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The Most Helpful Homonyms With Meanings And Examples. Part 12

Understanding Homonyms: Exploring Examples and Meanings

Homonyms, an intriguing facet of language, refer to words that share either the same spelling or pronunciation but have different meanings. Let’s unravel this linguistic phenomenon by exploring examples and meanings of homonyms.

What Are Homonyms?

Homonyms are words that create confusion due to their similarities in spelling or pronunciation while carrying distinct meanings.

Examples of Homonyms:

Consider the word “rock.” It can signify both a solid mineral and the action of swaying gently back and forth. Similarly, “bat” represents both a flying mammal and a sports equipment.

Homonyms in Sentences:

  • The band played rock music at the concert. (solid mineral)
  • She used a bat to hit the ball in the game. (sports equipment)

Differentiating Homonyms from Homophones:

While homonyms share similar spelling or pronunciation with different meanings, homophones are words with similar sounds but different meanings. For instance, “to,” “two,” and “too” are homophones.

Exploring Homonyms with Meanings:

Homonyms like “bank” (a financial institution and the edge of a river) showcase how identical words can hold diverse interpretations based on context.

Medical Terminology: Homonymous Hemianopia:

In the medical realm, homonymous hemianopia refers to a visual impairment where corresponding sections in both eyes lose sight due to brain injury.

Homonyms in Different Languages:

Understanding homonyms transcends language barriers. In Gujarati, homonyms are referred to as “સમાન અર્થના શબ્દ” (words with similar meanings).

Homonyms Enriching Vocabulary:

Expanding vocabulary involves mastering homonyms. Words like “pen,” indicating both a writing instrument and an animal enclosure, showcase the nuances of language.

Accessible Learning: Homonyms in the “English Listening & Speaking” App:

For an immersive learning experience on homonyms, explore the “English Listening & Speaking” app here. This app offers comprehensive lessons, examples, and exercises on homonyms and various other linguistic concepts.


Homonyms, with their intriguing duality in meanings, highlight the complexity and richness of language. Exploring these linguistic wonders not only enhances vocabulary but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances of communication.

For More Such Homonyms download our app from Google Play Store.

1101 dean the head of the chapter of a collegiate or cathedral church a Roman Catholic priest who supervises one district of a diocese
1102 dodder any of a genus (Cuscuta) of wiry twining vines of the morning-glory family that are highly deficient in chlorophyll, are parasitic on other plants, and have tiny scales instead of leaves  to move unsteadily; totter
1103 dram a unit of weight in the avoirdupois system equal to one sixteenth of an ounce a unit of weight in the apothecaries’ system equal to one eighth of an ounce
1104 flush to fly away suddenly to cause (a bird) to flush
1105 frank marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression unmistakably evident
1106 georgian a native or inhabitant of Georgia in the Caucasus the language of the Georgian people
1107 gook used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a nonwhite, non-American person and especially for an Asian person a messy sticky substance; muck
1108 hash to chop (food, such as meat and potatoes) into small pieces confuse, muddle
1109 jolly full of high spirits : joyous given to conviviality : jovial
1110 ko KO is an abbreviation for knockout. To KO someone means to hit them so hard that they become unconscious.
1111 lox liquid oxygen Lox is salmon that has been smoked and is eaten raw.
1112 mead a fermented beverage made of water and honey, malt, and yeast an archaic or poetic word for meadow
1113 mew gull; especially : a small gull (Larus canus) of Eurasia and western North America When a cat mews, it makes a soft high-pitched noise.
1114 nurse a person who cares for the sick or infirm; specifically : a licensed health-care professional who practices independently or is supervised by a physician, surgeon, or dentist and who is skilled in promoting and maintaining health a woman who suckles an infant not her own : wet nurse
1115 ought used to express obligation, advisability, natural expectation, or logical consequence You use ought to to indicate that you expect something to be true or to happen. You use ought to have
1116 pat a light blow especially with the hand or a flat instrument a light tapping often rhythmical sound
1117 poke bag, sack wallet
1118 pope a prelate who as bishop of Rome is the head of the Roman Catholic Church one that resembles a pope (as in authority)
1119 potent having or wielding force, authority, or influence : powerful achieving or bringing about a particular result : effective
1120 rejoin to answer the replication of the plaintiff to join again
1121 rifle to ransack especially with the intent to steal to steal and carry away
1122 ruff a small freshwater European perch (Acerina cernua) A ruff is a stiff strip of cloth or other material with many small folds in it, which some people wore round their neck in former times.
1123 shaw a small wood or thicket the part of a potato plant that is above ground
1124 skeeter mosquito an iceboat 16 feet (5 meters) or more in length having a single sail
1125 spruce to make spruce often used with up to make oneself spruce
1126 tiller one that tills : cultivator The tiller of a boat is a handle that is fixed to the rudder. It is used to turn the rudder, which then steers the boat.
1127 vice moral depravity or corruption : wickedness a moral fault or failing
1128 brig A brig is a type of ship with two masts and square sails. A brig is a prison on a ship, especially a warship.
1129 bung the stopper especially in the bunghole of a cask; also : bunghole the cecum or anus especially of a slaughtered animal
1130 brazier one who works in brass A brazier is a large metal container in which coal or charcoal is burned to keep people warm when they are outside in cold weather, for example because of their work.
1131 conk to strike (someone) a blow, esp on the head or nose a shelflike growth of fungus found on various trees, usually on the trunk
1132 crank a bent part of an axle or shaft or an arm keyed at right angles to the end of a shaft by which circular motion is imparted to or received from the shaft or by which reciprocating motion is changed into circular motion or vice versa bend
1133 debark to remove the bark from (a tree) to unload from or leave a ship or aircraft
1134 doh used to express sudden recognition of a foolish blunder or an ironic turn of events Department of Health
1135 frappé chilled or partly frozen a dessert made of partly frozen beverages, fruit juices, etc.
1136 juju a fetish, charm, or amulet of West African peoples the magic attributed to or associated with jujus
1137 lat a broad, flat muscle of the middle and lower back : latissimus dorsi usually plural ABBREVIATION FOR
1138 limber having a supple and resilient quality (as of mind or body) : agile, nimble capable of being shaped : flexible
1139 lug drag, pull to carry laboriously
1140 meal an act or the time of eating a portion of food to satisfy appetite the portion of food eaten at a meal
1141 poppy any of a genus (Papaver of the family Papaveraceae, the poppy family) of chiefly annual or perennial herbs with milky juice, showy regular flowers, and capsular fruits including the opium poppy and several forms cultivated as ornamentals an extract or decoction of poppy used medicinally
1142 rap a sharp blow or knock a sharp rebuke or criticism
1143 relay a supply (as of horses) arranged beforehand for successive relief a number of persons who relieve others in some work
1144 rig to fit out with rigging clothe, dress —usually used with out
1145 rummy any of several card games for two or more players in which each player tries to assemble groups of three or more cards of the same rank or of consecutive sequence in the same suit and to be the first to meld them all Rummy is a card game in which players try to collect cards of the same value or cards in a sequence in the same suit.
1146 sheave a grooved wheel or pulley (as of a pulley block) to gather and fix (grain, papers, etc.) in a sheaf or sheaves
1147 sprue the waste piece on a casting (as of metal or plastic) left by the hole through which the mold was filled the hole in which a sprue forms
1148 tingle to feel a ringing, stinging, prickling, or thrilling sensation to cause such a sensation
1149 viva used to express goodwill or approval A viva is a university examination in which a student answers questions in speech rather than writing.
1150 waxy made of, abounding in, or covered with wax : waxen resembling wax: such as
1151 axis a straight line about which a body or a geometric figure rotates or may be supposed to rotate a straight line with respect to which a body or figure is symmetrical —called also axis of symmetry
1152 bass any of numerous edible marine or freshwater bony fishes (especially families Centrarchidae, Serranidae, and Percichthyidae of the order Perciformes) A bass is a man with a very deep singing voice.
1153 brill a European flatfish (Scophthalmus rhombus synonym Bothus rhombus of the family Bothidae); broadly : turbot If you say that something is brill, you are very pleased about it or think that it is very good.
1154 bunt the middle part of a square sail the part of a furled sail gathered up in a bunch at the center of the yard
1155 chela a pincerlike organ or claw borne by a limb of a crustacean or arachnid a disciple of a religious teacher
1156 console an architectural member projecting from a wall to form a bracket or from a keystone for ornament console table
1157 crap If you describe something as crap, you think that it is wrong or of very poor quality. Crap is sometimes used to refer to faeces.
1158 defect an imperfection or abnormality that impairs quality, function, or utility : shortcoming, flaw an imperfection (such as a vacancy or an unlike atom) in a crystal lattice
1159 feint something feigned; specifically : a mock blow or attack on or toward one part in order to distract attention from the point one really intends to attack a misleading action or appearance
1160 fob watch pocket a short strap, ribbon, or chain attached especially to a pocket watch
1161 fray a usually disorderly or protracted fight, struggle, or dispute If something such as cloth or rope frays, or if something frays it, its threads or fibres start to come apart from each other and spoil its appearance.
1162 gentle free from harshness, sternness, or violence tractable, docile
1163 haw a hawthorn berry hawthorn
1164 jumper a person who jumps jump shot
1165 lime birdlime a caustic highly infusible solid that consists of calcium oxide often together with magnesium oxide, that is obtained by calcining forms of calcium carbonate (such as shells or limestone), and that is used in building (as in mortar and plaster) and in agriculture —called also quicklime
1166 mike microphone to measure with a micrometer
1167 poult a young fowl; especially : a young turkey a fine plain-weave fabric of silk, rayon, nylon, etc, with slight ribs across it
1168 rape unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception an outrageous violation
1169 rigger one that rigs a long slender pointed sable paintbrush
1170 rung Rung is the past participle of ring The rungs on a ladder are the wooden or metal bars that form the steps.
1171 shed to rid oneself of temporarily or permanently as superfluous or unwanted to give off, discharge, or expel from the body of a plant or animal: such as
1172 skier to glide on skis in travel or as a sport to travel or pass over on skis
1173 squash to press or beat into a pulp or a flat mass : crush put down, suppress
1174 tip overturn, upset usually used with over cant, tilt
1175 volt the practical meter-kilogram-second unit of electrical potential difference and electromotive force equal to the difference of potential between two points in a conducting wire carrying a constant current of one ampere when the power dissipated between these two points is equal to one watt and equivalent to the potential difference across a resistance of one ohm when one ampere is flowing through it A volt is a unit used to measure the force of an electric current.
1176 weal a sound, healthy, or prosperous state : well-being body politic, commonweal
1177 broach brooch any of various pointed or tapered tools, implements, or parts: such as
1178 coach a large usually closed four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage having doors in the sides and an elevated seat in front for the driver a railroad passenger car intended primarily for day travel
1179 consort associate a ship accompanying another
1180 defer put off, delay to postpone induction of (a person) into military service
1181 fell skin, hide, pelt a thin tough membrane covering a carcass directly under the hide
1182 gibber to speak rapidly, inarticulately, and often foolishly to speak inarticulately or meaninglessly
1183 hawk any of numerous diurnal birds of prey belonging to a suborder (Falcones of the order Falconiformes) and including all the smaller members of this group; especially : accipiter a small board or metal sheet with a handle on the underside used to hold mortar
1184 laver a large basin used for ceremonial ablutions in the ancient Jewish Tabernacle and Temple worship the font or the water of baptism
1185 limp to walk lamely; especially : to walk favoring one leg to go unsteadily : falter
1186 lumen the cavity of a tubular organ or part the bore of a tube (as of a hollow needle or catheter)
1187 media mass media members of the mass media
1188 mil thousand a monetary unit formerly used in Cyprus equal to 1/10?? pound
1189 overlay to lay or spread over or across : superimpose to prepare an overlay for
1190 pounce the claw of a bird of prey If someone pounces on you, they come up towards you suddenly and take hold of you.
1191 rigor harsh inflexibility in opinion, temper, or judgment : severity the quality of being unyielding or inflexible : strictness
1192 sheeny a bright or shining condition : brightness a subdued glitter approaching but short of optical reflection
1193 stable a building in which domestic animals are sheltered and fed; especially : such a building having stalls or compartments the racehorses of one owner
1194 wean to accustom (a young child or animal) to take food otherwise than by nursing to detach from a source of dependence; also : to free from a usually unwholesome habit or interest
1195 brogue a stout coarse shoe worn formerly in Ireland and the Scottish Highlands a heavy shoe often with a hobnailed sole : brogan
1196 chick a domestic chicken; especially : one newly hatched the young of any bird
1197 coax to influence or gently urge by caressing or flattering : wheedle to draw, gain, or persuade by means of gentle urging or flattery
1198 defile to make unclean or impure: such as to corrupt the purity or perfection of : debase
1199 felon one who has committed a felony villain
1200 frieze a heavy durable coarse wool and shoddy fabric with a rough surface a pile surface of uncut loops or of patterned cut and uncut loops

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1. What are Homonyms, and how can I learn about them?

Homonyms are words with the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings. You can explore them through various resources or conveniently through the “English Listening & Speaking” app here.

2. Could you provide practical examples of Homonyms?

Certainly! The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers interactive lessons and examples of homonyms for comprehensive learning.

3. Where can I find Homonyms explained in detail?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app features detailed explanations and examples of homonyms to enhance your understanding.

4. What’s the difference between Homonyms and Homophones?

Homonyms have the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings, while homophones sound alike but have different meanings. Dive deeper into this distinction through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

5. Can you explain the concept of Homonymy?

Absolutely! Explore the concept of homonymy in depth through the engaging lessons offered by the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

6. How can I access lessons on Homonyms and their meanings?

Download the “English Listening & Speaking” app to access lessons, examples, and meanings of homonyms at your convenience.

7. Does the app cover medical terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia”?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app encompasses various vocabulary, including terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia,” providing a comprehensive learning experience.

8. Is there support for learning Homonyms in Gujarati within the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app supports learning in multiple languages, including explanations of Homonyms in Gujarati.

9. How can I improve my vocabulary with Homonyms using the app?

Engage with interactive exercises and lessons tailored to enhance your vocabulary through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

10. Are there specific examples of Homonyms like “rock” explained in the app?

Yes, explore words like “rock” and their different meanings through the detailed examples provided in the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

11. Does the app offer Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Absolutely! The “English Listening & Speaking” app includes Homonyms with meanings and sentences for practical understanding.

12. Where can I find the meaning of Homonyms in Hindi through the app?

Access explanations and meanings of Homonyms in Hindi conveniently via the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

13. Can I learn about 50 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app covers an extensive range of Homonyms, including 50 examples with meanings for comprehensive learning.

14. How many Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences are available in the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app provides a variety of Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences to facilitate effective learning.

15. Is there a section in the app dedicated to Homonyms with pictures?

Yes, explore Homonyms visually through the “English Listening & Speaking” app, featuring pictures for better comprehension.

16. Can I find information about Homonyms on Wikipedia through the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers external resource links, including Wikipedia pages, to further expand your knowledge on Homonyms.

17. Does the app offer downloadable PDFs for Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Yes, downloadable materials such as PDFs containing Homonyms with meanings and sentences are available for learning convenience within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

18. Can I access lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Absolutely! Explore concise lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings for quick and effective learning using the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

19. How can the “English Listening & Speaking” app help in learning?

The app provides structured lessons and exercises specifically tailored for learning 20 Homonyms with meanings efficiently.

20. Are there interactive exercises for 50 Homonyms with meaning and sentences?

Engage in interactive exercises and quizzes designed to reinforce learning for 50 Homonyms with meanings and sentences within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

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