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The Most Helpful Irregular Verbs, Non-Regular Verbs Part 5

In the vast realm of language, irregular verbs stand as fascinating linguistic anomalies. Unlike their regular counterparts, these words defy the conventional rules of conjugation, making language acquisition a challenging yet intriguing journey. Some might classify them as improper verbs, given their refusal to conform to standard patterns. However, this rebellion against the norm lends a unique flavor to the tapestry of language, adding depth and complexity.

Exploring the nuances of language often involves encountering the interplay between irregular and regular verbs. While regular verbs dutifully follow established conjugation rules, their irregular counterparts add an element of surprise to sentence construction. Unveiling the mysteries of irregular verbs provides language learners with a deeper understanding of linguistic intricacies.

Navigating through the vast sea of words, learners often encounter irregular irregular verbs, presenting an extra layer of complexity. These words, with their unpredictable conjugations, demand attention and a keen sense of language dynamics. In the pursuit of mastering irregular verbs, learners may come across the term “irregular regular verb,” a paradoxical combination that encapsulates the unique nature of these linguistic outliers.

Compiling an exhaustive irregular verbs list becomes an invaluable resource for language learners. Such lists showcase the variety and idiosyncrasies of irregular verbs, offering a roadmap for those aiming to conquer the challenges of grammar. Let’s delve into a few irregular verbs examples to illustrate their diverse forms and applications.

In conclusion, embracing the irregularity within language opens a gateway to a richer and more nuanced communication experience. Whether one is deciphering the intricacies of verbs in irregular contexts or exploring the extensive verbs in irregular collections, each encounter with irregular verbs contributes to the vibrant evolution of linguistic expression.

v1 Meaning v2 v3 v4
Rebecome Rebecome – To become again or return to a previous state. Rebecoming Rebecame Rebecome
Rebegin Rebegin – To start or commence again. Rebeginning Rebegan Rebegun
Rebreak Rebreak – To break again or fracture anew. Rebreaking Rebroke Rebroken
Rechoose Rechoose – To choose again or make another selection. Rechoosing Rechose Rechosen
Redo Redo – To do again or perform a task anew. Redoing Redid Redone
Redraw Redraw – To draw again or create a new drawing. Redrawing Redrew Redrawn
Refall Refall – To fall again or experience a fall once more. Refalling Refell Refallen
Refly Refly – To fly again or take flight once more. Reflying Reflew Reflown
Refreeze Refreeze – To freeze again or solidify anew. Refreezing Refroze Refrozen
Regive Regive – To give again or provide once more. Regiving Regave Regiven
Regrow Regrow – To grow again or undergo growth anew. Regrowing Regrew Regrown
Rehew Rehew – To hew again or cut or shape something anew. Rehewing Rehewed Rehewn
Rehide Rehide – To hide again or conceal once more. Rehiding Rehid Rehidden
Rerun Rerun – To run again or repeat a race or show. Rerunning Reran Rerun
Resaw Resaw – To saw again or cut with a saw once more. Resawing Resawed Resawn
Resee Resee – To see again or view once more. Reseeing Resaw Reseen
Resew Resew – To sew again or stitch anew. Resewing Resewed Resewn
Reshake Reshake – To shake again or move rapidly to and fro once more. Reshaking Reshook Reshaken
Resow Resow – To sow again or plant seeds anew. Resowing Resowed Resown
Respeak Respeak – To speak again or communicate once more. Respeaking Respoke Respoken
Restrike Restrike – To strike again or hit forcefully once more. Restriking Restruck Restruck Or Restricken
Restrive Restrive – To strive again or make an effort anew. Restriving Restrove Restriven
Reswear Reswear – To swear again or make a vow once more. Reswearing Reswore Restriven
Retake Retake – To take again or seize something anew. Retaking Retook Retaken
Retear Retear – To tear again or rip something once more. Retearing Retore Retorn
Rethrow Rethrow – To throw again or hurl an object once more. Rethrowing Rethrew Rethrown
Rewake Rewake – To wake again or regain consciousness. Rewaking Rewoke Rewoken)
Reweave Reweave – To weave again or create a fabric anew. Reweaving Rewove Rewoven
Rewrite Rewrite – To write again or compose text once more. Rewriting Rewrote Rewritten
Rid Rid – To remove or clear out. Ridding Rid Or Ridded Rid Or Ridden
Ride Ride – To travel on or control an animal or vehicle. Riding Rode Ridden
Rin Rin – To rinse or cleanse with water. Rinning Ran Run
Rise Rise – To move upwards or ascend. Rising Rose Risen
Rive Rive – To tear apart or split something. Riving Rived Or Rove Rive
Roadshow Roadshow – A series of events held in different locations to promote something. Roadshowing Roadshowed Roadshown
Rough-Hew Rough-Hew – To roughly hew or cut something. Rough-Hewing Rough-Hewed Rough-Hewn
Roughhew Roughhew – To roughly shape or cut an object. Roughhewing Roughhewed Roughhewed Or Roughhewn
Run Run – To move swiftly on foot. Running Ran Run
Satanize Satanize – To attribute Satanic qualities or characteristics to someone or something. Satanized Satanized Satanizing
Saw Saw – To cut with a saw or divide material using a sawing motion. Sawing Sawed Sawed Or Sawn
See See – To perceive or observe with the eyes. Seeing Saw Seen
Seethe Seethe – To boil or churn with inner agitation. Seething Seethed Or Sod (Archaic) Seethed Or Sodden (Archaic)
Set Set – To place or put something in a particular position. Setting Set Set
Shake Shake – To move rapidly back and forth or cause to tremble. Shaking Shook Shaken
Shall Shall – Expressing future action or intention. Should
Shape Shape – To form or give a particular shape to something. Shaping Shaped Or (Obsolete) Shope Shaped Or Shapen
Shave Shave – To remove hair or a surface layer with a sharp implement. Shaving Shaved Or Shove ( Obsolete ) Shaved Or Shaven
Shear Shear – To cut or remove with scissors or shears. Shearing Sheared Or Shore Shorn Or Sheared
Shew Shew – An archaic form of “to show” or “to display.” Shewing Shewed Shewed Or Shewn
Shit Shit – To defecate or excrete feces. Shitting Shit, Shitted, Or Shat Shit, Shitted, Shat, Or Shitten
Shoe Shoe – To fit with shoes or cover the feet. Shoeing Shod Or Shoed Shodden Or Shod Or Shoed
Shoot Shoot – To discharge a projectile from a weapon. Shooting Shot Shot, Or Rarely Shotten
Show Show – To display or exhibit. Showing Showed Shown Or Showed
Showrun Showrun – To produce or manage a television show. Showrunning Showran Showrun
Shred Shred – To tear or cut into small pieces. Shredding Shredded Shredded Or Shred
Shrieve Shrieve – To absolve or grant absolution to someone. Shrieving Shrieved Shrieved Or Shriven
Shrink Shrink – To become smaller or reduce in size. Shrinking Shrank Or Shrunk Shrunk Or Shrunken
Shrive Shrive – To hear the confession of and grant absolution. Shriving Shrived Or Shrove Shrived Or Shriven
Sightsee Sightsee – To visit interesting places or tourist sites. Sightseeing Sightsaw Sightseen
Sing Sing – To produce musical sounds with the voice. Singing Sang Sung Or (Archaic) Sungen
Sink Sink – To descend or submerge in water or liquid. Sinking Sank Sunk Or Sunken
Sit Sit – To rest on the buttocks or be in a seated position. Sitting Sat Sitten (Archaic, Dialectal) Or Sat
Slay Slay – To kill or murder violently. Slaying Slew Or Slayed Slain Or Slayed
Sling Sling – To throw or hurl with force. Slinging Slung Or Slang Slung
Slingshoot Slingshoot – To shoot or project using a slingshot. Slingshooting Slingshot Slingshotten
Slit Slit – To make a long, narrow cut or opening. Slitting Slit Slit Or Slitten
Slite Slite – An archaic form of “slit” or “cut.” Sliting Slit, Slote Or Slited Slit, Slitten, Or Slited
Smart Smart – To feel sharp pain or intense stinging. Smarting Smarted Or Smort ( Obsolete ) Smarted Or Smorten (Obsolete)
Smite Smite – To strike with a firm blow or hit forcefully. Smiting Smote Or Obsolete Smit Smitten Or Smited
Sneeze Sneeze – To expel air involuntarily through the nose and mouth. Sneezing Sneezed Or Snoze Sneezed Or Snozen
Snow Snow – To fall or produce snow. Snowing Snowed Or Snew Snowed Or Snown
Sow Sow – To plant seeds in the ground. Sowing Sowed Sown
Speak Speak – To communicate or converse verbally. Speaking Spoke Or ( Archaic ) Spake Spoken
Speedrun Speedrun – To complete a video game or task in a fast time. Speedrunning Speedran Speedrun
Spin Spin – To rotate rapidly or cause something to rotate. Spinning Spun Or ( Archaic ) Span Spun
Spring Spring – To move suddenly or jump upward. Springing Sprang Or Sprung Sprung
Sprint Sprint – To run at full speed over a short distance. Sprinting Sprinted Or (Nonstandard Or Humorous) Sprant Sprinted Or Sprunt
Starve Starve – To suffer or die from lack of food. Starving Starved, Starf, Or Storve (Obsolete) Starved Or Storven
Steal Steal – To take someone’s property without permission. Stealing Stole Stolen
Step Step – To move by lifting and setting the foot in a specific manner. Stepping Stepped, Stept ( Dated ) , Or Stope ( Obsolete ) Stepped, Stept, Or Stopen
Sting Sting – To cause a sharp, piercing pain or discomfort. Stinging Stung Or Stang (Rare, Dialect) Stung
Stink Stink – To emit a strong, unpleasant odor. Stinking Stank Or Stunk Stunk
Strew Strew – To scatter or spread something untidily. Strewing Strewed Strewn Or Strewed
Stride Stride – To walk with long steps or cover a distance. Striding Strode Stridden Or Strode Or Strid
Strike Strike – To hit or deliver a blow forcefully. Striking Struck Struck Or Stricken
Strikethrough Strikethrough – To draw a line through text or cancel something. Strikingthrough Struckthrough Strickenthrough
Strive Strive – To make a great effort or struggle. Striving Strove Or Strived Striven Or Strived
Strow Strow – An archaic form of “strew” or “scatter.” Strowing Strowed Strown
Superlie Superlie – To lie excessively or tell falsehoods. Superlying Superlay Superlain
Surbeat Surbeat – To beat excessively or overdo something. Surbeating Surbeated Surbeaten
Sweare Sweare – An archaic form of “swear.” Swearing Swore Sworne
Swell Swell – To expand or increase in size. Swelling Swelled Swollen Or Swelled
Swike Swike – To deceive or play tricks. Swiking Swoke Swicken
Swim Swim – To move through water using the limbs. Swimming Swam Or (Archaic) Swum Swum
Swing Swing – To move back and forth or move freely in a curve. Swinging Swang Or Swung Swung Or Swungen
Swink Swink – An archaic form of “toil” or “work hard.” Swinking Swank, Swonk, Swinkt, Or Swinked Swunk, Swunken, Swonken, Swinkt, Or Swinked
Take Take – To grasp, seize, or capture something. Taking Took Taken
Talebear Talebear – To tell tales or stories. Talebearing Talebore Taleborne
Tattoo Tattoo – To create a permanent design or mark on the skin using ink. Tattooing Tattooed Tattoed
Test-Drive Test-Drive – To assess or evaluate a vehicle’s performance by driving it. Test-Driving Test-Drove Test-Driven
  1. What are Irregular Verbs? Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the typical pattern of conjugation in a language. Unlike regular verbs, they don’t form their past tense or past participle by simply adding “-ed” or “-d” to the base form.

  2. Can You Provide Examples of Irregular Verbs? Sure! Some common irregular verbs in English include “go” (went, gone), “eat” (ate, eaten), “see” (saw, seen), and “drive” (drove, driven).

  3. Are Irregular Verbs Improper or Incorrect? No, irregular verbs aren’t improper or incorrect. They simply have unique conjugations that don’t follow the standard rules. Learning irregular verbs is an essential part of mastering the language.

  4. What Is Meant by “Irregular and Irregular Verbs”? This phrase might seem contradictory. It refers to verbs that are already irregular and then further deviate from their irregular patterns. They exhibit unexpected forms in different tenses.

  5. Can an Irregular Verb Be Both Irregular and Regular? Yes, a verb can be considered an “irregular regular verb.” This term applies when a verb has both regular and irregular forms. For instance, “learn” has a regular form (learned) and an irregular form (learnt).

  6. How Do Irregular Verbs Differ from Regular Verbs? Irregular verbs break away from the standard pattern of adding “-ed” to form past tenses. Instead, they undergo unique changes in their base, past tense, and past participle forms.

  7. Are Irregular Verbs the Same as Non-Regular Verbs? Yes, “irregular verbs” and “non-regular verbs” refer to the same category of verbs. Both terms describe verbs that don’t follow the standard conjugation rules.

  8. Where Can I Find a Comprehensive Irregular Verbs List? Numerous language resources, textbooks, and online platforms offer comprehensive lists of irregular verbs. These lists showcase various irregular verbs with their base, past, and past participle forms for easy reference.

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