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The Most Helpful Homonyms With Meanings And Examples. Part 3

Understanding Homonyms: Exploring Examples and Meanings

Homonyms, an intriguing facet of language, refer to words that share either the same spelling or pronunciation but have different meanings. Let’s unravel this linguistic phenomenon by exploring examples and meanings of homonyms.

What Are Homonyms?

Homonyms are words that create confusion due to their similarities in spelling or pronunciation while carrying distinct meanings.

Examples of Homonyms:

Consider the word “rock.” It can signify both a solid mineral and the action of swaying gently back and forth. Similarly, “bat” represents both a flying mammal and a sports equipment.

Homonyms in Sentences:

  • The band played rock music at the concert. (solid mineral)
  • She used a bat to hit the ball in the game. (sports equipment)

Differentiating Homonyms from Homophones:

While homonyms share similar spelling or pronunciation with different meanings, homophones are words with similar sounds but different meanings. For instance, “to,” “two,” and “too” are homophones.

Exploring Homonyms with Meanings:

Homonyms like “bank” (a financial institution and the edge of a river) showcase how identical words can hold diverse interpretations based on context.

Medical Terminology: Homonymous Hemianopia:

In the medical realm, homonymous hemianopia refers to a visual impairment where corresponding sections in both eyes lose sight due to brain injury.

Homonyms in Different Languages:

Understanding homonyms transcends language barriers. In Gujarati, homonyms are referred to as “સમાન અર્થના શબ્દ” (words with similar meanings).

Homonyms Enriching Vocabulary:

Expanding vocabulary involves mastering homonyms. Words like “pen,” indicating both a writing instrument and an animal enclosure, showcase the nuances of language.

Accessible Learning: Homonyms in the “English Listening & Speaking” App:

For an immersive learning experience on homonyms, explore the “English Listening & Speaking” app here. This app offers comprehensive lessons, examples, and exercises on homonyms and various other linguistic concepts.


Homonyms, with their intriguing duality in meanings, highlight the complexity and richness of language. Exploring these linguistic wonders not only enhances vocabulary but also fosters a deeper appreciation for the nuances of communication.

For More Such Homonyms download our app from Google Play Store.

201 pay You will get your pay every two weeks. Shaun will pay his bills.
202 touch Hugs are a good touch. Please don’t touch the wet paint.
203 review Lets have a review for math. Bryan needs to review his work.
204 list Make a list of the things you need at the store Matt will list the items here.
205 brush I bought a hair brush. You should brush your teeth every day.
206 snack Mom made me a snack after school. Don’t snack before supper.
207 cure I hope to find a cure for cancer. Can you cure my hiccups?
208 fit I feel physically fit. The 60 year old can still fit in her wedding dress.
209 guess My guess is 129 jellybeans. Guess how old I am?
210 respect Ryan has respect for his coach. Please respect your elders.
211 oil Our car needs an oil change. Chad will oil his bike chain.
212 dress Kelley bought a new dress. Tina will dress her doll in a bathing suit.
213 thunder I heard thunder last night. Maybe it will thunder again tonight.
214 snap My jeans have a snap on them. Jenna will snap her coat.
215 paper I bought a ream of white paper. We will paper the bathroom.
216 board The man sawed a board. Board up the windows for the hurricane.
217 snow Last winter we had 72” of snow. It will snow again this week.
218 field The farmer planted his field. The 2nd baseman will field the ball.
219 stop There is a stop sign. The policeman will stop the car for speeding.
220 hope Our hope is that you will get well. Adam hopes he will get a pickup.
221 wash I did 3 loads of wash. Go and wash the van please.
222 hit The boxer took a hit to the face. That house got hit by a tornado.
223 flood There was a flood in Madison in 1993. Every spring it floods.
224 raise The employee would like a raise. On memorial day we raise the flag.
225 soil The farm has fertile soil. Chad will soil his shirt digging in the dirt.
226 pin Does anyone have a safety pin? I will pin up the hem on your jeans.
227 picture I bought a picture for my house. Picture a rainbow in your mind.
228 mark You made a mark on the wall. Mark where you are in your book.
229 spy Larry hired a spy to solve the murder I spy a butterfly.
230 crown The queen is wearing her crown. The king will crown his son.
231 spell The witch will cast a spell on you. Raymond can spell his name.
232 hold Grab a hold of the line. The mother will hold her baby to nurse.
233 fool What a fool he is for smoking. Jerry tried to fool his teacher.
234 skate Kim got new ice skates. She will skate for 2 hours this Saturday.
235 attack William had a heart attack. The army will attack the enemy.
236 lounge Look in the teacher’s lounge. Can we lounge around today?
237 shovel Gary bought a new shovel. Adam shovels snow for the neighbors.
238 pump My grandma had a water pump. She had to pump water daily.
239 jerk He is a real jerk. The fish will jerk your line.
240 grin The model has a nice grin Wipe the grin off your face.
241 rub I need a back rub. Try to rub the spot off the carpet.
242 dream Last night I had a dream. Sometimes I dream about you.
243 drill Gary used a drill to make the hole Can you drill a whole in this board?
244 roast Tam made a roast for supper Tom will roast the turkey in the oven.
245 trade Painting is a trade. I will trade football cards with you.
246 doctor Kristen went to the doctor The nurse will doctor your injury.
247 fish Bill caught a 10lb. fish. He likes to fish for walleyes.
248 help Do you need any help? Kate will help you with math.
249 crowd There was a crowd at the mall. Try not to crowd in line.
250 bowl Put the ingredients in the bowl. Gary will bowl tonight.
251 joke The comedian told a joke. Don’t joke about someone’s health.
252 roll Please pass the rolls. Jayden can roll over now.
253 chain Put the chain around the tree. Chain Kassie to the tree.
254 signal Stop at the signal. Signal when you are going to turn.
255 mistake Everyone makes mistakes. People mistake me for Tim.
256 harm The tornado did a lot of harm. Smoking harms your lungs.
257 blossom The blossom is a pretty pink. The flower will blossom soon.
258 whistle The referee blew his whistle. Matt will whistle when he is ready.
259 junk Katie likes to collect junk. I will junk this old bike.
260 patch Mary put a patch on her shirt. Ann will patch her jeans.
261 master Slaves worked for their master. Mason will master his numbers.
262 guard The guard policed the prison. Guard your valuables on a trip.
263 beach Let’s go to the beach. The whale will beach himself on the beach.
264 report I wrote a report on AIDS. Please report to the principal’s office.
265 drug Don’t take drugs. The doctor will drug his patients before surgery.
266 salt Adam likes salt on his popcorn. Pat will salt it for him.
267 wiggle The girl has a wiggle when she walks. Don’t wiggle in your chair.
268 hammer Tom bought a new hammer. Try to hammer the nail in the wood.
269 scare I had a scare when I fell. The storm will scare Bill.
270 notice Put the notice on the bulletin board. I notice you have a new dress.
271 share This is your share of the candy. Amy will share her clothes.
272 nursery I drew a 80 degree angle. I earned my college degrees.
273 digest 133. course: I took a course in Spanish.
274 recall Of course, I will go. I went through the obstacle course.
275 display I visited my grandma’s grave. The man was in grave condition after the accident.
276 disguises My stomach will digest the meal I ate. I have to digest this information for my science test.
277 lasso I recall the time we had a slumber party. The dog food was recalled due to rat poison.
278 bound I will display the clothes in the window. The display of hand painted eggs was in the art gallery.
279 peddling; The children wore their disguises to the costume party. He disguises himself by wearing a mask.
280 mission The cowboy used his lasso when herding the cattle. Cowboys lasso the baby calves for branding.
281 racket I am bound for California. The kidnapper bound the child with rope.
282 diet I am peddling my bike. The peddler was peddling his wares.
283 minor It was the army’s mission to capture the terrorists. The monk slept at the mission.
284 quarters A football game has 4 quarters. There are 4 quarters in dollar.
285 court The judge wanted order in his court. The team played basketball on the court.
286 degree I drew a 80 degree angle. I earned my college degrees.
287 course I took a course in Spanish. I went to the golf course.
288 absolute Absolute means total and complete. You use absolute to emphasize something that you are saying.
289 assembly An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country. The assembly of a machine, device, or object is the process of fitting its different parts together.
290 bush A bush is a large plant which is smaller than a tree and has a lot of branches. The wild, uncultivated parts of some hot countries are referred to as the bush.
291 catch If you catch a person or animal, you capture them after chasing them, or by using a trap, net, or other device. When you catch a bus, train, or plane, you get on it in order to travel somewhere.
292 colon A colon is the punctuation mark : which you can use in several ways. For example, you can put it before a list of things or before reported speech. Your colon is the part of your intestine above your rectum.
293 crawl to move on one’s hands and knees to move slowly in a prone position without or as if without the use of limbs
294 divine of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god being a deity
295 fallow of a light yellowish-brown color Fallow land has been dug or ploughed but nothing has been planted in it, especially so that its quality or strength has a chance to improve.
296 former coming before in time of, relating to, or occurring in the past
297 grip to seize or hold firmly to hold the interest of strongly
298 hum to utter a sound like that of the speech sound  prolonged to make the natural noise of an insect in motion or a similar sound : drone
299 limb one of the projecting paired appendages (such as wings) of an animal body used especially for movement and grasping but sometimes modified into sensory or sexual organs a leg or arm of a human being
300 mug a cylindrical drinking cup the face or mouth of a person

For More Such Homonyms download our app from Google Play Store.

1. What are Homonyms, and how can I learn about them?

Homonyms are words with the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings. You can explore them through various resources or conveniently through the “English Listening & Speaking” app here.

2. Could you provide practical examples of Homonyms?

Certainly! The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers interactive lessons and examples of homonyms for comprehensive learning.

3. Where can I find Homonyms explained in detail?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app features detailed explanations and examples of homonyms to enhance your understanding.

4. What’s the difference between Homonyms and Homophones?

Homonyms have the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings, while homophones sound alike but have different meanings. Dive deeper into this distinction through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

5. Can you explain the concept of Homonymy?

Absolutely! Explore the concept of homonymy in depth through the engaging lessons offered by the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

6. How can I access lessons on Homonyms and their meanings?

Download the “English Listening & Speaking” app to access lessons, examples, and meanings of homonyms at your convenience.

7. Does the app cover medical terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia”?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app encompasses various vocabulary, including terms like “Homonymous Hemianopia,” providing a comprehensive learning experience.

8. Is there support for learning Homonyms in Gujarati within the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app supports learning in multiple languages, including explanations of Homonyms in Gujarati.

9. How can I improve my vocabulary with Homonyms using the app?

Engage with interactive exercises and lessons tailored to enhance your vocabulary through the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

10. Are there specific examples of Homonyms like “rock” explained in the app?

Yes, explore words like “rock” and their different meanings through the detailed examples provided in the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

11. Does the app offer Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Absolutely! The “English Listening & Speaking” app includes Homonyms with meanings and sentences for practical understanding.

12. Where can I find the meaning of Homonyms in Hindi through the app?

Access explanations and meanings of Homonyms in Hindi conveniently via the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

13. Can I learn about 50 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Yes, the “English Listening & Speaking” app covers an extensive range of Homonyms, including 50 examples with meanings for comprehensive learning.

14. How many Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences are available in the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app provides a variety of Homonyms examples with meanings and sentences to facilitate effective learning.

15. Is there a section in the app dedicated to Homonyms with pictures?

Yes, explore Homonyms visually through the “English Listening & Speaking” app, featuring pictures for better comprehension.

16. Can I find information about Homonyms on Wikipedia through the app?

The “English Listening & Speaking” app offers external resource links, including Wikipedia pages, to further expand your knowledge on Homonyms.

17. Does the app offer downloadable PDFs for Homonyms with meanings and sentences?

Yes, downloadable materials such as PDFs containing Homonyms with meanings and sentences are available for learning convenience within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

18. Can I access lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings through the app?

Absolutely! Explore concise lessons on 10 Homonyms with meanings for quick and effective learning using the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

19. How can the “English Listening & Speaking” app help in learning?

The app provides structured lessons and exercises specifically tailored for learning 20 Homonyms with meanings efficiently.

20. Are there interactive exercises for 50 Homonyms with meaning and sentences?

Engage in interactive exercises and quizzes designed to reinforce learning for 50 Homonyms with meanings and sentences within the “English Listening & Speaking” app.

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