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The Most Helpful Irregular Verbs, Non-Regular Verbs Part 1

In the vast realm of language, irregular verbs stand as fascinating linguistic anomalies. Unlike their regular counterparts, these words defy the conventional rules of conjugation, making language acquisition a challenging yet intriguing journey. Some might classify them as improper verbs, given their refusal to conform to standard patterns. However, this rebellion against the norm lends a unique flavor to the tapestry of language, adding depth and complexity.

Exploring the nuances of language often involves encountering the interplay between irregular and regular verbs. While regular verbs dutifully follow established conjugation rules, their irregular counterparts add an element of surprise to sentence construction. Unveiling the mysteries of irregular verbs provides language learners with a deeper understanding of linguistic intricacies.

Navigating through the vast sea of words, learners often encounter irregular irregular verbs, presenting an extra layer of complexity. These words, with their unpredictable conjugations, demand attention and a keen sense of language dynamics. In the pursuit of mastering irregular verbs, learners may come across the term “irregular regular verb,” a paradoxical combination that encapsulates the unique nature of these linguistic outliers.

Compiling an exhaustive irregular verbs list becomes an invaluable resource for language learners. Such lists showcase the variety and idiosyncrasies of irregular verbs, offering a roadmap for those aiming to conquer the challenges of grammar. Let’s delve into a few irregular verbs examples to illustrate their diverse forms and applications.

In conclusion, embracing the irregularity within language opens a gateway to a richer and more nuanced communication experience. Whether one is deciphering the intricacies of verbs in irregular contexts or exploring the extensive verbs in irregular collections, each encounter with irregular verbs contributes to the vibrant evolution of linguistic expression.

v1 Meaning v2 v3 v4
Abear Abear – To endure or tolerate. Abearing Abore Aborn Or Aborne
Abide Abide – To accept, obey, or remain firm. Abiding Abode Or Abided Abode, Abided, Or (Rare), Abidden
Abite Abite – Seems to be a typo or an uncommon term. There’s no standard meaning. Abiting Abit Abitten
Accurse Accurse – To bring a curse upon or to curse. Accursing Accursed Accursed Or Accurst
Ache Ache – To feel persistent pain. Aching Ached Or ( Obsolete ) Oke Ached Or (Obsolete) Aken
Acknow Acknow – Likely a short form of acknowledge, meaning to recognize or admit. Acknowing Acknew Acknown
Adraw Adraw – To pull or drag. Adrawing Adrew Adrawn
Afare Afare – An archaic term for “to go” or “to travel.” Afaring Afared Or Afore Afared Or Afaren
Aftersee Aftersee – To anticipate or foresee something. Afterseeing Aftersaw Afterseen
Aknow Aknow – Possibly a misspelling of acknowledge, meaning to recognize or admit. Aknowing Aknew Aknown
Arise Arise – To stand up or come into existence. Arising Arose Arisen
Arize Arize – A variant spelling of arise. Arizing Aroze Arizen
Atgo Atgo – An archaic term meaning to go or start moving. Atgoing Atwent Atgone
Atride Atride – To ride on or sit astride something. Atriding Atrode Atridden
Atrin Atrin – Seems to be an uncommon term. There’s no standard meaning. Atrinning Atran Atrun
Atrine Atrine – Also an uncommon term with no standard meaning. Atrining Atrined Or Atrone Atrined Or Atrinnen
Atsake Atsake – To risk or take a chance. Atsaking Atsook Atsaken
Atshake Atshake – A variant spelling of “shake,” meaning to tremble or vibrate. Atshaking Atshook Atshaken
Atsit Atsit – An archaic term meaning to sit or take a seat. Atsitting Atsat Or Atseet Atsat Or Atsitten
Atslip Atslip – To slip away or slide. Atslipping Atslipped Or Atslope Atslipped Or Atslopen
Bede Bede – To pray or ask earnestly. Beding Bade Bode Or Boden
Bedelve Bedelve – To bury or cover. Bedelving Bedelved Or Bedolve Bedelved Or Bedolven
Bedo Bedo – An archaic term for to proclaim or declare. Bedoing Bedid Bedone
Bedraw Bedraw – To draw away or drag. Bedrawing Bedrew Bedrawn
Bedrink Bedrink – To drink up or exhaust. Bedrinking Bedrank Bedrink
Bedrite Bedrite – To make right or amend. Bedriting Bedrote Or Bedrit Bedritten
Bedrive Bedrive – To drive away or force. Bedriving Bedrove Bedriven
Befall Befall – To happen or occur. Befalling Befell Befallen
Beflay Beflay – To frighten or scare. Beflaying Beflayed Beflayed Or Beflain
Befly Befly – To fly around or flutter. Beflying Beflew Beflown
Befold Befold – To enclose or wrap. Befolding Befolded Or Befeld Befolded Or Befolden
Beget Beget – To produce offspring or cause. Begetting Begot Or Begat Begotten
Begin Begin – To start or commence. Beginning Began Begun
Begive Begive – To give away or surrender. Begiving Begave Begiven
Bego Bego – An obsolete term for to beg or beseech. Begoing Bewent Begone
Behelp Behelp – To help or assist. Behelping Behelped Or Beholp ( Archaic, Dialectal ) Behelped
Behew Behew – To shape or carve. Behewing Behewed Behewn
Behold Behold – To see or observe. Beholding Beheld Beheld Or Rarely Beholden
Beknow Beknow – To acknowledge or confess. Beknowing Beknew Beknown
Belawgive Belawgive – To pardon or forgive under the law. Belawgiving Belawgave Belawgiven
Belimp Belimp – To make limp or weaken. Belimping Belamp Or Belimped Belump Or Belimped
Belive Belive – To remain or continue alive. Beliving Belove Beliven
Bename Bename – To name or appoint. Benaming Benamed Benamed Or Benempt
Benim Benim – An obsolete term for to take or accept. Benimming Benam Or Benimmed Benomen, Benome Or Benimmed
Bequeath Bequeath – To leave or pass on through a will. Bequeathing Bequeathed Or Bequoth Bequeathed Or Bequethen
Beride Beride – To scold or rebuke. Beriding Berode Beridden
Besee Besee – To besiege or surround. Beseeing Besaw Beseen
Beseech Beseech – To implore or plead earnestly. Beseeching Beseeched (Or Archaic Besought) Beseeched Or Besought
Beshake Beshake – To shake or tremble greatly. Beshaking Beshook Beshaken
Beshear Beshear – To shear or cut. Beshearing Beshore Or Besheared Beshorn Or Besheared
Beshite Beshite – To cover with excrement or filth. Beshiting Beshit Or Beshote Or Beshat Beshitten
Besing Besing – To sing about or praise. Besinging Besang Besung
Besit Besit – To possess or own. Besitting Besat Besat Or Besitten
Bespeak Bespeak – To indicate or signify. Bespeaking Bespoke Or Bespake (Archaic) Bespoken Or Bespoke
Bespit Bespit – To cover with spit or saliva. Bespitting Bespat Bespit, Or Bespitted
Besteal Besteal – To steal or take unlawfully. Bestealing Bestole Bestolen
Bestep Bestep – To step over or surpass. Bestepping Bestepped, Bestept ( Dated ) , Or Bestope ( Obsolete ) Bestepped, Bestept Or Bestopen
Bestrew Bestrew – To scatter or spread. Bestrewing Bestrewed Bestrewn
Bestride Bestride – To sit or stand with a leg on each side of. Bestriding Bestrode Bestrode Or Bestridden Or Bestrid
Beswike Beswike – To deceive or betray. Beswiking Beswoke Beswicken
Beswink Beswink – To tire or exhaust by labor. Beswinking Beswank Beswunk Or Beswunken
Betake Betake – To go or resort to. Betaking Betook Betaken
Betee Betee – To cover with tea. Beteeing Beteed Or Betow Beteed Or Betown
Bethrow Bethrow – To throw or cast. Bethrowing Bethrew Bethrown
Betread Betread – To tread or walk upon. Betreading Betrod Betrodden
Bewrite Bewrite – To describe or write about. Bewriting Bewrote Bewritten
Beyelp Beyelp – To yelp or cry loudly. Beyelping Beyelped Or Beyolp Beyelped Or Beyolpen
Bide Bide – To wait or endure. Biding Bode Or Bided Bided Or Bidden
Bind Bind – To tie or fasten together. Binding Bound Bound Or Bounden
Bite Bite – To grab or cut with teeth. Biting Bit Bitten
Blike Blike – To glance or look. Bliking Bliked Or Bloke Bliked Or Blicken
Blin Blin – To cease or stop. Blinning Blinned Or Blan Blinned Or Blun
Blive Blive – To stay or remain alive. Bliving Blove Bliven
Blow Blow – To produce air or wind. Blowing Blew Blown
Braid Braid – To weave or plait. Braiding Braided Braided Or Obsolete Browden
Break Break – To separate or fracture. Breaking Broke Broken
Break-Up Break-Up – To end a relationship or association. Breaking-Up Broke-Up Broken-Up
Brow-Beat Brow-Beat – To intimidate or bully. Brow-Beating Brow-Beat Brow-Beaten
Browbeat Browbeat – To intimidate or domineer. Browbeating Browbeat Browbeaten
Burst Burst – To explode or break open. Bursting Burst Or Archaically Brast Burst Or Rarely Bursten
Buy Buy – To purchase or acquire. Buying Bought Bought Or (Rare, Dialectal) Boughten
Caretake Caretake – To take care of or look after. Caretaking Caretook Caretaken
Carve Carve – To cut or shape with a knife. Carving Carved Or (Archaic) Corve Corven (Archaic), Carved, Or Carven
Chide Chide – To scold or reprimand. Chiding Chid, Chided, Or Chode Chid, Chided, Or Chidden
Choose Choose – To select or pick. Choosing Chose Chosen
Clepe Clepe – To name or call. Cleping Cleped, Clepen Or Clept Cleped, Clept, Clepen Or Yclept
Clop Clop – To walk with a clinking sound. Clopping Clopped Clopped
Cludge Cludge – To patch together clumsily. Cludged Cludged Cludging
Co-Write Co-Write – To write jointly with someone else. Co-Writing Co-Wrote Co-Written
Come Come – To arrive or approach. Coming Came Come Or Comen
Copywrite Copywrite – To secure copyright for a work. Copywriting Copywrote Copywritten
Counterattract Counterattract – To repel or oppose attraction. *Counterattracting *Counterattracted Counterattracted
Counterdraw Counterdraw – To oppose by drawing against. Counterdrawing Counterdrew Counterdraw
Countersing Countersing – To oppose or sing against. Countersinging Countersang Countersung
Countersink Countersink – To create a conical hole or indentation. Countersinking Countersank Countersunk
Cowrite Cowrite – To write together or collaborate. Cowriting Cowrote Cowritten
Creep Creep – To move slowly or stealthily. Creeping Crept, Creeped, Or Obsolete Crope Crept, Creeped, Or Archaic Cropen
Crossbite Crossbite – A dental condition where the teeth are misaligned. Crossbiting Crossbit Crossbitten
Crow Crow – To boast or brag. Crowing Crowed Or Crew (Br. Eng. Sense 1 Only) Crowed
De De – To remove or take away. Dein Did Dyun
  1. What are Irregular Verbs? Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the typical pattern of conjugation in a language. Unlike regular verbs, they don’t form their past tense or past participle by simply adding “-ed” or “-d” to the base form.

  2. Can You Provide Examples of Irregular Verbs? Sure! Some common irregular verbs in English include “go” (went, gone), “eat” (ate, eaten), “see” (saw, seen), and “drive” (drove, driven).

  3. Are Irregular Verbs Improper or Incorrect? No, irregular verbs aren’t improper or incorrect. They simply have unique conjugations that don’t follow the standard rules. Learning irregular verbs is an essential part of mastering the language.

  4. What Is Meant by “Irregular and Irregular Verbs”? This phrase might seem contradictory. It refers to verbs that are already irregular and then further deviate from their irregular patterns. They exhibit unexpected forms in different tenses.

  5. Can an Irregular Verb Be Both Irregular and Regular? Yes, a verb can be considered an “irregular regular verb.” This term applies when a verb has both regular and irregular forms. For instance, “learn” has a regular form (learned) and an irregular form (learnt).

  6. How Do Irregular Verbs Differ from Regular Verbs? Irregular verbs break away from the standard pattern of adding “-ed” to form past tenses. Instead, they undergo unique changes in their base, past tense, and past participle forms.

  7. Are Irregular Verbs the Same as Non-Regular Verbs? Yes, “irregular verbs” and “non-regular verbs” refer to the same category of verbs. Both terms describe verbs that don’t follow the standard conjugation rules.

  8. Where Can I Find a Comprehensive Irregular Verbs List? Numerous language resources, textbooks, and online platforms offer comprehensive lists of irregular verbs. These lists showcase various irregular verbs with their base, past, and past participle forms for easy reference.

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