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The Most Useful Daily Use Hindi Words With English Meaning 4

  1. Daily use Hindi words with English meaning: The term “Namaste” is commonly used as a greeting, meaning “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Daily word meaning English to Hindi: When translating from English to Hindi, the word “meaning” is equivalent to “arth” in Hindi.
  3. Basic English words Hindi meaning: “Water” in English translates to “paani” in Hindi, a fundamental word used in daily conversations.
  4. Basic English words with Hindi meaning: The English word “sun” is synonymous with “surya” in Hindi, representing the shining celestial body.
  5. Daily English words with Hindi meaning list: A comprehensive list might include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among daily-use English words with Hindi meanings.
  6. Daily use English to Hindi words: “Please” in English corresponds to “kripya” in Hindi, a polite term frequently used in requests or expressions of courtesy.
  7. Daily used English words with meaning in Hindi: The word “thank you” in English translates to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi, expressing gratitude and appreciation.
  8. 100 daily use English words with Hindi meaning: Among the commonly used English words, “house” is translated to “ghar” in Hindi.
  9. Basic English words Hindi meaning: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a fundamental term used daily.
3001भारी अड़चन – Albatrossa species of large seafaring bird that is found mostly in the south Pacific – बड़े समुद्री पक्षी की एक प्रजाति जो अधिकतर दक्षिण प्रशांत क्षेत्र में पाई जाती हैAn albatross has a significantly larger wingspan than a seagull, but personally I think they’re nearly the same bird.
3002कोशिश – Tryto attempt an action – किसी कार्रवाई का प्रयास करनाNellie and her sister tried to fly a kite, but the wind wasn’t strong enough to hold it in the air.
3003सफ़ाई देना – Exculpateto clear of or free from guilt; exonerate – अपराधबोध से मुक्त या मुक्त होना; हक़ बहाल करनाDiane’s teenage son is constantly getting into some kind of mischief, but he knows how to charm his mother and exculpate himself.
3004सान – Honeto perfect a talent or skill – किसी प्रतिभा या कौशल को पूर्ण करनाThe tennis player practices several hours a day to hone her skills.
3005वर्णित – Describedsaid or wrote down what someone or something was like – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु कैसी थी, यह कहा या लिखाThe artist described his painting as “bright” and “colorful” when asked by the magazine to explain his style.
3006इम्पाविड – Impavidextreme courage or bravery – अत्यधिक साहस या वीरताMongols were impavid warriors who rode into dangerous battles without a thought of death.
3007नापसन्द – Dislikenot to like something; have a feeling of aversion – कोई चीज़ पसंद न आना; द्वेष की भावना रखनाDespite her obvious dislike for her new work assignment, Karen managed to finish in record time.
3008टेरप्सीचोरियन – Terpsichoreanof or relating to dancing – या नृत्य से संबंधितOur dance teacher told me I did not have a terpsichorean bone in my body because I couldn’t dance.
3009पाचन – Alimentaryof, or relating to food, nutrition or digestion – या भोजन, पोषण या पाचन से संबंधितThe esophagus is considered part of the alimentary canal because it is one of the passageways for food.
3010सीखने की अवस्था – Learning Curvethe rate at which someone learns something new – वह दर जिस पर कोई कुछ नया सीखता हैSince our new computer systems are similar to the old ones, the learning curve won’t be as steep.
3011कर्मी दल – Crewa team of people who work on the same project or job – लोगों की एक टीम जो एक ही प्रोजेक्ट या नौकरी पर काम करती हैSince the fishing boat was about to encounter a huge storm, the captain informed his crew to help make sure the boat stays afloat.
3012दहाना – Delveto search thoroughly and carefully for information – जानकारी के लिए पूरी तरह और सावधानीपूर्वक खोज करनाBecause she was planning a trip, the woman began to delve into a search for plane tickets.
3013उपाख्यान – Anecdotean interesting or amusing short story – एक दिलचस्प या मनोरंजक लघु कहानीMy favorite anecdote tells the story of an adventurous dog making his way through the city.
3014घोषणा – Declarationan important statement or announcement – एक महत्वपूर्ण वक्तव्य या घोषणाThe king made a declaration that anyone who does not pay taxes will have their head chopped off.
3015कैटफ़िश – Catfishto trick someone into a loving connection by using a fake profile online – ऑनलाइन नकली प्रोफ़ाइल का उपयोग करके किसी को प्रेम संबंध में फंसानाVirtual money scammers often target elderly women to catfish because they are lonely and want to feel that someone loves them.
3016कलंक लगाना – Calumniateto voice untrue accounts about an individual or group – किसी व्यक्ति या समूह के बारे में असत्य बातें बतानाIn an attempt to prevent the mayor’s reelection, someone has been using the Internet to calumniate the city leader’s family.
3017चौराहा – Crossroadsa point at which two roads meet – वह बिंदु जहाँ दो सड़कें मिलती हैंBoth cars stopped at a crossroads near 5th street.
3018विश्वासघात – Betrayalan action that breaks someone’s trust or is considered disloyal – ऐसा कार्य जो किसी के विश्वास को तोड़ता है या विश्वासघाती माना जाता हैAs a punishment for his betrayal to his country, the secret-selling spy was sent to prison.
3019क्रमबद्ध – Sequentialgoing in order from first to last – पहले से आखिरी तक क्रम में जा रहा हूँFactoring in algebra is sequential and must be completed in order to get the correct answer.
3020भाषाविद् – Linguistsomeone knowledgeable about languages – भाषाओं का जानकार कोईWhen the teacher was struggling with teaching the English language to the students, a linguist was consulted to assist.
3021उम्मीद की किरण – Silver lininga situation which may seem depressing, glum or hopeless but there seems to be a possibility of something good to come out of it – ऐसी स्थिति जो निराशाजनक, निराशाजनक या निराश करने वाली लग सकती है लेकिन उससे कुछ अच्छा निकलने की संभावना प्रतीत होती हैAfter the student realized she was failing four courses at her high school, there was a silver lining when she became aware that each course was offering extra credit.
3022कारवांसरी – Caravansarya crowd of individuals travelling around together or an establishment where caravans rest overnight – एक साथ यात्रा करने वाले व्यक्तियों की भीड़ या एक प्रतिष्ठान जहां कारवां रात भर आराम करते हैंOur church group felt blessed when we found a caravansary that could shelter our large party overnight.
3023रोगनिरोधी – Prophylacticsomething used to prevent a disease – किसी बीमारी को रोकने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली कोई चीज़Although the medicine has proven to be prophylactic, it does not prevent infection in all cases.
3024काया – Physiquethe size and type of a person’s body – किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर का आकार और प्रकारThe marathoner’s physique is slender and tall.
3025विलोम – Oppositesomething that is contrary to something else – कुछ ऐसा जो किसी और चीज़ के विपरीत होWhen I realized that traveling north on the interstate was wrong, I quickly went in the opposite direction and headed south.
3026डिमाग धोनेवाला – Brainwashingmind control tactics in which one forces another to believe something by continually telling them that it is true – मन पर नियंत्रण की रणनीति जिसमें कोई दूसरे को लगातार यह बताकर उस पर विश्वास करने के लिए मजबूर करता है कि यह सच हैThe abductors were good at brainwashing young girls into believing that it was their own fault that they were kidnapped.
3027सलाह देना – Prescribedoctor to give someone medication or some other kind of treatment – किसी को दवा या किसी अन्य प्रकार का उपचार देने के लिए डॉक्टरThe patient couldn’t get her doctor to take her pain seriously or prescribe medication to ease it.
3028टब – Vata massive container used to hold liquid – तरल रखने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक विशाल कंटेनरThey brewed the beer in a large vat and then transferred it into barrels to age.
3029धर्मपद बेचने का अपराध – Simonythe act of selling church offices, roles, or religious pardons – चर्च कार्यालयों, भूमिकाओं, या धार्मिक क्षमा को बेचने का कार्यSimony was outlawed by a few kings as the selling of church roles was frowned upon by many.
3030गणतंत्र – Republica nation governed by elected officials – निर्वाचित अधिकारियों द्वारा शासित राष्ट्रAfter the king was dethroned, the country became a republic led by a democratically selected leader.
3031कदाचार – Malpracticea practice or act that is harmful or negligent – ऐसा अभ्यास या कार्य जो हानिकारक या लापरवाहीपूर्ण होThe doctor’s malpractice insurance will handle the court costs associated with the lawsuit filed by his patient.
3032नियत कालीन – Periodicaloccasional or appearing at different intervals – कभी-कभार या अलग-अलग अंतराल पर दिखाई देनाTaking periodical breaks, the college freshman was able to finish his college paper in one night.
3033घेरा – Entouragegroup of attendants, associates or followers – परिचारकों, सहयोगियों या अनुयायियों का समूहThe sumo wrestler is always accompanied by an entourage that consists of his doctors, lawyers and advisers.
3034हेडस्पेस – Headspacea person’s mindset or state of mind – किसी व्यक्ति की मानसिकता या मनःस्थितिSo she can do well at work, Laura makes sure she is in a proper headspace each morning.
3035मशाल – Torchto intentionally burn something with fire – जानबूझकर किसी चीज़ को आग से जलानाA rookie chef realized at the last minute that he needed to torch the crème brulee before serving it to the customer.
3036मान्यता – Recognitionacknowledgement; identification; awareness – पावती; पहचान; जागरूकताThe biggest form of gratitude we can extend to the fallen soldiers is our recognition that they gave their lives so that others might live.
3037धूप – Incenseto make very angry – बहुत क्रोधित करनाNews of the salary reduction is sure to incense the workers.
3038कराहना – Groana low, mournful sound uttered in pain or grief – दर्द या दुःख में उच्चारित होने वाली धीमी, शोकपूर्ण ध्वनिThe boy began to whimper groan about going to school, making his parents suspect that something was not right.
3039काफी हद तक – Substantiallyextensively or significantly – बड़े पैमाने पर या महत्वपूर्ण रूप सेHaving to pay ten dollars for a small Sprite at the movie theater is a substantially expensive price to pay for a drink.
3040बेचैन – Fidgetyunable to stop moving or be still – हिलना बंद करने या स्थिर रहने में असमर्थBecause the child is so fidgety, the teacher allows him to get up and walk around the room sometimes.
3041बीमार होना – Aila trouble, symptom, or affliction – कोई परेशानी, लक्षण या कष्टA common ail that afflicts people when they have a cold is a runny nose, but that is just one of the sinus issues that come along with that.
3042संभावना – Prospectan individual who is likely to be selected or targeted – एक व्यक्ति जिसे चुने जाने या लक्षित किये जाने की संभावना हैJared improved his computer skills so he would be a good prospect for the job opening in the technology department.
3043उत्पादन – Productionmaking or manufacturing of things using raw materials – कच्चे माल का उपयोग करके चीजें बनाना या निर्माण करनाWorkers in the factory stopped production of the tires due to a broken machine.
3044खरीदना – Purchaseto buy something with money – पैसे से कुछ खरीदनाIf you want to purchase tickets for the festival, you will need to bring forty dollars to the gate.
3045सीमाचिह्न – Landmarka well-known object in a particular place that helps a person know where they are – किसी विशेष स्थान पर एक प्रसिद्ध वस्तु जो किसी व्यक्ति को यह जानने में मदद करती है कि वे कहाँ हैंIt wasn’t an X, but the small stone served as a landmark for the location of the buried treasure.
3046स्मृति चिन्ह – Mementoa special object or keepsake that one holds on to because of a memory attached to it – एक विशेष वस्तु या स्मृतिचिह्न जिसे कोई व्यक्ति उससे जुड़ी स्मृति के कारण अपने पास रखता हैEmily kept the ticket stubs for the first movie she saw with her husband as a memento of their young love.
3047आरोही – Ascendinglisted from smallest to greatest or from of least importance to most – सबसे छोटे से सबसे बड़े या सबसे कम महत्व से सबसे अधिक तक सूचीबद्धThe twenty pairs of shoes for sale in the store were stocked in ascending order from size 5 to 12.
3048अंतर – Differencesomething that is not the same between two things – कुछ ऐसा जो दो चीजों के बीच समान नहीं हैThe only difference in these two Corvettes is that one is blue and one is red, so pick whichever color you prefer.
3049निचले – Netherrear; posterior – पिछला; पीछेAn anatomy ultrasound scan of the fetus’s nether regions showed that he is definitely all boy.
3050पुनर्प्राप्ति – Recoupmenta legal action in which finances are legally recovered or retaken from someone – एक कानूनी कार्रवाई जिसमें किसी से कानूनी रूप से धन वसूल किया जाता है या वापस ले लिया जाता हैThe government can issue a recoupment, in which they take back some of the tax claims you didn’t have to pay before.
3051तेज़ – Lissomebending and moving about without any difficulty – बिना किसी कठिनाई के झुकना और घूमनाDuring the show, the lissome monkeys swung from one stand to another.
3052द्विआधारी – Binaryassociated with two elements or items – दो तत्वों या वस्तुओं से जुड़ा हुआIn a game of chess, the results are binary, one winner and one loser.
3053सुस्त – Languishinglosing strength; becoming feeble and weak – ताकत खोना; निर्बल और निर्बल हो जानाAfter many weeks lost at sea, the languishing men were quickly losing all strength.
3054परिप्रेक्ष्य – Perspectivethe way an individual views something – जिस तरह से कोई व्यक्ति किसी चीज़ को देखता हैAfter the near-fatal car accident, Sharon changed her perspective on life and decided to quit her job.
3055चंचल – Fitfulunsteady; erratic – अस्थिर; अनियमितJim was tired when he woke up after a fitful night of sleep.
3056बहुश्रुत – Polymatha person who knows a lot about many different subjects – एक व्यक्ति जो कई अलग-अलग विषयों के बारे में बहुत कुछ जानता हैLed by a polymath with lots of random knowledge, the trivia team was able to answer every correctly.
3057श्रद्धामय – Reverentialshowing humbleness and courteousness – नम्रता और शिष्टता दिखानाIn the Chinese culture, the reverential children take care of their elderly parents and expect the same from their own children.
3058उतरा – Descendedcame down slowly – धीरे-धीरे नीचे आयाThe airplane descended slowly over the runway, moving from a high altitude to a much lower one.
3059अवशेष – Relican artifact; an old object that remains; that which is left after loss or decay – एक कलाकृति; कोई पुरानी वस्तु जो बची हुई हो; वह जो हानि या क्षय के बाद बचा होI consider my great-grandmother’s wedding ring as a tangible link in my history as well as a sacred relic of the past.
3060मार्टिनेट – Martinetan individual who emphasizes discipline – एक व्यक्ति जो अनुशासन पर जोर देता हैWhen I was child, I thought my father was a martinet because he was constantly ordering me around the house.
3061गोली – Gollya word used to express surprise or delight – आश्चर्य या प्रसन्नता व्यक्त करने के लिए प्रयुक्त शब्द“Good golly, Is it seven o’clock already?” mother asked looking at her watch in amazement.
3062हेटर्स – Hertzunit of frequency – आवृत्ति की इकाईWhile undergoing a hearing test, the nurse played different sounds with a variety of hertz to determine how well the student could hear
3063उपभोग – Consumptionthe usage of an item by a specific person or group – किसी विशिष्ट व्यक्ति या समूह द्वारा किसी वस्तु का उपयोगThe consumption of large amounts of fat can trigger cardiovascular disease.
3064डायनासोर – Dinosauran (usually large) ancient reptile that lived millions of years ago – एक (आमतौर पर बड़ा) प्राचीन सरीसृप जो लाखों साल पहले रहता थाThe dinosaur bones were buried deep within the earth and painted a detailed picture of what life was like as a reptile years ago.
3065अद्वितीय – Peerlessone and only; superior than any other – सिर्फ एक; किसी भी अन्य से श्रेष्ठThe peerless boxer never loses a fight.
3066सामरिक – Martialassociated with a military way of life – सैन्य जीवन शैली से जुड़ा हुआSince my father brings his job as a colonel home, he runs our family in a martial way by assigning everyone a rank and duties.
3067नेकी – Kindlinesskindness; compassion – दयालुता; करुणाThe sweet woman’s kindliness was well known in her small community.
3068हवाबाज़ – Aviatora pilot – एक पायलटThe aviator prepared for his first flight across the Pacific by checking his engine and fueling his aircraft.
3069पूछताछ – Interrogateto question someone in a commanding manner – किसी से आदेशात्मक ढंग से प्रश्न करनाIf Jill brings a boy home, she knows her father is going to interrogate him by asking hundreds of questions.
3070तिरस्कार – Disdainthe feeling that someone/something isn’t valuable or worthy of respect – यह भावना कि कोई/वस्तु मूल्यवान या सम्मान के योग्य नहीं हैThe football player’s disdain and aloofness caused him to equally lose the respect of the fans who once loved him.
3071अपरिष्कृत – Unrefinednot treated or processed for impurities – अशुद्धियों के लिए उपचारित या संसाधित नहीं किया गयाThe unrefined sugar still contains most of its cane molasses and isn’t processed like other types of sweetener.
3072दोस्त – Frienda person who you like or enjoy spending time with – एक ऐसा व्यक्ति जिसे आप पसंद करते हैं या जिसके साथ समय बिताना आपको अच्छा लगता हैThe girl invited her friend to a sleepover so that they could play games and have a pillow fight.
3073ताड़ना – Threshto detach a seed or useless part of the crop from the rest of the flower or crop – बीज या फसल के बेकार हिस्से को बाकी फूल या फसल से अलग करनाAs soon as the farmers thresh their crops, they will usually replant the seeds on their new land.
3074बच्चा – Babea sexually attractive young woman – एक यौन रूप से आकर्षक युवा महिलाTo work at Hooters, you must be a young babe with big boobs and a collection of booty shorts.
3075अगले – Followingcoming after; behind – के बाद आ रहा है; पीछेAnother snowstorm is predicted following the current blizzard, so we expect to see snow on top of snow.
3076गुफाओंवाला – Cavernousvast; spacious – बहुत बड़ा; विशालOver ten thousand people filled the cavernous building, packing the vast stadium to capacity.
3077दोहराएं – Iteratesaid or done again and again; repeated – बार-बार कहा या किया गया; दोहराया गयाI will iterate our policy over and over to be perfectly clear.
3078चेस्र्ब सा – Cherubicresembling or possessing cuteness and charm like a round-faced child like a cherub – करूब जैसे गोल चेहरे वाले बच्चे के समान सुन्दरता और आकर्षण रखने वालाWith my grandson’s fat cheeks and lovable personality, his cherubic features delight everyone he meets.
3079डरपोक – Faintheartedtimid and lacking of courage – डरपोक और साहस की कमीPeople were surprised that the fainthearted boy would join the military since he had always been one to shy away from anything dangerous.
3080चमकदार – Glossysomething that is superficially attractive – कुछ ऐसा जो सतही तौर पर आकर्षक होThat sports car is glossy and all, but a far less expensive car could still let you get around, so why did you buy it?
3081तह करना – Foldto pleat something over onto itself – किसी चीज़ को अपने ऊपर थोपनाThe maid would often fold the bed sheets over and over until it was the size of a small rectangle so she could put it on the closet shelf.
3082पाजी – Scurvydeficiency of vitamin C – विटामिन सी की कमीMany sailors died of scurvy due to lack of access to nutritional food.
3083रद्द – Overruleto make a decision that opposes or rejects someone else’s idea, opinion, or decision – ऐसा निर्णय लेना जो किसी दूसरे के विचार, राय या निर्णय का विरोध या अस्वीकार करता होThe Supreme Court decided to overrule the states’ bans and allow same-sex marriage in the U.S.
3084विज्ञापन – Advertan advertisement – एक विज्ञापनThe newspaper advert announced position openings at the local potato plant.
3085भ्रूण – Embryoan organism in the earlier stages of development before it emerges from the egg, or before metamorphosis – अंडे से निकलने से पहले, या कायापलट से पहले एक जीव विकास के प्रारंभिक चरण में होता हैBefore I was a baby, I was an embryo.
3086थे – Belongedindicating that something once belonged to someone, but does no longer – यह दर्शाता है कि कोई चीज़ पहले किसी की थी, लेकिन अब नहीं हैThat money belonged to you, but now that you spent it, it belongs to the company you bought an item from.
3087राज-हत्या – Regicidethe killing of a king – एक राजा की हत्याThe man was charged with regicide after killing the king.
3088चायख़ाना – Refectorya cafeteria or place where meals are served – एक कैफेटेरिया या स्थान जहाँ भोजन परोसा जाता हैLunch in the hospital refectory is served from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and dinner begins at 5:00 p.m.
3089समझदार – Sensiblehaving the ability to make sound decisions – ठोस निर्णय लेने की क्षमता होनाIf you are sensible, you will not use your credit cards unnecessarily.
3090चिंतित – Worriedhad upsetting or troubling thoughts about a concern or problem – किसी चिंता या समस्या के बारे में परेशान करने वाले या परेशान करने वाले विचार आनाThe anxious mother worried about her son after he didn’t come home from school on time.
3091आधा गोला – Semicirclea half circle shape – एक अर्धवृत्ताकार आकृतिSitting in a semicircle of mismatched chairs, the arc of kindergarteners waited for their teacher to start the lesson.
3092विरोध – Resistingstanding firm; refusing to accept or go along with something – दृढ़ता से खड़ा होना; किसी चीज़ को स्वीकार करने या उसके साथ जाने से इनकार करनाThe woman was charged with resisting arrest after she refused to allow the police officer to handcuff her or place her in the cop car.
3093भिक्षावृति – Mendacitylack of honesty – ईमानदारी की कमीBecause Melinda was known for her mendacity, she was the first suspect the police interviewed.
3094सर्वोत्कृष्ट – Quintessentiala model example of a specific quality – एक विशिष्ट गुणवत्ता का एक मॉडल उदाहरणThe critics love the director’s latest film and consider it to be the quintessential horror movie.
3095राजी करना – Convinceto talk someone to into doing or believing something – किसी को कुछ करने या उस पर विश्वास करने के लिए बातचीत करनाEven though his drinking was a problem, no one could convince the alcoholic to get help.
3096अउ कुरेंट – Au courantfully informed; up-to-date – पूरी तरह से सूचित; अप टू डेटThe doctor’s medical practices are au courant since he goes to new trainings every few months.
3097जल्दबाज़ी करना – Rushto move quickly usually due to being late or something urgent – आमतौर पर देर होने या किसी जरूरी काम के कारण जल्दी से आगे बढ़नाBrad had to rush around the house looking for his uniform when he woke up late for school.
3098के अलावा – Exceptnot included, other than – के अलावा अन्य शामिल नहीं हैMy six year old son claimed to love everyone in the whole world except our neighbor, who won’t play catch with him.
3099किस्मत – Destined(of a person’s future) developing as though according to a plan – (किसी व्यक्ति के भविष्य का) मानो किसी योजना के अनुसार विकास हो रहा होBecause his father and grandfather were both surgeons, it seemed that Johnathan was destined to be a doctor as well.
3100मेहरबान – Clementmild or merciful – सौम्य या दयालुThe kind warden insists all his prisoners receive clement treatment.
3101शक्ति – Vimenergy; enthusiasm – ऊर्जा; उत्साहThe lively singer’s vim came off as a little too enthusiastic.
3102परीक्षा – Testto check the quality or performance of something – किसी चीज़ की गुणवत्ता या प्रदर्शन की जाँच करनाI decided to test the skills of my brother in a game of air hockey, but it turned out that he was much better than me.
3103परिचित – Acquaintedfamiliar with a specific subject or person – किसी विशिष्ट विषय या व्यक्ति से परिचितIf you are acquainted with the hiring manager, I would love to give him a copy of my resume.
3104फ़िज़गिग – Fizgiga young woman who acts silly and flirty – एक युवा महिला जो मूर्खतापूर्ण और खिलवाड़ का व्यवहार करती हैThe playful fizgig threw herself at any man at the bar who took notice of her.
3105अंगक – Organellea specialized part of a cell – कोशिका का एक विशेष भागAn organelle is a structure inside of a living cell that has a specific role.
3106गरिमा – Dignitya characteristic worthy of respect and esteem – सम्मान और सम्मान के योग्य एक विशेषताThe first lady’s quiet dignity made her a media favorite.
3107चुक होना – Missedlet pass; failed to see, notice, or catch – गुजर जाने दो; देखने, नोटिस करने या पकड़ने में विफलThe running back missed the ball, letting it zoom by him without even trying to catch it.
3108सुंदर बनाएं – Beautifyto make beautiful, or to increase the beauty of – सुंदर बनाना, या सुंदरता बढ़ानाTo beautify the earth, citizens need to keep the grounds clean.
3109पंडित – Scholara highly educated person who attends school and studies – एक उच्च शिक्षित व्यक्ति जो स्कूल जाता है और पढ़ाई करता हैAs a lifelong scholar, the specialist spent most of his years buried in academic studies.
3110विद्रोह – Insurgencean organized rebellion against a country’s government – किसी देश की सरकार के विरुद्ध एक संगठित विद्रोहMachine-gun toting rebels have spent months planning an insurgence and intended to rise up against the government at dawn.
3111इंटर – Interto place a dead body or object into a grave or tomb – किसी मृत शरीर या वस्तु को कब्र या कब्र में रखनाThe crypt keepers will inter the body into the tomb when the clock strikes twelve.
3112मूकाभिनय – Pantomimethe act of using gestures or movements instead of words to convey a message – किसी संदेश को संप्रेषित करने के लिए शब्दों के बजाय इशारों या गतिविधियों का उपयोग करने की क्रियाAfter being given a word related to birds, the performer acted out a pantomime in which he ran around the room flapping his arms.
3113एक झलक – Sneak peakan opportunity to see something before it is officially accessible – किसी चीज़ के आधिकारिक रूप से उपलब्ध होने से पहले उसे देखने का अवसरOur local movie theater will be giving a sneak peak of the new thriller that won’t be officially released until next week.
3114हीथ – Heatha tract of open, uncultivated land – खुली, बंजर भूमि का एक भागWild deer ran through the heath, prancing as they glided through the open plain.
3115अस्तित्व – Existentialsomething relating or dealing with existence – अस्तित्व से संबंधित या व्यवहार करने वाली कोई चीज़Perhaps the most existential question is “what is the meaning of life?”
3116बेरहमी – Toughnessthe act of being solid and effortless – ठोस और सहज होने का कार्यToughness exuded from the young man since he could take any insult and punch without even flinching.
3117राजनीति – Scrupulouslycarefully or methodically – सावधानीपूर्वक या विधिपूर्वकBecause she was so serious about keeping things well-ordered, the neat freak cleaned her home scrupulously until it was immaculate.
3118कट्टर – Hardcoreextremely dedicated and committed – अत्यंत समर्पित और प्रतिबद्धThe runner’s hardcore dedication to winning the race made him a shoe-in for the Olympics.
3119खूंटी – Stubblethe start of hair growth or regrowth on a man’s face – किसी पुरुष के चेहरे पर बालों के उगने या दोबारा उगने की शुरुआतStubble formed on Tom’s chin and cheeks since he forgot to bring his razor on his week-long trip to the mountains.
3120असहनीय – Unbearableso unpleasant or painful as to be unendurable – इतना अप्रिय या दर्दनाक कि असहनीय होThe heat was unbearable, so we went inside.
3121मज़ा – Funenjoying or entertaining – आनंद लेना या मनोरंजन करनाGoing to the exciting party was the most fun I’ve had in ages.
3122भावना – Reveriea daydream or trance – एक दिवास्वप्न या ट्रान्सThe screaming children interrupted their mother’s reverie, pulling her away from her dream with their constant hollering.
3123गुप्त – Incognitowithout revealing one’s identity; in disguise – अपनी पहचान उजागर किये बिना; भेष मेंEven stars who go out incognito are often recognized by the public and hounded by the paparazzi.
3124आधार – Bedrocksolid rock that is under the soil – ठोस चट्टान जो मिट्टी के नीचे होती हैIn areas where soil is scarce, solid bedrock lies right under the surface.
3125इकट्ठा – Gatheredcollected; brought together – एकत्र किया हुआ; एक साथ लाया गयाThe town’s citizens gathered food and clothing from many different sources and gave them to families in need.
3126विकट – Knottyfull of knots, tangles, or lumps – गांठों, उलझनों या गांठों से भरा हुआThe girl’s hair was always knotty and hard to comb out after she went swimming.
3127मनोविकृति – Psychosisa severe mental disorder – एक गंभीर मानसिक विकारAfter three doctor visits, the man suffered from psychosis due to his mind-altering hallucinations and obscure delusions.
3128ग्राफ़िक – Graphicrelated to visual art, especially drawing or lettering – दृश्य कला से संबंधित, विशेषकर ड्राइंग या लेटरिंग सेThe graphic design artist created a marketing photo using a high-tech visual art app.
3129ट्रापेज़ – Trapezea gymnastic or acrobatic apparatus made of a short bar hanging high up in the air from two ropes – दो रस्सियों से हवा में ऊपर लटकी हुई एक छोटी छड़ से बना एक जिमनास्टिक या कलाबाजी उपकरणSwinging from the trapeze, the acrobat did crowd wowing tricks as she dangled on the bar.
3130वैयक्तिकृत करें – Personalizeto customize something or tailor it to specific needs – किसी चीज़ को अनुकूलित करना या उसे विशिष्ट आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप बनानाThe company was able to personalize my phone case by adding a picture and my initials to it.
3131एंड्रागॉजी – Andragogythe practice of teaching adult learners – वयस्क शिक्षार्थियों को पढ़ाने का अभ्यासSome teachers prefer andragogy because they would rather teach adults students than children, being less hassle.
3132उलझाना – Confoundto mix up or confuse – मिलाना या भ्रमित करनाIf the nurse does not read the labels, she will confound the medications and possibly harm patients.
3133पागल – Insanebeing of an irrational or crazy mental state – तर्कहीन या पागल मानसिक स्थिति का होनाThe insane woman believed that she had two different people living inside of her mind, and that they were entirely separate from her.
3134इबिडेम – Ibidemdenotes a footnote citation that was already referenced in a prior footnote – एक फ़ुटनोट उद्धरण को दर्शाता है जिसे पहले से ही पिछले फ़ुटनोट में संदर्भित किया गया थाBecause I had already written the footnote once, when it came up on another page later I simply marked it as Ibidem.
3135जोखिमी – Parlousunsafe; risky – असुरक्षित; जोखिम भराBecause of the storm, it was parlous for the children to leave school.
3136नजर रखी – Monitoredobserved or watched over something – किसी चीज़ का निरीक्षण या अवलोकन करनाThe nurses monitored the patient’s vital signs, recording any change that they noticed during the night.
3137कारखाना – Factorya building were products are made – एक इमारत में उत्पाद बनाये जाते हैंFactory employees work Monday through Friday making the rubber stoppers that go in bathtubs.
3138असफल – Failedunsuccessful; fell short of a goal – असफल; एक गोल से चूक गएThe runner failed to reach the finish line in time, so she did not win a medal.
3139अनुभव किया – Feltperceived or sensed something, especially through touch – किसी चीज़ को महसूस करना या महसूस करना, विशेषकर स्पर्श के माध्यम सेThe children knew that it was time to go inside when they felt cold raindrops hit their skin.
3140उथल-पुथल – Upheavalan abrupt disruption or change – अचानक व्यवधान या परिवर्तनThe sudden closing of the interstate exit is going to be an upheaval for local residents.
3141कराहना – Whinea long, high-pitched sound – एक लंबी, ऊँची आवाज़The toddler’s high-pitched whine annoyed everyone in her house.
3142जैसे लोग – Ilka group of people of the same type, usually used in a negative context – एक ही प्रकार के लोगों का समूह, आमतौर पर नकारात्मक संदर्भ में उपयोग किया जाता हैTheresa was tired of her husband and his ilk and swore that she would never trust men again.
3143नमूदार – Discerniblenoticeable – ध्यान देने योग्यIt was discernible to everyone that the homeless man did not belong at the luxury hotel.
3144सीमा – Boundarya line that marks the limits of an area – वह रेखा जो किसी क्षेत्र की सीमा को चिह्नित करती हैThe boundary between North and South Korea is marked by a barrier that functions as a demilitarized zone.
3145आलसी – Lazylacking motivation or a willingness to expend energy – प्रेरणा की कमी या ऊर्जा खर्च करने की इच्छाMost people find it very easy to be lazy on the weekend, since they like to avoid work after a busy week of school or a job.
3146एकरसता – Monotonyrepetition or lack of change that makes something boring – दोहराव या परिवर्तन की कमी जो किसी चीज़ को उबाऊ बना देती हैAdding seasoning to the bland stew helped break up the monotony of the dish.
3147विधिवेत्ता – Juristan individual with a deep awareness of the law – कानून के प्रति गहरी जागरूकता रखने वाला व्यक्तिBy passing the bar examination, a person shows he is a knowledgeable jurist capable of being a successful attorney.
3148योग्य – Eligiblethe ability or qualifications to meet or fulfill a stipulation – किसी शर्त को पूरा करने या पूरा करने की क्षमता या योग्यताMary was eligible for rehire with the Thompson Paper Company because she was simply laid off from her secretarial position the year before.
3149कार्यकर्ता – Activista person who campaigns for some kind of social change – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी प्रकार के सामाजिक परिवर्तन के लिए अभियान चलाता हैThe political activist spent hours trying to convince us to vote for Ted.
3150झूठा ठहराना – Confuteto prove something wrong – कुछ ग़लत साबित करने के लिएCertain that she could find evidence, the young lawyer set out to confute the witness’s story against her client.
3151डालियां फैलना – Ramifyintensify or complicate – तीव्र या जटिल करनाAs the group’s questions began to ramify and thwart the event, the author began to think a Q and A session might better serve their interest.
3152खाका – Templatea shaped piece of metal, wood, card, plastic, or other material used as a pattern for processes such as painting, cutting out, shaping, or drilling – धातु, लकड़ी, कार्ड, प्लास्टिक या अन्य सामग्री का एक आकार का टुकड़ा जिसका उपयोग पेंटिंग, काटने, आकार देने या ड्रिलिंग जैसी प्रक्रियाओं के लिए एक पैटर्न के रूप में किया जाता है।The recent graduate used a template off of the internet to format her resume.
3153अप्रभावी – Ineffectivenot performing as expected – अपेक्षा के अनुरूप प्रदर्शन नहीं करनाThe housekeeper returned the ineffective vacuum cleaner and purchased one that worked much better.
3154नागरिक – Citizena legally recognized resident of a city, state, or town – किसी शहर, राज्य या कस्बे का कानूनी रूप से मान्यता प्राप्त निवासीThe path to becoming a citizen is a long one for illegal residents or those who have previously committed crimes.
3155शोषित – Exploitedutilize someone or something for their own personal gain – अपने निजी लाभ के लिए किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु का उपयोग करना“Jane exploited the situation,” Karen responded, “since she only came to our party to eat dinner.”
3156बाहर निकलना – Exitto go away or leave a place – दूर चले जाना या कोई स्थान छोड़ देनाOnce the movie is over, the patrons will exit the theater and get in their cars to go home.
3157आहत – Hurtto injure something – किसी चीज़ को चोट पहुँचानाDon was unable to finish his final football game because he hurt his knee.
3158ज्वर-संबंधी – Febrileassociated with a fever – बुखार से सम्बंधितThe mother gave her febrile son acetaminophen to bring down his body temperature.
3159सोरिंग – Soaringmoving up rapidly – तेजी से ऊपर बढ़ रहा हैGas prices were soaring in the summer, quickly shooting up by 80 cents per gallon in a few days.
3160सीसे का – Saturninesad and solemn – दुखद और गंभीरThe dog’s eyes became saturnine whenever he was left at home alone.
3161अक्षमता – Inabilitylack of the ability to do something; incapability – कुछ करने की क्षमता की कमी; असमर्थताHis inability to walk meant that he would need a wheelchair.
3162प्रवास – Migrationa relocation of a large group to another area – एक बड़े समूह का दूसरे क्षेत्र में स्थानांतरणThe forced migration of the Native American Indians was a deadly journey.
3163कोलाइड – Collideto crash or smack into one another – एक दूसरे से टकराना या टकरानाThe snowy conditions caused the car to collide into the back of the semi-truck.
3164साथी – Companiona person who accompanies another person while traveling or doing other tasks – वह व्यक्ति जो यात्रा करते समय या अन्य कार्य करते समय दूसरे व्यक्ति के साथ जाता हैThe service dog acts as a companion to the blind man and follows him everywhere he goes.
3165तबाही – Exterminationthe systematic killing of a group of people or animals – लोगों या जानवरों के एक समूह की व्यवस्थित हत्याExtermination of a wasp nest is usually as simple as spraying it with a special chemical.
3166युवा – Younghaving existed for a brief time – थोड़े समय के लिए अस्तित्व में रहाThe young tree sapling was planted just last year, and has yet to grow into a big and strong trunk.
3167चपलता – Agilitynimbleness and quickness of motion, both physically and figuratively – शारीरिक और आलंकारिक रूप से, चपलता और गति की तीव्रताThe coach was amazed at Jim’s agility on the court, especially the way he switches direction without pause.
3168पेटूपन – Voracityextreme hunger for food or an activity that is powerful and consuming – भोजन या किसी ऐसी गतिविधि के लिए अत्यधिक भूख जो शक्तिशाली और खपत करने वाली होHer voracity for reading was marked by her overflowing bookshelves, too much money spent at her favorite little bookshop, and the fact that she read at least one book a day.
3169जल्दी करना – Hastento move in a quick fashion – त्वरित गति से आगे बढ़नाMarilyn made an attempt to hasten the death of her elderly husband by putting arsenic in his food.
3170शैली – Genrea particular type of music, writing, film, or art – एक विशेष प्रकार का संगीत, लेखन, फ़िल्म या कलाRock was his favorite genre of music, but he also had a secret love for country.
3171अनिवार्य – Imperativeessential – आवश्यकIf you’re serious about getting healthy, it’s imperative that you follow a healthy lifestyle, make the right food choices, and exercise regularly.
3172भूखा – Hungryto be famished due to not having food in the stomach – पेट में भोजन न होने के कारण भूखा रहनाWe were so hungry at 1:30 p.m. since we did not have breakfast and had done manual labor since 6 a.m.
3173उपदेश करना – Moralizeto express opinions about whether specific actions are good or bad – विशिष्ट कार्य अच्छे हैं या बुरे, इसके बारे में राय व्यक्त करनाAesop wrote fables to moralize, helping parents teach their children right from wrong.
3174पितृसत्तात्मकता – Patriarchya system of authority in which males are the power holders – सत्ता की एक प्रणाली जिसमें पुरुष सत्ता धारक होते हैंFor over a hundred years the country has been ruled through the patriarchy of kings.
3175तोपची – Gunneran excessive go-getter – अत्यधिक घूमने वालाA gunner by nature, the overly ambitious chef will stop at nothing to make sure his restaurant succeeds.
3176पालन किया – Followedpursued or chased someone, usually in an effort to catch them or see what they are doing – किसी का पीछा करना या पीछा करना, आमतौर पर उन्हें पकड़ने या यह देखने के प्रयास में कि वे क्या कर रहे हैंThe puppy followed his owner out of the house, down the steps, and into the backyard.
3177नैतिक – Moralisticquick to judge others based on a narrow view of what is right and wrong – सही और गलत के संकीर्ण दृष्टिकोण के आधार पर दूसरों का मूल्यांकन करने में जल्दबाजी करनाThe moralistic pastor called out members of his congregation for what he saw as sinful behaviors.
3178लदान – Shipmenta quantity of goods that are being shipped – माल की वह मात्रा जो भेजी जा रही हैOnly one shipment of the exclusive toy arrived on time, leaving frenzied shoppers in a panic to get their hands on one.
3179तट पर – Ashorethe land along the edge of a large body of water – जल के विशाल भंडार के किनारे की भूमिThe passengers went ashore once the cruise line made their scheduled stop in Florida.
3180हम्वी – Humveea military vehicle that combines the features of a jeep with those of a truck – एक सैन्य वाहन जो ट्रक की विशेषताओं के साथ जीप की विशेषताओं को जोड़ता हैThe soldiers jumped into the Humvee and rode the Jeep-like vehicle into the desert.
3181निपटारा करना – Settleto reach a decision or agreement – किसी निर्णय या समझौते पर पहुँचनाThe sisters couldn’t settle their argument, so their mother took the bike from both of them.
3182भाषण – Lecturean educational talk to an audience, usually as a professor to students – दर्शकों के साथ एक शैक्षिक बातचीत, आमतौर पर छात्रों के लिए एक प्रोफेसर के रूप मेंThe class I am currently in is lecture based, requiring me to sit through long verbal lessons from the professor.
3183कानून का शासन – Rule of lawa legal principle that law should be the basis of governing a country and not the decisions of individual government officials – एक कानूनी सिद्धांत कि किसी देश पर शासन करने का आधार कानून होना चाहिए, न कि व्यक्तिगत सरकारी अधिकारियों के निर्णयRule of law was established to take away some of the power of kings and make sure that all people were held accountable for their actions.
3184उदार – Chivalrousdisplaying respect to members of the female sex – महिला लिंग के सदस्यों के प्रति सम्मान प्रदर्शित करनाMy chivalrous husband always opens doors for me.
3185प्रबल – Overpowerto take over or overwhelm something – किसी चीज़ पर कब्ज़ा करना या अभिभूत करनाThe scent of garlic began to overpower the kitchen and could be smelled all the way outside.
3186चौखटा – Frameconspire to incriminate falsely a presumably innocent person – किसी कथित निर्दोष व्यक्ति को झूठा दोषी ठहराने की साजिश रचनाThe detectives proved that an upset ex-boyfriend placed a gun in his ex-girlfriend’s car to frame her.
3187ज़ाहिर – Indubitablewithout doubt; undisputable – बेशक; निर्विवादBecause Frank has twenty years of work experience, it is indubitable he is qualified for the position.
3188बाल चिकित्सा – Pediatricrelating to the branch of medicine that deals with children and their diseases – चिकित्सा की उस शाखा से संबंधित जो बच्चों और उनकी बीमारियों से संबंधित हैBecause she liked working with children the best, the medical student decided to specialize in pediatric care.
3189नियंत्रण समूह – Control groupthe group of people in a study or experimentation that do not take the treatment or action – किसी अध्ययन या प्रयोग में शामिल लोगों का समूह जो उपचार या कार्रवाई नहीं करता हैResearch found that the weight loss product worked because the control group maintained their weight whereas the experimental group took the product and lost a lot of weight.
3190सीमा – Precinctan area of town reserved for police or voting purposes – पुलिस या मतदान प्रयोजनों के लिए आरक्षित शहर का एक क्षेत्रThe voter was not sure which precinct he should report to on Election Day.
3191अतिक्रमण करना – Encroachto slowly move into another person’s area – धीरे-धीरे किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के क्षेत्र में जानाMy coworker is always leaning on my desk and trying to encroach upon my personal space.
3192गहरी – Enviablegreatly sought-after – अत्यधिक मांग वालाThe Smiths bought an enviable mansion in one of the town’s most sought-after neighborhoods.
3193सुख देना – Beatifyto make something holy or sacred – किसी चीज़ को पवित्र या पवित्र बनानाThe church was quick to beatify Mary for her role as the mother of Jesus.
3194अपराध – Delinquencyfailure to pay a debt that is owed – बकाया ऋण का भुगतान करने में विफलताA delinquency on the student’s account meant that he still owed lunch money from last year.
3195राजनैतिक तौर पर सही – Politically correctreplying, stating or behaving appropriately – उचित उत्तर देना, बताना या व्यवहार करना“It is not politically correct to call adults who are under four feet ten inches in height as midgets because they consider that offensive,” the counselor told the teenage audience.
3196कुटिल – Nefariousvery evil and wicked – बहुत दुष्ट और दुष्टHow nefarious of you to fling dog crap on my car!
3197किसी का ध्यान नहीं – Unnoticednot noticed; occurring without someone’s awareness – सूचित नहीं; किसी की जागरूकता के बिना घटित होनाThe ninja was able to sneak through the compound unnoticed, not being seen by even the sharpest guards
3198दिल मरोड देना – Heart-Wrenchingemotionally saddening evoking pity or empathy – भावनात्मक रूप से दुखी करने वाला, दया या सहानुभूति जगाने वालाThe orphans’ heart-wrenching tale included being deserted by her parents and scorned by nearly everyone in her hometown.
3199परावर्तन – Reflectancea measure of the ability of a surface to reflect light – किसी सतह की प्रकाश को परावर्तित करने की क्षमता का मापDuring the science experiment, the students tried to measure the reflectance of each object by shining light on its surface.
3200तर्क दिया – Arguedquarreled; disagreed with someone verbally – झगड़ा हुआ; मौखिक रूप से किसी से असहमत होनाThe quarreling couple constantly argued about money and eventually divorced because of their disagreements.
3201स्टैंसिल – Stencilto color or paint a design or picture using a template where the shape has been cut out – किसी टेम्पलेट का उपयोग करके किसी डिज़ाइन या चित्र को रंगना या पेंट करना जहां आकार काटा गया होTo stencil the figure onto the wall, the artist taped the cardboard in the correct place and painted over it.
3202बहुत अपेक्षाएँ रखने वाला – Demandingan attitude of expecting or making others meet high standards or expectations – दूसरों से उच्च मानकों या अपेक्षाओं को पूरा करने की अपेक्षा करने या उन्हें पूरा करने की प्रवृत्तिThe General is an extremely demanding commander, but only because he knows his troops are capable of exemplary performance.
3203व्याकुलता – Bafflementa state of confusion or disarray – भ्रम या अव्यवस्था की स्थितिThe man was left in bafflement when he witnessed something he couldn’t explain occur on the side of the road.
3204कमबीन – Short-sightedhaving a deficiency in being able to see warnings or having wisdom – चेतावनियाँ देखने में सक्षम होने या ज्ञान रखने में कमी होनाEven with all of the warnings of the approaching category 4 hurricane, the shortsighted family stayed in the area because they didn’t think the storm was going to be that bad.
3205शादी से पहले – Premaritaloccurring before marriage – शादी से पहले होने वालाDuring premarital counseling, the engaged couple discussed the goals they had for their future marriage.
3206उन्मत्त – Freneticfast, frantic, harried, or frenzied – तेज़, उन्मत्त, परेशान, या उन्मत्तAfter keeping up a frenetic pace trying to keep up with classes, work, and family, Marcy felt like she was on the brink of a nervous breakdown.
3207सूंघना – Sniffbringing in air through the nose in order to smell something – किसी चीज़ को सूंघने के लिए नाक के माध्यम से हवा अंदर लानाHaving the carsick woman sniff and taste ginger helped her to feel a little better.
3208दिखावटी – Grandioseappearing to be impressive but not really possible or practical – प्रभावशाली प्रतीत होता है लेकिन वास्तव में संभव या व्यावहारिक नहीं हैThe idea of throwing a party on top of the swimming pool seemed quite grandiose to everyone in the room.
3209दुर्घटनाग्रस्त – Crashedfor a vehicle to have unintentionally collided with something – किसी वाहन का अनजाने में किसी चीज़ से टकरा जानाThe plane crashed into the ocean when both of its engines died, forcing it out of the air against the pilot’s will.
3210भागना – Skedaddleto flee or go away hastily – जल्दी से भाग जाना या चले जानाWhen the tornado turned toward the storm chasers, they realized they had better skedaddle to a safer location.
3211वन्यजीव – Wildlifeanimals and plants thriving in a natural environment – प्राकृतिक वातावरण में पनप रहे जानवर और पौधेThe deer hunter creeped through the forest, carefully searching for wildlife to trap.
3212नष्ट किया हुआ – Destroyedwrecked or ruined – नष्ट या नष्ट किया हुआThe tornado destroyed the entire street, picking up the houses and throwing them several hundred feet.
3213संगीत – Musicalmelodic or tuneful – मधुर या सुरीलाThe young woman’s musical ability shined through in her singing performance.
3214दृढ़ रहना – Persistto strongly maintain or carry on – दृढ़ता से बनाए रखना या जारी रखनाOnce the detectives decided to persist with their interrogation for ten hours, the suspect finally confessed to the crime.
3215विनाशकारी – Disastrouscatastrophic; devastating – विनाशकारी; भयानकThe disastrous date ended with the woman running to the bathroom in tears and the man skipping out on the check.
3216बेलगाम – Disputatioustaking pleasure in arguments – तर्क-वितर्क में आनंद लेनाBecause Ashley is a disputatious person, she is a huge asset to the debate team.
3217का लाभ – Invigorateenergize or give life – ऊर्जा देना या जीवन देनाHopefully the energy drink will invigorate me so I can work all night on my paper.
3218विस्टा – Vistaa distant view or scene – दूर का दृश्य या दृश्यThe vacationers could see their favorite bay vista from the top of the tower.
3219साँप – Serpenta snake – एक साँपThe little girl screamed as the serpent slithered past her leg.
3220फ़ैसिस्टवाद – Fascisma government that is ruled by a powerful dictator having control of everyone/everything – एक ऐसी सरकार जिस पर एक शक्तिशाली तानाशाह का शासन होता है जिसका सभी/हर चीज़ पर नियंत्रण होता हैWhen the mayor discussed the possibility of a local curfew, the citizens immediately accused him of fascism.
3221विपत्ति – Fatalitydeath resulting from an accident or disaster – किसी दुर्घटना या आपदा से होने वाली मृत्युFatality rates for motorcycle crashes is over 27 times that of automobiles.
3222अदोनिस – Adonisa very handsome young man – एक बहुत सुंदर युवक“Look at that Adonis,” the girl giggled to her friend as the handsome new freshman walked into the cafeteria.
3223अचिंतित – Extemporaneouscompleted without any type of advance preparation – बिना किसी प्रकार की अग्रिम तैयारी के पूरा किया गयाInstead of giving his prepared speech, the minister delivered an extemporaneous statement about the recent terrorist attacks.
3224प्रवेश के योग्य – Permeablethat absorbs or allows the passage of fluids or gases – जो तरल पदार्थ या गैसों को अवशोषित करता है या उन्हें गुजरने देता हैThe permeable material allowed a large amount of water to seep through.
3225काम – Employto make use of something or hire somebody to work – किसी चीज़ का उपयोग करना या किसी को काम पर रखनाThe boutique was looking to employ fashion designers.
3226ट्यूटोरियल – Tutoriala training session or lesson that provides step-by-step instructions on how to do something – एक प्रशिक्षण सत्र या पाठ जो कुछ करने के बारे में चरण-दर-चरण निर्देश प्रदान करता हैBy following the Youtube makeup tutorial, Tatiana was able to learn how to put on eyeliner correctly.
3227वर्गीकृत – Classifyto arrange things into groups depending on their shared qualities – चीज़ों को उनके साझा गुणों के आधार पर समूहों में व्यवस्थित करनाI tend to classify motor vehicles based on their shape and aesthetic design, by separating them into cars, trucks, and SUVs.
3228दिमाग उड़ा रहा है – Mind-blowingincredible or shocking – अविश्वसनीय या चौंकाने वालाWhen my son with poor hearing first received his hearing aid, it was written all over his face how mind-blowing it was for him to hear the world for the first time.
3229डाह खाना – Begrudgeto be envious of what one feels another does not deserve – किसी को जो लगता है कि दूसरा उसके लायक नहीं है, उससे ईर्ष्या करनाIt is impossible for me to not begrudge my neighbor of the ten million dollars he won in the lottery.
3230सम्मेलन – Conventiona formal meeting or assembly – एक औपचारिक बैठक या सभाA convention was called so that the delegates could vote on the laws.
3231मिलन स्थल – Rendezvousan arranged meeting that is often held in secrecy – एक व्यवस्थित बैठक जो अक्सर गुप्त रूप से आयोजित की जाती हैThe detective is going to try and catch the lovers during their intimate rendezvous.
3232दीप्ति – Refulgencethe quality of shining out light in a bright way – प्रकाश को उज्जवल तरीके से चमकाने का गुणThe soft refulgence of the candle’s brilliant flame gave off just enough light for the writer to pen her novel after midnight.
3233विनती करना – Entreatto make an important request; ask for – एक महत्वपूर्ण अनुरोध करने के लिए; पूछनाI entreat you to donate some time tomorrow for our neighborhood clean-up program.
3234पादरियों की सभा – Synoda council – एक परिषदThe synod of scholars met to discuss important developments in academia.
3235उचित – Advisableworthy of being recommended; desirable – सिफ़ारिश के योग्य; वांछितIt is advisable to fill your tank before heading out on a trip so that you do not waste time worrying about where to find the nearest gas station.
3236आपसी साँठ – गाँठ – Collusiona private agreement for a dishonest purpose – किसी बेईमान उद्देश्य के लिए एक निजी समझौताUnder the collusion between the crooked cops and the drug dealers, the officers receive fifteen percent of the drug profits.
3237गुमराह – Misleadto make someone believe something that is untrue by giving them wrong or incomplete information – किसी को गलत या अधूरी जानकारी देकर उस पर विश्वास कराना जो असत्य हैShe would mislead all of her boyfriends into believing she wanted something more serious.
3238घबराहट – Nervousnessanxiety; edginess – चिंता; तीक्ष्णताDuring dinner, the gentleman could sense his date’s nervousness as she anxiously tapped her fingers on the table.
3239टॉनिक – Tonicanything (especially medicine) that helps one feel better – कोई भी चीज़ (विशेष रूप से दवा) जो किसी को बेहतर महसूस करने में मदद करती हैA nice meal in a relaxing restaurant was the perfect feel-good tonic before the traveler’s long flight back to New York.
3240वितरण – Distributionthe provision of goods and materials to multiple recipients – एकाधिक प्राप्तकर्ताओं को वस्तुओं और सामग्रियों का प्रावधानMultiple people won the contest held by the state, but they would have to wait for the prize distribution to take place a month later.
3241रीक्लेम – Reclaimto retrieve or recover something that was once lost – किसी ऐसी चीज़ को पुनः प्राप्त करना या पुनर्प्राप्त करना जो एक बार खो गई थीThe invaders fought with the country’s soldiers to reclaim the land that belonged to them so long ago.
3242मनहूस – Wretchedincredibly miserable – अविश्वसनीय रूप से दयनीयThe migraine made Cathy feel wretched.
3243अप्रिय – Obnoxiousdisagreeable in a way that disgusts other people – इस तरह से अप्रिय जिससे दूसरे लोगों को घृणा होNobody wanted to talk to the obnoxious man.
3244अनुबंध – Appendixthe last part of a book or essay where extra information pertaining to the topic is included; sometimes with a graphic aid – किसी पुस्तक या निबंध का अंतिम भाग जहां विषय से संबंधित अतिरिक्त जानकारी शामिल होती है; कभी-कभी ग्राफ़िक सहायता से“Your APA paper should contain an appendix located after the works cited page of your paper,” said the professor to his students.
3245झगड़ा करना – Fighta physical conflict between two entities – दो संस्थाओं के बीच एक शारीरिक संघर्षHaving encroached on each other’s territory, the two bears were quick to fight one another with their teeth and claws.
3246बिना शक्ति का – Forcelessweak and feeble; without force – कमज़ोर और कमज़ोर; बिना बल केThe couple’s newest quarrel was a forceless argument with neither partner giving much effort to change the other’s mind.
3247पारस्परिक – Reciprocitythe state of having an agreement in which actions and feelings are mutually exchanged – एक समझौता होने की स्थिति जिसमें कार्यों और भावनाओं का परस्पर आदान-प्रदान होता हैBecause my best friend and I have mutual reciprocity, we always look out for each other.
3248बच्चों की गाड़ी – Bassineta baby’s basketlike bed – एक बच्चे का टोकरी जैसा बिस्तरRocking the baby in the wicker bassinet, the new mother desperately waited for the moment her son would fall asleep in his bed.
3249खोदना – Etchto cut a pattern or picture into a surface especially wood, metal, or glass – किसी सतह, विशेषकर लकड़ी, धातु या कांच में किसी पैटर्न या चित्र को काटनाYoung lovers in the park usually etch their initials into the tree with a heart in the middle.
3250टक्कर – Percussionan instrument that makes music when struck – एक वाद्ययंत्र जिसे बजाने पर संगीत उत्पन्न होता हैOf all the instruments, the drums were the highlight of the band’s percussion performance.
3251धैर्य – Endurancethe ability to do something difficult for a long time – किसी कठिन कार्य को लंबे समय तक करने की क्षमताShe admired her grandmother’s endurance throughout the grueling cancer treatments.
3252overindulge – Overindulgeto have too much of something you desire – किसी चीज़ की बहुत अधिक इच्छा करनाMy husband Charlie hid the kids candy they received from Halloween so they wouldn’t overindulge.
3253फुलिगिनस – Fuliginoussooty; smoky – कालिखयुक्त; धुँआधारSmog has caused many of the high-rises in the city to be fuliginous.
3254प्रसिद्ध – Notablefamous and remarkable – प्रसिद्ध और उल्लेखनीयWhen the speaker used a notable quote in her speech, everyone in the audience knew who she was referring to since they had heard that quote before.
3255कठबोली – Argota unique language used by certain groups or people with a particular occupation – कुछ समूहों या किसी विशेष व्यवसाय वाले लोगों द्वारा उपयोग की जाने वाली एक अनोखी भाषाThe old woman could not understand the argot her granddaughter used to communicate with her friends.
3256वजह – Causedmade something happen – कुछ घटित कियाThe forgetful chef caused a kitchen fire after he left a grease pot boiling on the stove.
3257टीका करना – Descantto talk for a long time – बहुत देर तक बात करनाI never have any desire to descant with anyone about anything, since I prefer to keep my conversations short and sweet.
3258रिलेशनल – Relationalrelating to the connection between two things – दो चीजों के बीच संबंध से संबंधितThe relational database contained data that was connected to both of the businesses.
3259चाहना – Affectto change or influence – बदलना या प्रभावित करनाIf the boy had known skipping class would negatively affect his grades, he would never have missed his lectures.
3260संबद्ध – Belongingbeing the property of – की संपत्ति होने के नातेAfter her home caught on fire, Jane and her husband ended up staying in a cottage belonging to her sister.
3261समत्रिभाजन – Trisectto divide something into three parts – किसी चीज़ को तीन भागों में बाँटनाI decided to trisect the candy bar so that my two friends could share it with me.
3262चिड़चिड़ा – Fretfulanxious; worried – चिंतित; चिंतितMy mother was fretful about planning my wedding on a week’s notice.
3263छोटा गुप्त घर – Snuggerya comfortable place or position – आरामदायक स्थान या स्थितिThe quaint cabin was a snuggery of privacy and reflection for the writer.
3264विकल्प – Substitutesomething that is an alternative or replacement for something else – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो किसी अन्य चीज़ का विकल्प या प्रतिस्थापन होWhile looking in my refrigerator, I realized I would have to substitute whole milk for heavy cream since I didn’t have any cream in the house.
3265दृढ़तापूर्वक निवेदन करना – Urgedpushed or pressured to do something – कुछ करने के लिए धक्का देना या दबाव डालनाThe police officer urged the suspect to turn himself in, but the man refused to listen to his warning.
3266अपरंपरागत – Unorthodoxnontraditional – गैर-पारंपरिकNot wearing the school uniform in the Christian school is viewed as unorthodox behavior.
3267चिड़चिड़ा – Jitteryshaky and nervous – अस्थिर और घबराया हुआThe nervous puppy is always jittery when we go to see the vet.
3268टर्बो – Turboa fan in the engine of a car or plane that improves its performance – कार या विमान के इंजन में लगा पंखा जो उसके प्रदर्शन को बेहतर बनाता हैBy adding a turbo boost to the engine, the NASCAR driver was able to max out his speed.
3269तावीज़ – Talismana charm worn or kept to bring good fortune and ward off evil; lucky charm – अच्छा भाग्य लाने और बुराई को दूर रखने के लिए पहना या रखा जाने वाला ताबीज; लकी वस्तु या टोटकाThe gambler would not play a single game unless his talisman was in his shirt pocket.
3270निर्भरता – Dependencean addiction – एक लतJoel’s dependence on alcohol has made it so he will do anything to get more, even if it is a very bad idea.
3271सिंडिकेट – Syndicatea group that comes together to buy, trade, invest, or negotiate, usually with large amounts of capital or goods on the line – एक समूह जो आमतौर पर बड़ी मात्रा में पूंजी या सामान लाइन पर लेकर खरीदने, व्यापार करने, निवेश करने या बातचीत करने के लिए एक साथ आता हैMembers of the sports syndicate crafted an elaborate system to keep track of the millions of dollars placed in bets on major NFL games.
3272ब्लॉकबस्टिंग – Blockbustingvery successful, especially financially – बहुत सफल, विशेषकर आर्थिक रूप सेDespite Fortnite’s success as a blockbusting video game, Tetris still ranks as the best-selling game of all time.
3273भ्रष्टता – Depravitymoral corruption; wickedness – नैतिक भ्रष्टाचार; दुष्टताAlthough Linda was raised in a religious household, she now lives a life filled with depravity.
3274परीक्षक – Checkera person or program that verifies the accuracy of data – एक व्यक्ति या प्रोग्राम जो डेटा की सटीकता की पुष्टि करता हैThe checker at the grocery store scanned my items and gave me the total.
3275सराहना – Applaudto congratulate by clapping – ताली बजाकर बधाई देनाFollowing the wonderful performance of the local opera company on opening night, the audience did applaud by standing up at the end and cheering.
3276वाणिज्य दूतावास – Consulatethe office or building where a consul works – वह कार्यालय या भवन जहाँ कौंसल काम करता हैWhile traveling to China, I decided to address my issues at the consulate.
3277होंचो – Honchothe person in charge – प्रभारी व्यक्तिAs head honcho of the company, the CEO was in charge of all the staff.
3278स्थिर – Unchangedthe same as before; not altered in any way – पहले की तरह ही; किसी भी प्रकार से परिवर्तन नहीं किया गयाWhen the time on the hands on the clock remained unchanged for four to six, I knew that it was broken.
3279निष्कासित – Expelto force something out such as liquid and air; eliminate – तरल और हवा जैसी किसी चीज़ को जबरदस्ती बाहर निकालना; हटानाWhen Susan was sick with bronchitis, the doctor told her to cough up the mucus and immediately expel it.
3280झोपड़ी – Huta one room, simple shelter made out of natural elements – एक कमरा, प्राकृतिक तत्वों से बना साधारण आश्रयBuilding a small hut, the stranded sailors hoped their makeshift shelter would hold up.
3281कड़ा जवाब देनेवाला – Objectorsomeone who campaigns or is against something – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी चीज़ के विरुद्ध अभियान चलाता हो या उसके विरुद्ध होEven though all 25 students voted to go outside to play, the objector in the classroom voiced his reason for wanting everyone to stay inside.
3282tantalizing – Tantalizingdisplaying something that arouses desire or interest – कोई ऐसी चीज़ प्रदर्शित करना जिससे इच्छा या रुचि पैदा होSince I am on a diet, I must ignore the tantalizing smells coming from the bakery.
3283पृथक्करण – Separationdisconnection or detachment – वियोग या अलगावSeparation of Church and State allows the government to run without a connection to a particular religion.
3284नामस्रोत – Eponymousa title or name that is derived from another name – एक शीर्षक या नाम जो किसी अन्य नाम से लिया गया हैThe singer’s first album was eponymous and carried her name as the record title.
3285बटालियन – Battaliona military unit that is usually 300 to 800 soldiers, comprised of several companies – एक सैन्य इकाई जिसमें आमतौर पर 300 से 800 सैनिक होते हैं, जिसमें कई कंपनियां शामिल होती हैंA battalion of troops is comprised of many smaller companies, so that they can be divided and deployed around the battlefield as needed.
3286प्रमाणित – Certifiablecapable of being certified – प्रमाणित होने में सक्षमYour birth is something that can be certified, which is precisely why everyone has a birth certificate.
3287भाप – Reekto have or give off a strong, unpleasant smell – तेज़, अप्रिय गंध आना या निकलनाIt was discovered that a gallon of milk had spilled all over the car, making it reek.
3288स्नैपशॉट – Snapshotan informal photograph taken quickly – शीघ्रता से ली गई एक अनौपचारिक तस्वीरWhile looking through an old photo album, Chelsea found a snapshot of her grandmother when she was very young.
3289फाली – Pommelthe rounded end on the hilt of a sword or dagger – तलवार या खंजर की मूठ पर लगा गोल सिराIf your sword breaks, you could always hit the enemy with the pommel of your sword.
3290अभ्यस्त – Habitualongoing; regular – चल रहे; नियमितBeing a habitual liar, the fibber seemed to lie more than he told the truth.
3291हटाना – Dislocatedisturb the normal position of something, especially a bone in a joint – किसी चीज़ की सामान्य स्थिति को बिगाड़ना, विशेषकर जोड़ की हड्डी कोThe doctor checked to make sure that the patient didn’t dislocate his shoulder from its normal position after he fell off the monkey bars at school.
3292कड़ाके की धूप – Sizzleto make a hissing sound while frying or burning – तलते या जलाते समय फुसफुसाहट की ध्वनि उत्पन्न करनाBegin by heating the frying pan until drops of water tossed into sizzle.
3293पढ़ने योग्य – Legiblewriting that can be easily read – ऐसा लेखन जिसे आसानी से पढ़ा जा सकेDespite the smudges from the fire, the lawyer was still able to read the legible will.
3294साइट – Sitea place where a specific event has occurred – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई विशिष्ट घटना घटी होStalingrad is the site of one of the most heated battles of World War Two’s eastern front, with massive casualties for both the Germans and the Russians.
3295कम करना – Reduceto decrease – कम करने के लिएWays to reduce corporate waste in offices are being discussed by those that want to decrease spending.
3296एनिमेटेड – Animatedactive and energetic – सक्रिय और ऊर्जावानIn order to get the attention of her students, the animated teacher would throw her hands wildly around and move quickly around the room to explain a concept.
3297अन्यथा – Otherwisein other respects, apart from that – उसके अलावा अन्य मामलों मेंThe otherwise well-behaved child threw a massive temper tantrum in the store.
3298अभेद्य – Impregnablenot able to be defeated or demolished – पराजित या ध्वस्त होने में सक्षम नहींThe man hoped his home would be impregnable during the tornado.
3299व्यूह – Phalanxa body of troops or police officers, standing or moving in close formation – सैनिकों या पुलिस अधिकारियों का एक समूह, जो निकट गठन में खड़ा या आगे बढ़ रहा होA phalanx of soldiers marched in lockstep, while belting out slogans of war.
3300बढ़ना – Surmountto conquer a problem or obstacle – किसी समस्या या बाधा पर विजय पानाGood teachers encourage students to surmount their challenges.
3301डेंटल क्रीम – Dentifricea paste, powder, liquid, or other preparation for cleaning the teeth – दांतों की सफाई के लिए पेस्ट, पाउडर, तरल या अन्य तैयारीThe dentist urged that selecting the right dentifrice is important for dental health.
3302मुश्किल – Creepystrange and slightly frightening; causing fear or unease – अजीब और थोड़ा डरावना; भय या बेचैनी पैदा करनाThe creepy creaking of the door in the middle of the night sent chills down my spine.
3303कुतरना – Nibbleto take small bites – छोटे-छोटे निवाले लेने के लिएAs he continued to nibble on the small piece of cheese, the mouse did not see the sneaky cat coming up behind him.
3304मधुर – Mellowto become calm and easy-going due to being older or having more practice – अधिक उम्र होने या अधिक अभ्यास करने के कारण शांत और सहज बननाMy mother became mellow once she became a grandmother because she would never let me eat unhealthy foods that she feeds to her grandchildren.
3305दक्षिणावर्त – Clockwiseto go or move in a right-handed circular direction – दाहिनी ओर गोलाकार दिशा में जाना या चलनाTo open a lock, you must turn in a circle the knob clockwise to the right and then to the left.
3306अचेतन – Subliminalworking beneath the level of awareness – जागरूकता के स्तर से नीचे काम करनाIn the old days, commercials contained subliminal suggestions that encouraged consumers to purchase certain products.
3307कृत्रिम वस्तु – Ersatzreplicated from something else yet lacking the original qualities – किसी और चीज़ से नकल किया गया है फिर भी इसमें मूल गुणों का अभाव हैDo you believe the ersatz beach created by the city will appeal to those who love the natural features of the seashore?
3308कोकस – Caucusa gathering of individuals who come together to work for a shared objective – generally political in nature – व्यक्तियों का एक समूह जो एक साझा उद्देश्य के लिए काम करने के लिए एक साथ आते हैं – आम तौर पर प्रकृति में राजनीतिकThe Black Student Caucus is holding a cultural diversity workshop in the media center on Saturday.
3309पूल – Poola large container of water used for recreational or athletic purposes – मनोरंजन या एथलेटिक उद्देश्यों के लिए उपयोग किया जाने वाला पानी का एक बड़ा कंटेनरThe mansion had a kidney-shaped pool in the backyard as well as a hot tub in the fenced-in area.
3310गोट – Outinga one day trip taken for fun – मनोरंजन के लिए की गई एक दिवसीय यात्राWe enjoyed the first part of our outing, but the second leg of the excursion to the beach was ruined by a rainstorm.
3311व्रत – Vowan unwavering decision, usually of great importance to those involved – एक अटल निर्णय, आमतौर पर इसमें शामिल लोगों के लिए बहुत महत्व रखता हैOn their wedding day, John made a vow to love his wife beyond death and into the next life.
3312अपराधी देना – Extraditeto send an individual accused of a crime back to the area in which the crime took place – किसी अपराध के आरोपी व्यक्ति को उस क्षेत्र में वापस भेजना जहां अपराध हुआ थाBecause so many countries wanted to prosecute the woman, it was difficult to decide where to extradite her.
3313टक्कर – Collisiona crash in which objects collide into each other – एक दुर्घटना जिसमें वस्तुएँ एक दूसरे से टकराती हैंAfter the collision, a tow truck was called to pick up the damaged vehicles.
3314बाइंडिंग – Bindingsecure and not to be broken – सुरक्षित और टूटे नहींThe renters wanted to end their lease, but the landlord refused to break the binding agreement.
3315लगातार – Perpetualcontinuing forever, constant, never-ending – सदैव जारी, निरंतर, कभी न ख़त्म होने वालाThe country is in a perpetual war, with no end in sight.
3316तुम – Thouan ancient way of saying ‘you’ – ‘आप’ कहने का एक प्राचीन तरीकाThou are a most vile, disgusting individual, and I am lesser for knowing your face.
3317समकक्ष – Equivalenton par or equal to – बराबर या उसके बराबरCarl is a cocky home cook who swears his hamburger is equivalent to a steak at a fine restaurant.
3318शिकायत करना – Yammerto excessively complain about something – किसी बात के बारे में अत्यधिक शिकायत करनाHer grandfather liked to yammer on and on about how things were better back in the old days.
3319फ़ाइल – Dossiera dossier is a collection of documents about a particular person, event, or subject – डोजियर किसी विशेष व्यक्ति, घटना या विषय के बारे में दस्तावेजों का एक संग्रह हैThe dossier on the missing person case was almost empty because next to nothing was known.
3320लापरवाही – Insoucianceindifference or overall lack of concern – उदासीनता या समग्र रूप से चिंता का अभावThe insouciance of the coach as to the performance of his team means he doesn’t really care if they win.
3321बौद्धिक – Intellectualinvolving the capability to process high level concepts – उच्च स्तरीय अवधारणाओं को संसाधित करने की क्षमता शामिल हैBecause the teen’s intellectual development is subpar, he cannot process higher level theories.
3322सुखद – Pleasantgiving pleasure; pleasing in manner; nice – आनंद देना; ढंग से मनभावन; अच्छाBecause Laura is such a pleasant person to be around she is always making new friends.
3323कालभ्रम – Anachronismsomething that doesn’t fit its time period, like if you say you’ll “dial” your smartphone – कुछ ऐसा जो इसकी समयावधि में फिट नहीं बैठता, जैसे यदि आप कहते हैं कि आप अपना स्मार्टफ़ोन “डायल” करेंगेIn today’s computer world, a floppy disk is an anachronism.
3324दैनिक – Quotidianeveryday events that are normal and not that exciting – रोजमर्रा की घटनाएँ जो सामान्य हैं और उतनी रोमांचक नहीं हैंAs the days of celebration wore on, the formerly spectacular events began to seem more quotidian, and the king found himself yawning at the chariot races.
3325रेफ़रल – Referrala recommendation to an appropriate specialist or agency – किसी उपयुक्त विशेषज्ञ या एजेंसी को सिफ़ारिशThe woman’s skin condition worsened, leading her dermatologist office to give a referral to a psoriasis clinic.
3326इशारा करना – Gesticulateto express a thought using gestures – इशारों का उपयोग करके किसी विचार को व्यक्त करनाWhen Jason got angry, he started to gesticulate his feelings with his hands.
3327पुराना – Longstandingenduring or well-established – स्थायी या अच्छी तरह से स्थापितThe longstanding war of the Crusades began in 1095 A.D. and ended almost two hundred years later in 1291 A.D.
3328संक्षारक – Corrosivehaving the ability to wear down or destroy – घिसने या नष्ट करने की क्षमता होनाBecause the battery is corrosive, you should not touch it with unprotected hands.
3329कहना – Sayto speak – बात करने के लिएWhen my daughter was six-months old, she would say her first word which was “mommy.”
3330फिसलना – Slipto slide or fall after losing one’s balance or footing – अपना संतुलन या पैर खोने के बाद फिसलना या गिरनाWater pooled on the grocery store floor caused a customer to slip and fall into the puddle.
3331क़ुब – Quiba witty or clever remark that is said in a taunting way – एक मजाकिया या चतुर टिप्पणी जो ताने मारने के अंदाज में कही जाती हैThe barmaid continued to flirt with the man, throwing every quib and witty joke she could think of into the conversation.
3332बेसिरपैर की बात – Rigmaroleneedless actions or talk – अनावश्यक कार्य या बातचीतIf the sweepstakes involves rigmarole that requires me to answer a large number of questions, then I have no interest in the contest.
3333ventriloquist – Ventriloquista person who can speak or utter sounds so that they seem to come from somewhere else, especially an entertainer who makes their voice appear to come from a dummy of a person or animal – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो बोल सकता है या ऐसी ध्वनियाँ बोल सकता है जिससे लगे कि वे कहीं और से आ रही हैं, विशेष रूप से एक मनोरंजनकर्ता जो अपनी आवाज़ को किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर की डमी से आता हुआ प्रतीत करता हैThe children laughed as the ventriloquist made the doll speak without moving his lips.
3334अकेला – Lonelysad because one is alone with no friends or family are around – दुख की बात है क्योंकि कोई अकेला है और उसके आसपास कोई दोस्त या परिवार नहीं हैBecause the lonely puppy spends most of the day alone while hisowners work, they have decided to adopt a new pet for him to play with.
3335सचमुच – Veritablyextremely or greatly as compared to something else – किसी अन्य चीज़ की तुलना में अत्यधिक या अत्यधिकLynette, veritably, is a much better driver than her crash dummy sister.
3336लाल – Ruddyhaving a wholesome red skin color that generally comes from being outdoors a lot – त्वचा का रंग सुडौल लाल होना जो आम तौर पर बहुत अधिक बाहर रहने से आता हैThe pasty teenager got a ruddy tan after spending most of her summer on the soccer field.
3337बकवास – Crapsomething of very poor quality – कुछ बहुत ही घटिया गुणवत्ता काI was hoping that the plates I bought at the thrift store would be good, but as expected, the cheap products were crap.
3338अभिसरण – Convergencetwo or more things coming together to form a new whole – दो या दो से अधिक चीजें मिलकर एक नई इकाई बनाती हैंBecause of the convergence of political views in the legislature, it is highly likely the government will be able to vote on the budget proposal without any bickering.
3339गर्व – Proudfeeling deep pleasure or satisfaction for one’s accomplishments – किसी की उपलब्धियों के लिए गहरी खुशी या संतुष्टि महसूस करनाThe proud father beamed as he watched his firstborn daughter walk across the stage at her college graduation.
3340वक्र – Zigzaga line of a “z” pattern in which it crisscrosses back and forth – “z” पैटर्न की एक पंक्ति जिसमें यह आगे और पीछे आड़ी-तिरछी होती हैIn order to escape the police, the fleeing car would zigzag in between cars going back and forth down the two lanes.
3341लकड़ी – Timberlumber primarily used for commercial or building use – लकड़ी का उपयोग मुख्य रूप से व्यावसायिक या भवन निर्माण के लिए किया जाता हैA timber was place around each side of the raised flowerbed giving it a natural look before filling the bed with mulch.
3342वैसे ही – Likewisein a related way – संबंधित तरीके सेIn time, the nightmares will go away, and likewise, I will no longer remember the accident.
3343विशालता – Immensitygreat size – बढ़िया आकारWhile hiking on a month-long mountainous trip, Davy felt the immensity of the wilderness.
3344स्टाउट – Stoutthick and strong – मोटा और मजबूतThe mover’s sturdy and stout frame made him suitable for lifting heavy furniture.
3345भरा होना – Repletionbecoming completely full of something – किसी चीज़ से पूरी तरह भर जानाRepletion of the water jug took a long time since the water poured out of the faucet slowly.
3346इदेओग्राम – Ideograma written symbol that represents an idea or object – एक लिखित प्रतीक जो किसी विचार या वस्तु का प्रतिनिधित्व करता हैAn ideogram with a cigarette and an X over it was placed on the door, warning patrons that no smoking was allowed in the building.
3347पहनने योग्य – Wearablesomething that is able to be suitably worn – कुछ ऐसा जो उपयुक्त ढंग से पहना जा सकेThe snuggie is an invention that is like a wearable blanket because it keeps people warm but has sleeves and a neckline.
3348ध्वजवाहक – Flagellateto punish by severely whipping for a certain purpose – किसी निश्चित उद्देश्य के लिए गंभीर रूप से कोड़े मारकर सज़ा देनाBelieved to be abuse, the parents’ use of punishment for their children was to flagellate them using a heavy belt.
3349विदेश नीति – Foreign Policya plan of one country’s communications and connections with another country – एक देश के दूसरे देश के साथ संचार और कनेक्शन की योजनाAfter being lied to by their neighboring country, Poland decided to change their foreign policy since they couldn’t trust neighboring country anymore.
3350लिज़ – Exhibitionistan individual who uses his or her behavior to catch peoples’ attention – एक व्यक्ति जो लोगों का ध्यान आकर्षित करने के लिए अपने व्यवहार का उपयोग करता हैThe female rapper is an exhibitionist who attracts attention by wearing revealing clothing.
3351व्रेथ – Wraithghost of a known person who recently died – एक ज्ञात व्यक्ति का भूत जिसकी हाल ही में मृत्यु हो गईAfter Uncle Benny passed away in the car accident, I awoke frightened to see his wraith floating in the doorway.
3352कोर्पस – Corpusa large collection of writing – लेखन का एक बड़ा संग्रहThe corpus contained many different articles written by the author shortly before his death.
3353आयोजित – Heldheld means holding something or someone – धारण का अर्थ है किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति को धारण करनाThe young mother smiled as she held her newborn baby girl in her arms for the first time.
3354इधर – उधर – To and Froconstant backwards and forwards movement – निरंतर पीछे और आगे की ओर गतिIn a game of basketball, the players must go to and fro on the court dozens of times.
3355छोड़ – Forsakenabandoned or shunned – त्यागा हुआ या त्यागा हुआI could not help but feel forsaken as my friend left me to my sickness while they all went to a party.
3356चुराया हुआ – Stolento have acquired property without agreement from the owner – मालिक से सहमति के बिना संपत्ति अर्जित करनाWhen the stolen watch was finally returned to its rightful owner, a monetary reward was given to the person who found it.
3357मृत – Deadno longer living – अब जीवित नहीं हूंWith a bullet to the heart courtesy of a hunter, the deer that had been living just moments ago was now dead.
3358स्थिति – Situationaldependent upon a certain set of circumstances or situations – परिस्थितियों या स्थितियों के एक निश्चित समूह पर निर्भरThe punishment for the crime seems to be situational since some of the cons go to jail and some get probation instead.
3359बनाए रखना – Retainto maintain in use or possession – उपयोग या कब्जे में बनाए रखनाSince I have poor memory recall, it is hard for me to retain lecture notes.
3360मस्तिष्क-विज्ञान – Phrenologyphrenology is the study of the cranium to learn of one’s character and mental abilities – फ्रेनोलॉजी किसी के चरित्र और मानसिक क्षमताओं को जानने के लिए कपाल का अध्ययन हैPhrenology is the study of the human skull and its effect on mental wellness.
3361परदेश में बसना – Immigrateto leave one country to permanently stay in another country – एक देश को छोड़कर दूसरे देश में स्थायी रूप से रहनाSari would like to immigrate to the United States and find a better life than the one she has in Syria.
3362कॉक्सकोम्ब – Coxcomban arrogant man who is more concerned about his clothes than anything else – एक अहंकारी आदमी जो किसी भी अन्य चीज़ की तुलना में अपने कपड़ों के बारे में अधिक चिंतित हैAs the middle-aged coxcomb strolled down the sidewalk in his clean suit, he stopped into the window to observe his appearance.
3363दाता – Donorsomeone that freely gives something to another person or organization – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति या संगठन को स्वतंत्र रूप से कुछ देता हैI have decided to be an organ donor, so that my organs can go to someone that really needs them if I die.
3364सवारी – Rideto currently travel or be carried in a vehicle – वर्तमान में यात्रा करना या किसी वाहन में ले जानाWitches will often ride on broomsticks with each leg on either side of the broom.
3365मनोरंजक – Entertainingproviding enjoyment and amusement – आनंद और मनोरंजन प्रदान करनाThe faceoff between the two captivating teams proved to be an entertaining game that kept the fans on the edge of their seats.
3366फौजों को घर देना – Billeta private nonmilitary house where soldiers were assigned to lodge – एक निजी गैर-सैन्य घर जहां सैनिकों को रहने के लिए नियुक्त किया जाता थाDuring the Second World War the building became a billet for soldiers.
3367अनुमानित – Approximateclose to the exact; estimated – सटीक के करीब; अनुमानितBecause Jack did not want to place an exact figure on how much he was willing to spend, I asked him for an approximate ball park figure.
3368प्राप्ति – Attainmentthe act of gaining something by working for it – किसी चीज़ के लिए काम करके उसे हासिल करने की क्रियाFor Phillip, one of the proudest achievements of his life was the attainment of his medical degree.
3369संतान – Progenydescendants or offspring – वंशज या संतानBecause the billionaire bachelor did not have a progeny, his entire estate went to charity when he died.
3370अवसाद – Depressiona mood disorder characterized by low self-esteem, feelings of sadness, and a general loss of interest in things – एक मूड डिसऑर्डर जिसमें कम आत्मसम्मान, उदासी की भावना और चीजों में रुचि की सामान्य हानि होती हैAfter falling into a deep depression, Gina went to the doctor to ask for help with her extremely somber mood.
3371लैपडॉग – Lapdoga person or organization controlled by someone else – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति द्वारा नियंत्रित व्यक्ति या संगठनKnown as the president’s lapdog, the secretary of state would do anything that he was told, even if it was illegal.
3372दुष्ट – Malignto unfairly say hurtful things about someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के बारे में गलत तरीके से आहत करने वाली बातें कहनाBy spreading the cruel rumor, my sister hoped to malign her ex-boyfriend.
3373बुरी तरह – Badlyseverely or seriously – गंभीर रूप से या गंभीर रूप सेWith his head bashed in from hitting the windshield, the car crash victim was considered badly hurt.
3374संघर्ष – Scrambleto move quickly or frantically to make something happen – कुछ घटित करने के लिए तेजी से या उन्मत्त रूप से आगे बढ़नाThe frantic team continued to scramble to make a goal but came up short at the end.
3375बलि का बकरा – Scapegoata person or group made to bear the blame for others or to suffer in their place – किसी व्यक्ति या समूह को दूसरों का दोष सहने या उनके स्थान पर कष्ट सहने के लिए बाध्य किया जाता हैEven though Jim did not steal your wallet, you are still using him as a scapegoat to cover for your son’s thievery!
3376स्वरबद्ध – Intonedto speak with little voice inflection – आवाज को थोड़ा मोड़कर बोलनाThe boy intoned while he read the story with boring monotone speech.
3377प्रभुत्व – Dominatedhad full control of – का पूर्ण नियंत्रण थाThe tough football player dominated the field, controlling the game for both sides.
3378बन्दी प्रत्यक्षीकरण – Habeas Corpusa legal order demanding that a prisoner be brought before a judge to make sure that he or she is not being held illegally – एक कानूनी आदेश जिसमें यह मांग की गई है कि किसी कैदी को न्यायाधीश के सामने लाया जाए ताकि यह सुनिश्चित हो सके कि उसे अवैध रूप से नहीं रखा जा रहा हैThe Cuban prison was beyond the reach of habeas corpus so the prisoners there will continue to be held illegally.
3379मनमुटाव – Tiffa small conflict usually between two people – आमतौर पर दो लोगों के बीच एक छोटा सा संघर्षWhat started as a little tiff between the two sisters turned into a fight with hair-pulling and slapping.
3380क्रमरहित – Inconsequentialnot important or significant – महत्वपूर्ण या महत्वपूर्ण नहींWhen you walk with your head down and eyes lowered, you come across as being inconsequential.
3381पटकथा – Screenplaythe story script and shooting directions prepared for motion-picture production – मोशन-पिक्चर निर्माण के लिए कहानी की स्क्रिप्ट और शूटिंग निर्देश तैयार किए गएThe director followed the directions of the screenplay and instructed the actors on where to stand.
3382संबंध – Rapporta pleasant association or relationship – एक सुखद संगति या रिश्ताThe rapport I have with my therapist allows me to tell her my deepest thoughts.
3383अलमारी – Cupboarda storage cabinet with shelves and a door – अलमारियों और एक दरवाजे के साथ एक भंडारण कैबिनेटDuring the earthquake, the cupboard full of glasses rattled and shook.
3384ब्लैकबॉल – Blackballto ruin someone’s reputation to the point that they become unemployable and other refuse to associate with them – किसी की प्रतिष्ठा को इस हद तक बर्बाद करना कि वे बेरोजगार हो जाएं और अन्य लोग उनके साथ जुड़ने से इनकार कर देंBecause the actress refused to sleep with the director, he tried to blackball her and stop her from getting other jobs.
3385ग्राम्य – Bucolicrelating to the countryside – ग्रामीण इलाकों से संबंधितThe postcard image was beautiful and featured a bucolic white house in a dark green pasture.
3386पेजिंग – Pagingcalling out the name of a person over a loudspeaker – लाउडस्पीकर पर किसी व्यक्ति का नाम पुकारनाWhile someone was paging for the lost boy to come to the front of the store, his parents were having a meltdown.
3387एकता – Unitybeing in harmony or full agreement – सामंजस्य या पूर्ण सहमति में होनाDuring the civil rights era, protestors called for unity and peace in which blacks and whites could live together.
3388वृद्ध होनेवाला – Senescentgrowing old, aging – बूढ़ा होना, बूढ़ा होनाOur senescent dog is almost fifteen years old and is starting to suffer in his old age.
3389अनेक – Umpteenan extremely large number – एक अत्यंत बड़ी संख्याI have taken the test umpteen times still haven’t made a passing score.
3390अत्याचारी – Tyrannicalshowing behavior that is unfair and cruel to that one is in power over – जो सत्ता में है उसके प्रति अनुचित और क्रूर व्यवहार दिखानाThe dictator’s tyrannical behavior lasted decades, and he ran his country with an iron fist.
3391निपुण – Adeptvery good at doing something that is not easy – कुछ ऐसा करने में बहुत अच्छा जो आसान नहीं हैMark is an adept juggler who can easily manager four balls in the air without dropping one.
3392सांद्र – Concentratedfocused all of one’s attention on something – अपना सारा ध्यान किसी चीज़ पर केंद्रित करनाThe student concentrated on his studies for several hours a day, his focus paying off on test day.
3393पहना हुआ – Worndamaged from too much use – बहुत अधिक उपयोग से क्षतिग्रस्तThe worn shoes should be thrown away since Chris has walked holes in the bottom of the pair.
3394दुर्बल करना – Debilitateto weaken – कमज़ोर बनाने के लिएCancer can quickly debilitate an otherwise healthy person.
3395न सहने योग्य – Intolerablenot able to be tolerated – बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जा सकताIf I have to spend another second talking to that intolerable woman, I’m going to scream!
3396पाड़ – Scaffolda temporary structure that holds laborers while they work on a building – एक अस्थायी संरचना जिसमें किसी इमारत पर काम करते समय मजदूरों को रखा जाता हैThe painting crew will earn over fifty thousand dollars for the job, but must pay three thousand for the new scaffold to hold the laborers.
3397सरो – Cypressan evergreen tree with scaly or pointy leaves and small rounded woody growths – पपड़ीदार या नुकीली पत्तियाँ और छोटे गोलाकार काष्ठीय विकास वाला एक सदाबहार वृक्षThe bald cypress is a distinct type of tree in that it differs from other types of cypress and does not stay evergreen all year long.
3398भोंपू – Sirenan object that makes a loud noise as a warning – एक वस्तु जो चेतावनी के रूप में तेज़ आवाज़ करती हैA wailing siren and news broadcast alerted viewers that a twister had been spotted on a nearby farm.
3399छिद्रान्वेषी – Captiousalways looking for faults; hard to please – सदैव दोष ढूँढ़ते रहते हैं; खुश करना मुश्किल हैNone of the servers wanted to wait on the captious woman who complained about everything.
3400क्रोशै – Crocheta form of knitting using yarn – सूत का उपयोग करके बुनाई का एक रूपMy grandmother would always crochet Afghan blankets for her children because she loved to use a needle and wooly thread.
3401दैहिक – Corporalrelating to the physical or human form – भौतिक या मानवीय रूप से संबंधितThe board of education does not support corporal punishment because of the physical harm that can be inflicted upon students.
3402अऋगीठी – Scuttleto scamper or dash – छलाँग लगाना या झपटनाBecause I was running late, I had to scuttle through the airport parking lot.
3403राप्टोरियल – Raptorialpredatory; preying on others – शिकारी; दूसरों को शिकार बनानाThe raptorial bird flew over the field looking for a small rodent that it could devour.
3404व्यापारिक – Mercantileconcerned with the buying and selling of goods for money – पैसे के लिए सामान खरीदने और बेचने से संबंधितI joined our family’s mercantile business, buying and selling paper goods.
3405मचला – Vagarioushaving erratic and unpredictable behavior – अनियमित और अप्रत्याशित व्यवहार करनाWhen in a manic phase, the vagarious woman’s behavior was quite unpredictable.
3406साँस – Sighan audible release of air used to express a feeling – किसी भावना को व्यक्त करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली वायु की श्रव्य रिहाईWhen the man realized his wife hadn’t been harmed in the car accident, he released a loud sigh of relief.
3407अधीनता – Subjectionthe condition of someone or thing being controlled or forced – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को नियंत्रित या मजबूर किये जाने की स्थितिAdolf Hitler’s subjection of the German people to obey all of his strict laws during the 1930s and 1940s instilled fear in the German citizens.
3408एकाएक टूटने का कार्य – Abruptiona sudden breaking away – अचानक टूट जानाDuring Tara’s pregnancy, placental abruption occurred when the placenta pulled away from the uterine wall.
3409इमारत का बंद – Plintha block of stone or wood that is used as the base of a pillar or statue – पत्थर या लकड़ी का एक खंड जिसका उपयोग किसी स्तंभ या मूर्ति के आधार के रूप में किया जाता हैRaising the pillar higher, the wood plinth helped sturdy the base significantly.
3410बड़े आकार में – Enlargeto make something bigger than its original size – किसी चीज़ को उसके मूल आकार से बड़ा बनानाMyrtle wanted tried to enlarge the font to 16, but her teacher instructed her to reduce it back down to 12.
3411अंगरखा – Tunica garment loosely worn over the torso, with or without sleeves, and of various lengths reaching from the hips to the ankles – आस्तीन के साथ या बिना आस्तीन के, और कूल्हों से टखनों तक पहुंचने वाली विभिन्न लंबाई का एक परिधान जो धड़ के ऊपर पहना जाता है।Diana’s floral tunic draped loosely over her body.
3412व्याकुल – Undeterredcontinuing on despite obstacles – बाधाओं के बावजूद जारी हैThe chef was undeterred by public criticism and refused to close her restaurant because of bad press.
3413मनोरंजक – Divertingaltering the direction something is going – कुछ चल रहा है उसकी दिशा बदलनाBy diverting the flow of water into a turbine, we can use it to generate electricity for the city.
3414युद्धविराम संधि – Trucea time period in which opposing sides agree to stop fighting – एक समय अवधि जिसमें विरोधी पक्ष लड़ाई बंद करने के लिए सहमत होते हैंHopefully the truce will last long enough for the leaders to agree to a peace treaty.
3415संयुक्त – Jointshared or made by two or more entities – दो या दो से अधिक संस्थाओं द्वारा साझा या बनाया गयाThis is a joint project that my partner and I must work on to complete on time for chemistry class.
3416नत – Tiltto slant or list to one side – एक तरफ झुकाना या सूचीबद्ध करनाIf you put a heavy object onto the table, it will tilt to the right since the top of it isn’t screwed in properly.
3417दिनचर्या – Routineactivities performed at fixed times for intervals – अंतराल के लिए निश्चित समय पर की जाने वाली गतिविधियाँThe teacher explained the classroom routine to students so they would know when it was time to go to lunch.
3418प्लेग – Plagueto constantly bother or distress – लगातार परेशान या परेशान करनाJim likes to plague his younger sister by hiding her dolls.
3419मुंहतोड़ – Incontrovertiblecannot deny or disprove; unable to change form – इनकार या खंडन नहीं कर सकता; रूप बदलने में असमर्थFailing grades revealed an incontrovertible fact: no student properly studied for the test.
3420केवल – Simplyin a plain and straightforward manner – साफ़ और सीधे तरीके सेThe designer likes to make her dresses simply and includes very few bright colors or details to the material.
3421टाइल – Tilea shaped flattened piece of rock or clay used in floors or coverings – फर्श या आवरण में उपयोग किया जाने वाला चट्टान या मिट्टी का एक आकार का चपटा टुकड़ाAfter removing the linoleum, the home owner decided to tile the floor so that it looked like more modern.
3422प्रेमालाप – Courtshipa period in which a couple develops their romantic relationship – वह अवधि जिसमें एक जोड़ा अपना रोमांटिक रिश्ता विकसित करता हैThe courtship between Romeo and Juliet was dramatic, but the speed at which they fell in tragic love was a bit ridiculous.
3423उदास – Morosefeeling sad, in a bad mood, and not wanting to talk to anyone – उदास महसूस करना, मूड ख़राब होना और किसी से बात करने की इच्छा न होनाWhen her dog died, the little girl was morose for months.
3424सार – Essencethe key element of something – किसी चीज का मुख्य तत्वAt the essence of the non-profit is the desire to improve the lives of homeless people.
3425हथकंडा – Legerdemaindeception or trickery – धोखा या चालाकीThe psychic uses legerdemain to convince people she is talking to their dead loved ones.
3426विनम्र – Tactfulconcerned about distressing other individuals – अन्य व्यक्तियों को परेशान करने के बारे में चिंतितThe doctor was tactful as he told the woman about her incurable illness.
3427नामस्त्रोत – Eponyma term derived from an individual or thing related to it or to the person who created a specific thing – किसी व्यक्ति या उससे संबंधित चीज़ या उस व्यक्ति से लिया गया शब्द जिसने किसी विशिष्ट चीज़ का निर्माण कियाThe word “sandwich” is an eponym linked to the first person said to have requested the item, the Earl of Sandwich.
3428दिलचस्पी – Interestappeal to; excite the attention of – के लिए अपील; का ध्यान आकर्षित करेंMystery books don’t interest me very much, but my little brother is totally into the genre.
3429पत्र – Lettera written or printed message addressed to a particular person – किसी व्यक्ति विशेष को संबोधित लिखित या मुद्रित संदेशStephanie wrote a letter to her husband telling him goodbye and left the note beside the bed.
3430मानवरूपी – Anthropomorphichaving attributes of humans – मनुष्यों के गुण होनाThe boy’s favorite cartoon stars an anthropomorphic cat who talks and walks like a person.
3431स्तर – Baccalaureatea typical four-year degree from a college or university – किसी कॉलेज या विश्वविद्यालय से सामान्य चार साल की डिग्रीIn order for the college student to receive her baccalaureate, she must pass another math class.
3432बूम – Booma sound that is loud and deep – एक ध्वनि जो तेज़ और गहरी होA loud boom could be heard across the city as the thunderstorm raged on throughout the evening.
3433झुकाव – Inclinationthe tendency to act or feel a certain way about something or someone – किसी चीज़ या किसी व्यक्ति के बारे में एक निश्चित तरीके से कार्य करने या महसूस करने की प्रवृत्तिA coward’s natural inclination is to walk away from a fight.
3434सेकंड हैंड – Secondhanddescribes goods that have been passed down after being owned by one other person – उन वस्तुओं का वर्णन करता है जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के स्वामित्व में होने के बाद हस्तांतरित कर दी गई हैंTiff owns a secondhand store where people come to buy used items that are still in good condition.
3435आरोहण – Ascenta path that leads upward – एक रास्ता जो ऊपर की ओर जाता हैA severe injury stopped Amber from taking the ascent to the Olympics.
3436विरोध – Contradictinginformation that is the opposite of or challenges other information – ऐसी जानकारी जो अन्य जानकारी के विपरीत हो या उसे चुनौती देBecause his explanations about what happened were contradicting, the husband was considered the prime suspect in his wife’s murder.
3437दरार – Rifta circumstance in which an amiable relationship has been broken – ऐसी परिस्थिति जिसमें एक सौहार्दपूर्ण रिश्ता टूट गया होA difference in perspectives caused a rift that forced the two friends to end their business partnership.
3438अमूर्त – Abstractbeing present as an idea but not in a definite form – एक विचार के रूप में मौजूद होना लेकिन एक निश्चित रूप में नहींI cannot distinguish any defined shapes within the artist’s abstract painting.
3439साहसी – Gutsyshowing courage and determination – साहस और दृढ़ संकल्प दिखा रहा हैJohn was known for being gutsy, seeing as how he would stand up to bullies even if he knew he could get hurt himself.
3440निरीक्षण – Verifiableable to be checked or demonstrated to be true, accurate, or justified – सत्य, सटीक, या उचित होने की जाँच या प्रदर्शन करने में सक्षमIn order to write a proper research paper you must use facts to back up your argument or information that is easily verifiable.
3441फाल्सेटो – Falsettoan unnaturally high and feminine voice particularly sung by a male – एक अस्वाभाविक रूप से ऊंची और स्त्रैण आवाज जो विशेष रूप से एक पुरुष द्वारा गाई जाती हैThe young man sang in a high, clear falsetto that rivaled the most talented female singers.
3442शिक्षा – Schoolingeducation or training gained from going to school – स्कूल जाने से प्राप्त शिक्षा या प्रशिक्षणAlthough he didn’t finish his schooling, grandpa was a sharp businessman even without a formal education.
3443इलाका – Localitythe position or geographic site something is in – वह स्थिति या भौगोलिक साइट जिसमें कुछ हैThe locality of North America is in the western hemisphere of the globe, more specifically in the upper quadrant.
3444शील – Politenessbehavior that takes other people’s thoughts and feelings into account and respects them – ऐसा व्यवहार जो दूसरे लोगों के विचारों और भावनाओं को ध्यान में रखता हो और उनका सम्मान करता होA person’s first impression of you is often dependent on your politeness.
3445आक्रामक – Aggressivepushy or forceful when trying to get others to believe or do something – दूसरों पर विश्वास करने या कुछ करने की कोशिश करते समय धक्का-मुक्की या जबरदस्ती करनाThe aggressive vendor tried to force the tourists into buying his wares.
3446वैध बनाना – Legalizeto make something acceptable according to the law – किसी चीज़ को कानून के अनुसार स्वीकार्य बनानाSeveral states have decided to legalize the use of marijuana while others still have the drug banned.
3447एक उच्च स्तरीय – Upscaleexpensive and designed to appeal to wealthy buyers – महँगा और धनी खरीदारों को आकर्षित करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गयाThe broke college students couldn’t afford to buy anything at the upscale boutique since the cashmere sweaters, and designer bags were out of their price range.
3448कर्तव्य का त्याग – Derelictionthe neglect or disregard for something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के प्रति उपेक्षा या अवहेलनाRiots brought about the dereliction of looters who could care less about the shop owners when they vandalized their stores.
3449आख्यान – Narrativea tale that is written or spoken – एक कहानी जो लिखी या बोली जाती हैThe narrative is a fairytale that tells the story of a poor orphan who becomes a princess.
3450झलक – Scintillaa small amount of something – किसी चीज़ की थोड़ी मात्राI only have a scintilla of respect for her after she lied about her background.
3451जोर दिया – Insisteddemanded; said something forcefully – मांग की; ज़बरदस्ती कुछ कहाGrandmother insisted that we help her cook, even though we didn’t want to.
3452कार्बन कॉपी – Doppelgangera double or copy of a person; an imposter – किसी व्यक्ति का दोहरा या प्रतिलिपि; एक धोखेबाज़If it is twin day at school and you have a good friend, it is all too easy to have a doppelganger for the day to look like you.
3453ख़याल – Peruseto read or examine carefully; to look over casually – ध्यान से पढ़ना या जांचना; लापरवाही से देखने के लिएPeruse the manual to set up your television.
3454गृहनगर – Hometownthe town or city where one grew up/lived most of their life – वह शहर या शहर जहां कोई व्यक्ति बड़ा हुआ/अपने जीवन का अधिकांश समय बितायाAfter high school graduation, the wannabe actress left her small hometown and headed west to Los Angeles.
3455धूमधाम – Fanfarethe attention of the public or prestigious ceremony – जनता या प्रतिष्ठित समारोह का ध्यानThe President received a great deal of fanfare when he announced his plans on immigration, so the news spread word of it quickly.
3456मित्र – Allya friend; someone who is ready to help you – एक मित्र; कोई है जो आपकी मदद करने के लिए तैयार हैWhen my friends were arguing, Carly was my ally and defended my actions.
3457आजादी – Independencefreedom – स्वतंत्रताThe colonist fought for independence from Great Britain after several years of controlling policies and unfair taxes.
3458विदेशवास करना – Emigrateto move from an individual’s home country to another country – किसी व्यक्ति के गृह देश से दूसरे देश में जानाMany Mexicans illegally emigrate into the U.S. from Mexico.
3459उद्धत – Insubordinatedefiant and refusing to follow the orders of those in positions of authority – अवज्ञाकारी और प्राधिकारी पदों पर बैठे लोगों के आदेशों का पालन करने से इनकार करनाBethany was fired for being insubordinate after she refused to stock the storeroom as her manager asked her to.
3460दंभपूर्ण – Snobbishdescribes a person who looks down on others based on superficial reasons (good looks, wealth) – एक ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करता है जो सतही कारणों (अच्छा रूप, धन) के आधार पर दूसरों को नीची दृष्टि से देखता हैThe snobbish woman is in desperate need for a job but still refuses to work in a fast food restaurant.
3461एफ्लुवियम – Effluviuma gas or fume with an awful odor – भयानक गंध वाली गैस या धुआंThe effluvium from the chemistry experiment had the students covering their noses.
3462क्लीट – Cleatsshoes with have metal projections on the bottom that are worn during sporting events – जिन जूतों के तल पर धातु का उभार होता है, वे खेल आयोजनों के दौरान पहने जाते हैंThe football player laced up his cleats and marched on to the field with his teammates.
3463उलट – Reversala complete change, often in the opposite direction – एक पूर्ण परिवर्तन, अक्सर विपरीत दिशा मेंA reversal of the initial football call caused many of the shocked fans to riot in the stands.
3464भलमनसी की तरह – Noblyin a brave or generous way – साहसी या उदार तरीके सेThe knight in shining armor always acted nobly, saving damsels in distress and protecting the kingdom.
3465काटना – Reapto harvest by cutting – काटकर कटाई करनाWith the invention of the thresher, farmers were able to reap their crops faster than before.
3466ग्यारहवाँ – Elevensesa short break taken for light refreshment (such as a snack) taken around eleven o’clock – ग्यारह बजे के आसपास हल्के जलपान (जैसे नाश्ते) के लिए लिया गया एक छोटा ब्रेकMy coworkers enjoy chips for elevenses, but I prefer eating pretzels while on morning break.
3467अचेत – Stunto confuse or bewilder – भ्रमित या भ्रमित करनाIn the middle of the night the loud sounds from the car alarms stun a lot of people who are sound asleep.
3468दुष्टतापूर्वक – Roguishlyin the manner of a dishonest person or rogue – किसी बेईमान व्यक्ति या दुष्ट के ढंग सेThe cheating husband stared roguishly at every woman in the bar.
3469समलैंगिक – Gaycontent and joyful – संतुष्ट और आनंदमयPlaying in the field on their day off of school, the young gay children giggled as they were cartwheeling and jumping around.
3470पक्षाघात – Paralysisthe lack of mobility in a limb or part of the body – शरीर के किसी अंग या हिस्से में गतिशीलता की कमीMoney from a grant issued wheelchairs to victims of the disaster who suffered from paralysis.
3471छिद्र – Punctureto pierce something causing a hole or perforation – किसी चीज को छेदना जिससे छेद या वेध हो जाएUsing her finger nail to puncture the balloon, Rita hoped the loud pop would scare her little sister.
3472चक्रवात – Cyclonea tornado or other similar spinning storm – बवंडर या अन्य समान घूमने वाला तूफ़ानAppearing in the sky out of nowhere, the twisting cyclone began to pick up debris with its strong winds.
3473बटाईदार – Sharecroppera farmer paying rent with crops to the landowner – एक किसान अपनी फसल के साथ जमींदार को लगान चुका रहा हैThe sharecropper was planting a field of soybeans.
3474विषयी – Sybariteone who is self-indulgent and addicted to luxury – जो आत्म-भोगी है और विलासिता का आदी हैThe sybarite was planning to hire a personal chef to cater to their culinary whims.
3475उबाऊ – Boringuninteresting or intriguing – अरुचिकर या दिलचस्पThey say nothing is more boring than watching paint dry, but honestly this lecture from the professor is tough competition.
3476तीखा – Sharpexcellent, in reference to one’s attire – उत्कृष्ट, किसी की पोशाक के संदर्भ मेंIf you want to impress the boss that will interviewing you, be sure to dress sharp with a suit and tie.
3477संध्या का – Vespertinetaking place or happening at night – रात्रि में घटित होना या घटित होनाDuring the vespertine hours, the moon shown brightly and coyotes began to howl.
3478खींचना – Stretchthe act of lengthening limbs by reaching or extending – पहुँचकर या फैलाकर अंगों को लंबा करने की क्रियाSoccer players stretch extensively before taking to the field.
3479समझदार – Prehensileable to take hold of and clasp objects – वस्तुओं को पकड़ने और जकड़ने में सक्षमThe monkey’s prehensile tail allowed him to spy on his enemies while dangling from a tree.
3480आदर्शवादी – Platonicdescribing a relationship without sexual intimacy – यौन अंतरंगता के बिना किसी रिश्ते का वर्णन करनाMy partnership with Alice is strictly platonic because we are both happily married to other people.
3481कटार – Skewera piece of metal or wood used to suspend food while cooking – धातु या लकड़ी का एक टुकड़ा जिसका उपयोग खाना पकाते समय भोजन को लटकाने के लिए किया जाता हैRoasting s’mores over the fire on a skewer is one of our camping traditions.
3482गदहे का – Asininevery stupid or foolish – बहुत मूर्ख या मूर्खHow asinine of you to pay for a television in pennies!
3483अविश्वसनीय – Unreliablenot able to be trusted or depended on – भरोसा करने या निर्भर होने में सक्षम नहींSince Ms. Watson proved she was unreliable to do her job, I would never call on her when I needed a substitute.
3484शादी का – BridalRelating to a woman who is getting married (a bride) – उस महिला से संबंधित जिसकी शादी हो रही है (एक दुल्हन)The woman’s bridal dress was too tight for her wedding day and had to be let out by a seamstress.
3485समोच्च – Contourto mold something into a specific shape – किसी चीज़ को एक विशिष्ट आकार में ढालनाThe artist made sure to contour the lines on the painting to make the animal appear more real.
3486सेंट – Sainta title given to someone regarded as holy and virtuous after his or her death – किसी व्यक्ति को उसकी मृत्यु के बाद पवित्र और सदाचारी समझे जाने वाली उपाधि दी जाती हैBelieving that her prayer would be answered, the worshiper cried out to the departed saint for deliverance from her situation.
3487सख़्त – Flintyresembling the hardness of flint – चकमक पत्थर की कठोरता के समानThe man continued to grind his feet against the flinty ground in an attempt to get the mud off of his shoes.
3488जीवंतता – Livelinessbeing energetic, active, and outgoing – ऊर्जावान, सक्रिय और मिलनसार होनाPlaying and laughing, the children’s liveliness filled the whole room.
3489प्रशंसा करना – Exaltto glorify or place above others – दूसरों को महिमामंडित करना या उनसे ऊपर रखनाIn church, we exalt our god in prayer.
3490मज़ाक करना – Japea silly plan done on a person; practical joke – किसी व्यक्ति पर की गई मूर्खतापूर्ण योजना; मज़ाकThe childish jape of pulling the fire alarm backfired on the student when surveillance cameras identified the culprit.
3491असाधारण – Extraordinaryamazingly good – आश्चर्यजनक रूप से अच्छाHenry is an extraordinary pianist who has played for three presidents and several royal families.
3492मनोहर – Alluringattractive and seductive in an enticing way – आकर्षक तरीके से आकर्षक और मोहकAlluring shops and boutiques line the boardwalk and seduce customers to enter with bright signs and appealing music.
3493अपराध – Criminalizeto corrupt or make something against the law – भ्रष्ट करना या कानून के विरुद्ध कुछ बनानाEver since the protests turned violent, lawmakers have decided to criminalize any protests so that they would jail any protesters.
3494जैसे और जैसे – Such and suchnot mentioned or named – उल्लेख या नाम नहीं दिया गयाThe busy mom had to go to the library to return a book, get money from the bank, drop off a gift at a friend’s house and other such and such errands.
3495शहद उत्पन्न करनेवाला – Melliferousbearing or producing honey – शहद पैदा करना या पैदा करनाMelliferous flowers were collected to make honey.
3496लड़ाकू – Truculentquick to fight or argue – लड़ने या बहस करने में तेजWhen my uncle drinks too much, he becomes very truculent and will fight anyone.
3497विद्यार्थी – Studentsomeone who is enrolled at a school to educate himself or herself – कोई व्यक्ति जो खुद को शिक्षित करने के लिए किसी स्कूल में नामांकित है“An 18-year old student from a local high school has been accepted to every Ivy league school in the United States,” the news reporter announced.
3498की सूचना दी – Reportedformally or officially announced – औपचारिक या आधिकारिक तौर पर घोषणा की गईThe victim reported the crime to the police in a formal complaint, but no one has been charged yet.
3499टुकड़े – Smithereensvery tiny pieces – बहुत छोटे टुकड़ेAs the bomb exploded, it blew all of the paper close to it into tiny smithereens.
3500लचीला – Malleablecapable of being easily changed or influenced – आसानी से बदलने या प्रभावित होने में सक्षमWhen my uncle drinks a great deal, he is always quite malleable to suggestions.
3501गोदाम – Receptaclean item used to hold something – किसी चीज़ को रखने के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली वस्तुAll trash should be placed in the garbage receptacle.
3502जिगगुराट – Ziggurata tower that is tiered and rectangular in shape and occasionally topped by a holy place – एक मीनार जो आकार में स्तरीय और आयताकार होती है और कभी-कभी इसके शीर्ष पर एक पवित्र स्थान होता हैThe shape of the ziggurat is very similar to the shape of a pyramid.
3503आगे बढ़ना – Geean expression used to show surprise or excitement – आश्चर्य या उत्साह दिखाने के लिए प्रयुक्त अभिव्यक्ति“Oh, gee!” shouted Leah as she walked into the extremely messy house.
3504साथी – Mateeach of a pair of items – वस्तुओं की प्रत्येक जोड़ीErica became upset when she couldn’t find the other mate to her favorite pair of socks.
3505उत्तेजना – Furoregreat emotion (either positive or negative) shown by a crowd of people – लोगों की भीड़ द्वारा प्रदर्शित महान भावना (या तो सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक)।Furore from the protestors outside could be heard from the president and the remaining workers inside the company.
3506जवाब देना – Respondto reply or answer – उत्तर देना या उत्तर देनाThe defendant would be able to respond to the charges in court on Monday since that is when he would be brought in.
3507धीरे से कहना – Mutterto speak under one’s breath, usually in an angry way – किसी की सांस के तहत बोलना, आमतौर पर गुस्से मेंAs he walked away to do his chores, his mother heard him mutter under his breath.
3508मालिकाना – Possessiveshowing domination, control or influence over someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर प्रभुत्व, नियंत्रण या प्रभाव दिखानाAfter being on a few dates with Bruce, Amy felt he was becoming jealous and possessive of her.
3509वैकल्पिक हल – Workarounda method for overcoming a problem or situation – किसी समस्या या स्थिति पर काबू पाने की एक विधिThe fast-food worker found a workaround that made it easier for her to get the difficult orders out on time.
3510दांत – Coga wheel or bar with protrusions that transfer motion by interacting with another object with similar protrusions – उभार वाला एक पहिया या पट्टी जो समान उभार वाली किसी अन्य वस्तु के साथ संपर्क करके गति स्थानांतरित करता हैThe inside of old analog clocks is full of small cogs and gears that work with each other to turn the hands of the clock on the outside.
3511ऊंचाई – Altitudethe height of something above sea level or the earth’s surface – समुद्र तल या पृथ्वी की सतह से किसी चीज़ की ऊँचाईThe pilots began shifting gears in order to gain altitude.
3512सराय – Inna small motel where travelers sleep overnight – एक छोटा मोटल जहाँ यात्री रात भर सोते हैंMary and Joseph wanted to stay at the inn, but there weren’t any rooms available to sleep in.
3513स्वयं – Oneselfa person’s own self – एक व्यक्ति का अपना स्वI see no reason to hurt oneself, though some people willingly endure harm to protect other people.
3514गोलची – Gougea hole, dent or tear in something – किसी चीज़ में छेद, गड्ढा या फटनाThe refrigerator legs, left a gouge in the vinyl flooring when I moved it out to clean behind it.
3515विचारणीय – Considerableof a decent size or to a great extent – अच्छे आकार का या काफी हद तकAfter receiving a considerable number of calls each day, the district attorney’s office has decided to reopen the investigation.
3516खूबसूरत – Handsomelygenerously; substantially – उदारतापूर्वक; काफी हद तकAfter calling a tip in to the crime hotline, the informant was rewarded handsomely for his information.
3517पूर्व – Formerlypreviously – इससे पहलेMrs. Jones was formerly known as Ms. Smith, only changing her name after marriage.
3518काउंटर – Sluga slimy mollusk that lacks a shell and secretes mucous as it drags its body along the ground – एक चिपचिपा मोलस्क जिसमें खोल का अभाव होता है और यह अपने शरीर को जमीन पर घसीटते समय श्लेष्मा स्रावित करता हैThe slug took over the man’s garden, dragging its slimy body over the plants as it munched.
3519विवेक – Discretionthe freedom to decide what should be done in a certain situation – किसी निश्चित स्थिति में क्या किया जाना चाहिए यह निर्णय लेने की स्वतंत्रताBecause my daughter spends money recklessly, I have to give out her allowance at my discretion.
3520उपयोगी – Usefullyin a way that is beneficial or helpful – एक तरह से जो लाभकारी या सहायक होThe man must take medicine for his failing kidneys to function usefully.
3521आतशी – Igneoussolidified from lava or magma – लावा या मैग्मा से जमनाAfter the volcano erupted and lava covered the ground, many igneous rocks were created.
3522गुहा – Cavityan empty space within something that is usually used for something unexpected – किसी चीज़ के भीतर का खाली स्थान जो आमतौर पर किसी अप्रत्याशित चीज़ के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैThe star-crossed lovers hid secret letters in the small cavity in their favorite oak tree.
3523शोकाकुल – Tearfulthe act of being flooded by emotion and its physical manifestation in tears full of tears – भावना से आप्लावित होने की क्रिया और आँसुओं से भरे आँसुओं में उसकी शारीरिक अभिव्यक्तिThe heartbroken woman made a tearful plea to her beloved to forgive her.
3524लिथोलॉजिकल – Lithologicalrelated to the study of rocks – चट्टानों के अध्ययन से संबंधितThe geologist accepted a lithological position that put him in charge of screening the rocks found at the dig site.
3525आसन – Posturethe position that someone holds their body in, generally while standing or sitting – वह स्थिति जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति आम तौर पर खड़े होते या बैठते समय अपने शरीर को रखता हैMary’s bad posture when sitting at her school desk makes her back hurt later during the day.
3526शापित – Cursedplagued with misfortune, evil, or doom – दुर्भाग्य, बुराई या विनाश से ग्रस्तEvery attempt to turn the cursed frog back into his princely form was thwarted by the cruel queen.
3527बकवास – Chattertrivial talk or chit chat – तुच्छ बातचीत या गपशपFull of gossip, my nosy neighbors’ chatter could be heard on my front porch.
3528अनुपस्थित रहने – Truantone who skips something important – वह जो किसी महत्वपूर्ण चीज़ को छोड़ देता हैBecause my son was angry with his teachers, he decided he was going to be a truant and skip school all week.
3529वकील – Advocateto publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things – किसी विशेष नीति या काम करने के तरीके का सार्वजनिक रूप से समर्थन करनाA tireless advocate for children, Mr. Smith has practiced in the area of child welfare for over 20 years.
3530बेमिसाल – Incomparablewithout equal – बिना समानता केTo me my favorite chocolate is incomparable.
3531सुरक्षित – Securedgot; obtained – प्राप्त; प्राप्त कियाThe couple secured a loan from the bank and were able to purchase their dream property within a few months.
3532व्यय-विषयक – Sumptuaryrelating to laws regarding money – धन से संबंधित कानूनों के संबंध मेंThe new sumptuary laws pertain to first- hand regulations on controlling expenses.
3533कारटून – Burlesquea stage production or literary piece that uses excessive exaggeration or comedic imitation to ridicule something or someone – एक स्टेज प्रोडक्शन या साहित्यिक कृति जो किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति का उपहास करने के लिए अत्यधिक अतिशयोक्ति या हास्य नकल का उपयोग करती हैThe burlesque war film depicts our president as a kid playing with toy soldiers.
3534बेबस – Unaidedwithout help or assistance – बिना सहायता या मदद केThe elderly gentleman can no longer walk unaided and depends on a walker to move.
3535तरह टिका – Clunggripped or stuck to something – किसी चीज़ से जकड़ा हुआ या चिपका हुआAs the little girl didn’t want to be left at the preschool, she clung to her mother’s leg by wrapping both of her arms and legs around her mother’s calf.
3536उगलना – Excreteto expel or pass waste from the body – शरीर से अपशिष्ट पदार्थ को बाहर निकालना या बाहर निकालनाIt was disgusting that the cow patty throwing contest could only be done when the cows excrete poop.
3537उपेक्षा करना – Neglectto abandon or ignore – त्यागना या उपेक्षा करनाWhen you have children and work a full-time job, you may neglect your appearance because it is not important anymore.
3538कुल – Grossdisgusting, nasty – घृणित, घृणितWhen I observed my skinned knee, a gross white slime oozed from beneath the scraped skin and blood.
3539अनुभव – Experienceknowledge or skill gained by doing – करने से प्राप्त ज्ञान या कौशलThe woman’s previous management experience made her a shoe-in for the leadership position at a local factory.
3540ख़ुशी – Happinesspleasure; joy – आनंद; आनंदHappiness exuded from the new bride’s face as she enjoyed her wedding day festivities.
3541संघ – Leaguean assembly of clubs, countries, or associations where the people come together for a certain reason – क्लबों, देशों या संघों की एक सभा जहाँ लोग किसी निश्चित कारण से एक साथ आते हैंThe Cincinnati League of Small Business Owners converged on Saturday to discuss the problems with competing with the big-box stores.
3542उदास होना – Mopeto carry oneself in a depressed, spiritless manner – अपने आप को उदास, उत्साहहीन तरीके से ले जानाWith her lip poked out, the young girl continued to mope around the house.
3543उत्साहजनक – Encouragingpositive or promising – सकारात्मक या आशाजनकThe fact that the sun is shining without a single cloud in the sky is encouraging for the picnic we’re planning.
3544निजी – Privatebelonging to or being used by a select group and not the public – किसी चुनिंदा समूह से संबंधित है या उसके द्वारा उपयोग किया जा रहा है, जनता का नहींBecause it is top-secret, the private information inside the folder cannot be shared with anyone.
3545विकैरियस – Vicariousexperienced or felt by watching, listening or reading about another person – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के बारे में देखकर, सुनकर या पढ़कर अनुभव किया गया या महसूस किया गयाMy paralyzed uncle takes vicarious pride in his son’s running achievements.
3546संपूर्ण – Exhaustiveleaving nothing out; thorough – कुछ भी नहीं छोड़ना; अच्छी तरहDespite an exhaustive search of the apartment, I could not find my car keys.
3547अस्पष्ट – Vaguenot described well – अच्छी तरह वर्णित नहीं हैThe book blurb was so vague it told me nothing whatsoever about the plot of the book.
3548नाकाफी – Insufficientnot enough; inadequate – पर्याप्त नहीं; अपर्याप्तThe insufficient quantity of soap in the laundry room made it difficult to wash all of the clothing.
3549लिखा नहीं – Unwrittennot recorded in writing – लिखित में दर्ज नहीं हैBecause the oral business agreement was unwritten, there was no paper to prove it existed.
3550ईम्प्रेस्सारिओ – Impresariothe promoter of an opera or concert company – किसी ओपेरा या कॉन्सर्ट कंपनी का प्रमोटरThe famous impresario changed his name to further promote his concert company.
3551साहसी – Hardytough; resilient – कठिन; लचीलाTrees in the woodland are hardy, withstanding cold winters and severe weather in the spring.
3552गरजना – Howlinga loud, animalistic repetition of sound – ध्वनि की तेज़, पशुवत पुनरावृत्तिThe howling of the wolves on the breeze sent chills up her spine.
3553प्रतीक – Ensigna flag or standard, especially a military or naval one indicating nationality – एक झंडा या मानक, विशेष रूप से एक सैन्य या नौसैनिक जो राष्ट्रीयता का संकेत देता हैThe American ensign is decorated with 50 stars for each state and 13 stripes that represent the first colonies.
3554गर्मजोशी – Unctionan anointing for a ceremonial or religious purpose – किसी औपचारिक या धार्मिक उद्देश्य के लिए अभिषेकI hope you can attend my daughter’s baptismal unction.
3555डेप – Wannabea person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी और के जैसा बनने या किसी विशेष समूह के लोगों के साथ घुलने-मिलने की कोशिश करता हैA cheerleader wannabe, Rebecca tried to fit in with the pep squad even though she wasn’t nearly as cool as them.
3556याद – Memorysomething remembered from the past – अतीत से कुछ याद आयाBecause he died when she was only a baby, the girl has no actual memory of her late father.
3557उत्पाद शुल्क – Exciseto get rid of something by cutting – किसी चीज़ को काटकर उससे छुटकारा पानाIt will take several hours for the surgeon to excise the massive tumor.
3558बेकार – Unnecessarysomething that is not needed – कुछ ऐसा जिसकी आवश्यकता नहीं हैChecking on her baby all through the night was unnecessary, but the woman felt better if she did it anyway.
3559ऊंचाई – Heightrepresents how tall something or someone is – यह दर्शाता है कि कोई वस्तु या व्यक्ति कितना लंबा हैThe seemingly incalculable height of the mountain frightened the young explorer.
3560विवादात्मक – Polemica written or verbal attack on an individual or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु पर लिखित या मौखिक हमलाThe political candidate posted a polemic on his blog that mocked his rival’s lack of community service.
3561डगमगाने – Waverto be uncertain – अनिश्चित होनाI am certain of my selection so my decision will not waver.
3562कण्ठ – Gorgeto consume in huge amounts – भारी मात्रा में उपभोग करनाOn Halloween night, most children gorge on candy.
3563उदाहरण देकर स्पष्ट करना – Illustrateprovide with pictures – चित्र प्रदान करेंOnce the preschool book was written, the artist was hired to carefully illustrate the book with a picture on every page.
3564गलत क़दम – Faux pasa social blunder that is quite embarrassing – एक सामाजिक भूल जो काफी शर्मनाक हैCathy committed a huge faux pas when she licked the spoon and put it back in the cake batter.
3565स्नेहन – Lubricationthe act of making something oily or greasy – किसी चीज़ को तैलीय या चिकना बनाने की क्रियाThe tight ring finally came off of my fat finger due to the lubrication of rubbing soap all over my ring finger.
3566स्मृतिलोप – Amnesialoss of memory; forgetfulness – याददाश्त में कमी; विस्मृतिHarry could not recall anything prior to the date of his accident, which his doctor attributed to amnesia.
3567आवासीय – Residentialdesigned for the housing of people – लोगों के आवास के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गयाResidential areas were created so that city residents would have new places to build their homes.
3568अव्यवहार्य – Impracticableimpossible to do or accomplish – करना या पूरा करना असंभवBecause he doesn’t have a drum set at home, it’s impracticable for Brian to practice his beats.
3569प्रत्याक्ष – Perceptibleable to be noted or observed – ध्यान देने योग्य या अवलोकन करने योग्यShe spoke softly, and her words were barely perceptible.
3570सामान्य – Generalconcerning a very broad array of things, or referring to something in a vague sense – चीज़ों की एक बहुत विस्तृत श्रृंखला के संबंध में, या किसी चीज़ को अस्पष्ट अर्थ में संदर्भित करनाThe general public includes everyone in your society, from the lowest tier to the absolute wealthiest.
3571लालायित होना – Hankerto yearn or pine to do something – कुछ करने के लिए लालायित होना या तड़पनाAfter years of an unhappy marriage, the man begin to hanker to have an affair.
3572पक्षपाती – Biasedunfairly prejudiced or partial – अनुचित रूप से पूर्वाग्रहित या पक्षपातपूर्णDuring the experiment, the participants were blindfolded so that the test results wouldn’t be biased or influenced.
3573हांफने लगा – Gaspedinhaled suddenly, usually to express surprise or shock – आमतौर पर आश्चर्य या सदमा व्यक्त करने के लिए अचानक साँस ली जाती हैThe little girl gasped in horror at the sight of the monster under the bed.
3574वैलेंस – Valencehighly energized electrons that are used in chemical bonding – अत्यधिक ऊर्जावान इलेक्ट्रॉन जो रासायनिक बंधन में उपयोग किए जाते हैंIn order to figure out if two chemicals will bond, first you must find the valence by looking at the number of electrons involved.
3575चिपचिपा – Clammyunpleasantly damp and sticky or slimy to touch – छूने पर अप्रिय रूप से नम और चिपचिपा या चिपचिपाThe feverish girl’s skin was clammy and slick with a light layer of sweat.
3576वारंट – Warranta document issued by the court that gives the police the authority to do something (to enter a place, to arrest a person.) – अदालत द्वारा जारी किया गया एक दस्तावेज़ जो पुलिस को कुछ करने (किसी स्थान में प्रवेश करने, किसी व्यक्ति को गिरफ्तार करने) का अधिकार देता है।Showing up with a warrant, the police asked the homeowner to let them inside so they could search for their suspect.
3577रोकनेवाला – Detaineea person being held in custody, especially because of his or her political views – किसी व्यक्ति को विशेष रूप से उसके राजनीतिक विचारों के कारण हिरासत में रखा जा रहा हैBecause he spoke negatively against the Chinese government, the Chinese regime is holding the detainee against his will.
3578झबरा – Piloseto be covered in long soft hairs – लंबे मुलायम बालों से ढका होनाThe pilose cat was named “Fluffy” due to its cottony, soft, and furry hair.
3579धक्का – Shoveto roughly push – मोटे तौर पर धक्का देनाWhen he’s packing for a trip, the disorganized man tries to shove all of his clothes into one suitcase.
3580गलतफ़हमी – Misunderstandinga situation where one gets the wrong idea – ऐसी स्थिति जहां किसी को गलत विचार आता हैIt turns out that the fight between Mark and Matthew was just a misunderstanding between the two of them, as they were actually trying to become friends.
3581टन भार – Tonnagethe actual amount in heaviness that is measured in tons – भारीपन की वास्तविक मात्रा टन में मापी जाती हैWith the extra tonnage of equipment on the ferry, it was in jeopardy of sinking due to the excess weight.
3582अपरिपक्व – Half-bakednot completely thought out or planned – पूरी तरह से सोचा या योजनाबद्ध नहीं किया गयाTheo’s business idea was half-baked and never got off of the ground due to poor planning.
3583सुविधा – Facilityspace or equipment necessary to accomplish a task – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने के लिए आवश्यक स्थान या उपकरणThere is no facility available to produce our cupcakes, so we will have to continue working from home.
3584आज्ञाकारी – Obedientconforming or submitting to someone’s wishes or demands – किसी की इच्छाओं या मांगों के अनुरूप होना या प्रस्तुत होनाOnly obedient children were permitted to participate in the field trip since the teachers could trust their behavior to be appropriate at the museum.
3585छोड़ना – Remitto send or convey – भेजना या संप्रेषित करनाIf you do not remit the payment for your light bill within two days, your service will be disconnected.
3586अनंत – Interminableseemingly without end; endless – प्रतीत होता है कि इसका कोई अंत नहीं है; अनंतBeing in the backseat of the car with her grandparents was an interminable experience for the teenage girl.
3587अनुसूचित – Scheduleddescribing an event that is intended to take place at a certain time – किसी ऐसी घटना का वर्णन करना जो किसी निश्चित समय पर घटित होने के लिए अभिप्रेत हैOur visit to my Aunt’s house is scheduled for tomorrow, so we’re going to go ahead and pack today.
3588हैरान – Perplexedconfused or puzzled – भ्रमित या उलझन मेंMy dog was obviously perplexed by the arrival of a baby in the home, as he had never seen a human that was even smaller than he was.
3589प्रेषण – Dispatchto quickly send off an individual or thing – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को शीघ्र विदा करनाAccording to the terms of the app, the computer will dispatch a vehicle to collect us within thirty seconds.
3590मन फिराओ – Repentto feel or express remorse for one’s wrong actions – किसी के गलत कार्यों के लिए पश्चाताप महसूस करना या व्यक्त करनाTaylor’s husband continues to repent for cheating in the past, but she isn’t sure that his apologies are sincere.
3591टीका लगाना – Inoculateto treat a person with a vaccine to prevent disease – किसी व्यक्ति को बीमारी से बचाने के लिए टीके से उपचार करनाBefore doctors were able to inoculate people with a polio vaccine, many people died from the disease.
3592मेढक का डिंभकीट – Tadpolethe tailed form of a frog or toad that lives entirely in water before it matures – मेंढक या टोड का पूंछ वाला रूप जो परिपक्व होने से पहले पूरी तरह से पानी में रहता हैA small, frog-like tadpole emerged from the water-covered egg and swam off into the pond.
3593ज़िप – Zipto move at high speed – तेज़ गति से चलनाBecause his passenger was late for work, the hurried taxi driver tried to zip through traffic.
3594धीमा करना – Extenuateto make something wrong or offensive seem more justifiable or acceptable – किसी चीज़ को गलत या आपत्तिजनक बनाना अधिक उचित या स्वीकार्य प्रतीत होनाI only insulted you because there were extenuating circumstances, I had to stand up for myself after all.
3595कार्यक्षेत्र – Demesneland attached to a manor that was used by the lord and not the peasants (workers) – जागीर से जुड़ी भूमि जिसका उपयोग स्वामी द्वारा किया जाता था न कि किसानों (श्रमिकों) द्वाराStaring out at his demesne, the lord of the castle was in awe of all the land that he had acquired.
3596कँटिया – Stickera tacky removable label or decal – एक चिपचिपा हटाने योग्य लेबल या डिकलThe kind teacher always stuck a happy-face sticker on her students’ good papers so that they could take them off and keep them.
3597चिढ़ – Annoyanceirritation; nuisance – चिढ़; बाधाBernie’s state of annoyance was aggravated by the non-stop pestering of his crazy neighbor.
3598संयम – Moderationthe act of restraining oneself from doing something excessively – किसी कार्य को अत्यधिक करने से स्वयं को रोकने की क्रियाEating fatty foods is acceptable as long as you do it in moderation without overdoing it.
3599रोटार फोटो – Rotogravurea process used for printing in which the paper is rolled through a cylinder that has numerous indentions – मुद्रण के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली एक प्रक्रिया जिसमें कागज को एक सिलेंडर के माध्यम से घुमाया जाता है जिसमें कई इंडेंटेशन होते हैंOne of my grandmother’s most treasured possessions was a portrait of her parents that was printed in rotogravure through a rolling process.
3600प्रसार – Expansean open area that is large in size – एक खुला क्षेत्र जो आकार में बड़ा होThe city park is a beautiful expanse of green in the center of town.
3601ट्राइफेक्टा – Trifectaa set or combination of three things – तीन चीजों का एक सेट या संयोजनThe three girls’ voices created a beautiful trifecta over the loudspeaker.
3602अध्यापक – Pedagoguean individual who teaches young people – एक व्यक्ति जो युवाओं को शिक्षा देता हैPedagogue is another word for a teacher or educator.
3603छुट्टी दे दी गई – Dischargeddismissed; let go of – बर्खास्त; छोडो आगे बडोBecause they didn’t have enough work to go around, the newest worker was discharged from her position.
3604उछाल – Buoyancythe ability or tendency to float – तैरने की क्षमता या प्रवृत्तिWhen I think of buoyancy, the first thing that comes to mind is a balloon floating carelessly through the sky.
3605संपूर्णता – Entiretywholeness; fullness; the whole – संपूर्णता; परिपूर्णता; पूराI read the nine-hundred-page book in its entirety, without stopping to take a single break.
3606जन्मजात – Innatea quality or ability which you are born with, or which is present naturally – एक गुण या क्षमता जिसके साथ आप पैदा हुए हैं, या जो स्वाभाविक रूप से मौजूद हैUnlike both of her sisters who adore children, Elise does not have an innate desire to raise a family.
3607सीधा – Straightforwarddirect and easy to understand – सीधा और समझने में आसानPlease don’t waste my time with nonsense, I need an honest and straightforward response.
3608पात्रता – Entitlementthe right to a privilege or benefit – किसी विशेषाधिकार या लाभ का अधिकारSince Lily already had the puppy before her relationship with Fred, she knew she had entitlement to the puppy after they broke up.
3609अंकेक्षण – Audita systematic assessment of something – किसी चीज़ का व्यवस्थित मूल्यांकनWe will need a complete audit of the disease if we are going to find out what it is and how we can stop it.
3610asphyxiation – Asphyxiationthe act of restricting oxygen to the brain in someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के मस्तिष्क तक ऑक्सीजन को सीमित करने की क्रियाDue to the red marks around her neck and her pale blue skin, the medical examiner determined that the woman died of asphyxiation.
3611साहसी – Daringto describe someone who is ready to take risks, bold, or venturesome. – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करना जो जोखिम लेने के लिए तैयार हो, साहसी हो या साहसी हो।Bold and daring, Harriet Tubman helped over 300 slaves escape to freedom through the Underground Railroad.
3612खुद ब खुद – Automaticallyspontaneously and involuntarily – अनायास और अनैच्छिक रूप सेAs I inhaled dust when I shook the dirty rug, I automatically sneezed without any warning.
3613अनिच्छा – Disinclinationa lack of interest; unwillingness – रुचि की कमी; अनिच्छाAfter learning about my daughter’s disinclination in college, I suggested she join the navy.
3614दैनिक – Dailyevery day – रोज रोजDentists recommend that you floss your teeth daily.
3615बालदार – Hairycovered in hair – बालों से ढका हुआThe hairy polar bear’s thick fur helps keep him warm during the icy arctic winters.
3616फिर से बाहर निकलना – Reappearancethe fact of someone or something appearing again – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के दोबारा प्रकट होने का तथ्यI had seen the strange man once before, but I did not expect his reappearance at school as a substitute teacher.
3617बीते वक्त की याद – Nostalgicregret for something that is gone – जो चीज़ चली गई उसके लिए पछतानाSome filmmakers miss the early days of moviemaking and are nostalgic about actually using film to create motion pictures.
3618अंग-विच्छेद करना – Amputateto surgically cut off a limb – शल्य चिकित्सा द्वारा किसी अंग को काटनाWith a deadly disease slowly crawling up the patient’s leg, the doctors had no choice but to amputate it below the knee.
3619विज्ञान – Sciencean area of study that deals with the natural world learned through experiments and observation – अध्ययन का एक क्षेत्र जो प्रयोगों और अवलोकन के माध्यम से सीखी गई प्राकृतिक दुनिया से संबंधित हैThe science teacher led the children through a science experiment that showed how volcanos explode.
3620विचरना – Dallyto do something slowly – धीरे-धीरे कुछ करनाThey fired the guard because he would dally about, wasting his time.
3621विवादित – Controversialsomething that is the subject of typically heated public disagreement – कुछ ऐसा जो आम तौर पर गर्म सार्वजनिक असहमति का विषय हैMany political topics are controversial subjects precisely because they appeal to one party demographic or the other.
3622पिघलना – Meltto dissolve something solid through heat – किसी ठोस चीज़ को गर्मी के माध्यम से घोलनाThe ice at North and South Poles is beginning to melt now that the temperature of our atmosphere is starting to rise.
3623नहीं कर सकता – Cantthe unique vocabulary used by a specific group of people – लोगों के एक विशिष्ट समूह द्वारा उपयोग की जाने वाली अद्वितीय शब्दावलीThe older woman did not understand the modern cant spoken by her grandchildren.
3624गणना – Reckoningthe action or process of calculating or estimating something – किसी चीज़ की गणना या अनुमान लगाने की क्रिया या प्रक्रियाAccording to one reckoning, Seattle’s gained an estimated 17,000 residents in just one year.
3625घंटे की खनखनाहट – Tintinnabulationa ringing or tinkling sound – बजने या झनझनाने की ध्वनिYou are more likely to hear tintinnabulation around Christmas time, when there are more bells and chimes to be heard.
3626प्रबोधन – Enlightenmentthe action of being informed – सूचित किये जाने की क्रियाMy children often look to me for enlightenment when they have questions about important life decisions.
3627Extemporize – Extemporizeto improvise, especially while giving a speech or performing music – सुधार करना, विशेषकर भाषण देते समय या संगीत प्रस्तुत करते समयThe pianist was able to extemporize and play a piece without music or preparation.
3628प्रस्ताव करो – Apposeto place things next to or near another thing – चीज़ों को किसी अन्य चीज़ के बगल में या पास रखनाThe artist chose to appose the two students beside one another so he could paint them at the same time.
3629बचाव का रास्ता – Loopholea mistake or vagueness in a regulation or law that allow all or part of it to be avoided or changed – किसी विनियम या कानून में कोई गलती या अस्पष्टता जो उसके संपूर्ण या आंशिक भाग को टालने या बदलने की अनुमति देती हैSince the contract did not include the deadline for the work to be completed, the handyman found a loophole in the contract so he couldn’t be taken to court.
3630जानने – Knowingbeing aware or having knowledge – जागरूक होना या ज्ञान होनाThe chef explained that knowing which ingredients to include and how long to boil them is key to a tasty soup.
3631वंचित – Depriveto take something away (and keep it away); deny someone of something – किसी चीज़ को दूर ले जाना (और उसे दूर रखना); किसी को किसी चीज़ से इनकार करनाMax is a racist who wants to deprive black people from their right to vote on election day.
3632न्याय परायण – Righteousadhering to moral and/or religious beliefs – नैतिक और/या धार्मिक मान्यताओं का पालन करनाAlthough the righteous man knew his wife was cheating on him, he refused to leave her because the church opposed divorce.
3633पौष्टिकता स्तर – Trophic Levelthe living things that are on the same level in the food chain – वे जीवित वस्तुएँ जो खाद्य श्रृंखला में समान स्तर पर हैंSince these two animals were located in the same trophic level, witnesses realized that they were both herbivores.
3634योग्यता – Meritsomething that deserves to be recognized or praised – कुछ ऐसा जो मान्यता या प्रशंसा के योग्य होJill earned an award of merit for never missing a day of school in twelve years.
3635मूल्यांकन – Appraisedto have had its worth evaluated – इसके मूल्य का मूल्यांकन किया जाना चाहिएThe insurance company appraised the famous painting at ten million dollars.
3636अनौपचारिक – Ad hocmade for a particular reason – किसी विशेष कारण से बनाया गयाSome of the men in our neighborhood have formed an ad hoc safety patrol to deter crime.
3637लाल रंग – Maroona dark reddish-tan color – गहरा लाल-भूरा रंगSince the young man knew nothing about fashion, he wore his maroon shirt with a lighter red pair of pants.
3638मूर्ख – Imbecilea word used to describe a person who behaves in a stupid or foolish manner – एक शब्द जिसका प्रयोग किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जो मूर्खतापूर्ण या मूर्खतापूर्ण व्यवहार करता हैThe teacher was reprimanded for referring to one of her students as an imbecile because he constantly asked silly questions.
3639विषाक्त – Toxiclethal or fatal – घातक या प्राणघातकAfter drinking the toxic substance, the man’s face ballooned to three sizes its normal size before he died.
3640ठूंठ – Stubthe part of a receipt, record, or another paper item that is kept for records – रसीद, रिकॉर्ड या किसी अन्य कागजी वस्तु का वह भाग जो रिकॉर्ड के लिए रखा जाता हैTearing off the top portion of the ticket, the movie worker returned the stub to the customer.
3641स्फुरदीप्ति – Phosphorescencea glowing illuminated object caused by radiation – विकिरण के कारण चमकने वाली एक चमकदार वस्तुThe walls showed brightly through the darkness in the room due to the phosphorescence in the paint.
3642अवसाद – Depressionfeelings of emotional sadness and dejection – भावनात्मक दुःख और निराशा की भावनाएँAlways feeling miserable or worthless, I couldn’t help but wonder if I was suffering from depression, and what I should do about it.
3643फ़ासिस्ट – Fascistrelated to a government system led by a dictator with complete power – पूर्ण शक्ति वाले एक तानाशाह के नेतृत्व वाली सरकारी प्रणाली से संबंधितThe fascist regime has taken over the area and is ruling the city with an iron fist.
3644मुमकिन है – Perchanceperhaps; by chance – शायद; संयोगवशIf we were more self-confident, perchance we would feel better about ourselves.
3645गुस्सा – Angera strong feeling of being annoyed, irritated, or hostile – नाराज़, चिड़चिड़े, या शत्रुतापूर्ण होने की तीव्र भावनाPounding his fists in anger, the upset toddler demanded that his mother feed him lunch.
3646ईमानदार – Truthfulhonest, and always telling the truth – ईमानदार, और हमेशा सच बोलने वालाI trust Sarah completely because she is a truthful person who would never tell a lie.
3647संभावित – Probablelikely; most likely – संभावित; सबसे अधिक संभावनाIt was probable that the students cheated, given their scores on the practice test.
3648लॉबी – Lobbyan entrance way or corridor – प्रवेश मार्ग या गलियाराThe hotel lobby was packed with people waiting in the entrance until they could check into their rooms.
3649नम्र – Unassumingnot putting on airs; modest – हवा न लगाना; मामूलीThe unassuming actor personally responds to his fan mail.
3650फट – Rippedtore; pulled to pieces – फट गया; टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर दियाWhile playing in the garden, the little girl’s cotton dress was snagged on a rose bush and ripped.
3651अनुसंधान – Researchinformation gathered from a careful and diligent search – सावधानीपूर्वक और परिश्रमी खोज से जानकारी एकत्रित की गईResearch gathered from the latest study suggests that radiation can actually increase a patient’s risk for cancer in remote areas of the body.
3652दूरगामी – Far-reachingextensive or wide-ranging; profound – व्यापक या व्यापक; गहराKevin had only lived in his hometown since birth, so it was a far-reaching change when he decided to work all over the world.
3653सलाह – Counsela lawyer or attorney – एक वकील या वकीलThe man decided to find new legal counsel since his current attorney doesn’t seem to care about his case.
3654डंडे – Staveto prevent or delay something bad or undesirable – किसी बुरी या अवांछनीय चीज़ को रोकने या विलंबित करने के लिएGetting a vaccination can stave off the flu during flu season.
3655समान – Identicalan exact copy – एक सटीक प्रतिThe set of identical twins always confuse their teachers and sometimes their parents!
3656अच्छा आदमी – Do-goodera negative term used to describe someone that tries to help others but is naïve or impractical – एक नकारात्मक शब्द जिसका उपयोग किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जो दूसरों की मदद करने की कोशिश करता है लेकिन भोला या अव्यवहारिक हैThe do-gooder traveled the world to help poor children, but she knew very little about their needs.
3657ख़ुलासा – Conspectusa summary or overview – एक सारांश या सिंहावलोकनIf we take the artist’s different works from different time periods, we get a conspectus of his overall career.
3658मिलन – Uniona marriage – एक विवाहThe elderly couple’s union had lasted for over fifty years.
3659उपद्रवी – Uproariousexceptionally funny – असाधारण रूप से मज़ेदारThe comedian’s jokes were so uproarious I laughed until my stomach began to hurt.
3660विश्वास – Believeto consider something to be true; to have confidence or trust in something – किसी बात को सत्य मानना; किसी चीज़ पर विश्वास या भरोसा रखनाThe boy doesn’t believe in monsters, but his little brother thinks that they are real.
3661मालार्की – Malarkeysomething that is considered to be absurd or junk – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जिसे बेतुका या बेकार माना जाता हैEveryone knew that her opinion was complete malarkey since she could not support it with any evidence whatsoever.
3662दिखाया गया – Revealedmade known; uncovered something hidden – ज्ञात किया; कुछ छिपा हुआ उजागर कियाThe boutique just revealed the winner of the grand prize and gave the gift to the lucky victor.
3663बढ़िया शराब – Vintageantique; old-fashioned – प्राचीन; पुराने ज़माने काThe vintage dress had been stored in the small trunk since the early 1930s.
3664उत्थान – Upliftingpositive in a way that encourages someone or improves their condition – एक तरह से सकारात्मक जो किसी को प्रोत्साहित करता है या उनकी स्थिति में सुधार करता हैAn uplifting speaker, TD Jakes encouraged those visiting his church to have faith that better days are coming their way.
3665डोमिनोज़ सिद्धांत – Domino theorythe idea that success or failure is interconnected by region so that if one nation falls, surrounding nations will too – यह विचार कि सफलता या विफलता क्षेत्र से जुड़ी हुई है, इसलिए यदि एक राष्ट्र गिरता है, तो आसपास के राष्ट्र भी गिरेंगेDuring the Cold War, world leaders feared that much of Europe would become communist because according to domino theory, if one country fell to Russian power, all surrounding areas would too.
3666जुनून – Obsessionthe control of one’s thoughts about something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के बारे में अपने विचारों का नियंत्रणBilly’s ex-girlfriend was deemed a stalker due to her obsession with him by always watching, calling and thinking about him.
3667छोडना – Skipto move past one thing in order to do the next – एक काम से आगे बढ़कर अगला काम करनाSince I was tired, I decided to skip morning church service and attend the afternoon mass instead.
3668कड़ा – Unpalatableunpleasant to the taste – स्वाद के लिए अप्रियForgetting the sugar caused the baker to create a fine-looking but unpalatable cake.
3669स्वदेशी – Indigenean indigenous person that is a native of a certain place – एक स्वदेशी व्यक्ति जो किसी निश्चित स्थान का मूल निवासी होWhile sitting around the campfire, the Australian indigene told his grandchildren the stories of his native ancestors.
3670ताली – Latchkeya key for releasing a latch or spring lock, especially on an outer door – कुंडी या स्प्रिंग लॉक खोलने के लिए एक चाबी, विशेष रूप से बाहरी दरवाजे परThe sheriff used the latchkey hanging from his belt loop to unlock the cell door and let the inmate go free.
3671आत्ममुग्ध – Narcissisticobsessed with one’s importance and/or physical appearance. – किसी के महत्व और/या शारीरिक बनावट से ग्रस्त होना।The narcissistic teenager cannot walk more than fifty feet without checking her appearance in her pocket mirror.
3672तगड़ा – Sturdydurable and tough – टिकाऊ और सख्तKevin’s successful architectural plans were attributed to his sturdy table, steady hand and a creative brain.
3673निर्जलीकरण – Dehydrationthe process of an organic body losing enough water to lose body function – एक कार्बनिक शरीर द्वारा शरीर की कार्यप्रणाली खोने के लिए पर्याप्त पानी खोने की प्रक्रियाThe dehydration process occurs more quickly in hot environments where your body loses more water through sweat.
3674पेटवाली – Enceintea boundary wall used to enclose an area – किसी क्षेत्र को घेरने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली चारदीवारीDuring the battle, the enemy broke through the northern enceinte, breaching the boundary wall in a matter of minutes.
3675प्रतिबद्धता – Commitmentthe act of dedicating yourself to a cause or activity; dedication – किसी कारण या गतिविधि के लिए स्वयं को समर्पित करने का कार्य; समर्पणPassing tests in medical school is important, but one also requires commitment to see things through to the end.
3676चमकीला – Chatoyantdescribes a gemstone that has a reflective streak or cat’s eye effect in the center – एक ऐसे रत्न का वर्णन करता है जिसके केंद्र में एक परावर्तक रेखा या बिल्ली की आंख का प्रभाव होता हैEach of the chatoyant minerals had a luminous band in the center.
3677आगे – पीछे – Back-and-forthmoving first in one direction and then in another – पहले एक दिशा में और फिर दूसरी दिशा में आगे बढ़नाThe back-and-forth movement of the ship caused those onboard to become seasick.
3678नुक़सानदेह – Calamitousinvolving catastrophe – तबाही शामिल हैA calamitous accident destroyed the driver’s chance of winning a major race.
3679पर्यावरण – Environmentthe situations, items and settings in a surrounding – आस-पास की स्थितियाँ, वस्तुएँ और सेटिंग्सBased on the wealthy environment in which she grew up, the teenage girl was spoiled and expected everyone to continue giving her gifts.
3680उछल-कूद – Pranceto move or dance about with exaggerated movements – अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण गतिविधियों के साथ घूमना या नृत्य करनाDressed in tight leotards, the dancers continued to prance around the stage, strutting their stuff.
3681स्टेशन – Stationa location where a particular service is based – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई विशेष सेवा आधारित होIf you wish to board a train you will probably have to go to the train station.
3682आंतरिक – Internalthe interior or inside of something – किसी चीज़ का भीतरी भाग या भीतरी भागSince the emergency room physician suspected internal bleeding, the patient’s chest was opened up to see if the injury was bad.
3683चैंपियनशिप – Championshipthe position of being the best in a particular sport or activity – किसी विशेष खेल या गतिविधि में सर्वश्रेष्ठ होने की स्थितिDuring the championship game, the two highest ranked football teams in the nation faced off against one another.
3684समूह चूहा – Pack rata person that hoards meaningless objects – वह व्यक्ति जो अर्थहीन वस्तुओं का संग्रह करता हैJoan is a pack rat that has kept a dozen napkins from every restaurant we visit, and she now has hundreds.
3685उपहास करना – Derideto subject to bitter ridicule – कटु उपहास का पात्र बननाThe movie critic took every opportunity to deride the A-list actor for making the awful film.
3686निपटान – Disposeto toss out or give to another individual – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति को फेंकना या देनाI need to dispose of the broken blender and buy a new one.
3687अवर्णनीय – Indescribableso extreme that it cannot be described or explained – इतना चरम कि उसका वर्णन या स्पष्टीकरण नहीं किया जा सकताAfter finding out he held the winning ticket, the feeling the state lotto winner encountered was indescribable.
3688केंद्र की ओर जानेवाला – Centripetalmoving towards the center – केंद्र की ओर बढ़ रहा हैThe centripetal star is slowly accelerating towards the middle of its solar system.
3689कारण – Reasona cause or explanation for an action or event – किसी कार्य या घटना का कारण या स्पष्टीकरणThe sacked mailman asked the company to tell him why he was being fired, but the manager refused to give him a reason.
3690दुराचार – Misalliancean unsuitable or ill executed alliance – एक अनुपयुक्त या गलत ढंग से क्रियान्वित किया गया गठबंधनThe Axis powers of World War Two were technically allies, but they didn’t work together very well, so you could call them a misalliance.
3691भीख – Beggarya state of extreme poverty or lack of resources – अत्यधिक गरीबी या संसाधनों की कमी की स्थितिFilled with beggary, the streets of the slum looked more like a war zone than a neighborhood.
3692इरादा – Intentthe purpose or reason for doing something – कुछ करने का उद्देश्य या कारणWhen you walked in the store was it your intent to harm the salesclerk?
3693अलग – Asideout of the way; to the side – रास्ते से बाहर; तरफ के लिएPlacing all problems aside, Lila decided to give her boyfriend a second chance.
3694अनुचित – Amissimproper; wrong – अनुचित; गलतWhen I saw the lights on in the house after midnight, I knew something was amiss because my grandmother always went to bed early.
3695हासिल – Achievedreached a desired goal or objective – किसी वांछित लक्ष्य या उद्देश्य तक पहुँचनाThe student achieved honor roll two semesters in a row and received a certificate for his As.
3696ग़ैर – Outlieran outsider – एक बाहरी व्यक्तिThe scholarship student was treated as an outlier by her wealthy peers.
3697उल्लासपूर्ण – Jovialwarm and friendly – जोशीला और दोस्तानाStories describe Santa Claus as a jovial man who gives toys to children.
3698धोखे – Deceptionthe act of lying, misleading or tricking someone – झूठ बोलने, गुमराह करने या किसी को धोखा देने की क्रियाMisleading advertising is a form of deception, and offenders are liable under the law.
3699हानिकारक – Deleteriousharmful – हानिकारकBecause I know alcohol is deleterious, I rarely drink more than one glass of wine.
3700ढोना – Toteto carry or wield something – किसी चीज़ को ले जाना या चलानाHelp me tote this heavy box all the way to the other end of the driveway, because I can’t do it by myself.
3701रस्सी – Ropea cord or cable made from natural fiber – प्राकृतिक रेशे से बनी रस्सी या केबलThe mountain climber attached a rope to the side of the cliff and used the cable to lift himself up.
3702संयमित – Restrainedkept under control – नियंत्रण में रखा गयाA collar and leash were placed on the rambunctious puppy as a way to keep him restrained in public.
3703बाँधना – Tieto clasp or join two strings, fabric or other material together – दो डोरियों, कपड़े या अन्य सामग्री को एक साथ पकड़ना या जोड़नाMy four-year old niece learned how to tie her shoes so she might stop tripping on her loose shoelaces.
3704गलत – Misconstruedto interpret something the wrong way – किसी बात की गलत व्याख्या करनाCarla had no idea that her intended compliment had been completely misconstrued by her aunt.
3705पूछा – Askedto say something to someone else in an attempt to find out info – जानकारी प्राप्त करने के प्रयास में किसी और से कुछ कहनाThe waitress asked the children if they wanted chocolate or vanilla ice cream for dessert.
3706झपकी – Blinkto open and close the eyes quickly – आँखें जल्दी खोलना और बंद करनाDust got into the farmer’s eye, causing him to blink rapidly and rub his hand back and forth.
3707स्मृति सहायक – Mnemonicanything (especially something in verbal form) used to help remember something – कुछ भी (विशेष रूप से मौखिक रूप में कुछ) किसी चीज़ को याद रखने में मदद करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैOur math professor taught us a simple mnemonic for remembering how to complete the equation.
3708टीला – Hummocka plump mound of dirt – गंदगी का एक मोटा ढेरAt night, I rest my head on the hummock of dirt in the backyard and stare at the stars.
3709मुकदमा – Lawsuita claim or dispute brought to a court of law – अदालत में लाया गया कोई दावा या विवादThe homeowners filed a civil lawsuit against the robber and sued him for the value of the things he stole during the break-in.
3710निकाल देना – Deposeto forcefully take a position away from a person – किसी व्यक्ति से जबरदस्ती कोई पद छीन लेनाA coalition of countries is trying to depose the island dictator.
3711पकड़ – Graspto grip – पकड़ के लिएHe held her hand firm in his grasp and refused to let go.
3712थैलीशाह – Magnatea wealthy and influential business person – एक धनी और प्रभावशाली व्यवसायी व्यक्तिMy grandfather was considered a very influential and wealthy oil magnate.
3713वैनवार्ड – Vanwardtoward the forefront of an action or movement – किसी कार्य या आंदोलन में सबसे आगे की ओरPointing vanward, the general instructed the soldiers to move toward the front of the line.
3714परपीड़क – Sadisticdelighting in or feeling pleasure from the pain of others – दूसरों के दर्द से प्रसन्न होना या आनंद महसूस करनाDoris feared being kidnapped by a sadistic maniac.
3715घमंडी – Haughtyproud and unfriendly – घमंडी और अमित्रBecause she was not nice, the haughty girl had few friends.
3716कष्टदायक – Onerousinvolving great effort and difficulty – जिसमें अत्यधिक प्रयास और कठिनाई शामिल हैTaking care of the puppy is an onerous task.
3717शिकायत – Complainta statement that suggests a situation is wrong or unacceptable – ऐसा कथन जो बताता है कि कोई स्थिति गलत या अस्वीकार्य हैA complaint was filed by a tenant against her landlord after he refused to fix the rental property’s leaky roof.
3718समस्थिति – Homeostasisthe tendency of the body to seek and maintain a condition of balance even when things change externally – बाहरी रूप से चीज़ें बदलने पर भी संतुलन की स्थिति तलाशने और बनाए रखने की शरीर की प्रवृत्तिHomeostasis keeps the body’s temperature regulated at an average temperature of 98.6 degrees.
3719मूल – Originthe place or situation from which a person or thing came forth – वह स्थान या स्थिति जहाँ से कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु निकली होMy last name is Scottish in origin because both of my parents are of Scottish descent.
3720फेंक दिया – Thrownto have pitched something through the air – हवा में कुछ उछालनाKnowing the batter struggles with hitting curve balls, the pitcher should have thrown a curve ball in order to get him out.
3721कल्पना – Imageryimages of objects or people or words that convey these visuals in creative works – वस्तुओं या लोगों या शब्दों की छवियां जो रचनात्मक कार्यों में इन दृश्यों को व्यक्त करती हैंThe church refused the donated portrait because of the satanic imagery it contained.
3722काम पर रखा – Hiredemployed; gave a job – कार्यरत; नौकरी दे दीThe manager hired an extra worker to help customers during the store’s busy Christmas season.
3723प्रतिज्ञा – Pledgea promise – एक वादाI made a pledge that I would go on a date with him, so I can’t back out now.
3724दो – Twothe sum of one object plus another – एक वस्तु से दूसरी वस्तु का योगMy mother bought me a second apple, so now I have two.
3725टेढ़ा – Serpentinemarked by a twisting appearance, like the form of a serpent – साँप के रूप की तरह एक टेढ़े-मेढ़े रूप से चिह्नितThe serpentine lake twists through the region providing the entire area with water.
3726साबित – Demonstratedshowed how; presented – दिखाया कैसे; पेश कियाThe nurse demonstrated how to do CPR to the students in her class.
3727स्थापित – Establishedbegan; started – शुरू किया; शुरू कर दियाGrandpa established his cattle ranch in 1936 and started his meat processing business the following year.
3728जेट इंजन – Jet-setto travel around the world enjoying yourself – आनंद लेते हुए दुनिया भर में घूमनाAfter hitting the lottery for several million dollars, the couple bought a private plane and began to jet-set from country to country.
3729चुने हुए – Electedchose; appointed – चुना; नियुक्तThe mayor was elected by a slim margin since a lot of the voters liked his opponent better than him.
3730चिपकने वाला – Clingyused to describe something that sticks onto someone or something tightly – किसी ऐसी चीज़ का वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है जो किसी पर या किसी चीज़ पर कसकर चिपक जाती हैThe clingy shirt stuck to the girl’s skin after she got out of the swimming pool.
3731गंभीर – Reconditenot understood or known by many people – बहुत से लोगों द्वारा समझा या जाना नहीं गयाSince I do not have a law degree, I find it hard to understand the recondite terms of the contract.
3732सुबह – Morningthe period of time between midnight and noon – आधी रात से दोपहर के बीच का समयEach day, I rise with the sun and start my early morning workout routine.
3733अत्यधिक – Exorbitantunreasonably high amount of something; too much – किसी चीज़ की अनुचित रूप से अधिक मात्रा; बहुत अधिकThe luxury hotel charges an exorbitant rate of $25 for a single cheeseburger.
3734आतंक – Terrorismviolence and extremism toward a group of people due to political reasons – राजनीतिक कारणों से लोगों के एक समूह के प्रति हिंसा और उग्रवादWhen the man shot several people in a warring country, he faced charges regarding terrorism and faced an execution squad.
3735भंग – Fracturewhen an object cracks without necessarily completely breaking to pieces – जब कोई वस्तु पूरी तरह टूटे बिना ही टूट जाती हैShe gaped in horror as the soft ice began to fracture beneath her feet.
3736प्रत्यय – Credencemental acceptance as true or real – सत्य या वास्तविक के रूप में मानसिक स्वीकृतिSince you have a history of lying, I find it difficult to give credence to anything you tell me.
3737हेच – Nugatoryhaving no worth or value; useless – जिसका कोई मूल्य या मोल न हो; बेकारJim’s nugatory comments contributed nothing to the class discussion.
3738पशुवर्ग – Faunawildlife of a specific area – किसी विशिष्ट क्षेत्र का वन्य जीवनThe forest’s fauna are safeguarded by local wildlife life protection laws.
3739स्तब्ध – Motionlessto be still or stopped – स्थिर या रुका हुआ होनाOnce I noticed the motionless man sitting on the park bench, I thought he was asleep.
3740निर्देशिका – Directorya book listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers – एक पुस्तक जिसमें व्यक्तियों या संगठनों को नाम, पते और टेलीफोन नंबर जैसे विवरणों के साथ वर्णानुक्रम या विषयगत रूप से सूचीबद्ध किया गया हैGary attempted to look Diane up in the local directory, but her name wasn’t listed in the phone book.
3741पुरस – Protoplasman outdated term for the clear, fluid like substance that forms the living content of all animal or plant cells – स्पष्ट, तरल पदार्थ जैसे पदार्थ के लिए एक पुराना शब्द जो सभी जानवरों या पौधों की कोशिकाओं की जीवित सामग्री बनाता हैScientifically speaking, protoplasm is the living contents of a cell surrounded by a plasma membrane.
3742डिस्कोग्राफी – Discographya descriptive list of recordings by category, composer, performer, or date of release – श्रेणी, संगीतकार, कलाकार, या रिलीज़ की तारीख के अनुसार रिकॉर्डिंग की एक वर्णनात्मक सूचीBilly Jean, Man in the Mirror, and several other Michael Jackson hits were listed on the discography by order of release.
3743पुनः प्रवर्तन – Revivalan instance of something becoming popular or important again after a long time – किसी चीज़ के लंबे समय के बाद फिर से लोकप्रिय या महत्वपूर्ण हो जाने का उदाहरणThough it had been on the brink of wilting, the rose underwent a revival when its owner finally remembered to water it.
3744राक्षसी – Infernalhorrible – भयंकरThe infernal noise from my neighbor’s party kept me awake all night.
3745होशियार – Charyapprehensive about doing something – कुछ करने को लेकर आशंकित होनाBecause Vera was chary about going in the old house, I agreed to go in with her.
3746जहाज़-रानी का – Navigablecontrollable or maneuverable – नियंत्रणीय या चलायमानTests were done on the new Boeing plane to determine if it was navigable in the air at high altitudes.
3747कठिन परिश्रम – Toilto work for a long period of time – लंबे समय तक काम करनाYou should hire Justin because he is a hard worker who will toil until the job is done.
3748चक्करदार – Anfractuoushaving many winding twists and turns – जिसमें कई घुमावदार मोड़ हैंThe couple struggled to get through the anfractuous maze, constantly getting lost in the twists and turns.
3749असामान्य रंग का – Off-colorindecent; vulgar – अशोभनीय; अशिष्टThe student was reprimanded for telling off-color jokes of a sexual nature to some of the girls in his science class.
3750एक ही समय में अनेक घटनाओं का होना – Synchronismsimultaneous occurrence – एक साथ घटनाThe synchronism between these two clocks is flawless, as they are perfectly in tune with one another.
3751सर्वोच्च – Apexthe greatest or topmost position – सबसे बड़ा या सर्वोच्च स्थानAt the apex of our country sits the president of our nation.
3752कैलिपीगस – Callipygoushaving a proportionate and well-shaped rear end – एक आनुपातिक और अच्छे आकार का पिछला सिरा होनाThe callipygous girls in the videos were hired because of their shapely rear-ends.
3753समापन – Completionthe act of finishing or getting to the end of an assignment or task – किसी कार्य या कार्य को ख़त्म करने या ख़त्म करने की क्रिया या भावAlthough it is nearing completion, construction of the house isn’t done just yet.
3754न मजेदार – Unappetizingunappealing in a way lessens your appetite – एक तरह से अनाकर्षक होने से आपकी भूख कम हो जाती हैI can understand the main character of Green Eggs and Ham, since green meat would be extremely unappetizing.
3755हिंसक – Violentusing or involving the use of physical force to cause harm or damage to someone or something – किसी को या किसी चीज को नुकसान पहुंचाने के लिए शारीरिक बल का उपयोग करना या उसमें शामिल होनाThe violent video game was banned for showing very graphic killing scenes.
3756धमकी – Blusterto talk in a loud or aggressive way, usually with little effect – तेज़ या आक्रामक तरीके से बात करना, आमतौर पर कम प्रभाव के साथAngry and irritated, father began to bluster about all of the things the children weren’t doing correctly.
3757कंकड़ – Gravelcause annoyance in; especially by minor irritations – में झुंझलाहट पैदा करना; विशेषकर छोटी-मोटी परेशानियों सेDuring an employee meeting, a department manager stood up and said “Don’t gravel your boss by being late to work every day or find another job.”
3758घंटी वक्र – Bell curvea graph that represents the distribution of probabilities of a set of data in a bell-shaped pattern – एक ग्राफ़ जो घंटी के आकार के पैटर्न में डेटा के एक सेट की संभावनाओं के वितरण का प्रतिनिधित्व करता हैThe student plugged all of the data into a bell curve and used the graph to display his findings.
3759बेहतरीन – Finesthigh quality – उच्च गुणवत्ताThis is our finest silk fabric, completely woven by the hand of an expert craftsman.
3760उद्देश्य – Aimedpointed or directed toward – की ओर इंगित या निर्देशितThe police officer raised his gun and aimed it at the suspect, ordering him to put down his own weapon.
3761चौखटा – Framea person’s size, shape, or build – किसी व्यक्ति का आकार, रूप या बनावटMaria’s slim frame is not suited for fighting or roughhousing.
3762रूप – Morphto change from one form to another – एक रूप से दूसरे रूप में परिवर्तित होनाAs the moon shone in the sky, the boy began to morph into a werewolf from his human form.
3763स्वाद – Relishhave a fondness for – के प्रति लगाव हैAfter a long day at work, there is nothing I relish more than a long hot bath.
3764व्यवस्थित – Methodicalin an ordered manner – क्रमबद्ध तरीके सेMy husband is very organized and has a methodical approach for doing every task.
3765दलदल – Swampto overwhelm with something – किसी चीज़ से अभिभूत होनाI wish the teacher wouldn’t swamp us with so much homework.
3766स्पष्ट अर्थ का – Lucideasy to understand or thinking clearly – समझने में आसान या स्पष्ट रूप से सोचने वालाBecause the medicine made Lisa drowsy, she was not very lucid.
3767जानता था – Knewunderstood; was aware of – समझा; से अवगत थाI knew that I needed to go to sleep, but decided to stay up just a little longer.
3768ज़िद्दी – Persistentnot stopping; continuous – रुकना नहीं; निरंतरAlthough I have been taking medicine for two weeks, I still cannot get rid of this persistent cough.
3769दूर की कौड़ी – Farfetchedunlikely; unbelievable – असंभावित; अविश्वसनीयThe idea that the losing team could come back and win was farfetched, but we held out hope.
3770समानक – Equivalencethe state of being equal to something else – किसी और चीज़ के बराबर होने की अवस्था या भावThe math teacher taught the students to check the equivalence of the fractions, showing them that ½ is equal to 5/10.
3771क़ब्र – Sepulchera place where one is buried – वह स्थान जहाँ किसी को दफनाया जाता हैWhen my mother dies, she will be placed in the family sepulcher alongside my father.
3772बाल सुधार – Reformatoryan alternative to jail or prison where minors are sent for committing a crime – जेल या जेल का एक विकल्प जहां नाबालिगों को अपराध करने के लिए भेजा जाता हैBoth boys were shipped off to a reformatory for naughty children.
3773मोरचा करना – Entrenchto establish an attitude, habit, or belief so strongly that it is not likely to change – किसी दृष्टिकोण, आदत या विश्वास को इतनी दृढ़ता से स्थापित करना कि उसके बदलने की संभावना न होFrustrated, the painter had moved on and prepared to entrench herself in another project.
3774मंज़ूर किया गया – Grantedallowed – अनुमतAlthough the foreigner was granted entry the country temporarily, she had to leave when her visa expired.
3775तकरार – Altercationa loud and heated disagreement – एक ज़ोरदार और तीखी असहमतिThe altercation between the two men was quickly broken up by mall security.
3776जागरूक – Awareinformed; understanding a situation – सूचित किया; किसी स्थिति को समझनाBecause they weren’t aware that the storm was coming, the family didn’t leave the area when everyone else did.
3777सम्मानित – Reputableviewed as being reliable and trustworthy – विश्वसनीय और विश्वसनीय माना जाता हैIf your credit history shows you’re not reputable, you won’t be interviewed for a position at the bank.
3778नल – Tapto exploit or draw from a source – किसी स्रोत से शोषण या निष्कर्ष निकालनाThe miners were looking to tap into a gold reserve in the mine and extract it all for personal gain.
3779भयानक – Terribleevil or ill-willed – दुष्ट या दुर्भावनापूर्णThere is nothing more terrible than a dictator who is willing to murder his own people to further his conquest.
3780सर्दी – Winterthe coldest season of the year – साल का सबसे ठंडा मौसमDuring the winter months, the children wear thick coats and gloves to keep their hands warm.
3781असामान्य – Unusualrare or uncommon – दुर्लभ या असामान्यIt isn’t unusual for the employee to take off from work since she likes to stay home at least once a week.
3782आत्मीयता – Lineamentan outline, or feature, or contour of a body or figure, especially the parts of the face – किसी शरीर या आकृति की रूपरेखा, या विशेषता, या रूपरेखा, विशेषकर चेहरे के हिस्सेThe young child traced the lineament of the statue.
3783निकालना – Removeto take something away from where it was positioned – किसी चीज़ को उस स्थान से दूर ले जाना जहाँ वह स्थित थीThe doctor will remove the splinter from the child’s foot using a pair of small scissors.
3784जिसके चलते – Therebythus; in doing so – इस प्रकार; ऐसा करने मेंThe wife offered a heartfelt apology, thereby saving her marriage.
3785लक्ष्य – Goalan aim or target that one wants to reach – एक उद्देश्य या लक्ष्य जिस तक कोई पहुंचना चाहता हैThe students set a goal to read at least 100 books by the end of the school year.
3786परिचलन – Gyrationcircular rotation – गोलाकार घुमावThe gyration of the washing machine distracted the woman as she worked.
3787अपनाना – Assimilateto learn something so that it is fully understood and can be used – किसी चीज़ को सीखना ताकि वह पूरी तरह से समझ में आ सके और उसका उपयोग किया जा सकेBecause I am not good with math, I find it difficult to assimilate most of the geometry formulas.
3788बदनामी – Calumniationthe false accusation or lies being spread against someone – किसी के विरुद्ध फैलाया जा रहा झूठा आरोप या झूठSued for calumniation, the magazine was required to remove all of the false headlines or face a fine.
3789चुस्त – Skittishscared by even the smallest of things – छोटी-छोटी बातों से भी डर लगता हैThe skittish horse stood on his hind legs when the rabbit rushed by him.
3790रहस्यमय – Mysteriousmysterious means difficult to understand – रहस्यमय का अर्थ समझना कठिन हैSolving the crime was mysterious because the detectives were missing crucial evidence.
3791वायु – Airthe invisible mixture of gases that covers the earth – गैसों का अदृश्य मिश्रण जो पृथ्वी को ढकता हैA tasty odor in the air seemed to float through around the kitchen.
3792अच्छेपन – Benignitythe trait of being gentle and nice – सौम्य और अच्छा होने का गुणJared’s benignity makes him too nice and allows him to be an easy target for con artists.
3793शांत होना – Tranquilizethe act of drugging or incapacitating in order to calm – शांत करने के लिए नशीली दवा देने या अक्षम करने की क्रियाThe doctors were forced to tranquilize the hysterical woman before she her herself.
3794उत्तीर्ण – Passedto have successfully completed something – किसी चीज़ को सफलतापूर्वक पूरा करनाThe student thought that she had passed her midterm exam since most of the questions seemed easy.
3795शोकाकुल – Lugubriouslooking or sounding sad and gloomy – उदास और उदास दिखना या लगनाIn his first novel, the mysterious postman is the perfect example of a lugubrious character.
3796सामान – Accessoriesthings that are secondary to the primary function of something to make it more desirable – ऐसी चीज़ें जो किसी चीज़ को अधिक वांछनीय बनाने के लिए उसके प्राथमिक कार्य के लिए गौण होती हैंThe only real function of a car is to drive, but it can have many accessories, such as spoilers, special paintjobs, or unique rims.
3797क्रॉचेट – Crotcheta highly specific and often eccentric preference – एक अत्यधिक विशिष्ट और अक्सर विलक्षण प्राथमिकताI’m a mostly normal guy, but my one crotchet is that I like to listen to Beethoven whenever I eat dinner.
3798पाबंदी – Interdictto ban or prohibit in a firm manner – दृढ़तापूर्वक प्रतिबन्ध लगाना या निषेध करनाThe government’s new plan to interdict illegal drug sales will cost the country billions of dollars.
3799अनैतिकता – Immoralitystate or quality of being immoral or evil – अनैतिक या दुष्ट होने की अवस्था या गुणSeveral students at the school were suspended due to the immorality of their conduct when they pushed and made fun of a special needs student.
3800प्रोत्साहन – Stimulusanything that triggers a change – कुछ भी जो परिवर्तन को प्रेरित करता हैBecause the acid causes the mixture to burn, it is the stimulus in the experiment.
3801हो गया – Donefinished or over with – समाप्त या समाप्त हो जानाWhile he wanted to hurry up and get it over with, Sean knew he wouldn’t be done with his test until he answered the last question.
3802खेल – Playto do an action that is intended to be enjoyable – ऐसा कार्य करना जिसका उद्देश्य आनंददायक होGirls will usually play with dolls by combing their hair and pretending they are their own children.
3803बेताल – Discordantharsh or unpleasant in sound – ध्वनि में कठोर या अप्रियThe frightened cat gave a discordant shriek and jumped on top of the table.
3804किराएदार – Tenantsomeone that pays someone else to live on their property – कोई व्यक्ति जो अपनी संपत्ति पर रहने के लिए किसी और को भुगतान करता हैThe tenant pays his landlord eight hundred dollars a month to live in his apartment complex.
3805शौक – Hobbya fun event or exercise done in someone’s free time – किसी के खाली समय में किया गया कोई मनोरंजक कार्यक्रम या व्यायामShopping has become a hobby for many women and girls, but it seems to be a very expensive way of spending their time.
3806प्रतिष्ठित – Reputedreported to be such a way – ऐसा बताया जा रहा हैA local gang is reputed to have killed the storeowner because he refused to pay protection money.
3807कुछ भी नहीं – Zilchzero or nothing – शून्य या कुछ भी नहींShe knew zilch about camping, so when she was asked to help put up the tent she fumbled with poles.
3808संघर्ष – Struggleto battle or make a great effort – युद्ध करना या बड़ा प्रयत्न करनाIt was a struggle for Sam to free himself from his attacker.
3809चूना – Permeateto pass or spread through – गुजरना या फैलनाThe light will permeate through the curtain when the sun rises.
3810बकवास – Boshnonsense; absurdity – बकवास; मूर्खताBecause the celebrity knew the tabloid’s accusations were total bosh, Angelina refused even to acknowledge the claims.
3811विशेषता – Featurea distinctive aspect of something – किसी चीज़ का एक विशिष्ट पहलूThe most notable feature of his face was the piercing blue eyes that were as vivid as the sky itself and just as vast.
3812कुंड – Furrowa thin wrinkle or line on an individual’s face – किसी व्यक्ति के चेहरे पर एक पतली झुर्रियाँ या रेखाIf you observe my father while he’s in a thoughtful mood, you’ll see a furrow above his eyes.
3813मोहभंग – Disenchantmenta feeling of disappointment about someone or something you previously respected or admired – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति या किसी चीज़ के बारे में निराशा की भावना जिसका आप पहले सम्मान करते थे या प्रशंसा करते थेGrowing disenchantment with Empire’s leadership led te board members to vote the CEO out of office.
3814प्रवाहकत्त्व – Conductionthe process by which sound waves travel through another material – वह प्रक्रिया जिसके द्वारा ध्वनि तरंगें किसी अन्य सामग्री से होकर गुजरती हैंThe conduction of sound through the air is what allows us to hear all of the noise around us, since we wouldn’t hear anything if the sound didn’t travel to our ears from its source.
3815अनुपालन – Compliancethe act of obeying rules – नियमों का पालन करने की क्रियाBecause the prisoner had a long history of compliance, the warden gave him extra outside privileges.
3816बाजार – Marketplacean place where people sell things to the public – वह स्थान जहाँ लोग जनता को चीज़ें बेचते हैंThe fresh produce marketplace is filled with fruit stands and organic farmers selling their fruit.
3817अवरोधन – Interceptto stop, deflect or divert something in progress or motion – किसी प्रगति या गति को रोकना, विचलित करना या मोड़नाI leaped into the air, attempting to intercept the football before it landed in Bernie’s hands.
3818अनुमति – Assentto agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration – किसी बात पर विशेषकर विचार-विमर्श के बाद सहमत होनाFor a while, it seemed as if Karen was not going to assent to Jim’s marriage proposal.
3819उछल-कूद – Pranceto strut around in a lively way to impress others – दूसरों को प्रभावित करने के लिए जीवंत तरीके से घूमनाIt’s fun and interesting to watch a sixty year old rock star prance around the stage during a concert.
3820परस्पर संबंध – Interrelateto relate or connect with one another – एक दूसरे से जुड़ना या जुड़नाAt first, the two crimes didn’t seem to interrelate, but no police think they have a common killer.
3821रिले – Relayto pass on something that has been received – जो कुछ प्राप्त हुआ है उसे आगे बढ़ानाBecause their communication system was down, the lieutenant had no way to relay information to his officers.
3822चल रहे – Ongoingto continue to happen – घटित होना जारी रहेगाHer ongoing nausea started last week and had not stopped, so the woman decided to visit her family doctor.
3823असाधारण – Exceptionalexcellent or brilliant – उत्कृष्ट या शानदारTiffany had exceptional grades with straight A’s and they were all at one hundred percent.
3824के बारे में बताया – Briefedprepared someone for a task by giving them updated information – किसी को अद्यतन जानकारी देकर किसी कार्य के लिए तैयार करनाThe assistant briefed her boss on his next meeting and prepared him for what to say to the board.
3825निराधार – Groundlesswith no basis in reality or no evidence of being the case – जिसका वास्तविकता में कोई आधार नहीं है या मामला होने का कोई सबूत नहीं हैYou have complained of poor customer service yet have not actually spoken to an employee yet, thus your complaint is groundless.
3826पीछे हटना – Recoilto quickly move back – जल्दी से वापस जाने के लिएSeeing the snake made me recoil in fear.
3827बाद का प्रभाव – After effecta consequence that follows and action – एक परिणाम जो अनुसरण करता है और कार्रवाईThe tsunami was an after effect of the earthquake and rose up after the ground began to shake.
3828काफिले – Convoya group of vehicles that move as a unit for safety reasons – वाहनों का एक समूह जो सुरक्षा कारणों से एक इकाई के रूप में चलता हैAs the convoy of missionaries travelled through the dangerous jungle, they were escorted by a team of soldiers.
3829भयग्रस्त – Phobichaving or involving an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something – किसी चीज़ के प्रति अत्यधिक या अतार्किक भय या घृणा होना या उसमें शामिल होनाA snake phobic since the age of twelve, a fearful Sandy couldn’t stand the sight of anything that slithered on the ground.
3830हाथ आजमाया – Dabbledtook part in an activity in a casual way – एक गतिविधि में सामान्य तरीके से भाग लियाStacey dabbled in painting and sculpting from time to time, but drawing people was her real passion.
3831उदाहरण देना – Exemplifyto show or illustrate by example – उदाहरण द्वारा दिखाना या स्पष्ट करनाStudents expect their teachers to exemplify good behavior at all times.
3832आकाशवाणी – Oraclean individual with great intelligence or a person who speaks for a deity – महान बुद्धि वाला व्यक्ति या देवता की ओर से बोलने वाला व्यक्तिThe computer genius is viewed as the oracle of technology who changed the world.
3833पुतला – Manikina model of the human body, used for teaching medical or art students – मानव शरीर का एक मॉडल, जिसका उपयोग चिकित्सा या कला के छात्रों को पढ़ाने के लिए किया जाता हैBecause the science manikin is so realistic, it has pupils that react to light and eyelids that blink.
3834टुकड़ा – Fragmentportion or segment of an object broken from something whole – किसी वस्तु का वह भाग या खंड जो किसी पूर्ण वस्तु से टूटा हुआ होThe satellite will fragment and burn up as it falls through the Earth’s atmosphere.
3835ख़याली – Ostensibleappearing as such but not necessarily so – ऐसा प्रतीत हो रहा है लेकिन जरूरी नहीं कि ऐसा होYour ostensible prank has done a lot of damage, and now you must face the consequences of your actions.
3836उत्कृष्टता – Excellencethe state of being extremely good – अत्यंत अच्छा होने की अवस्था या भावCommitted to excellence, our basketball team refused to give up when we were behind in the first round.
3837आवेश – Conniptiona fit, fuss, or tantrum – एक फिट, उपद्रव, या गुस्साMy father had a conniption when he realized that I had not made all A’s for this semester of school.
3838घर का मैदान – Home frontthe people and home country operations of a nation involved in the war – युद्ध में शामिल किसी राष्ट्र के लोग और गृह देश के संचालनDuring the war, the American home front supported the effort by sewing clothing and manufacturing ammunition.
3839बाग़ी – Malcontentan individual who is unruly and hardly ever satisfied – एक व्यक्ति जो अनियंत्रित है और शायद ही कभी संतुष्ट होता हैThe woman was such a malcontent that she complained about every dish served to her in the five-star restaurant.
3840असंगत – Disproportionatenot in proportion; unfair in size – अनुपात में नहीं; आकार में अनुचितWith a disproportionate number of students and staff, the small school scrambled to fit everyone in a classroom.
3841स्वीकार किया – Acknowledgedadmitted; told that something was true – स्वीकार किया गया; बताया कि कुछ सच थाThe drunk driver acknowledged that he had been drinking and admitted to downing three beers before getting behind the wheel.
3842नग्नता – Nuditythe state of being naked (nude) – नग्न होने की अवस्था (नग्न)The homeless man was arrested for his nudity after the police saw him standing in the middle of the street naked.
3843उपयुक्त – Appropriateright or suited for a particular situation – किसी विशेष स्थिति के लिए सही या उपयुक्तHer speech on retirement was appropriate for her middle-aged audience.
3844ईमागौ – Imagothe final adult form of an insect, typically with wings – कीट का अंतिम वयस्क रूप, आमतौर पर पंखों वालाThe housefly we see is the imago, the adult form of the maggot.
3845पहचानना – Discernto be able to see, recognize, understand, or decide something – किसी चीज़ को देखने, पहचानने, समझने या निर्णय लेने में सक्षम होनाIt was not difficult to discern that Ellen killed her husband for the million dollar life insurance policy.
3846बाद वाला – Latterused to signify the second part of something – किसी चीज़ के दूसरे भाग को सूचित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैMy favorite fruits are apples and watermelon, especially the latter on a hot summer day.
3847व्यक्ति से संपर्क किया – Contactedgot in touch with; communicated – साथ संपर्क में; भेजीAfter the student failed another test, her teacher contacted her parents through a hand-written note.
3848उत्तेजित – Inciteto stir up or excite – उत्तेजित या उत्तेजित करनाThe racist man tried to incite hatred in his children by telling them falsehoods about minority groups.
3849खाली – Vacateleave; move out of – छुट्टी; से बाहर कदमThe guards were ordered to never vacate their posts.
3850संकटग्रस्त – Endangeredat serious risk of dying out/becoming extinct – ख़त्म होने/विलुप्त होने का गंभीर ख़तरा हैThe Dodo bird is now extinct since no one was able to mate them when they were endangered.
3851समझ – Senseto detect or recognize – पता लगाना या पहचाननाAfter entering the spooky house, the medium could sense several spirits moving about the room.
3852ख़राब – Infelicitousnot well-timed or suitable – ठीक समय पर या उपयुक्त नहींGiven the host’s spouse had recently died, my comment about wanting to die was infelicitous.
3853ज़बरदस्त – Blatantcompletely obvious, especially in an offensive manner – पूरी तरह से स्पष्ट, विशेषकर आक्रामक तरीके सेWhen the judge heard the defendant’s blatant lie, he became very angry.
3854एकाकी – Lonesomelonely because of lack of companionship – साथी की कमी के कारण अकेलाThe monk claimed to never feel lonesome and swore he enjoyed living in solitude.
3855एक्ज़ोथिर्मिक – Exothermicreleasing heat – गर्मी जारी करनाBecause it generated heat, the chemical was considered exothermic.
3856मांगना – Postulateto suggest something (such as an idea or theory) especially in order to start a discussion – विशेष रूप से चर्चा शुरू करने के लिए कुछ सुझाव देना (जैसे कोई विचार या सिद्धांत)।In an attempt to create controversy, some experts postulate alternatives to historical beliefs that have been accepted for years.
3857प्रबल – Egregiousreally bad or offensive – वास्तव में बुरा या आपत्तिजनकEven though Jack was told to behave in church, he was still egregious by talking loudly during the sermon.
3858पूर्व – Formerprevious; prior – पहले का; पूर्वStacy’s mail is still being sent to her former address even though she moved to a new house several weeks ago.
3859बटोरने का कार्य – Gleaninggathering information or data from numerous resources – अनेक संसाधनों से जानकारी या डेटा एकत्र करनाThe news reporter was gleaning facts from eye witnesses to the event, information from expert interviews and data from computer research.
3860प्रत्याशा – Anticipationthe condition of being excited about something that is going to occur – जो कुछ घटित होने वाला है उसके बारे में उत्साहित होने की अवस्थाIn anticipation of the baby’s arrival, we have prepared the nursery.
3861आदर – Respecta feeling of deep admiration and honor for something or someone that causes one to treat it in a dignified way – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के प्रति गहरी प्रशंसा और सम्मान की भावना जो किसी को उसके साथ सम्मानजनक तरीके से व्यवहार करने के लिए प्रेरित करती हैAfter finding out the candidate had stolen money, the voters lost all respect for him.
3862निराश – Disappointedsaddened and upset because of a letdown – मंदी के कारण दुखी और परेशान हूंThe police disappointed that no witnesses came forward to talk to them about the crime.
3863देवत्व – Divinitythe property of being divine, of being like a god or God – दिव्य होने का, ईश्वर या भगवान जैसा होने का गुणAlthough many doubted him, the man held fast in his claims of divinity and never faltered even when put under pressure.
3864मोटे चमड़े का जनवार – Pachyderma mammal, usually with thick skin, that has hooves or appendages similar in shape to hooves – एक स्तनपायी, आमतौर पर मोटी त्वचा वाला, जिसके खुर या उपांग खुरों के आकार के समान होते हैंIf a circus has an elephant, it has a pachyderm.
3865भुनाना – Redeemto exchange one thing for money or goods; to buy or pay off – पैसे या सामान के बदले एक चीज़ का आदान-प्रदान करना; खरीदना या भुगतान करनाI save my coupons so that I can redeem them at the supermarket.
3866गवाह – Witnessto see something – कुछ देखने के लिएI bore witness to the sunrise this morning, because I decided it would be nice to start the day on a good note this time.
3867यादगार बनाना – Perpetuateto cause to continue – जारी रखने के लिए कारणIf you yell at Jane after she yells at you, your actions will only perpetuate the argument.
3868सूचित – Indicatedpointed out; showed – बताया; दिखाया हैThe test results indicated the flu, but the patient isn’t showing symptoms yet.
3869संकेत देना – Hintsomething that suggests something indirectly or secretly – कुछ ऐसा जो परोक्ष या गुप्त रूप से कुछ सुझाता होI could not tell my brother flat out that my mother was angry, so I had to use my facial expression as hint for him to be quiet.
3870किफ़ायत – Thriftthe act of being cautious with your money – अपने पैसे को लेकर सतर्क रहने का कार्यNonprofit organizations use their thrift to buy needed items to make life better for those they are devoted to helping.
3871आदत डालना – Habituateto help a person or animal get accustomed to a new environment – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर को नए वातावरण का आदी होने में मदद करनाWhether or not they were able to habituate the injured bear depended on the patience of the zoo caregivers.
3872कैथोलिक – Catholicextensive and widespread in choices and activities – विकल्पों और गतिविधियों में व्यापक और व्यापकAs the busy young woman chose from the catholic events displayed, she could pick from sports to crafts to dancing and everything in between.
3873उपभोक्ता – Consumeran individual who buys services and goods for his or her own use – एक व्यक्ति जो अपने स्वयं के उपयोग के लिए सेवाएँ और सामान खरीदता हैWill has trouble waking up in the morning so he is a huge coffee consumer.
3874जन्म दर में तेज़ी का समय – Baby Boomera person born during a time when there was a large rise in the birth rate population – एक व्यक्ति का जन्म ऐसे समय में हुआ जब जन्म दर जनसंख्या में बड़ी वृद्धि हुई थीThe baby boomer was born in 1946 along with tons of other babies in the US.
3875बच जाना – Survivedmade it through something difficult or dangerous – किसी कठिन या खतरनाक चीज़ से गुजरनाCarl survived the almost deadly crash, feeling very lucky to be alive.
3876यानतोड़क तोपें – Flakadverse criticism – प्रतिकूल आलोचनाThe unhappy customer gave George flak for the long wait time.
3877तकनीशियन – Techniciansomeone who has mastered the basic techniques necessary for a trade and employs them effectively – कोई व्यक्ति जिसने व्यापार के लिए आवश्यक बुनियादी तकनीकों में महारत हासिल कर ली है और उन्हें प्रभावी ढंग से नियोजित करता हैThe lab technician applied a variety of scientific techniques to analyze the specimen.
3878लीम्बो – Limbobeing in a lost or unknown position – खोई हुई या अज्ञात स्थिति में होनाThat has created a limbo in terms of how the military deals with gender-specific policies.
3879पीड़ा देना – Aggrieveto badly mistreat/make upset – बुरी तरह से दुर्व्यवहार करना/परेशान करनाIf the boy insults my mother and continues to tease and taunt me, he would prove he knows how to aggrieve me.
3880चुकाना – Defrayto cover, as in to pay for something – कवर करना, जैसे किसी चीज़ के लिए भुगतान करनाBecause I have a coupon that will defray fifty percent of my restaurant bill, I have enough money to see a movie after dinner.
3881जोड़नेवाला – Associativehaving a connection between two things – दो चीजों के बीच संबंध होनाResearch studies have shown time and time again that there is an associative connection between smoking and cancer.
3882शिपिंग – Shippingtransporting goods from one place to another – माल को एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक पहुंचानाTrains were once the most common mode of transporting goods, but now most shipping happens through over-the-road trucking.
3883सुहाग रात – Honeymoona period of harmony or a vacation immediately following marriage or the renewing of a relationship – सद्भाव की अवधि या शादी के तुरंत बाद छुट्टी या रिश्ते का नवीनीकरणAfter their wedding day, the newlywed couple flew to Hawaii for a weeklong honeymoon on the beach.
3884हानिकारक – Noxiousharmful – हानिकारकBesides being annoying, the mosquito is a noxious insect that can carry and transmit a number of potentially fatal diseases.
3885प्रभुत्व – Ascendancya situation of power from which an individual can influence or direct other individuals – शक्ति की वह स्थिति जिससे कोई व्यक्ति अन्य व्यक्तियों को प्रभावित या निर्देशित कर सकता हैJim is an arrogant man who believes he has an ascendancy that allows him to order his wife around like a slave.
3886एकाग्र – Convergeto come together from different places to meet at one point – भिन्न-भिन्न स्थानों से आकर एक बिंदु पर मिलनाEvery year, my family chooses to converge in Georgia from all around the United States for our family reunion.
3887पहचान – Recognizancea bond entered before a court of record or judge – अभिलेख न्यायालय या न्यायाधीश के समक्ष दाखिल किया गया बांडAfter posting a $20,000 bond, the man was released by the judge on his own recognizance.
3888पर्यवेक्षण – Supervisionthe supervising of people, places, or things – लोगों, स्थानों या चीज़ों की निगरानी करनाThose taking the test should be under watchful supervision during the administration of their exam.
3889नियमावली – Manuala book of instructions that explains how something works or what to do in a certain situation – निर्देशों की एक पुस्तक जो बताती है कि कोई चीज़ कैसे काम करती है या किसी निश्चित स्थिति में क्या करना हैAndrew misplaced his computer manual, so he used his brother’s instruction book to set up his laptop.
3890रस – Gravyunearned or unexpected money or windfall – अनर्जित या अप्रत्याशित धन या अप्रत्याशित लाभAfter winning the lottery, John’s family joked that he had hit the gravy train.
3891सज़ा – Punishmenta penalty that is imposed after a crime or offense has been committed – वह दंड जो किसी अपराध या अपराध के घटित होने के बाद लगाया जाता हैThe only punishment that seemed to change the child’s behavior was having to walk laps at recess.
3892लाग-लपेट – Predilectiona preference for something; a strong liking – किसी चीज़ के लिए प्राथमिकता; एक मजबूत पसंदHer predilection for chocolate-covered roaches is so weird!
3893बीतना – Wendto follow a set direction or path – किसी निर्धारित दिशा या पथ का अनुसरण करनाMiles of trails wend their way through the trees and meadows.
3894टैगा – Taigalarge region of North America, Eurasia, and parts of Russia with subarctic climate and expansive forests – उत्तरी अमेरिका, यूरेशिया और रूस के कुछ हिस्सों का बड़ा क्षेत्र जहां उपोष्णकटिबंधीय जलवायु और विस्तृत वन हैंThe great Russian taiga is known for its abundance of snow and hulking pine trees.
3895गलत – Misconceivedinterpreted wrong because information wasn’t properly understood – गलत व्याख्या की गई क्योंकि जानकारी ठीक से समझ में नहीं आईThe poet was frustrated that so many of the readers were confused and misconceived the meaning of her lastest piece.
3896सृष्टिवाद – Creationismthe belief that the universe was created by a divine being – यह विश्वास कि ब्रह्माण्ड की रचना किसी ईश्वरीय सत्ता ने की हैThe Catholic Church no longer teaches creationism, the faith that in six days God created the world.
3897छायादार – Shadysly and suspicious – धूर्त और संदिग्धEvery member of the secret round table meeting was either a shady mobster or a crooked politician.
3898तत्व – Elementa specific portion of something – किसी चीज़ का एक विशिष्ट भागThe detective needed to find the final element of the puzzle in order to identify the killer.
3899धारणा शक्तिवाला – Retentiveable to remember facts and other information – तथ्यों और अन्य सूचनाओं को याद रखने में सक्षमJason has a retentive memory and never fails to recall the names of his three hundred employees.
3900विसर्जन – Immersionthe act or submerging something completely in a liquid – किसी चीज को पूरी तरह से तरल में डुबाने की क्रिया या भावWhenever I go swimming, I enjoy the immersion of diving to the bottom of the pool and feeling the cool water all over me.
3901प्रयोगात्मक रूप से – Tentativelyhesitantly; not sure – झिझकते हुए; निश्चित नहींBecause I was worried the pool might be too cold, I tentatively stuck my foot in the water.
3902रहना – Stayto remain in the same position or place – एक ही स्थिति या स्थान पर बने रहनाIf you are grounded you must stay in your room.
3903व्याख्यात्मक – Explanatorythe act of describing something – किसी चीज़ का वर्णन करने की क्रियाMr. Doug’s secretary emailed her department an explanatory memo about what should be in the quarterly reports.
3904निष्कासित – Expelledbarred; excluded – वर्जित; छोड़ा गयाAfter she was caught smoking in the girl’s locker room for the 3rd time, the troublemaking teenager was expelled from school for the rest of the year.
3905बढ़ाना – Boostto help, stimulate, or encourage something to improve – किसी चीज़ को सुधारने में मदद करना, उत्तेजित करना या प्रोत्साहित करनाMy kind words encouraged my sister to continue doing her best, and that boost really helped her improve.
3906अपमानजनक – Abusivedescribing continuous violence or cruelty towards something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के प्रति निरंतर हिंसा या क्रूरता का वर्णन करनाIt is sad to think that many animals suffer at the hands of an abusive owner every day, being physically beaten or deprived of nutrition on a regular basis.
3907आश्चर्यजनक – Fabulousamazing or wonderful – अद्भुत या आश्चर्यजनकThe amount of money we made during the fundraiser was absolutely fabulous, covering the cost of not only our current project, but the repaving of the school parking lot as well.
3908विरोध – Rivalrycompetition – प्रतियोगिताThe rivalry between the two teams was a longstanding conflict.
3909रॉयल्टी – Royaltythe status or power of a king or queen or his or her family – राजा या रानी या उसके परिवार की स्थिति या शक्तिBecause he is royalty, the queen is in charge of running the entire kingdom from her throne.
3910कारोबार – Turnoverthe act of replacing an employee with a new employee – किसी कर्मचारी के स्थान पर नये कर्मचारी को नियुक्त करने की क्रियाThe turnover of teachers in the school has been much higher the last few years.
3911सूचित करें – Notifyto inform someone of something – किसी को कुछ बतानाThe doctor’s office said that they would notify me by mail when to schedule my next appointment.
3912यात्रा – Treka long and usually difficult journey, typically carried out on foot – एक लंबी और आमतौर पर कठिन यात्रा, जो आमतौर पर पैदल की जाती हैIn order to make it to Grandma’s house, we will have to trek over the mountains and through the woods.
3913नन्हा – Teenyvery small; tiny – बहुत छोटे से; छोटाBecause she was born several weeks early, the teeny tiny baby fit into her father’s hand.
3914विस्मरण – Oblivionthe condition of being unaware or uninformed – अनभिज्ञ या अनभिज्ञ होने की अवस्थाAfter I was given the sedative, I was in complete oblivion and unaware of my surroundings.
3915पाइक – Pikea road where one must pay to drive on it – एक ऐसी सड़क जिस पर गाड़ी चलाने के लिए आपको भुगतान करना होगाAs my mother first entered the pike, she had to drive through a tollbooth in order to continue driving on it.
3916थोड़े थोड़े गरम – Tepiddisplaying little interest or enthusiasm – कम रुचि या उत्साह प्रदर्शित करनाThe play’s premiere received tepid reviews from the disappointed critics.
3917हस्ताक्षर – Signaturea person’s name written by his or her own hand – किसी व्यक्ति का अपने हाथ से लिखा हुआ नामWith the largest signature, John Hancock is best known for the way he signed his name on the Declaration of Independence.
3918कल्पना – Imaginationthe creative ability to form images, ideas, and sensations in the mind – मन में छवियाँ, विचार और संवेदनाएँ बनाने की रचनात्मक क्षमताThe creative writing teacher expected her students to use their imagination when writing their poems so that it would showcase their artistic talent.
3919तपस्वी – Asceticleading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, usually for spiritual reasons – आमतौर पर आध्यात्मिक कारणों से आत्म-अनुशासन और आत्म-त्याग का जीवन जीनाThe ascetic man gave away his fortune and moved into a tiny one-bedroom apartment.
3920तनावपूर्ण – Strainedrefers to something damaged – किसी क्षतिग्रस्त वस्तु को संदर्भित करता हैSince the couple is separated, the relationship is strained and troubled.
3921कुरसी – Pedestala standing from which an individual is greatly admired – वह स्थिति जिससे किसी व्यक्ति की अत्यधिक प्रशंसा की जाती हैEven though you put the rapper on a pedestal for making the occasional charitable donation, the man is really just a thug.
3922मुद्रा – Currencyanything used to purchase goods and/or services – सामान और/या सेवाएँ खरीदने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली कोई भी चीज़In the 1800s gold was a valuable currency that could be used to purchase goods and services.
3923उपजाऊ – Fertileyielding a sizable quantity – एक बड़ी मात्रा में उपजThe fertile woman gave birth to sixteen children.
3924प्रजातंत्र – Democracya government by the people where the majority rules – जनता द्वारा बनाई गई सरकार जहां बहुमत का शासन होता हैIf you are opposed to democracy, you do not believe every individual has a voice.
3925खाद – Compostdecayed material (i.e., leaves, food peelings) that is used as a fertilizer – सड़ी-गली सामग्री (अर्थात्, पत्तियाँ, भोजन के छिलके) जिसका उपयोग उर्वरक के रूप में किया जाता हैAl created a compost pile in his garden and used the decaying leaves and grass to help his trees grow.
3926उदारता – Liberalitypossessing the characteristics of someone who is generous and gives freely – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति की विशेषताएं रखना जो उदार हो और मुक्त रूप से दान करता होJ.K. Rowling shows great liberality to the poor and often donates several thousands of dollars to the charities each year.
3927डेरप – Derpfoolishness or stupidity – मूर्खता या मूर्खताThe foolish women continue their derp, arguing over something stupid in the middle of the bar.
3928खगोल – Astronomythe methodical review of planets, stars, and other celestial bodies – ग्रहों, तारों और अन्य खगोलीय पिंडों की व्यवस्थित समीक्षाBecause Tim was fascinated with astronomy, he asked his parents to buy him a telescope.
3929जीने की ख़ुशी – Joie de Vivreecstatic enjoyment of life – जीवन का आनंदमय आनंदEveryone should practice Joie de Vivre, enjoying life to the absolute fullest regardless of what bad things may happen along the way.
3930मेल करना – Atoneto reimburse for a wrongdoing – किसी गलत काम का बदला चुकानाTo atone for racist actions in his youth, the billionaire established a scholarship fund for minority students attending his alma mater.
3931अवास्तविक – Unrealisticnot likely to happen or be achieved – होने या हासिल होने की संभावना नहीं हैThe expensive shop didn’t sell many items on opening day because its pricing was unrealistic.
3932पर्वतारोहण – Mountaineeringa sport or activity in which one climbs mountains – एक खेल या गतिविधि जिसमें कोई पहाड़ों पर चढ़ता हैMountaineering requires you to be in shape since climbing down the side of a peak takes lots of strength.
3933धर्मनिरपेक्ष – Secularnot driven by religious principles – धार्मिक सिद्धांतों से प्रेरित नहींSince Bill was not a spiritual man, he went out of his way to attend a university with a secular focus.
3934मुंह खोले हुए – Agapeopen – खुलाBefore you eat oysters, clams, or mussels, always check to be sure that the shells are firmly closed and not even a little bit agape.
3935निरस्त्रीकरण – Disarmamenttaking up or giving away military weapons – सैन्य हथियार लेना या देनाThe security council demanded full disarmament and that the group give up their weapons within twenty-four hours.
3936स्मारक-स्तंभ – Obeliska 4-sided rectangular shaped column that comes to a triangular point at the top – एक 4-तरफा आयताकार आकार का स्तंभ जो शीर्ष पर एक त्रिकोणीय बिंदु पर आता हैWhile touring Washington D.C. for the first time in my life, I identified the tall obelisk as the Washington Monument.
3937कठोर – Callousshowing or having an insensitive and cruel disregard for others – दूसरों के प्रति असंवेदनशील और क्रूर उपेक्षा दिखाना या रखनाThe callous doctor had no problem telling the overweight man he was fat and lazy.
3938पतला – Diluteto make something weaker by modifying or adding to it – किसी चीज़ को संशोधित या जोड़कर उसे कमज़ोर बनानाIf you put too much water in the kettle, you will dilute the flavor of the tea, since it needs to be somewhat balanced.
3939प्रतिशतता – Percentilea certain percentage of a whole, usually on a scale of 100 – संपूर्ण का एक निश्चित प्रतिशत, आमतौर पर 100 के पैमाने परBecause the overweight toddler is in the 99th weight percentile, his doctor suggested diet changes.
3940कटघरा – Balustradean attachment to the side of a wall near a set of stairs or a waist-level wall used to prevent people from falling down or over something – सीढ़ियों के सेट या कमर-स्तरीय दीवार के पास की दीवार के किनारे से जुड़ा एक लगाव जिसका उपयोग लोगों को नीचे गिरने या किसी चीज़ पर गिरने से रोकने के लिए किया जाता हैAnna firmly held on to the balustrade as she climbed the hundreds of steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
3941लकड़ी का हथौड़ा – Malleta hammer with a typically wooden head that is used for hitting a chisel – आमतौर पर लकड़ी के सिर वाला एक हथौड़ा जिसका उपयोग छेनी पर प्रहार करने के लिए किया जाता हैWith a mallet and a chisel, a skilled sculptor can turn a block of stone into a fantastic statue worthy of being in a museum.
3942थपथपाना – Patto touch or tap something softly – किसी चीज़ को धीरे से छूना या थपथपाना“Pat yourself on the back for a job well done on the difficult test,” the teacher said to her class.
3943नैतिक करना – Demoralizeto cause someone to lose hope or confidence – किसी को आशा या आत्मविश्वास खोने के लिए प्रेरित करनाThe rebels tried their best to demoralize their captive and cause him to give up hope of a rescue.
3944नत्थी करना – Pina small piece of metal used to fasten or attach things – धातु का एक छोटा टुकड़ा जिसका उपयोग चीजों को बांधने या जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता हैBecause I won first place in the science fair, there was a pin attached to my project with a prize ribbon.
3945आकस्मिक – Adventitiousnot natural; foreign – प्राकृतिक नहीं; विदेशThe weird-looking plant is adventitious and not native to this country.
3946सर्वसम्मति – Consensusgeneral agreement about something – किसी बात पर सामान्य सहमतिWhen the judge learned the jury had not reached a consensus on the defendant’s guilt, he sent the group back into the room for further discussion.
3947सोचना – Thinkto have an opinion about someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के बारे में कोई राय रखनाI think that we should get up for school an hour earlier, but my sister feels we should sleep later.
3948हम स्वयं – Ourselvesmyself and at least one other person together – मैं और कम से कम एक अन्य व्यक्ति एक साथWe would walk to school by ourselves because our parents had to go to work early that morning.
3949महाशय – Monsieura French word that means Mr. or Sir – एक फ़्रांसीसी शब्द जिसका अर्थ है श्रीमान या सर“Good day, Monsieur,” Belle said as she greeted her mustache-faced neighbor on the street.
3950इन्युएन्दो – Innuendoa statement that implies that someone has done something immoral, improper, or illegal – ऐसा कथन जिसका तात्पर्य यह हो कि किसी ने कुछ अनैतिक, अनुचित या गैरकानूनी काम किया हैAlthough the dialogue in the book is not sexually explicit, the writer makes great use of innuendo to convey his message.
3951बटमार – Briganda thief or fugitive – चोर या भगोड़ाWhen the brigand climbed through the broken window, he cut his wrist on the glass.
3952कंकड़ – Pebblea flat stone – एक सपाट पत्थरAs a game, I would throw a pebble at an angle to the lake to see how many times it would skip across the lake.
3953इस के अतिरिक्त – Thereuntoto that place or thing – उस स्थान या वस्तु कोReba enjoyed worshipping at the temple and hastened thereunto ever chance she got.
3954अस्वीकार करें – Turn downto reject or decline something – किसी चीज़ को अस्वीकार या अस्वीकार करनाThe candidate decided to turn down the job offer because the pay was much too low to consider.
3955रोक रखना – Deterto prevent something from happening – कुछ घटित होने से रोकने के लिएWhen they heard about all the recent break-ins around the neighborhood, they bought a huge dog that would be sure to deter any uninvited visitors.
3956सार्थक – Meaningfulhaving a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose – कोई गंभीर, महत्वपूर्ण या उपयोगी गुण या उद्देश्य होनाWhenever she tried to have a meaningful conversation with her boyfriend, he always changed the subject to a new cat video or trending meme.
3957घुमाव – Turnabouta complete reversal of a situation or an opinion – किसी स्थिति या राय का पूर्ण उलट होनाChanging her mind on the issue, Glenda did a turnabout and decided to support her sister’s marriage.
3958कमी – Shortagea lack of something – किसी चीज़ की कमीA shortage of teachers has put thousands of students in overcrowded classrooms.
3959पागल – Crazymentally deranged; of unsound mind or behavior – मानसिक रूप से विक्षिप्त; अस्वस्थ मन या व्यवहार काThe crazy woman was locked in the tower after she tried to boil the king alive.
3960तीनों – Triada grouping of three – तीन का एक समूहAdam’s family forms a triad as he is an only child, with no brothers or sisters.
3961प्रणय – Amoura secret lover – एक गुप्त प्रेमीKissing his amour goodbye, the lovesick man could not bear to part from his secret lover.
3962चतुरता में मात देना – Outfoxto con or trick someone using keen and smart ways – चतुर और चतुर तरीकों का उपयोग करके किसी को धोखा देना या धोखा देनाUsing his wit and finesse, the veteran defense attorney was able to outfox any lead witness into saying incriminating information about themselves.
3963उपस्थिति – Appearancewhat something looks like – कुछ कैसा दिखता हैHaving just drove through a bunch of mud on his ATV, Mark’s appearance was little more than wet brown dirt on every inch of his face.
3964तुच्छ – Banalboring because it contains nothing new and lacks originality – उबाऊ है क्योंकि इसमें कुछ भी नया नहीं है और मौलिकता का अभाव हैBecause the movie’s plot was banal, we knew exactly how the film would end.
3965हॉकर – Hawkera person who offers goods for sale by shouting in the street or going door to door – वह व्यक्ति जो सड़क पर चिल्लाकर या घर-घर जाकर सामान बेचने की पेशकश करता हैA hawker followed the tourists from their cruise ship to the beach, urging them to buy the magnets and other trinkets he was selling.
3966बिना किसी उद्देश्य के – Aimlesslywithout an aim, purpose or direction – बिना किसी लक्ष्य, उद्देश्य या दिशा केPhil wandered aimlessly through life, with no clear ideas of where he was heading and what he wanted to accomplish.
3967चाबुक से मारना – Flogto beat with a stick or whip – छड़ी या चाबुक से मारनाThe king continued to flog the proud whipping boy, but even the mighty strikes of the whip could not bring him to tears.
3968कम – Lowon a level that is less than average or what is expected – उस स्तर पर जो औसत से कम है या जो अपेक्षित हैThe amount of money in Sarah’s bank account is low, so she will have to watch her spending.
3969रेवेल – Revelto take joy in something – किसी चीज़ में आनंद लेनाIn just a few days, thousands of people will go downtown to revel in the city’s New Year’s Eve celebration.
3970बाधा – Nuisancea thing or individual that makes one irritated – कोई चीज़ या व्यक्ति जिससे कोई चिड़चिड़ा हो जाएUntil Jill planted a vegetable garden, she never knew a raccoon could be such a nuisance.
3971कार्यक्षेत्र – Domaina particular environment or sphere – एक विशेष वातावरण या क्षेत्रThe older student proved that the college domain is not only for the young.
3972विश्रंभी – Credulousready to believe, especially on slight or uncertain evidence – विश्वास करने के लिए तैयार, विशेषकर मामूली या अनिश्चित साक्ष्य परBecause my brother is a credulous consumer, he is a salesperson’s dream.
3973गुलाब की पंक्तियाँ – A bed of rosesa phrase used to reference a situation that is easy or comfortable – एक वाक्यांश जिसका उपयोग किसी ऐसी स्थिति को संदर्भित करने के लिए किया जाता है जो आसान या आरामदायक होThe poor orphan’s life hasn’t been a bed of roses or easy by any means.
3974सुधार – Revampto give new improvement or life to something old – किसी पुरानी चीज़ को नया सुधार या जीवन देनाThe city decided to revamp their town monument, since it was looking a little old and beaten after forty years of only basic care.
3975संचालक शक्ति – Propulsiona force or energy that causes progress or movement – एक बल या ऊर्जा जो प्रगति या गति का कारण बनती हैUsing his feet for propulsion, Jack was able to kick himself to the surface of the pool.
3976ज्येष्ठता – Seniorityrefers to having a high ranking in an organization due to having been there for a longer period of time than others – इसका तात्पर्य किसी संगठन में दूसरों की तुलना में लंबे समय तक रहने के कारण उच्च रैंकिंग प्राप्त करना हैEmployees with seniority were given project preference over those who were new to the company.
3977गोद लेना – Adopta legal process to take care of another’s biological child as your own – दूसरे के जैविक बच्चे की अपने बच्चे की तरह देखभाल करने की एक कानूनी प्रक्रियाMany childless couples will adopt the less fortunate children from around the globe.
3978कुख्यात – Arrantcomplete, total, or utter (example: “arrant nonsense”) – पूर्ण, समग्र, या संपूर्ण (उदाहरण: “अस्थिर बकवास”)All of the rumors that are being spread about Chloe are nothing but arrant rubbish.
3979द्वि घातुमान घड़ी – Binge watchto watch multiple episodes of a television show back to back – किसी टेलीविज़न शो के कई एपिसोड को एक के बाद एक देखनाThe lonely woman stays up all night and will binge watch episodes of the interesting series to pass the time.
3980में काम किया – Actedbehaved in a certain way – एक निश्चित तरीके से व्यवहार कियाLucy acted like a chicken, walking around clucking and flapping her arms.
3981जम्हाई लेना – Yawna drawn out intake of air due to boredom or exhaustion – ऊब या थकावट के कारण हवा का बाहर खींच लिया जानाFrancis couldn’t help but yawn as the professor’s lecture stretched into hour long territory.
3982बीओस्फिअ – Biospherethe combined regions of a planet that make it habitable and sustainable for living organisms – किसी ग्रह के संयुक्त क्षेत्र जो इसे जीवित जीवों के लिए रहने योग्य और टिकाऊ बनाते हैंEarth’s biosphere is made up of all living things, from the oceans to plants to the very atmosphere.
3983एक सदनीय – Unicamerala government that has only one legislative house or chamber as opposed to two – ऐसी सरकार जिसके पास दो के बजाय केवल एक विधायी सदन या कक्ष हैNebraska is the only U.S. state with a unicameral legislature, meaning it doesn’t have a separate house and senate.
3984वनस्पति – Vegetationplant life that often covers the expanse of an area – पादप जीवन जो प्रायः किसी क्षेत्र के विस्तार को कवर करता हैThe rolling hills were filled with all sorts of vegetation.
3985बेबुनियाद ख़बर – Canarda phony report or story – एक नकली रिपोर्ट या कहानीI eat plenty of apples and still get sick so I do not believe the canard about an apple a day keeping the doctor away.
3986अस्तव्यस्त – Frayedworn out; torn – पहना हुआ; फटा हुआThe rope became frayed after the dogs chewed on it.
3987सब्सिडी – Subsidyfinancial assistance or support – वित्तीय सहायता या समर्थनThe subsidy my ex-husband gives me each month is not enough to pay all of my bills.
3988झपट्टा – Lungeto move forward toward something with a sudden, quick movement – अचानक, तीव्र गति से किसी चीज़ की ओर आगे बढ़नाThe lion is waiting for the perfect time to lunge toward the antelope and pounce on his prey.
3989जावक – Outgoingsociable and friendly – मिलनसार और मैत्रीपूर्णDue to her outgoing personality, Kim made friends who always wanted to be around her.
3990उधार देना – Lendto allow someone to borrow something that is to be returned later – किसी को कुछ उधार लेने की अनुमति देना जिसे बाद में वापस करना होMy neighbor agreed to lend me his lawn mower for the afternoon, so I could cut the grass.
3991लगाए – Plantedto have put a seed or bulb in the ground so that it will grow – जमीन में एक बीज या कंद डालना ताकि वह विकसित हो सकेThese rose bulbs will need to be planted during the appropriate season if we want them to bloom at the right time.
3992शोर मचाना – Ululateto howl or wail loudly – जोर से चिल्लाना या विलाप करनाAs the soldier’s body was laid out, the grieving widow began to ululate loudly.
3993मौसम बदलने की वजह से थोड़ा बीमार – Under the weatherused to describe being sick or overall feeling less than optimal – बीमार होने या समग्र रूप से इष्टतम से कम महसूस करने का वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता हैI was feeling a bit under the weather, so I didn’t bother eating dinner that night with my sour stomach taken into account.
3994विवाह – Wedlockmarriage – शादीAfter only three months of wedlock, the celebrity couple was heading for a divorce.
3995दीवाना – Moonstruckconfused and unable to think/act normally after falling in love – प्यार में पड़ने के बाद भ्रमित होना और सामान्य रूप से सोचने/कार्य करने में असमर्थ होनाThe moonstruck adolescent will do anything he can to keep his teenage love burning strong.
3996रंगरूट – Recruitto get someone to join something – किसी को किसी चीज़ में शामिल करनाMy business is looking to recruit new personnel to join our team.
3997पतन – Decadencestate of moral or artistic decline or deterioration – नैतिक या कलात्मक गिरावट या ह्रास की स्थितिAlthough there has been an increase in violent crimes by teenagers, this is not necessarily a sign of decadence of the younger generation.
3998अभेद्य – Impenetrablenot capable of being entered – दर्ज करने में सक्षम नहीं हैIf the castle is truly impenetrable, our enemies will never gain access to the king.
3999सहगान – Chorusa part of a song generally repeated after every verse – किसी गीत का वह भाग जिसे आम तौर पर हर छंद के बाद दोहराया जाता हैThe chorus of a song is often the most recognizable part of it, since it is repeated multiple times throughout the piece.
4000वाद-विवाद करनेवाला – Eristicdescribing a person likely to debate or argue with others – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करना जिसके दूसरों के साथ वाद-विवाद या विवाद करने की संभावना होMy Dad is a very eristic person, always turning any conversation we have into a full blown debate for no reason.
  1. Question: How do I greet someone in Hindi?

    • Answer: The common greeting in Hindi is “Namaste,” which translates to “hello” or “welcome” in English.
  2. Question: What is the Hindi equivalent for the English word “meaning”?

    • Answer: The Hindi equivalent for “meaning” is “arth.”
  3. Question: Can you provide examples of basic English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Certainly! “Water” in English is “paani” in Hindi, and “sun” in English is “surya” in Hindi.
  4. Question: How can I politely make a request in Hindi?

    • Answer: In Hindi, you can use “kripya” to say “please” when making requests or expressing politeness.
  5. Question: What are some commonly used English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: Common words include “good” (accha), “bad” (bura), and “beautiful” (sundar) among others.
  6. Question: How do I say “thank you” in Hindi?

    • Answer: The expression “thank you” in English is translated to “dhanyavaad” in Hindi.
  7. Question: Can you provide an example of a daily-use English word with its Hindi meaning?

    • Answer: Certainly! “House” in English translates to “ghar” in Hindi.
  8. Question: Is there a list of 100 daily use English words with Hindi meanings?

    • Answer: While not listed here, numerous resources provide extensive lists of common English words with their Hindi equivalents.
  9. Question: What is the Hindi word for “food”?

    • Answer: In Hindi, “food” is expressed as “khana,” a term used in daily conversations.

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