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The Most Helpful Homonyms With Meanings And Examples. Part 7

Understanding Homonyms: Exploring Examples and Meanings

Homonyms, an intriguing facet of language, refer to words that share either the same spelling or pronunciation but have different meanings. Let’s unravel this linguistic phenomenon by exploring examples and meanings of homonyms.

What Are Homonyms?

Homonyms are words that create confusion due to their similarities in spelling or pronunciation while carrying distinct meanings.

Examples of Homonyms:

Consider the word “rock.” It can signify both a solid mineral and the action of swaying gently back and forth. Similarly, “bat” represents both a flying mammal and a sports equipment.

Homonyms in Sentences:

  • The band played rock music at the concert. (solid mineral)
  • She used a bat to hit the ball in the game. (sports equipment)

Differentiating Homonyms from Homophones:

While homonyms share similar spelling or pronunciation with different meanings, homophones are words with similar sounds but different meanings. For instance, “to,” “two,” and “too” are homophones.

Exploring Homonyms with Meanings:

Homonyms like “bank” (a financial institution and the edge of a river) showcase how identical words can hold diverse interpretations based on context.

Medical Terminology: Homonymous Hemianopia:

In the medical realm, homonymous hemianopia refers to a visual impairment where corresponding sections in both eyes lose sight due to brain injury.

Homonyms in Different Languages:

Understanding homonyms transcends language barriers. In Gujarati, homonyms are referred to as “સમાન અર્થના શબ્દ” (words with similar meanings).

Homonyms Enriching Vocabulary:

Expanding vocabulary involves mastering homonyms. Words like “pen,” indicating both a writing instrument and an animal enclosure, showcase the nuances of language.

Accessible Learning: Homonyms in the “English Listening & Speaking” App:

For an immersive learning experience on homonyms, explore the “English Listening & Speaking” app here. This app offers comprehensive lessons, examples, and exercises on homonyms and various other linguistic concepts.


Homonyms, with their intriguing duality in meanings, highlight the complexity and richness of language. Exploring these linguistic wonders not only enhances vocabulary but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances of communication.

For More Such Homonyms download our app from Google Play Store.

601 duffer a peddler especially of cheap flashy articles something counterfeit or worthless
602 earnest characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind grave, important
603 even having a horizontal surface : flat being without break, indentation, or irregularity : smooth
604 finery ornament, decoration; especially : dressy or showy clothing and jewels a hearth for converting cast iron into wrought iron
605 fleet a number of warships under a single command; specifically : an organization of ships and aircraft under the command of a flag officer group; especially : a group (as of ships, planes, or trucks) operated under unified control
606 font a receptacle for baptismal water a receptacle for holy water
607 gaff a handled hook for holding or lifting heavy fish a spear or spearhead for taking fish or turtles
608 gang group: such as a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially : a band of antisocial adolescents
609 gin a colorless alcoholic beverage made from distilled or redistilled neutral grain spirits flavored with juniper berries and aromatics (such as anise and caraway seeds) gin rummy
610 hack to cut or sever with repeated irregular or unskillful blows to cut or shape by or as if by crude or ruthless strokes
611 hip the laterally projecting region of each side of the lower or posterior part of the mammalian trunk formed by the lateral parts of the pelvis and upper part of the femur together with the fleshy parts covering them hip joint
612 hoy used in attracting attention or in driving animals a coastal fishing and trading vessel, usually sloop-rigged, used during the 17th and 18th centuries
613 invert to reverse in position, order, or relationship to subject to inversion
614 jade either of two tough compact typically green gemstones that take a high polish: jadeite
615 jargon the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group obscure and often pretentious language marked by circumlocutions and long words
616 keen intellectually alert : having or characteristic of a quick penetrating mind; also : shrewdly astute extremely sensitive in perception
617 lactate a salt or ester of lactic acid  to secrete milk
618 lemma an auxiliary proposition used in the demonstration of another proposition the argument or theme of a composition prefixed as a title or introduction; also : the heading or theme of a comment or note on a text
619 lure an object usually of leather or feathers attached to a long cord and used by a falconer to recall or exercise a hawk an inducement to pleasure or gain : enticement
620 mace an aromatic spice consisting of the dried external fibrous covering of a nutmeg A mace is an ornamental stick carried by an official or placed somewhere as a symbol of authority.
621 mangle to injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing to spoil, injure, or make incoherent especially through ineptitude
622 masher one that mashes A masher is a special tool used for crushing potatoes to make them into a soft mass.
623 meld to declare or announce (a card or combination of cards) for a score in a card game especially by placing face up on the table to declare a card or combination of cards as a meld
624 multiply to increase in number especially greatly or in multiples : augment to find the product of by multiplication
625 nick a small notch, groove, or chip a small cut or wound
626 ok all right ABBREVIATION FOR
627 pack; noun, verb When you pack, or when you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday. A pack of things is a collection of them that is sold or given together in a box or bag.
628 palatine possessing royal privileges of or relating to a palatine or a palatinate
629 panic of, relating to, or resembling the mental or emotional state believed induced by the god Pan of, relating to, or arising from a panic
630 plight to put or give in pledge : engage a condition of extreme hardship, danger, etc
631 porky resembling a pig : fat belonging to or characteristic of pork
632 quadrille a four-handed variant of ombre popular especially in the 18th century a square dance for four couples made up of five or six figures chiefly in 6/8 and 2/4 time; also : music for this dance
633 rack a framework, stand, or grating on or in which articles are placed an instrument of torture on which a body is stretched
634 rad a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation equal to an energy of 100 ergs per gram of irradiated material shortened from radiation
635 recollect to bring back to the level of conscious awareness : remember to remind (oneself) of something temporarily forgotten
636 rep reputation; especially : status in a group (such as a gang) A rep is a person whose job is to sell a company’s products or services, especially by travelling round and visiting other companies. Rep is short for representative.
637 sally an action of rushing or bursting forth; especially : a sortie of troops from a defensive position to attack the enemy a brief outbreak : outburst
638 scout to explore an area to obtain information (as about an enemy) to make a search
639 sic intentionally so written used after a printed word or passage to indicate that it is intended exactly as printed or to indicate that it exactly reproduces an original to turn on or attack: used only in commands, as to a dog
640 slay to kill violently, wantonly, or in great numbers; broadly : to strike down : kill to delight or amuse immensely
641 smudge to make a smudge on to soil as if by smudging
642 sola the feminine form of solus alone: a stage direction, used of a woman
643 spar a stout pole a stout rounded usually wood or metal piece (such as a mast, boom, gaff, or yard) used to support rigging
644 staunch steadfast in loyalty or principle watertight, sound
645 stew a utensil used for boiling a hot bath
646 sty pigpen any filthy or corrupt place
647 taipan a powerful businessman and especially formerly a foreigner living and operating in Hong Kong or China a large highly venomous elapid snake, Oxyuranus scutellatus, of NE Australia
648 tare the seed of a vetch any of several vetches (especially Vicia sativa and V. hirsuta)
649 tan to make (skin) tan especially by exposure to the sun to convert (hide) into leather by treatment with an infusion of tannin-rich bark or other agent of similar effect
650 tester one that tests or is used for testing A tester is a machine or device that you use to test whether another machine or device is working properly.
651 tutu a short projecting skirt worn by a ballerina a shrub, Coriaria arborea, of New Zealand, having seeds that are poisonous to farm animals
652 utile an obsolete word for useful advantageous
653 vamp a woman who uses her charm or wiles to seduce and exploit men something patched up to make it look new
654 waffle a crisp cake of batter baked in a waffle iron If you say that someone waffles, you are critical of them because they talk or write a lot without actually making any clear or important points.
655 yahoo a member of a race of brutes in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels who have the form and all the vices of humans a boorish, crass, or stupid person
656 mast a long pole or spar rising from the keel or deck of a ship and supporting the yards, booms, and rigging a slender vertical or nearly vertical structure (such as an upright post in various cranes)
657 mercury a Roman god of commerce, eloquence, travel, cunning, and theft who serves as messenger to the other gods a bearer of messages or news or a conductor of travelers
658 mummy a body embalmed or treated for burial with preservatives in the manner of the ancient Egyptians a body unusually well preserved
659 nappy naturally coarse and tightly coiled : kinky having a hairy, fuzzy, or downy surface
660 nit the egg of a louse or other parasitic insect; also : the insect itself when young a minor shortcoming
661 on used as a function word to indicate position in contact with and supported by the top surface of —used as a function word to indicate position in or in contact with an outer surface
662 pad a thin flat mat or cushion: such as a guard worn to shield body parts against impact
663 pap nipple, teat something shaped like a nipple
664 plonk to pluck or hit so as to produce a quick, hollow, metallic, or harsh sound to set down suddenly : plump
665 puncheon a pointed tool for piercing or for working on stone a short upright framing timber
666 raffle to engage in a raffle to dispose of by means of a raffle
667 recount to relate in detail : narrate If you recount a story or event, you tell or describe it to people.
668 repair to restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken : fix to restore to a sound or healthy state : renew
669 roup any of various respiratory disorders of poultry to sell by auction
670 salve an unctuous adhesive substance for application to wounds or sores a remedial or soothing influence or agency
671 scamp rascal, rogue an impish or playful young person
672 scrap fragments of discarded or leftover food a small detached piece
673 sealer an official who attests or certifies conformity to a standard of correctness a coat (as of size) applied to prevent subsequent coats of paint or varnish from sinking in
674 sere being dried and withered threadbare
675 sice a variant spelling of syce (in Malaysia) a driver or chauffeur
676 sledge short for sledgehammer A sledge is an object used for travelling over snow. It consists of a framework which slides on two strips of wood or metal.
677 snag a concealed or unexpected difficulty or obstacle an irregularity that suggests the result of tearing; especially : a pulled thread in fabric
678 sole being the only one having no sharer
679 spark a small particle of a burning substance thrown out by a body in combustion or remaining when combustion is nearly completed a hot glowing particle struck from a larger mass; especially : one heated by friction
680 spencer a short waist-length jacket a woman’s knitted vest
681 stay a large strong rope usually of wire used to support a mast guy
682 summer the season between spring and autumn comprising in the northern hemisphere usually the months of June, July, and August or as reckoned astronomically extending from the June solstice to the September equinox the warmer half of the year
683 talus a slope formed especially by an accumulation of rock debris rock debris at the base of a cliff
684 tart agreeably sharp or acid to the taste marked by a biting, acrimonious, or cutting quality
685 tenor the highest natural adult male singing voice; also : a person having this voice the voice part next to the lowest in a 4-part chorus
686 -th Thursday indicating an action or its consequence
687 twig a small shoot or branch usually without its leaves a minute branch of a nerve or artery
688 van a usually enclosed wagon or motortruck used for transportation of goods or animals; also : caravan a multipurpose enclosed motor vehicle having a boxlike shape, rear or side doors, and side panels often with windows
689 wag to be in motion : stir to move to and fro or up and down especially with quick jerky motions
690 yak a large long-haired wild or domesticated ox (Bos grunniens synonym B. mutus) of Tibet and adjacent elevated parts of central Asia noisy, continuous, and trivial talk or conversation
691 allophone one of two or more variants of the same phoneme a Canadian whose native language is neither French nor English
692 are Are is the plural and the second person singular of the present tense of the verb be1. Are is often shortened to -‘re after pronouns in spoken English. a unit of area equal to 100 sq metres or 119.599 sq yards; one hundredth of a hectare
693 adder the common venomous viper (Vipera berus) of Europe; broadly : any of various snakes of the viper family any of several North American snakes (such as the hognose snakes) that are harmless but are popularly believed to be venomous
694 bang to strike sharply : bump to knock, hit, or thrust vigorously often with a sharp noise
695 brash brittle heedless of the consequences : audacious
696 bud a small lateral or terminal protuberance on the stem of a plant that may develop into a flower, leaf, or shoot something not yet mature or at full development: such as
697 checker chessboard a square or spot resembling the markings of a checkerboard
698 can be physically or mentally able to know how to
699 converse to exchange thoughts and opinions in speech : talk to have acquaintance or familiarity
700 daemon an evil spirit a source or agent of evil, harm, distress, or ruin

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1. What are Homonyms, and how can I learn about them?

Homonyms are words with the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings. You can explore them through various resources or conveniently through the “English Listening & Speaking” app here.

2. Could you provide practical examples of Homonyms?

Certainly! The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers interactive lessons and examples of homonyms for comprehensive learning.

3. Where can I find Homonyms explained in detail?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app features detailed explanations and examples of homonyms to enhance your understanding.

4. What’s the difference between Homonyms and Homophones?

Homonyms have the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings, while homophones sound alike but have different meanings. Dive deeper into this distinction through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

5. Can you explain the concept of Homonymy?

Absolutely! Explore the concept of homonymy in depth through the engaging lessons offered by the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

6. How can I access lessons on Homonyms and their meanings?

Download the “English Listening & Speaking” app to access lessons, examples, and meanings of homonyms at your convenience.

7. Does the app cover medical terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia”?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app encompasses various vocabulary, including terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia,” providing a comprehensive learning experience.

8. Is there support for learning Homonyms in Gujarati within the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app supports learning in multiple languages, including explanations of Homonyms in Gujarati.

9. How can I improve my vocabulary with Homonyms using the app?

Engage with interactive exercises and lessons tailored to enhance your vocabulary through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

10. Are there specific examples of Homonyms like “rock” explained in the app?

Yes, explore words like “rock” and their different meanings through the detailed examples provided in the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

11. Does the app offer Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Absolutely! The “English Listening & Speaking” app includes Homonyms with meanings and sentences for practical understanding.

12. Where can I find the meaning of Homonyms in Hindi through the app?

Access explanations and meanings of Homonyms in Hindi conveniently via the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

13. Can I learn about 50 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app covers an extensive range of Homonyms, including 50 examples with meanings for comprehensive learning.

14. How many Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences are available in the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app provides a variety of Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences to facilitate effective learning.

15. Is there a section in the app dedicated to Homonyms with pictures?

Yes, explore Homonyms visually through the “English Listening & Speaking” app, featuring pictures for better comprehension.

16. Can I find information about Homonyms on Wikipedia through the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers external resource links, including Wikipedia pages, to further expand your knowledge on Homonyms.

17. Does the app offer downloadable PDFs for Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Yes, downloadable materials such as PDFs containing Homonyms with meanings and sentences are available for learning convenience within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

18. Can I access lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Absolutely! Explore concise lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings for quick and effective learning using the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

19. How can the “English Listening & Speaking” app help in learning?

The app provides structured lessons and exercises specifically tailored for learning 20 Homonyms with meanings efficiently.

20. Are there interactive exercises for 50 Homonyms with meaning and sentences?

Engage in interactive exercises and quizzes designed to reinforce learning for 50 Homonyms with meanings and sentences within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

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