther, an evil villain, fought Superman for domination and total control of the world as we know it.
4138 ऐतिहासिक – Historical based or centered around history – इतिहास पर आधारित या केन्द्रित The historical book was based on things that happened in the early 19th century.
4139 अनुमान – Inference a conclusion or opinion that is formed because of known facts or evidence – एक निष्कर्ष या राय जो ज्ञात तथ्यों या साक्ष्यों के कारण बनती है From the data collected, scientists were able to make the inference that the water was polluted to the extent it was unsafe to drink.
4140 वापस पाना – Recover to regain possession of something lost or taken – किसी खोई हुई या छीनी हुई वस्तु को पुनः प्राप्त करना The police were able to recover the woman’s stolen purse after they caught and arrested the thief that had taken it.
4141 साफ़ – Neat orderly; arranged – व्यवस्थित; व्यवस्था की Each neat row of corn in the farmer’s field was planted efficiently for a quick harvest.
4142 आक्रामक – Aggressor the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression – वह व्यक्ति या देश जो सबसे पहले आक्रमण करता है या आक्रमण करता है At school it became apparent that the aggressor was the bully as his victim was writhing on the ground in pain.
4143 ठोस – Concrete solid, real, or tangible, something physical that can be touched – ठोस, वास्तविक या मूर्त, कोई भौतिक चीज़ जिसे छुआ जा सकता है While thought may not be tangible, the human brain is a very concrete thing that can be touched and felt.
4144 नबाब – Nabob a rich and influential person – एक अमीर और प्रभावशाली व्यक्ति When the nabob walked into the meeting, everyone stood to show respect to him.
4145 अनुशासन – Discipline a learned behavior that enables the individual to have control over their actions – एक सीखा हुआ व्यवहार जो व्यक्ति को अपने कार्यों पर नियंत्रण रखने में सक्षम बनाता है Habitual runners have such strong discipline that they wake up everyday for their jog even when they’re sick or vacationing.
4146 दशक – Decade a span of ten years – दस वर्ष की अवधि Robert taught at a University in Colorado for a decade before leaving to teach elsewhere.
4147 लगातार – Throughout all over or the whole time – हर समय या पूरे समय Rain poured down in droves throughout the day without relinquishing causing all of school’s athletic events to be canceled.
4148 दोहा – Couplet a pair of lines with rhyming end words – तुकबंदी वाले अंतिम शब्दों वाली पंक्तियों की एक जोड़ी Many primary grade pupils enjoy rhyme in a couplet when writing poetry.
4149 समझ – Comprehension understanding; grasp of knowledge – समझ; ज्ञान की पकड़ Comprehension of the passage required the student to read the text several times.
4150 गप्पी – Guppy a little fish found in freshwater – मीठे पानी में पाई जाने वाली एक छोटी मछली In the pond, the small guppy flapped his tailfin back and forth to swim next to the bigger fish.
4151 बिना शर्त – Unconditional having no controls or limits – जिसका कोई नियंत्रण या सीमा न हो The mother’s love for her son was unconditional and she loved him no matter what mistakes he made.
4152 अर्थप्रकाशक – Expository designed to define or explain – परिभाषित या समझाने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया The play begins with an expository monologue explaining where the story takes place.
4153 अज्ञेयवाद का – Agnostic unsure about the existence of a god or holy being – किसी ईश्वर या पवित्र प्राणी के अस्तित्व के बारे में अनिश्चित After my husband became agnostic, he stopped going to church because of his doubt about god’s existence.
4154 यक़ीन – Positivism having the qualities of being constructive and encouraging – रचनात्मक और उत्साहवर्धक होने के गुण होना Through her positivism, the clown was able to make the sick kids happy even if it was for a short period of time.
4155 अस्वस्थता – Indisposition mild illness – हल्की बीमारी I wasn’t able to go to school due to indisposition, but I promised to finish the work I had missed.
4156 उपसंहार – Epilogue a brief speech that ends a literary creation – एक संक्षिप्त भाषण जो एक साहित्यिक रचना को समाप्त करता है At the end of the play, the actor presented an epilogue to summarize the tale.
4157 नगरों के बीच का – Intercity traveling or existing between cities – शहरों के बीच यात्रा करना या विद्यमान होना Intercity trains take the passengers from D.C. to other local cities.
4158 टिमटिमाहट – Twinkle to shine and sparkle – चमकना और चमकना After getting her teeth cleaned, the woman’s pearly whites seemed to twinkle and glisten.
4159 प्रेरित किया – Inspired encouraged; motivated – प्रोत्साहित; प्रेरित Becca’s recent weight loss inspired her sister’s journey and motivated her to lose a few pounds as well.
4160 रुबे – Rube an uneducated or uncultured person that is from a rural area – एक अशिक्षित या असंस्कृत व्यक्ति जो ग्रामीण क्षेत्र से हो An ignorant rube, the country bumpkin can’t even tell you what two plus two equals.
4161 जनता – Masses large crowds or multitudes of an undetermined amount of people or things – लोगों या चीज़ों की अनिश्चित संख्या में बड़ी भीड़ या भीड़ It was so difficult to walk down the sidewalk of New York City due to the masses of people trying to get everywhere.
4162 व्यावहारिक व क्रियाशील – Hands-on experience earned from activity that uses the body instead of just book learning – ऐसी गतिविधि से अर्जित अनुभव जो केवल किताबी शिक्षा के बजाय शरीर का उपयोग करता है The teacher allows the children to take part in hands-on science experiments in which they get to dig around in the dirt.
4163 पहुंच योग्य – Accessible capable of being accessed – पहुँच पाने में सक्षम The hotel offers accessible rooms for its handicapped guests.
4164 सहज – Instinctively automatically without thinking – बिना सोचे स्वचालित रूप से Mothers will instinctively shelter their babies from anything bad because it is natural for them to protect their children.
4165 फोड़ा – Abscess cavity filled with pus – मवाद से भरी गुहा A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
4166 उपेक्षा – Disregard to ignore or dismiss something – किसी बात को नज़रअंदाज़ करना या ख़ारिज करना If you disregard the red light at an intersection and keep driving you are not only breaking the law but also endangering your life.
4167 चर्मपत्र – Parchment stiff, translucent paper that is used for baking or writing – कठोर, पारभासी कागज जिसका उपयोग बेकिंग या लिखने के लिए किया जाता है Thin parchment paper lined the bottom of the greased baking pan.
4168 सिद्धांत – Tenet a belief or opinion considered valid by a group or individual – एक विश्वास या राय जिसे किसी समूह या व्यक्ति द्वारा मान्य माना जाता है According to the church’s tenet, ministers are forbidden to marry so they can give their entire souls to God.
4169 फोटो – Photographic relating to taking pictures with a camera – कैमरे से तस्वीरें लेने के संबंध में Judge Stanley required proof of the damage to the plaintiff’s car by having the plaintiff submit photographic images of it.
4170 पाउ – Pow a sound word that represents a hard blow or explosion – एक ध्वनि शब्द जो ज़ोरदार झटका या विस्फोट दर्शाता है With a loud pow, the dynamite lit by the railroad workers blasted through the mountainside.
4171 पेड़ों का झुरमुट – Clump a small, dense group of people or animals – लोगों या जानवरों का एक छोटा, घना समूह There is a clump of people standing outside of the new store, each of theme eager to partake in its opening sale before the competition can take the best goods.
4172 अघुलनशील – Insoluble can’t be solved or explained – हल या समझाया नहीं जा सकता The frustrated student spent hours trying to solve the seemingly insoluble math problem.
4173 प्रबंधनीय – Manageable able to be controlled; easy – नियंत्रित करने में सक्षम; आसान As long as my crazy uncle took his sedatives, he was manageable and behaved properly.
4174 भर्ती – Enlist to volunteer/ask others for help or aid – स्वयंसेवा करना/दूसरों से सहायता या सहायता माँगना The author was on a mission to enlist the help of a forensics expert to check the accuracy of her story.
4175 बेहतर – Preferable more suitable than other options – अन्य विकल्पों की तुलना में अधिक उपयुक्त Online shopping is preferable to consumers like myself who hate the idea of going into crowded stores.
4176 गला साफ़ करना – Expectorate to expel from the mouth – मुँह से निकालना When the baby has eaten too much, she will occasionally expectorate some of her food.
4177 चौरस – Unruffled composed; self-controlled – शांत; आत्म नियंत्रित Even when the children won’t listen to her, the calm teacher remains composed and unruffled.
4178 चूल्हा – Stove a device for cooking or heating that functions by using electricity or burning fuel – खाना पकाने या गर्म करने का एक उपकरण जो बिजली या ईंधन जलाकर काम करता है Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, and then place the cake in the stove to cook for 25 minutes.
4179 नाज़ुक – Brash assertive in an aggressive way that often comes across as unpleasant – आक्रामक तरीके से मुखर होना जो अक्सर अप्रिय के रूप में सामने आता है Because Anna is so brash at work, she often offends people with her aggressive personality.
4180 पॉलिश – Polished cleaned something until was smooth and shiny – किसी चीज को तब तक साफ करना जब तक वह चिकनी और चमकदार न हो जाए The shoe-shine man polished the customer’s shoes until they were black and shiny.
4181 जिरह – Catechism a book that included information about a Christian faith – एक किताब जिसमें ईसाई धर्म के बारे में जानकारी शामिल थी The new member of the church looked to his catechism in order to learn more about the Presbyterian beliefs.
4182 उपछाया – Penumbra something that conceals, encloses, or cloaks something else – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी और चीज़ को छुपाता है, घेरता है या ढकता है A penumbra of snow covered the city during the blizzard.
4183 अतिरेक – Surfeit an overabundant supply – अत्यधिक आपूर्ति We had such a surfeit of food during the holidays that we gave a large portion of it to the family across the street.
4184 गर्भावस्था – Pregnancy the period of time in which a fetus is being formed inside the mother’s womb – वह समयावधि जिसमें माँ के गर्भ में भ्रूण का निर्माण हो रहा होता है During her pregnancy, the expectant mother picked out baby names and decorated a nursery.
4185 झिकड़ी – Objurgation a severe reprimand or criticism – कड़ी फटकार या आलोचना The teenager faced objurgation from his parents when he returned home after midnight.
4186 परेशानी में सहायता – Succor assistance or relief from distress – संकट से सहायता या राहत As soon as the news was broadcast, people from the small community were gathering in homes and churches to organize plans for bringing succor to the widows and children of the firefighters.
4187 धावक – Athlete a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise – एक व्यक्ति जो खेल और शारीरिक व्यायाम के अन्य रूपों में कुशल है The ballet dancer raged when people scoffed and said that she wasn’t an athlete because she spent as many hours training as NFL players.
4188 गली – Alley a narrow passageway – एक संकीर्ण मार्ग Walking through the dark alley, Giana thought the passageway seemed to be filled with scary sights at every turn.
4189 उपद्रव – Hooliganism the acts of violent demonstrations or damage usually occurring in large groups of people – आमतौर पर लोगों के बड़े समूहों में होने वाले हिंसक प्रदर्शन या क्षति के कार्य “Hooliganism occurred after the home team lost the championship resulting in damage to the property by the fans,” said the newscaster.
4190 शोकगीत – Elegy a poem or song displaying grief or mourning – दुख या मातम प्रदर्शित करने वाली कविता या गीत Since I am not an animal lover, I could only sigh as Ann sang an elegy for her dead cat.
4191 सुगम – Facile easily performed – आसानी से निष्पादित While the adults found the video game complicated, the teenagers thought it was facile and easily played.
4192 सम्मानित – Venerable worthy of respect because of age, position, or dignity – उम्र, पद या गरिमा के कारण सम्मान के योग्य The Pope is a venerable leader who is recognized for his commitment to helping others.
4193 विचारमग्न – Thoughtful to be kind and considerate – दयालु और विचारशील होना After her mother passed away, the young woman received many thoughtful cards expressing sympathy for her loss.
4194 द्रवता – Fluidity the ability for a substance to flow easily – किसी पदार्थ के आसानी से प्रवाहित होने की क्षमता There is fluidity between the two offices since both managers frequently move in and out of both spaces.
4195 विरोध – Oppose to go against something – किसी चीज़ के विरुद्ध जाना Due to Sheila’s religious belief that life is precious, she would oppose the death penalty for any crime.
4196 अनदेखा करना – Ignore refusing to acknowledge someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को स्वीकार करने से इंकार करना My husband’s ability to ignore the television while sleeping is amazing to a light sleeper like myself.
4197 चित्रित – Painted covered with paint, usually as a way to decorate – आमतौर पर सजाने के तरीके के रूप में, पेंट से ढका जाता है Tiff painted her walls white since she thought that having crisp and bright colors would make it seem cleaner.
4198 पीड़न कामुक – Sadist a person who causes or imposes bodily pain on someone or something in order to feel gratified – वह व्यक्ति जो संतुष्टि महसूस करने के लिए किसी को या किसी चीज को शारीरिक पीड़ा पहुंचाता है या थोपता है As a young teenager, he would harm and kill animals but then upgraded to a sadist who killed many people for pleasure.
4199 जैविक – Biotic associated with living creatures – जीवित प्राणियों से जुड़ा हुआ Any living part of an environment is a biotic element.
4200 संकट – Crisis a difficult time when disasters are happening or when tough decisions must be made – एक कठिन समय जब आपदाएँ घटित हो रही हों या जब कठोर निर्णय लेने पड़ें As a paramedic, the emergency worker’s job is to help sick or injured people who are in crisis.
4201 शस्त्रागार – Arsenal a stock of weapons – हथियारों का भंडार When they arrested the suspect, he had an arsenal of firearms in his possession.
4202 दीप्तिमान – Effulgent glowing; radiant – प्रकाश से युक्त; दीप्तिमान The effulgent sun was shining brightly as we headed out for our picnic.
4203 अनुकूली – Adaptive being able to change (adapt) to suit different situations – विभिन्न परिस्थितियों के अनुरूप परिवर्तन (अनुकूलन) करने में सक्षम होना Because of her adaptive nature, the teacher is flexible enough to work with any grade level.
4204 बहस करना – Impugn to attack as false or questionable – झूठा या संदिग्ध मानकर हमला करना The mayor leaked news of the arrest to the media to impugn his opponent’s character.
4205 निराधार – Unfounded not based on fact; without support – तथ्य पर आधारित नहीं; बिना सहारे के Because there was no evidence that Cameron actually committed a crime, the unfounded charges against him were dropped.
4206 लालिमा – Flush to cleanse something by causing large quantities of water to pass through it – किसी चीज़ में से बड़ी मात्रा में पानी प्रवाहित करके उसे साफ़ करना The maid makes sure to flush each toilet out with water before thoroughly scrubbing it with cleanser.
4207 चाल – Trick a cunning scheme intentionally designed to deceive someone – जानबूझकर किसी को धोखा देने के लिए बनाई गई एक चालाक योजना The high temperatures and severe lack of water in the desert often trick people into thinking that they see an oasis or some other form of respite.
4208 सबस्टेशन – Substation a passthrough where electricity strength is changed before it goes to homes/businesses – एक पासथ्रू जहां घरों/व्यवसायों में जाने से पहले बिजली की ताकत बदल दी जाती है At the substation, electrical current was converted from high voltage to a much lower voltage.
4209 अन्वेषण करना – Explore travel to or examine – यात्रा करना या जांच करना Setting out to explore the island was the most adventurous thing the man had ever done.
4210 संगदिल – Implacable not capable of being appeased – संतुष्ट होने में सक्षम नहीं There was nothing Jason could do to please his implacable ex-wife.
4211 साझेदारी – Partnership the act of being together with one other person, entity or thing – किसी दूसरे व्यक्ति, इकाई या वस्तु के साथ रहने की क्रिया या भाव In order to play the game, the students were in a partnership competing against the other teams for the prize.
4212 भेदक – Clairvoyant able to see beyond the range of ordinary observation – सामान्य अवलोकन की सीमा से परे देखने में सक्षम The psychic’s clairvoyant abilities allowed her to see into the future.
4213 चित्रण – Depiction a visual representation or demonstration of something – किसी चीज़ का दृश्य प्रतिनिधित्व या प्रदर्शन The artist’s depiction of the French countryside was shown in his painting by drawing the actual hills and greenery in France.
4214 पुरस्कृत – Rewarding describes something that gives satisfaction (good feelings) or profit (good returns) – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करता है जो संतुष्टि (अच्छी भावनाएँ) या लाभ (अच्छा रिटर्न) देती है Anna didn’t get paid to work at the shelter but she felt it was rewarding work because it brought her happiness.
4215 दुविधा – Dilemma a situation in which you have to make a tough choice – ऐसी स्थिति जिसमें आपको कठिन चुनाव करना होगा Marty’s dilemma was that he couldn’t decide what college to attend.
4216 बेख़बर – Oblivious unaware of what is present or occurring – जो मौजूद है या घटित हो रहा है उससे अनजान The huge dog closed its eyes and appeared oblivious to the crawling baby.
4217 मैला करना – Sully to ruin or damage – बर्बाद या क्षति पहुँचाना The accusation of child abuse is sure to sully the teacher’s reputation and cause him his job.
4218 बिजली – Electricity the flowing of current that has an electric charge – धारा का वह प्रवाह जिसमें विद्युत आवेश होता है Sheltered by the rain, Kevin risked his life to use the electricity from the outlet in order to watch television on his camping trip.
4219 पिस्तौल – Pistol a little hand gun – एक छोटी सी बंदूक It was easy for the common crook to hide his pistol in his pants because no one could see the firearm.
4220 जादू देनेवाला – Exorcist someone who performs a procedure that tries to send out devils from a person’s body – कोई व्यक्ति जो ऐसी प्रक्रिया करता है जो किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर से शैतानों को बाहर निकालने का प्रयास करता है Acting as an exorcist, the priest believed he could throw holy water on the possessed woman to heal her.
4221 शानदार – Scrumptious delicious; mouthwatering – स्वादिष्ट; मुंह में पानी लाने वाला Placing her nose up to the apple pie, the pastry chef got a whiff of the scrumptious smelling tart.
4222 भाग्यशाली – Lucky being fortunate or bringing fortune to others by chance – भाग्यशाली होना या संयोग से दूसरों के लिए सौभाग्य लाना The basketball player was convinced that his lucky socks were the reason his team won every game they played.
4223 चोरी – Theft robbery or taking things without permission that don’t belong to you – डकैती करना या बिना अनुमति के ऐसी चीजें लेना जो आपकी नहीं हैं Arrests were made when the teenagers were charged with theft since they had jewelry belonging to their parents in their possession.
4224 अनुपजाऊ – Infertile not having the ability to have children or offspring – बच्चे या संतान पैदा करने की क्षमता न होना Since Martha was infertile, she and her husband decided to adopt two kids from the local orphanage.
4225 अभिमान – Pretension asserting a certain quality or status – एक निश्चित गुणवत्ता या स्थिति का दावा करना The butler reeked of pretension as he told me to enter the house through the back door.
4226 मुहासिरा करना – Besiege to approach with an excessive number of requests or questions – अत्यधिक संख्या में अनुरोधों या प्रश्नों के साथ संपर्क करना The journalists will besiege the police chief with questions about the prisoner’s escape.
4227 पाखण्डी – Renegade someone who leaves one group and joins another with different goals or beliefs – कोई व्यक्ति जो एक समूह को छोड़ देता है और विभिन्न लक्ष्यों या विश्वासों के साथ दूसरे समूह में शामिल हो जाता है The renegade soldiers decided to leave the base and go back home to their families.
4228 सीमाबद्ध – Confined restricted to one area or space – एक क्षेत्र या स्थान तक सीमित The doctor confined the patient to his hospital room so that he wouldn’t infect anyone else.
4229 घृणा – Hate strong dislike or disgust for something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति तीव्र नापसंदगी या घृणा After years of being bullied by Tom, Sam began to hate his tormentor and really wanted to get even with him.
4230 मानार्थ – Complimentary given/supplied free of charge – नि:शुल्क दिया/आपूर्ति किया गया The hotel offers a complimentary breakfast that is free of charge for any guest that books a room.
4231 हौसला – Morale the enthusiasm a person or group has about their duties – किसी व्यक्ति या समूह का अपने कर्तव्यों के प्रति उत्साह Since the soldiers have not seen their families in a long time, their morale is at an all-time low.
4232 मुद्रित – Printed produced written or visual information (books, pictures, a letter) – उत्पादित लिखित या दृश्य जानकारी (किताबें, चित्र, एक पत्र) Ricky printed a love letter for Rhonda, writing down every word that he felt from the heart.
4233 डेकाथलन – Decathlon an athletic contest consisting of ten events – एक एथलेटिक प्रतियोगिता जिसमें दस स्पर्धाएँ शामिल हैं I practice sprinting, running and jumping so that I can compete in the decathlon.
4234 बहुत बड़ा – Vast gigantic in size – आकार में विशाल My daughter will not go near the rose bushes because of the vast number of bees surrounding the flowers.
4235 अंगूठे का नियम – Rule of thumb a general rule for a particular situation – किसी विशेष स्थिति के लिए एक सामान्य नियम As a rule of thumb, the teacher doesn’t give extra credit assignments to any students.
4236 इरोड – Erode to destroy something at a leisurely pace – इत्मीनान से किसी चीज़ को नष्ट करना People predicted the Internet would erode the future of newspapers, and for the most part, they were correct.
4237 जुआ – Gamble to play a game against odds for a chance at winning money – पैसे जीतने के अवसर के लिए बाधाओं के बावजूद गेम खेलना At the casino, players gamble by placing coins into slot machines for the chance of winning a jackpot prize.
4238 प्रतिक्रिया – Backlash a strong feeling among a group of people in reaction to a change or recent event – किसी परिवर्तन या हाल की घटना की प्रतिक्रिया में लोगों के एक समूह के बीच एक मजबूत भावना The president received backlash from thousands of people who disagreed with his Twitter statements.
4239 शर्मिंदगी – Embarrassment the state of feeling shame or discomfort with one’s self – स्वयं के प्रति शर्म या असुविधा महसूस करने की अवस्था With the woman’s sex tape being released this morning, there was no way to avoid public embarrassment.
4240 कपड़े – Clothing garments; apparel worn on the body – वस्त्र; शरीर पर पहना जाने वाला परिधान The clothing store is having a sale on summer shorts and t-shirts.
4241 याचिका सौदा – Plea bargain to agree to plead guilty in return for a lesser charge – कम शुल्क के बदले में दोष स्वीकार करने के लिए सहमत होना In order to avoid a long prison sentence, the man accepted the plea bargain that was offered.
4242 विश्राम – Sabbatical extended period of leave – छुट्टी की विस्तारित अवधि The pastor’s sabbatical was related to his health issues.
4243 छलावरण – Camouflage a means or attempt to conceal something – किसी बात को छुपाने का साधन या प्रयास When we go deer hunting, we dress in camouflage so we can fade into nature’s background.
4244 बहाना करना – Pretend to speak and act as if something is happening when it’s really not – ऐसे बोलना और व्यवहार करना जैसे कि कुछ हो रहा है जबकि वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं है The little girl likes to pretend to be a mermaid when she swims in the pool.
4245 एस्प्रिट – Esprit the quality of being lively and spirited – जीवंत और उत्साही होने का गुण Several of the esprit cheerleaders were able to liven the crowd even though the team was losing.
4246 माया – Illusion something that appears to look like something, but it actually is not – कुछ ऐसा जो दिखने में कुछ जैसा प्रतीत होता है, लेकिन वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं है The mirrored walls in the fun house created an optical illusion which made it difficult to walk afterwards.
4247 बीमार – Indisposed not feeling well – तबियत ठीक नहीं Because Maggie is indisposed with a high fever, she will not be attending the banquet.
4248 मल्लाहों – Oars flat blades that are used to row a boat – चपटे ब्लेड जिनका उपयोग नाव चलाने के लिए किया जाता है Pulling on both oars, the levers propelled the boat through the water.
4249 धूर्त – Knave a dishonest individual – एक बेईमान व्यक्ति The knave volunteered to clean the church so he could have access to the petty cash box.
4250 क्रूर – Ruthless without concern for others; cold-hearted – दूसरों की चिंता किए बिना; नरम दिल The ruthless gang leader killed the new recruit for showing up late for a meeting.
4251 कांपना – Quavering shaking, trembling, or vibrating – हिलना, कांपना, या कांपना The little girl’s quavering body continued to shake as she looked for the monster under her bed.
4252 अखाद्य – Inedible unable to be eaten – खाने में असमर्थ Many people have become sick by eating the poisonous and inedible berries growing near the blueberries.
4253 मिट्टी – Clay sediment that is made up of particles smaller than silt – तलछट जो गाद से छोटे कणों से बनी होती है In art class, we had to make a sculpture out of clay and then heat it in the kiln so it would harden into a solid piece.
4254 संदेश – Message communication that happens through talking, signaling, or writing – संचार जो बातचीत, संकेत या लेखन के माध्यम से होता है Mia sent her boyfriend a quick text message that said: “See you for dinner at 8:00!”
4255 काटना – Deduct to subtract or take away from the total – कुल में से घटाना या घटाना We must deduct our expenses from our sales to determine our profit.
4256 कालेज – Collegial associated with a pleasant relationship between co-workers or peers – सहकर्मियों या साथियों के बीच सुखद संबंध से जुड़ा हुआ Because my roommate and I get along in a collegial manner, we are the best of pals.
4257 नियत कर देना – Destine to intend for something to fulfill a certain purpose – किसी निश्चित उद्देश्य को पूरा करने के लिए कुछ करने का इरादा करना When you create something, you destine it for a certain goal, a certain role that it was primarily designed to fulfill.
4258 छाया – Shadow to follow someone – किसी का अनुसरण करना Since I want to become an attorney like my uncle, I sometimes shadow him at his firm.
4259 बदनाम – Infamous notorious; having a negative reputation – कुख्यात; नकारात्मक प्रतिष्ठा होना The singer is infamous for her indecent costumes.
4260 कैनवास – Canvas a type of hard, rough cloth used for making sails, tents, and as a surface to be painted on – एक प्रकार का कठोर, खुरदुरा कपड़ा जिसका उपयोग पाल, तंबू बनाने और सतह पर रंगने के लिए किया जाता है The artist was painting a canvas backdrop for the school play.
4261 गड़गड़ाहट – Rumble to roar or thunder – दहाड़ना या गरजना A rumble in the sky alerted the washerwoman that a storm was brewing.
4262 चुनौती – Upstage to divert attention away from someone else to oneself in an effort to overshadow or outshine them – किसी और पर हावी होने या उसे मात देने के प्रयास में किसी और का ध्यान हटाकर अपनी ओर आकर्षित करना A showoff at heart, the star quarterback is always trying to upstage and outshine his own teammates.
4263 नॉक्ड – Knocked struck a surface, usually causing a loud noise – किसी सतह से टकराया, जिससे आमतौर पर तेज़ आवाज़ हुई The police banged on the man’s front door and even knocked on his window, but no one was at home.
4264 कामयाबी से – Swimmingly in a manner that is smooth and satisfying – ऐसे तरीके से जो सहज और संतोषजनक हो The track meet went swimmingly, as we won a gold medal.
4265 गाली देना – Vilify to utter slanderous and abusive statements against – के विरुद्ध निंदनीय और अपमानजनक बयान देना Halle’s husband tried to vilify her during their child custody battle.
4266 परिवर्तनशीलता – Variability constantly changing and inconsistent – निरंतर परिवर्तनशील एवं असंगत Gas prices are known for their variability because they increase and decrease by the gallon every other day.
4267 बसे हुए – Settled established, firm or steady – स्थापित, दृढ़ या स्थिर After the Paleo Indians, many civilizations were built and the settled people made farms instead of being nomadic.
4268 प्रदर्शन – Showcase to display something – कुछ प्रदर्शित करना Hosting a free wine tasting event at the gallery was a way for the up-and-coming artist to showcase her work.
4269 आनुवंशिकी – Genetics the area of biology that focuses on the passing of genetic traits – जीव विज्ञान का वह क्षेत्र जो आनुवंशिक लक्षणों के पारित होने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है When Tammy studied genetics in class, she learned her eye color differed from her parents because of recessive genes.
4270 सरस्वती – Muse something or someone that inspires – कुछ या कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो प्रेरित करता हो The model was the artist’s muse for his famous sculpture.
4271 की योजना बनाई – Planned prepared or came up with an idea, draft, or outline for doing something – कुछ करने के लिए कोई विचार, मसौदा या रूपरेखा तैयार करना या उसके साथ आना A vacation expert planned the couple’s trip for them so they wouldn’t have to deal with any of the details.
4272 विनय-संबंधी – Disciplinarian a person who lives and governs by rules and strictly enforces them – एक व्यक्ति जो नियमों के अनुसार रहता है और शासन करता है और उन्हें सख्ती से लागू करता है Her former military father was such a disciplinarian that he made everyone in the house wake up at 0500 and run three miles.
4273 आंत – Viscera internal organs, specifically the body’s intestines – आंतरिक अंग, विशेष रूप से शरीर की आंतें The viscera are where the body makes its last attempt to gain any nutrients from food before pushing the remainder out of the body.
4274 भोर – Dawn the start of the morning light just before sunrise; daybreak – सूर्योदय से ठीक पहले सुबह की रोशनी की शुरुआत; भोर I stayed up until dawn waiting for Craig to walk through the door, but he never did.
4275 कुटिलता – Cynicism a feeling of doubt or trust when it comes to people doing good things or things working out well – जब अच्छे काम करने वाले लोगों या अच्छे काम करने वाले लोगों की बात आती है तो संदेह या विश्वास की भावना Because of his cynicism, the accountant had a hard time believing he would be hired for the position.
4276 रेलगाड़ी – Train to teach a person or animal a particular skill – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर को कोई विशेष कौशल सिखाना The animal trainer used treats to train the dog to sit on command.
4277 धूप – Sunshine a metaphor that describes happiness or cheerfulness – एक रूपक जो ख़ुशी या प्रसन्नता का वर्णन करता है My little daughter seems to be a ray of sunshine all the time.
4278 भेदक – Perspicacious able to judge quickly and correctly what people and situations are really like – लोग और परिस्थितियाँ वास्तव में कैसी हैं, इसका शीघ्र और सही निर्णय लेने में सक्षम The perspicacious fireman quickly detected the cause of the fire.
4279 सिम्बायोसिस – Symbiosis relationship of mutual benefit – पारस्परिक लाभ का संबंध The trade that peacefully occurs between the two warring tribes is viewed as an example of symbiosis.
4280 चरमराहट – Creak to make a squeaking noise when pressure is applied – दबाव डालने पर चरमराने की आवाज आना The tip-toeing robber was careful not to make the floors creak and tip off the sleeping homeowners.
4281 क्लोज़ अप – Close up a picture or video taken at a very close distance to the object or person being photographed/filmed – जिस वस्तु या व्यक्ति का फोटो खींचा/फिल्माया जा रहा है, उसके बहुत करीब से लिया गया चित्र या वीडियो The model smiled for her close up as the photographer zoomed his camera in carefully.
4282 सुपरएड – Superadd to add to something that has already been added to – किसी ऐसी चीज़ में जोड़ना जो पहले ही जोड़ी जा चुकी हो When the young man was shot, this injury would superadd to his medical problems since he already had an existing stab wound.
4283 फाड़ना – Lacerate to tear or make deep cuts in (flesh or skin) – (मांस या त्वचा) फाड़ना या गहरी कटौती करना Putting a knife to the clerk, the robber threatened to lacerate his neck if he didn’t give up the money.
4284 थेर्म – Therm a unit of heat that equals 100,000 British thermal units – ऊष्मा की एक इकाई जो 100,000 ब्रिटिश थर्मल इकाइयों के बराबर होती है The wholesale price of gas per therm has gone up significantly the past few weeks.
4285 सौम्य – Placid not easily upset or excited – आसानी से परेशान या उत्तेजित नहीं होना Even when the emergency room was packed with patients, the staff remained placid and calmly did their duties.
4286 दूगनी सुनवाई – Double Entendre a term or phrase that has more than one definition with one of them being indecent – एक शब्द या वाक्यांश जिसकी एक से अधिक परिभाषाएँ हों और उनमें से एक अशोभनीय हो A joke was fashioned from the use of a double entendre by mistaking a pirate’s treasure of booty with a body part.
4287 आवास – Accommodation a place for someone to live, stay, or work – किसी के रहने, रहने या काम करने की जगह The only accommodation offered is a thin old mattress.
4288 विद्युतीकरण करना – Electrify to excite; stimulate – उत्तेजित करना; उकसाना The record breaking swimmer continued to excite and electrify the whole country with his meets.
4289 पेज टर्नर – Page-turner an exciting book – एक रोमांचक किताब Unable to put down the page-turner, Esther read the novel into the wee hours of the morning.
4290 ख़ुद-एतमाद – Cocksure arrogant; overly confident – अभिमानी; अति आत्मविश्वासी Arrogant and cocksure, the showy bodybuilder couldn’t imagine anyone being as handsome and talented as he.
4291 बेरहमी – Callousness the quality of being unfeeling or insensitive. It can refer to an attitude of indifference or a lack of sympathy for the feelings and needs of others – असंवेदनशील या असंवेदनशील होने का गुण। यह उदासीनता के रवैये या दूसरों की भावनाओं और जरूरतों के प्रति सहानुभूति की कमी को संदर्भित कर सकता है His callousness towards the suffering of animals made him a target of protests.
4292 शिथिलता – Sag to droop down to a lower level – निचले स्तर तक गिरना The sandcastle began to sag in the middle as water filled the top of the construction.
4293 सक्रिय – Activate to trigger or start something – किसी चीज़ को ट्रिगर करना या शुरू करना If you want to use the new debit card, you have to call a new number and activate it.
4294 कर्नल – Colonel a high Army rank above Lieutenant Colonel but below Brigadier General – लेफ्टिनेंट कर्नल से ऊपर लेकिन ब्रिगेडियर जनरल से नीचे एक उच्च सेना रैंक The Colonel is a high enough rank to be in charge of a major military offensive, but he still answers to the generals above him.
4295 क्षैतिज – Horizontal flat/left-and-right – समतल/बाएँ-और-दाएँ After gaining weight, the woman felt that wearing clothes with horizontal stripes was off limits.
4296 लालच – Seduction the act of enticing or attracting someone – किसी को लुभाने या आकर्षित करने की क्रिया या भाव The seduction of the now entranced audience was complete when the lead singer began her soulful crooning.
4297 विचलन – Deviance behavior that violates the standards set by society – ऐसा व्यवहार जो समाज द्वारा निर्धारित मानकों का उल्लंघन करता हो Because of his deviance, the troubled teen was sent to a home for wayward boys.
4298 चालाक – Devious underhanded; insincere – गुप्त; निष्ठाहीन When Sheila learned the young man had married her ninety-year-old mother, she knew he had devious plans.
4299 मंझला – Median the middle number of a set of ordered numbers – क्रमित संख्याओं के समूह की मध्य संख्या The median household income for this major city is $56,000 with half of the lower incomes being below that amount and the higher incomes being above that amount.
4300 रस्मी – Prim formal and proper in a stiff and prudish way – कठोर और विवेकपूर्ण तरीके से औपचारिक और उचित My prim coworker refused to dance, but the rest of my coworkers weren’t afraid to jump right in.
4301 प्यार करते हैं – Adore to idolize or worship something, or to love it very much – किसी चीज़ को अपना आदर्श मानना या उसकी पूजा करना, या उससे बहुत अधिक प्रेम करना My mother loves to adore me in public even though I find it embarrassing, praising me in front of everyone as if I were still a child.
4302 जलीय – Aqueous associated with water – जल से सम्बंधित The punch is an aqueous solution composed of water and fruit juice.
4303 निदान – Diagnose to recognize (as a disease) by signs and symptoms – संकेतों और लक्षणों द्वारा (एक बीमारी के रूप में) पहचानना The doctor used blood testing and a physical examination to diagnose his ill patient with diabetes.
4304 ख़ारिज – Pariah one who is or should be excluded – जो बहिष्कृत है या किया जाना चाहिए When the child molester was released from prison, he was treated like a pariah in his community.
4305 हार्दिक – Cordial warm and sincere – गर्म और ईमानदार The bellman’s cordial greeting made me instantly fall in love with the hotel.
4306 सविनय – Deferential showing respect and humility – सम्मान और विनम्रता दिखाना People were always deferential to the military veteran and showed him respect every time he was in uniform.
4307 पक्षपात – Prepossession a preconceived opinion; an idea or prejudice one believes – एक पूर्वकल्पित राय; एक विचार या पूर्वाग्रह जिस पर कोई विश्वास करता है My prepossession is that children are loud and annoying, but I’m willing to hear arguments on why I might be mistaken.
4308 क्षतिकर – Grievous very serious and often causing a lot of pain or suffering – बहुत गंभीर और अक्सर बहुत अधिक दर्द या पीड़ा का कारण बनता है Hearing that you have cancer is always grievous news.
4309 राजी – Persuaded convinced someone to do something – किसी को कुछ करने के लिए राजी करना Using a piece of meat, Shaggy’s owner persuaded the runaway pup to come back inside the gate.
4310 स्वर्गीय – Heavenly extremely pleasant or enjoyable – अत्यंत सुखद या आनंददायक The cookbook offered the recipes for heavenly desserts that tasted divine.
4311 आवारा – Vagabond a person who wanders from place to place without a home or job – वह व्यक्ति जो बिना घर या नौकरी के एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर घूमता रहता है Gandhi was a famous vagabond who wandered from place to place spreading words of love, independence, and nonviolence.
4312 सुपरस्टारडम – Superstardom the state of being very famous and successful – बहुत प्रसिद्ध और सफल होने की अवस्था या भाव The arrogant rapper loves superstardom and has spent his whole life trying to become rich and famous.
4313 सुपरनोवा – Supernova an exploding star – एक फूटता तारा The burst of a star that has reached the end of its life is otherwise known as a supernova.
4314 समझौता करना – Conciliate make calm and content; placate – शांत और संतुष्ट बनाओ; तसल्ली देना Sarah rebuffed William’s attempts to conciliate her by buying her a bouquet of flowers.
4315 बेजा – Unbefitting not suitable or compatible – उपयुक्त या सुसंगत नहीं The tacky looking dress was unbefitting for a royal duchess.
4316 टंबल – Tumble to fall down over and over again – बार-बार गिरना We installed a guard rail at the top of the steps to prevent the little boy from taking a tumble down two flights of stairs.
4317 वायरस – Virus tiny organisms that cause disease and must have a cell host to multiply – छोटे जीव जो बीमारी का कारण बनते हैं और उनकी संख्या बढ़ाने के लिए एक कोशिका मेजबान की आवश्यकता होती है The virus is said to spread with time, causing the infected person to become sicker as the years go on.
4318 इंटरैक्ट करना – Interact act in such a way as to have an effect on another; act reciprocally – इस प्रकार कार्य करना कि दूसरे पर प्रभाव पड़े; पारस्परिक रूप से कार्य करें She struggled to get her introverted child to interact with other kids, but he preferred solitude and books.
4319 संभव – Possible able to be done or achieved – किया या हासिल किया जा सके It is possible for you to do a backflip if you practice long enough.
4320 मर जाना – Succumb to give up or give in – हार मान लेना या छोड़ देना Even though my knee is aching, I will not succumb to the pain and drop out of the race..
4321 नैपकिन – Doily a small ornamental mat made of lace or paper with a lace pattern – फीता पैटर्न के साथ फीता या कागज से बनी एक छोटी सजावटी चटाई Aunt Irma crocheted an intricate lace doily to be used as a potholder in my kitchen.
4322 घुड़सवार – Mounted increased; grew larger – बढ़ा हुआ; बड़ा हो गया Anger mounted in the crowd as more and more people became upset that the singer hadn’t shown up yet.
4323 अनुरूपता – Conformance traditional behavior that follows normal standards set by society – पारंपरिक व्यवहार जो समाज द्वारा निर्धारित सामान्य मानकों का पालन करता है The defiant girl struggled with conformance to the rules, and her atypical behavior always landed her in trouble.
4324 पारस्परिकता – Mutuality mutual dependence or reciprocity – पारस्परिक निर्भरता या पारस्परिकता The contract depends on the parties’ mutuality and if they can agree on the terms.
4325 यह सब करते हुए – All the While in reference to something that happens continuously – किसी ऐसी चीज़ के संदर्भ में जो लगातार घटित होती रहती है We were singing all the while as we drove to our vacation home on the beach, eager to kick back and enjoy ourselves at last.
4326 विशाल – Commodious spacious and convenient; roomy and comfortable – विशाल और सुविधाजनक; विशाल और आरामदायक I finally found an inexpensive hotel with rooms that are commodious enough for the whole family.
4327 पश्चिम – West in the direction where the sun sets – उस दिशा में जहाँ सूर्य अस्त होता है Nothing is more romantic than sitting with your significant other and watch the sun set in the west.
4328 गया काल – Yore a very long time ago – बहुत समय पहले In the days of yore, the Internet did not exist.
4329 मौखिक रूप से – Orally to be done vocally – मौखिक रूप से किया जाना है Instead of writing the answers on a piece of paper, the teacher called on each student to produce their answer orally.
4330 धर्मगीत – Homily a brief speech on a moral or religious subject – किसी नैतिक या धार्मिक विषय पर संक्षिप्त भाषण People around the world watched as the pope delivered a homily on the subject of kindness.
4331 सारहीन – Immaterial not relevant – संबद्ध नहीं The judge told the jury to disregard the testimony because it was immaterial to the trial.
4332 पीड़ा – Agony intense pain or suffering – तीव्र दर्द या पीड़ा When my brother died, I was in emotional agony for months.
4333 देख लेना – Espy to discover; to catch sight of – खोज करना; देखने के लिए Those who wanted to espy the incoming soldiers came out in droves.
4334 धमकी – Threat the act of being in hazard or danger – संकट या ख़तरे में होने की क्रिया या भाव With the approaching tornado, there was a definite threat of impending harm on the citizens in the community.
4335 असहिष्णुता – Intolerance unwillingness to accept beliefs different from one’s own – अपने से भिन्न मान्यताओं को स्वीकार करने की अनिच्छा My father’s intolerance is so great that he refuses to accept the idea that there is any other way to live life other than his own.
4336 विशेषाधिकार – Privilege an advantage or benefit given to certain individuals – कुछ व्यक्तियों को दिया गया लाभ या लाभ As a senior account executive, I now have the privilege of access to the executive lounge.
4337 पैरोमेनिया – Pyromania a strong urge to start fire to things – चीजों में आग लगाने की तीव्र इच्छा Due to his obsession with pyromania, the criminal was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the arson of several properties.
4338 खारिज – Dismissive showing disregard, indicating rejection – उपेक्षा दिखाना, अस्वीकृति का संकेत देना My mom seems to be dismissive of us now that she started a new job and works long hours.
4339 अपराधी – Culprit the individual or thing responsible for an offense or crime – किसी अपराध या अपराध के लिए जिम्मेदार व्यक्ति या वस्तु The severe drought is the culprit behind the death of the orange trees.
4340 इशारा – Gesture a movement made to express a point – किसी बात को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया गया आंदोलन I was offended by the gesture the man made with his middle finger.
4341 चर्मपूर्ण करना – Taxidermy the art of preparing and stuffing the skins of dead animals to appear lifelike – मृत जानवरों की खाल को तैयार करने और उसमें सजीव दिखने की कला The mounted deer heads you see in some homes are the results of taxidermy, and they used to belong to real animals.
4342 स्वागत – Welcome to greet someone in a polite or friendly way – किसी का विनम्र या मैत्रीपूर्ण तरीके से स्वागत करना Polite members will welcome church visitors and show them to their pews.
4343 भटकते हुए – Adrift without purpose or direction – बिना किसी उद्देश्य या दिशा के After losing his job, Larry was completely adrift, unsure of what he was going to do with his life.
4344 धाम – Abode the place where one resides or lives – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई रहता या निवास करता हो Lacking a physical abode, the homeless man slept in the park.
4345 रास्ते से हटना – Yaw the twist of an aircraft or ship around a vertical axis – किसी विमान या जहाज का ऊर्ध्वाधर अक्ष के चारों ओर घूमना When the nose of a plane moves left or right while flying, is called yaw left or yaw right.
4346 सार – Synopsis a short summary of a longer work – एक लंबे कार्य का संक्षिप्त सारांश My teacher said my five-page digest of the book was entirely too long to be a synopsis.
4347 बस्टर – Buster something used to break something else apart – कोई चीज़ किसी चीज़ को अलग कर देती थी The laundry spray is a grease buster that can break up even the toughest stains.
4348 प्रतिरोधी – Resistant describing something that is not easily damaged or broken down – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करना जो आसानी से क्षतिग्रस्त या टूटी न हो A bulletproof vest is designed to be resistant to small caliber projectiles and shrapnel, offering a soldier or police officer a greater chance of survival in combat.
4349 वंडरकाइंड – Wunderkind a young prodigy or whiz kid who becomes victorious with his or her accomplishments – एक युवा प्रतिभाशाली या प्रतिभाशाली बच्चा जो अपनी उपलब्धियों से विजयी हो जाता है When Mozart began composing popular classical music before the age of six, this wunderkind astonished everyone with his early achievements.
4350 repulsed – Repulsed disgusted by or having an extreme dislike for something – किसी चीज़ से घृणा होना या उसके प्रति अत्यधिक नापसंद होना Repulsed by rodents of any kind, Kyra refused to look at the disgusting mice in the pet store window.
4351 विक्षोभ – Ferment to produce excitement or unrest – उत्तेजना या अशांति उत्पन्न करना The media tried to ferment public unrest by repeatedly publishing articles about the crooked police officer.
4352 उपक्रम – Undertaking a task that is taken on – वह कार्य जो लिया गया हो Getting a PhD while working fulltime is a huge undertaking, even for the most dedicated student.
4353 वनीय – Sylvan associated with a large number of trees or woods – बड़ी संख्या में पेड़ों या लकड़ियों से जुड़ा हुआ We enjoy visiting the park because it is filled with trees and is the most sylvan area in our crowded city.
4354 उदात्त बनाना – Ennoble to bestow with nobility, honor or grace – बड़प्पन, सम्मान या अनुग्रह प्रदान करना The police commissioner will ennoble Officer Pantowski with a medal for service above and beyond the call of duty, an honor few officers receive.
4355 बहिर्मुखता – Extraversion a personality trait characterized by behavior that signifies one likes being around others rather than being alone – एक व्यक्तित्व गुण जो व्यवहार द्वारा दर्शाया जाता है जो दर्शाता है कि व्यक्ति अकेले रहने के बजाय दूसरों के आसपास रहना पसंद करता है Because extraversion was a major part of her personality, the outgoing cheerleader was known for her peppy attitude.
4356 बक जंगली – Buck wild unable to be managed; out of control – प्रबंधित करने में असमर्थ; नियंत्रण से बाहर When she turned 18, the once well-behaved girl turned buck wild and spent most of her nights partying and drinking.
4357 कार्रवाई – Action combat; battle – लड़ाई; युद्ध The movie was full of action, with most of the scenes containing fighting or warfare.
4358 तनाव – Stressor something or someone who causes tension or trauma – कोई चीज़ या व्यक्ति जो तनाव या आघात का कारण बनता है The teacher’s tears at the end of the day was caused by the demands of the job with the main stressor being the unruly students in her classes.
4359 कारवां – Caravan a group of travelers, animals, or vehicles traveling together – एक साथ यात्रा करने वाले यात्रियों, जानवरों या वाहनों का समूह We decided to organize a caravan to attend the state championship.
4360 पुलिया – Culvert a structure that allows water to flow under a road, railroad, trail, or similar obstruction from one side to the other side – एक संरचना जो पानी को सड़क, रेलमार्ग, पगडंडी या इसी तरह की रुकावट के नीचे एक तरफ से दूसरी तरफ बहने देती है Many artists took inspiration from the culvert overlooking the small stream.
4361 बयान करना – Narrate to give a spoken or written account of events – घटनाओं का मौखिक या लिखित विवरण देना The old storyteller in our village is a survivor of a war long past, and he often narrates the events of his final battle.
4362 अशिष्ट – Brusque blunt in manner or speech to the point of harshness – कठोरता की सीमा तक कुंद व्यवहार या वाणी Since he had burned so many bridges with his brusque attitude, no one wanted to work with him.
4363 चुटिया हे – Plait braid – चोटी The young woman ahead of me in line wore her hair with a plait running down her back and tied at the end.
4364 रिक्ति – Vacancy an opening or opportunity – एक उद्घाटन या अवसर Because there was no vacancy at the inn, Mary and her husband had to sleep in a manger.
4365 पेकेबल – Peccable likely to do wicked or wrong things – दुष्ट या ग़लत कार्य करने की संभावना Judge Smith already knew the peccable ways of the defendant since he had been before the judge over twenty times.
4366 गिरफ़्तार करना – Arrest to seize someone and take them into legal custody – किसी को पकड़ना और कानूनी हिरासत में लेना The police officer decided not to arrest the woman even though he could have taken her to jail.
4367 शब्दजाल – Jargon communication that a person cannot comprehend – संचार जिसे कोई व्यक्ति समझ नहीं सकता If you include legal jargon in the article, only law students and lawyers will be able to understand your position.
4368 स्वामित्व – Ownership possession of something – किसी चीज़ पर कब्ज़ा Due to his ownership of the football team, he received all of the profits made by the team during that season.
4369 नाला – Ravine a tiny yet deep valley – एक छोटी लेकिन गहरी घाटी As the driver lost control on the dirt road, the car suddenly headed into the ravine.
4370 वाह-वाह – Hoity-toity having an arrogant and vain attitude – अहंकारी और व्यर्थ रवैया रखना When the underdressed girl entered the hoity-toity boutique, the workers refused to wait on her because they thought she didn’t have enough money to buy their outfits.
4371 मोंडे – Monde the people within a society who are fashionable – समाज के वे लोग जो फैशनेबल हैं Simple and down to earth, Carlie knew she didn’t fit in with the grand monde, so she made no effort to be part of their high society.
4372 कोआर्डिनेट – Coordinate to organize or integrate different parts of something in a way that makes the whole work efficiently – किसी चीज़ के विभिन्न हिस्सों को इस तरह से व्यवस्थित या एकीकृत करना जिससे पूरा काम कुशलतापूर्वक हो सके The secretary was asked to coordinate the meeting and make sure that all of the parties were aware of the schedule.
4373 बदनाम करना – Denigrate to assault someone’s character or reputation – किसी के चरित्र या प्रतिष्ठा पर हमला करना Bullies often denigrate others to hide their own feelings of worthlessness.
4374 मील का पत्थर – Milestone an important step on the way to a larger goal – बड़े लक्ष्य की राह पर एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम We reached the last milestone before the end of the race.
4375 टूटा हुआ – Broken fractured or damaged – खंडित या क्षतिग्रस्त The doctor is sure that the patient has broken his arm but will take an X-ray image to see exactly where the crack is.
4376 स्थिरता – Consistency texture; feel – बनावट; अनुभव करना After jaw surgery, the consistency of the patient’s food could not be solid.
4377 ग़लतफ़हमी – Misapprehension a misunderstanding or mistaken belief – ग़लतफ़हमी या ग़लत विश्वास The doctor was under the misapprehension that the patient was sick when in reality he was faking it the whole time.
4378 कसौटी – Touchstone a standard by which something is judged – एक मानक जिसके द्वारा किसी चीज़ का मूल्यांकन किया जाता है I used the essay that I received a perfect score on as a touchstone for the other essays I had to write later, so I could get a high score on them as well.
4379 अंततः – Lastly at the end of an inventory of things – चीज़ों की सूची के अंत में The teenager picked up the milk, eggs, butter and lastly the gas at the grocery store before heading home.
4380 संपर्क किया – Approached neared; came close – निकट; करीब आएँ As her birthday approached, the little girl began to plan for her upcoming party.
4381 गुलाबी – Roseate too optimistic; unrealistic – बहुत आशावादी; अवास्तविक The hopeful girl’s attitude towards life was too roseate for her realistic mother’s tastes.
4382 वैलेटुडिनेरियन – Valetudinarian a person who is unduly anxious about their health – एक व्यक्ति जो अपने स्वास्थ्य के बारे में अनावश्यक रूप से चिंतित है Every time he felt even a little bit sick, the valetudinarian would immediately look up his symptoms on WebMD and schedule a doctor’s appointment.
4383 दुष्टता – Enormity an offense or disaster of great magnitude – महान परिमाण का कोई अपराध या आपदा The young man will probably stop laughing when he learns the enormity of the criminal charges against him.
4384 मज़ाक करना – Jape a practical joke or trick that you play on someone – एक व्यावहारिक चुटकुला या चाल जो आप किसी पर खेलते हैं A whoopee cushion and a buzzer were used by the clown when he wanted to pull of a funny jape.
4385 ट्राउट – Trout a freshwater fish related to the salmon that is often caught for food or sport (Merriam) – सैल्मन से संबंधित मीठे पानी की मछली जिसे अक्सर भोजन या खेल के लिए पकड़ा जाता है (मरियम) The fisherman felt a tug on the line and in reeled in a 10 pound trout.
4386 इस प्रकार – Thus as an effect of something else; then – किसी और चीज़ के प्रभाव के रूप में; तब “We have sold 225 dollars worth of girl scout cookies thus far,” said the troop leader, “but we have a long way to go to reach our goal.”
4387 गठन – Formation a military arrangement of troops or vehicles – सैनिकों या वाहनों की एक सैन्य व्यवस्था The fighter jets flew in an arrow formation so they had enough space between them to maneuver if an emergency arose while in-flight.
4388 बड़े करीने से – Neatly in a tidy or organized way – सुव्यवस्थित या व्यवस्थित तरीके से Stacking the papers neatly, the assistant attempted to organize the doctor’s cluttered desk.
4389 झुक – Leaned slanted; bent in one direction – तिरछा; एक दिशा में मुड़ा हुआ The Tower of Pisa has leaned to the north end for many years, tilting under its heavy weight.
4390 प्रदूषक – Pollutant something that infects or contaminates the air, the ground or bodies of water – कुछ ऐसा जो हवा, जमीन या जल निकायों को संक्रमित या दूषित करता है Once the EPA realized that the factory was the main pollutant of the river’s water, they were heavily fined.
4391 प्रामाणिक – Authentic genuine; real; unfaked – असली; असली; बेपर्दा We went to an authentic Mexican restaurant for my birthday where they served cuisine like you would find in Mexico.
4392 पर्याप्त – Adequate enough; good enough – पर्याप्त; काफी है Adequate water intake is necessary for your body to function properly.
4393 मसालेदार – Pickled preserved food in some type of liquid, usually brine or vinegar – किसी प्रकार के तरल, आमतौर पर नमकीन पानी या सिरके में संरक्षित भोजन Grandmother likes to eat green tomatoes pickled in brine, but I prefer fresh over preserved veggies.
4394 अच्छी तरह से – Fairly justly; honestly – उचित रूप से; ईमानदारी से Impartial judges were brought in by the middle school teacher so that the science fair projects could be assessed fairly.
4395 पुनरावृत्ति होना – Recur to happen or appear again – दोबारा घटित होना या प्रकट होना Even with chemotherapy, the cancer could recur and wreck my life again.
4396 निर्जलीकरण – Dehydrate to lose a high amount of water from the body, typically enough to impair normal function – शरीर से पानी की अधिक मात्रा निकल जाना, जो आम तौर पर सामान्य कार्यप्रणाली को ख़राब करने के लिए पर्याप्त है Your body will quickly dehydrate if you are in the desert and you do not have any water with you.
4397 रेखाचित्र – Sketch a rough drawing of something – किसी चीज़ का कच्चा चित्रण A sketch of the main suspect’s face lead authorities to capturing the robbery trio.
4398 अचानक $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Abrupt   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word without notice; sudden – बिना सूचना के; अचानक The bus came to an abrupt halt outside the school.
4399 टॉगल – Toggle pressing a key or button on a computer to go back and forth between something – किसी चीज़ के बीच आगे-पीछे जाने के लिए कंप्यूटर पर कुंजी या बटन दबाना The little kids would toggle back and forth between music and you tube on their tablets.
4400 मिलावट – Tincture a small hint of something – किसी चीज़ का एक छोटा सा संकेत While the student slightly stuttered during her speech in class, I sensed a tincture of nervousness in her voice.
4401 कूप – Coupe a specific car design with a fixed roof and two doors – एक निश्चित छत और दो दरवाजों वाली एक विशिष्ट कार डिज़ाइन In order for a car to be a coupe, it cannot have a retractable roof or four doors.
4402 मातृ – Maternal related to or associated with a mother – माँ से संबंधित या उससे जुड़ा हुआ The cat’s maternal instincts led her to adopt the lost puppy.
4403 जब्ती – Seizure The capturing of something by force – किसी चीज़ पर बलपूर्वक कब्ज़ा करना All of the stolen goods taken in the seizure are being stored in the police lock-up.
4404 देव – Deity one viewed as being extremely powerful or having godly powers – किसी को अत्यधिक शक्तिशाली या ईश्वरीय शक्तियों से युक्त माना जाता है In my religion, we worship only one deity.
4405 बारिश – Rain water that condenses form water vapor and then falls from the sky in tiny droplets – पानी जो संघनित होकर जलवाष्प बनाता है और फिर छोटी-छोटी बूंदों के रूप में आकाश से गिरता है Damp rain splashing down onto the children’s faces was just what was needed on a hot day.
4406 आकस्मिक – Fortuitous happening by accident or chance – दुर्घटना या संयोग से घटित होना Mark proved to be fortuitous by selecting all six winning lotto numbers.
4407 टेलिजेनिक – Telegenic appearing attractive on television – टेलीविजन पर आकर्षक दिखना The telegenic news reporter looked even more beautiful on television than she did in person.
4408 लालन-पालन करना – Nourish to provide with things needed for development or growth – विकास या प्रगति के लिए आवश्यक चीजें उपलब्ध कराना The kindergartners were told they needed to nourish their plant seeds with water and sunlight.
4409 उर्ननग रपाल – Alderman an official voted into a seat on a council – एक अधिकारी ने परिषद की एक सीट के लिए मतदान किया Many campaign signs were found around the city for Dennis Hofferman who was wanting to serve as an alderman on the city council.
4410 खोना – Lose to misplace or be unable to find something – किसी चीज़ को खो देना या खोजने में असमर्थ होना Glen always seems to lose one of his socks and can never find a matching pair.
4411 स्मोक्ड – Smoked let out smoke or vapor – धुआँ या भाप बाहर छोड़ना The Native Americans smoked a peace pipe full of tobacco as they sat together in a hazy circle.
4412 अच्छी तरह से स्थापित – Well-established confidently secure or fixed – आत्मविश्वास से सुरक्षित या स्थिर Everything was running smoothly in the well-established beauty salon business because it has been working well for many years.
4413 रेत से भरा बोरा – Sandbag to perform at a low level – निम्न स्तर पर प्रदर्शन करना The lazy worker tends to sandbag around the office, refusing to do anything more than mediocre work.
4414 आगे का – Fore the front part of something – किसी चीज़ का अगला भाग The first to hit the iceberg, the fore of the ship took the brunt of the impact.
4415 अवांछनीयता – Undesirability the quality of being unwanted or desired – अवांछित या वांछित होने का गुण The product’s undesirability caused it to sit on the shelf week after week.
4416 मूर्खता – Idiocy stupidity – मूर्खता The intellectual community is appalled by the idiocy of those who do not acknowledge scientific research.
4417 कौशल – Aptitude the capability to do something well – कुछ अच्छा करने की क्षमता The aptitude test will identify your strongest areas in math.
4418 समतल रेखा – Flatline to stop being popular or successful – लोकप्रिय या सफल होने से रोकना After the actor was accused of several crimes, his success began to flatline, and he lost his fortune.
4419 बयान करनेवाला – Raconteur one recognized as being a talented teller of stories – एक प्रतिभाशाली कहानीकार के रूप में पहचाना जाता है The kindergarten teacher was an excellent raconteur who had no problem keeping her young charges engaged with her stories.
4420 अग्रणी – Leading foremost; primary – सबसे आगे; प्राथमिक The leading actress came down with a cold, so her replacement had to step in as the show’s star.
4421 बाम – Balm similar to a lotion that is used to soothe dry skin – एक लोशन के समान जिसका उपयोग शुष्क त्वचा को आराम देने के लिए किया जाता है Since I was going to a place with a cold dry climate, I decided to get some balm to prevent my hands from getting dry.
4422 नौकर – Lackey a servant that does menial tasks – एक नौकर जो छोटे-मोटे काम करता है The wealthy gent’s lackey toted his luggage all over the resort.
4423 परिवर्तन – Alteration the condition of being changed – बदले जाने की अवस्था Since I have gained weight, I’ll need a seamstress to make an alteration to my wedding dress.
4424 असफल – Fail in to be unsuccessful achieving a goal – किसी लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने में असफल होना I tried to slam dunk the basketball in today’s game, but with my poor jumping ability I was doomed to fail.
4425 भविष्यहीन – Unforthcoming not willing to disclose information – जानकारी का खुलासा करने को तैयार नहीं Rather than being honest, my husband was unforthcoming about where he had been and refused to answer my questions.
4426 तीखा – Sharp shaped in a pointed or spikey way – नुकीले या कांटेदार आकार का The knife’s pointy blade was sharp enough to slice into the stubborn package.
4427 सीटी – Whistle to make a signal through a high pitch sound by forcing air through a small hole – एक छोटे छेद के माध्यम से हवा को मजबूर करके उच्च पिच ध्वनि के माध्यम से एक संकेत बनाना Use your mouth to whistle to the others so that they can know where we are.
4428 तुलनात्मक – Comparative relative; in comparison to something else – रिश्तेदार; किसी और चीज़ की तुलना में Because they are the three major monotheistic religions, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are comparative faiths.
4429 सूटकेस – Suitcase a rectangular case with a handle that is used to carry personal items, especially clothing – एक हैंडल वाला एक आयताकार मामला जिसका उपयोग व्यक्तिगत वस्तुओं, विशेषकर कपड़ों को ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है Before leaving on a trip to grandmother’s house, the little girl packed a suitcase full of her favorite outfits and toys.
4430 उधार – Borrow to use something that belongs to someone else and then give it back – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का उपयोग करना जो किसी और की हो और फिर उसे वापस दे देना Gabe asked his brother to let him borrow twenty dollars until payday.
4431 अधीक्षक – Superintendent a person that manages an organization or activity – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी संगठन या गतिविधि का प्रबंधन करता है The superintendent is in charge of everything we do here.
4432 जोशीला – Dashing attractive in a manly sense – मर्दाना अर्थ में आकर्षक The dashing rogue that rescued me was handsome, strong, and clever, and I fell for him almost immediately.
4433 सम्मान – Revere to regard someone or something with great respect or devotion – किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ को बहुत सम्मान या भक्ति के साथ मानना Many people from India are Hindu, and so they do not eat beef because they revere the cow as a sacred object.
4434 विलंबित – Delayed something that has been slowed down or postponed – कुछ ऐसा जो धीमा या स्थगित कर दिया गया हो Because the delayed flight will be thirty minutes late, the travelers have more time to rest in the airport lounge.
4435 लाचार – Obligate to be required or forced – आवश्यकता या बाध्य होना All citizens of the United States must obligate to vote in every election as their civic duty.
4436 ग्रामीण – Rural areas that are not in an urban environment – वे क्षेत्र जो शहरी परिवेश में नहीं हैं My father and his friends often leave the city to go hunt game in rural areas.
4437 काल्पनिक – Fanciful coming from the imagination; dreamlike – कल्पना से आ रहा है; सपनो जैसा The storyteller told fanciful tales about talking mermaids and fearless princesses.
4438 परिषद – Council a board or assembly that meets to advise or discuss things – एक बोर्ड या सभा जो चीजों पर सलाह देने या चर्चा करने के लिए मिलती है Head of the school board council, Mr. Meador was responsible for running the meetings once a month.
4439 निवासी – Inhabitant an animal or individual who resides in a specific place – एक जानवर या व्यक्ति जो किसी विशिष्ट स्थान पर रहता है When the apartment inhabitant came home from work, he saw his belongings outside and knew he’d been evicted.
4440 अनुरूप – Envisioned to conceive or see something within one’s mind; to imagine – किसी के मन में कुछ कल्पना करना या देखना; कल्पना करना As a child, Barbara envisioned herself as a royal and snobbish type who would one day become a queen.
4441 शत्रुता – Enmity a feeling of strong dislike or opposition – तीव्र नापसंदगी या विरोध की भावना Because the two brothers are both in love with the same girl, there is a great deal of enmity between them.
4442 स्थिर – Unflappable clear headed and serene during a catastrophe – आपदा के दौरान स्पष्ट दिमाग वाला और शांत When a deadly tornado raced across town, many residents panicked but Miles remained unflappable and calmly lead his neighbors to shelter.
4443 आंधी – Typhoon a type of tropical storm (hurricane) that occurs in the Pacific or Indian Oceans – एक प्रकार का उष्णकटिबंधीय तूफान (तूफान) जो प्रशांत या हिंद महासागर में आता है Typhoon is the name for a hurricane that occurs in the Western Pacific.
4444 दुर्ग – Fortification the strengthening or reinforcement of something – किसी चीज का सुदृढ़ीकरण या सुदृढीकरण Folic acid fortification can help strengthen an expectant mother’s body an make her stronger throughout her pregnancy.
4445 आज्ञा – Behest a request of great importance – बहुत महत्व का अनुरोध At the president’s behest, the prisoner will be pardoned for his crimes.
4446 यूनीसाइकिल – Unicycle a bicycle with only one wheel – केवल एक पहिये वाली साइकिल Riding on a unicycle, the circus clown did tricks on its one wheel.
4447 हाकी – Khaki a light brown or green cloth made usually of cotton or wool that is traditionally used for making uniforms – हल्के भूरे या हरे रंग का कपड़ा जो आमतौर पर कपास या ऊन से बना होता है जिसका उपयोग पारंपरिक रूप से वर्दी बनाने के लिए किया जाता है The man’s brown khaki suit stood out amongst the traditional black tuxedoes in the room.
4448 घात लगाना – Ambush the act of concealing oneself and lying in wait to attack by surprise – खुद को छुपाने और अचानक हमला करने की प्रतीक्षा में लेटने की क्रिया A suicide bomber waited in ambush for the right opportunity to detonate his bomb, but was tackled before he had the opportunity.
4449 खुश – Happy feeling or showing pleasure, joy, or contentment – खुशी, खुशी या संतुष्टि महसूस करना या दिखाना At their beautiful wedding, the happy couple smiled from ear to ear.
4450 बकवाद – Inanition the condition of being or having a void of food or water in the body – शरीर में भोजन या पानी की कमी होने या होने की स्थिति Due to the inanition of her stomach, the plane crash victim died of starvation since her body had used every morsel to nourish it.
4451 फिसलन – Glide to slide across a surface smoothly – किसी सतह पर आसानी से सरकना As she began to glide on the ice, the skater moved with an air of gracefulness that was unmatched by others in the arena.
4452 मूर्ति – Statue a carved or cast depiction of a person or animal, usually life-sized or greater – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर का नक्काशीदार या ढाला हुआ चित्रण, आमतौर पर आदमकद या उससे बड़ा There is a statue of Abraham Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial.
4453 वास्तविकता – Reality the true situation exactly as it exists – वास्तविक स्थिति बिल्कुल वैसी ही है जैसी वह मौजूद है The reality of the family’s poverty meant they didn’t have much food or water.
4454 दोस्ती – Friendship the state of two people being friends; the feeling or emotions of being friends – दो लोगों के मित्र होने की अवस्था; मित्र होने का भाव या भाव Having been at each other’s side since Kindergarten, the friendship between Carl and Isaac was unbreakable.
4455 कोशिश की – Tried attempted; made an effort – प्रयास किया गया; एक प्रयास किया Taylor tried to tie his shoe, but he couldn’t quite get the loop right.
4456 दार्शनिक – Philosopher someone who provides answers or deep explanations on reason and beliefs – कोई व्यक्ति जो तर्क और विश्वास पर उत्तर या गहन स्पष्टीकरण प्रदान करता है Plato was a philosopher who was known for his theories about thinking and reasoning.
4457 नुनखरा – Brackish unappealing in taste – स्वाद में अरुचिकर Since the water on the island tasted brackish, I decided not to drink it.
4458 अपने ऊपर लेना – Incur acquire – अधिग्रहण करना It was impossible to incur any debt after a year of being unemployed.
4459 हिमायत – Intercession the act of intervening on someone’s behalf – किसी की ओर से हस्तक्षेप करने की क्रिया When it was obvious that Blake wouldn’t be able to break his addiction on his own, his mother decided an intercession was necessary.
4460 तार से पुष्ट किया हुआ फ़ीता – Gimp a limp when walking, usually used In a negative way – चलते समय लंगड़ाना, आमतौर पर नकारात्मक तरीके से उपयोग किया जाता है Walking with a gimp, the man used his crutches to limp across the intersection.
4461 आयु – Age the amount of time someone or something has been living – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जितना समय जी रहा है The youthful woman’s age was actually much older it appeared to be.
4462 फ़ुटपाथ – Flagging becoming weaker, slower, or less effective – कमज़ोर, धीमा, या कम प्रभावी होना The student’s flagging grades went from straight A’s down to mostly C’s and D’s.
4463 दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ – Hesitating pausing before saying or doing something – कुछ कहने या करने से पहले रुकना Hesitating for a second, the basketball player seemed to second guess himself before taking the shot.
4464 उतारना – Doff means to tip or remove (one’s hat) in salutation – इसका अर्थ है अभिवादन में (किसी की टोपी) टिप देना या हटाना Before he could doff his hat at the busy woman, she hurried by without paying him any attention.
4465 संपन्न – Thriving growing and developing well – अच्छी तरह बढ़ रहा है और विकसित हो रहा है After being placed in a bigger pot, the once listless plant is now thriving with tons of blooms on its stems.
4466 अति सक्रिय – Hyperactive extremely or unusually overactive – अत्यधिक या असामान्य रूप से अतिसक्रिय The hyperactive toddler ran around the daycare smashing toys and knocking things off of the wall.
4467 जहाज – Ship to transport goods from one place to another – माल को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक ले जाना It is easier to ship goods from plane than by boat since not every city is connected to a waterway.
4468 महत्त्व – Importance the value or substance of something – किसी चीज का मूल्य या पदार्थ The doctor always stresses to his patients the importance of a healthy diet and lots of exercise.
4469 कठिन प्रयास – Try-hard a person of little talent that struggles to succeed by imitating others – कम प्रतिभा वाला व्यक्ति जो दूसरों की नकल करके सफल होने के लिए संघर्ष करता है Because she had no singing ability, the try-hard performer had to sleep her way to the top.
4470 उथला – Shallow uninterested in things that are serious or deep; seeing only what is noticeable – उन चीज़ों में रुचि न होना जो गंभीर या गहरी हों; केवल वही देखना जो ध्यान देने योग्य है A beauty pageant is a shallow contest in which people are judged mainly on their looks.
4471 प्रमाण – Vindication to prove that someone is not guilty of wrongdoing – यह साबित करने के लिए कि कोई गलत काम का दोषी नहीं है The man felt personal vindication after police admitted he was not a suspect.
4472 कष्ट – Hardship adversity; difficulty – आपदा; कठिनाई A hardship loan was approved so that the worker could draw money out of his retirement when his car broke down.
4473 भूखा – Starve to suffer or die from severe hunger – भयंकर भूख से पीड़ित होना या मरना A human being will begin to starve if they don’t eat for several days.
4474 ऐंठन – Twitch a quick tic, spasm or tremor – एक त्वरित टिक, ऐंठन या कंपकंपी When a sudden cold breeze blew past me, my body gave a twitch to try to shake off the unexpected draft.
4475 सड़ाया हुआ – Addled incapable of thinking in a clear manner – स्पष्ट ढंग से सोचने में असमर्थ Because my grandmother is in her mid-nineties, she is a bit addled at times and requires the aid of a personal caregiver.
4476 बातचीत करना – Communicate to share information or ideas through words, movement, or writing – शब्दों, गतिविधि या लेखन के माध्यम से जानकारी या विचार साझा करना The twins use their own language to communicate, one that even their own parents don’t understand.
4477 ऐस – Ace to accomplish something masterfully – किसी कार्य को कुशलतापूर्वक पूरा करना If you study hard enough, you will be able to ace the exam with no trouble whatsoever, even though the subject is not your favorite.
4478 जीवंत – Lively active; full of energy – सक्रिय; ऊर्जा से भरा हुआ The lively children came barreling down the hallway.
4479 परोपजीवी – Parasitical of, pertaining to, or having the characteristics of a parasite; leechlike or freeloading – किसी परजीवी से संबंधित, या उसके लक्षण रखने वाला; जोंक जैसा या मुफ्तखोर Ticks feed off of human blood, making them parasitical and dangerous.
4480 अशक्त करना – Incapacitate to cause something or someone to not function in a normal manner – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को सामान्य तरीके से काम न करने के लिए प्रेरित करना The doctor ordered the nurse to use a tranquilizer to incapacitate the wild patient.
4481 मिस्ट्रियल – Mistrial a trial that ends through an error in the proceedings – एक मुकदमा जो कार्यवाही में त्रुटि के कारण समाप्त होता है Bill Cosby’s rape hearing ended in a mistrial since the jurors were deadlocked and couldn’t come to a decision.
4482 महान – Noble displaying exceptional character traits – असाधारण चरित्र लक्षण प्रदर्शित करना The noble dog would not leave the side of his wounded master.
4483 घूरकर देखा – Gazed stared/looked at without stopping – बिना रुके घूरते/देखते रहे While under hypnosis, the entranced woman gazed at the swinging necklace, her eyes never blinking.
4484 गुप्त – Cryptic difficult to understand – समझने में कठिन Younger children will find it hard to understand the cryptic directions that go along with the chemistry set.
4485 इब्तिदाई – Inchoate beginning to develop or form – विकसित होना या बनना शुरू होना Because our company just recently opened its doors, we are inchoate and are not offering all of our services yet.
4486 तत्त्व – Quiddity the qualities of something that makes it what it is, usually on purpose – किसी चीज़ के वे गुण जो उसे वैसा बनाते हैं, आमतौर पर जानबूझकर Even though the boy always lied, he actually realized the quiddity of each lie that he told.
4487 प्राप्त किया – Obtained gained or got a hold of something – किसी चीज़ पर कब्ज़ा करना या प्राप्त करना The undercover officer obtained drugs from the dealer after giving him money for the pills.
4488 हॉरनेट – Hornet a big stinging wasp that lives below ground – एक बड़ा डंक मारने वाला ततैया जो जमीन के नीचे रहता है When I got stung by the brown and yellow hornet, I screamed in pain as it quickly flew to its home under the dirt.
4489 अंगराग – Cosmetic external or superficial; pertaining only to the surface or appearance of something – बाहरी या सतही; केवल किसी चीज़ की सतह या उपस्थिति से संबंधित Fortunately, the damage to the house was mostly cosmetic and a bit of paint covered it nicely.
4490 मूढ़ – Lummox someone who is clumsy or regarded as unintelligent – कोई व्यक्ति जो अनाड़ी हो या मूर्ख समझा जाता हो I consider my baby brother a lummox, since he is constantly tripping over nothing and knocking things over.
4491 पिशाच – Ghoul an evil spirit or undead creature that is believed to feed on corpses – एक बुरी आत्मा या मरा हुआ प्राणी जिसके बारे में माना जाता है कि वह लाशों को खाता है The ghoul is a fictional undead creature that is usually the corpse of some dead person that wants to feed on the living.
4492 वाइल्डकार्ड – Wildcard someone or something that causes uncertainty because there is no way to determine their behavior or influence beforehand – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो अनिश्चितता का कारण बनती है क्योंकि उनके व्यवहार या प्रभाव को पहले से निर्धारित करने का कोई तरीका नहीं है The new player is thought of as a wildcard since there is no way to know if he will make enough shots to lead his team to victory.
4493 औपचारिक – Formal official; legally recognized – अधिकारी; कानूनी रूप से मान्यता प्राप्त Once the formal adoption takes place, the parents will be able to legally change the baby’s name.
4494 कुश्ती – Wrestle to struggle with a difficultly or problem – किसी कठिनाई या समस्या से जूझना The unhappy worker continues to wrestle with the decision to find a better job.
4495 मीठा – Sweeten to make something sweeter in taste – स्वाद में कुछ मीठा बनाने के लिए The tea didn’t taste very good, so I used some sugar to sweeten it.
4496 सुसज्जित – Furnished supplied; provided – आपूर्ति की गई; प्रदान किया The charity furnished pillows, blankets, and a hot meal to the homeless men and women sleeping on the streets.
4497 नायकत्व – Hegemony the predominant influence of one group over another – एक समूह का दूसरे समूह पर प्रबल प्रभाव The president of the company has hegemony over his employees.
4498 भूतिया – Haunting disturbing in a way that makes something hard to ignore or forget – इस तरह परेशान करना कि किसी चीज़ को नज़रअंदाज करना या भूलना मुश्किल हो जाए The mass shooting survivor has haunting nightmares in which she relives the terrible trauma she went through over and over again.
4499 तना – Stem the main stalk of a plant where the leaves and the flowers branch off of – किसी पौधे का मुख्य डंठल जहाँ से पत्तियाँ और फूल निकलते हैं Quickly, Henry yanked the stem of a flower while his sweetheart’s back was turned and gave it to her after she turned around.
4500 मधुर – Melodious having a pleasing sound – मनभावन ध्वनि होना His melodious voice carried over all of the other students in the Christmas program.
4501 पार – Surpass to exceed or do better – अधिक करना या बेहतर करना Since my husband is very competitive, I know he will try and surpass my videogame score.
4502 गोलमाल – Bungling the action or fact of carrying out a task clumsily or incompetently – किसी कार्य को अनाड़ी या अक्षमतापूर्वक पूरा करने की क्रिया या तथ्य The clumsy waitress had a habit of bungling the orders and dropping the drinks and plates all over the café floor.
4503 विनती की – Implored sincerely begged – ईमानदारी से विनती की The little boy implored his kidnapper to let him go.
4504 गुणक – Coefficient a digit by which something else is multiplied – वह अंक जिससे किसी अन्य चीज़ को गुणा किया जाता है During class, I learned a coefficient is always attached to a variable.
4505 भाग गए – Fled ran away from something – किसी चीज़ से भागना After robbing the bank of several thousand dollars, the thief fled through the alleyway.
4506 हानिकर – Disadvantageous involving bad or unfavorable circumstances that can reduce the chance of success – इसमें बुरी या प्रतिकूल परिस्थितियाँ शामिल हैं जो सफलता की संभावना को कम कर सकती हैं The racer’s position at the back was disadvantageous since he was already twenty cars behind at the beginning of the race.
4507 नीच – Ribald offensive or vulgar humor – आपत्तिजनक या अश्लील हास्य The comic’s sexual jokes were too ribald for my religious mother.
4508 गड़गड़ाहट – Peal the piercing sound of something – किसी चीज की भेदने वाली ध्वनि As I walked down the street on the June day, I could hear the peal of the wedding bells coming from the corner church.
4509 पर काबू पाने – Overcome to succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty – किसी समस्या या कठिनाई से निपटने में सफल होना Ted knows that he would have no problem speaking in public if he would only overcome his fears instead of running away from them.
4510 अतुल्यकालिक – Asynchronous not happening or occurring at the same time – एक ही समय में न घटित होना या घटित होना The online course was asynchronous, allowing students to learn at their own pace.
4511 प्रतिवाद – Remonstrance a forceful or aggressive protest – एक सशक्त या आक्रामक विरोध Their unruly remonstrance and declarations of protest will not change the law that has been passed.
4512 अर्थलिप्सा – Cupidity excessive desire or greed – अत्यधिक इच्छा या लालच John’s cupidity led him to try and rob the bank.
4513 मध्यान्तर – Interval the period of time that exists between happenings – घटनाओं के बीच मौजूद समय की अवधि The interval between my wife’s contractions has decreased to twenty minutes.
4514 दहनशील – Combustible something that is susceptible to igniting or being caught on fire – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जिसके जलने या आग लगने की आशंका हो Paper is a combustible material that you could easily light on fire with a match or a lighter.
4515 बार बार दुहराना – Reiterate to do or say something many times; repeat – किसी बात को कई बार करना या कहना; दोहराना Do you have to reiterate everything you say?
4516 विद्रोह – Insurrection an organized uprising against an authoritative body – एक आधिकारिक संस्था के विरुद्ध संगठित विद्रोह During the insurrection, several convicts held a prison doctor hostage.
4517 प्रतिशत – Percent a portion of a hundred – सौ का एक भाग Nobody could believe that the little boy ate 75 percent of the pizza because that was six slices at one time.
4518 आलिंगनबद्ध – Cuddly something attractive and soft that people enjoy hugging – कुछ आकर्षक और मुलायम जिसे लोग गले लगाने का आनंद लेते हैं Tiffany squeezed the cute and cuddly teddy bear tightly as she got ready to go to sleep.
4519 घिनौना – Abhorrent causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred – तीव्र नापसंदगी या नफरत पैदा करने वाला या उसके योग्य As I looked around the filthy apartment, I had to wonder who could live in such abhorrent conditions.
4520 किले – Fortress a fort or castle – एक किला या महल The tall fortress was surrounded by a swampy moat and drawbridge that led to the fort.
4521 बुनियादी – Basal relating to, or forming, the base, or point of origin – आधार, या उद्गम बिंदु से संबंधित, या बनाने वाला During class, the biology teacher explained that the basal epidermal cells form the innermost layer of human skin.
4522 कामोद्दीपक – Aphrodisiac something that produces or enhances desire of a sexual nature – कुछ ऐसा जो यौन प्रकृति की इच्छा पैदा करता है या बढ़ाता है My husband hoped the aphrodisiac would stimulate his sexual desires.
4523 पीछा किये – Pursued being followed or chased by something – किसी चीज द्वारा पीछा किया जाना या पीछा किया जाना In my worst nightmares, I am always being pursued by some all-knowing monster that cannot be escaped.
4524 स्लमगुलियन – Slumgullion a cheap stew that is made of meat and vegetables but is thin like water – एक सस्ता स्टू जो मांस और सब्जियों से बनता है लेकिन पानी की तरह पतला होता है The poof family could only afford to make slumgullion and slurped the thin stew at every meal.
4525 जटिल काम – Trickier to be more complicated or problematic than usual or than something else – सामान्य से अधिक या किसी अन्य चीज़ से अधिक जटिल या समस्याग्रस्त होना Algebra problems are trickier to do than Pre-algebra problems because Algebra is a higher-level class.
4526 नटखट लड़का – Urchin a young child that runs through the streets in dirty clothing, behaving badly – एक छोटा बच्चा जो गंदे कपड़ों में सड़कों पर दौड़ता है और बुरा व्यवहार करता है The little urchin ran through the streets of New York barefoot and looking for trouble.
4527 से अधिक – Exceeding more or greater than average – औसत से अधिक या अधिक Having exceeding expectations, the teacher required high quality work with no errors from all of his students.
4528 निरादर – Humiliation the condition that occurs when one is made to feel embarrassed or like an idiot – वह स्थिति जो तब होती है जब किसी को शर्मिंदा या बेवकूफ जैसा महसूस कराया जाता है Sarah endured a great deal of humiliation when her peers made fun of her at the prom.
4529 पड़ी – Arose to start to exist or occur – अस्तित्व में आना या घटित होना शुरू होना A disagreement arose during the game, and the referee had to clear the field to end the fight.
4530 दिया गया – Given having been provided or supplied with something – किसी चीज की आपूर्ति या आपूर्ति की गई हो The boy was given a used car as a 16th birthday present.
4531 महाराजा – Potentate someone with unlimited power, usually a leader of a country or territory – असीमित शक्ति वाला कोई व्यक्ति, आमतौर पर किसी देश या क्षेत्र का नेता Our president cannot become a potentate because he has to share his power with two other branches of government.
4532 ऋृण – Debt financial liabilities or obligations – वित्तीय देनदारियाँ या दायित्व It looked as if filing for bankruptcy would be the only option for the business that was drowning in debt.
4533 धुंधला – Hazy cloudy; foggy – बादलों से घिरा; कोहरे वाला Because the windshield was so fogged up, everything along the highway looked hazy.
4534 संघर्ष – Clash to collide together noisily or violently – शोरगुल या हिंसक तरीके से एक साथ टकराना The baby continued to clash the pots and pans together, making a huge racket.
4535 निओलगिज़्म – Neologism a new term or phrase recently added to a person or group’s vocabulary – किसी व्यक्ति या समूह की शब्दावली में हाल ही में जोड़ा गया एक नया शब्द या वाक्यांश The neologism became so popular it was added to most dictionaries.
4536 इनकार – Renege to not fulfill a promise – वादा पूरा न करना Although my father made a promise to extend my curfew, he later decided to renege upon his word and ordered me home by eleven.
4537 जोड़ा जा सकने वाला – Relatable relevant; applicable – उपयुक्त; उपयुक्त While on dates, women and men should focus on relatable subjects that are relevant to both sexes.
4538 मुख्य – Salient most important or prominent – सबसे महत्वपूर्ण या प्रमुख When I look at the house for sale, salient defects such as the broken windows stare back at me.
4539 प्रतिक्रिया – React to respond or behave in a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से प्रतिक्रिया करना या व्यवहार करना We hope my brother will react in an excited way when we yell “surprise!”
4540 अभिकारक – Reactant a substance that is there at the beginning of a chemical reaction – एक पदार्थ जो रासायनिक प्रतिक्रिया की शुरुआत में होता है Hydrogen is a reactant which when combined with oxygen can make water.
4541 मद्य पेय – Aperitif an alcoholic beverage that is drunk before eating and can stimulate the appetite – एक मादक पेय जो खाने से पहले पिया जाता है और भूख को उत्तेजित कर सकता है The sparkling wine is the perfect aperitif to be sipped on before our evening meal.
4542 इसलिए – Accordingly in a suitable way – उपयुक्त तरीके से Once the payment is received, we will process your order accordingly.
4543 एस्क्लेड – Escalade the act of climbing or scaling defensive walls with the aid of ladders – सीढ़ी की सहायता से रक्षात्मक दीवारों पर चढ़ने या चढ़ने की क्रिया Even the strongest men were unable to escalade the tower of the north castle.
4544 एक्सट्रपलेशन करना – Extrapolate to predict the future by looking at information that is already known – पहले से ज्ञात जानकारी को देखकर भविष्य की भविष्यवाणी करना The scientist tried to extrapolate the future results by looking at data from previous testing dates.
4545 निन्दा – Reprehensible highly unacceptable action; deserving severe disapproval or criticism – अत्यधिक अस्वीकार्य कार्रवाई; गंभीर अस्वीकृति या आलोचना का पात्र How reprehensible of you to put sugar in my gas tank!
4546 बनाया – Formed created; crafted or made – बनाया था; गढ़ा या बनाया हुआ Rolling the dough in her hand, the pastry chef quickly formed round treats to bake for the guests.
4547 हस्तक्षेप करना – Intervene to interfere in an incident for a specific purpose – किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए किसी घटना में हस्तक्षेप करना The teacher was injured when she tried to intervene in the fight between the two male students.
4548 भूत – Ghost the spirit of a dead person, sometimes represented as a pale, almost transparent image – किसी मृत व्यक्ति की आत्मा को कभी-कभी एक पीली, लगभग पारदर्शी छवि के रूप में दर्शाया जाता है The spectral image of a moaning ghost appeared at the top of the creepy mansion’s staircase.
4549 ग्राहक – Customer someone who purchases something – कोई व्यक्ति जो कुछ खरीदता है My boss at the feed store harps that the customer is always right, but I think most of them just want something for nothing.
4550 चोरी – Larceny unlawful taking of personal property – निजी संपत्ति का अवैध कब्ज़ा After finding his computer was not where he left it, he accused his sister of larceny.
4551 थोड़ा – Slightly a tiny bit – एक छोटा टुकड़ा Jamie loved that her best friend was only slightly bigger in size so that they could share each other’s clothes.
4552 क्रूर – Brutal violently cruel and inhumane – अत्यंत क्रूर और अमानवीय A rise in violent and brutal crimes is plaguing the once peaceful city.
4553 बेइरादा – Unwittingly ignorantly or in a way that shows one is unaware – अज्ञानतापूर्वक या ऐसे तरीके से जिससे पता चले कि कोई अनजान है Not realizing she was sick, the passenger unwittingly spread her cold to the man sitting next to her.
4554 अनदेखी – Overlooked ignored; didn’t notice – अवहेलना करना; ध्यान नहीं दिया The police have not solved the crime because they overlooked an important clue that contains all of the answers.
4555 इक्सप्रेस्सियुनिज़म – Expressionism a style of art where the artist expresses his or her emotions from objects – कला की एक शैली जहाँ कलाकार वस्तुओं के माध्यम से अपनी भावनाओं को व्यक्त करता है Edward Munch painted The Scream during expressionism due the feelings he felt when the weather one day changed drastically.
4556 भीड़-भाड़ – Huddle to crowd together, typically for warmth or privacy – आम तौर पर गर्मजोशी या गोपनीयता के लिए एक साथ भीड़ लगाना A football team will often huddle together so they can discuss their game plan without the other team seeing or hearing it.
4557 टिन – Tin a receptacle can made of a metallic element – धातु तत्व से बना एक पात्र When the little boy put the pebbles in the tin for safe keeping, he could hear the clinking sound as they hit the bottom.
4558 शुरू – Outset at the start of something – किसी चीज़ की शुरुआत में Every character at the outset of the book was fully developed so that the reader knew everything about the characters prior to the plot.
4559 इंद्रधनुषी – Iridescent exhibiting a wide range of brilliant colors like a rainbow – इंद्रधनुष की तरह शानदार रंगों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला प्रदर्शित करना The singer’s iridescent necklace glowed brightly under the spotlight.
4560 इंटर – Inter to put a deceased person to rest – किसी मृत व्यक्ति को आराम देना We decided to inter my son’s dead bird near the apple tree.
4561 मायूसी – Despondence state of being discouraged and hopeless – निराश और निराश होने की अवस्था The dejected cancer patient’s despondence showed on her face after another round of chemotherapy that was unlikely to work.
4562 अपेक्षाकृत – Comparatively to a moderate degree when compared to something else – किसी अन्य चीज़ की तुलना में मध्यम स्तर तक Mistreating others because you have a comparatively higher income is morally wrong.
4563 कड़ा – Adamantine unyielding; firm and unbreakable – अड़ जाना; दृढ़ और अटूट The hero was adamantine and stuck to his values no matter what problem he faced.
4564 प्रशंसक – Admirer someone who finds someone else attractive or interesting – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी अन्य को आकर्षक या दिलचस्प पाता है A secret admirer placed a love note by the girl’s window but didn’t reveal his identity.
4565 सूंघना – Nuzzle to touch softly with the nose – नाक से धीरे से छूना When I am sad, my dog will nuzzle me with his nose.
4566 द्वारपाल – Concierge someone who is hired to take care of a building’s entrance (doorman), hotel guests, or provides personal service for others – कोई व्यक्ति जिसे किसी भवन के प्रवेश द्वार (दरबान), होटल के मेहमानों की देखभाल करने या दूसरों के लिए व्यक्तिगत सेवा प्रदान करने के लिए काम पर रखा गया हो The concierge stood beside the elevator and helped the apartment tenants with any of their needs.
4567 आकस्मिकता – Contingency an event that could occur – एक घटना जो घटित हो सकती है The city’s evacuation plan is designed to be effective in case of any contingency that necessitates a hasty withdrawal.
4568 पहुंचा दिया – Delivered carried to a particular location – एक विशेष स्थान पर ले जाया गया The mailman delivered the package to our front porch since it was too big for the mailbox by the road.
4569 Escargot – Escargot a snail, especially one served as a dish – एक घोंघा, विशेष रूप से एक व्यंजन के रूप में परोसा जाने वाला घोंघा Considering how unappetizing snails look in appearance, I have no idea how anyone eats escargot.
4570 जाली – Bogus not real; fake – वास्तविक नहीं; नकली The jewelry store owner was arrested for selling bogus diamonds as genuine gems.
4571 आसक्ति – Infatuation an intense but brief passion for something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति तीव्र लेकिन संक्षिप्त जुनून Romeo’s infatuation with Juliet probably would have passed after a short time, but his life ended so soon after being smitten, that ended up happening anyway.
4572 आम तौर पर – Generally usually, In most cases – आमतौर पर, ज्यादातर मामलों में Generally, we do not accept checks, but we will make an exception.
4573 घिनौना – Misbegotten improper or poorly planned – अनुचित या ख़राब योजनाबद्ध After the misbegotten party was planned for outside, it was a shame that the event planner never consulted the weather forecast.
4574 लोकलुभावनवाद – Populism support for the rights and powers of ordinary people – आम लोगों के अधिकारों और शक्तियों के लिए समर्थन Promoting populism meant that the candidate played on the naïve notions of the poor working class.
4575 मुख्य धारा – Mainstream ideas or attitudes that are normal or held by the majority – ऐसे विचार या दृष्टिकोण जो सामान्य हों या बहुमत द्वारा धारण किए गए हों Because he doesn’t like mainstream music, Matthew never listens to the Top 100 on the radio.
4576 निगल गया – Swallowed to resist expressing or uttering something – कुछ व्यक्त करने या बोलने का विरोध करना Oscar swallowed his pride and admitted to his friends that he needed their help to break free of his addiction.
4577 अस्वाभाविक – Unnatural abnormal; strange – असामान्य; अजीब The peculiar woman’s bright orange hair looked so unnatural.
4578 लंगर – Pendulum something hanging and swinging freely back and forth under the influence of gravity – गुरुत्वाकर्षण के प्रभाव में कोई वस्तु स्वतंत्र रूप से आगे-पीछे लटकती और झूलती रहती है When the pendulum clock strikes twelve, it produces a heavy clanging.
4579 तूफ़ानी – Tempestuous identified by stormy or explosive conditions – तूफ़ानी या विस्फोटक स्थितियों से पहचाना जाता है My father’s tempestuous mood often leaves my mother in tears.
4580 खुदराय – Willful done intentionally or willfully – जानबूझ कर या इच्छापूर्वक किया गया The man’s willful silence was a way to intentionally hurt his wife and avoid talking out their issues.
4581 कड़ी – Linkage the forming of a connection between two different things – दो अलग-अलग चीजों के बीच संबंध बनाना The new railroad system will be the linkage that will join one end of the city to the other.
4582 का अनुरोध किया – Requested to be asked for – माँगा जाना A soldier came in and requested a pack of cigarettes today, but as quartermaster I couldn’t provide him with something like that.
4583 अनुमान लगाया – Guessed predicted; estimated – भविष्यवाणी की; अनुमानित The homeowners guessed that the repairs would cost around 400 dollars, but their estimate was off just a little.
4584 ट्रैक्टर – Tractor a vehicle with a motor and large, heavy treaded tires that is used for pulling farm machinery – मोटर और बड़े, भारी टायरों वाला एक वाहन जिसका उपयोग कृषि मशीनरी खींचने के लिए किया जाता है Using a tractor, the gardener was able to till the tract of land for planting.
4585 हिसात्मक आचरण – Rampage to rush through an area in a reckless or violent manner – किसी क्षेत्र में लापरवाही या हिंसक तरीके से भागना Shoppers went on a rampage through the mall, knocking over racks and pushing each other down.
4586 यह सिद्धांत कि मनुष्य के कार्य स्वतंत्र नहीं होते – Determinism previous events have already established the results of certain actions – पिछली घटनाओं ने पहले ही कुछ कार्यों के परिणामों को स्थापित कर दिया है Based on the theory of environmental determinism, it is believed that all the natural disasters will take place as scheduled and can’t be stopped.
4587 चाहे – Whether expressing a doubt or choice between two different things – दो अलग-अलग चीजों के बीच संदेह या विकल्प व्यक्त करना I’m not sure whether I should cook hamburgers or spaghetti for lunch.
4588 पहले से कह देना – Foretell to predict; to tell the future before it occurs – भविष्यवाणी करना; भविष्य घटित होने से पहले बताना I wish there was a better way to foretell when the gas prices will change.
4589 परी – Fairy a small imaginary winged being that has magical powers – एक छोटा सा काल्पनिक पंखों वाला प्राणी जिसके पास जादुई शक्तियां हैं Tinkerbell and another fairy fluttered around Never Land, looking for Peter Pan and playing magical tricks on the lost boys.
4590 शेख़ी – Rant an act complaining or speaking about something in a loud, lengthy, angry, emotional manner – किसी बात के बारे में शिकायत करने या ज़ोर से, लम्बे, गुस्से में, भावनात्मक तरीके से बोलने की क्रिया The woman’s irate Facebook rant was not representative of her character and was eventually taken down.
4591 महिला – Female a girl or woman – एक लड़की या महिला Only one female in the classroom actually likes math, while the other girls prefer to learn about history.
4592 घमंडी – Prideful proud, unfriendly, and showing an “I’m better, smarter, and bigger than other people” attitude – घमंडी, अमित्र, और “मैं अन्य लोगों की तुलना में बेहतर, होशियार और बड़ा हूं” वाला रवैया दिखा रहा हूं Turning her nose up at the homeless lady, the prideful woman would not allow herself to believe that the two had anything in common other than their gender.
4593 पौधों का रस – Sap to gradually weaken something – किसी चीज़ को धीरे-धीरे कमज़ोर करना The harsh temperatures of the Sahara desert will quickly sap a person’s body of stamina and strength.
4594 असीम – Limitless having no end or limit – जिसका कोई अंत या सीमा न हो The restaurant allows greedy guests to consume a limitless amount of food from the all-you-can-eat buffet.
4595 कूल्हा – Hip trendy or popular by current cultural standards – वर्तमान सांस्कृतिक मानकों के अनुसार ट्रेंडी या लोकप्रिय It’s hard to believe that styles of clothing such as bell bottoms or parachute pants were once considered hip by society.
4596 आंख का – Ocular associated with vision or eyesight – दृष्टि या दृष्टि से सम्बंधित Ocular pain forced me to call my eye doctor.
4597 व्यवहार – Behave to act or conduct oneself in a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से कार्य करना या आचरण करना If she chooses to behave badly at school, the unruly toddler will be placed in time out for her bad conduct.
4598 माया – Hallucination an image, a sound, or a smell) that seems real but does not really exist – एक छवि, एक ध्वनि, या एक गंध) जो वास्तविक लगती है लेकिन वास्तव में अस्तित्व में नहीं है An allergic reaction to medication brought on a hallucination in which the patient thought she saw a dog in her hospital room.
4599 फ्यूज – Fuse to combine into one thing – एक चीज़ में मिलाना In the cooking contest, I will fuse Mexican and French recipes to make a dish I will refer to as Frexican.
4600 उत्तेजनीय – Excitable easily excited; emotional or temperamental – आसानी से उत्तेजित; भावुक या मनमौजी It didn’t take much to get the excitable puppy riled up and a bark fest to being.
4601 पूर्णांक – Integer a whole number – एक पूर्ण संख्या Each integer on the number line is marked with a dash.
4602 टिप्पणी – Annotation a note or comment added to a document or book – किसी दस्तावेज़ या पुस्तक में जोड़ा गया एक नोट या टिप्पणी Surprisingly, my critical professor returned the rough draft of my essay without a single annotation.
4603 उदासी – Nostalgia a longing for a time or event that has passed – किसी बीत चुके समय या घटना की लालसा My grandmother says the jazz music triggers nostalgia for her youth.
4604 के आकार का – Shaped to be manipulated into a particular shape – किसी विशेष आकार में हेरफेर किया जाना In the hands of a skilled worker, clay can be shaped into bowls, sculptures, and many other things.
4605 डॉर्की – Dorky in a way that seems nerdy or with social ineptness – एक तरह से जो मूर्खतापूर्ण या सामाजिक अयोग्यता वाला प्रतीत होता है The dorky couple liked doing nerdy things like playing chess and building robots in their spare time.
4606 संदिग्ध – Questionable not certain; doubtful – निश्चित नहीं; संदिग्ध Attending the game is questionable since it will probably be rescheduled due to rain.
4607 निकालें – Eject to force something or someone to depart or exit – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को प्रस्थान करने या बाहर निकलने के लिए बाध्य करना When the unruly patron began to throw things in the restaurant, the manager quickly decided to eject the man onto the sidewalk in front of the restaurant.
4608 कप्तान – Captain to command or control something, generally a vessel of some sort – किसी चीज़ को आदेश देना या नियंत्रित करना, आम तौर पर किसी प्रकार का जहाज The man wearing the white sailor cap will captain this ship into calm waters and steer us away from the hurricane.
4609 विजय – Victory a win or success – एक जीत या सफलता A victory over the Eagles means that we will go to the playoffs next week.
4610 बाहरी – Exterior pertaining to the outside of something – किसी चीज़ के बाहरी भाग से संबंधित When I noticed the chipped paint on the exterior of my house, I hired a professional to paint the outer part of my house.
4611 अर्ध – Quasi having features that are similar to another thing – ऐसी विशेषताएं होना जो किसी अन्य चीज़ के समान हों Since my father was in the military for twenty-five years, he treats our home like it is a quasi-base camp.
4612 बदबू – Stench a very unpleasant odor – बहुत अप्रिय गंध The stench of the dead rat drove us from the house and into a hotel.
4613 देने वाला – Supplier a product or service provider – एक उत्पाद या सेवा प्रदाता The cable television supplier in the area was Spectrum because it was the only company in the rural town that sold a subscription to the cable programs.
4614 अक्षम – Disabled deactivated or diffused something – किसी चीज को निष्क्रिय या फैलाया हुआ Before taking pictures, Annette disabled the flash from her phone so it wouldn’t cause a burst of light.
4615 का प्रतिनिधित्व किया – Represented spoke/stood in for; acted on behalf of – बोला/के लिए खड़ा हुआ; की ओर से कार्य किया The attorney has represented several famous clients in court including Michael Jackson.
4616 फांक – Cleft to be forked or divided – विभाजित या विभाजित किया जाना The bottom of Tim’s cleft chin resembled two upside-down hills with a valley in between.
4617 हठी – Disobedient defiant; refusing to follow rules or directions – उद्दंड; नियमों या निर्देशों का पालन करने से इनकार करना Placing him in the corner, the teacher hoped that a timeout would teach the disobedient child to follow the rules.
4618 खाली करना – Evacuate to leave or withdraw from – छोड़ना या हटना We decided to weather the hurricane at home and not evacuate as ordered.
4619 भूरे रंग का – Sallow having an unnatural yellowish or pale skin color – त्वचा का रंग अप्राकृतिक पीला या पीला होना Since Jana spent the entire winter inside, her complexion was sallow and unnatural when she finally went outdoors.
4620 चबाना – Masticate to chomp with teeth; chew – दाँतों से काटना; चबाना My mother told me to never talk while I masticate my food.
4621 इच्छा – Desire a wish, a feeling of want – एक चाहत, एक चाहत की भावना After watching her grandfather die from lung cancer, Cathy lost all desire to smoke.
4622 पुनर्जीवित – Revive to return to a healthy condition – स्वस्थ स्थिति में लौटने के लिए The new battery will revive the lifeless vehicle.
4623 कंघी बनानेवाले की रेती – Grail the object of an extended or difficult quest – किसी विस्तारित या कठिन खोज का उद्देश्य When the flat screen television first hit the market, it was the holy grail of the T.V. industry.
4624 दरिंदा – Vermin individuals or animals that cause trouble for others – ऐसे व्यक्ति या जानवर जो दूसरों के लिए परेशानी का कारण बनते हैं The vermin should be executed for raping and killing the old woman.
4625 रोमानी – Romanticize glamorize or idealize – आकर्षक बनाना या आदर्श बनाना Movies often romanticize poverty through their rags to riches stories because it gives a false impression of how easy it is to become rich.
4626 सुस्त – Dopey idiotic or stupid – मूर्ख या मूर्ख My dog can be a bit dopey at times, constantly plowing headlong into the screen door because he doesn’t realize it is there.
4627 राहगीर – Passerby one who passes by someone or something by chance – जो संयोगवश किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के पास से गुजर जाए The police officer stated that a passerby noticed a damaged empty vehicle in a ditch and reported it.
4628 धार्मिक – Virtuous having strong moral fiber – मजबूत नैतिक फाइबर होना Margaret was a virtuous woman who dedicated her life to helping others.
4629 मद्यतस्कर – Bootlegger someone that makes or sells goods illegally – कोई व्यक्ति जो अवैध रूप से सामान बनाता या बेचता है Howard is the school bootlegger, able to pirate any movie, even ones that came out the day before.
4630 बुलाया – Called dialed someone’s phone number in an effort to speak to them – किसी से बात करने के प्रयास में उसका फ़ोन नंबर डायल किया A victim called 911 on her cell phone and told the police that there had been a shooting.
4631 गतिरोध – Deadlock an impasse caused by conflict between two sides – दो पक्षों के बीच संघर्ष के कारण उत्पन्न गतिरोध Because of a voting deadlock, the council cannot make a decision on the business permit.
4632 तेज – Intensified something that has become stronger, increased, or faster – कोई ऐसी चीज जो मजबूत, बढ़ी या तेज हो गई हो As the hurricane approached inland, the winds intensified.
4633 प्लेसमेंट – Placement a job, post or position to which someone is assigned – वह नौकरी, पद या स्थिति जिस पर किसी को नियुक्त किया गया हो Happy with his new placement, the former janitor was delighted that he was promoted to a sales rep in just a year.
4634 अजेय – Invincible not possible to be defeated or harmed – पराजित होना या हानि पहुँचाना संभव नहीं है The teenager jumped off the building because he thought he was invincible and unable to get hurt.
4635 बहुमत नियम – Majority rule the idea that whatever has the higher vote or favor wins – यह विचार कि जिसके पास अधिक वोट या पक्ष होता है वह जीत जाता है Many talent shows are decided by a majority rule in which the person who gets the most votes wins.
4636 पागल कर देना – Dement to deteriorate mentally, mainly because of old age – मानसिक रूप से कमजोर होना, मुख्यतः बुढ़ापे के कारण As the dementia patient began to dement even further, Dr. Jacobs talked to her family about a way to cope with the loss of her thinking capabilities.
4637 छांटना – Excision the act of removing something – किसी चीज को हटाने की क्रिया या भाव The excision of a tumor requires a skilled surgeon to cut into the human body and remove all of the tumor cells in it.
4638 तूफ़ान – Tempest stormy weather – तूफानी मौसम The tempest has replaced the sunlight and caused us to move our picnic indoors.
4639 टुकड़ा – Slice to cut something – कुछ काटना Using a butcher knife, the deli worker continued to slice the meat into think pieces.
4640 उच्च कोटि का देवदूत – Seraph the highest ranking angel in the Bible – बाइबिल में सर्वोच्च रैंकिंग वाला देवदूत Crying “holy, holy, holy”, the angelic seraph flew around the throne of God.
4641 वाडेविल – Vaudeville a type of theatre entertainment in the 19th and 20th centuries, consisting of short performances by dancers, singers, and comedians – 19वीं और 20वीं शताब्दी में एक प्रकार का थिएटर मनोरंजन, जिसमें नर्तकों, गायकों और हास्य कलाकारों द्वारा लघु प्रदर्शन शामिल होते थे। Singers, dancers, and jugglers stood by and prepared to perform their vaudeville acts.
4642 श्रद्धा – Reverence honor or respect felt or shown – आदर या सम्मान महसूस किया या दिखाया गया Not surprisingly, everyone treated the Pope with a great deal of reverence at the event.
4643 सोचना – Think to reason or consider – तर्क करना या विचार करना The judge needed time to think before making a decision in court.
4644 शुरू – Launched started; began – शुरू कर दिया; शुरू किया The police launched an investigation to find out who stole the expensive rings from the jewelry store.
4645 सुगम – Self-explanatory completely understandable; plain and clear – पूरी तरह से समझने योग्य; सादा और स्पष्ट Once the science teacher distributed the worksheet with explicit steps and diagrams on it, the students felt comfortable with the self-explanatory lab.
4646 अद्वितीय – Unparalleled without comparison – बिना तुलना के The hotel is the city’s best because it offers unparalleled services not provided by other area hotels.
4647 बिल्ली का पजामा – The Cat’s Pajamas something that is exceptional, excellent, or amazing – कुछ ऐसा जो असाधारण, उत्कृष्ट या अद्भुत हो When I introduced my great grandmother to the internet, she said it was the Cat’s Pajamas, which apparently means it’s awesome.
4648 कृति – Oeuvre the entire collection of work belonging to an artist, writer, or musical composer – किसी कलाकार, लेखक या संगीतकार के काम का संपूर्ण संग्रह The painter’s oeuvre includes over forty paintings and is characterized by the artist’s vivid depiction of nature.
4649 समुद्री डाकू – Pirate the act of stealing or reproducing a copyrighted work for profit – लाभ के लिए कॉपीराइट किए गए कार्य को चुराने या पुन: प्रस्तुत करने का कार्य Many people pirate games and music from the internet by downloading them illegally and free of charge.
4650 सामंत – Knight a man who fought in battles on a horse during the Middle Ages – एक व्यक्ति जो मध्य युग के दौरान घोड़े पर युद्ध लड़ता था The knight galloped to the castle and broke in to save the princess.
4651 उल्लेख – Mention to briefly speak about or bring up a certain topic – किसी निश्चित विषय के बारे में संक्षेप में बोलना या सामने लाना Hallie didn’t mention the surprise party to her husband because she wanted to keep it a secret.
4652 दबाना – Stifle to suppress or restrain something; to hold something back – किसी चीज़ को दबाना या रोकना; किसी चीज़ को रोककर रखना The children tried to stifle their laughter during class but couldn’t hold back their giggles for long.
4653 आदर्शरूप ग्रहण करना – Personify to give the qualities of a human being to a thing or concept – किसी वस्तु या अवधारणा को मनुष्य के गुण प्रदान करना People often personify their cars by giving them human names.
4654 भजन उठाना – Precent to direct a chorus or group of people in songs – गानों में कोरस या लोगों के समूह को निर्देशित करना The conductor waved his thin baton in order to precent his choir with the next few songs.
4655 बमबारी – Bombinate to make a buzzing or humming sound – भनभनाहट या गुनगुनाहट की ध्वनि उत्पन्न करना After breaking down, the humming machine began to bombinate even louder than before.
4656 अवैधता – Illegality an act that is prohibited by law – ऐसा कार्य जो कानून द्वारा निषिद्ध है One illegality that we are all familiar with is murder, but some people seem to forget that littering and loitering are crimes as well.
4657 खत्म करना – Finish complete something or task; a final end – कोई चीज़ या कार्य पूरा करना; एक अंतिम अंत On school days, Kathleen needs to finish her homework before playing outside.
4658 बड़े पैमाने पर – Massive large and heavy – बड़ा और भारी As a college freshman, I was surprised to be given a massive textbook which I could not carry alone.
4659 झुक जाना – Careen to move swiftly in an uncontrollable manner, sometimes from one side to another side – अनियंत्रित तरीके से तेजी से आगे बढ़ना, कभी-कभी एक तरफ से दूसरी तरफ जाना If you drive too fast in dangerous weather, your car may careen off the road.
4660 एलान – Divulgation the act of spreading or releasing information – सूचना फैलाने या जारी करने का कार्य The government decided that divulgation of their top secret projects and programs would be considered high treason.
4661 परोपकार के सिद्धन्त का – Altruist regard for others without regard for oneself; devotion – स्वयं की परवाह किए बिना दूसरों का सम्मान करना; भक्ति He was an altruist, and he loved others better than himself.
4662 डगमग – Irresolute not certain about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में निश्चित नहीं As the troubled young girl faced her school principal, she was irresolute and did not know what to expect as a consequence for her behavior.
4663 दण्ड – Inflict to force something unpleasant upon a person or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर कोई अप्रिय बात थोपना Our troops will inflict hefty casualties on their foes.
4664 अहम – Consequential significant; important – महत्वपूर्ण; महत्वपूर्ण The partial footprint was consequential in solving the case.
4665 बमबारी – Bombinate to make a buzzing or humming noise – भिनभिनाहट या भिनभिनाहट की आवाज करना After the maid plugged in the vacuum cleaner, it began to bombinate loudly.
4666 पुष्टीकरण – Confirmation confirmation is the action of confirming something – पुष्टिकरण किसी बात की पुष्टि करने की क्रिया है A confirmation code was sent by email verifying the online furniture purchase.
4667 विख्यात – Noted wrote down or put in one’s memory – किसी की स्मृति में लिखा या रखा हुआ The doctor noted several of the patient’s symptoms in his file so he could keep track of the man’s ailments.
4668 सदृश – Proportionate balanced in size, amount, or degree when compared to something else – किसी अन्य चीज़ की तुलना में आकार, मात्रा या डिग्री में संतुलित All investors were convinced they would receive a proportionate return of their money, but only ended up with half.
4669 प्राकृतिक संसाधन – Natural resources materials or substances such as minerals, forests, water, and fertile land that occur in nature and can be used for economic gain – सामग्री या पदार्थ जैसे खनिज, जंगल, पानी और उपजाऊ भूमि जो प्रकृति में पाए जाते हैं और जिनका उपयोग आर्थिक लाभ के लिए किया जा सकता है According to the Environmental Protection Agency, last year humans consumed many more natural resources that the earth could renew.
4670 विनयशील – Tractable controlled or directed with ease – आसानी से नियंत्रित या निर्देशित The dog was more tractable when he wore the vibrating collar.
4671 शोख़ी – Coquetry behavior that is flirty in nature – ऐसा व्यवहार जो स्वभाव से फ़्लर्टी हो The popular cheerleader knew she could use her coquetry to charm the nerd into doing her homework.
4672 ढलान – Chute vertical or inclined plane, channel, or passage for sliding things downward – चीज़ों को नीचे की ओर खिसकाने के लिए ऊर्ध्वाधर या झुका हुआ तल, चैनल या मार्ग Santa’s elves pushed presents down the chute and into the back of the sleigh.
4673 ढेला – Clod lump of something, especially of earth or clay – किसी चीज़ का ढेला, विशेषकर मिट्टी या मिट्टी का After a long slow rainstorm, the soccer field created problems when the ball would make an awkward bounce after hitting a clod of dirt.
4674 न्यूनतम – Minimum the smallest or lowest of something – किसी चीज़ का सबसे छोटा या निम्नतम भाग Since the minimum age requirement to ride the amusement park’s roller coaster was 12, the 11-year old had to wait for her friends on the ground.
4675 पुराना – Bygone associated with an earlier period of time – किसी पूर्ववर्ती समयावधि से संबद्ध These days getting married before having a baby appears to be the concept of a bygone era.
4676 अस्त्र – शस्त्र – Armament military weapons or equipment – सैन्य हथियार या उपकरण The armament technician’s job is to make sure that all of the troop’s weapons are in working order.
4677 ताना – Warp to twist into a different or abnormal shape – किसी भिन्न या असामान्य आकार में मोड़ना If the chair gets wet, the wood will warp and make the furniture uncomfortable for sitting.
4678 विचार – Ideation the forming of ideas – विचारों का निर्माण Positive ideation can keep your mind centered and focused on the path ahead.
4679 हाथ बढ़ाना – Fling to toss or throw something quickly – किसी चीज को तेजी से उछालना या फेंकना His attempt to fling the fishing line across the pond ended with a hook in the bushes.
4680 प्रदर्शन – Demonstration the act of showing how something is done – यह दिखाने का कार्य कि कोई चीज़ कैसे की जाती है On the food network, the chef gave a demonstration showing how to use the hand mixer correctly.
4681 ग्लासनोस्ट – Glasnost the policy of providing more consultative and open information as a government – एक सरकार के रूप में अधिक परामर्शात्मक और खुली जानकारी प्रदान करने की नीति Many people prefer the glasnost policy in their government, because they do not like the idea of the government hiding things from them.
4682 फट गया – Tore ripped or split – फटा हुआ या विभाजित The gardener tore here favorite dress after getting the hem caught on a rosebush.
4683 कालोनी – Colony an area where individuals who have something in common live as a group – ऐसा क्षेत्र जहां कुछ समानताएं रखने वाले व्यक्ति एक समूह के रूप में रहते हैं Since Elaine is very modest, we know she will not join us at the nudist colony.
4684 उत्साह – Zeal eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something – किसी चीज़ को पाने की उत्सुकता और प्रबल रुचि The athlete’s zeal gave him the energy to reach the top of the mountain.
4685 पर कब्जा – Occupy to live in or inhabit a place – किसी स्थान पर रहना या निवास करना Landlords may expect damage to their houses if college students are expected to occupy their apartments or houses.
4686 कर्ण-संबंधी – Aural pertaining to the ear or the sense of hearing – कान या सुनने की इंद्रिय से संबंधित Instead of using his eyes to read the book, the truck driver used his aural sense to listen to the contents of the novel.
4687 नया किराया – New-hire an employee who was recently hired for a job – एक कर्मचारी जिसे हाल ही में नौकरी के लिए नियुक्त किया गया था The manager requested that the new-hire take a drug test before reporting to his newly assigned post.
4688 बनाया था – Created made; produced – बनाया; उत्पादन Before he created his most famous masterpiece, the artist painted several pieces that no one liked very much.
4689 कुश्ती – Wrestling a sport or activity in which one tries to control another by throwing them to the ground and subduing them – एक खेल या गतिविधि जिसमें कोई दूसरे को जमीन पर गिराकर और अपने वश में करने की कोशिश करता है The police officer spent several seconds on the ground wrestling with the suspect before he was able to maneuver the weapon out of his hand.
4690 दिव्य – Numinous displaying a holy or sacred characteristics – किसी पवित्र या पवित्र लक्षण को प्रदर्शित करना After months of digging at the ancient burial site, an archaeologist uncovered a numinous artifact from the civilization’s ceremonial chamber.
4691 परिवर्तन – Modification a change or augmentation to the base form of something – किसी चीज़ के मूल स्वरूप में परिवर्तन या वृद्धि Training wheels are a modification we add to normal bicycles so young children can learn to ride them safely.
4692 समकालीन – Contemporaneously in the same period of time – उसी समयावधि में Both the Francisco Library and the Benjamin Art Museum opened contemporaneously with similar works.
4693 तटबंध – Dike a long wall built to prevent flooding from the sea – समुद्र से बाढ़ को रोकने के लिए बनाई गई एक लंबी दीवार The sea-port’s only hope is to build a long dike along the city to keep the flood water from taking over.
4694 उद्भव – Emergence to process of coming into view after being concealed or hidden below – नीचे छिपकर या छिपकर सामने आने की प्रक्रिया The teenager was shocked by the emergence of a pimple that popped up right on the tip of her nose.
4695 दुआ – Orison a devotion or request to a god – किसी देवता के प्रति समर्पण या अनुरोध When the devastating earthquake took place, the first responder on the scene whispered a quick orison in hopes of finding people alive.
4696 आवेग – Impulse an urge to do something – कुछ करने की ललक I could not resist the impulse to slap my ex-husband when he bought a new smartphone instead of paying me child support.
4697 अतियथार्थवाद – Surrealism a type of art from the 1900s that focuses on the subconscious and unusual imagery – 1900 के दशक की एक प्रकार की कला जो अवचेतन और असामान्य कल्पना पर केंद्रित है In a painting of a dripping clock under the sun, the artist framed his masterpiece that was from the period of surrealism.
4698 विभिन्न – Various a variety of different forms of the same basic object or idea – एक ही मूल वस्तु या विचार के विभिन्न रूप Briana stared at the various flavors of chips and couldn’t decide which one to buy.
4699 बधाई – Felicitation congratulation; an expression of good wishes – अभिनंदन; शुभकामनाओं की अभिव्यक्ति When the couple announced their engagement, excited friends and family took to Facebook to express their felicitation.
4700 सर-सर – Susurration a whispering sound – एक फुसफुसाहट की आवाज The audio recording file was ruined because of the susurration of the producer’s hushed voice in the background.
4701 पौराणिक कथा – Mythology a group of stories from an area or country’s people and it usually includes gods or goddesses – किसी क्षेत्र या देश के लोगों की कहानियों का समूह और इसमें आमतौर पर देवी-देवता शामिल होते हैं Students learned about the dangerous creatures while studying Greek mythology in their literature class.
4702 नुकीले – Pointy having a pointed tip or end – जिसका नुकीला सिरा या सिरा हो The witch’s pointy nose was almost as long as her crooked fingers.
4703 शांतिवाद – Pacifism the belief that any violence is unjustifiable, and that it should never be used – यह विश्वास कि कोई भी हिंसा अनुचित है, और इसका प्रयोग कभी नहीं किया जाना चाहिए Jeremy believes in pacifism, and doesn’t think violence should be used even to save the lives of other people.
4704 त्यागना – Forsake to give up or abandon – छोड़ देना या छोड़ देना Jane has decided to forsake her participation in basketball until she improves her grades.
4705 कूच – Traveled took a trip; passed through – एक यात्रा ले लिया; में से गुजरा The tourists traveled around the city for several hours, seeing famous sites as they walked.
4706 घूस – Ingestion the process of absorbing food, nutrients, medications, or other objects into the body – शरीर में भोजन, पोषक तत्वों, दवाओं या अन्य वस्तुओं को अवशोषित करने की प्रक्रिया After the ingestion of the bottle of pills, the suicidal man became extremely sick from what he swallowed.
4707 कल – Yesterday the day before today – आज से एक दिन पहले We received a package yesterday but did not notice the mail until early this morning.
4708 पदच्युति – Dismissal an act or instance in which someone is officially released or asked to leave from a place – एक कार्य या उदाहरण जिसमें किसी को आधिकारिक तौर पर रिहा कर दिया जाता है या किसी स्थान से चले जाने के लिए कहा जाता है A dismissal bell will sound when it’s time to leave for the day.
4709 इंजीलवाद – Evangelism giving sermons and publicizing Christ and the Apostles – उपदेश देना और मसीह और प्रेरितों का प्रचार करना As the drifter claimed to be Jesus, his evangelism on the streets caused him to yell about how everyone should follow Jesus’s path.
4710 आराधना – Adoration deep love, devotion, and respect – गहरा प्यार, भक्ति और सम्मान His adoration of the poet inspired him to begin writing poetry, as well.
4711 बातचीत योग्य – Negotiable capable of being bargained or bartered with – मोलभाव या अदला-बदली करने में सक्षम Even though the house was priced very low, the potential buyers still believe the price was negotiable.
4712 Parkour – Parkour a system of movement that involves passing obstacles through running, jumping, and climbing – गति की एक प्रणाली जिसमें दौड़ने, कूदने और चढ़ने के माध्यम से बाधाओं को पार करना शामिल है The ninja’s parkour skills were put to the test when he was forced to escape his pursuers by leaping across the rooftops.
4713 मानसिक दूरसंचार – Telepathy the ability to communicate with another person mentally without using any motions or words – किसी भी गति या शब्द का उपयोग किए बिना मानसिक रूप से किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के साथ संवाद करने की क्षमता Many people believe twins have telepathy and can talk to each other without speaking.
4714 टॉपिएरी – Topiary the art of clipping shrubs into ornamental shapes – झाड़ियों को सजावटी आकार में काटने की कला I like to engage in topiary from time to time, though my favorite shape to cut shrubs into is that of animals.
4715 नवागंतुक – Newcomer a beginner at a place or in a group – किसी स्थान या समूह में शुरुआत करने वाला The newcomer walked into the support group meeting and became nervous since he didn’t know anyone.
4716 अदालत – Court the session of a judicial assembly for civil and criminal cases – दीवानी और फौजदारी मामलों के लिए न्यायिक सभा का सत्र Because of protests for a man on trial, the security measures in the court building was tightened.
4717 पशु – Livestock the commercial use of farm animals – कृषि पशुओं का व्यावसायिक उपयोग Once the livestock was corralled in the pen, each cow was branded with the farmer’s name.
4718 बाद में – Subsequently afterward: after something else has occurred – बाद में: कुछ और घटित होने के बाद The traitor that had defected from the ranks was hunted down and subsequently eliminated.
4719 चुस्ती – Verve a combination of passion and energy that is typically found in artistic expression – जुनून और ऊर्जा का एक संयोजन जो आमतौर पर कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति में पाया जाता है Johnny Depp is known for eccentric performances that burst with verve and energy.
4720 दासता – Bondage the state of being a slave or held captive – गुलाम होने या बंदी बनाये जाने की अवस्था या भाव While in bondage, the prisoner of war was starved and rarely given clean water to drink.
4721 टारपीडो – Torpedo an underwater weapon that is in the shape of a long tube used as a bomb sent out to destroy other ships – एक पानी के नीचे का हथियार जो एक लंबी ट्यूब के आकार का होता है जिसका उपयोग अन्य जहाजों को नष्ट करने के लिए बम के रूप में किया जाता है When the war submarine observed the enemy ship in the near distance, the submarine sent a torpedo in its direction.
4722 कार्यरत – Employed provided a job that paid wages – एक ऐसी नौकरी प्रदान की गई जिसमें वेतन मिलता था The doctor has been employed by the hospital for several years but has decided to leave her position and open her own clinic.
4723 मोटा – Thick broad; wide – चौड़ा; चौड़ा The football player’s thick shoulders were much wider than the rest of his narrow body.
4724 आश्रित – Protégé a person who is led by a more experienced individual – ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसका नेतृत्व अधिक अनुभवी व्यक्ति द्वारा किया जाता है As the principal’s protégé, my math teacher knows how to effectively manage a classroom.
4725 ग्रन्थकारिता – Authorship the job of written composition – लिखित रचना का कार्य In the Bible, the authorship of Revelations is believed to be drafted by John the Apostle because there is evidence that he wrote it.
4726 जारी किया – Released set free; let out – आजाद करना; बाहर निकालना After DNA evidence proved the man was innocent of the crime, he was released from prison.
4727 झल्लाहट – Fret worry; be anxious – चिंता; चिंतित हो After she lost the part in the school play, she would sit and fret about her situation.
4728 तबाही – Devastation great damage and destruction – भारी क्षति और विनाश Causing great devastation, the tsunami swept through the city and swallowed it whole.
4729 स्वेनगाली – Svengali a svengali is a person who exercises a controlling influence on others – स्वेनगाली वह व्यक्ति है जो दूसरों पर नियंत्रण प्रभाव डालता है The head of the company was a svengali, he controlled all of his employees.
4730 मोनोमर – Monomer becomes a polymer when two similar molecules are joined – जब दो समान अणु जुड़ते हैं तो एक बहुलक बन जाता है In order to study your DNA, each monomer had to come together to form a nucleotide in the double helix structure of your DNA.
4731 वायुमंडल – Atmosphere the climate or mood in a certain place – किसी स्थान की जलवायु या मनोदशा The atmosphere in the party was very festive.
4732 कदम – Move move means relocate – स्थानांतरण का अर्थ है स्थानांतरित होना Instead of standing still in line, the children chose to dance and move the entire time.
4733 निओलिथिक – Neolithic relating to a time known as the New Stone Age in which polished stone tools, pottery, weaving, stock rearing, and agriculture became prominent – उस समय से संबंधित जिसे नए पाषाण युग के रूप में जाना जाता है जिसमें पॉलिश किए गए पत्थर के उपकरण, मिट्टी के बर्तन, बुनाई, पशुपालन और कृषि प्रमुख थे The village dwellings are adobe style and were crafted from clay and water.
4734 तीखा – Acrid bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell – स्वाद या गंध में कड़वा और अप्रिय The acrid fumes from the plant made my eyes water.
4735 अकेले ही – Single-handedly without help from anyone else – बिना किसी और की मदद के Although the serial killer claims to have committed all of his crimes single-handedly, the police believe a second shooter was involved.
4736 हैलार्ड – Halyard a rope used for raising and lowering a sail or flag – पाल या झंडे को उठाने और उतारने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली रस्सी The ship’s sail is hoisted by a halyard attached to a ring at the sail’s head.
4737 उपहार – Keepsake an object retained in memory of something or someone – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति की स्मृति में रखी गई वस्तु After the brave soldier lost his life in combat, the Army gave the mother his dog tags as a keepsake.
4738 उदासीन – Frigid emotionally cold; indifferent – भावनात्मक रूप से ठंडा; उदासीन My frigid aunt did not crack a smile when she saw my adorable newborn.
4739 ब्रह्मांड – Universe the world; earth. – दुनिया; धरती। Many predicted the end of the universe in 1999, but the world kept on spinning.
4740 उपचय – Anabolism a process in which complex molecules are formed from simpler one that becomes building blocks – एक ऐसी प्रक्रिया जिसमें सरल अणु से जटिल अणु बनते हैं जो बिल्डिंग ब्लॉक बन जाते हैं Because it is part of the metabolomic process, anabolism molecule formation affects body weight.
4741 पाने की कोशिश करना – Pursue to follow urgently / to aim for – तत्काल अनुसरण करना / लक्ष्य बनाना The cops had to pursue the suspect until they were able to capture him.
4742 बहुत – Very extremely; to a great extent – अत्यंत; काफी हद तक Because the restaurant is very busy tonight, there is at least an hour wait on a table.
4743 सूक्ष्म जीव – Microbe a microscopic organism, particularly one that brings about disease – एक सूक्ष्म जीव, विशेषकर वह जो रोग उत्पन्न करता है While some microscopic organisms can be dangerous, this microbe offers benefits to human beings.
4744 हथौड़ा – Hammer to drive something by force – किसी चीज़ को बलपूर्वक चलाना The camp director tried unsuccessfully to hammer the tent stakes into the frozen ground.
4745 फांसी – Gallows a construction frame on which people are hanged for their crimes – एक निर्माण ढाँचा जिस पर लोगों को उनके अपराधों के लिए फाँसी दी जाती है The gallows is a structure that was once used to put people to death by hanging.
4746 फॉण्ड – Frond along, thin leaf belonging to a fern or palm tree – साथ में, फर्न या ताड़ के पेड़ की पतली पत्ती A wispy frond of dill was plucked from the plant and mixed into the dish.
4747 सौभाग्यपूर्ण – Blessed to have made something holy – किसी चीज़ को पवित्र बनाना The newlywed’s marriage was blessed by the local pastor as a holy union.
4748 क्रक्स – Crux the key feature or point of a matter – किसी मामले की मुख्य विशेषता या बिंदु The crux of the debate is each candidate’s position on the budget issue.
4749 दत्तक ग्रहण – Adoption the process of legally taking on personal responsibility for something or someone (usually a child) that belongs to someone else – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति (आमतौर पर एक बच्चा) के लिए कानूनी रूप से व्यक्तिगत जिम्मेदारी लेने की प्रक्रिया जो किसी और की है The baby was in foster care for seven days before being put up for adoption and taken in by a new family.
4750 शोकगीत – Dirge a sorrowful literary or musical composition that is used to honor a deceased person – एक दुखद साहित्यिक या संगीत रचना जिसका उपयोग किसी मृत व्यक्ति के सम्मान में किया जाता है When Kim sang a dirge for her deceased father, she brought everyone to tears.
4751 ग्राम – Gram a metric unit that is used to measure mass and is 1/1000 of a kilogram – एक मीट्रिक इकाई जिसका उपयोग द्रव्यमान मापने के लिए किया जाता है और यह एक किलोग्राम का 1/1000 है The patient took a two gram does of the medication each morning before bedtime.
4752 प्रचालन – Operate to cause something to work or function – किसी चीज़ को कार्यशील या क्रियान्वित करने के लिए प्रेरित करना Campbell showed one of the other workers how to operate the forklift so that he could have some help moving the boxes.
4753 चीज़ – Thing an object – एक वस्तु The only thing that should be placed in the cabinet are cans.
4754 मरम्मत – Recast to allocate the parts of a play to different actors than originally intended – किसी नाटक के हिस्सों को मूल उद्देश्य से भिन्न अभिनेताओं को आवंटित करना The actors in the play were recast once the director realized that they were not in the best roles possible.
4755 उधेड़ना – Unfold to develop or progress – विकास या प्रगति करना Watching the disaster unfold on television, the onlookers couldn’t believe how quickly the storm had grown.
4756 ज्ञानमीमांसा – Epistemology a division of philosophy that examines numerous aspects of human intelligence – दर्शनशास्त्र का एक प्रभाग जो मानव बुद्धि के अनेक पहलुओं की जाँच करता है “What exactly is knowledge?” is a question you will ask when you study epistemology.
4757 जमना – Coagulate to thicken a liquid to a solid or semi-solid state – किसी तरल को ठोस या अर्ध-ठोस अवस्था में गाढ़ा करना If you let the pudding sit for two hours, it will coagulate into a congealed dessert.
4758 तकनीकी तौर पर – Technically according to the strict and exact meaning of something – किसी चीज़ के सख्त और सटीक अर्थ के अनुसार People are told they can do anything they want, but technically they cannot because some things are impossible.
4759 ROTATION – Rotation the movement of something through one complete circle – किसी वस्तु का एक पूर्ण चक्र में घूमना It takes twenty-four hours for the Earth to complete its rotation and go in one full circle on its axis.
4760 नादुस्र्स्ती से समझना – Misinterpret to interpret something wrong – किसी बात की गलत व्याख्या करना Because the couple doesn’t understand English very well, they often misinterpret what others are saying on the street.
4761 डाला – Poured for a liquid to have flowed out of a container – किसी पात्र से तरल पदार्थ का बाहर निकलना My father poured me a glass of alcohol on my twenty first birthday as a sign of me coming of drinking age.
4762 कढ़ाई – Embroidery needlework – सीवन Doing extra embroidery work on the side, the talented seamstress enjoyed doing needlework.
4763 कठोर – Harsh cruel and hostile – क्रूर और शत्रुतापूर्ण The harsh man screamed at the players over the microphone.
4764 क्षुद्र – Flippant lacking proper respect or seriousness – उचित सम्मान या गंभीरता का अभाव The student’s flippant actions towards the teacher got him suspended from school.
4765 भरनेवाला – Filler a short article or ad in a newspaper or magazine – किसी समाचार पत्र या पत्रिका में एक लघु लेख या विज्ञापन Reader’s Digest magazine uses unique jokes for a filler and will often pay their readers for the use of them.
4766 सच मानना – Accredit to bestow official approval upon – पर आधिकारिक अनुमोदन प्रदान करना During the ceremony, the dean will accredit students who met the graduation requirements.
4767 करतब – Feat a deed of courage, endurance, skill, or cleverness – साहस, सहनशक्ति, कौशल या चतुराई का कार्य The man was honored when the king learned of his feat.
4768 प्रतिभाग करना – Subdivide to divide something that has already been divided – किसी ऐसी चीज़ को विभाजित करना जो पहले ही विभाजित हो चुकी हो If you cut a paper in half and then cut those halves in half, you subdivide it.
4769 मिल्कियत – Fief a specific thing over which an individual has authority – एक विशिष्ट चीज़ जिस पर किसी व्यक्ति का अधिकार होता है In exchange for five years of military service, the man will receive a house as a fief from his lord.
4770 पितृत्व – Paternity the condition of being a specific child’s father – किसी विशिष्ट बच्चे का पिता होने की शर्त A paternity test will determine if Bill or his best friend is the child’s dad.
4771 chthonic – Chthonic concerning or belonging to the underworld hell – अंडरवर्ल्ड नरक से संबंधित या उससे संबंधित The chthonic creature came up from the underworld to terrorize the city.
4772 धर्म का उपदेश देना – Preach to deliver a powerful and usually persuasive message, especially in a religious sense – एक शक्तिशाली और आमतौर पर प्रेरक संदेश देने के लिए, विशेष रूप से धार्मिक अर्थ में Nick continued to preach to his son about the importance of getting up for school on time, but his words seemed to go in one ear and out the other.
4773 धक्का देनेवाला – Pushy aggressive and tending to use forceful methods to get others to do what you want them to do – आक्रामक और दूसरों से वह करवाने के लिए बलपूर्वक तरीकों का उपयोग करने की प्रवृत्ति जो आप उनसे कराना चाहते हैं The pushy salesperson kept trying to sell his wares even though the people on the beach didn’t want to buy.
4774 भेद – Distinction a clear difference or contrast between similar people or things – समान लोगों या चीज़ों के बीच स्पष्ट अंतर या विरोधाभास Although they are identical twins, there is a noticeable distinction between the colors of their hair.
4775 बाज़ – Hawk any one of several large birds of prey that have hooked bills, strong claws, and rounded wings – शिकार के कई बड़े पक्षियों में से कोई एक जिसके झुके हुए बिल, मजबूत पंजे और गोल पंख होते हैं The great hawk swooped down and seized the mouse with his talons.
4776 अनुकूलित करें – Customize to modify something so that it can be used for a specific purpose – किसी चीज़ को संशोधित करना ताकि उसका उपयोग किसी विशिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए किया जा सके Whether you are meat-lover or a strict vegetarian, the pizzeria’s website allows you to customize the pizza to your liking.
4777 निकालना – Extract to pull an object from something in order to remove it, usually with force – किसी वस्तु को हटाने के लिए उसे आमतौर पर बलपूर्वक खींचना When the dentist noticed the infected tissue around his patient’s gums, he knew he would have to extract the tooth.
4778 दीवार – Enclosure an area that is surrounded by a fence, wall, etc – वह क्षेत्र जो बाड़, दीवार आदि से घिरा हो The enclosure was filled with cows grazing in the field.
4779 घिन आना – Scorn to show disdain or contempt for something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के प्रति तिरस्कार या अवमानना प्रदर्शित करना Even though Warren is a billionaire, he does not scorn anyone and treats all people equally.
4780 सावधानी – Heed to mind someone’s advice or suggestion – किसी की सलाह या सुझाव पर ध्यान देना My sister is always in need of cash because she is unwilling to heed my financial advice.
4781 परिभाषित करना – Define to state or explain the identity or nature of something – किसी चीज़ की पहचान या प्रकृति बताना या समझाना In order to define infinity, you must first understand the concept of boundaries and limits, as infinity by definition is limitless and never-ending.
4782 घोषणापत्र – Manifest easy to understand or recognize; obvious – समझने या पहचानने में आसान; ज़ाहिर The love on Amy’s face was manifest and obvious to everyone.
4783 Dashiki – Dashiki a colorful decorative tunic originating from Africa – अफ़्रीका से उत्पन्न एक रंगीन सजावटी अंगरखा When the cultural festival presented Ethiopian dancers dressed in a dashiki and equally vibrant pants, they grabbed everyone’s attention in the audience.
4784 धूआं – Fume the build up of anger that generally results in a negative reaction – क्रोध का निर्माण जिसके परिणामस्वरूप आम तौर पर नकारात्मक प्रतिक्रिया होती है Molly started to fume and felt the urge to punch something when she found out her boyfriend was cheating on her.
4785 विचित्र – Peculiar odd; unusual – विषम; असामान्य My uncle is a peculiar man who wears the same outfit several days a week.
4786 सिन्दूर – Vermilion bold reddish-orange color – गहरा लाल-नारंगी रंग Cardinals are a brilliant shade of vermilion.
4787 विरोध करना – Counter to retaliate or react to a typically hostile action – आम तौर पर शत्रुतापूर्ण कार्रवाई का प्रतिकार करना या प्रतिक्रिया करना The politician had to counter the accusations being made against him, but he did not have a suitable defense to do so.
4788 ढांचे में दिखलाना – Adumbrate to create an outline or a faint shadow – एक रूपरेखा या धुंधली छाया बनाने के लिए With assistance from the victim, the sketch artist will adumbrate a picture of the robbery suspect.
4789 पुलिस वाले बाहर – Cop-out an instance of avoiding commitment or responsibility, generally with an excuse – आम तौर पर किसी बहाने से प्रतिबद्धता या ज़िम्मेदारी से बचने का एक उदाहरण Even though taking out the trash is supposed to be my little brother’s job, he managed to cop-out of it by pretending that the dog needed to be walked.
4790 उगना – Pullulate to be crowded or overpopulated – भीड़ होना या अतिजनित होना At the annual Tri-State Farmer’s Auction, the cows would pullulate in the small pen barely having any room to move around.
4791 विपरीतता से – Vice versa with the order reversed – आदेश उलटने के साथ Of what use is a car without the key and vice versa?
4792 रोकना – Fend survive or take care of – जीवित रहना या देखभाल करना My father expects me to fend for myself as soon as I turn eighteen and am ready to leave his house.
4793 संगत – Accompaniment a thing which is provided as a supplement to something else – वह चीज़ जो किसी अन्य चीज़ के पूरक के रूप में प्रदान की जाती है The accompaniment of the violin really took the song to a new level of sophistication.
4794 पहनावा – Fashion a certain manner of doing something – कुछ करने का एक निश्चित ढंग He always walks around in a very suspicious fashion, trying to avoid contact with other people whenever he can.
4795 अंश – Tranche a portion of something, especially money – किसी चीज़ का एक हिस्सा, विशेषकर पैसा Becky was able to withdraw a tranche of her retirement funds from and used the money to pay off debt.
4796 नीचे – Below underneath; on a lower level – नीचे; निचले स्तर पर The descending ship began to sink below the surface after running into the side of the shore.
4797 सैद्धांतिक रूप से – Theoretically in theory; supposedly – सिद्धांत में; माना जाता है Theoretically, exercise is supposed to help you lose weight, but working out doesn’t seem to do much for me.
4798 डिग्री – Degree the amount or extent to which something exists or occurs – वह मात्रा या सीमा जिस तक कोई चीज़ मौजूद या घटित होती है The earthquake caused damage to the maximum degree in the city, completely demolishing entire blocks and flattening buildings.
4799 चमकीला – Flamboyant displaying flashy or loud behavior – आकर्षक या तेज़ व्यवहार प्रदर्शित करना The flamboyant singer loves to wear shimmering suits while performing.
4800 मिशनरी – Missionary someone sent on a mission to help others and convince people to join a particular religion – किसी ने दूसरों की मदद करने और लोगों को एक विशेष धर्म में शामिल होने के लिए मनाने के मिशन पर भेजा The missionary spent hours every day going door to door, handing out religious pamphlets and books.
4801 सनसनी – Sensationalism the presentation of stories by a journalist in a way that excites people emotionally, often at the expense of the truth or honesty – एक पत्रकार द्वारा कहानियों को इस तरह से प्रस्तुत करना जो लोगों को भावनात्मक रूप से उत्तेजित करता है, अक्सर सच्चाई या ईमानदारी की कीमत पर Feeding off the celebrity’s latest scandal, the article was full of sensationalism and exaggerations.
4802 सुख-सुविधा – Amenity a thing or condition that makes an event or life more enjoyable – कोई चीज़ या स्थिति जो किसी घटना या जीवन को अधिक आनंददायक बनाती है The walk-in closet was my favorite amenity in the apartment.
4803 अशिष्टता – Impertinence lack of respect – सम्मान की कमी Nigel’s impertinence always irritated his teacher, who could never get him to respect her no matter what she tried.
4804 हत्या – Murder murder means to kill – हत्या का मतलब है हत्या करना The murder happened on 75th street, and they had to move the body to investigate it.
4805 रेड हेरिंग – Red herring a believable distraction designed to mislead, often used in mystery novels – गुमराह करने के लिए बनाया गया एक विश्वसनीय व्याकुलता, जिसका उपयोग अक्सर रहस्यमय उपन्यासों में किया जाता है Sherlock Holmes warned that if a case was solved too easily, it was likely a red herring that distracted the detectives from the real criminal.
4806 सप्ताह में दो बार – Biweekly once every two weeks – दो हफ्ते मे एक बार Being paid biweekly means that I have to manage my paycheck wisely for two weeks.
4807 दिलचस्प – Interesting able to attract your attention or make you want to know more – आपका ध्यान आकर्षित करने या आपको और अधिक जानने के लिए प्रेरित करने में सक्षम Terry spent most of his afternoon absorbed in an interesting article about the most dangerous animals on earth.
4808 हास्यास्पद – Laughable something so ridiculous that it is funny – कुछ इतना हास्यास्पद कि यह हास्यास्पद है Yasmine found the idea of an alien takeover laughable, but her big brother didn’t think the prospect was too far-fetched.
4809 परिणत हो जाना – Transmogrify to magically transform into a different shape or form – जादुई तरीके से एक अलग आकार या रूप में बदलना High on pain medicine, the patient thought she saw a nurse transmogrify into a poodle.
4810 संगीत समारोह – Concert a musical performance put on by one or more musicians/singers – एक या अधिक संगीतकारों/गायकों द्वारा प्रस्तुत संगीतमय प्रदर्शन I lost out concert tickets, so we won’t be able to go to the musical we’ve been dying to see.
4811 मताधिकार – Franchise a legal right to sell a company’s products in a particular area using the company’s name – कंपनी के नाम का उपयोग करके किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में कंपनी के उत्पाद बेचने का कानूनी अधिकार A Dairy Queen start-up was granted a franchise to sell ice cream in the area.
4812 क्लैन्गोर – Clangor a continuous noisy banging – एक निरंतर शोर-शराबा The angry wife wanted her sleeping husband to hear the clangor of pots and pans in the kitchen.
4813 लचीला – Resilient to recover from damage quickly – क्षति से शीघ्र उबरने के लिए The community was highly spirited and resilient despite a hurricane disaster.
4814 ढाला – Minted to be produced for the very first time – पहली बार निर्मित किया जाएगा The company’s brand new car design was minted today, introducing revolutionary technology to the world.
4815 फिसलना – Slide to scoot or move across something without lifting from the item – किसी वस्तु को उठाए बिना उसके पार चलना या आगे बढ़ना The gambler watched the dealer slide the cards across the table and prayed for a good hand.
4816 सिंड्रोम – Syndrome group of actions or behaviors that are typical to a particular illness or disease – कार्यों या व्यवहारों का समूह जो किसी विशेष बीमारी या बीमारी के लिए विशिष्ट हैं After being held captive for several months, the prisoner started to exhibit symptoms of Stockholm syndrome like developing positive emotions towards his captor and paranoia that rescuers are the enemy.
4817 बेंच – Pew a long bench inside a church which holds several people – चर्च के अंदर एक लंबी बेंच जिस पर कई लोग बैठ सकते हैं In our small church, the front pew is reserved for the choir.
4818 decolletage – Décolletage a low neckline on a woman’s dress or top – किसी महिला की पोशाक या टॉप पर नीची नेकलाइन The décolletage is used to describe the area of skin exposed by a low neckline on a woman’s dress.
4819 स्वचालित – Automatic something that is automated, or acts of its own accord without conscious effort or input – कुछ ऐसा जो स्वचालित है, या सचेत प्रयास या इनपुट के बिना अपने हिसाब से कार्य करता है A car with an automatic transmission will shift gears appropriately while driving, without any input from the driver themselves.
4820 जोड़ा – Pair a couple of things that work jointly – कुछ चीज़ें जो संयुक्त रूप से काम करती हैं After putting on my clothes, I grabbed my pair of shoes and placed them on my feet before heading out the door.
4821 लालित्य – Elegance being graceful and stylish in appearance – दिखने में सुंदर और स्टाइलिश होना Mesmerized by the dancer’s elegance, the man had never seen someone move with such grace.
4822 वैध तरीके से – Legitimately legally or rightfully – कानूनी तौर पर या सही तरीके से Based on the warranty, the disgruntled man legitimately requested the transmission be replaced on the car since he brought it in within the warranty’s time period.
4823 अपमानित करना – Abase to lower so as to hurt feelings – भावनाओं को ठेस पहुँचाने के लिए इसे कम करना My stepmother is an evil woman who likes to abase little children because she had a miserable childhood herself.
4824 आगे बढ़ने – Advancing to proceed for a certain reason – किसी निश्चित कारण से आगे बढ़ना The advancing soldiers were moving toward their enemies in order to gain access to the nearby river.
4825 आरंभ करना – Undertake to commit oneself to an obligation – किसी दायित्व के प्रति स्वयं को प्रतिबद्ध करना Choosing to undertake the obligation of raising foster children was not a decision the woman took lightly.
4826 स्मिडगेन – Smidgen a small amount of something – किसी चीज़ की थोड़ी मात्रा The amount of sand I can hold in my hand is a smidgen compared to all the sand on the beach.
4827 क्षितिज – Horizon the distant line separating the sky from the earth – आकाश को पृथ्वी से अलग करने वाली दूर की रेखा Watching the large sunset past the horizon created a sense of peace and calm for me.
4828 पाद लेख – Footnote an explanation or comment that is placed at the bottom of a document – एक स्पष्टीकरण या टिप्पणी जो किसी दस्तावेज़ के नीचे रखी जाती है To explain the meaning of several words found in the text, a footnote was added to the bottom of the page.
4829 गूंध – Knead to work and press into a mass, usually with the hands – काम करना और द्रव्यमान में दबाना, आमतौर पर हाथों से I watched Frank knead dough as he pushed down and out, stretching the dough flatter and flatter.
4830 आलीशान – Stately having a remarkable appearance – एक उल्लेखनीय उपस्थिति होना All eyes were on the stately well-dressed man as he walked towards the podium.
4831 पिसना – Grind to crush something into small pieces – किसी चीज़ को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में कुचलना Using a machine to grind the coffee beans took a lot less time than pounding them by hand.
4832 उपठेकेदार – Subcontractor a person who does work for a company without being an employee but hired to do a task – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी कंपनी के लिए कर्मचारी न होकर काम करता है लेकिन किसी कार्य को करने के लिए नियुक्त किया जाता है The company’s manager required the subcontractor to sign an agreement about the cost of the project since he was not a member of the staff.
4833 एकल- – Monolingual to know and communicate solely with one language – केवल एक भाषा को जानना और संवाद करना Living in a monolingual country, Sarah was limited with collaborating with people from other countries since she only spoke English.
4834 ज़बरदस्त – Persevering continuing even when facing difficulties and hardships – कठिनाइयों और कठिनाईयों का सामना करते हुए भी जारी रखना Although they are struggling to keep their marriage together, the committed couple insists in persevering through their problems.
4835 कुचल – Crushed pressed or squeezed with force – बलपूर्वक दबाया या निचोड़ा हुआ A massive machine crushed the junk cars, using great force to squeeze the heavy frames.
4836 प्रसारित – Circulate to spread or move around freely; to move in circles – स्वतंत्र रूप से फैलना या घूमना; वृत्तों में घूमना The new company was planning to circulate fliers about their up and coming business.
4837 अधमता – Turpitude a vile or depraved act – एक घृणित या भ्रष्ट कार्य In less than an hour, the judge decided to execute the killer for his moral turpitude.
4838 प्रत्यावर्तन – Recrudescence a return of something after a period of inactivity or abatement – निष्क्रियता या समाप्ति की अवधि के बाद किसी चीज़ की वापसी I thought my shingles outbreak subsided, but I experienced a recrudescence of the virus.
4839 आश्चर्य – Amazement the condition of being surprised or overcome by wonder – आश्चर्यचकित होने या आश्चर्य से अभिभूत होने की अवस्था या भाव As my boyfriend told me about his plans to propose to another woman, I stared at him in amazement.
4840 द्वंद्वात्मक – Dialectic the practice of reasoning that arrives at a truth by the exchange of logical arguments – तर्क का अभ्यास जो तार्किक तर्कों के आदान-प्रदान से सत्य तक पहुंचता है A brainstorming session was in full effect as members used dialectic tactics to problem-solve.
4841 अस्पृश्य – Impalpable not capable of being physically touched – शारीरिक रूप से छूने में सक्षम नहीं While you can view the signs of love, you can’t touch love because it’s impalpable.
4842 मजबूर करना – Coerce to make someone do something by using force or threats – बल प्रयोग या धमकी देकर किसी से कुछ करवाना The bully tried to coerce the small kids into giving him their lunch money.
4843 मरीज़ – Patient tolerating problems or irritation in an easygoing way – समस्याओं या जलन को आसान तरीके से सहन करना When the truck seemed to be in an emergency, the patient driver of the car remained still for the truck to pass.
4844 चाहना – Want to crave or hope for something – किसी चीज़ की लालसा या आशा करना All children want ice cream after dinner because they love sweets and ice cream tastes great.
4845 आशावादी – Optimistic hopeful about the future or a specific outcome – भविष्य या किसी विशिष्ट परिणाम के बारे में आशान्वित Though we haven’t won a game all year, our team is still optimistic that today we will win.
4846 शवगृह – Mortuary a funeral home or morgue – अंत्येष्टि गृह या मुर्दाघर Embalming several hundred bodies at the mortuary, the funeral worker was an experience funeral director.
4847 जिज्ञासु – Inquisitive eager for knowledge; curious – ज्ञान के लिए उत्सुक; जिज्ञासु The inquisitive cat loves to sit in the windowsill.
4848 पीटा गया – Smitten in love – प्यार में The boy was completely smitten with his new babysitter, smiling whenever she was near.
4849 बहुराष्ट्रीय – Multinational multinational means relating to multiple nations – बहुराष्ट्रीय का अर्थ है अनेक राष्ट्रों से संबंधित Britain and the United Stated states are a powerful multinational military force against terrorism.
4850 शंकुधर – Coniferous a tree or bush bearing cones and green leaves that do not fall in the winter – एक पेड़ या झाड़ी जिसमें शंकु और हरी पत्तियाँ होती हैं जो सर्दियों में नहीं गिरती हैं Even though the tree was classified as coniferous, it had a peculiar color that was far from evergreen.
4851 अडिग – Adamant refusing to be persuaded; cannot change one’s mind – मनाए जाने से इनकार करना; किसी का मन नहीं बदल सकता Robert, a first year physics student, is adamant in his decision to peruse a career in engineering.
4852 एपोथेग्म – Apothegm a short, witty, instructive saying – एक संक्षिप्त, मजाकिया, शिक्षाप्रद कहावत Don’t cry over spilled milk is an apothegm which has become worn from overuse, but which will forever remain true and relevant.
4853 तपस्या – Penance self-inflicted punishment for a misdeed – किसी दुष्कर्म के लिए स्वयं को दी गई सज़ा The priest told me to say twenty Hail Marys as a penance for my sins.
4854 बाग़ी – Rebellious unruly and wild with behavior and actions – व्यवहार और कार्यों से अनियंत्रित और जंगली The rebellious teen refused to listen to his parents and did what he wanted to do.
4855 व्याख्यान – Allocution a speech given to a convicted defendant by the judge just prior to sentencing – सजा सुनाने से ठीक पहले न्यायाधीश द्वारा दोषी प्रतिवादी को दिया गया भाषण During the allocution, the convicted party refused to listen to the judge as she spoke.
4856 नैतिक – Ethical morally correct or acceptable – नैतिक रूप से सही या स्वीकार्य It is important that police officers prove themselves to be ethical if they hope to really serve the community.
4857 अभिसमय – Conventionalism pertaining to the established and traditional ways – स्थापित और पारंपरिक तरीकों से संबंधित Through conventionalism, the school enforced the rules that had been set by the school when it was first created many years ago.
4858 सुंदर – Beautiful having qualities (especially physical) that are attractive or appealing – ऐसे गुण (विशेषकर शारीरिक) जो आकर्षक या मनमोहक हों As a model, Cindy Crawford is well-known for her gorgeous figure and beautiful face.
4859 दरकिनार – Circumvent to get around something – किसी चीज़ से छुटकारा पाना Often, pilots will circumvent the rain by flying above the clouds.
4860 लिप्त – Indulge to give in to one’s desires or wants – किसी की इच्छाओं या चाहतों के आगे झुक जाना If Al does not indulge in his coffee every morning, he finds it hard to concentrate at work.
4861 वंशज – Offspring the young ones produced by a plant or animal – किसी पौधे या जानवर द्वारा उत्पन्न बच्चे Scientists are using Punnett squares to predict the physical characteristics of the offspring of two plants.
4862 भाप – Miasma a noxious atmosphere or influence – हानिकारक वातावरण या प्रभाव When Tyrone walked through the door, a miasma of alcohol accompanied him, causing his family to gag.
4863 व्यापक बनाने – Broaden to widen or become larger – चौड़ा या बड़ा होना The road crew is working to broaden the roadway so that more cars can drive through at one time.
4864 अपराध – Criminology the branch of science involving lawbreaking – विज्ञान की वह शाखा जिसमें क़ानून तोड़ना शामिल है Once the man finished his study of criminology, he was ready to become a lawyer and prosecute the criminals.
4865 जैविक – Biological related to living organisms – जीवित जीवों से संबंधित Although she didn’t raise her daughter by birth, Gail’s biological child looked exactly like her.
4866 सक्रिय – Proactive acting in advance – पहले से अभिनय करना Emergency procedures are proactive measures to ensure everyone’s safety.
4867 भूमिका – Role an actor or actress’s part in a play or movie – किसी नाटक या फ़िल्म में अभिनेता या अभिनेत्री की भूमिका The actress’s role in the horror film was that of a killer nurse who preyed on sick patients.
4868 परपीड़न-रति – Sadism the tendency to derive pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others – दूसरों को पीड़ा, पीड़ा या अपमान पहुँचाने से आनंद, विशेष रूप से यौन संतुष्टि प्राप्त करने की प्रवृत्ति The book Fifty Shades of Grey is a modern spin on sadism as it tells the story of a man who is likable yet seems to get satisfaction from the suffering of others.
4869 रगड़ना – Rub to massage or kneed something by moving one’s hand or an object back and forth – अपने हाथ या किसी वस्तु को आगे-पीछे घुमाकर किसी चीज़ की मालिश करना या घुटने टेकना The massage tech moved her hands back and forth to rub out the tension in the man’s back.
4870 सजीव – Enliven to revitalize or spice up a situation or activity – किसी स्थिति या गतिविधि को पुनर्जीवित करना या उत्साहित करना Miranda turned on some upbeat techno to enliven the boring party.
4871 विषय – Topic the subject or theme of a conversation, book, piece of art, etc – किसी वार्तालाप, पुस्तक, कला का टुकड़ा, आदि का विषय या प्रसंग Recipes are a usual topic of conversation between the friends since they both like to cook.
4872 कायम करना – Underlie to trigger; motivate – शुरूवात करना; उत्साह करना I don’t understand all of the principles that underlie how a radio works, but I know a few things about sound waves.
4873 नीरस – Prosaic commonplace or dull; unimaginative – सामान्य या नीरस; ख़याल से बाहर का Because the biggest thing in my hometown is the grocery store, the city really is a prosaic little place.
4874 खोलना – Unveil to reveal or show something – कुछ प्रकट करना या दिखाना Even when the children won’t listen to her, the calm teacher remains composed and unruffled.
4875 अनुचित – Improper unfit; indecent – अयोग्य; अभद्र Wearing improper clothing to school caused the freshman to be sent home.
4876 रैकेट – Racket an unpleasantly loud and irritating noise – एक अप्रिय रूप से तेज़ और परेशान करने वाला शोर Upstairs in the playroom, the loud children are making quite a racket.
4877 जागीरदार – Vassal a worker of a lord who is working off his debt in return for safety from the lord – स्वामी का एक कर्मचारी जो प्रभु से सुरक्षा के बदले में अपना कर्ज़ चुका रहा है When the vassal took an oath from the lord of the manor, he knew that his employer would require him to tend to the fields until his obligation was met.
4878 दासता – Nemesis an enemy who is constantly causing problems – एक शत्रु जो लगातार समस्याएँ पैदा कर रहा है Kara was not happy when her nemesis won the contest.
4879 बहाना – Masquerade to assume a false identity – झूठी पहचान मान लेना The con man decided to masquerade as a missionary to bilk the church out of its savings.
4880 कोर्ट मार्शल – Court-martial a court where cases of military law is heard – एक अदालत जहाँ सैन्य कानून के मामलों की सुनवाई होती है That case concerned an officer’s conviction by a court martial in India of an offence of grossly insubordinate conduct.
4881 विरोध करना – Gainsay to contradict or deny – खंडन या खंडन करना Since Jack told the truth on the witness stand, no one was able to gainsay his statement.
4882 तिस पर भी – Notwithstanding despite; regardless – इसके बावजूद; ध्यान दिए बगैर Notwithstanding his injured knee, the football player made two touchdowns.
4883 जीव रसायन – Biochemistry the branch of science concerned with the chemical and physicochemical processes that occur within living organisms – विज्ञान की वह शाखा जो जीवित जीवों के भीतर होने वाली रासायनिक और भौतिक रासायनिक प्रक्रियाओं से संबंधित है Both genetics and cell biology are part of biochemistry since these branches investigate processes that occur within living things.
4884 झागदार – Barmy crazy; insane – पागल; पागल Janice didn’t think that skydiving was a barmy idea, but her husband said it was the craziest thing he’d ever heard of.
4885 एफ़ोटिक – Aphotic a region of water that is so deep that it does not receive sunlight – पानी का वह क्षेत्र जो इतना गहरा है कि उस पर सूर्य का प्रकाश नहीं पड़ता In the aphotic section of the ocean, many sea creatures have the ability to glow in the pitch black depths.
4886 जबकि – Whereas in contrast with – भेद निरूपण करना You tend to take everything far too seriously, whereas I apparently don’t take things serious enough.
4887 मिल जाना – Conspire to make covert plans to perform an illegal or bad deed – किसी अवैध या बुरे कार्य को करने की गुप्त योजना बनाना The students have decided to conspire to steal the test answers.
4888 कारण – Cause to make something happen – कुछ कर दिखाना The police could not figure out what would cause the friendly woman to kill her neighbor and then herself.
4889 कार्यकाल – Tenure occupying a position or office, usually in government – आमतौर पर सरकार में किसी पद या कार्यालय पर कब्ज़ा करना With a tenure exceeding forty years, Judge Marshall has held his office longer than any other judge in our county.
4890 विलंबित – Belated occurring past the regular time period – नियमित समयावधि के बाद घटित होना Since I forgot about Jim’s birthday last week, I will send him a belated greeting today.
4891 आधारभूत संरचना – Infrastructure basic foundation or underlying framework (as of a system or organization) – बुनियादी आधार या अंतर्निहित ढाँचा (एक प्रणाली या संगठन के रूप में) The aging infrastructure of the cities roads, tunnels and bridges are in urgent need of repair.
4892 अनुपूरक – Suppletory something additional – कुछ अतिरिक्त Because of his side jobs, he has three suppletory sources of income to his primary occupation.
4893 समझना – Deem to view in a particular manner – एक विशेष ढंग से देखना The principal will probably deem the boy’s behavior as upsetting and worthy of a suspension.
4894 प्रसार – Circulation the continuous movement of something in a closed section – किसी बंद खंड में किसी चीज़ की निरंतर गति While on the plane, the woman’s blood circulation was reduced and her legs began to cramp.
4895 प्रबंध – Monograph a specialist work of writing on a single subject – किसी एक विषय पर लिखने का विशेषज्ञ कार्य The acclaimed psychologist wrote his most famous monograph on the art of manipulation.
4896 अपरिपक्व – Immature not fully developed to adulthood – वयस्कता तक पूरी तरह विकसित नहीं हुआ A human is immature for many years, having to go through nearly two decades of development before becoming an adult.
4897 कूड़ा – Junk old or discarded things that have little value – पुरानी या फेंकी हुई चीज़ें जिनका कोई मूल्य नहीं है A collector of old junk, Jackie goes dumpster diving through other people’s trash.
4898 अल्मा मेटर – Alma mater the school or college that one attended – वह स्कूल या कॉलेज जिसमें कोई पढ़ता था My mother wanted me to go to her alma mater, but I chose another school instead.
4899 कार्यक्रम – Program a group of events or exercises to accomplish a certain goal – किसी निश्चित लक्ष्य को पूरा करने के लिए घटनाओं या अभ्यासों का एक समूह The annual piano program included twenty students playing their favorite musical pieces to be judged by a panel.
4900 ध्वनिक – Acoustic relating to sound or hearing – ध्वनि या श्रवण से संबंधित Enjoying the sound of the acoustic guitar, the crowd nodded along and moved closer to the band.
4901 आदर्शवाद – Idealism believing in or pursuing some perfect vision or belief that is unrealistic – किसी ऐसे आदर्श दृष्टिकोण या विश्वास पर विश्वास करना या उसका अनुसरण करना जो अवास्तविक है Steeped in idealism, most of the middle-aged woman’s financial goals were either impractical unrealistic.
4902 परिपत्र – Circular in the shape of a circle, or something that ultimately leads back to the same starting point – एक वृत्त के आकार में, या कुछ ऐसा जो अंततः उसी प्रारंभिक बिंदु पर वापस ले जाता है Thanks to the circular path we took around the school, my friends and I ended up right where we had initially started.
4903 उल्लास – Glee intense happiness or joy – तीव्र प्रसन्नता या हर्ष Smiling with glee, the child unwrapped his birthday gift.
4904 सुधारना – Ameliorate to make better – बेहतर बनाने के लिए Scratching your eye will not ameliorate the itching.
4905 मिलावट – Pastiche a mix of unique items – अद्वितीय वस्तुओं का मिश्रण The rainbow is made of a pastiche of colors.
4906 दृढ़ निश्चय – Determination a trait that makes a person continue despite negative odds – एक ऐसा गुण जो किसी व्यक्ति को नकारात्मक बाधाओं के बावजूद आगे बढ़ने में मदद करता है Jim’s determination allowed him to finish the marathon despite his bruised ankle.
4907 बदनामी – Ignominy public shame or disgrace – सार्वजनिक शर्म या अपमान After being confronted about the theft, the official left the room in ignominy.
4908 खुदाई – Mining digging deep holes in search of something valuable – किसी मूल्यवान वस्तु की तलाश में गहरे गड्ढे खोदना Coal mining is the only field that Earl knows as he spent his entire life digging in tunnels for black carbon.
4909 जमीनी स्तर – Bottom line the end result or outcome – अंतिम परिणाम या नतीजा Little Tommy quit complaining about having to clean his room when his mother said that this was the bottom line with his complaints.
4910 नहर – Aqueduct an artificial channel that is constructed to transport water from one location to another – एक कृत्रिम चैनल जिसका निर्माण पानी को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक ले जाने के लिए किया जाता है Once completed, the aqueduct will carry fresh water into the mainland.
4911 भावपूर्ण – Emotive emotional – भावनात्मक I didn’t expect such an emotive response from the parent when I said that her son was not a nice child.
4912 निष्कासन – Removal the act of taking something away – कुछ छीनने की क्रिया या भाव When the large pile of trash in the kitchen began to smell, it was necessary for the removal of the trash before it smelled up the house.
4913 घुटने-झटका – Knee-jerk an automatic or impulsive reaction – एक स्वचालित या आवेगी प्रतिक्रिया The guilty child’s knee-jerk reaction to being accused of stealing the money was to blame it on someone else.
4914 सहारा – Resort option; alternative – विकल्प; विकल्प As a last resort, the oncologist suggested a trial drug that might send the cancer into remission.
4915 अलग-अलग – Asunder separate into distinct parts – अलग-अलग हिस्सों में अलग करें When I learned my husband had been cheating on me, I felt as though my world had been blown asunder.
4916 माफ करना – Condone to accept and allow – स्वीकार करना और अनुमति देना We will not condone disorderly conduct at church.
4917 टुकड़ा – Piece a piece is a part of a whole – एक टुकड़ा संपूर्ण का एक हिस्सा है I will share small piece of my pie, but I will not give the whole pie away.
4918 मिश्रित – Miscellaneous consisting of many different kinds of things that might not go together – इसमें कई अलग-अलग प्रकार की चीज़ें शामिल हैं जो शायद एक साथ नहीं चल सकतीं As a collector, he would sometimes buy a miscellaneous assortment of pennies hoping to find one worthy money.
4919 मध्यवर्ती – Intermediate being between two extremes, or in the middle of a range – दो चरम सीमाओं के बीच, या एक सीमा के मध्य में होना Due to my advanced knowledge of the subject matter, I was permitted to skip the beginners course and start at the intermediate level.
4920 मिश्रण – Amalgam a mixture of unlike items – असमान वस्तुओं का मिश्रण The potluck supper at the church always consists of an amalgam of foods ranging from apricot salad to zucchini casserole.
4921 भावना – Reverie a mental break from reality; a daydream – वास्तविकता से मानसिक विराम; एक दिवास्वप्न I was angry when my children interrupted my reverie about my mansion and household servants.
4922 झूठ – Gag an obstructive object put over or in a person’s mouth to stop them from making noise – किसी व्यक्ति को शोर मचाने से रोकने के लिए उसके मुँह में या उसके ऊपर रखी जाने वाली अवरोधक वस्तु A strip of cloth is often used as a gag to keep restrained prisoners from making any noise or calling for help.
4923 सूखा – Parched having a strong need for moisture – नमी की अत्यधिक आवश्यकता होना After being stuck in the desert for two days, I was parched and in need of water.
4924 इसके अलावा – In Addition along with, plus, or furthermore – साथ में, प्लस, या इसके अलावा We are going to have to pick up Jordan in addition to my little brother, since her Dad was unable to pick her up.
4925 सुझाव – Suggestion an idea or plan that has been put forth – कोई विचार या योजना जो सामने रखी गई हो Joey mentioned a new idea for the business model, and we all appreciated his suggestion.
4926 उत्कृष्टता – Elitism the belief that one’s social group is superior to others – यह विश्वास कि किसी का सामाजिक समूह दूसरों से श्रेष्ठ है Spreading their elitism across Germany, the Nazis pushed to prove they were superior to all other races.
4927 कठोरता – Hardness firmness; solidity – दृढ़ता; दृढ़ता The harness of the frozen ground stopped the underground burial from taking place.
4928 चंद्रमा – Moon the lunar body that rotates around planets – चंद्र पिंड जो ग्रहों के चारों ओर घूमता है Studying the craters on the moon allowed the scientists to get a better idea of how much water could be found on the moon.
4929 आराम से – Sedately calmly, without excessive emotion – शांति से, अत्यधिक भावना के बिना Because he was tired, everything he did was done sedately.
4930 तहख़ाना – Cellar an enclosed underground space under a building – किसी भवन के नीचे बंद भूमिगत स्थान Because the lowest room in the building is the safest in a tornado, we immediately went downstairs from the kitchen to the cellar.
4931 गोपनीयता – Confidentiality rules regarding the keeping of something secret or private – किसी बात को गुप्त या निजी रखने के संबंध में नियम Even with confidentiality rules in place, company workers still shared private information.
4932 किडनी – Kidney one of a pair of organs located in the right and left side of the abdomen that filter waste from the body – पेट के दाएँ और बाएँ भाग में स्थित अंगों की एक जोड़ी में से एक जो शरीर से अपशिष्ट को फ़िल्टर करता है Diabetes related kidney disease required the patient to undergo dialysis to help clear waste from his body.
4933 साकल्यवाद – Holism the idea that the whole thing is greater than its individual parts – यह विचार कि पूरी चीज़ अपने अलग-अलग हिस्सों से बड़ी है Since my doctor realized through holism that I needed a certain type of medicine, this drug would be beneficial to my whole body.
4934 बलपूर्वक – Coercive threatening or intimidating – धमकी देना या डराना The coercive gangster promised to come after Lars’ family if he didn’t obey him.
4935 आशीर्वाद – Blessing approval; support – अनुमोदन; सहायता The father refused to give his blessing and urged his daughter not to marry her fiancé without his support.
4936 दहेज – Layette a wardrobe of clothing and other necessary items like bedding for a newborn baby – नवजात शिशु के लिए कपड़ों और बिस्तर जैसी अन्य आवश्यक वस्तुओं की एक अलमारी Before the baby is born, the new parents will need to buy a layette with lots of yellow and green onesies.
4937 अविच्छेद्य – Inalienable not retrievable or transferable – पुनर्प्राप्ति योग्य या हस्तांतरणीय नहीं Although freedom of speech is inalienable, you cannot slander people without facing consequences.
4938 कामुक – Sensual inducing pleasurable or erotic sensations – आनंददायक या कामुक अनुभूतियाँ उत्पन्न करना The sensual couple’s massage was part of the honeymoon plans.
4939 गवाही देना – Testify to state what you witnessed or provide evidence to the court – यह बताने के लिए कि आपने क्या देखा या अदालत को साक्ष्य प्रदान करें The witness was nervous to testify about what she had seen during the robbery.
4940 खोल दिया हुआ – Unsheathed pulled a knife or sword out from its covering – उसके आवरण से चाकू या तलवार निकाली The warrior unsheathed the blade, raised it above his head and plunged it towards the enemy.
4941 श्रेष्ठता – Eminence having a superior or famed ability at a specific activity – किसी विशिष्ट गतिविधि में श्रेष्ठ या प्रसिद्ध क्षमता होना Taylor Swift’s eminence as a creative singer and style icon make her one of the most well known celebrities in the world.
4942 श्रद्धा – Homage an act performed to show respect – सम्मान दर्शाने के लिए किया जाने वाला एक कृत्य As a sign of homage for the late president, government flags will be flown half-mast today.
4943 रेगिस्तान – Desert a dry, bare area of land, especially one with little water or plants – भूमि का एक सूखा, खाली क्षेत्र, विशेष रूप से कम पानी या पौधों वाला My aunt’s house has no grass because she lives in a desert region.
4944 पराजित करने वाला – Defeater a person who defeats or conquers someone or something – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी को या किसी चीज़ को हराता या जीतता है Feeling as if he could conquer anything, the great defeater scaled Mount Everest and traveled through the jungle.
4945 अग्रणी – Cutting edge the best and/or most advanced – सबसे अच्छा और/या सबसे उन्नत The best militaries in the world have to be cutting edge and always purchase the latest technology.
4946 विशाल – Gigantic very large in size – आकार में बहुत बड़ा The people were driven into despair when a gigantic tornado swept through their small town destroying many homes.
4947 अपमान – Obloquy shame from public disapproval – सार्वजनिक अस्वीकृति से शर्म की बात है The senator’s admission of adultery brought much obloquy and ended his political career.
4948 दृढ़ता से – Decisively in a decisive manner – निर्णायक तरीके से In the capacity of my assignment the requirements are that I must be able to act decisively, without second guessing my decisions.
4949 घाटी – Canyon a deep gorge that usually has a river running through it – एक गहरी घाटी जिसमें आमतौर पर एक नदी बहती है The trail took the hikers down into a deep canyon with lush, green woods.
4950 नंगा – Bare naked, uncovered – नग्न, खुला हुआ Jason made a bare handed catch deep in the outfield, which made him cry out in pain.
4951 मताधिकार – Suffrage the right to participate in making a decision – निर्णय लेने में भाग लेने का अधिकार By allowing employees to leave work early during the elections, the company president is encouraging each employee to use his right of suffrage.
4952 धार्मिक संस्कार – Ritual a standard procedure for a rite or ceremony – किसी संस्कार या समारोह के लिए एक मानक प्रक्रिया The team’s pregame ritual consists of a short prayer and a group hug.
4953 फिक्सेशन – Fixation the state of being obsessed or overly preoccupied with something – किसी चीज़ से ग्रस्त या अत्यधिक व्यस्त होने की अवस्था The groupie’s fixation of the singer borderlined obsession as she sent numerous love letters to him and even broke into his condo.
4954 निर्जन – Uninhabited having no people living there – वहां कोई भी व्यक्ति नहीं रहता है Jaco Island is uninhabited because the locals think it is sacred land that no one should live on.
4955 व्यंग्यात्मक – Derisory ridiculously small or inadequate – हास्यास्पद रूप से छोटा या अपर्याप्त The derisory pay raise that the employees received was quickly eaten up by rising insurance costs.
4956 पहली पंक्ति – First-line acting as a first resort or method – पहले उपाय या विधि के रूप में कार्य करना The doctor explained to his newly ill patient that diuretics are the first-line therapy for people with high blood pressure.
4957 अपकरण – Misfeasance the misuse of authority granted by law – कानून द्वारा प्रदत्त अधिकार का दुरुपयोग While the police should generally be trusted, it is possible for law enforcement to engage in misfeasance.
4958 लस्त – Wearily doing something in a tired way with little energy or patience – थोड़ी ऊर्जा या धैर्य के साथ थके हुए तरीके से कुछ करना The men traveled wearily along the path, refusing to give up even though they were tired.
4959 श्रवण – Audition to present talents in front of a judge or judges in order to achieve a desired position or role – किसी वांछित पद या भूमिका को प्राप्त करने के लिए किसी जज या जज के सामने प्रतिभा प्रस्तुत करना Diana flew to New York to audition for the leading role of Eliza in Hamilton.
4960 कैलिपीजियन – Callipygian having attractive or shapely buttocks – आकर्षक या सुडौल नितंब होना When it comes to physical attractiveness, many people prefer someone callipygian, rather than someone with too much flab on their rears.
4961 ब्लॉब – Blob thick or sticky liquid is a small, often round – गाढ़ा या चिपचिपा द्रव छोटा, अक्सर गोल होता है A blob of snot hung down from the sick toddler’s wet nose.
4962 हवाला देन – Adduction the act of bringing a body part usually an arm or leg inward to the middle part of the body – शरीर के किसी अंग को आमतौर पर एक हाथ या पैर को शरीर के मध्य भाग में अंदर की ओर लाने की क्रिया When the patient’s adduction of her knee up to her waist caused agonizing pain, the doctor recommended that she return to standing straight on her two feet.
4963 बेस्वाद – Unsavory unpleasant to smell or taste – गंध या स्वाद के लिए अप्रिय Catching a whiff of the unsavory smell, Hannah quickly remembered that she had forgotten to take out the trash before leaving for vacation.
4964 समतल – Flat low and smooth with no curved parts – बिना किसी घुमावदार हिस्से के नीचा और चिकना People once thought the world was flat, but now realize that it is round in shape.
4965 प्रथागत – Customary actions based on longstanding traditions of a particular society – किसी विशेष समाज की दीर्घकालिक परंपराओं पर आधारित कार्य Kisses and hugs were customary in his family, but not his wife’s crew.
4966 भ्रम का शिकार हो – Delusional suffering from or characterized by delusions – भ्रम से पीड़ित या उसकी विशेषता She held a delusional belief that the sky turned black at night, when it is always blue.
4967 अनन्य – Exclusive private; restricted – निजी; वर्जित Although the pool was exclusive to paid members, we usually were allowed to swim after hours.
4968 अम्लता – Acidity bitterness or sharpness in someone’s words or tone – किसी के शब्दों या लहजे में कड़वाहट या तीखापन The acidity in Clarisse’s voice made it very obvious that she didn’t like me in the slightest.
4969 असाधारण – Outstanding terrific and wonderful – बहुत बढ़िया और अद्भुत Samuel made an outstanding catch during his baseball game by reaching over the back wall to catch the ball.
4970 अद्यतन – Update to keep someone informed – किसी को सूचित रखने के लिए The doctor assured us that she would update us on dad’s progress every couple of hours.
4971 आराम – Rest relief from work or activity by relaxing or sleeping – आराम या नींद से काम या गतिविधि से राहत The scientists will not rest until they find the cure for the rare and deadly disease.
4972 कन्या – Maiden a young woman, typically unmarried – एक युवा महिला, आमतौर पर अविवाहित Kyla is still a maiden for now, but she won’t be once she gets married a month from now.
4973 यात्रा – Journey usually a long difficult period pertaining to personal change and growth – आमतौर पर व्यक्तिगत परिवर्तन और विकास से संबंधित एक लंबी कठिन अवधि Robin has hurt so many people on her long journey through addiction, she’s now focused on helping others.
4974 सुर – Tone the author’s attitude toward a subject in a work – किसी कार्य में किसी विषय के प्रति लेखक का दृष्टिकोण Using many descriptive words and serene scenes, the tone of the poem is calmness and relaxation.
4975 शोषक – Absorbent having the ability to soak up something – किसी चीज़ को सोखने की क्षमता होना With the absorbent sponge, it sopped up every drop of liquid that had spilled on the counter.
4976 शुद्धता – Chastity the condition of remaining pure and chaste – शुद्ध और पवित्र रहने की शर्त The nun took a vow of chastity as part of her commitment to remain pure.
4977 इजलास – Séance a meeting at which people try to make contact with the dead – एक बैठक जिसमें लोग मृतकों से संपर्क बनाने की कोशिश करते हैं Staring into her crystal ball, the psychic began to conjure up images of ghosts during the séance.
4978 खुदरा बिक्री – Retailing activities involved in the selling of goods to consumers – उपभोक्ताओं को माल बेचने में शामिल गतिविधियाँ The store is retailing several new brands including a contemporary fashion line and a hair extension start-up.
4979 बूढ़ा – Greybeard an old man, especially a wise one – एक बूढ़ा आदमी, विशेषकर एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति The greybeard professor has been teaching psychology at the college level for over thirty years.
4980 सुंदरता – Beauty the quality of being pleasing to look at because of shape, color, sound or other sensory aspects – आकार, रंग, ध्वनि या अन्य संवेदी पहलुओं के कारण देखने में सुखद होने का गुण Impressed by her beauty, the man knew that he had to marry the gorgeous woman at first sight.
4981 विशाल बहुमत – Vast Majority almost all of a group – एक समूह के लगभग सभी A vast majority of the kid’s that go to my rural school live on a farm nearby.
4982 ठोस – Demonstrative openly affectionate – खुले तौर पर स्नेही Because Susan was raised in a family that was far from demonstrative, she is not comfortable sharing her emotions.
4983 क्लेपटोमानीया से बिमार – Kleptomaniac one who steals compulsively – जो जबरदस्ती चोरी करता हो The kleptomaniac struggled to stop stealing.
4984 विचित्र – Grotesque extremely ugly and strange – बेहद बदसूरत और अजीब Diego pressed his face against the window so that what we saw was a grotesque distortion resembled some alien life form.
4985 छेद – Cranny a small, narrow opening – एक छोटा, संकीर्ण उद्घाटन A cranny in the rock surface caused the hiker to twist their ankle.
4986 चक्कर – Whirl to twirl or spin – घुमाना या घुमाना The tornado continued to whirl around, kicking up dust along its path.
4987 लंबा – Long measuring a great distance in length – लम्बाई में एक बड़ी दूरी नापना The snake was very long, and its body stretched all the way across the sidewalk.
4988 लीपापोती – Daub to coat or smear a substance on a surface – किसी पदार्थ को सतह पर लेप करना या लगाना My mom screamed at me when I began to daub my bread with too much cream cheese.
4989 योगदान देने वाला – Contributor someone or something that gives aid to a cause or goal – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो किसी कारण या लक्ष्य को सहायता देता है I am a contributor to the charity that I support, giving it a significant monetary donation every month.
4990 बानगी – Hallmark characteristic; feature – विशेषता; विशेषता Dolly Parton’s bleach blonde hair is a hallmark.
4991 रक्षा करना – Intercede to try to help settle an argument or disagreement between two or more people or groups – दो या दो से अधिक लोगों या समूहों के बीच किसी बहस या असहमति को सुलझाने में मदद करने का प्रयास करना If the debate becomes too heated, the moderator will intercede to break up the argument.
4992 एक दूसरे को टोकनेवाला – Vying involved in a competition for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा में शामिल होना The two boys are both crazy about the head cheerleader and are constantly vying for her attention.
4993 परिणामस्वरूप – Resulted caused; brought about – वजह; के बारे में लाया The patient’s cancer diagnosis resulted in him being placed in the hospital for several weeks.
4994 नीच – Despicable worthy of intense dislike – तीव्र नापसंदगी के योग्य The despicable man was disliked by everyone in his neighborhood.
4995 छीन लेना – Dispossess to deprive someone of the possession of land, especially by evicting them – किसी को भूमि के कब्जे से वंचित करना, विशेषकर उसे बेदखल करके Once the real estate investor neglected to pay his property taxes, the government took action to dispossess his land.
4996 सावधान – Heedful mindful; watchful – सचेतन; चौकन्ना Heedful of the employee’s complaints, the company’s attorney advised his client to take caution.
4997 अचूक – Unerring correct; unmistaken – सही; असंदिग्ध The accountant had an unerring for spotting mistakes in bank statements.
4998 हाइपरटोनिक – Hypertonic a solution that contains more dissolved salt or electrolytes than is found in normal cells and blood – एक ऐसा घोल जिसमें सामान्य कोशिकाओं और रक्त में पाए जाने वाले नमक या इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्स की तुलना में अधिक घुलनशील नमक या इलेक्ट्रोलाइट्स होते हैं The hypertonic solution was so salty that it could be safely ingested.
4999 राज-द्रोह – Treason the offense of betraying a nation – किसी राष्ट्र के साथ विश्वासघात करने का अपराध When the soldier sold military secrets to a foreign government, he was arrested for the crime of treason.
5000 भेजा – Sent transmitted or mailed – प्रेषित या मेल किया हुआ Once I sent in my entry form into the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, I was qualified to win the prize.
  1. Question: How do I greet someone in Hindi?

    • Answer: The common greeting in Hindi is “Namaste,” which translates to “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Question: What is the Hindi equivalent for the English word “meaning”?

    • Answer: The Hindi equivalent for “meaning” is “arth.”
  3. Question: Can you provide examples of basic English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Certainly! “Water” in English is “paani” in Hindi, and “sun” in English is “surya” in Hindi.
  4. Question: How can I politely make a request in Hindi?

    • Answer: In Hindi, you can use “kripya” to say “please” when making requests or expressing politeness.
  5. Question: What are some commonly used English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Common words include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among others.
  6. Question: How do I say “thank you” in Hindi?

    • Answer: The expression “thank you” in English is translated to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi.
  7. Question: Can you provide an example of a daily-use English word with its Hindi meaning?

    • Answer: Certainly! “House” in English translates to “ghar” in Hindi.
  8. Question: Is there a list of 100 daily use English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: While not listed here, numerous resources provide extensive lists of common English words with their Hindi equivalents.
  9. Question: What is the Hindi word for “food”?

    • Answer: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a term used in daily conversations.

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