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The Most Useful Daily Use Hindi Words With English Meaning 7

  1. Daily use Hindi words with English meaning: The term “Namaste” is commonly used as a greeting, meaning “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Daily word meaning English to Hindi: When translating from English to Hindi, the word “meaning” is equivalent to “arth” in Hindi.
  3. Basic English words Hindi meaning: “Water” in English translates to “paani” in Hindi, a fundamental word used in daily conversations.
  4. Basic English words with Hindi meaning: The English word “sun” is synonymous with “surya” in Hindi, representing the shining celestial body.
  5. Daily English words with Hindi meaning list: A comprehensive list might include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among daily-use English words with Hindi meanings.
  6. Daily use English to Hindi words: “Please” in English corresponds to “kripya” in Hindi, a polite term frequently used in requests or expressions of courtesy.
  7. Daily used English words with meaning in Hindi: The word “thank you” in English translates to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi, expressing gratitude and appreciation.
  8. 100 daily use English words with Hindi meaning: Among the commonly used English words, “house” is translated to “ghar” in Hindi.
  9. Basic English words Hindi meaning: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a fundamental term used daily.
6001शुरुआत – Onsetat the start of something – किसी चीज़ की शुरुआत मेंArguments plagued the adult children about what to do with the matriarch of the family due to her onset of dementia.
6002फेंक दिया – Tossedthrew; pitched – फेक दिया; पिचThe boy’s father tossed a ball toward him right as he swung the bat.
6003वैकल्पिक – Alternativelyas another choice or option – किसी अन्य विकल्प या विकल्प के रूप मेंSchedule an appointment by telephone, or alternatively, you can schedule an appointment online.
6004अचानक एक ओर को लड़खड़ाहट – Lurchto move around in a sneaky manner – छिपकर इधर-उधर घूमनाThe cat will lurch around the corner to spy on the sleeping dog.
6005विशिष्ट – Distinctdifferent in an obvious way – स्पष्ट तरीके से भिन्नMy distinct work experience makes me the best candidate for the job.
6006निष्फल – Defolianta synthetic spray applied to trees or plants in order for the leaves to fall off of them – पेड़ों या पौधों पर पत्तियों को गिराने के लिए लगाया जाने वाला सिंथेटिक स्प्रेAlmost all of the leaves were lying on the ground since it had been doused with a defoliant in a short period of time.
6007कंजूस – Stingylacking generosity or the capacity to spend money – उदारता या पैसा खर्च करने की क्षमता का अभावEbenezer Scrooge valued money more than friendship and because of his stingy habit of hording money and refusing to help those in need, he had no true friends.
6008जिन्न – Geniea magical person that lives in a lamp and grants wishes to the person who calls on it – एक जादुई व्यक्ति जो दीपक में रहता है और उसे बुलाने वाले की इच्छा पूरी करता हैThe genie was trapped in the magic lamp for thousands of years before anyone rubbed the side.
6009बचाया – Rescuedsaved; helped escape danger – बचाया; खतरे से बचने में मदद कीThe fireman grabbed his ladder and rescued a cat that had was stuck at the top of a tree.
6010लेज़र – Lasera device that produces a narrow beam of concentrated light – एक उपकरण जो संकेंद्रित प्रकाश की एक संकीर्ण किरण उत्पन्न करता हैThe surgeon explained that LASIK surgery involves a specialized laser that is able to repair the eye using light.
6011दुर्लभ – Rareuncommon – असामान्यThe coin was a rare edition and was not found in many collections around the world.
6012जियोथर्मल – Geothermalrelating to the internal heat of the earth – पृथ्वी की आंतरिक गर्मी से संबंधितGeothermal energy is created deep down in the earth and can provide heating and cooling for your home.
6013पूर्णता – Perfectionflawless or unblemished physically, mentally, and spiritually – शारीरिक, मानसिक और आध्यात्मिक रूप से दोषरहित या निष्कलंकMany see models as a symbol of physical perfection, but they have just as many flaws as the average person.
6014भाईचारे – Brotherhooda friendship bond between two men or a group of men – दो पुरुषों या पुरुषों के समूह के बीच दोस्ती का बंधनA bond of brotherhood held the soldiers together even after they left the military.
6015कंपकंपी – Shiverto shake or tremble slightly as a result of being cold, sick, or afraid – ठंड लगने, बीमार होने या डर लगने के कारण थोड़ा कांपना या कांपनाThe sight of the ghostly figure at the top of the stairs made me shiver with fright.
6016शपथपूर्वक त्यागना – Forswearto swear off a certain behavior or a certain belief – किसी निश्चित व्यवहार या निश्चित विश्वास की शपथ लेनाAfter Gail was beaten up by her boyfriend, she decided to forswear her loyalty and call the police.
6017रंग – Pigmenta natural substance that gives color to something else – एक प्राकृतिक पदार्थ जो किसी और चीज़ को रंग देता हैThe paint store was unable to match the pigment sample.
6018चिकित्सा – Therapya treatment used to improve one’s physical or mental condition – किसी की शारीरिक या मानसिक स्थिति में सुधार के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला उपचारThe patient is going to physical therapy to gain control of her knee movement again.
6019विकेन्द्रित – Unfocusedunclear or blurry – अस्पष्ट या धुंधलाWith unfocused expectations, the workers really did not know what to do but just walked around during their shift.
6020जाना – Goto move or travel from one place to another – एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान पर जाना या यात्रा करनाEvery time I go to the store, I drive past a fruit stand with yummy grapes.
6021कपटपूर्ण – Cageyuncommunicative; unwilling or hesitant to give information – संवादहीन; जानकारी देने में अनिच्छुक या झिझकनाCoca Cola acted in a very cagey fashion when I attempted to find out the ingredients of their soft drinks.
6022कयामत और निराशा – Doom and glooman attitude or feeling of despair or pessimism – निराशा या निराशावाद का एक दृष्टिकोण या भावनाThe depressed woman’s brain was filled with such deep doom and gloom that she couldn’t do anything but cry.
6023बकाया – Oweddesignated as repayment for a loan, favor, etc – किसी ऋण, उपकार आदि के पुनर्भुगतान के रूप में निर्दिष्टBecause he had bailed me out of prison a few years ago, I owed Ben a massive favor that he could call in any time.
6024महत्वहीन – Trivializeto make something seem unimportant – किसी बात को महत्वहीन दिखानाAfter the crash, the driver tried to trivialize the accident by calling it a fender bender.
6025प्रभुत्व – Ascendancyoccupation of a position of dominant power or influence – प्रमुख शक्ति या प्रभाव की स्थिति पर कब्ज़ाThe controlling husband tried to assert his ascendancy over his wife by monitoring her cell phone and making all of her decisions.
6026प्रेत – Apparitiona ghostly appearing figure – एक भूतिया दिखने वाली आकृतिCasper the Friendly Ghost is a cartoon apparition that even little kids can be comfortable with.
6027दोषमुक्त करना – Absolveto make (someone) free from guilt, responsibility, etc. – (किसी को) अपराध, उत्तरदायित्व आदि से मुक्त करना।The jury’s innocent verdict appears to absolve the defendant of any guilt.
6028गुमराह – Misdirectionthe action or process of directing someone to the wrong place or wrong instruction – किसी को गलत जगह या गलत निर्देश की ओर निर्देशित करने की क्रिया या प्रक्रियाMisdirection of the tourists caused them to be lost downtown for several hours.
6029दर्द – Painanguish and discomfort – पीड़ा और बेचैनीWhen the child accidentally placed her hand on the hot stove, the pain could be heard in her screams and cries.
6030ख़ुद-एतमाद – Bumptiousconfident in an annoying manner – कष्टप्रद तरीके से आश्वस्तWhile Rick is very intelligent, he would be more likable if he were not so bumptious about his educational background.
6031व्यवहार – Deportmentthe way in which one carries oneself – जिस तरह से कोई अपने आप को ढोता हैThe homeless woman always held her head high and walked with the deportment of a princess.
6032वैराग्य – Quietudea state of quiet stillness and calmness – शांत स्थिरता और शांति की स्थितिIn quietude and coolness, the couple enjoyed a picnic on a grassy knoll beside the calm stream.
6033भीगी बिल्ली – Terrifiedextremely afraid – बेहद डरा हुआBoth mother and son were terrified of heights, so they shook with fear at the thought of flying in an airplane.
6034बेतुकी – Hogwashnonsense; gibberish – बकवास; अस्पष्ट उच्चारणMarty told everyone he knew that he had been abducted by aliens, but every body thought his silly talk was hogwash.
6035बुखार से – Feverishlyperformed in a hasty way – जल्दबाजी में प्रदर्शन किया गयाThe emergency room staff worked feverishly to save the wounded police officer.
6036पर्याप्त – Enoughan amount that is as much as needed; adequate and sufficient – वह राशि जो आवश्यकतानुसार हो; पर्याप्त और पर्याप्तThe woman had enough money in the bank to go on vacation and make a few extra purchases.
6037बेनिसन – Benisona blessing – एक वरदानKaren asked her friend to say a benison while standing over the Thanksgiving dinner with her large family.
6038रोकना – Forbidto prohibit or ban – निषेध या प्रतिबन्ध लगानाRani’s parents forbid her from seeing her boyfriend, but she snuck around and dated him anyway.
6039सियासी नहीं – Unpoliticalnot concerned with politics – राजनीति से कोई सरोकार नहींOtherwise unpolitical people have strong stances on whether or not ‘taking a knee’ is disespectful to the U.S. government.
6040सफ़ाई – Tidinessthe act of being neat or something that is neat – साफ-सुथरा रहने की क्रिया या भाव जो साफ-सुथरा होAfter noticing the tidiness of the children’s playroom, the family realized that their maid had worked today.
6041लौटा हुआ – Returnedwent back to – वापस चले गएThe crab made its way on to the sand but quickly returned to the water when it saw people coming.
6042चरम – Extremeto a very large degree or amount – बहुत बड़े अंश या मात्रा मेंLaura always takes arguments to the extreme and quickly turns things physical.
6043परिपक्वता – Maturationthe process of developing or becoming mature – विकसित होने या परिपक्व होने की प्रक्रियाBecause maturation of the lungs hasn’t taken place, the premature infant will be kept inside the hospital until the organs are fully developed.
6044अपव्ययी – Profligate1.) wildly extravagant or wasteful; 2.) shamelessly immoral – 1.) बेतहाशा फिजूलखर्ची या फिजूलखर्ची; 2.) बेशर्मी से अनैतिकAfter the millionaire saw evidence of his new wife’s profligate spending, he quickly filed for a divorce.
6045आस्था – Beliefthe feeling of being certain that something exists or is true – यह निश्चित होने की भावना कि कुछ अस्तित्व में है या सत्य हैIt was the police officer’s belief that a serial killer was in the area, mainly because the murders kept happening.
6046नगर पालिका – Municipalitya town that has its own local lawmaking body – एक ऐसा शहर जिसकी अपनी स्थानीय कानून बनाने वाली संस्था हैCitizens knew that living in the municipality meant they would need to vote within this jurisdiction since they acted as their own city.
6047अधिकार दिया गया – Authorizedgave official permission; allowed – आधिकारिक अनुमति दी; अनुमतBecause the clerk authorized the sale of beer to a minor, her ability to sell alcohol was taken away.
6048स्थितियाँ – Conditionsrefers to the circumstances that must be met in order for something to happen or be true, or refers to the physical state of an environment, such as temperature, humidity, and pressure – उन परिस्थितियों को संदर्भित करता है जिन्हें किसी चीज़ के घटित होने या सच होने के लिए पूरा किया जाना चाहिए, या किसी पर्यावरण की भौतिक स्थिति को संदर्भित करता है, जैसे तापमान, आर्द्रता और दबावThe conditions outside were cold and snowy, making it difficult to drive on the roads.
6049करारा – Precipicea point where danger, trouble, or difficulty begins – वह बिंदु जहां खतरा, परेशानी या कठिनाई शुरू होती हैSue Ellen is now on the precipice of bankruptcy and might have to sell the family home.
6050झलक – Glanceto look briefly at something – किसी चीज़ को संक्षेप में देखनाThe driver gave a glance back as he moved into the passing lane.
6051घोड़ा – Steeda strong horse that is used for riding purposes – एक मजबूत घोड़ा जिसका उपयोग सवारी के लिए किया जाता हैEven on a speedy steed, it will take the cavalry scout several days to reach his fort.
6052संबंध – Relationshipthe way in which two people or organizations are connected – वह तरीका जिससे दो लोग या संगठन जुड़े होंThe mother and daughter have a very close relationship and can talk about almost anything.
6053गीला – Wetcovered with a liquid, usually water – किसी तरल पदार्थ, आमतौर पर पानी से ढका हुआThe floor is still wet from where I spilled soda on it.
6054हतोत्साहित – Crestfallenunhappy about a recent experience – हाल के एक अनुभव से नाखुशAfter losing comrades in battle, several crestfallen soldiers cried in their tents.
6055झाड़ी – Copsea group of small trees or shrubs – छोटे पेड़ों या झाड़ियों का समूहSix oak trees made up a little copse to the right of the farmer’s house.
6056पुनरावर्ती – Recursivepertaining to a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly – किसी नियम या प्रक्रिया से संबंधित जिसे बार-बार लागू किया जा सकता हैA recursive ratio must be used in problems where the pattern repeats over and over.
6057वू – Wooto gain the love or affection of someone – किसी का प्यार या स्नेह प्राप्त करनाDuring the courtship, the lovestruck gentleman worked really hard to woo the young lady.
6058Thingamajig – Thingamajigan object that one can’t recall the name of – एक ऐसी वस्तु जिसका नाम याद नहीं आताI can’t remember the use of that thingamajig or the name of the product either.
6059अवशेष – Remainto stay back or hang around – पीछे रहना या इधर-उधर घूमनाPriceless pieces of history remain buried with the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic.
6060पुराना – Decrepitbeat-up from wear or age – घिसावट या उम्र बढ़ने के कारण मार-पिटाईBecause the decrepit building is such an eyesore, it is being demolished in a week.
6061सामान – Baggagepersonal belongings packed in a traveling suitcase – निजी सामान यात्रा सूटकेस में पैक किया गयाThe travelers from Chicago flight 262 gathered around the luggage carousel and waited to claim their checked baggage.
6062आकार – Sizinga thing’s overall dimensions or magnitude – किसी चीज़ का समग्र आयाम या परिमाणShoe sizing can be tricky since my narrow feet sometimes measure a 6 and other times a 7.
6063आपरेटर – Manipulatora person who controls and influences people to their own advantage – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो अपने लाभ के लिए लोगों को नियंत्रित और प्रभावित करता हैA cunning manipulator, Mr. Wolf was able to convince Little Red Riding Hood that he was a sweet granny.
6064आज्ञा – Commandedordered; directed – आदेश दिया; निर्देशितThe military leader commanded his troops, ordering them into battle before dawn.
6065बहना – Regurgitateto expel swallowed substances out of the mouth or to repeat information despite not understanding it – निगले हुए पदार्थ को मुँह से बाहर निकालना या समझ में न आने पर भी जानकारी को दोहरानाWhile I didn’t understand the lecture, I was able to regurgitate the content well enough to create a decent essay.
6066आकारक – Subpoenaa legal document requiring an individual to appear in court – एक कानूनी दस्तावेज़ जिसमें किसी व्यक्ति को अदालत में उपस्थित होने की आवश्यकता होती हैAs soon as I received the subpoena, I knew I had to testify during the trial.
6067व्यंजन विधि – Recipea set of instructions for preparing a dish – किसी व्यंजन को तैयार करने के लिए निर्देशों का एक सेटMixing up my grandmother’s famous chocolate cake for the fiftieth, I no longer needed to look at the recipe.
6068भेजना – Sendto transmit something to another place – किसी चीज़ को दूसरी जगह भेजनाMy father would send love letters to my mom at home while he was stationed in another country.
6069तीक्ष्णता – Acuitysharpness in relation to thought, vision, or hearing – विचार, दृष्टि या श्रवण के संबंध में तीक्ष्णताIn order for my daughter to get into the school’s gifted program, she had to take a mental acuity test.
6070तंत्रिकाओं – Nervesa person’s mental state or perceived source of emotional control – किसी व्यक्ति की मानसिक स्थिति या भावनात्मक नियंत्रण का अनुमानित स्रोतThe anxious player’s nerves were on edge as he waited to see if he would be drafted in the first round.
6071उत्तेजना – Furora situation that angers and upsets many people – ऐसी स्थिति जो कई लोगों को क्रोधित और परेशान करती हैAmid accusations of fraud, there was a public furor when the politician was arrested.
6072बेकार – Worthlesshaving no value or use – जिसका कोई मूल्य या उपयोग न होThe broken speaker was useless, so I threw it in the trash when cleaning out the garage.
6073बेड़ा – Rafta flat floating structure for travelling across water that is often made from wood or logs tiled together – पानी में यात्रा करने के लिए एक सपाट तैरती हुई संरचना जो अक्सर लकड़ी या लट्ठों को एक साथ टाइल करके बनाई जाती हैThe castaway used logs and vine to create a raft that he hoped would help him get off the island.
6074हंसोड़ – Ticklishrequiring careful handling; sensitive – सावधानी से निपटने की आवश्यकता; संवेदनशीलThe skilled attorney is good at posing ticklish questions that most people would want to avoid during a trial.
6075थीसिस – Thesisa statement that is discussed and debated – एक बयान जिस पर चर्चा और बहस होती हैThe student’s experiments helped her formulate a thesis to share with her professor and classmates.
6076अप्राप्य – Irretrievableunable to recover or reverse back to what it was – जो जैसा था उसे वापस पाने या वापस लाने में असमर्थDuring a fight harsh words are irretrievable since they may be kept in the person’s mind forever.
6077तैयार – Formulatedcreated; put together – बनाया था; एक साथ रखाThe two inmates formulated an escape route and prepared to sneak out as soon as the guard went on break.
6078उतारा – Wadeto walk or paddle through water or another liquid – पानी या किसी अन्य तरल पदार्थ के माध्यम से चलना या चप्पू चलानाDuring the flood, the escaping residents had to wade through the rushing water to get to dry land.
6079गलियारा – Anterooma small waiting area that leads into a bigger room – एक छोटा प्रतीक्षा क्षेत्र जो एक बड़े कमरे की ओर जाता हैThe principal makes the students wait in his anteroom before he calls them into his office.
6080हिलाना – Wag(of an animal) to cause one’s tail to move back and forth rapidly – (किसी जानवर की) किसी की पूँछ को तेज़ी से आगे-पीछे करनाThe happy dog began to wag his tail back and forth when he saw his owner through the window.
6081सहन करना – Bearingcarrying; having; withstanding – ले जाना; होना; बर्दाश्तBearing a dark secret, the young girl finally confided in a guidance counselor about the abuse she suffered from her family.
6082अंतर्मुखता – Introjectionthe unconscious adoption of the ideas or attitudes of others – दूसरों के विचारों या दृष्टिकोणों को अचेतन रूप से अपनानाEvery time Beth’s father tells her that she is stupid, introjection occurs and she begins to believe that she is actually dumb.
6083राष्ट्रवाद – Nationalismsuch devotion to a country that other nations pale in comparison – किसी देश के प्रति ऐसी भक्ति कि उसकी तुलना में अन्य राष्ट्र फीके पड़ जाएंDuring the war, the rising tide of nationalism resulted in people buying only American-made products.
6084शराब की भठ्ठी – Brewerya commercial location where beer is made – एक व्यावसायिक स्थान जहाँ बीयर बनाई जाती हैI would like to take a tour of the Sam Adams brewery someday, to see how exactly they make their beer.
6085कुसमय – Malaproposout of place; inappropriate – अनुपयुक्त; अनुचितHer funny remarks seemed malapropos at her sister’s funeral.
6086अनुकूलनीय – Adaptableable to change – बदलने में सक्षमWhen dogs live in the wild, their bodies must be adaptable to the environment or they will suffer.
6087झगड़ालू – Cantankerouseasily angered, always complaining or arguing and difficult to get along with – आसानी से गुस्सा हो जाना, हमेशा शिकायत करना या बहस करना और साथ निभाना मुश्किलSince Congress is such a cantankerous group, no one expects them to pass any new legislation this year.
6088यूकेरियोट – Eukaryoteany cell or organism that contains a membrane-bound nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles – कोई भी कोशिका या जीव जिसमें एक झिल्ली-बद्ध केन्द्रक और अन्य झिल्ली-बद्ध अंगक होते हैंIts missing nucleus indicated that the organism was not a eukaryote.
6089इंतिज़ार करनेवाला – Expectantwaiting eagerly for something to happen – किसी चीज़ के घटित होने का बेसब्री से इंतज़ार करनाImpatiently waiting for her newborn’s arrival, the expectant mother counted down the days until her due date.
6090एक प्रकार का जानवर – Jaguara large, spotted cat that is found mostly in Central and South America – एक बड़ी, चित्तीदार बिल्ली जो अधिकतर मध्य और दक्षिण अमेरिका में पाई जाती हैThe yellow eyes of the jaguar shined brightly in the jungle moonlight as the spotted feline prepared to pounce on his prey.
6091कंफ़ेसर – Confessora priest who hears a person’s confession – एक पुजारी जो किसी व्यक्ति की स्वीकारोक्ति सुनता हैHolding the title of confessor, the priest was in charge of listening to Catholics admit their sins and offering absolution.
6092इंजन चालू न होना – Misfireto fail to fire a gun or missile correctly – बंदूक या मिसाइल को सही ढंग से फायर करने में असफल होनाA glitch in the release system caused the rocket to misfire and it quickly exploded in place.
6093चिड़चिड़ा – Grumpyill-tempered or unhappy – क्रोधी या अप्रसन्नI am always grumpy in the early morning, rarely saying a word and frowning at everyone who bothers to look my way.
6094उमंग – Exultationa feeling of triumphant elation or jubilation – विजयी उत्साह या उल्लास की भावनाHarry’s feelings of exultation intensified as he neared the end of his prison term.
6095ज्वाला – Blazea fire that is burning intensely – एक आग जो तीव्रता से जल रही हैLast night firefighters worked tirelessly to control the blaze that consumed the old train station.
6096प्रदूषण – Pollutionsubstances that are harmful and toxic to the natural environment – ऐसे पदार्थ जो प्राकृतिक पर्यावरण के लिए हानिकारक और विषाक्त हैंCarcinogens are a form of pollution that harm Earth’s atmosphere.
6097सिप – Sipto drink something slowly – धीरे-धीरे कुछ पीनाI had to remember to sip the wine slowly so that I would not get a headache.
6098मडस्लिंगर – Mudslingera person who tries to damage someone’s reputation with accusations or insults – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो आरोपों या अपमान से किसी की प्रतिष्ठा को नुकसान पहुंचाने की कोशिश करता हैA political mudslinger, the governor tried to take down all of his opponents through lies and namecalling.
6099दलील – Pleaan urgent or especially emotional request – एक अत्यावश्यक या विशेष रूप से भावनात्मक अनुरोधThe wounded soldier made a plea to his comrades to get him back home, but there was no need to beg as they would never leave him behind.
6100व्यवस्था – Arrangementhow something is positioned or displayed – कोई चीज़ किस प्रकार स्थित या प्रदर्शित की जाती हैAnna worked on the arrangement of the flowers, positioning each rose in a specific way.
6101जीतना – Winto prevail or currently succeed at something – किसी चीज़ पर प्रबल होना या वर्तमान में सफल होनाThe only way the candidate will win the election is by receiving at least 51% of the votes.
6102अद्भुत – Tremendousmassive, huge, or giant in scope – व्यापक, विशाल या विशाल क्षेत्र वालाThe tsunami that crashed into the coastline was so tremendous that it destroyed half of the entire city, flooding it with water.
6103अन्य बातों के साथ – Inter aliaamong other things (usually used in legal context) – अन्य बातों के अलावा (आमतौर पर कानूनी संदर्भ में उपयोग किया जाता है)The attorney said, inter alia, that his client was not guilty because of lack of motive.
6104होलोग्राम – Holograma picture taken by a camera using light and not a lens to show a 3-dimensional item – किसी 3-आयामी वस्तु को दिखाने के लिए लेंस का नहीं बल्कि प्रकाश का उपयोग करके कैमरे द्वारा लिया गया चित्रSince the photographer wanted the photograph to capture every facet of the tree, he took a hologram with a special camera.
6105abysmal – Abysmalvery bad – बहुत बुराSince Troy did not study for the test, he earned an abysmal score on the exam.
6106संतोष – Gratifiedto be satisfied or indulged – संतुष्ट या लिप्त होनाRiley isn’t exactly full of herself, but she does like being gratified, usually by her friends giving her compliments on her looks.
6107प्रतिनिधि – Delegateto give tasks or responsibilities to others – दूसरों को कार्य या जिम्मेदारियाँ देनाBecause Janice cannot do all of the tasks, she has to learn to delegate work to her employees.
6108मूल्यांकन – Evaluationan assessment or appraisal that judges how well someone or something is performing – एक मूल्यांकन या मूल्यांकन जो यह निर्धारित करता है कि कोई व्यक्ति या चीज़ कितना अच्छा प्रदर्शन कर रही हैThe doctor revealed the results of his evaluation, explaining that the man’s heart was only functioning at fifty percent.
6109विप्लव – Pandemoniumchaos and utter craziness – अराजकता और पूर्ण पागलपनEven though the teacher had instructed the children to be on their best behavior, pandemonium broke loose the minute Santa Claus walked through the door.
6110जमाखोरी – Hoardingto gather, collect and store an overabundance of food or other items to be used in the future – भविष्य में उपयोग के लिए भोजन या अन्य वस्तुओं की अधिकता को इकट्ठा करना, इकट्ठा करना और भंडारण करनाAfter finding out that the homeowner was hoarding lots of personal items, no one could walk around the mess or stand the horrible odor.
6111सूक्ष्म ऋण – Microloana small sum of money that is lent to start a new business at low interest – एक छोटी सी धनराशि जो कम ब्याज पर नया व्यवसाय शुरू करने के लिए उधार दी जाती हैOnce he received the microloan, Nick used the five hundred dollars to buy the needed equipment for his car detailing start-up.
6112अनुत्तरदायी – Unresponsivehaving an absence of reaction or awareness – प्रतिक्रिया या जागरूकता का अभाव होनाWhen the boys stumbled upon a dead body, they poked him but received an unresponsive reply or action.
6113विदेशी – Exoticnot native; foreign – देशी नहीं; विदेशThe customs officer knew the exotic animal had to be put in solitary before it could enter the country.
6114तिल – Molea little, round, dark raised bump permanently on the skin – त्वचा पर स्थायी रूप से एक छोटी, गोल, गहरे रंग की उभरी हुई गांठThe family doctor recommended that his patient get the mole on his back checked out with a specialist since it had grown in size.
6115ढुलमुल – Waveringhesitating or becoming doubtful about a decision – किसी निर्णय को लेकर झिझकना या संदेह होनाBecky’s trust in her husband is wavering, and she is beginning to wonder if getting married was a good idea.
6116दुर्जनों का नेता – Demagoguea political leader who tries to influence people by making emotional speeches – एक राजनीतिक नेता जो भावनात्मक भाषण देकर लोगों को प्रभावित करने की कोशिश करता हैOnly a demagogue could persuade so many people to rebel against authority.
6117पुनरावलोकन – Retrodictto make an assumption about the past using present-day information – वर्तमान समय की जानकारी का उपयोग करके अतीत के बारे में एक धारणा बनानाThe dinosaur fossils helped the scientist retrodict several different theories about what they might have eaten.
6118शर्मिंदा करना – Embarrassto make someone look shameful or foolish in public – किसी को सार्वजनिक रूप से शर्मनाक या मूर्ख दिखानाMy mother likes to embarrass me by showing everyone my baby pictures.
6119बैठक – Parlora nice room in the house that is reserved for socializing with friends – घर में एक अच्छा कमरा जो दोस्तों के साथ मेलजोल के लिए आरक्षित हैAs the pastor and his wife were escorted into our parlor to discuss our membership in the church, I quickly got my husband to join us.
6120धूंधला – Dingyfilthy, discolored, often dark or depressing – गंदा, बदरंग, अक्सर अंधेरा या निराशाजनकHer dress was a dingy grey that was two sizes too big and could have used a wash.
6121श्रेष्ठ – Bestthe top or most desirable of several options – कई विकल्पों में से शीर्ष या सबसे वांछनीयI like sevearl flavors of ice cream, but strawberry is the best kind of all.
6122याद दिलाया – Remindedcaused someone else to remember something, usually by telling them about it again – आम तौर पर किसी और को उसके बारे में दोबारा बताकर उसे कुछ याद दिलाया जाता हैThe alarm clock reminded the sleepy student that it was time to get up for school.
6123सोच-विचार – Considerationcareful thought or deliberation – सावधानीपूर्वक विचार या विचार-विमर्शYou must take the price into consideration before buying a car from the dealership.
6124चापलूसी नहीं – Unadulteratedpure; untainted – शुद्ध; बेदागThe unadulterated taste of pepper was strong and pure.
6125भाप – Vapora substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or solid – हवा में फैला हुआ या निलंबित पदार्थ, विशेष रूप से सामान्यतः तरल या ठोसMariah breathed in the cleansing vapor of the steam room and instantly felt more relaxed.
6126फटकारना – Upbraidto harshly criticize – कड़ी आलोचना करनाWithout a doubt, my parents are going to upbraid me for not passing any of my classes this semester.
6127चुंधियाना – Bedazzleto greatly impress someone – किसी को अत्यधिक प्रभावित करनाThe stunning model seemed to bedazzle everyone she met with her megawatt smile and charming personality.
6128लज्जित होकर – Shamefacedlyin a way that shows a person is awkwardly embarrassed – एक तरह से जिससे पता चलता है कि एक व्यक्ति अजीब तरह से शर्मिंदा हैOnce I had calmed down, I shamefacedly removed my ranting Facebook post from my timeline.
6129दावेदार – Claimantsomeone who makes a claim, especially in a lawsuit before a court – कोई व्यक्ति जो दावा करता है, विशेषकर अदालत के समक्ष मुकदमे मेंThe claimant was rewarded money for the damages to her property.
6130सतही – Cursorysomething done quickly with little attention to detail – विवरण पर कम ध्यान देकर शीघ्रता से किया गया कोई कार्यAfter doing a cursory head count, Claire realized that two of the campers were not in their tents.
6131क्रोध – Irehostility triggered by a grievance or insult – किसी शिकायत या अपमान से उत्पन्न शत्रुताIf my neighbor continues to let his dog poop in my front yard, he is going to feel the full force of my ire when I toss the canine waste on his porch.
6132मूलमंत्र – Credothe core beliefs that determine a person’s or group’s behaviors – मूल मान्यताएँ जो किसी व्यक्ति या समूह के व्यवहार को निर्धारित करती हैंAs a soldier, Danielle adheres to the credo of placing her country first.
6133सीमा – Thresholdthe level at which an individual is defenseless or helpless – वह स्तर जिस पर कोई व्यक्ति असहाय या असहाय हैI knew I had reached my threshold of pain when I had to take a pill for comfort.
6134पूर्वप्रभावी – Retrospectiverelating to things that occurred previously – उन चीज़ों से संबंधित जो पहले घटित हुई थींThe retrospective automobile exhibit will highlight cars from the 1930’s and 1940’s.
6135चकरा देना – Baffleto bewilder or confuse – हतप्रभ या भ्रमित करनाThe magician makes a living with his skills to baffle the untrained and easily manipulated minds of his audience.
6136अवशेष – Residuethe tiny portion that is left behind when something is taken out or when a course of action is completed – वह छोटा भाग जो किसी चीज़ को बाहर निकालने पर या कोई कार्यवाही पूरी होने पर पीछे छूट जाता हैAfter the bomb exploded, a residue of black ash covered the crime scene.
6137हिमलंब – Iciclea hanging piece of ice that is formed when dripping water freezes – बर्फ का एक लटकता हुआ टुकड़ा जो टपकते पानी के जमने से बनता हैIn order for an icicle to grow, a constant flowing stream of water must be moving over the ice.
6138दमन – Subjugationthe action of bringing someone or something under control by force – किसी व्यक्ति या चीज़ को बलपूर्वक नियंत्रण में लाने की क्रियाBecause he was so much stronger than his wife, the abusive husband used physical subjugation to keep her under his control.
6139तलाश – Seekto look for something – किसी चीज़ की तलाश करनाThe police continue to seek the murder suspect and are setting up road blocks all over the city.
6140गैर जरूरी – Nonessentialnot needed or necessary – आवश्यक या ज़रूरी नहींWhile living on a shoestring budget, the purchases of a boat, motorcycle and brand-name clothing angered her husband for purchasing these nonessential items.
6141उत्प्रेरित – Triggeredcaused something to start; activated – किसी चीज़ को शुरू करने का कारण बना; सक्रियThe intruder triggered the alarm, causing the bell to sound sharply all over the build.
6142भद्दा – Balkynot willing to cooperate or comply as expected – अपेक्षा के अनुरूप सहयोग या अनुपालन करने को तैयार नहींThe balky toddler’s favorite word was ‘no,’ and she seemed to enjoy doing the opposite of what her parents asked.
6143दासता – Bondageslavery, servitude – गुलामी, दासताIn bondage to his debt, the graduate felt like a slave as he worked to pay off his student loans.
6144निर्जलीकृत – Desiccateddried out; lifeless – सूखा हुआ; निष्प्राणThe professional soccer player became desiccated after being in a car accident that left him in a coma.
6145कुचलना – Scrunchto squeeze something together tightly – किसी चीज़ को कसकर एक साथ निचोड़नाUsing a handful of mousse, Claire used her fingers to scrunch hair into tight curls.
6146वैभव – Gloryhonor, fame and pride – सम्मान, प्रसिद्धि और गौरवTo fight and die for the glory of his nation was the soldier’s plight.
6147विरासत – Heirlooman heirloom is something that has been inherited or handed down from generation to generation – विरासत एक ऐसी चीज़ है जो पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी विरासत में मिलती है या सौंपी जाती हैThe ancient painting was an invaluable heirloom handed down from generation to generation.
6148रसकर बहना – Exudationa condition of something quickly flowing out or forward – किसी चीज के तेजी से बाहर या आगे बहने की स्थितिAs the young man came dressed in a suit and presented himself professionally, the exudation of class was apparent to anyone who was in the same room with him.
6149टटोला – Gropedsearched without light or certainty – प्रकाश या निश्चितता के बिना खोजा गयाIn the dark, I groped for the light switch.
6150शपत पात्र – Affidavita statement made under oath that is verified by a person of authority – शपथ के तहत दिया गया एक बयान जिसे किसी प्राधिकारी व्यक्ति द्वारा सत्यापित किया जाता हैThe affidavit is certified by a notary public and confirms I personally signed the document.
6151धीर – Halcyoncalm and undisturbed – शांत और अविचलितI was very content during the halcyon days of my childhood.
6152षड़यंत्र – Conspiracythe act of at least two individuals working in a covert manner to complete a task – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए गुप्त तरीके से काम करने वाले कम से कम दो व्यक्तियों का कार्यWhen I am online, I often feel there is a conspiracy by government organizations to track my every click.
6153जीवनरक्षक – Lifeguardan expert swimmer whose job it is to watch other swimmers and rescue people who are in trouble – एक विशेषज्ञ तैराक जिसका काम अन्य तैराकों पर नज़र रखना और मुसीबत में फंसे लोगों को बचाना हैRunning down the beach, the lifeguard prepared to dive into the water and save the drowning man.
6154दुखद – Gallingtriggering annoyance or anger – झुंझलाहट या क्रोध उत्पन्न करनाThe fraud allegation was galling and really upset the honest minister.
6155आशंका – Fearedsomething that one is afraid of – कुछ ऐसा जिससे कोई डरता होSpiders are generally feared by humans, which is odd since they are so small and usually harmless.
6156अपमान – Affrontto do or say something that shows a lack of respect – ऐसा कुछ करना या कहना जो सम्मान की कमी दर्शाता होBy not bowing to the queen, you have shown an affront to the entire royal family.
6157चढ़ना – Clamberingascending in an awkward manner – अजीब तरीके से चढ़नाWe were so exhausted we started clambering up the hill that led to the cabin.
6158पहुँचना – Reachto stretch out an arm to touch or grasp something – किसी चीज़ को छूने या पकड़ने के लिए हाथ फैलानाThe toddler stood on her tippy toes and tried to reach the light switch, but she was just a little too short to turn it on.
6159प्रवेश – Ingressa means of entry or the action of going into an area – प्रवेश का साधन या किसी क्षेत्र में जाने की क्रियाThe glass doors on the hotel’s second floor provide ingress into the mall.
6160निष्पादित – Executedcarried out; performed – किया गया; प्रदर्शन कियाThe chef executed the dish perfectly and won the cooking competition because of how great the finished product tasted.
6161खुश – Appeaseto make someone pleased or less angry – किसी को प्रसन्न करना या कम क्रोधित करनाWhen I reported the cashier’s poor customer service, the manager tried to appease me with the offer of a free pizza.
6162भाषाई – Linguisticrelated to languages – भाषाओं से संबंधितThe linguistic instructor is here to teach us German, which is a difficult language to learn since it is different from Latin, which is the basis of more common languages like Spanish.
6163संवेदनशील बनाना – Sensitizeto make someone react easily (be sensitive) to something – किसी को किसी बात पर आसानी से प्रतिक्रिया देना (संवेदनशील होना)।Being in the sun every day seemed to sensitize the farmer’s skin and caused it to be red and chaffed.
6164इस के बाद – Thereuponimmediately; shortly after – तुरंत; कुछ ही समय बादThe police chief thereupon ordered a blocking of the road so that more accidents did not occur.
6165चिकना – Sleeksmooth and glossy – चिकना और चमकदारAfter pulling her hair into a sleek ponytail, Lauren brushed each strand until they were smooth.
6166स्वच्छ – Nattydescribes something that is smart and fashionable – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करता है जो स्मार्ट और फैशनेबल हैThe model wore a natty jumper down the runway, donned with a few bangles and a stylish bomber jacket.
6167नींद – Sleepthe resting state in which the body is not active, and the mind is unconscious – आराम की अवस्था जिसमें शरीर सक्रिय नहीं होता और मन बेहोश होता हैRichie couldn’t seem to fall asleep since his thoughts raced every time he closed his eyes to rest.
6168पीड़ित – Victimsomeone who has suffered at the hands of someone else – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो किसी दूसरे के हाथों पीड़ित हुआ होEven though the theft victim saw the man who stole her purse, the police have been unable to find him.
6169सुधार करना – Amendto make better – बेहतर बनाने के लिएWe learned that Congress has the right to amend the constitution under certain conditions.
6170सम्बद्ध – Allieddescribing someone that is on your side in pursuit of an interest – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करना जो किसी हित की खोज में आपके पक्ष में हैI can always count on my parents to be allied to me, as they want me to succeed in everything I do.
6171प्रशिक्षु – Interneea person being held captive as a prisoner of war – एक व्यक्ति को युद्धबंदी के रूप में बंदी बनाया जा रहा हैEach internee being held captive was released back to their country when the war ended.
6172बार – Bouta period of something, usually painful or unpleasant – किसी चीज़ की अवधि, आमतौर पर दर्दनाक या अप्रियAfter missing four days of school due to a bout of flu, Emily struggled to make up her missing work.
6173पर्याय – Synonymousbeing alike in meaning – अर्थ में एक जैसा होनाIn the old days, being a woman was synonymous with being a housewife because women were not expected to work outside of the home.
6174एंडगेम – Endgamethe last part of a board or card game with few pieces left – बोर्ड या कार्ड गेम का अंतिम भाग जिसमें कुछ टुकड़े बचे होंDuring the endgame of checkers, the boy would lose because he had four checkers left compared to his opponent’s only piece.
6175विश्राम कक्ष – Loungerelax – आराम करनाAfter complete exhaustion, Henry decided to lounge on the sofa for a few hours.
6176घटना – Occurrencean instance or happening – एक घटना या घटनाHaley’s Comet is an occurrence that takes place approximately every seventy-six years.
6177संकेत – Allusiona statement that refers to something indirectly; an indirect reference – एक बयान जो अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से किसी चीज़ को संदर्भित करता है; एक अप्रत्यक्ष संदर्भThe author’s new book contains an allusion to mythological gods.
6178मोटा – Plumphaving a full, rounded shape – पूर्ण, गोल आकार वालाThe farmer and his wife picked the plump looking chicken for their meal instead of the skinny one.
6179पंगु – Crippledseverely damaged in a way that takes away the ability to function correctly – इस तरह से गंभीर रूप से क्षतिग्रस्त हो गया है कि सही ढंग से कार्य करने की क्षमता खत्म हो गई हैWhen the final engine failed during flight, the crippled plane began to nosedive toward the deep ocean below.
6180चित्रावली – Dioramaa small-scale scene using tangible figurines or modeling clay – मूर्त मूर्तियों या मॉडलिंग क्ले का उपयोग करके एक छोटे पैमाने का दृश्यFrom the diorama, the children could see how the cavemen lived during prehistoric times depicting the cavemen, his shelter and the way he cooked his food.
6181चकाचौंधा – Dazzlingvery stunning and amazing – बहुत आश्चर्यजनक और अद्भुतAs the dazzling model walked down the runway, everyone was looking at the beautiful woman instead of the clothing.
6182कमी – Paucitya small amount of something that is not enough – किसी चीज़ की थोड़ी मात्रा जो पर्याप्त नहीं हैBecause of the paucity of our oil supply, we need to seek out other fuel resources.
6183जर्द – Lividfurious – आगबबूलाWhen James was fired, he became livid and had to be escorted out of the building.
6184समुद्र का किनारा – Offinglikely to happen soon – जल्द ही होने की संभावना हैBecause both of the teams have scored just one touchdown in the fourth quarter, it looks like overtime might be in the offing.
6185बक – Jiveto deceive; to be deceptive – धोखा देना; भ्रामक होनाBeth yelled at her husband, “I know you went to see your mistress last night so don’t try to jive me!”
6186बहस – Discussiona conversation or debate usually regarded as an intellectual or serious affair – किसी बातचीत या बहस को आमतौर पर बौद्धिक या गंभीर मामला माना जाता हैMy father and I had a discussion regarding what we considered to be good books, but we could not agree on whether or not Moby Dick was one of them.
6187मृत्यु दर – Mortalitybeing subject to death – मृत्यु के अधीन होनाQuestioning his own mortality, the elderly man thought back over the many events of his life.
6188धार्मिक – Devoutvery religious or strongly committed to a belief or cause – बहुत धार्मिक या किसी विश्वास या उद्देश्य के प्रति दृढ़ता से प्रतिबद्धOn Black Friday, the devout shoppers begin their day at 3 a.m. and tackle every big bargain in town.
6189सामयिक – Topicalpertaining to putting something on a human’s body part usually for medical purposes – आमतौर पर चिकित्सीय प्रयोजनों के लिए मनुष्य के शरीर के अंग पर कुछ लगाने से संबंधितAfter the girl’s foot muscles were aching, she rubbed a topical cream to soothe her throbbing and sore feet.
6190आश्चर्य – Wonderedthought about curiously – उत्सुकता से सोचाWilma wondered where babies come from, but her parents didn’t have an answer for her curiosity.
6191दिलकश – Likablepleasant, friendly, or otherwise easy to like – सुखद, मैत्रीपूर्ण, या अन्यथा पसंद करना आसानBecause she wasn’t very likable, no one wanted to play with the hateful girl on the playground.
6192गबन करना – Defalcateto misappropriate or misuse money assigned to that person – उस व्यक्ति को सौंपे गए धन का दुरुपयोग या दुरुपयोग करनाWhen the principal decided to defalcate the school’s money, he was deemed a thief by the community and could stand trial for his crime.
6193पराध्वनिक – Supersonica speed that travels faster than sound – एक गति जो ध्वनि से भी तेज़ चलती हैThese aircraft tolerate a wide range of pilot demands from absurdly low speeds to supersonic flight.
6194आनेवाला – Oncomingapproaching or moving toward a particular point – किसी विशेष बिंदु की ओर जाना या बढ़नाThe man walked out into oncoming traffic and was almost hit by a car speeding his way.
6195अदृश्य – Invisiblenot visible to the eye – आंख से दिखाई नहीं देताBree thought the scar from her surgery would be an ugly, red mark, but it was invisible.
6196अगाध – Fathomlesstoo great to be measured – मापने के लिए बहुत बढ़ियाThe depths of the ocean seemed fathomless, reaching deeper than any man could measure.
6197ब्लेथर्सकाइट – Blatherskitea person who constantly talks, usually about nothing important – एक व्यक्ति जो लगातार बात करता है, आमतौर पर किसी भी महत्वपूर्ण बात के बारे में नहींMy aunt is a blatherskite who talks constantly.
6198तिपाई – Tripoda stand with three legs that is used to support an object, usually a camera – तीन पैरों वाला एक स्टैंड जिसका उपयोग किसी वस्तु, आमतौर पर एक कैमरा, को सहारा देने के लिए किया जाता हैPlacing the camera on the tripod, the photographer adjusted the stand to get the perfect shot.
6199लक्षण विज्ञान – Symptomatologythe combined symptoms of a particular disease – किसी विशेष रोग के संयुक्त लक्षणIt is very easy to identify a cold by its symptomatology, which includes coughing and a sore throat.
6200मालिक – Bossa person who supervises employees or workers – वह व्यक्ति जो कर्मचारियों या श्रमिकों की देखरेख करता हैThe factory boss requires that all employees find their own shift replacement if they won’t be coming in for work.
6201घपला – Embroiledpulled into a situation – एक स्थिति में खींच लियाI avoided my two best friends because I did not want to get embroiled in their dispute.
6202सलामी देनेवाला – Salutatoriansomeone who graduates with the second best GPA in their class – कोई व्यक्ति जो अपनी कक्षा में दूसरे सर्वश्रेष्ठ GPA के साथ स्नातक हुआ होIsabel knew she had big shoes to fill at Leonard High School since her father was valedictorian and her mother was salutatorian of this school twenty years ago.
6203विदारक – Wrenchingforcefully pulling away from something or someone – किसी चीज या व्यक्ति से जबरदस्ती दूर खींचनाThe football player tried wrenching the ball from the other team member’s hands, but his grip was too strong.
6204हलकी हवा – Zephyra light or delicate wind – हल्की या नाजुक हवाBy evening, the harsh wind following the storm had turned into a zephyr that did nothing more than move the leaves.
6205बाहरी – Extraneousnot essential or coming from the outside – आवश्यक नहीं है या बाहर से आ रहा हैBecause of so many extraneous details in the instructions, Dad wasn’t able to put the toy together in time for Christmas morning.
6206तिरछा – Skewslanted, crooked – तिरछा, टेढ़ाBecause we didn’t use a level when hanging it, the picture was skew on the wall.
6207चरखी – Pulleya simple machine designed to lift something very heavy – किसी भारी वस्तु को उठाने के लिए बनाई गई एक साधारण मशीनTo raise a flag on a pole, the use of a pulley is mandatory in order to move the flag up and down.
6208निराश्रित – Destituteutterly lacking – सर्वथा अभावEven though I grew up in a destitute family, it did not stop me from attending an Ivy League school
6209बकवास – Crapshootsomething risky or unpredictable – कुछ जोखिम भरा या अप्रत्याशितSpring weather always seems like a crapshoot since one second the sun is shining and the next it is raining.
6210भीख मांगना – Cadgeto convince a person to give you something at no charge – किसी व्यक्ति को आपको बिना किसी शुल्क के कुछ देने के लिए राजी करनाBy flirting with the bartender, the pretty girl was able to cadge free drinks.
6211पुनर्निर्माण – Remaketo create or construct something again – किसी चीज़ को दोबारा बनाना या बनानाA remake of the famous photograph was so authentic looking that it fooled a local historian into thinking it was the original.
6212बिना रंग का – Achromaticfor something to be colorless usually with black, white and grays – किसी चीज़ का रंगहीन होना आमतौर पर काले, सफ़ेद और भूरे रंग के साथSince the house was newly built, it looked like nobody lived in it due to it achromatic walls and stark rooms.
6213छोटा सा अफसर – Underlinga person lower in rank or status when compared to someone else – किसी अन्य की तुलना में पद या स्थिति में कमतर व्यक्तिThe playground bully always looked for an underling to bully since picking on weaker kids always made him feel better about himself.
6214अनुकूल – Conduciveto cause or produce something – किसी चीज़ का कारण या उत्पादन करनाThe declining number of available positions are conducive for the highest unemployment rate in decades.
6215किलेवार – Commandeerto take control of something – किसी चीज़ पर कब्ज़ा करनाBecause Jack is a bully, he will often try and commandeer things that belong to his classmates.
6216चिंतन योग्य – Ponderablesomething that is important enough to be contemplated – कुछ ऐसा जो विचार करने के लिए काफी महत्वपूर्ण हैMany news reporters were covering the ponderable news stories that the country’s citizens would deem vital to their lives.
6217टूट – Shatteringbreaking apart into many pieces – कई टुकड़ों में टूटनाIn order to stop our group from shattering, the leader rearranged our partner setup so members would be paired with people they liked.
6218लंबाई – Lengtha measurement for how long something is – कोई चीज़ कितनी लंबी है इसका मापThe carpenter measured the length of the house to see how long the boards should be.
6219ख़ुशमिज़ाज – Debonairconfident and stylish; suave – आत्मविश्वासी और स्टाइलिश; शिष्टEveryone is excited about the idea of the handsome athlete playing a debonair spy in the new movie.
6220कुपोला – Cupolaa small dome or vault pertaining to a roof – छत से संबंधित छोटा गुम्बद या तिजोरीInstead of a steeple, a domed cupola was structured at the peak of the Catholic cathedral.
6221अवसर लागत – Opportunity costa benefit or profit that must be given up in order to gain something else – ऐसा लाभ या मुनाफ़ा जिसे कुछ और हासिल करने के लिए छोड़ दिया जाना चाहिएMy mother explained she could not buy two snacks and that popcorn would be our opportunity cost if we chose to get candy.
6222साफ़ हो जाना – Catharsisthe process of releasing strong emotions and feelings – मजबूत भावनाओं और अनुभूतियों को मुक्त करने की प्रक्रियाCrying is a great catharsis for releasing pain and anger.
6223बैम – Bama sound word used to describe a hard strike or blow – एक ध्वनि शब्द जिसका प्रयोग कठोर प्रहार या प्रहार का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता हैAs the fireworks exploded in the air, a loud bam and boom could be heard way down the street.
6224हूबहू – Identicallyin the exact same way – ठीक उसी तरहThe two twins often dress identically, confusing everyone around them in regards to which twin is which.
6225वसूली – Recoveryreturn to a normal state – सामान्य अवस्था में लौटेंThe CEO had high hopes that a new marketing program would bring recovery to the struggling business.
6226विरोध – Opposingin conflict or competition with someone – किसी के साथ संघर्ष या प्रतिस्पर्धा मेंThe opposing faction is advancing towards our line and will soon attack our forces with all their might.
6227लिखना – Writeto mark words or symbols down, especially on paper – शब्दों या प्रतीकों को विशेषकर कागज पर अंकित करनाStudents were asked to write their full names on the piece of paper.
6228अगोचर – Imperceptiblenot perceptible by a sense or by the mind – इंद्रिय या मन द्वारा बोधगम्य नहींWhen I had my headphones over my ears, the noise outside was imperceptible.
6229कर सकना – Canhaving the ability to do something – कुछ करने की क्षमता होनाAfter training for months, the teenager can finally scale the side of the mountain within minutes.
6230चतुर – Cleversmart; quick-witted – बुद्धिमान; तर्कशीलThe clever but sneaky boy was able to figure out a way to sneak out of his bedroom window without sounding the alarm.
6231सहायक – Assistivedesigned to provide help – सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गयाThe doctor is trained in fitting patients with auditory assistive devices that can help them hear better.
6232फैलाया हुआ – Outstretchedto extend or stretch out – फैलाना या फैलानाKatie smiled and nodded as the senator shook her outstretched hand.
6233चक्रीय – Cyclicregularly repeating in a cycle – एक चक्र में नियमित रूप से दोहरानाWeather can generally be predicted since the seasons are cyclic and repeat year after year.
6234व्याकुलता – Ructiona loud fight or disturbance – ज़ोरदार लड़ाई या उपद्रवThe ruction in the cafeteria started when one student threw a lunch tray at another student.
6235नेटिविज्म – Nativismthe practice of giving preference to the native residents of an area – किसी क्षेत्र के मूल निवासियों को प्राथमिकता देने की प्रथाNativism is observed by individuals who believe their culture is superior to other cultures.
6236किनारा – Brima projecting rim or edge – एक उभरता हुआ किनारा या किनाराBecause it was filled to the brim, juice began to overflow from the top of the cup.
6237बदनाम – Discreditto harm the good reputation – अच्छी प्रतिष्ठा को नुकसान पहुँचाने के लिएThe way Leonard responded to the customer was a discredit to the company’s service policy.
6238नवीनता – Novationto enter into a new agreement or contract with the same or similar terms when a previous agreement has ended or fallen through – जब कोई पिछला समझौता समाप्त हो गया हो या टूट गया हो तो उसी या समान शर्तों के साथ एक नया समझौता या अनुबंध करनाWhen his contract with the construction company for his roof was up, he made a novation to a less expensive company to finish the rest of the work.
6239नास्तिकता – Disbeliefthe sentiment that comes with doubting an individual or thing – वह भावना जो किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर संदेह करने से उत्पन्न होती हैIt is obvious from the disbelief on Ellen’s face she does not believe her husband’s story about working late.
6240आसक्त – Obsessedpreoccupied with or constantly thinking about something – किसी बात में व्यस्त या लगातार सोचते रहनाThe workout fanatic was obsessed with losing weight and spent night and day in the gym.
6241अभिनय-संबंधी – Histrionicover the top with emotional responses – भावनात्मक प्रतिक्रियाओं के साथ शीर्ष परWhen John does not take his psychiatric medicine, he might have a histrionic outburst about the smallest of things.
6242नवजात – Neonatalrelating to a newborn baby – नवजात शिशु से संबंधितPositive neonatal outcomes were much more positive for babies whose mothers did not smoke during pregnancy.
6243बुद्ध धर्म – Buddhisma religion based on Gautama Buddha’s teachings that suffering is a part of life but can be ended through spiritual development – गौतम बुद्ध की शिक्षाओं पर आधारित एक धर्म कि दुख जीवन का एक हिस्सा है लेकिन आध्यात्मिक विकास के माध्यम से समाप्त किया जा सकता हैThe founder of Buddhism renounced his title as a prince and spent his life developing his spiritual core.
6244मसालेदार – Zestyhaving a strong and spicy flavor – तेज़ और मसालेदार स्वाद वालाThe local diner has zesty wings that are not only flavorful but also come with a fiery kick.
6245करार दिया – Termedgave a name to a certain thing – किसी खास चीज को एक नाम दियाThe scientist termed all of the flowers he discovered, naming them after people he knew and loved.
6246अशिष्ट – Rudeto be impolite or disrespectful – असभ्य या अपमानजनक होनाSince the child was spoiled throughout his life, his way of speaking to others always included his rude manners.
6247गर्भित – Impliedsuggested but not actually stated – सुझाव दिया गया लेकिन वास्तव में बताया नहीं गयाThe conspiracy theorist implied that there was something nasty afoot, but he didn’t say what it was.
6248भूल जाओ – Forgetto not remember a piece of information – जानकारी का एक टुकड़ा याद न रखनाDo not forget to wear sunscreen or you will get sunburned.
6249नियम-निष्ठता – Formalisma type of art where the focus is primarily on the form or outer appearance as opposed to the inner details – एक प्रकार की कला जहां मुख्य रूप से आंतरिक विवरण के विपरीत रूप या बाहरी स्वरूप पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया जाता है“Notice how your eye is drawn to the dark lines of the vase in this example of formalism,” the museum’s tour guide pointed to the piece.
6250बहन – Sistera female child of one’s own parents – अपने ही माता-पिता की कन्याWishing to have a little sister to take care of, Kyle wished for his Mom’s new baby to be a girl.
6251हरामी – Bastarda despicable person – एक घृणित व्यक्तिKnown as a bastard and a scoundrel, the used car salesman sold junk vehicles to poor old women who were far too trusting.
6252छीना-झपटी – Clamberto crawl or climb in an awkward manner – अजीब तरीके से रेंगना या चढ़नाWearing high heels, Kate could only clamber up the hill.
6253लेक्चरर – Docenta tour guide usually at an exhibition, zoo or arts center – आमतौर पर किसी प्रदर्शनी, चिड़ियाघर या कला केंद्र में एक टूर गाइडOn the safari ride through the zoo, the docent commented about the various animals the visitors would see from the bus.
6254आशावादी – Sanguineoptimistic, hopeful, or confident about the future – भविष्य के बारे में आशावादी, आशावान या आश्वस्तAlthough the economy is looking better, we should still not be too sanguine about the future.
6255कथा – Sagaa lengthy and complex sequence of experiences – अनुभवों का एक लंबा और जटिल क्रमThe author’s second novel is the continuation of the saga she started in her first book.
6256नेता – Leaderthe person in charge that leads others – वह प्रभारी व्यक्ति जो दूसरों का नेतृत्व करता हैAs the leader of the club, the mentor helped the other writers better their skills.
6257असंभावना – Impossibilitythe condition of something not being able to be done – कोई काम न हो पाने की स्थितिElizabeth’s boss was classified as a scrooge by his employees, and Elizabeth saw the impossibility to make the job worthwhile.
6258सम्मोहित – Hypnotizeto fascinate in a way that captures one’s full attention – इस तरह से मोहित करना जो किसी का पूरा ध्यान खींच लेThe sway in the woman’s hips seemed to hypnotize the men who drooled as they stared.
6259गुलाबी – Rubicundbearing skin that is pink or red in color – त्वचा का रंग गुलाबी या लाल होनाThe sunburn made his face rubicund in appearance.
6260संगी – Libidinousreflecting desires of a lustful nature – वासनापूर्ण प्रकृति की इच्छाओं को प्रतिबिंबित करनाThe libidinous man was constantly thinking of sex.
6261पॉटलक – Potlucka party or event in which every participant brings a different dish for the guests – एक पार्टी या कार्यक्रम जिसमें प्रत्येक प्रतिभागी मेहमानों के लिए एक अलग व्यंजन लाता हैA potluck sometimes has many of the same dish because the guests don’t know what the others are going to bring.
6262मौज़ेक – Mosaica hard embellishment that is created by pushing tiny segments of dyed glass or stone into a pliable substance – एक कठोर अलंकरण जो रंगे हुए कांच या पत्थर के छोटे टुकड़ों को किसी लचीले पदार्थ में धकेल कर बनाया जाता हैThe little girl was fascinated by the colorful mosaic that comprised the church’s window.
6263चुगली – Backbiteto talk or gossip about someone in a way that is spiteful or mean – किसी के बारे में द्वेषपूर्ण या मतलबी तरीके से बात करना या गपशप करनाGrace makes an effort not to backbite or discuss others negatively while at school.
6264चमक – Flasha sudden brief burst of bright light or a sudden glint from a reflective surface – तेज रोशनी का अचानक संक्षिप्त विस्फोट या परावर्तक सतह से अचानक चमकThe first flash of the fireworks caught her by surprise.
6265धूम – Ballyhooa fuss or excessive publicity – उपद्रव या अत्यधिक प्रचारA ballyhoo was made over the silly video.
6266हानि – Detrimentan event or item that inflicts damage to an individual or thing – कोई घटना या वस्तु जिससे किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को क्षति पहुँचती होAs long as the herbal drink does not pose a detriment to my physical wellbeing, I will give it a try.
6267क्षेत्र – Areaa particular geographic region – एक विशेष भौगोलिक क्षेत्रThe Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.
6268आवेगहीन – Stolidcan’t be moved to smile or show much sign of life – मुस्कुराने या जीवन के अधिक लक्षण दिखाने के लिए प्रेरित नहीं किया जा सकताHe was a stolid man who did not even show his emotions at his mother’s funeral.
6269देवदार – Pinean evergreen coniferous tree – एक सदाबहार शंकुधारी वृक्षThe trees that release a distinct strong pine scent are evergreen pine trees.
6270संग्रह – Amassmentthe accumulation or collection of a large amount of money – बड़ी मात्रा में धन का संचय या संग्रहणIt wasn’t long before the spend-happy lottery winner’s amassment of wealth had dwindled to next to nothing.
6271उभरा – Emergedcame out of hiding or into view – छुपकर या सामने आ गयाSeveral deer emerged, coming out into the clearing to eat some of the meadow grass.
6272क्षमा करना – Forgiveto stop holding a grudge against someone for wrongdoing they committed – किसी के द्वारा किए गए गलत काम के लिए उसके प्रति द्वेष रखना बंद करनाIt was difficult, but after many years I was able to forgive the man that had hit me with his car and taken my ability to walk.
6273युगचेतना – Zeitgeistthe spirit or identity of a specific time period – किसी विशिष्ट समयावधि की भावना या पहचानThe zeitgeist of the years preceding the war was a desire for isolation since no one wanted to get involved in an international crisis.
6274ढाना – Razeto demolish – तबाह करने के लिएAs part of his campaign promise, the mayoral candidate pledged to raze all neglected properties that were unfit for human life.
6275छटनी करना – Retrenchto reduce or cut down on expenses, staff – खर्चों, कर्मचारियों को कम करना या कम करनाIn this turbulent economy, many businesses are having to retrench and cut down on spending.
6276मार्मिक – Poignantsomething that touches your emotions deeply – कुछ ऐसा जो आपकी भावनाओं को गहराई से छूता हैBecause the poignant movie reminded me of my painful childhood, it made me cry.
6277अनुबंध – Appendagea limb or other extremity that stick outs from the upper or lower portion of a body – एक अंग या अन्य छोर जो शरीर के ऊपरी या निचले हिस्से से निकला हुआ होUsing a claw-like appendage, the videogame monster killed the soldiers.
6278योजना बनाना – Prearrangeto agree or arrange something beforehand – किसी बात पर पहले से सहमति या व्यवस्था करनाBefore a major hurricane arrives, everyone should prearrange safer places for their pets and livestock.
6279विश्लेषणात्मक – Analyticalinvolving the approach of separating a larger item into smaller parts for ease of reviewing – समीक्षा में आसानी के लिए किसी बड़ी वस्तु को छोटे भागों में अलग करने का दृष्टिकोण शामिल हैThe detective’s analytical mind allowed him to quickly process the crime scene.
6280टिकाऊ – Sustainableable to be maintained or kept-up overtime – ओवरटाइम तक बनाए रखने या बनाए रखने में सक्षमBecause she knew her crazy work schedule was not sustainable, the overwhelmed mother started looking for a more suitable position.
6281सदोष – Culpableguilty; deserving blame – अपराधी; दोष के योग्यThe judge found the man culpable of the crime and sentenced him to life in prison.
6282पथ – Patha track or route – एक ट्रैक या मार्गLooking left, the victim ran down a path that led out of the park with the attackers close behind her.
6283समझदार – Sagea wise individual who gives others helpful advice – एक बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति जो दूसरों को उपयोगी सलाह देता हैThe sage of the Indian tribe was able to heal the badly wounded man.
6284लापरवाह – Carelessreckless; negligent – लापरवाह; लापरवाहBecause she was careless, the waitress dumped a tray of drinks on my sister.
6285पोषण – Nourishmentsomething that nourishes – कुछ ऐसा जो पोषण करता होIt amazes me that an infant can sustain all of its nourishment from its mother’s milk.
6286एल्वियोली – Alveolisacs in the lungs which gather and filter oxygen – फेफड़ों में थैली जो ऑक्सीजन इकट्ठा करती है और फ़िल्टर करती हैThe alveoli in the smoker’s lungs were so coated in tar from years of cigarettes that they barely output air.
6287गलत कदम – Misstepa mistake or mishap – एक गलती या दुर्घटनाA culinary misstep, the silly chef accidentally added sugar to the stew instead of salt.
6288रेल – Raila bar or series of bars that serves as a fence or barrier – एक बार या सलाखों की श्रृंखला जो बाड़ या अवरोध के रूप में कार्य करती हैA rail was placed on the outside of the cruise ship to keep passengers from going overboard.
6289बुढ़ापा – Senescenceold age – पृौढ अबस्थाMy grandfather said the best part of senescence is watching his grandchildren play.
6290क़ानूनी – Lawfullegal; allowed by the rules/law – कानूनी; नियम/कानून द्वारा अनुमतिThe lawful age to drink is 21, but many people drink illegally at 18.
6291विदूषक – Harlequina jester, usually dressing in white and black, that behaves in a silly way and makes people laugh – एक विदूषक, जो आमतौर पर सफ़ेद और काले कपड़े पहनता है, जो मूर्खतापूर्ण व्यवहार करता है और लोगों को हँसाता हैThe harlequin entertained the king’s table with his silent but interesting magical and comedy acts.
6292पाठ – Lessonan activity or event that teaches you something or provides knowledge – एक गतिविधि या घटना जो आपको कुछ सिखाती है या ज्ञान प्रदान करती हैMrs. Rupert plans to teach her math students a lesson on how to multiply fractions during second period.
6293फूटना – Eruptto violently eject – हिंसक तरीके से बाहर निकालनाFearing that the volcano would erupt momentarily, the local authorities issued an immediate evacuation notice.
6294पूर्वकल्पित – Preconceivedan idea or opinion that is formed before having the information, evidence, or experience to back up its truthfulness – एक विचार या राय जो अपनी सत्यता का समर्थन करने के लिए जानकारी, सबूत या अनुभव होने से पहले बनाई जाती हैThe experiment was only successful because the scientist did not let his preconceived notions affect the results.
6295वैधता – Validitythe state of being valid, authentic or genuine – वैध, प्रामाणिक या वास्तविक होने की अवस्था या भावThe validity of the suspect’s story was questionable to those who thought he was lying.
6296रोमांस – Romancea feeling of excitement associated with love – प्यार से जुड़ी उत्तेजना की भावनाWithout passion, a couple may be together, but there will be no romance between them, as they aren’t excited about their relationship.
6297किच – Kitschtacky or of poor quality – चिपचिपा या खराब गुणवत्ता काHundreds of kitsch lawn ornaments made the woman’s front yard look tacky.
6298ओवरटोन – Overtonesomething suggested but not directly stated – कुछ सुझाव दिया गया है लेकिन सीधे तौर पर नहीं कहा गया हैThe rude email wasn’t directly racist, but it had a bigoted overtone.
6299झूम उठे – Mesmerizedcaptivated by something or someone – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति द्वारा मोहित होनाBecause Jennifer was mesmerized by the author’s writing style, she purchased all of his books.
6300पास-पास – Serriedrows of people or objects grouped together – एक साथ समूहीकृत लोगों या वस्तुओं की पंक्तियाँGrandfather’s garden is serried in five rows, but it is too overgrown to notice.
6301फटे कपड़े – Tattersirregularly torn pieces of material – सामग्री के अनियमित रूप से फटे हुए टुकड़ेThe cloth was cut into tatters with a knife, leaving it in multiple pieces of different sizes.
6302पकड़ – Gripa tight hold – एक मजबूत पकड़Holding onto the balloon with a tight grip, the toddler refused to share his inflatable.
6303थकान – Fatigueweariness brought on by exertion – परिश्रम के कारण होने वाली थकावटDuring the fifteen-mile hike, one of the hikers collapsed from fatigue.
6304मगरमच्छ के आँसू $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द – Crocodile Tears   $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Worddisplay of tears that is forced or false – आँसुओं का वह प्रदर्शन जो ज़बरदस्ती या ग़लत हैThe crocodile tears allows us to see through the false expressions of regret.
6305वध – Slaughterthe killing of a large number of animals or people – बड़ी संख्या में जानवरों या लोगों की हत्याMass slaughter of the Jewish people is one of history’s most senseless tragedies.
6306अनिश्चित – Precariousunstable, dangerous or difficult – अस्थिर, खतरनाक या कठिनRunning around with a knife is very precarious.
6307रूबिकॉन – Rubicona boundary that is crossed without being able to return – एक सीमा जो बिना वापस लौटे पार कर ली जाती हैIn my science fiction story, the young man crossed over the Rubicon into another dimension knowing that he will stay there forever.
6308मूसलधार बारिश – Downpoursudden, heavy rainfall – अचानक, भारी वर्षाBecause her windshield wipers were broken, Beth had to pull over until the downpour stopped.
6309कनस्तर – Canistera container with a lid that is used for keeping dry products – ढक्कन वाला एक कंटेनर जिसका उपयोग सूखे उत्पादों को रखने के लिए किया जाता हैThe little girl reached into the cookie canister and grabbed several chocolate chip cookies from the jar.
6310काकभगौड़ा – Straw manan proposal that lacks a solid foundation – एक ऐसा प्रस्ताव जिसमें ठोस आधार का अभाव हैThe marketing team didn’t have all of the details, so they created a straw man draft of what new markets they wanted to conquer.
6311गहरा – Deepextending far down from the surface – सतह से बहुत नीचे तक फैला हुआThe ocean is so deep that huge boats have been able to sink to the bottom, never to be seen again.
6312स्लैश – Slasha cut – एक चोटThere was a slash through the doorway that allowed the thief to break into the enormous mansion.
6313नक़ली – Off-keynot in accordance with what is expected in a situation – किसी स्थिति में जो अपेक्षा की जाती है उसके अनुरूप नहींThe class was supposed to be singing in deep voices, but for some reason Torrence was off-key, singing in as high a voice as he could.
6314दरार – Crackthe partial exterior break of something without complete separation – पूर्ण अलगाव के बिना किसी चीज़ का आंशिक बाहरी टूटनाWhile washing the car, Sara noticed a small crack in her windshield and had it repaired immediately.
6315तुस्र्प – Trumpto outrank or beat someone – किसी को पछाड़ना या हरानाLaying a spade down, the card player was able to trump his opponent’s ace and take the pair.
6316चिड़चिड़ा – Techytechnical or characterized by technological abilities – तकनीकी या तकनीकी क्षमताओं द्वारा विशेषताTechy gifts can be bought on a budget at the new, technology-based street shop.
6317असबाब – Upholsterymaterials used to cover furniture – फर्नीचर को ढकने के लिए प्रयुक्त सामग्रीLeather upholstery was added to the seats of the car to give it a different look.
6318कट्टरपंथी बनाना – Radicalizeto make social or political views more extreme – सामाजिक या राजनीतिक विचारों को और अधिक उग्र बनानाThe terrorist organization aims to radicalize children and promote a killing culture that could establish a base for future terrorists and suicide bombers.
6319दिनांकित – Datednoticeably old or before one’s time – काफ़ी पुराना या अपने समय से पहले काI can’t help but shake my head whenever my dad dons his totally dated bell bottom pants from the 70s.
6320आलोचना करना – Criticizeto find fault with something – किसी चीज़ में गलती ढूंढनाIt is unfair to criticize teachers for not promoting students who cannot perform at their grade level.
6321पनाह देना – Nestleto snuggle or cuddle something – किसी चीज़ को गले लगाना या गले लगानाThe bear cub’s mother began to nestle him closer as they drifted off to sleep.
6322मिरगी – Hystericsan uncontainable crying or laughing spell – एक अप्राप्य रोने या हँसने का मंत्रThe widow was in a state of hysterics at her husband’s funeral.
6323अचेतन – Inanimatedevoid of life – जीवन से रहितMy dog loves to urinate on inanimate objects like car tires and mailbox posts.
6324धड़कते – Throbbingpertaining to a pounding rhythm – तेज़ लय से संबंधितAs the most popular boy walked down the hallway, Patricia’s heart began throbbing faster and faster.
6325दव्र बनाना – Liquefyto turn something into a liquid – किसी चीज़ को तरल में बदलनाUsing a food processer, the chef was able to liquefy the ingredients into a watery mixture.
6326पूर्वपरीक्षण – Pretesta test given before instruction or evaluation – निर्देश या मूल्यांकन से पहले दिया जाने वाला परीक्षणEach new product must undergo a pretest to determine if it passes inspection and can be put on the shelves.
6327समुदाय – Communitya public group of people who live in the same area and have the same government and similar cultural interests – लोगों का एक सार्वजनिक समूह जो एक ही क्षेत्र में रहते हैं और जिनकी सरकार और समान सांस्कृतिक रुचियाँ समान हैंThe community was in an uproar when one of their citizens was caught by the local police for robbing houses in the neighborhood.
6328बराबर भागों – Cahootssecretly working together to commit crime or dishonest activity – अपराध या बेईमान गतिविधि करने के लिए गुप्त रूप से एक साथ काम करनाJack and Barry were in cahoots when they conspired to shoot up the mall.
6329वेलेलिटी – Velleityto weakly wish or desire something without taking action to achieve it – किसी चीज़ को प्राप्त करने के लिए कोई कार्रवाई किए बिना उसकी कमज़ोर इच्छा या अभिलाषा करनाHe had a velleity for a home cooked meal but he was too lazy to get off the couch and ordered take out instead.
6330कक्षा – Classimpressive style, wealth, or behavior – प्रभावशाली शैली, धन, या व्यवहारThat woman with the fancy dress and the elegant poise clearly has class, though I wonder if she acts that way just to impress people.
6331विवाद – Disputeto contest or argue about something – किसी बात पर प्रतिस्पर्धा या बहस करनाWhen I saw unauthorized charges on my credit card, I called the bank to dispute the amounts.
6332ओह – Phewto convey a sense of relief, fatigue, surprise, disgust when something hard is finished or no longer worried about something – राहत, थकान, आश्चर्य, घृणा की भावना व्यक्त करने के लिए जब कोई कठिन काम पूरा हो गया हो या अब किसी बात की चिंता न हो“Phew, that was a close call and glad the car moved back into its proper lane before she hit us.”
6333स्वीकार – Acceptancethe act of taking/receiving something that is being offered – जो कुछ पेश किया जा रहा है उसे लेने/प्राप्त करने की क्रियाAcceptance of the offer means we will be selling our house to the Jeffersons.
6334नरसंहार – Carnagethat which is left after an extremely violent event such as a massacre – जो किसी नरसंहार जैसी अत्यंत हिंसक घटना के बाद बचा रह जाता हैThe suicide bomber left immeasurable carnage in the mall.
6335धैर्य – Patiencetolerating and enduring frustrating, time-consuming and problems with ease and composure – निराशा, समय लेने वाली और समस्याओं को आसानी और संयम के साथ सहन करनाHer patience was running thin as she was waiting four times longer than anybody else in the restaurant to be seated.
6336वाइस-रोय – Viceroyone who governs a country, province, or colony as the representative of a monarch – वह जो किसी राजा के प्रतिनिधि के रूप में किसी देश, प्रांत या उपनिवेश पर शासन करता होThe viceroy traveled to America to oversee one of the thirteen colonies.
6337काँपता हुआ – Palsiedaffected with paralysis and tremors – पक्षाघात और कंपकंपी से प्रभावितThe muscles of the patient’s face were palsied and continued to tremble even with the help of medication.
6338कमी रह गई थी – Lackedneeded; required – आवश्यकता है; आवश्यकBecause the plants lacked sunlight where they were planted, the gardener moved them to a brighter location.
6339पर्यटन – Tourisman industry pertaining to vacationers – छुट्टियों से संबंधित एक उद्योगMyrtle Beach in South Carolina was created for tourism since it is so close to a warm beach.
6340मक्का – Meccaa center/place that attracts people to it – एक केंद्र/स्थान जो लोगों को अपनी ओर आकर्षित करता हैAn entertainment Mecca, Los Angeles attracts wannabe actors and actresses from all around the world.
6341उत्तरदीप्ति – Afterglowa pleasant feeling or after-effect of an enjoyable event – किसी सुखद घटना का सुखद अहसास या उसके बाद का प्रभावThe afterglow from falling in love is shining all over the newlywed’s face.
6342सफल होना – Succeedto become victorious or accomplish a task – विजयी होना या कोई कार्य पूरा करनाIf you want to succeed in life, you should have a great job and a proud productive family.
6343फंसा हुआ – Trappedto be forced into a situation against one’s will – किसी की इच्छा के विरुद्ध किसी स्थिति में मजबूर होनाWith my kidnappers locking the door behind me, I was trapped in a windowless room with no way out.
6344पक्षपातपूर्ण – Prejudicedhaving a negative opinion about someone or a situation not based on reason or experience – किसी व्यक्ति या स्थिति के बारे में नकारात्मक राय रखना जो तर्क या अनुभव पर आधारित न होBecause he is prejudiced, the man dislikes Hispanic people before he even gets to know them.
6345संरेखण – Alignmentpositioning of things so that they are in a straight line – चीज़ों को इस प्रकार व्यवस्थित करना कि वे एक सीधी रेखा में होंThe chiropractor was able to bring the woman’s discs into alignment so that her back would be straight.
6346अड़चन – Hitchto fasten or hook – बाँधना या फँसानाThe boater needed to hitch his sailboat to his pick-up truck so that he could tow it to the lake.
6347गहरा – Profoundextremely deep – अत्यंत गहराThe speaker’s profound words made me think about my future.
6348हाइपोक्सिया – Hypoxiaa medical or scientific condition in which there are low levels of oxygen concertation in the body or water – एक चिकित्सीय या वैज्ञानिक स्थिति जिसमें शरीर या पानी में ऑक्सीजन का स्तर कम हो जाता हैSea life is all but suffocated when hypoxia causes oxygen depletion in the water.
6349संचारित – Transmittedpassed or sent from one person/place to another – एक व्यक्ति/स्थान से दूसरे व्यक्ति को भेजा या भेजा गयाThe sick girl transmitted the virus to her mother when she coughed and didn’t cover her mouth.
6350अलौकिक – Uncannystrangely weird – अजीब अजीबJeff is an uncanny man who likes to eat raw meat.
6351बेंचमार्क – Benchmarka standard or target – एक मानक या लक्ष्यSetting a testing benchmark for all students, administration insisted that teachers push their children towards this target.
6352ओथडोटिस – Orthodontista doctor specializing in dental work for avoiding or improving uneven teeth – असमान दांतों से बचने या उन्हें सुधारने के लिए दंत चिकित्सा कार्य में विशेषज्ञता वाला एक डॉक्टरAn orthodontist required my daughter to get braces for two years since her front teeth were not in alignment with the other teeth.
6353आत्म जागरूकता – Self-awarenessknowledge and a grasp of someone’s own identity and character – ज्ञान और किसी की अपनी पहचान और चरित्र की समझThe club’s president must have had self-awareness of his leadership skills because he was not only talented with leading but also assured.
6354निवेदक – Supplicantone who prays humbly for something – जो किसी चीज़ के लिए नम्रतापूर्वक प्रार्थना करता हैAs a modest supplicant, Mary prayed for the less fortunate, the addicted, and those who are suffering.
6355पॉलीफोनिक – Polyphonicdescribes a sound that contains two or more voices or notes sounding at time – एक ऐसी ध्वनि का वर्णन करता है जिसमें एक ही समय में दो या दो से अधिक आवाजें या नोट्स बजते हैंThe polyphonic song was performed by two of the best voices in the world-renowned choir.
6356कोढ़ी – Leproushaving skin or an outer layer that is scaly – त्वचा या बाहरी परत पपड़ीदार होनाA new antibiotic is being marked to heal the leprous skin conditions of those suffering from the illness.
6357कह रहा – Sayinga simple statement that expresses some kind of truth or wisdom – एक सरल कथन जो किसी प्रकार की सच्चाई या ज्ञान व्यक्त करता हैThe saying ‘love is blind’ means that people who are in love often ignore things that are very obvious to everyone else.
6358एक समय का – Synchronousevents occurring at the same time or pace – एक ही समय या गति से घटित होने वाली घटनाएँThe cyclists’ wheels were in such perfect synchronous motion with each other that they crossed the finish line at the same time.
6359संसेचन – Impregnationthe act of making someone pregnant with a child – किसी को बच्चे से गर्भवती करने की क्रियाThe shocked woman insisted that impregnation wasn’t possible since she had taken birth control to stop her from having children.
6360लचीला – Pliableeasily bent or formed – आसानी से मुड़ने या बनने वालाEven though the hose seemed pliable, Henry wasn’t able to curve it around the corner of the house.
6361कल्पना – Fantasya pleasant thought of an unlikely enjoyable situation – एक अप्रत्याशित सुखद स्थिति का सुखद विचारWhen she was young, I often found my daughter Kendra in her room withdrawn into her own fantasy world.
6362प्रतिवाद – Deprecationdisapproval – अस्वीकृतिThe deprecation on the pastor’s face was obvious when he learned of his underage son drinking alcohol.
6363पेटेंट – Patentan official government document that allows the creator of a product to only create and sell this product for a period of time – एक आधिकारिक सरकारी दस्तावेज़ जो किसी उत्पाद के निर्माता को केवल कुछ समय के लिए इस उत्पाद को बनाने और बेचने की अनुमति देता हैAfter the consultation with a lawyer regarding my invention of a self-cleaning placemat, the lawyer explained that the patent would take years to acquire for my product.
6364समानता – Parallelismusing elements in writing sentences that are grammatically similar or symmetrical – वाक्य लिखने में ऐसे तत्वों का उपयोग करना जो व्याकरणिक रूप से समान या सममित होंParallelism in writing requires you to say ‘I like skiing, swimming, and dancing” instead of “I like skiing, to swim, and some dances.”
6365एलाइड – Elideto leave out or omit – छोड़ना या छोड़नाThe teacher decided to elide the last test since most of the students failed.
6366उत्साही – Zealousfeeling or demonstrating strong and energetic support for someone, a cause, etc. – किसी व्यक्ति, किसी कारण आदि के लिए मजबूत और ऊर्जावान समर्थन महसूस करना या प्रदर्शित करना।Because my husband is a zealous supporter of the high school football team, he donates money to their organization every year.
6367पिछला – Rearthe back part of something – किसी चीज़ का पिछला भागWorking out almost daily, the shapely woman tried to sweat off her rear end.
6368कार्यक्षमता – Functionalitybeing suited to serve a purpose well or perform a task well – किसी उद्देश्य को अच्छी तरह से पूरा करने या किसी कार्य को अच्छी तरह से करने के लिए उपयुक्त होनाAlthough the very first cell phone was an innovative product, it’s bulkiness effected its functionality.
6369अच्छी अवस्था में लाना – Renovateto renew; to revamp something to make it look new again – नवीनीकरण करने के लिए; किसी चीज़ को फिर से नया रूप देने के लिए उसका पुनर्निर्माण करनाThe homeowners decided to renovate their old kitchen.
6370रिक्तिकरण – Depletionreduction in the amount of something – किसी चीज़ की मात्रा में कमीThe depletion of our food stores will lead many to starve this winter.
6371छूना – Touchto make physical contact with an object – किसी वस्तु के साथ शारीरिक संपर्क बनानाIf you want to touch another person, you will have to be close enough to lay your hand on them.
6372यथाशीघ्र – ASAPan abbreviation for as soon as possible; immediately – यथाशीघ्र का संक्षिप्त रूप; तुरंत“Hurry and call 9-1-1 ASAP!” the mother yelled to her neighbor when she found her son unconscious in the pool.
6373सहनशीलता – Toleranceability to withstand problems or discomfort – समस्याओं या असुविधाओं को झेलने की क्षमताSince none of the passengers on the plane complained about the constantly screaming baby, they had a high tolerance to the noise.
6374बदला लेना – Avengeto retaliate against a group or person who has harmed you in some way – किसी ऐसे समूह या व्यक्ति के ख़िलाफ़ जवाबी कार्रवाई करना जिसने आपको किसी तरह से नुकसान पहुँचाया होThe police officer was determined to avenge his partner by bringing his killer to justice.
6375धुंध – Smogfog or haze that is polluted with smoke – धुएँ से प्रदूषित कोहरा या धुंधThick smog filled the air outside of the huge factory, polluting the sky all around the plant.
6376खबरदार – Bewareto use caution, pay attention to – सावधानी बरतें, ध्यान देंBeware of falling rocks from the top of the mountain.
6377विश्राम – Relaxationthe state of feeling calm or at peace while doing things that lessen tension and anxiety – तनाव और चिंता को कम करने वाले काम करते समय शांति या शांति महसूस करने की स्थितिSun-drenched relaxation on a secluded beach is the only thing that will take away my work-related stress.
6378केंचुली – Sloughto cause to shed or purge – बहाने या शुद्ध करने के लिए प्रेरित करनाThe product is designed to slough off dead skin cells.
6379उच्चारण – Pronouncemake the sound of (a word or part of a word), typically in the correct or a particular way – (किसी शब्द या शब्द के भाग) की ध्वनि बनाना, आमतौर पर सही या एक विशेष तरीके सेWhenever the young reader didn’t know how to pronounce a complicated name, she substituted an easier one.
6380मेल मिलाप – Reconciledsettled differences; restored friendly relations – सुलझे मतभेद; मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंध बहाल कियेIn 1891, the Hatfields and McCoys reconciled, shaking hands and deciding to end their feud once and for all.
6381catacombs – Catacombsunderground cemeteries with tunnels and rooms where the dead are kept – सुरंगों और कमरों वाले भूमिगत कब्रिस्तान जहां मृतकों को रखा जाता हैThe Catacombs of ancient Rome were underground burial places built in 2nd century AD.
6382प्रवेश – Intakethe amount of a substance (i.e., food, water) that is brought into the body – किसी पदार्थ की मात्रा (अर्थात, भोजन, पानी) जो शरीर में लाई जाती हैWhile trying to lose weight, Henry lowered his daily calorie intake to just 1,200 calories eaten.
6383दहेज – Trousseauthe clothes collected by a bride for her marriage – दुल्हन द्वारा अपनी शादी के लिए एकत्रित किए गए कपड़ेThe bride brought an entire wardrobe to the marriage as her trousseau, practically filling the small closet of the man’s home.
6384टिकाऊ – Sustainableable to be maintained at current rate/level – वर्तमान दर/स्तर पर बनाए रखने में सक्षमThe farmer was committed to promoting sustainable agricultural practices that would allow him to grow his crops without hurting the land for future generations.
6385कंफेडेरसी – Confederacya group that has formed to participate in an activity or to work towards a common cause; term generally used in the United States to refer to the Southern states during the Civil War period – एक समूह जो किसी गतिविधि में भाग लेने या किसी सामान्य उद्देश्य की दिशा में काम करने के लिए बना है; यह शब्द आमतौर पर संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में गृह युद्ध के दौरान दक्षिणी राज्यों को संदर्भित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैTo unite against union forces, the Southern states formed a confederacy.
6386रोटरी – Rotaryof motion revolving around a center or axis; rotational – किसी केंद्र या अक्ष के चारों ओर घूमने वाली गति का; घुमानेवालाBefore the invention of cordless phones, telephones were rotary and in order to make a call, individuals had to press the number, spin it around, to get to the next number.
6387गति – Pacespeed or rate at which one is moving – गति या दर जिस पर कोई चल रहा हैMoving at a snail’s pace, the writer didn’t think she would ever finish drafting the article.
6388प्रतिबद्ध – Committeddedicated oneself entirely to a person or task – किसी व्यक्ति या कार्य के प्रति स्वयं को पूर्ण रूप से समर्पित करनाThe detective has committed himself to solve the case, refusing to give up even when everyone else.
6389मौन – Quiescentnot active; quiet – अक्रिय; शांतFor once, our hyperactive Great Dane is quiescent and resting on the rug.
6390वर्जित – Restrictedlimited in number or ability to do something – संख्या में सीमित या कुछ करने की क्षमताPizza Hut has restricted the number of half off pizzas one person can buy to ten.
6391प्रार्थना – Supplicationa plea made to a higher power – एक उच्च शक्ति से की गई गुहारThe worried father went to the hospital chapel to make a supplication for his sick child.
6392कार्यभार – Workloadthe amount of work that needs to be completed – कार्य की वह मात्रा जिसे पूरा करने की आवश्यकता हैAs the students’ workload increases, they will lose more of their free time.
6393शव – Carcassthe body of a dead person or animal – किसी मृत व्यक्ति या जानवर का शरीरOn our cross country road trip, we passed a deer carcass on the road.
6394मनोरंजन से – Jauntilyin an energetic way – ऊर्जावान तरीके सेAfter receiving a promotion at work, Jill walked home jauntily.
6395खरगोश – Harea rabbit like mammal that is furry with long ears – एक खरगोश जैसा स्तनपायी जो लंबे कानों वाला रोएँदार होता हैUnlike its cousin the rabbit, the hare moves with a leaping motion instead of a hop.
6396टिप टॉप – Tiptopthe very best something can be – सबसे अच्छा कुछ हो सकता हैThe quality of this beef is tiptop, I would recommend it to anyone and everyone.
6397वाकुएरो – Vaquerosomeone who rides atop a horse and herds farm animals from place to place typically in Spanish speaking regions – वह व्यक्ति जो घोड़े पर सवार होता है और आम तौर पर स्पैनिश भाषी क्षेत्रों में जगह-जगह से खेत के जानवरों को चराता हैThe vaquero rode his stallion quickly through the farmland to catch up to the heard of cows.
6398दर्दनाक – Dolorousexperiencing or displaying sadness or pain – दुःख या दर्द का अनुभव करना या प्रदर्शित करनाThe dolorous film made me recall sad times.
6399बढ़ा हुआ – Increasedgrew in number or size – संख्या या आकार में वृद्धि होनाEach week, the number of people viewing Brian’s YouTube videos increased until he reached 1 million.
6400ट्रक – Trucka vehicle used to transport goods, typically with four or more wheels – माल परिवहन के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला वाहन, आमतौर पर चार या अधिक पहियों वालाThe happy family hired a moving truck to transport their possessions to their new home.
6401दुबला – Leanto tilt to the side, usually to rest against something – एक ओर झुकना, आमतौर पर किसी चीज़ पर टिकनाMariah watched in horror as the pile of books stacked almost to the ceiling started to lean and toppled over.
6402साहसिक काम – Adventurean exciting or dangerous experience – एक रोमांचक या खतरनाक अनुभवSetting off on an adventure, Peter Pan hoped to avoid any pitfalls that would put him in the hand of Captain Hook.
6403टाइपकास्ट – Typecastto stereotypically assign an actor or actress the same type of role over and over again – किसी अभिनेता या अभिनेत्री को रूढ़ीवादी ढंग से एक ही तरह की भूमिका बार-बार सौंपनाBecause she played the fun-loving grandma on several different TV shows, Meryl seemed to be typecast in this role.
6404पता लगा लेना – Descryto catch sight of – देखने के लिएAfter conducting experiments for several years, the scientist was able to descry the cause of the disease.
6405कंपकंपी – Shudderto tremble suddenly – अचानक कांपनाA cool breeze moved through the garden, causing the princess’s body to shudder from the chill.
6406लालटेन – Lanterna lamp with a protective case around the flame – लौ के चारों ओर एक सुरक्षात्मक आवरण वाला एक दीपकA brown rustic lantern hung from the porch and lit the way for weary travelers.
6407बाध्यता – Compulsionan illogical need to perform an action – किसी कार्य को करने की अतार्किक आवश्यकताAlong with my obsessive compulsive disorder comes the compulsion to repeatedly check doors to ensure they are locked.
6408अमिट – Indelibledifficult to remove or wash away; incapable of being canceled or forgotten – हटाना या धोना कठिन; रद्द किये जाने या भुलाये जाने में असमर्थAlthough she knew that it embarrassed her son, she nevertheless printed his name in indelible marker on the waistbands of all his underwear before he went off to camp.
6409लापरवाह – Untidymessy and unorganized – गन्दा और अव्यवस्थितA maid is needed to help the clean the untidy home.
6410सत्यता – Authenticitythe quality of being real or genuine – वास्तविक या वास्तविक होने का गुणUsing a pen that is designed to recognize counterfeit money, the clerk checked the customer’s twenty-dollar bill’s authenticity.
6411विवादी – Litigantsomeone engaged in a lawsuit – कोई मुकदमे में उलझा हुआA plaintiff is a litigant as is the defendant because they both are involved in a lawsuit.
6412असुविधाजनक – Incommodiousnot comfortable; unpleasant – सहज नहीं; अप्रियI sat on the floor because the lumpy couch was incommodious.
6413घटाना – Subtractto deduct or detract from something – किसी चीज़ से कटौती या कटौती करना“When you subtract two from five,” the math teacher told her students, “you will end up with three.”
6414रेटेड – Ratedvalued; appraised or measured – मूल्यवान; मूल्यांकित या मापा हुआAlthough the hotel was rated a four out of five, we found the service to be crummy at best.
6415कॉकटेल – Cocktaila mixture of different things – विभिन्न चीजों का मिश्रणMy grandmother’s famous soup is a cocktail of several vegetables fused together with lamb, chicken, and beef.
6416टोल – Tollthe number of casualties caused by an event that took lives – किसी ऐसी घटना के कारण हताहतों की संख्या जिसमें कई लोगों की जान चली गईThe death toll from the tsunami was catastrophically high, reaching well into the tens of thousands across the coastline.
6417पारदर्शिता – Transparencyopenness; clearness – खुलापन; स्पष्टताMedia outlets are calling for the president to embrace transparency and be open with his financial documents.
6418ज़रूरी – Necessarybeing required or vital – आवश्यक या महत्वपूर्ण होनाFor the chocolate cake, the necessary ingredients included flour, eggs, butter and cocoa.
6419कॉन्ट्रेटेम्प्स – Contretempsan ill-timed or humiliating incident – एक ग़लत समय या अपमानजनक घटनाFalling in the school cafeteria was a contretemps the shy girl would never forget.
6420गॉबल्डीगुक – Gobbledygookcomplicated or technical language that is difficult to understand – जटिल या तकनीकी भाषा जिसे समझना कठिन होMy geometry teacher was speaking English, but it was all gobbledygook to me.
6421अनावरण किया – Unveiledrevealed or showed something – कुछ प्रकट या दिखाया हुआEli Whitney unveiled a special machine to the crowd that would change the way that cotton was processed.
6422अभिलाषी – Desiderateto long for something or feel a need to have it – किसी चीज़ की लालसा करना या उसे पाने की आवश्यकता महसूस करनाHarley and John both desiderate to own a home, but will have to put off this desire until they can afford to buy.
6423असंगत – Incongruentmismatched; unsuited – बेमेल; अनुचितBecause the two ingredients are incongruent, they will not create a tasty dressing.
6424लाभ – Mileagethe total amount of miles journeyed – यात्रा की गई मील की कुल राशिAfter driving across the country for a new job, the mileage on my car now exceeded over 100,000 miles.
6425अस्पष्ट – NebulousUnclear, vague; not clearly defined – अस्पष्ट, अस्पष्ट; स्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित नहींAfter the car accident, his memories were quite nebulous.
6426एक प्रकार की मछली – Poutto push one’s lips out to show irritation or annoyance – जलन या झुंझलाहट दिखाने के लिए अपने होठों को बाहर निकालनाThe toddler continued to pout and poke out her lips when her mother wouldn’t give her candy.
6427एलर्जी – Allergichaving an allergy to something – किसी चीज़ से एलर्जी होनाBecause he is allergic to shellfish, Linden has to make sure to avoid both crab and shrimp when dining out.
6428कसम खाना – Swearto make a solemn promise to do something or confirming that something is true – कुछ करने का गंभीर वादा करना या यह पुष्टि करना कि कोई बात सत्य हैI swear that I will clean my room tomorrow.
6429जोर से बोलना – Blurtto say something suddenly and without thought – अचानक और बिना सोचे कुछ कहनाSam couldn’t help but blurt out his idea in the middle of the meeting, even though no one asked him.
6430डरावना – Fearsomefrightening or scary – भयावह या डरावनाFew creatures of the American forests are more fearsome than the Grizzly Bear, a hulking beast with massive teeth and claws.
6431चालाक – Shrewdhaving or showing sharp powers of judgment; sharp-witted – निर्णय की तीव्र शक्तियाँ होना या दिखाना; खिल्लीबाज़It takes a shrewd analyst to really make a killing in the stock market.
6432आगे बढ़नेवाला – Propulsivehaving the power to move forward – आगे बढ़ने की शक्ति होनाWhen she got sick, the force of her stomach tensing was propulsive.
6433डींग मारनेवाला – Rantersomeone who speaks in a violent or loud manner – कोई व्यक्ति जो हिंसक या ऊंचे स्वर में बोलता होKnown as a ranter, Ted’s father always screamed insults at the opposing coaches and player during football season.
6434अकड़ – Swaggera confident and usually arrogant attitude – एक आत्मविश्वासी और आमतौर पर अहंकारी रवैयाSomeone who is full of themselves walks around with swagger.
6435रील – Reelto lose balance or feel dizzy – संतुलन खोना या चक्कर आनाAs I started to reel and feel faint, I realized my date had put something in my drink.
6436बढ़ाना – Extendto move outward – बाहर की ओर बढ़नाThe procrastinating students requested for the professor to extend the deadline for the essay.
6437मान लेना – Opineto give an opinion – एक राय देने के लिएRather than disagree with my husband in public, I waited until we got home to opine my thoughts on the subject.
6438प्रासंगिकता – Relevancethe condition of being related to or relevant – संबंधित या प्रासंगिक होने की अवस्था या भावMy talkative professor is known for sharing stories that have no relevance to our lessons.
6439सालगिरह – Anniversarythe date on which an even took place the year before – वह तारीख जिस दिन एक वर्ष पहले एक घटना घटी थीCelebrating their anniversary with a candlelit dinner, the couple was happy to be married for another year.
6440स्टार्टर – Startersomething used to begin something – कुछ से कुछ शुरू होता थाThe couple decided to move out of the starter home they bought in their 20s and into a much nicer place.
6441प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त की – Reactedacted in response; behaved in a certain way as a reply – प्रतिक्रिया में कार्य किया; उत्तर के रूप में एक निश्चित तरीके से व्यवहार कियाThe inmate reacted with anger after being told that he wasn’t getting out of jail.
6442समर्थन से – Backedsupported; agreed with – का समर्थन किया; से सहमतThe political candidate was backed by several donors who didn’t mind supporting him financially.
6443कुछ नहीं – Nothingnot anything; not existing – कुछ भी नहीं; अस्तित्व मे नहीPolice looked for clues near the crime scene but found nothing out of the ordinary.
6444अधिकार का त्याग – Quitclaima legal document that transfers ownership of a property from one person to another – एक कानूनी दस्तावेज़ जो किसी संपत्ति का स्वामित्व एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति को हस्तांतरित करता हैA quitclaim deed was issued to Jenny after her mother transferred the property into her name.
6445दंड देना – Chastento punish or reprimand in order to correct – सुधारने के लिए दण्डित करना या डाँटनाAs a parent, I don’t feel spanking is a good way to chasten your kids.
6446मुनाफ़ा – Expediencya regard for what is helpful or useful in a situation but not necessarily morally right – किसी स्थिति में जो सहायक या उपयोगी है, उसके प्रति सम्मान लेकिन जरूरी नहीं कि नैतिक रूप से सही होThe brazen ads were a source of expediency, shamelessly marketing teens to buy cigarettes.
6447झूठ बोलना – Lyinggiving a false account or saying something untrue – झूठा विवरण देना या कुछ असत्य कहनाAs he continued lying, the dishonest doll’s nose grew longer and longer.
6448दुर्बल होना – Attenuateto reduce to a weaker or smaller state – कमज़ोर या छोटी अवस्था में लानाDoctors claim taking the flu vaccine will attenuate the effects of the illness.
6449नमूना – Samplea small part or quantity intended to show what the whole is like – एक छोटा सा भाग या मात्रा जिसका उद्देश्य यह दिखाना हो कि संपूर्ण वस्तु कैसी हैThe engaged couple tasted a sample of several flavors before making a selection for their wedding cake.
6450मारा – Struckhit or crashed into something – किसी चीज से टकराना या दुर्घटनाग्रस्त होनाAs the truck struck the back of her car, the driver braced herself for the impact of the crash.
6451चालू कर देना – Triggerto initiate something – कुछ आरंभ करनाAnxiety has been known to trigger asthma attacks.
6452फ़र्मर – Yeomana farmer long-ago who owned a small amount of land – बहुत पहले का एक किसान जिसके पास थोड़ी सी ज़मीन थीThe yeoman was plowing the field on his master’s land.
6453कठोर – Rigidunwilling to alter one’s behaviors or views – किसी के व्यवहार या विचारों को बदलने के लिए तैयार नहीं होनाIn the biographical movie, the cult leader was portrayed as a rigid man who tolerated no ideas except for his own.
6454मोटर – Motora piece of equipment that is powered by ignition or a form of electricity in order to operate a machine – उपकरण का एक टुकड़ा जो किसी मशीन को संचालित करने के लिए इग्निशन या बिजली के एक रूप से संचालित होता हैMechanics know exactly how to take apart a motor and put it back together in a matter of minutes.
6455प्रतिकृति – Replicaan exact copy – एक सटीक प्रतिMy mom bought me a replica of the Colosseum as a souvenir.
6456निर्वाण – Nirvanaa place of peace and happiness – शांति और खुशी का स्थानThe monk urged me to sit and meditate until I reached nirvana.
6457बढ़ाना – Protrudeto push out – बाहर धकेलनाThe blow made the man’s teeth protrude from his mouth.
6458घेरा – Circlea group of people that share interests, professions, or acquaintances – लोगों का एक समूह जो समान रुचियों, व्यवसायों या परिचितों को साझा करता हैMy circle of friends includes myself and the two kids I grew up with since elementary school, though I am eager to add more.
6459सुरक्षित रूप से – Safelysecurely and carefully – सुरक्षित रूप से और सावधानी सेTo safely get home at night, it is advised to walk in lit areas so predators are least likely to attack you.
6460द्विभाषावाद – Bilingualismhaving the skill to be fluent in two languages – दो भाषाओं में पारंगत होने का कौशल होनाAn education in bilingualism requires the college student to take both French classes and Spanish classes.
6461गंतव्य – Destinationthe place that something or someone is going to – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई वस्तु या व्यक्ति जा रहा होThe final destination of our vacation was the Hawaiian islands.
6462दंभ – Conceitarrogant pride in oneself – अपने आप पर अहंकारपूर्ण अभिमानThere was so much conceit in his voice I couldn’t help but wonder if he swooned over his own image in the mirror every morning.
6463उलझन – Imbroglioa confusing situation – एक भ्रमित करने वाली स्थितिWill the treaty end this imbroglio that has kept the two countries at war for over sixty years?
6464कलाप्रवीण व्यक्ति – Virtuosoa person (esp. a musician) who does something in a very skillful way – एक व्यक्ति (विशेषकर एक संगीतकार) जो बहुत ही कुशल तरीके से कुछ करता हैWe sat in amazement as the young prodigy delivered a piano performance that revealed his unstoppable future as a virtuoso.
6465प्रदर्शित – Displayedshowed; presented – दिखाया है; पेश कियाThe huge billboard displayed an ad for a local flower shop, showing off pictures of the florist’s best bouquets.
6466बल देना – Underscoreto highlight – हाइलाइट करनाWhen the teacher reviewed the essay with her student, she went out of her way to underscore the paper’s best features.
6467गुस्सैल – Gussyto dress or decorate something up in a showy way – किसी चीज़ को दिखावटी ढंग से सजाना या सजानाThe shopkeeper used a mannequin and some fancy clothes to gussy up the otherwise plain windows.
6468बिलकुल – Utterlycompletely; absolutely – पूरी तरह; बिल्कुलJuliet was utterly in love with Romeo, completely captivated and willing to give her life if they couldn’t be together.
6469मिश्रित – Assortedto be combined with mixed things – मिश्रित चीजों के साथ मिलानाAt the reception, there were assorted sandwiches on the tray including hoagies, grilled cheese and Reubens.
6470उपभवन – Annexa new part of a building or dwelling – किसी भवन या आवास का नया भागOnce the annex is built, we will move the Asian artifacts to that section of the building.
6471कर्सर – Cursora movable or blinking symbol that indicates the position on a display screen and is usually controlled by a mouse – एक गतिशील या चमकता हुआ प्रतीक जो डिस्प्ले स्क्रीन पर स्थिति को इंगित करता है और आमतौर पर माउस द्वारा नियंत्रित होता हैAfter finding the hidden object on the computer game, the player has to move the cursor over the picture and click.
6472हाइपरवेंटीलेट – Hyperventilateto breathe at a very rapid rate – बहुत तेज गति से सांस लेनाErratic breathing while exercising can lead you to hyperventilate.
6473सदा एकसां – Irrepressiblenot controllable – नियंत्रणीय नहींJason could not control his irrepressible temper.
6474बुरा व्यवहार करना – Mistreatto treat someone unkindly or cruelly – किसी के साथ निर्दयी या क्रूर व्यवहार करनाThe abusive cook continued to mistreat all of her staff until every single kitchen worker quit the café.
6475संविदात्मक – Contractualagreed upon in a contract – एक अनुबंध में सहमति हुईThe actress was hesitant to engage in a binding contractual commitment that wouldn’t allow her to work for other film companies.
6476तीखा स्वाद – Acerbityroughness or harshness, as in language or temperament – खुरदरापन या कठोरता, जैसे भाषा या स्वभाव मेंThe acerbity in the teacher’s tone made the small child cry.
6477माना – Regardedconsidered or thought of – विचार या विचार किया हुआAlthough the husband was regarded as a suspect early on, the police have now cleared him of any involvement in the crime.
6478पदावली – Phraseologyphraseology is a choice of words – पदावली शब्दों का चयन हैAll of the legal jargon and phraseology can be confusing to those not in the industry.
6479झटका – Joltto push or shake abruptly and roughly – अचानक और मोटे तौर पर धक्का देना या हिलानाWe hope that the new stores opening in the downtown will help jolt the economy back to life.
6480कन – Titheten percent of earnings typically given to the church as an offering – आम तौर पर कमाई का दस प्रतिशत चर्च को भेंट के रूप में दिया जाता हैThe most devout churchgoers offer a ten percent monetary tithe to support their congregation.
6481मुखौटा धारण कर लिया – Masqueradingpretending to be someone that one is not – ऐसा व्यक्ति होने का दिखावा करना जो वह नहीं हैAlthough he was masquerading as a poor beggar needing help, the man was really a scheming con artist.
6482कार्य संपादन – Ministrationthe act of giving care or help – देखभाल या सहायता देने की क्रिया या भावEvery Thursday, our home is made spotless again by the attention and ministration of the cleaning lady.
6483ध्वनि विज्ञान – Phonologyrefers to relationships among speech sounds – भाषण ध्वनियों के बीच संबंधों को संदर्भित करता हैPhonology is the series of noises that establishes the components of a spoken language.
6484प्रवासी – Diasporathe spreading of people from their original homeland to other countries – लोगों का अपनी मूल मातृभूमि से दूसरे देशों में फैलनाAfter fleeing the Middle East, a large Muslim diaspora moved to Europe.
6485कमी – Cruncha crucial point or situation – एक महत्वपूर्ण बिंदु या स्थितिThe noon deadline put the magazine writers in a crunch to find the day’s most interesting stories.
6486करना – Doto execute or commit an act – किसी कार्य को अंजाम देना या करनाAfter teaching adding fractions for two weeks, Ms. Franklin knew her kids could do the problems involving fractions.
6487टेढ़ा – Sinuouswinding and twisting – घुमावदार और घुमावAccording to the treasure map, the cave is located at the end of the sinuous path that winds up the mountain.
6488छोटा – Shortento reduce or diminish something – किसी चीज़ को कम या कम करनाThe prisoner’s sentence of 20 years did shorten to 10 years after having good behavior and proving he was not a threat to the public.
6489रचनात्मक – Creativehaving the ability to come up with new ideas or create original things – नए विचारों के साथ आने या मौलिक चीजें बनाने की क्षमता होनाThe creative artist is always coming up with ideas for new paintings.
6490जुनूनी – Passionatestrong feelings toward something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति प्रबल भावनाएँAfter suffering from two bouts of cancer, the family became passionate about donating every year to their local cancer organization.
6491भौचक्का – Aghastshocked or surprised in an upsetting way – परेशान करने वाले ढंग से स्तब्ध या चकित होनाThe teacher was aghast at the large number of students who failed the easy test.
6492अल्ट्राक्रेपिडेरियन – Ultracrepidariana person who acts like an expert but rarely knows any real information about the subject – एक व्यक्ति जो एक विशेषज्ञ की तरह काम करता है लेकिन विषय के बारे में शायद ही कोई वास्तविक जानकारी जानता होThe ultracrepidarian talked about physics as if he were Stephen Hawking himself but had no real knowledge of the subject.
6493हड्डी बन जाना – Ossificationthe biological way bones are created – जैविक तरीके से हड्डियाँ बनाई जाती हैंAfter three months, ossification could be determined through the ultrasound because the doctor could see the fetus’s bones growing long.
6494वैध – Validof an argument or point having a sound basis in logic or fact – किसी तर्क या बिंदु का तर्क या तथ्य में ठोस आधार होनाDuring their debate on current politics, Jenna brought up a valid point about the number of citizens who do not vote.
6495समाप्त करना – Abolishto put an end to – ख़त्म करनाThe Supreme Court believed it was time to abolish the outdated amendment.
6496उलझन – Tangleto become mixed together or intertwined – आपस में घुलमिल जाना या गुँथ जानाTara’s mother yelled as Tara was getting out of the shower, “If you don’t comb your wet hair, it may tangle.”
6497वोबेगोन – Woebegonesad, tearful, or miserable in appearance – उदास, अश्रुपूर्ण, या दिखने में दयनीयBecause he was not allowed to go with his father, the little boy was terribly woebegone.
6498धूर्त – Machiavelliannoted by devious behavior, especially when benefitting one’s career or business goals – कुटिल व्यवहार से विख्यात, खासकर जब किसी के करियर या व्यावसायिक लक्ष्यों को लाभ मिल रहा होMy supervisor is very sneaky and has been known to exhibit Machiavellian behavior in order to move up in the company.
6499ऑप्टिक – Opticpertaining to the eye – आंख से संबंधितIncessant exposure to bright light created optic damage to the patient resulting in being visually impaired.
6500श्रवण – Auscultationthe action of listening to sounds from the heart, lungs, or other organs, typically with a stethoscope, as a part of medical diagnosis – चिकित्सा निदान के एक भाग के रूप में, आमतौर पर स्टेथोस्कोप के साथ हृदय, फेफड़े या अन्य अंगों से आवाज़ सुनने की क्रियाIt was through auscultation that the listening medical doctor was able to detect a slight heart murmur in the patient.
6501माना – Reckonedguessed; thought – अनुमान लगाया; सोचाThe farmer reckoned his pumpkins would be ripe in a few weeks but had to wait to see if he was correct.
6502रेहननामा करना – Hypothecateto pledge property as security for a debt – ऋण के बदले में संपत्ति को सुरक्षा के रूप में गिरवी रखनाTo get their son out of jail, the family had to hypothecate their property in lieu of a cash bond.
6503अलग – Discreteseparate; distinct; individual – अलग करना; विशिष्ट; व्यक्तिBrown and white rice are two discrete varieties.
6504जिज्ञासु – Curiouseager to learn information – जानकारी सीखने के लिए उत्सुकBecause of his curious nature, the eager student learned lots of interesting information at the library.
6505मिट्टी का तेल – Naphthaa flammable oil that is used as a solvent and as an ingredient in gasoline – एक ज्वलनशील तेल जिसका उपयोग विलायक के रूप में और गैसोलीन में एक घटक के रूप में किया जाता हैNaphtha is an oily substance that is produced as part of the oil refining process.
6506परिणाम – Sequela movie or book that continues a tale – एक फिल्म या किताब जो एक कहानी जारी रखती हैThe movie’s sequel picks up where its predecessor ended.
6507शिष्ट – Urbanemarked by sophistication – परिष्कार द्वारा चिह्नितHenry is an urbane traveller who has visited over eighty countries.
6508अलौकिक – Supernaturalsomething of the other world, spooky, scary things that are not natural or normal – दूसरी दुनिया की कोई चीज़, डरावनी, डरावनी चीज़ें जो प्राकृतिक या सामान्य नहीं हैंAlthough he doubted the existence of supernatural beings, he was intrigued by the idea of ghosts.
6509कक्ष – Cella term used to describe the basic unit of life. Cells are the smallest components of living organisms, containing all the necessary genetic information and basic structures necessary for life – जीवन की मूल इकाई का वर्णन करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्द। कोशिकाएँ जीवित जीवों के सबसे छोटे घटक हैं, जिनमें जीवन के लिए आवश्यक सभी आवश्यक आनुवंशिक जानकारी और बुनियादी संरचनाएँ होती हैंShe hoped to continue her studies and make important contributions to the field of cell biology.
6510क्षण – Tricevery quickly – बहुत जल्दीHaving heard the news of her husband’s return, the woman flew down the stairs in a trice.
6511प्राप्त करें – Receiveto get or be given something – कुछ पाना या दिया जानाNatalie hoped to receive a letter from her father but has yet to get anything in the mail.
6512बातूनी – Conversationalistone who orally communicates well or likes to talk – वह जो मौखिक रूप से अच्छा संचार करता हो या बात करना पसंद करता होAfter being on the phone with the conversationalist for two hours, I was tired of listening to her stories and explanations about her life.
6513अनेकाक्षर – Polysyllabicdescribes a word that has more than one syllable – एक ऐसे शब्द का वर्णन करता है जिसमें एक से अधिक शब्दांश होंPolysyllabic words containing more than one syllable are usually more difficult for young readers to pronounce.
6514धर्मविधि – Sacramenta formal religious rite or ceremony – एक औपचारिक धार्मिक अनुष्ठान या समारोहAccording to the church, April can’t receive the communion sacrament because she is a divorced woman.
6515चालाकी से – Archlycunningly or slyly – धूर्ततापूर्वक या चालाकी सेThe thief archly planned the robbery.
6516खड़ा करना – Poseto present a question or raise a topic for discussion – कोई प्रश्न प्रस्तुत करना या चर्चा के लिए कोई विषय उठानाI would like to pose a question about testing nuclear weapons and the sanctions associated with it.
6517मगन – Rapttotally enthralled – पूरी तरह से मंत्रमुग्धThe toddler watched the cartoon in rapt attention.
6518अनुभवहीन मनुष्य – Fledglingan individual or group that is inexperienced or not fully matured – एक व्यक्ति या समूह जो अनुभवहीन है या पूरी तरह से परिपक्व नहीं हैThe fledgling writer could use the benefit of a good editor.
6519पीछे रह जाना – Lagto fall behind or fail to keep the pace when compared to – तुलना में गति बनाए रखने में पीछे रह जाना या असफल होनाBecause our internet service has begun to lag, we are thinking about finding a company with faster speeds.
6520प्रत्यायन – Accreditationformal endorsement of a person, school program, or organization – किसी व्यक्ति, स्कूल कार्यक्रम या संगठन का औपचारिक समर्थनWhen the school lost its national accreditation, it saw its enrollment dramatically decline.
6521रक्तसंबंध – Consanguinitya familial relationship or close connection – पारिवारिक संबंध या घनिष्ठ संबंधThe results of the blood test showed there was no consanguinity between Ed and the man he had always referred to as his papa.
6522खुलासा – Discloseto reveal information; disclose – जानकारी प्रकट करना; खुलासाDuring the interview, the would-be informant agreed to disclose what he knew about the crime.
6523उदास – Ruefuldisplaying regret and/or sorrow for one’s actions – अपने कार्यों के लिए पछतावा और/या दुःख प्रदर्शित करनाThe rueful dog looked pitiful after it chewed up its blanket.
6524का सामना करना पड़ा – Encounteredto have come into contact with something, generally unfavorable and unexpected – किसी ऐसी चीज़ के संपर्क में आना, जो आम तौर पर प्रतिकूल और अप्रत्याशित होThe soldiers encountered stiff resistance in the town, but they managed to defeat the enemy and continue advancing.
6525बहुसंख्यक – Multitudinousa huge amount – बड़ी रकमBecause Teresa is a very attractive woman, she receives multitudinous messages through the dating website.
6526थियेटर का – Melodramaticoveremotional – अतिभावुकFor the practical viewer, the soap opera was way too melodramatic.
6527जवाबी हमला – Backfireof a plan or scheme to have the opposite outcome of what was expected – किसी योजना या स्कीम का परिणाम अपेक्षा के विपरीत होनाThe celebrity thinks her racy Twitter comments help her gain fans, but I believe writing these kinds of statements might backfire.
6528आशय से – Intentlyattentively – ध्यान सेIf I want to understand the entire concept, I must focus intently on my professor’s lecture.
6529मुंह में पानी लाने वाला – Mouthwateringlooking or smelling delicious – स्वादिष्ट लग रहा है या महक रहा हैJuicy steak and mouthwatering loaded potatoes were served to the guests along with a delicious looking dessert.
6530सगुन – Portenta signal something is about to occur – एक संकेत कि कुछ घटित होने वाला हैThe thunder was a portent of an approaching storm.
6531बहुत कम समय में प्रसिद्धि पाना – Flash in the pansomething that happened only once or for a short time and was not repeated – कुछ ऐसा जो केवल एक बार या थोड़े समय के लिए हुआ हो और दोहराया न गया होThe one-hit-wonder’s music career was as short as a flash in the pan.
6532पंचायत करना – Arbitrateto settle an argument between two people or groups after hearing the opinions and ideas of both – दो लोगों या समूहों के बीच किसी विवाद को दोनों की राय और विचार सुनने के बाद सुलझानाOften, I am called upon to arbitrate disagreements between my two best friends.
6533उदासीन – Stoicaltolerating hurt or problems without complaining about it – किसी चोट या समस्या के बारे में शिकायत किए बिना उसे सहन करनाFew people at the company realized that their accountant was suffering from terminal cancer due to her stoical nature.
6534अनाप-शनाप – Unceremoniouslyin an abrupt way that is considered rude – अचानक से ऐसा करना असभ्य माना जाता हैThe tow truck driver repossessed the woman’s car unceremoniously, taking the vehicle and refusing to give her any of her items.
6535आनंदित करना – Enamorto trigger feelings of adoration – आराधना की भावनाएँ जगाने के लिएMy daughter hopes her makeover will enamor feelings from her secret crush.
6536धीरे से छूना – Grazeto scratch the surface of something – किसी चीज़ की सतह को खरोंचनाThankful that the bullet was only able to graze his chest, the police officer took off after the suspect.
6537अनुग्रहभाजन – Ingratiateto try to get someone’s approval by doing or saying things that will please them – किसी को प्रसन्न करने वाली बातें करके या कहकर उसकी स्वीकृति प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करनाThe candidate will try to ingratiate himself with voters by promising to reduce taxes.
6538खाँसी – Coughto sharply dispel air from the lungs, usually when something is lodged in the throat or irritating it – फेफड़ों से हवा को तेजी से बाहर निकालने के लिए, आमतौर पर जब गले में कुछ फंस जाता है या उसमें जलन होती हैThe child choked for a moment on his hot dog, but after a cough or two he managed to dislodge the piece of meat that endangered him.
6539पहचानना – Recogniseanother form of the verb recognize, meaning to identify something or someone – क्रिया का दूसरा रूप पहचानना, जिसका अर्थ है किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति की पहचान करनाJanet was wearing so much makeup when we saw her at the pub; we almost didn’t recognise her.
6540पिकनिक – Picnica picnic is a meal eaten outdoors usually on the ground – पिकनिक एक ऐसा भोजन है जो आमतौर पर बाहर ज़मीन पर खाया जाता हैWe had a picnic in the park where we ate sandwiches on the ground under a tree.
6541झुका हुआ – Bentthe state of being curved, crooked, or inclined from a straight line – एक सीधी रेखा से मुड़ा, टेढ़ा या झुका हुआ होने की अवस्था या भावMolly was bent over, drinking from the water fountain.
6542विद्युतचुंबकीय – Electromagneticrelating to a magnetic field that is produced by a current of electricity – एक चुंबकीय क्षेत्र से संबंधित जो विद्युत धारा द्वारा उत्पन्न होता हैElectromagnetic forces causes unlike charges to attract, like when a balloon sticks to your hair.
6543एक्सफोलिएट करें – Exfoliateto remove dead skin and cells from the face or body using a gritty scrub – किरकिरा स्क्रब का उपयोग करके चेहरे या शरीर से मृत त्वचा और कोशिकाओं को हटानाMany women choose to exfoliate their skin in order to expose the new skin underneath for a smoother appearance.
6544ठाठ – Chictastefully stylish – सुरूचिपूर्ण ढंग से स्टाइलिशThe chic heels will go perfectly with my stylish dress.
6545प्रशस्ति – Commendationan award or honor – एक पुरस्कार या सम्मानReceiving a commendation in recognition of his volunteer services was the highlight of the fireman’s day.
6546कोषेर – Kosheracceptable; appropriate – स्वीकार्य; उपयुक्तIt’s not kosher to brag about how much money you make you make per year.
6547सीमित – Limitingcontrolling or regulating something – किसी चीज़ को नियंत्रित या नियंत्रित करनाLimiting the number of calories you eat in one day or restricting your diet can help you lose weight over time
6548सेवित – Servinga portion or allocation of a bigger whole – किसी बड़े संपूर्ण का एक भाग या आवंटनLena only asked for one serving of spaghetti, but grandmother piled two big spoonfuls on her plate.
6549एड़ी – Heelthe back part of the foot below the ankle – टखने के नीचे पैर का पिछला भागA sharp rock in the bottom of the runner’s shoe bruised his heel and sent him limping to the finish line.
6550करणी – Trowelto apply or spread something across a flat surface – किसी समतल सतह पर कुछ लगाना या फैलानाI used a butter knife to trowel peanut butter across the slice of bread that I need for my sandwich.
6551नैतिक अधमता – Moral turpitudea legal term that refers to behavior that goes against moral standards like honesty and justice – एक कानूनी शब्द जो ऐसे व्यवहार को संदर्भित करता है जो ईमानदारी और न्याय जैसे नैतिक मानकों के विरुद्ध हैThe politician’s moral turpitude and dishonesty in court led him to be convicted of several felonies.
6552हाइफ़नेट – Hyphenateto divide by a small line or dash – एक छोटी रेखा या डैश द्वारा विभाजित करनाSome people wrongfully hyphenate words like “un-covered” and “jelly-fish” because it doesn’t need a hyphen in them.
6553ऊंचा – Exaltedplaced at a high level or in high regard – ऊँचे स्तर पर या ऊँचे सम्मान में रखा गयाReviewers exalted the book, helping it to rise to the top of the Best Seller’s List in just a few days.
6554चौकोर – Tessellationan arrangement of shapes, usually polygons, closely fitted together in a repeating pattern without gaps – आकृतियों की एक व्यवस्था, आमतौर पर बहुभुज, बिना किसी अंतराल के दोहराए जाने वाले पैटर्न में एक साथ फिट होती हैThe painter used a tessellation in his mosaic painting, with many shapes all right next to each other.
6555फेनोटाइप – Phenotypethe physical appearance of an organism resulting from its genetic makeup and environmental influence – किसी जीव की आनुवंशिक संरचना और पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव के परिणामस्वरूप होने वाली शारीरिक उपस्थितिIn the lab, we studied the effect of the weather on an albino mouse’s phenotype to see if the creature’s outward appearance changed.
6556असमान – Protuberantprotruding; bulging – निकला हुआ; उभड़ा हुआThe eerie looking fish had a protuberant jaw that stuck out from the rest of his small body and was filled with bony teeth.
6557डिस – Dissa verbal insult – एक मौखिक अपमानTupac released a diss track that not only disrespected Biggie Smalls but also his wife.
6558बैठाना – Imbedto make something a part of something else – किसी चीज़ को किसी और चीज़ का हिस्सा बनानाThe Louisiana Purchase was a deal that allowed the young United States to imbed new territory in its dominion.
6559उचित – Appositefitting for the situation or suited – स्थिति के अनुकूल या उपयुक्तMy daughter and I usually disagree about which clothing items are apposite for school.
6560ग्रीवा – Craga steep rock or cliff – खड़ी चट्टान या चट्टानAt the top of the mountain, a jagged crag jutted out over the coastline.
6561माउ – Mouea pouty expression made with the lips to show annoyance or disapproval – झुंझलाहट या अस्वीकृति दिखाने के लिए होठों से की गई एक भद्दी अभिव्यक्तिGiving a lip-quivering moue, the spoiled girl was able to get her way with her parents.
6562ढुलमुल – Uncertainnot sure; doubtful – निश्चित नहीं; संदिग्धStill uncertain about where they wanted to go for their honeymoon, the engaged couple decided to research several different islands.
6563व्यवहार – Behaviorconduct – आचरणExplaining that his behavior was unacceptable, the teacher corrected the misbehaving student and placed him in time out.
6564बानौसिक – Banausicrelating to jobs or workers that require/have technical skills rather than higher education – उन नौकरियों या श्रमिकों से संबंधित जिनके लिए उच्च शिक्षा के बजाय तकनीकी कौशल की आवश्यकता होती हैMike prefers a banausic job where he can use his hands and get dirty.
6565काम – Workto perform labor physically or mentally – शारीरिक या मानसिक रूप से श्रम करनाHonor students usually have to work hard by studying and doing lots of homework to make great grades.
6566कैचिनेशन – Cachinnationconvulsive, loud laughter – ऐंठन भरी, ज़ोर से हँसीDebra has a sense of humor that is so hilarious that it always leaves people doubled over in cachinnation.
6567ऐंठन – Crampa small convulsion caused by a muscle that hurts – किसी मांसपेशी में दर्द होने के कारण होने वाली छोटी ऐंठनAfter swimming in the hot sun right after eating a large lunch, a cramp formed in my stomach making me double over in pain.
6568सीधा – Straightmoving in one direction; not wavy or bent – एक दिशा में आगे बढ़ना; लहरदार या मुड़ा हुआ नहींMel uses a flat iron so that her hair will be straight instead if wavy and curly.
6569लिया – Tookto have removed something from a particular place – किसी विशेष स्थान से कुछ हटानाThe student took several pieces of paper from the classroom down to the office for his teacher.
6570मान्य – Validateto demonstrate the truth of something – किसी चीज़ की सच्चाई प्रदर्शित करनाIn order to validate the story we had been told by our friends, we had to investigate the truth of the matter for ourselves.
6571वास्तव में – Ipso factoa statement meaning “by that very fact or act” or “it must be true because of” – एक कथन जिसका अर्थ है “उसी तथ्य या कार्य से” या “उसके कारण यह सत्य होना चाहिए”There are many more men in Alaska than there are women, ipso facto marriage comes easier for a lady.
6572बस्ती – Townshipa division of a country with some corporate powers – कुछ कॉर्पोरेट शक्तियों के साथ एक देश का विभाजनThe township is small and isolated, but has some power to govern its own affairs outside of the kingdom’s rule.
6573प्रारंभ – Commencementgraduation ceremony in which diplomas or degrees are confirmed – स्नातक समारोह जिसमें डिप्लोमा या डिग्री की पुष्टि की जाती हैPreparing her commencement speech, the Valedictorian wanted to find a moving quote to speak to her fellow graduates.
6574विवाद – Jarringto be altered or changed usually in an irritating or unbearable way – आमतौर पर परेशान या असहनीय तरीके से बदला या बदला जानाWhen the teenager’s jarring music was blasting in the car next to me, I became aware that I would enjoy the silence once he was gone.
6575शपथ लेकर कहना – Adjurerequest or urge someone to do something – किसी से कुछ करने का अनुरोध या आग्रह करनाI had to adjure myself to stay awake, despite having not slept in two days.
6576ओसारा – Shedto take something off – कुछ उतारनाAs it shimmied along the rainforest floor, the peeling snake continued to shed his skin.
6577उपन्यास – Novelunique; original – अद्वितीय; मूलThe studio is looking for novel concepts to turn into original television series.
6578ज़िन्दादिली से – Vivaciouslydone is a lively or spirited way – किया जाना एक जीवंत या उत्साही तरीका हैDancing vivaciously across the stage, the energetic dancer attracted the attention of all of the crowd.
6579बेहिचक – Uninhibitedoutgoing; not reserved – जावक; आरक्षित नहींThe camp counselor encouraged uninhibited participation and wanted the campers to be spontaneous.
6580इकट्ठे – Assembledput together; built – एक साथ रखा; बनानाThe handyman assembled the bookshelf quickly, putting it together in just a few minutes.
6581अभिभावक – Guardiana caretaker or protector of something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति का देखभाल करने वाला या रक्षकAs the guardian of my grandchildren, I cook, clean and take care of them since their parents are deceased.
6582डेडबीट – Deadbeatan idle or lazy person that contributes nothing to anyone – एक निष्क्रिय या आलसी व्यक्ति जो किसी के लिए कुछ भी योगदान नहीं देताHer deadbeat son did not have a job, and he did nothing more than play games in his mother’s basement.
6583अकड़न – Stiffrigid and unable to be easily bent or shaped – कठोर और आसानी से मोड़ने या आकार देने में असमर्थWhen she sits down for a long period of time, the elderly woman’s bones become stiff and rigid.
6584निर्दयता – Brutalitythe act of causing or executing cruelty to someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के प्रति क्रूरता उत्पन्न करने या निष्पादित करने का कार्यThe ASPCA joined forces with the local police to stop the brutality imposed on innocent dogs run by an abusive and neglectful owner of a puppy mill.
6585वनस्पति विज्ञान – Botanythe scientific study of plants – पौधों का वैज्ञानिक अध्ययनStudying botany was a way for George Washington Carver to enjoy doing what he loved while figuring out ways to help the world through peanut plants.
6586जगहंसाई – Laughing Stocksomeone who is on the receiving end of embarrassment and degradation – कोई ऐसा व्यक्ति जो शर्मिंदगी और अपमान का सामना कर रहा होPaul’s lack of common sense caused him to become the laughing stock where he endured many teasing and taunting from his classmates.
6587नकारात्मक – Negativea gloomy outlook on something – किसी चीज़ पर निराशाजनक दृष्टिकोणTeenagers usually have negative attitudes toward adults because they think they know everything.
6588शोधन – Refinementimprovement and fine-tuning of something by way of small changes – छोटे-छोटे बदलावों के माध्यम से किसी चीज़ में सुधार और सुधारThe ballerina worked on refinement of her dancing skills and was able to do several new turns by the end of the semester.
6589सफ़ेद – Grizzledhaving hair with gray streaks in it – भूरे धारियों वाले बाल होनाHis grizzled beard was no longer black like it was in his youth.
6590हल करना – Extricateto free or remove something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को मुक्त करना या हटानाIf the magician does not extricate himself from the water tank in the next forty-five seconds, he will die.
6591बहिष्कार – Boycottto stop using a product or stop buying from a store on purpose – किसी उत्पाद का उपयोग बंद करना या जानबूझकर किसी स्टोर से खरीदारी बंद करनाA group of Hispanic men are holding a boycott by refusing to work in establishments that will not pay them legal wages.
6592असंतुलन – Imbalancesomething that is out of proportion or off center – कुछ ऐसा जो अनुपात से बाहर या केंद्र से बाहर हैAn extreme vitamin imbalance gave the runner such high iron that her liver shut down.
6593कोलाहल – Cacophonyan unpleasant mixture of loud sounds – तेज़ आवाज़ों का एक अप्रिय मिश्रणSometimes, it seems as though the dogs in our neighborhood bark together to create a cacophony that wakes me up every morning.
6594पोस्टबेलम – Postbellumoccurring or existing after a war – युद्ध के बाद घटित या विद्यमानWhile the term ‘postbellum’ can refer to a period of time after any war, it is usually used to refer to the events that occurred after the American Civil War.
6595पूर्वकथित – Aforementionedregarding someone or something spoken about previously – किसी व्यक्ति या किसी चीज़ के बारे में पहले कही गई बातAny of the aforementioned applicants will make great company employees.
6596निकटता – Closenessto be in immediate distance or time to something else – किसी अन्य चीज़ से तत्काल दूरी या समय पर होनाLiving in the same community, the closeness of the family could be seen when they attended every function together.
6597परिपत्र – Circularshaped like a circle; round – एक वृत्त के आकार का; गोलThe circular tower was much taller than the ones built in a square shape instead of a rounded one.
6598प्लास्टिक – Plasticgeneric term used in the case of polymeric material that can be shaped into different forms – सामान्य शब्द का उपयोग पॉलिमरिक सामग्री के मामले में किया जाता है जिसे विभिन्न रूपों में आकार दिया जा सकता हैBecause glass can break so easily, the children eat off of flexible plastic plates.
6599चालाक – Cannydisplaying good sense and judgment – अच्छी समझ और निर्णय प्रदर्शित करनाThe canny man would not buy the used car until it passed his mechanic’s inspection.
6600आखिर कार – At long lastafter a substantial period of time – काफी समय के बादIt has been ten years, but at long last the two siblings have been reunited once again.
6601निलंबित करें – Suspendto temporarily stop or prevent from occurring – अस्थायी रूप से रोकने या घटित होने से रोकने के लिएThe doctor had to suspend the treatment until he knew more about the injury.
6602औपचारिकता – Formalitysomething done as a matter of procedure or tradition – प्रक्रिया या परंपरा के तहत किया गया कोई कार्यThe formality of shaking hands is something that conflicts with my obsession for cleanliness.
6603चढ़ाई – Descentan action of moving downward – नीचे की ओर जाने की क्रियाDue to inclement weather, the hikers had to be careful on their descent down from the mountain.
6604आशंका – Apprehensionanxiety or fear – चिंता या भयI admit that I am feeling a great deal of apprehension after learning that we have a pop quiz in my worst subject.
6605ताम-झाम – Trappingsthe outward signs or objects related to a particular situation – किसी विशेष स्थिति से संबंधित बाहरी संकेत या वस्तुएँThe horror movie had all the usual trappings including screaming and blood.
6606घूरना – Gloatto take satisfaction in something that makes another person seem inferior – किसी ऐसी चीज़ में संतुष्टि महसूस करना जिससे दूसरा व्यक्ति हीन लगेIf you are the winner of a contest, you should not gloat and make your competitors feel inferior.
6607कोण – Anglea slant or incline – एक तिरछा या झुकावThe roof was placed at an angle so that rainwater would slide down the incline and not be held at the top.
6608कष्ट पहुंचाना – Offendto cause another to feel upset or angry – दूसरे को परेशान या क्रोधित महसूस करानाMy grandfather never fails to offend someone when bringing up sensitive subjects over dinner.
6609प्रारंभिक – Parentheticalhaving parentheses around it – इसके चारों ओर कोष्ठक होनाStudents were required to place parenthetical citations after each quote in their essays because it separated the non-content information from the text.
6610टुप्पेंस – Tuppencealternate form of the word two pence (two pennies) – दो पेंस (दो पैसे) शब्द का वैकल्पिक रूपGranny sent Gilbert to the market to with a tuppence to buy a pound of potatoes, but the farmer had upped the price to three cents.
6611बड़बड़ाना – Grumbleto whine about something – किसी बात पर रोनाGrandpa likes to grumble about how rude it is that children are always on their cellphones at the dinner table.
6612पकड़ना – Apprehendto catch a person for criminal reasons – किसी व्यक्ति को आपराधिक कारणों से पकड़नाIt took five police cruisers to apprehend the drunk driver.
6613चिड़चिड़ा – Jumpybehaving in an anxious or nervous way – चिंतित या घबराया हुआ व्यवहार करनाBecause he is afraid of the police, the jittery driver appeared jumpy when he was pulled over by the officer.
6614नौकरानी – Maidone who makes money by cleaning homes or businesses – वह जो घरों या व्यवसायों की सफ़ाई करके पैसा कमाता हैBecause she had trouble keeping her laundry done and her bathrooms clean, the businesswoman hired a maid to assist her.
6615हक – Rightfullyfairly and justly – निष्पक्ष और न्यायसंगतBecause the land rightfully belongs to Martha, it is only fair that she be given the parcel.
6616अपनी दोहराना – Tautologyspeech or text in which something is restated unnecessarily – भाषण या पाठ जिसमें किसी बात को अनावश्यक रूप से दोहराया गया होThe politician’s advertisement was simply tautology he restated several times within a thirty second period.
6617उपाध्यक्ष – Vicean unpleasant habit – एक अप्रिय आदतI begged my husband to quit his unhealthy vice of smoking cigars.
6618सम्मोहन – Hypnotismthe act or practice of producing a state like sleep in a person in which he or she will respond to suggestions made by the hypnotist – किसी व्यक्ति में नींद जैसी स्थिति उत्पन्न करने का कार्य या अभ्यास जिसमें वह सम्मोहनकर्ता द्वारा दिए गए सुझावों का जवाब देगाThe therapist explained to her patient that hypnotism entails the use of trance and suggestion to adjust habits of thought and behavior.
6619परेशान – Upsetemotionally troubled or stressed – भावनात्मक रूप से परेशान या तनावग्रस्तNews of her father’s death caused the girl to become very upset.
6620विचार – Ideaa thought or opinion – एक विचार या रायEach idea the intern offered was initially turned down by management, but later used without credit being given.
6621दस्ता – Platoona group of people working together towards a common goal – एक समान लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति के लिए मिलकर काम करने वाले लोगों का एक समूहMy friends and I formed a small platoon during our paintball match, working together to defeat the opposing team.
6622सटीक – Pinpointto find precision and accuracy – परिशुद्धता और परिशुद्धता खोजने के लिएEmergency workers are trained to pinpoint people trapped in collapsed buildings or forests.
6623दिल्लगी – Badinagegood-humored banter – अच्छा विनोदी मजाकAlthough Jim often makes me laugh with his witty remarks, he needs to learn the appropriate times for engaging in badinage.
6624खफा – Irkedannoyed; irritated – नाराज़; चिढ़ा हुआThe woman’s loud chewing irked the customers sitting nearby.
6625डेल्टा – Deltatriangular land that was created when a large stream divided and then emptied into the ocean – त्रिकोणीय भूमि जिसका निर्माण तब हुआ जब एक बड़ी जलधारा विभाजित हुई और फिर समुद्र में समा गईWhile flying close to the shore of the Pacific Ocean, Sarah noticed the squiggly lines of the main river that led to the delta.
6626उधेड़-बुन – Disarrayin a state of disorder – अव्यवस्था की स्थिति मेंSince the toddler twins have been acting wildly today, my entire house is in disarray.
6627झरझर – Gurgleto make a sloshing or rippling sound made by water – पानी से उत्पन्न धीमी या तरंगित ध्वनि उत्पन्न करनाAs the large water fountain in the park started, it would gurgle by spurting out a little water before shooting out the water into the pool.
6628जमा किया – Depositedadded; credited – जोड़ा गया; आकलितAfter she deposited her paycheck into her bank account, Diane’s balance went from 800 to 1,500 dollars.
6629सौम्य – Benignhaving no significant effect; harmless – कोई महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव नहीं पड़ रहा; हानिरहितWhen the doctor said my tumor was benign, I was so happy.
6630एकत्रित होना – Congregateto gather as a unit or group – एक इकाई या समूह के रूप में एकत्रित होनाDuring the summer teenagers often congregate at the beach.
6631बताना – Conveyto deliver or make understood – पहुंचाना या समझानाThe popular writer hoped his personal story would convey a message of hope to all those living with depression.
6632वित्त पोषित – Fundedto be financially supported with money – धन के साथ आर्थिक रूप से समर्थित होनाOur mission is funded by the government, so we have all the money we possibly need to complete it.
6633सिफ़ारिश – Pleadingasking for something that you want in a very emotional way – कोई ऐसी चीज़ मांगना जो आप बहुत भावनात्मक तरीके से चाहते होंPleading for her husband not to leave, the distraught wife hoped begging would keep her family together.
6634मुताबिक़ – Homologousbeing alike in function or structure – कार्य या संरचना में एक जैसा होनाAs an organ donor, Ted is a homologous match to Peter so he can give him one of his kidneys.
6635आकाशगंगा – Galaxya group of many stars, along with gas, dust, and dark matter – गैस, धूल और काले पदार्थ सहित कई तारों का एक समूहOur galaxy, the Milky Way, is made up of the sun, planets, asteroids, millions of stars, and other space junk.
6636वर्णन करना – Describeto describe and object or event either out loud or in writing – किसी घटना या घटना का ज़ोर से या लिखित रूप में वर्णन करना और उस पर आपत्ति जतानाWhen asked to describe her father, the girl thought of the words ‘funny’ and ‘kind’.
6637मीटर – Numeratorthe top number of a fraction – भिन्न की शीर्ष संख्याIf you divide the numerator by the denominator, you will be able to determine the percentage of something.
6638घुड़सवार – Equestrianassociated with horse riding – घुड़सवारी से सम्बंधितIn the equestrian trials, riders will compete in timed horseback riding challenges.
6639सही का निशान लगाना – Ticka strong brief sound usually heard from a timepiece – एक तेज़ संक्षिप्त ध्वनि जो आमतौर पर घड़ी से सुनी जाती हैSince I am a light sleeper, I could hear the tick of the old alarm clock all night, so I got a new digital clock.
6640उदासीनता – Apathya feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm about anything – किसी भी चीज़ में कोई दिलचस्पी या उत्साह न होने का एहसासBecause of voter apathy, there is a very short line at the polls today.
6641ठगना – Fudgeto cheat or lie through exaggeration – बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर धोखा देना या झूठ बोलनाBecause she wanted to get into the club, the seventeen-year-old decided to fudge and said she was eighteen.
6642काटने का निशान – Denta small dimple or dip made in a hard structure – किसी कठोर संरचना में बना छोटा गड्ढा या गड्ढाAfter the fender bender, the car’s owner had the dent repaired by the auto body shop pulling it out and smoothing it over.
6643सीमित – Finitehaving limits – सीमा होनाThey had only a finite amount of gas, which is why they had to turn the generator off during the day.
6644बहिःकंकाल – Exoskeletona hard outer body that covers and protects certain animals, particularly insects – एक कठोर बाहरी शरीर जो कुछ जानवरों, विशेषकर कीड़ों को ढकता है और उनकी रक्षा करता हैBats love to eat a certain type of insect, but cannot digest its hard exoskeleton.
6645गारा – Mortara strong bowl used to press or grind a substance into a powder – किसी पदार्थ को दबाकर या पीसकर पाउडर बनाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला मजबूत कटोराAfter the pharmacist used the mortar and pestle to crush the pills, he took the medicine and stirred it into the liquid.
6646दीवाना – Bedlamitea lunatic; insane person – एक पागल; पागल व्यक्तिKnown as the town bedlamite, the crazy streetwalker spends most of his days talking to himself and laughing with his imaginary friends.
6647कमज़ोर – Enfeebledmade physically or mentally weak or feeble – शारीरिक या मानसिक रूप से कमजोर या निर्बल बना दिया जाएAfter months in captivity, the enfeebled survivors were too weak to walk out of the camp.
6648एयरलाइन – Airlinea company whose business is providing transport by plane for passengers – एक कंपनी जिसका व्यवसाय यात्रियों के लिए विमान द्वारा परिवहन प्रदान करना हैThe airline is offering flight tickets at a discounted price since not many people travel this time of year.
6649बाज़ार – Bazaara market (frequently seen in the Middle East) that offers an assortment of items for purchase – एक बाज़ार (अक्सर मध्य पूर्व में देखा जाता है) जो खरीदारी के लिए विभिन्न प्रकार की वस्तुओं की पेशकश करता हैWhile shopping at the bazaar, I found a number of international foods.
6650फ्लोरा – Floraall of the plants located in a particular habitat – एक विशेष आवास में स्थित सभी पौधेFlora in the eastern region includes over 7000 types of plants.
6651चार प्रतियों – Quadruplicateto multiply something by four – किसी चीज़ को चार से गुणा करनाSince there were four members in each group, we had to quadruplicate the craft supplies by four.
6652मूर्ख – Unwisefoolish; not smart – मूर्ख; अच्छा नहीं हैEven though she was book smart, the foolish girl continued to make unwise money decisions.
6653शांत – Defuseto remove or reduce the danger/tension of a situation – किसी स्थिति के खतरे/तनाव को दूर करना या कम करनाIn an effort to defuse the situation, the husband walked away from the argument with his wife.
6654चुकना – Eventuatelead to as a result – परिणाम के रूप में नेतृत्व करेंThankfully, the dramatic turn of events did not eventuate into a full-blown disaster.
6655भटकते हुए – Adriftuncontrolled floating on water – पानी पर अनियंत्रित रूप से तैरनाI saw a tire adrift in a river, and couldn’t help but wonder how the man made item managed to get there.
6656दुल्हन की नौकरानी – Bride’s maida woman who is an assistant to another woman on her wedding day (a bride) – एक महिला जो अपनी शादी के दिन किसी अन्य महिला की सहायक होती है (एक दुल्हन)The bride’s maid is in charge of planning the bride’s party before her big event.
6657सहमति – Consentpermission for something to happen – कुछ घटित होने की अनुमतिConsent was needed for the students to be allowed to go on the field trip.
6658ढोंगी – Impostera person who pretends to be someone else in order to trick and deceive people – वह व्यक्ति जो लोगों को बरगलाने और धोखा देने के लिए किसी और के होने का दिखावा करता हैThe imposter mimicked our dad’s voice to perfection.
6659गुणा – Multiplyto increase – तेज करनाAfter water was added to the gremlins, the amount of creatures in the house continued to multiply.
6660रास्ते पर लाना – Steerto guide or control which direction one is going – कोई किस दिशा में जा रहा है इसका मार्गदर्शन या नियंत्रण करनाUnable to steer his horse in the right direction, the frustrated equestrian decided to take a break.
6661बदला चुकाना – Recompenseto reward or repay (someone) for something done or given – किए गए या दिए गए किसी काम के लिए (किसी को) इनाम देना या चुकानाAllen was seeking recompense from the drunk driver so he could purchase a new car.
6662ठीकरा – Sharda sharp piece of a broken material such as ceramic, glass, or metal – किसी टूटी हुई सामग्री जैसे सिरेमिक, कांच या धातु का एक नुकीला टुकड़ाGrimacing as each shard of glass was pulled from his heel, the boy vowed never to walk barefooted again.
6663एसएनएजी – Snagto tear or rip something after catching it on a sharp projection of some kind – किसी चीज को किसी प्रकार के तेज प्रक्षेपण पर पकड़ने के बाद फाड़ना या फाड़नाI tried not to snag my dress on the rosebush but got it caught anyhow.
6664चापलूस – Fawninggiving attention in an overly flattering manner – अत्यधिक चापलूसी भरे तरीके से ध्यान देनाEven the female reporters were smiling wildly and fawning over the handsome actor.
6665उत्तरोत्तर – Tandemalongside, in front of, following one after another, in a line – साथ-साथ, सामने, एक के बाद एक, एक पंक्ति मेंFor their anniversary, the couple decided to go tandem skydiving because what could be more romantic than dropping thousands of feet from a plane wrapped in each other’s arms?
6666नफरत – Hatedreferring to something that is despised – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का जिक्र करना जो तिरस्कृत होThe outcast is so hated by society that he cannot even set foot in a city without being attacked by its people.
6667पिन से लगाना – Underpinsupport and reinforce – समर्थन और सुदृढ़ीकरणTo make a good grade, the teacher required her students to underpin their essays with facts to convince the reader about their main ideas.
6668जादू – Incantationa group of terms that are generally spoken to produce a supernatural event – शब्दों का एक समूह जो आम तौर पर किसी अलौकिक घटना को उत्पन्न करने के लिए बोला जाता हैThe good witch’s incantation turned the pumpkin into a carriage so Cinderella would have a ride to the ball.
6669निराश – Disgustedfeeling extreme dislike or disapproval for something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति अत्यधिक नापसंदगी या अस्वीकृति महसूस करनाAfter taking a bite of the rotten fruit, the villager felt disgusted.
6670पोम्पाडोर – Pompadoura hairstyle in which the hair is combed into a high mound or roll at the front of the head – एक केश जिसमें बालों को सिर के सामने एक ऊँचे टीले या रोल में कंघी किया जाता हैThe actor’s 1960’s ensemble wasn’t complete without a dirty white t-shirt, a pompadour hairstyle and a cigarette.
6671बसेरा – Perchto sit and rest – बैठना और आराम करनाBirds sit and perch in their cages at the pet store.
6672ज़रूरत – Necessityto be essential or vital – आवश्यक या महत्वपूर्ण होनाWater is a necessity of life because failure to drink water in three days will cause death.
6673सुरुचिपूर्ण – Elegantgraceful and stylish in appearance – दिखने में सुंदर और स्टाइलिशFinding an elegant dress for the gala was difficult since the woman doesn’t like tulle or ruffles.
6674असत्य सिद्ध करना – Disproveto prove that something is not true – यह साबित करने के लिए कि कुछ सच नहीं हैMany brilliant scientists in the past had to work to disprove the widely held notions of the public in their lifetimes, such as the shape of the world or what the universe revolves around.
6675कहानी – Talea story that typically describes an important or notable incident – एक कहानी जो आम तौर पर एक महत्वपूर्ण या उल्लेखनीय घटना का वर्णन करती हैWashington Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a tale of witchcraft, romance, and a headless horseman on a quest for revenge.
6676कुंडल – Coilto wind in circles or rings – वृत्तों या छल्लों में लपेटनाWe watched the snake coil itself around its prey so that it could constrict it to death.
6677केंद्र की ओर झुकना – Gravitateto be pulled towards – की ओर खींचा जानाPeople tend to gravitate towards the most outgoing person at a party.
6678संक्षिप्त – Laconicbrief and concise, using few words – कुछ शब्दों का प्रयोग करते हुए संक्षिप्त एवं सारगर्भितDuring the laconic phone call, the divorcing spouses only said what was absolutely necessary.
6679अल्पाइन – Alpinepart of a high mountain – ऊँचे पर्वत का भागIn the alpine village, many skiers would purchase their needed supplies in order to go skiing the next day.
6680मिनेट्री – Minatoryexpressing a threat – धमकी व्यक्त कर रहा हूँThe hate group left a minatory threat in the form of a burning cross on the couple’s lawn.
6681प्रकाश में लाना – Elicitto draw out or bring forth – बाहर निकालना या सामने लानाThe comedian hoped his jokes would elicit a great deal of laughter from the audience.
6682विलासिता – Luxurya state of great comfort, especially when provided by expensive and beautiful things – अत्यधिक आराम की स्थिति, खासकर जब महंगी और सुंदर चीजें प्रदान की जाती हैंLiving a life of luxury, the queen had people to wait on her hand and foot.
6683इंटरफ़ेस – Interfacinga point where two systems meet – वह बिंदु जहाँ दो प्रणालियाँ मिलती हैंThe musicians are interfacing rock and classical music in an eclectic performance sure to wow the crowd.
6684चिल्लाना – Bawlto cry extremely loudly – बहुत ज़ोर से रोनाEven as the spoiled rich girl put on her diamond bracelets, she would bawl about how her parents didn’t love her.
6685विधान मंडल – Legislaturea governmental body with the power to make, amend and repeal laws – एक सरकारी निकाय जिसके पास कानून बनाने, संशोधन करने और निरस्त करने की शक्ति हैWhen unusual laws are made and enforced, the public blames the legislature.
6686वर्गवाद – Sectionalismthe condition of being focused on a specific section or sphere – किसी विशिष्ट खंड या क्षेत्र पर केंद्रित होने की स्थितिIt was Southern sectionalism that divided the nation and started the U.S. Civil War.
6687पद – Rankfoul smelling; pungent – दुर्गंधयुक्त; कटुAfter a day of being left out to sour, the rank milk had curdled and begun to smell.
6688ठग – Rapscalliona person who is mischievous – एक व्यक्ति जो शरारती हैThe young, Irish rapscallion spent most of his first days in New York looking for something to get into.
6689लचीला – Lithegracefully flexible, and often accompanied by being thin and long – सुंदर रूप से लचीला, और अक्सर पतला और लंबा होने के साथWhile Corinne has the lithe, agile body that would be perfect for gymnastics, she is too tall to manage some of the events.
6690कृषि – Agrarianassociated with land cultivation – भूमि खेती से सम्बंधितAn agrarian college prepares men and women for careers in land cultivation.
6691मजिस्ट्रेट – Magistratea judge that hears and rules on minor offenses – एक न्यायाधीश जो छोटे-मोटे अपराधों की सुनवाई करता है और उन पर फैसला सुनाता हैAs a local magistrate, the judge’s power over state issues was limited.
6692तेज़ – Headya strong, intense, or exhilarating effect – एक मजबूत, तीव्र या उत्साहवर्धक प्रभावMany pilots find supersonic flight to be a heady experience, providing them with exhilaration that can’t be matched by anything else.
6693परिकल्पना – Hypothesisa proposed explanation or theory that is studied through scientific testing – एक प्रस्तावित स्पष्टीकरण या सिद्धांत जिसका वैज्ञानिक परीक्षण के माध्यम से अध्ययन किया जाता हैThe scientist’s hypothesis did not stand up, since research data was inconsistent with his guess.
6694गार्निश – Garnishto enhance or improve, especially food in a decorative way – विशेषकर भोजन को सजावटी तरीके से बढ़ाना या सुधारनाGrated cheese and fancy pieces of tomato were used to garnish the salad bowl.
6695पूर्वज्ञान – Foreknowledgeawareness or understanding of something before it happens – किसी चीज़ के घटित होने से पहले उसके बारे में जागरूकता या समझThe psychic swears she has foreknowledge of situations and can predict events before they actually occur.
6696व्हीज़ – Wheezeto breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest – छाती में सीटी या घरघराहट की आवाज के साथ सांस लेनाBecause of an infection in his lungs, the patient will wheeze anytime he breathes in air too deeply.
6697कपटी – Ambidextroushaving equal ability in both hands; in particular, able to write equally well with both hands – दोनों हाथों में समान क्षमता होना; विशेषकर, दोनों हाथों से समान रूप से अच्छा लिखने में सक्षमThe team manager was very excited when he heard that the new pitcher was ambidextrous and could throw a mean fastball with either hand.
6698प्रोत्साहित – Encouragedraised one’s spirits; gave confidence – किसी का हौसला बढ़ाया; भरोसा दियाAlthough she encouraged her daughter to go out for the cheerleading team, Ramona’s confidence couldn’t inspire the shy girl to try.
6699आंशिक रूप में – Partlysomewhat or moderately – कुछ हद तक या मध्यम रूप सेWith some sun shining through the clouds, the weatherman stated, “it is partly cloudy today.”
6700इच्छाशक्ति – Volitionthe power to make your own decisions or choices – अपने निर्णय या विकल्प स्वयं लेने की शक्तिDespite my parents’ preference, I have decided to attend an out-of-state college on my own volition.
6701विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त – Privilegedadvantaged or fortunate – सुविधा प्राप्त या भाग्यशालीThe privileged young son of the wealthy doctor always had access to any money he wanted causing him to spend frequently.
6702संमानित – Honorificgiving honor or respect – आदर या आदर देनाThe keynote speaker gave an honorific speech in which he expressed the respect he has for the president.
6703खोज कर – Searchinglooking for or over something carefully, usually in an effort to find something – किसी चीज़ को ध्यान से ढूँढना या ढूँढना, आमतौर पर किसी चीज़ को पाने के प्रयास मेंJenny spent hours searching for her missing pet, but the dog was nowhere to be found.
6704स्पष्ट करना – Illumineto brighten with light – प्रकाश से चमकानाA few candles placed in the corners of the room will illumine the room because the fire produces a lot of light.
6705दूर – Afarin a distant area – दूर के इलाके मेंEveryone could tell that the stranger came from afar due to his unknown accent.
6706हार्पी – Harpya mythological monster that has a woman’s head and a bird’s body – एक पौराणिक राक्षस जिसका सिर एक महिला का और शरीर एक पक्षी का हैA winged monster with the face of an old woman, the harpy is at the center of many Greek myths.
6707कागज़ – Papera thin flimsy item that is made from wood and mainly used for people to write on – एक पतली, मटमैली वस्तु जो लकड़ी से बनी होती है और मुख्य रूप से लोगों के लिखने के लिए उपयोग की जाती हैAfter the little girl cut out the dolls and clothes from the paper, she folded the flaps of the paper dress onto the doll.
6708इंटरएक्टिव – Interactiveacting with each other – एक दूसरे के साथ अभिनय करनाDuring our kindergarten visit, the 8th graders became very interactive with the young children after getting to know them.
6709क़ानूनी तौर पर – Legallylawfully and legitimately – वैध और वैध तरीके सेYou can legally change your name on your birth certificate and social security cards by filing a petition with the courts.
6710पसीना लेनेवाला – Sudorificproducing or triggering perspiration – पसीना उत्पन्न करना या ट्रिगर करनाRunning in the summer is a sudorific exercise due to the energy exerted as well as the high temperature.
6711लदा हुआ – Loadedcarrying or bearing a great weight – बहुत अधिक वजन उठाना या वहन करनाThe ox is loaded down by the weight of a heavy wagon being pulled behind it.
6712लौटने का – Retrocessionthe return of property or some other item to its former or true owner – संपत्ति या किसी अन्य वस्तु को उसके पूर्व या सच्चे मालिक को लौटानाAfter the Civil War, retrocession laws forced land in states that ceded from the union to be returned to the U.S. government.
6713फटा आवाज़ – Screechto give out a loud, piercing sound – तेज़, भेदी ध्वनि निकालनाHearing the eagle’s loud screech from above, the rabbit hurried out of sight.
6714मुख्य धर्माध्यक्ष – Archbishopa bishop (priest) of the highest ranking who is in charge of other bishops and churches – सर्वोच्च रैंकिंग का एक बिशप (पुजारी) जो अन्य बिशपों और चर्चों का प्रभारी होता हैThe archbishop is in charge of several local churches but aspires to cardinal.
6715न्यूरोलॉजिकल – Neurologicalrelated to the science of the nerves and nervous system – तंत्रिकाओं और तंत्रिका तंत्र के विज्ञान से संबंधितNeurological problems related to the brain’s nerve endings were diagnosed by the patient’s physician.
6716सुधार – Mendto repair or fix something that is broken or damaged – किसी टूटी या क्षतिग्रस्त चीज़ की मरम्मत या मरम्मत करनाThere’s no way to mend my broken shoe, so I’ll just need to buy a new pair.
6717उत्पन्न करना – Originateto occur or begin – घटित होना या आरंभ होनाDid Gina originate the rumor after Kate kissed her boyfriend?
6718स्कूप – Scoopan exclusive item of news reported by one journalist or news organization before others – एक पत्रकार या समाचार संगठन द्वारा दूसरों से पहले रिपोर्ट की गई समाचार की एक विशिष्ट वस्तुThe tabloid journalist snooped around in the murder suspect’s trash can looking for a scoop that she could craft a story out of.
6719श्रम – Laborto work diligently – लगन से काम करनाThe dwarves would labor in the mines all day and only return to their cottage at night when work was finished.
6720बरबाद करना – Wasteto misuse something or to use it carelessly – किसी चीज़ का दुरुपयोग करना या उसका लापरवाही से उपयोग करनाThe children tend to waste food and never eat half of what they order.
6721सिंकोपेट – Syncopatestressing beats that forms a contrast to the overall sound – तनावपूर्ण धड़कनें जो समग्र ध्वनि के विपरीत बनती हैंThe horrible beatboxer hummed against his wrist to syncopate a bass drum, but failed to find a natural rhythm.
6722घेराबंदी – Siegea circumstance in which a group, usually a military or law enforcement agency, surrounds an area or building in an attempt to take it over – ऐसी परिस्थिति जिसमें एक समूह, आमतौर पर एक सैन्य या कानून प्रवर्तन एजेंसी, किसी क्षेत्र या इमारत को अपने कब्जे में लेने के प्रयास में घेर लेती है।During the siege of the village, the villagers were forced to give up their property.
6723दौड़ना – Scramto leave a place quickly – किसी स्थान को शीघ्रता से छोड़ना“Scram!” the gardener yelled at the cat as he shooed him out of his orchard.
6724समायोजित करना – Adjustto change or alter – बदलना या परिवर्तित करनाThe dressmaker was asked to adjust the dress by making the straps a bit looser.
6725असावधान – Perfunctorydone routinely and with little interest or care – नियमित रूप से और कम रुचि या देखभाल के साथ किया जाता हैThe beauty queen waved so often that her greeting was simply perfunctory.
6726स्तम्मक – Astringentacidic – अम्लीयThe sauce was way too astringent for my taste, as I dislike bitter flavors.
6727प्रार्थना करना – Beseechto ask someone for something in an urgent and sincere way – किसी से तत्काल और ईमानदारी से कुछ माँगनाAs soon as I reach the driving age, I will beseech my parents to buy me a car.
6728लाभांश – Dividenda payment of money by a company to its shareholders – किसी कंपनी द्वारा अपने शेयरधारकों को धन का भुगतानThe stockholder received dividend payments three times a year.
6729नाममात्र का – Titularhaving a completely arbitrary position that is of no real power or authority – पूरी तरह से मनमाना पद होना जिसकी कोई वास्तविक शक्ति या अधिकार नहीं हैEngland has a Queen, but today her position is completely titular and she has no authority in the government whatsoever.
6730तलछट – Precipitateto bring about especially abruptly – विशेष रूप से अचानक लानाThe rising level of unemployment is going to precipitate a huge crowd at the welfare office.
6731सक्कुबस – Succubusfemale demon that has sexual intercourse with men in their dreams – वह महिला राक्षस जो अपने सपनों में पुरुषों के साथ संभोग करती हैBeware on the most haunted night of the year for the succubus lurking in the woods.
6732कुरूप – Ungainlyused to describe a person or movement that is clumsy or awkward – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति या आंदोलन का वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है जो अनाड़ी या अजीब हैPenguins are ungainly on land, always waddling around awkwardly on the ice.
6733जकड़ना – Fastento make something secure or attached – किसी चीज़ को सुरक्षित या संलग्न करनाStuffing himself at the dinner table left the man unable to fasten his belt when he got up.
6734अनेक आकार का – Multiformoccurring in numerous structures or ways – अनेक संरचनाओं या तरीकों से घटित होनाThe multiform alien could change its shape into a human, a dog or a snake, to name a few.
6735दृश्य – Scenethe location or site where something occurs – वह स्थान या स्थल जहाँ कुछ घटित होता हैRight after the accident, police arrived on the scene to help the crash victims.
6736सिर-टर्नर – Head-turnersomeone or something that catches one’s eye – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो किसी का ध्यान खींचती होA head-turner in the club, the blonde bombshell caught the attention of all of the men.
6737लग्गी से नाव चलानेवाला – Punterthe football player who kicks the ball to the other team – फुटबॉल खिलाड़ी जो गेंद को दूसरी टीम की ओर किक करता हैDuring the champion football game, the punter kicked the pigskin to the opposing team after the fourth down.
6738रीप्राइज़ – Repriseto repeat something – कुछ दोहरानाEveryone was pleased to learn the actor would reprise his role as the captivating pirate.
6739गलत – Wrongedbetrayed; hurt – धोखा दिया; आहतThough she felt wronged by her former employer, the woman felt it best to forgive and move forward.
6740नाराज़ करना – Displeaseto dissatisfy or annoy someone – किसी को असंतुष्ट या परेशान करनाThe new city curfew is bound to displease most teenagers in the area.
6741अभिविन्यास – Orientationthe process of becoming familiar or acquainted with people or things – लोगों या चीज़ों से परिचित या परिचित होने की प्रक्रियाIn order for the new employees to understand the functions and interactions of the different departments at the company is by conducting a job orientation at the beginning of their employment.
6742मुठभेड़ों – Encountersa term used to describe any kind of meeting or interaction between two or more people – दो या दो से अधिक लोगों के बीच किसी भी प्रकार की मुलाकात या बातचीत का वर्णन करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्दThe spacecraft encounters unexpected technical difficulties during its mission to Mars.
6743साम्राज्य – Kingdoman empire or monarchy ruled by royalty – राजघराने द्वारा शासित साम्राज्य या राजतंत्रOne medieval kingdom was situated in the middle of the forest and was ruled by a reclusive king.
6744के माध्यम से आएं – Follow throughthe seeing through of something – किसी चीज़ को आर-पार देखनाThe most important part of batting the ball in baseball is the follow through because the batter controls the ball more due to his continuous swing.
6745व्यायाम – Exerciseto put something to use such as rights or powers – किसी चीज़ का उपयोग करना जैसे अधिकार या शक्तियाँStates must take effective measures to ensure that all persons entitled to vote are able to exercise that right.
6746स्री बनाना – Feminizeto make something feminine or ladylike – किसी चीज़ को स्त्रैण या स्त्री जैसा बनानाAlthough she had always been a tomboy, Jade decided to feminize her wardrobe by adding some sexy skirts and silky blouses.
6747अकल्पनीय – Unimaginablesomething that is difficult to believe – कुछ ऐसा जिस पर यकीन करना मुश्किल हैAfter the devastating storm left the area, people were left with unimaginable damage.
6748लेना – Taketo carry something or bring it with you – कुछ ले जाना या अपने साथ लानाThe clerk used a huge buggy to take all of the boxes from the front of the store to the pack.
6749संकेत देना – Indicateto highlight or show – उजागर करना या दिखानाThe green light will indicate the strength of the batteries.
6750डालना – Insertto place something inside of something else – किसी चीज़ को किसी और चीज़ के अंदर रखनाIf you want a soda, you must insert a dollar into the drink machine.
6751सील – Sealedclosed tightly so that nothing could go in or out – कसकर बंद कर दिया ताकि कुछ भी अंदर या बाहर न जा सकेBefore placing the package in the mailbox, Lauren sealed it tightly with tape.
6752एक्रिलिक – Acrylica substance that is produced by chemical processes from a type of acid and is used to make many different products – एक पदार्थ जो एक प्रकार के एसिड से रासायनिक प्रक्रियाओं द्वारा निर्मित होता है और कई अलग-अलग उत्पाद बनाने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैThe acrylic powder was added to the woman’s nailbed and shaped to form a natural looking nail.
6753तैनात करना – Deployto make ready for use or combat – उपयोग या युद्ध के लिए तैयार करनाThe police officer hoped he would not have to deploy his weapon.
6754उपकारवाला – Beneficentprone to doing kind and generous things – दयालु और उदार कार्य करने की प्रवृत्ति रखते हैंMy beneficent neighbor gives out meals to the poor every Sunday.
6755दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ – Hesitantslow to respond because of uncertainty – अनिश्चितता के कारण प्रतिक्रिया देने में देरीThe president was hesitant to sign off on the war order.
6756Pococurante – Pococurantenot feeling concerned – चिंतित महसूस नहीं कर रहा हूँDue to her pococurante attitude toward the homeless, the woman simply walked by the starving children on the streets.
6757आदेश – Directivean order or change that comes from an authority figure typically in charge of a group of people – एक आदेश या परिवर्तन जो आम तौर पर लोगों के एक समूह के प्रभारी प्राधिकारी व्यक्ति से आता हैThe School Board created a new directive for all teachers to complete 300 hours of instruction for teaching a foreign language.
6758घटना – Phenomenona person or thing that is often awe-inspiring because of its unique quality – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो अक्सर अपनी अनूठी गुणवत्ता के कारण विस्मयकारी होती हैThe four-year-old boy was considered a phenomenon because he could play the piano like a master pianist.
6759निश्चयात्मक – Assertiveboldly self-assured; confident without being aggressive – साहसपूर्वक आत्मविश्वासी; आक्रामक हुए बिना आश्वस्तThe flight attendant became assertive when confronting the man who took his seat belt off during takeoff.
6760टुत्सी – Tootsiea person’s foot – एक व्यक्ति का पैरBecause his tootsie was cold, the little boy decided to put socks on his feet.
6761शरण – Refugea place that offers protection or serves as an escape – वह स्थान जो सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है या भागने का काम करता हैOur mountain cottage is a refuge from the ills of the city.
6762जाहिरा तौर पर – Apparentlyseemingly; it appears that – प्रतीत होता है; यह प्रतीत होता है किThe restaurant is apparently out of ice, so it appears that we will have to drink warm tea.
6763अत्यंत – Quitesignificantly; fairly – उल्लेखनीय रूप से; अच्छी तरह सेSeasoned wings were quite tasty, but not as delicious as the corn on the cob.
6764देवदूत – Angela spirit that serves as a messenger of God and usually appears in a beautiful, glowing form of white light – एक आत्मा जो ईश्वर के दूत के रूप में कार्य करती है और आमतौर पर सफेद रोशनी के सुंदर, चमकदार रूप में प्रकट होती हैBy laying in the snow and moving her arm’s the girl made a snow angel that looked like a heavenly cherub.
6765बहाना करना – Feignmake believe with the intention of deceiving; pretend – धोखा देने के इरादे से विश्वास करना; बहाना करनाI feign sleep when Mom checks up on me after bedtime, then I go back to playing video games when she leaves.
6766तमाशा – Pageanta demonstration of contestants or incidents usually involving a common theme – आम तौर पर एक सामान्य विषय से जुड़े प्रतियोगियों या घटनाओं का प्रदर्शनAs the women donned their native country’s costume, they walked across the stage in the Miss Universe Pageant.
6767भीड़ – Concoursea large open space inside or in front of a public building where people can gather such as a train station or airport – किसी सार्वजनिक भवन के अंदर या सामने एक बड़ा खुला स्थान जहाँ लोग इकट्ठा हो सकते हैं जैसे कि रेलवे स्टेशन या हवाई अड्डाOnce travelers pass through the airport security screenings, they’re allowed to enter the concourse.
6768जो भी – Whatsoeverin any way; at all – किसी भी तरह से; बिल्कुल भीThere was no snow on the ground, whatsoever.
6769Poltergeist – Poltergeistan unseen ghost which makes noises and causes disruption, especially by causing physical objects to move or fly about – एक अदृश्य भूत जो शोर करता है और व्यवधान उत्पन्न करता है, विशेष रूप से भौतिक वस्तुओं को हिलाने या उड़ने के कारणFearing the poltergeist would keep her up all night with his howling and scary noises, the girl wore earplugs to bed.
6770उत्साह – Gustopassion or excitement – जोश या उत्साहJim loves playing football and attacks every game with gusto.
6771बाहर किया हुआ – Discardedthrew out; disposed of – बाहर फेंक दिया; का निपटाराThe librarian tried to give away the tattered books and discarded what no one wanted into the dumpster.
6772प्रथम अन्वेषक – Pioneeran individual who prepares a path for others – एक व्यक्ति जो दूसरों के लिए रास्ता तैयार करता हैThe computer pioneer was one of the first people to visualize a mobile computer.
6773छिपकर जाना – Tiptoeto walk very quietly on the tips of one’s toes – अपने पैर की उंगलियों के बल बहुत शांति से चलनाWhen sneaking into the house at night, the teen made sure to tiptoe quietly past her parent’s bedroom.
6774कूद – Jumpedsprung up into the air – हवा में उछल गयाThe happy children jumped up and down, leaping for joy when they saw the birthday cake.
6775पगडंडी – Traila path, usually through a countryside or wooded area – एक रास्ता, जो आमतौर पर किसी ग्रामीण इलाके या जंगली इलाके से होकर गुजरता हैTrail guides led the visitors down the beaten path and to the entrance of the deep cave.
6776महत्त्व – Importancebeing of great value or worth – बहुत मूल्यवान या सार्थक होनाThe doctor explained the importance of eating healthy meals and getting rest to the sick patient.
6777कलह – Discordtension or strife resulting from a lack of agreement – समझौते की कमी के कारण उत्पन्न तनाव या कलहKnowing that discord is destructive in the classroom, the teacher wanted to foster a sense of community among her students.
6778सीमा पर एकत्रित होना – Abutto touch or lean on – छूना या झुकनाThe chair abuts the wall because it is missing a leg and cannot stand up otherwise, though sitting in it is still risky.
6779अति पीड़ा देनेवाला – Agonizingdistressing; painful – कष्टकारी; दर्दनाकThe pain of breaking my femur was agonizing.
6780हथियाना – Arrogateto seize without having the right to do so – ऐसा करने का अधिकार न रखते हुए जब्त करनाThe gang is trying to arrogate the public park and turn it into their private meeting space.
6781नींद – Slumbersleep; rest – नींद; आरामThe bear awoke from his slumber, stretching and yawning after a month long nap.
6782संवेदनशीलता – Sensitivitythe tendency to be easily upset, influenced, changed, or damaged by outside factors – बाहरी कारकों से आसानी से परेशान होने, प्रभावित होने, बदलने या क्षतिग्रस्त होने की प्रवृत्तिBecause of her sensitivity to sunlight, the woman has to protect her fragile skin.
6783काटोग्रफ़र – Cartographeran individual who specializes in the creation of maps – एक व्यक्ति जो मानचित्रों के निर्माण में माहिर हैFortunately, the cartographer added a legend to his map to make it easier for people to understand.
6784समुद्री – Marinesomething that is associated or lives in the sea – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो समुद्र से जुड़ी हो या उसमें रहती होA marine biologist will study sharks, whales, dolphins and eels among other animals that can be found in large bodies of water.
6785एक्ज़िमियस – Eximiousexceptional; distinguished – असाधारण; विशिष्टNot willing to settle on the venue, the bride looked for an eximious location that would top any other she had seen.
6786मज़ाक कर रहा है – Kiddingsaid to imply that something is not to be taken seriously – इसका तात्पर्य यह है कि किसी बात को गंभीरता से नहीं लिया जाना चाहिएLorraine said she was only kidding, but she had still called me fat and quite frankly I was offended.
6787प्रतिबंध – Bana ban means to exclude something or someone from a place – प्रतिबंध का अर्थ है किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को किसी स्थान से बाहर करनाThere is a ban on cell phone use during the standardized test administered at the university.
6788शारीरिक – Bodilyrelating to the body, physical – शरीर से संबंधित, भौतिकWhile I have promised that her brother wouldn’t come to any bodily harm, I technically didn’t say anything about mental.
6789लड़की – Girla female who is not yet an adult – एक महिला जो अभी तक वयस्क नहीं हुई हैBecause a girl wanted to play on the boys’ soccer team, the coach decided to make it co-ed.
6790क़ैदी – Jailbirda current or former convicted offender – वर्तमान या पूर्व सजायाफ्ता अपराधीAfter going to prison for selling drugs several times, the repeat offender earned a reputation as a jailbird.
6791एंटी – Antiopposed to or against – विरोध या विपक्षThe world is almost entirely anti-imperialism these days, condemning any country that would try to expand its own borders through conquest.
6792अव्यवसायिक – Unprofessionalnot showing behavior that is expected or standard in a particular setting – किसी विशेष सेटिंग में अपेक्षित या मानक व्यवहार नहीं दिखानाAfter continuing his inappropriate jokes and sexual harrassment, the store manager was fired for his unprofessional behavior.
6793यातना – Tormentto torture and cause pain – यातना देना और पीड़ा पहुँचानाEvery day when he got on the bus, the bully began to torment the quiet child.
6794ज्योति – Flamesomething that is compared to fire’s ability to burn fiercely or be extinguished – कुछ ऐसी चीज़ जिसकी तुलना आग की भयंकर रूप से जलाने या बुझने की क्षमता से की जाती हैThe flame of hope burns brightly in the hearts of the rebels even though their plight is dire and they face death every day.
6795डांटना – Scoldto strongly criticize – कड़ी आलोचना करनाIf I am late one more time, my mother is going to scold me for my tardiness.
6796घृणा – Hatredan extreme feeling of dislike – नापसंदगी की अत्यधिक भावनाThe night owl’s hatred of mornings caused her to hit snooze button several times.
6797मंदिर – Templea building that is devoted to religious worship – एक इमारत जो धार्मिक पूजा के लिए समर्पित हैEvery year, thousands of people fill the temple to worship their god and pay respects to their ancestors inside the sanctuary.
6798बदतमीजी – Insolencerude and disrespectful behavior – असभ्य और अपमानजनक व्यवहारThe rude customer service worker was fired for her insolence after several people reported her disrespect.
6799गुमनाम – Anonymousnot named – नाम नहीं दिया गयाThe donor requested to remain anonymous so that others wouldn’t bother him for money.
6800स्थगित – Postponedput something on hold; Scheduled an event for a later time than initially planned – किसी चीज़ को रोक कर रखना; आरंभिक योजना से बाद के समय के लिए एक कार्यक्रम निर्धारित कियाThe couple postponed their wedding, pushing the date back a few months after the bride’s mother died.
6801पिल्ला – Whelpa baby dog or wolf; a puppy – एक बच्चा कुत्ता या भेड़िया; एक पिल्लाThe little whelp will cry anytime the momma dog is away from him too long.
6802ज़र्द – Wanweak or pale in quality or appearance – गुणवत्ता या रूप में कमज़ोर या पीलाAlthough the toddler was quite ill, he still managed to give his mother a wan smile.
6803अमानवीय – Inhumansomething that is so cruel or immoral as to be considered beyond human capability – कुछ ऐसा जो इतना क्रूर या अनैतिक हो कि उसे मानवीय क्षमता से परे माना जाएMany people rightly consider the Holocaust to be one of the most inhuman crimes to ever be committed by mankind.
6804आगे बढ़ना – Proceedto move forward – आगे बढ़ने के लिएThe doctor agreed to proceed with the surgery, but only if the patient lost some weight.
6805प्रकाश उत्पन्न करनेवाला – Photogeniclooking good when photographed – फोटो खिंचवाने पर अच्छा लग रहा हैAlthough Rachel claims that she does not look good in pictures, I think that she is the most photogenic student in our class.
6806मूर्खतापूर्ण – Idioticvery stupid or unwise – बहुत मूर्ख या नासमझConsidering the potential of jellyfish to severely sting people even when beached, I think picking them up is idiotic.
6807खुली हवा में – Alfrescooutdoors, open to the atmosphere – बाहर, वातावरण के लिए खुलाThe park has a really nice restaurant where you can dine alfresco while watching the birds as they come pecking at your food.
6808अनुच्छेद – Paragraphsentences written one after the other about one topic – एक विषय के बारे में एक के बाद एक लिखे गए वाक्यThe English teacher assigned her 2nd grade students to write a paragraph about their summer vacation.
6809बेवजह – Inexplicablymysteriously or strangely so that no one can explain it – रहस्यमय या अजीब तरीके से ताकि कोई इसकी व्याख्या न कर सकेAfter angrily leaving his job, the man had been inexplicably terminated from his employment for no reason.
6810बेमेल – Mismatchto combine two things that are not supposed to go together – ऐसी दो चीज़ों को मिलाना जो एक साथ नहीं चलनी चाहिएIf you decide to mismatch your socks you will look funny to everyone that sees them, especially if they are different colors.
6811जगह देना – Dislodgeto shake or move something from a stuck position – किसी चीज को अटकी हुई स्थिति से हिलाना या हिलानाWe tried to use a basketball to dislodge the one already struck between the rim and the backboard of the goal, but ultimately we just got that one stuck as well.
6812स्वाद – Tastea person’s liking for a particular thing – किसी व्यक्ति का किसी विशेष वस्तु को पसंद करनाOrange walls aren’t really my personal taste, as I honestly prefer darker colors like gray or blue.
6813सरपट दौड़ते हुए – Tantivyat top speed – शीर्ष गति परAs she sped tantivy through the streets, the driver hoped that he would be able to make his meeting on time.
6814रोंगटे – Goosebumpsbumps on the skin from fear, cold, or extreme happiness – डर, ठंड या अत्यधिक खुशी से त्वचा पर दानेShe got goosebumps whenever her crush whispered in her ear.
6815निकट – Foreseeabledescribes something that is expected or likely to happen in the near future – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करता है जो निकट भविष्य में होने की उम्मीद या संभावना हैOur boss explained that because of budget cuts, there will be no raises in the foreseeable future.
6816अलग करना – Sundersplit apart – अलग हो जाओThe lumberjack will sunder the wood into pieces after he cuts the trees down.
6817अलग करना – Dividedseparated; split – अलग हो गया; विभाजित करनाDivided over opinions, the school board members couldn’t reach an agreement on the issue.
6818दिल्लगी करना – Tomfooleryfoolish or overly silly behavior or actions – मूर्खतापूर्ण या अत्यधिक मूर्खतापूर्ण व्यवहार या कार्यMy sister is far too serious to play pranks on any of our neighbors, so I had to engage in that tomfoolery by myself.
6819परिपक्व – Maturedgrew and developed into an adult – बड़ा हुआ और एक वयस्क के रूप में विकसित हुआBecause the grapes haven’t matured fully, we won’t be able to pick them from the vine just yet.
6820प्रारंभब – Kickstartto take steps to make something begin – कुछ शुरू करने के लिए कदम उठानाTo kickstart her weight loss, Allison arranged to meet with a trainer and a nutrition expert.
6821डोजी – Doozysomething impressive or extraordinary – कुछ प्रभावशाली या असाधारणWe thought our 4th of July weekend would be boring, but the eventful holiday turned out to be a doozy.
6822टेस्टोस्टेरोन – Testosteronea hormone that stimulates the growth of male sexual characteristics – एक हार्मोन जो पुरुष यौन विशेषताओं के विकास को उत्तेजित करता हैTestosterone is the hormone that makes boys’ voices deeper as they go through puberty, and without it their voice would remain high pitched.
6823कारण – Reasoncause or basis – कारण या आधारThere is no reason to clean the house because it is already spotless.
6824दौर – Revellingbasking in something – किसी चीज़ का आनंद लेनाPeter was revelling in the thought of fishing in his favorite pond next week during his vacation.
6825जैव विविधता – Biodiversityrefers to the level of variety in living creatures and plants within a particular area – किसी विशेष क्षेत्र में जीवित प्राणियों और पौधों में विविधता के स्तर को संदर्भित करता हैThe biodiversity of this lake is extremely high, with several dozen species of fish and birds living in or near it.
6826कड़वा – Bitteragitated, disgruntled, or angry about something – किसी बात से उत्तेजित, असंतुष्ट या क्रोधित होनाMy wife was bitter towards me after she found out that I had been hanging around an old girlfriend from school, even though we didn’t do anything.
6827पृष्ठभूमि की कहानी – Backstorythe story or events that lead up to the current events/situations – वह कहानी या घटनाएँ जो वर्तमान घटनाओं/स्थितियों की ओर ले जाती हैंThe film first told the backstory of how the main couple got together in the first place.
6828नज़दीक – Adjacentlying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring – बगल में, पास या सन्निहित पड़ा हुआ; पड़ोसीI like to stay in this hotel because it’s adjacent to a great shopping mall.
6829भागी – Partakera person who joins in or takes part in an activity – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी गतिविधि में शामिल होता है या भाग लेता हैEach partaker of the Sunday meal is expected to bring a dish to share with others at the dinner.
6830अहंकार – Narcissismextreme love for oneself – स्वयं के प्रति अत्यधिक प्रेमAfter being accused of narcissism, the young girl tried to stop looking at herself in the mirror and explaining how great she is.
6831पहनाना – Enrobeto put on a robe or coat – बागा या कोट पहननाCalling the king to his throne in order to officially address someone meant that he would enrobe himself with his red garb and put on his crown.
6832पूर्वाभाव – Presentimentthe feeling something bad might occur – ऐसा महसूस होना कि कुछ बुरा हो सकता हैThe presentiment lingered after I saw a black cat twice in one day.
6833मज़बूत कर देनेवाला – Restorativecapable of making an individual feel well – किसी व्यक्ति को अच्छा महसूस कराने में सक्षमThe doctor will tell you that most medications don’t have the restorative power of a good night’s sleep.
6834अन्यथा – Otherwiseapart from that, in other ways – इसके अलावा, अन्य तरीकों सेHannah and her twin had different colored eyes but were otherwise identical.
6835विंटनर – Vintnersomeone who makes and sells wine – कोई व्यक्ति जो शराब बनाता और बेचता हैAs luck would have it, the vintner was able to grow his own grapes in his vineyard to make his alcoholic beverage.
6836आलसी – Slothfullazy and idle; wanting to do nothing – आलसी और निष्क्रिय; कुछ नहीं करना चाहतेBecause he was so slothful, the lazy husband laid in bed every day while his wife worked.
6837भटक – Strayingthe act of stepping off of a perceived path or deviating from a goal – किसी कथित रास्ते से हटने या लक्ष्य से भटकने की क्रियाThe wayward driver was distracted by her text message and didn’t realize she was straying between the lines until she nearly collided with another car.
6838जर्जर – Shambledto move with a slow, shuffling, awkward gait – धीमी, टेढ़ी-मेढ़ी, अजीब चाल के साथ चलनाMoving at a slow and steady pace, the man shambled up the stairs to the guest bedroom.
6839आभासी – Virtualsomething that is a digitally replicated version of something real – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी वास्तविक चीज़ का डिजिटल रूप से प्रतिरूपित संस्करण हैVirtual paintings look very similar to the original pieces but can easily be distinguished by the trained eye.
6840योग्यता के रूप में – Quaused to say “as” or “as a” – “जैसा” या “जैसा” कहते थेAt the gallery, the work of art qua art is being displayed in a special showroom.
6841बनाना – Maketo create or craft – बनाना या गढ़नाThe pastry chef will make fresh cookies and cakes for the bake sale out of just a few fixings.
6842पहुंच योग्य – Reachableaccessible or able to be achieved, reached – प्राप्त करने योग्य या प्राप्त करने योग्य, पहुँचा हुआTwenty thousand sales is a reachable target that we should be able to meet this month.
6843ग्रामवासी – Parishioneran individual who is a member of a certain church congregation – एक व्यक्ति जो एक निश्चित चर्च मण्डली का सदस्य हैAs a parishioner of the First Baptist Church, my grandmother hasn’t missed a Sunday service in twenty years.
6844मिश्रण – Concoctionsomething created from scratch – खरोंच से बनाई गई कोई चीज़I could not wait for the bartender to finish my delicious concoction.
6845पाप – Sinan act that is against a religious or moral law – ऐसा कार्य जो धार्मिक या नैतिक कानून के विरुद्ध हैIsn’t it ironic that many people who believe murder is a sin still support the death penalty?
6846उचित रूप में – Justlyrightly; in a way that is fair or just – ठीक ही; एक तरह से जो उचित या उचित होThe impartial judge made the decision justly, issuing a fair punishment for the men involved in the robbery.
6847जोखिम भरा – Riskyfull of danger or potential loss – खतरे या संभावित हानि से भरा हुआIt is risky to go sky diving or bungee jumping because the possibility of death still exists if there were to be a malfunction with your equipment.
6848आदिवासी – Aboriginalassociated with being part of the original population; native – मूल जनसंख्या का हिस्सा होने से जुड़ा हुआ; देशीThe Indian tribe’s aboriginal dialect has been replaced by the English language.
6849क़ौमी – Demotic(of or in the form of language) used by ordinary people – (भाषा के रूप में या सामान्य लोगों द्वारा प्रयुक्त)।Demotic scripts were different from traditional Egyptian communication in that they were scribed with business and not traditional wording.
6850संदिग्ध व्यक्ति – Suspectto believe something without having proof of its existence – किसी चीज़ के अस्तित्व के प्रमाण के बिना उस पर विश्वास करनाI suspect that my keys are in my car, but I haven’t checked so I don’t know.
6851Fandango – Fandangosomething foolish or useless – कुछ मूर्खतापूर्ण या बेकारThe financial fandango taught the accountant a tough lesson about foolish spending.
6852अमेरिंडियन – Amerindiana member of any of the groups of native people that were in North and South American before Europeans arrived – मूल लोगों के किसी समूह का सदस्य जो यूरोपीय लोगों के आने से पहले उत्तर और दक्षिण अमेरिकी में थेMr. Miles, our history teacher, taught us that Amerindian and Indigenous American are other words for Native American.
6853सभी कोशिकाओं को संक्रमित – Tropismnatural talent for – के लिए प्राकृतिक प्रतिभाLeonardo da Vinci had a scientific tropism that allowed him to not only excel at drawing perfectly proportioned anatomy but to craft some of the greatest inventions known to man.
6854शासन – Governancea manner of governing or the act of governing – शासन करने का एक ढंग या शासन करने की क्रियाBecause our system of governance in this town is so inefficient, we are looking into a new mayor in the next year or two.
6855सर्वे – Surveyto carefully observe someone or something to appraise its worth – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का मूल्य जानने के लिए उसका ध्यानपूर्वक निरीक्षण करनाThe cartographer had to survey the new land to see if it was suitable for a settlement.
6856कोश – Thesaurusa book in which words that have the same or similar meanings (synonyms) are grouped together – एक पुस्तक जिसमें समान या समान अर्थ (समानार्थी) वाले शब्दों को एक साथ समूहीकृत किया जाता हैWords listed with the word ‘sad’ in the thesaurus include unhappy, blue, and gloomy.
6857बिज्जू – Badgerto bother or pester – परेशान या परेशान करनाThere is a student in class who likes to badger the teacher with his incessant questioning.
6858व्याकुलता – Distractionsomething that draws one’s attention away from their intended focus – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी का ध्यान उसके इच्छित फोकस से भटका देता हैI really wanted to get my homework done early today, but my favorite TV show proved to be a serious distraction.
6859आवेश – Huffto blow air out loudly and with great force – ज़ोर से और बहुत ज़ोर से हवा बाहर फेंकनाThe Big Bad Wolf tried to blow the pig’s house down with a huff and a puff.
6860तकिया कलाम – Catchphrasea well-known phrase or saying that is connected with a particular person or company – एक प्रसिद्ध वाक्यांश या कहावत जो किसी विशेष व्यक्ति या कंपनी से जुड़ी होThe attorney tried to come up with a likable catchphrase that would attract clients through radio ads.
6861नासमझ – Sillyacting ridiculous or childish – हास्यास्पद या बचकाना व्यवहार करनाWhile watching the silly cartoon on television with the roadrunner chasing Bugs Bunny, the kindergartners laughed.
6862बाधा – Constrainta limitation or restriction – एक सीमा या प्रतिबंधJordan felt the constraint of handcuffs pressing tightly around his wrists.
6863ठहाका लगाना – Cachinnatethe act of laughing, snorting, or physically putting all energy into laughter – हँसने, खर्राटे भरने या शारीरिक रूप से सारी ऊर्जा हँसी में लगाने की क्रियाAt one of the funniest parts of the film, the audience began to cachinnate with such force that guests in the other theaters could hear them.
6864अपराध स्वीकार करना – Confessto admit that you are at fault or have committed some wrongdoing – यह स्वीकार करना कि आपसे गलती हुई है या आपने कोई गलत काम किया हैMany people go to a priest to confess the things that are wracking them with guilt, and by doing so alleviate themselves from that guilt.
6865सरपट – Gallopwhen a horse runs at full speed – जब एक घोड़ा पूरी गति से दौड़ता हैThe startled horse broke into a swift gallop and darted through the trees.
6866विलोमपद – Palindromea term or group of words that contain the same letters no matter which way the word is read – एक शब्द या शब्दों का समूह जिसमें समान अक्षर होते हैं, इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि शब्द को किस तरह से पढ़ा जाता हैSince I knew my word during the Spelling Bee was a palindrome, I could easily spell it since I knew how to spell the first five letters of the word.
6867नीरस – Monotonousdull, tedious, and repetitive; lacks variety and interest – नीरस, थकाऊ और दोहरावदार; विविधता और रुचि का अभाव हैBecause Marvin was angry at his wife, he gave only monotonous responses to her questions.
6868वर्दी – Uniformidentical clothing worn by people of the same workplace, organization, or school – एक ही कार्यस्थल, संगठन या स्कूल के लोगों द्वारा पहने जाने वाले समान कपड़ेThe student wished she could ditch school uniform and show her unique clothing style.
6869ग्रीज़ – Greaseoil; lubricant – तेल; चिकनाईGrease was used to stop the squeaky wheel from whining.
6870नवसिखुआ – Abecedarianalphabetical – वर्णमालाWe decided to organize the files in an abecedarian manner so we could find what we were looking for by name more easily.
6871शिफॉन – Chiffonlight and silky fabric – हल्का और रेशमी कपड़ाBefore I put on my new chiffon skirt, I checked the temperature to make sure it was not going to be too cold outside.
6872परम सुखी – Felicitouspleasant or delightful – सुखद या रमणीयThe felicitous music made me happy.
6873नम – Moistdamp; wet – नम; गीलाBecause it was a moist area, moss grew freely on the rainforest floor.
6874persnickety – Persnicketybeing overly focused on small details – छोटी-छोटी बातों पर अत्यधिक ध्यान केंद्रित करनाThe persnickety housewife couldn’t stand for anything to be out of place in her perfect home.
6875Mountainside – Mountainsidethe mountain’s slope – पहाड़ की ढलानWhile snow skiing down the mountainside, Darcy darted around the trees toward the cabin at the foothill.
6876आयाम – Dimensiona measurable extent, such as height, weight, width, etc – मापने योग्य सीमा, जैसे ऊंचाई, वजन, चौड़ाई, आदिWhen it comes to height, Jordan’s dimension is a bit less than the rest of us, but she makes up for it with her long arms.
6877ओडिसी – Odysseya lengthy journey during which many events occur – एक लंबी यात्रा जिसके दौरान कई घटनाएँ घटती हैंMy twenty-year odyssey in the army allowed me to visit eighteen countries.
6878कवर लेटर – Cover lettera letter or written communication that serves to introduce an accompanying document – एक पत्र या लिखित संचार जो एक संलग्न दस्तावेज़ पेश करने का काम करता हैAmanda sent her cover letter along with her resume to five dental offices for a hygienist position.
6879तह – Puckerto tighten skin or cloth until small folds appear – त्वचा या कपड़े को तब तक कसने के लिए जब तक कि छोटी-छोटी सिलवटें दिखाई न देने लगेंEating the sour lemon caused the toddler to squint her eyes and pucker her lips tightly.
6880अमंगल – Portentousforeboding, ominous, or threatening – पूर्वाभास, अशुभ, या धमकीBecause Jack generally expects the worst, his language is normally portentous and filled with warnings.
6881अथक – Irresistibletoo attractive and tempting to be resisted – इतना आकर्षक और आकर्षक कि इसका विरोध न किया जा सकेThe smell of the irresistible cake seemed to call my name as escaped out of the oven.
6882नटखट – Ornerycrotchety, rude, or mean – टेढ़ा, असभ्य, या मतलबीThe ornery old man is always treating everyone around him very rudely, which is probably why nobody likes him.
6883आत्मविश्लेषी – Introspectivetending to examine your own feelings, thoughts, or ideas – अपनी भावनाओं, विचारों या विचारों की जांच करने की प्रवृत्तिFor many, writing poetry is an introspective activity that calls upon one to examine his or her feelings.
6884वश में करना – Quellto calm or reduce – शांत करना या कम करनाBefore Sarah gives a speech, she always drinks a shot of whiskey to quell her nerves.
6885प्रबल होना – Predominateto be the main component of something – किसी चीज़ का मुख्य घटक होनाAsian Americans tend to predominate the nail services industry in the United States.
6886परिहार – Rectificationthe process of correcting or making something right – किसी चीज़ को सही करने या ठीक करने की प्रक्रियाA rectification letter was sent out to the client in an attempt to smooth things over.
6887आरक्षण – Reservationan advanced booking – एक उन्नत बुकिंगBooked up for two weeks, the fancy restaurant was filled and couldn’t accept another reservation.
6888अपमानजनक – Derogatoryconveying a poor opinion of something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के बारे में ख़राब राय व्यक्त करनाTo a mentally disabled person, the term “retarded” is viewed as a derogatory word.
6889फिर लौट आना – Revertto reverse or turn back – उलटना या पीछे मुड़नाThe state court refused to revert the local court’s decision.
6890बेचैन – Preoccupiedto become obsessed or completely concerned with something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति आसक्त या पूरी तरह चिंतित हो जानाFollowing the doctor informing the patient about his terminal illness, the patient’s mind was always preoccupied with the thoughts of his impending death.
6891दीवाना हो गया – Dottysomewhat eccentric – कुछ हद तक विलक्षणLouise is a bit dotty, constantly going on about how colorful the air is around everyone, but she seems mostly harmless.
6892स्त्रीकरण – Feminizationto make or become more female-like – अधिक स्त्री जैसा बनाना या बननाThe feminization of the characters of Ghostbuster meant that female leads have now replaced roles that once required male actors.
6893वाउचसेफेड – Vouchsafedgranted as a favor or honor – उपकार या सम्मान के रूप में दिया गयाSince the parole committee vouchsafed the killer’s release from prison, the parents of his victims have been in an uproar.
6894भिन्न-मत का – Dissentientopposing the majority – बहुमत का विरोधDissentient voices opposed all of those in congress that supported the bill.
6895चंचल – Waggishacting in a mischievous manner – शरारती तरीके से अभिनय करनाThe waggish teenage boys kept tripping on the ground in hopes of attracting the attention of the pretty girls.
6896नालायक कहीं का – Unworthynot fit or deserving – उपयुक्त या योग्य नहींThe author is unworthy of the award because she copied her book from another writer’s ideas.
6897शुष्क – Emotionlesswithout feeling or emotions – बिना भावना या भावनाओं केIt is important to display an emotionless mask when playing poker, so you don’t show anything that might give away what you have in your hand.
6898बुद्धिमत्ता – Sapiencewisdom combined with discernment – विवेक के साथ बुद्धि संयुक्तThe difficult exam required both sapience and logical reasoning skills.
6899विधान – Legislationa body of law or rules – कानून या नियमों का एक निकायThe senators hope to pass national legislation that will make it illegal for mothers to use drugs while pregnant.
6900अप्रमाणित – Unprovennot proved – साबित नहीं हुआYour alien abduction claim is unproven and seems extremely unlikely.
6901पोंछना – Detergeto wash off or wipe something out – किसी चीज़ को धोना या पोंछनाScrubbing feverishly, the maid tried to deterge the pots and pans of any grease and grime.
6902कम से कम – Leastthe smallest in degree or amount – डिग्री या मात्रा में सबसे छोटाThe frugal shopper tries to buy her clothing on clearance and for the least amount possible.
6903बोलना – Uttertotal or complete – संपूर्ण या संपूर्णThe billionaire’s utter lack of arrogance makes him very approachable.
6904आयत – Rectanglea quadrilateral made up of four straight lines and four right angles – चार सीधी रेखाओं और चार समकोणों से बना एक चतुर्भुजThe pizza maker used dough to form another rectangle and stacked each crust in a quadrilateral pan.
6905श्रम संघ – Labor uniona group of workers that have organized to protect themselves and their interests – श्रमिकों का एक समूह जो स्वयं और अपने हितों की रक्षा के लिए संगठित हुआ हैThe teacher labor union organized a strike to protest low pay all across the state.
6906विवेचना – Deliberationa thorough consideration – गहन विचारAfter only one hour of deliberation, the jury came back with a guilty verdict.
6907महरबान – Benignantkind and goodhearted – दयालु और नेकदिलThe benignant teacher volunteered her time, spreading kindness to everyone she met.
6908बाइबिल – Bibbleto eat or drink noisily – शोर-शराबे से खाना या पीनाSlopping up his food, the starving man continued to bibble as he devoured each bite.
6909अवतार – Embodimentan individual or thing that serves as a role model – एक व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो एक आदर्श के रूप में कार्य करती हैIf you go from being homeless to living in a mansion, you are the embodiment of the American dream.
6910दस्तक – Clatterthe rattling sound of solid objects hitting one another – ठोस वस्तुओं के एक दूसरे से टकराने की खड़खड़ाहट की आवाजThere was a loud clatter as all of the pots in the cabinet fell out onto the floor when I opened it.
6911यहूदी बस्ती – Ghettoan area in the city designated for imprisoning the Jewish people during World War II before being transported to a concentration camp – द्वितीय विश्व युद्ध के दौरान यहूदी लोगों को एकाग्रता शिविर में ले जाने से पहले कैद करने के लिए नामित शहर का एक क्षेत्रMany Jewish people died in their ghetto due to living in small quarters of their hometown and being exposed to disease.
6912तेज़ी – Rapidityquickness; swiftness – शीघ्रता; तेज़ीMashing the buttons with great rapidity, the toddler quickly locked his mother’s phone with his insistent pressing.
6913तानाशाह का – Dictatorialhaving a tendency to tell people what to do in a way that is like a dictator – एक तानाशाह की तरह लोगों को यह बताने की प्रवृत्ति होती है कि क्या करना हैThe dictatorial boss constantly shouted orders at his nervous employees.
6914मान्यता – Assumptionthe act of assuming, or taking to or upon one’s self; the act of taking up or adopting – स्वयं को ग्रहण करने या ग्रहण करने की क्रिया या भाव; अपनाने या अपनाने की क्रिया या भावWhen the young woman became engaged, the assumption of wedding planner was taken on by the bride’s mother.
6915दोहराना – Encorea brief extra performance, done after the main performance is complete – एक संक्षिप्त अतिरिक्त प्रदर्शन, जो मुख्य प्रदर्शन पूरा होने के बाद किया जाता हैAfter the first encore , the crowd made it obviously clear they wanted more.
6916फटकारना – Comeuppancejust punishment that someone deserves – बस वह सज़ा जिसका कोई हकदार हैThe judge handed down comeuppance to the deserving rapist.
6917कीटविज्ञान – Entomologya subset of science that focuses on the broad topic of insects – विज्ञान का एक उपसमूह जो कीड़ों के व्यापक विषय पर केंद्रित हैSince I’m not a fan of insects, I’m not looking forward to taking the entomology class.
6918डिजिटल – Digitalusing numbers in numerical form for a specific function – किसी विशिष्ट फ़ंक्शन के लिए संख्यात्मक रूप में संख्याओं का उपयोग करनाYoung children find reading a digital clock much easier to read than an analog clock with its hands pointing to the numbers.
6919ध्यान केंद्रित – Focusedto be diverting all of one’s attention to a particular task – किसी का सारा ध्यान किसी विशेष कार्य पर लगानाJoel is focused on completing his assignment a week early, so he hasn’t bothered with any sort of relaxation today.
6920भोजन – Cuisinethe art of preparing or relating to food – भोजन तैयार करने या उससे संबंधित होने की कलाShe was able to take a cooking class in Italy that demonstrated authentic Italian cuisine with its flavors and techniques.
6921बाधा डालना – Impedeto interfere with or slow the progress of – प्रगति में बाधा डालना या धीमा करनाIf you do not eat while you are sick, the lack of nutrients will impede your recovery.
6922त्याग – Waivera document that records the fact that someone has given up the right to a claim – एक दस्तावेज़ जो इस तथ्य को दर्ज करता है कि किसी ने दावे का अधिकार छोड़ दिया हैBy signing the waiver, the scuba diver assumed the risk of any accidents.
6923अनियंत्रित – Rampantnot restrained – रोका नहीं गयाDuring the riots, crime was rampant in the streets.
6924अनिश्चित काल के लिए – IndefinitelyFor a long time, no end defined – काफी समय से कोई अंत निर्धारित नहीं हैMy dentist says that although my wisdom tooth juts out too far, it can stay there indefinitely because it does not irritate me.
6925पित्ती उछलना – Welta swollen, red mark on the body made by a blow or chemical – किसी झटके या रसायन से शरीर पर बना सूजा हुआ लाल निशानThe tear gas caused a puffy red welt above the soldier’s eye.
6926छोटा सा – Lilliputiana very small person or thing – बहुत छोटा व्यक्ति या वस्तुBarely four and a half feet tall, the Lilliputian woman was the smallest one in her family.
6927प्रतिबंध लगाना – Restrictto limit something – किसी चीज़ को सीमित करनाAfter receiving threats, Tiffany would restrict accepting people as friends on Facebook to the people she knows very well.
6928पसीना – Sweatto excrete drops of a salty liquid from the skin, especially when hot or when working strenuously – त्वचा से नमकीन तरल की बूंदें निकालना, खासकर गर्म होने पर या ज़ोरदार काम करने परAfter working for hours in the noon-day sun, the farmer began to sweat huge puddles from his armpits.
6929हमवार – Equableeven-tempered; calm – सम स्वभाव वाला; शांतBecause she is so equable, my even-tempered mother rarely gets upset.
6930सुव्यवस्था – Orderlinessbeing well-arranged and organized – सुव्यवस्थित एवं सुव्यवस्थित होनाBecause she values orderliness, the OCD librarian is continually straightening the same books.
6931प्रचुरतापूर्ण – Superabundantexcessive quantity or surplus of something – किसी चीज की अत्यधिक मात्रा या अधिशेषThe number of people in a massive city like Hong Kong is superabundant.
6932समृद्धि – Prosperityan abundance of resources – संसाधनों की प्रचुरताWhen Jake reached his goal of prosperity, he realized he had neglected his family for his professional achievements.
6933फुसलाना – Proselyteone who has converted to a religion or doctrine – वह जो किसी धर्म या सिद्धांत में परिवर्तित हो गया होThe Christian proselyte converted after twenty years as an atheist.
6934जेरेमियाड – Jeremiada long, sad list of complaints, sometimes produced as a literary work – शिकायतों की एक लंबी, दुखद सूची, जिसे कभी-कभी साहित्यिक कृति के रूप में तैयार किया जाता हैThe elegantly written book was actually a jeremiad that laid out the author’s complaints against the current government.
6935भ्रूभंग – Scowla frown of anger or displeasure – क्रोध या अप्रसन्नता की भौहेंWhenever my husband looks at our noisy neighbors, he has a scowl on his face.
6936बांध – Lockjawa medical condition referred to as tetanus in which the jaws become firmly locked together – एक चिकित्सीय स्थिति जिसे टेटनस कहा जाता है जिसमें जबड़े मजबूती से एक साथ बंद हो जाते हैंStraining to open her tightened mandible, the patient’s lockjaw stopped her from being able to eat her morning meal.
6937साक्षी – Attestationa supporting statement or evidence – एक सहायक कथन या साक्ष्यThe hiring company asked the applicant to provide a recommendation letter as an attestation to the woman’s moral character.
6938बिस्तर पर जकड़ा हुआ – Bedriddenunable to leave one’s bed because of sickness, old age, or some other condition – बीमारी, बुढ़ापे या किसी अन्य स्थिति के कारण बिस्तर छोड़ने में असमर्थ होनाAfter he fell and broke his hip, Charlie’s grandpa became bedridden and spent his days and nights lying down.
6939आक्षेप – Insinuationa suggestion or hint that is usually indirect and negative in nature – एक सुझाव या संकेत जो आमतौर पर अप्रत्यक्ष और नकारात्मक प्रकृति का होता हैThe innocent suspect was insulted by the officer’s insinuation that he had committed the horrible crimes.
6940अभ्यास – Practicingdoing something over and over again as a way to get better at it – किसी चीज़ को बेहतर बनाने के तरीके के रूप में उसे बार-बार करनाLeah has been practicing the piano since she was three years old, so she knows how to play very well at this point.
6941निन्दा करना – Reprehendto express dissatisfaction – असंतोष व्यक्त करने के लिएBecause the book’s plot is boring, critics are sure to reprehend the story.
6942निंदा करना – Pillorya wooden frame with cutouts for someone’s head and wrists – किसी के सिर और कलाई के कटआउट वाला एक लकड़ी का फ्रेमDuring the colonial period, thieves were often locked in a pillory in the town square where they would suffer public humiliation.
6943एकपर्णपात – Unifoliatehaving only one, compound leaf – केवल एक, मिश्रित पत्ती वालाBecause the plant’s leaf was single, it is described as unifoliate.
6944घबराहट – Flurrya light falling of snow or leaves – बर्फ या पत्तों का हल्का सा गिरनाEven the kids knew that the small flurry of snow was not enough to get school called off.
6945प्रतिक्रिया – Feedbackinformation or statements of opinion about something, such as a new product or performance – किसी चीज़ के बारे में जानकारी या राय का बयान, जैसे कोई नया उत्पाद या प्रदर्शनAfter all of the contestants finished singing, the judges gave individual feedback about the performances.
6946अनुपजाऊ – Barrenunable to reproduce or grow something – किसी चीज़ का पुनरुत्पादन या विकास करने में असमर्थThe barren woman could never get over the fact that she couldn’t have children.
6947धमकाया – Threatenedto state one’s intentions to harm or bring hurt to another person – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को नुकसान पहुंचाने या चोट पहुंचाने के इरादे बतानाThe bomber threatened to blow up the entire city in a note he sent to the police station.
6948कहानी – Talea story (usually fictional) told orally or written – एक कहानी (आमतौर पर काल्पनिक) मौखिक या लिखित बताई गईGrandpa is famous for telling his tale of wrestling a lion in the Savannah desert.
6949लिंग – Genderthe societal identification of being male or female – पुरुष या महिला होने की सामाजिक पहचानPeople who choose to be a different gender than the sex they were born as are often ostracized by bigots.
6950कृतज्ञ होना – Obligedforced or required – मजबूर या आवश्यकAlthough the children hated doing chores, they were obliged to clean the house or face punishment from their mother.
6951समर्थक – Proponentan individual who supports a cause – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी उद्देश्य का समर्थन करता हैBecause April loves animals, she is a fierce proponent of the animal rights movement.
6952आदरणीय – Respectedadmired because of positive qualities or achievements – सकारात्मक गुणों या उपलब्धियों के कारण प्रशंसा की जाती हैBecause he was such a respected member of society, people came from all around to say goodbye to the revered celebrity.
6953वोल्टेज – Voltagethe electrical energy measured in volts – विद्युत ऊर्जा वोल्ट में मापी जाती हैUnfortunately, it is hard for the average person to determine if the voltage is low in a car’s battery because it usually just stops working at once without warning.
6954सज़ा देना – Punishto put a penalty or consequence in place – दंड या परिणाम निर्धारित करनाNew laws were put in place to punish those who continue to break littering laws.
6955नियुक्त – Appointedto pick or choose for a task, duty, job or title position – किसी कार्य, कर्तव्य, नौकरी या शीर्षक पद को चुनना या चुननाAfter Scalia’s death, the president appointed the replacement for the Supreme Court of the United States.
6956चारा और छड़ी – Bait-And-Switchthe action of advertising a product with the intent of selling inferior goods – घटिया सामान बेचने के इरादे से किसी उत्पाद का विज्ञापन करने की कार्रवाईIt does not happen much in America, but in less regulated countries many customers fall victim to the bait-and-switch tactic, buying something shoddy that was advertised as being superior.
6957जिंदा – Bailiwickthe district within which a bailie or bailiff has jurisdiction – वह जिला जिसके भीतर किसी जमानतदार या जमानतदार का अधिकार क्षेत्र हैThe bailiwick was quiet as the bailiff patrolled.
6958खरीदना – Buyobtain in exchange for payment – भुगतान के बदले में प्राप्त करेंShe went to the mall to buy a new dress for her interview.
6959क्लोयिंग – Cloyingtoo sugary or sentimental – बहुत मीठा या भावुकJill is no longer impressed by cloying lines of devotion after having her heart broken countless times.
6960चार्टर – Chartera government-issued document that provides a group or individual with certain rights – सरकार द्वारा जारी एक दस्तावेज़ जो किसी समूह या व्यक्ति को कुछ अधिकार प्रदान करता हैThe king’s charter gave the colonists the right to set up residence in the new world.
6961स्लेट – Slatea thin piece of rock that is often used a writing surface – चट्टान का एक पतला टुकड़ा जिसका उपयोग अक्सर लिखने के लिए किया जाता हैWriting the letter A on the smooth slate, the teacher demonstrated correct form for her students.
6962साधारणता – Banalityhaving ordinary traits and being predictable – सामान्य लक्षण होना और पूर्वानुमानित होनाWith white walls and a cookie-cutter layout of the house, the banality of the house caused few potential buyers.
6963पुरस्कार – Prizea thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or race or in recognition of another outstanding achievement – किसी प्रतियोगिता या दौड़ के विजेता को पुरस्कार के रूप में या किसी अन्य उत्कृष्ट उपलब्धि के सम्मान में दी जाने वाली चीज़The 500-pound pig won first prize at the county fair.
6964प्रकोप – Wrathfulvery angry and irate – बहुत क्रोधित और क्रोधितIrate and wrathful, the vengeful wife was looking for a way to punish her cheating husband.
6965चक्रवृद्धि – Compoundedintensified; made something worse – तीव्र; कुछ और खराब कर दियाBad weather compounded the traveler’s problems since they were already stranded on the side of the road.
6966समुद्री – Marinerelated to the ocean (sea) – महासागर (समुद्र) से संबंधितMike is studying to become a marine biologist, so he spends plenty of time researching animals that live in the sea.
6967कठोरता – Rigiditybeing inflexible; firmness – अनम्य होना; दृढ़ताThe rigidity of the teacher made it difficult for the students to argue their grades with her because that grade was set in stone.
6968सूबा – Diocesea region or area that is overseen by a religious Christian leader – वह क्षेत्र या क्षेत्र जिसकी देखरेख किसी धार्मिक ईसाई नेता द्वारा की जाती हैIn the Cyrus Catholic Diocese, the head priest meets once a month with each of the local priests from the 22 churches he was responsible for.
6969बेअसर – Inefficaciousnot producing the desired effect – वांछित प्रभाव उत्पन्न नहीं कर रहा हैLiam thought that if he bought Julie flowers and expensive gifts she would reciprocate his love but his tactic was inefficacious.
6970मुक्त हो जाना – Obviateto prevent or eliminate – रोकने या ख़त्म करने के लिएIf you want to obviate the risk of skin cancer throughout your life, it’s important that you are protected from sun exposure from the time you are an infant.
6971क्रोधित करना – Roilto stir someone up, causing them to be angry or agitated – किसी को उत्तेजित करना, जिससे वह क्रोधित या उत्तेजित हो जाएThe man’s hateful speech was just enough to roil up the already uneasy crowd.
6972नसीब – Serendipitythe fact of finding pleasant or useful things by chance – संयोग से सुखद या उपयोगी वस्तुएँ मिलने का तथ्यThe lottery is something one wins by serendipity not by design.
6973हाथापाई – Scufflerough, disorderly fight or struggle at close quarters – निकट स्थानों पर उग्र, अव्यवस्थित लड़ाई या संघर्षIn order to downplay the actual fight, the siblings told their parents the reasons for the bloody noses and torn clothing was due to a small scuffle they had a few minutes ago.
6974शिष्टाचार – Decorumconduct that is appropriate and illustrates a person is well-mannered – ऐसा आचरण जो उचित हो और यह दर्शाता हो कि कोई व्यक्ति अच्छे आचरण वाला हैNot understanding decorum at a formal dinner, Jake ate his salad with his dinner fork.
6975आवारा – Trampa heavy-footed walk – भारी पैरों से चलनाAngry children tramp noisily up the stairs, making sure to stomp out their irritation.
6976मिलनसार – Communicativeready to talk and share information – बात करने और जानकारी साझा करने के लिए तैयारThe suspect the police arrested was very communicative, ready to answer all of their questions to avoid getting in more trouble.
6977हिलाना – Shake upto greatly startle, shock, or upset someone – किसी को अत्यधिक चौंकाना, चौंकाना या परेशान करनाThe thunderous bell was just what it took to shake up the exhausted student sleeping at his desk.
6978कसाईखाना – Abattoira place where animals are taken to slaughter – वह स्थान जहाँ जानवरों को वध करने के लिए ले जाया जाता हैAlthough many farmers own cattle, they don’t slaughter the animals on site but send them to an abattoir.
6979विजेता – Conquerora person who takes control of a place by force – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी स्थान पर बलपूर्वक कब्ज़ा कर लेता हैAlexander the Great was a conqueror who dominated Greece, Egypt, and Persia.
6980मापांक – Modulea scholastic part which focuses on a topic that is part of a larger unit – एक शैक्षिक भाग जो किसी ऐसे विषय पर केंद्रित होता है जो एक बड़ी इकाई का हिस्सा होता हैIn order to pass the virtual course, the student had to complete each module pertaining to a different health issue.
6981नाव चलाना – Sailingmoving in a way that is smooth, like a boat with sails traveling over water – इस प्रकार सहज गति से चलना, जैसे पाल वाली नाव पानी के ऊपर यात्रा कर रही होThe batter’s ball came sailing across the sky, eventually slowing down and crashing into a tree.
6982इंजीलवादी – Evangelistsomeone who tries to persuade people to become Christian – कोई है जो लोगों को ईसाई बनने के लिए मनाने की कोशिश करता हैSpeaking to the crowd about Christ was the only mission of the roving evangelist.
6983गाली गलौच – Billingsgateharshly offensive and rude talking – कठोर आपत्तिजनक और असभ्य बात करनाDue to the billingsgate coming from the mouth of the disrespectful student to his teacher, the boy was suspended for a few days.
6984विषमता – Dissimilaritydifference or variance – अंतर या भिन्नताIt is odd that James and Lisa are such good friends despite the dissimilarity between their personalities.
6985वैधता – Legitimacyquality of being correct and right – सही और सही होने का गुणTerry doubted the legitimacy of his husband’s excuses since he lied to her in the past.
6986दु: ख उठाकर – Travailto work hard or with a great deal of effort – कड़ी मेहनत या बहुत अधिक प्रयास से काम करनाSince Scott was not a very good worker, nobody expected him to volunteer to travail to help the team meet the deadline.
6987अधिकतम – Maximizeto increase something in size, amount, or importance as much as possible – किसी चीज़ के आकार, मात्रा या महत्व को यथासंभव बढ़ानाIf you increase your advertising in certain areas, you may also be able to maximize profits for your products.
6988बात करना – Talkto speak words out loud – ज़ोर से शब्द बोलनाHillary went to talk to her husband Bill about why she hates polka dot dresses.
6989परेशान – Troubledto be worried, concerned, or bothered with/by something – किसी बात से चिंतित, चिंतित या परेशान होनाThe investor was troubled by the plummeting numbers in the stock market.
6990घर में नजरबंदी – House arresta person under house arrest has been officially ordered not to leave home – घर में नजरबंद व्यक्ति को आधिकारिक तौर पर घर से बाहर न निकलने का आदेश दिया गया हैWhile he is under house arrest, the felon is not allowed to leave his home except to go to work.
6991फंसे – Strandeddeserted or stuck – सुनसान या अटका हुआOn the way to California, the couple’s car broke down and they were stranded on the side of the road.
6992पैदल – Afootin action – कार्रवाई मेंAs the suspicious dictator looked around the room at his advisers, he felt as though treachery was afoot.
6993आयु – Ageto grow older with time – समय के साथ बड़े होने के लिएAs the wine continues to age over the years, it will taste much better.
6994अवशोषण – Absorptionthe act by which one substance takes in something or is taken in – वह क्रिया जिसके द्वारा कोई पदार्थ किसी चीज़ को ग्रहण करता है या ग्रहण किया जाता हैThe paper towels are thick, and as such, have a heavy absorption rate.
6995लौकिक – Terrestrialrelating to the land or the Earth – भूमि या पृथ्वी से संबंधितEarth’s terrestrial biomes include areas such as deserts, taigas, and tropical rainforests.
6996गरज – Smashto break something into several pieces through brute force – पाशविक बल द्वारा किसी चीज़ को कई टुकड़ों में तोड़नाIf my large dog sees a squirrel outside the window, he may accidentally smash the glass trying to get to it.
6997मूनलाइटिंग – Moonlightingholding a second job, especially at night – दूसरी नौकरी पकड़ना, विशेषकर रात मेंBecause her day job doesn’t pay enough to cover her expenses, the struggling author has been moonlighting as a stripper on the weekends.
6998कलन विधि – Algorithmset of instructions – निर्देशों का सम्मुचयMany scientists were required to solve and describe the algorithm for each problem they solved in order to be accepted to the company.
6999चॉम्प – Chompto bite down with one’s teeth – दाँतों से काटनाUsing his sharp teeth, the lion continued to chomp down on the meat from his kill.
7000सद्भाव – Harmonyagreement; peace – समझौता; शांतिThe laid-back husband wanted to live in harmony with his wife, but her argumentative ways wouldn’t allow them to be at peace.
  1. Question: How do I greet someone in Hindi?

    • Answer: The common greeting in Hindi is “Namaste,” which translates to “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Question: What is the Hindi equivalent for the English word “meaning”?

    • Answer: The Hindi equivalent for “meaning” is “arth.”
  3. Question: Can you provide examples of basic English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Certainly! “Water” in English is “paani” in Hindi, and “sun” in English is “surya” in Hindi.
  4. Question: How can I politely make a request in Hindi?

    • Answer: In Hindi, you can use “kripya” to say “please” when making requests or expressing politeness.
  5. Question: What are some commonly used English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Common words include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among others.
  6. Question: How do I say “thank you” in Hindi?

    • Answer: The expression “thank you” in English is translated to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi.
  7. Question: Can you provide an example of a daily-use English word with its Hindi meaning?

    • Answer: Certainly! “House” in English translates to “ghar” in Hindi.
  8. Question: Is there a list of 100 daily use English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: While not listed here, numerous resources provide extensive lists of common English words with their Hindi equivalents.
  9. Question: What is the Hindi word for “food”?

    • Answer: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a term used in daily conversations.

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