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Correct the Sentence Exercise: A Simple Way to Improve Your Writing. Part 2

Do You know you can Improve Your Writing very easily. We have more than 5000 Correct the Sentence exercise questions with answers. In each part, we will share 100 questions with answers. If you want all questions at one place you can download our app from Google Play Store. CLICK HERE to download our app.

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101 You can see she______of the music. (not/think)
102 He______right here in this hotel. (stop)
103 But I______for your sympathy. (not/ask)
104 He knows that we______about him. (talk)
105 He______again with the dead ones. (dance)
106 I______to understand what it is. (begin)
107 Those other girls , too, are they? (not/go)
108 You must understand that I______here of material existence. (not/talk)
109 We______a book upon primitive psychology. (not/write)
110 She______well, but she can walk. (not/feel)
111 .______the things that are his for only a few years, and that he can’t get back again? (he/not/give/?)
112 ______about? (what in the world/you/talk/?)
113 ______there like a hen on a perch? (why/you/sit/?)
114 I do not know where I . (go)
115 I______an open hand with you. (play)
116 You______to fall in love, are you? (not/wait)
117 I______to put this hope to the issue. (now/depart)
118 I______for the Negro alone. (not/plead)
119 I______you from her, am I? (not/take)
120 Eh, Tom, my lad,______about? (what/you/dream/?)
121 Do you know who you______to? (talk)
122 Yes, I’m sure of that, because he told me himself-______at? (what/you/laugh/?)
123 ______to you or the wall? (I/talk/?)
124 I don’t know what people______about. (think)
125 What is she doing about it, and ? (in what direction/she/search/?)
126 We______the battle of the ages. (fight)
127 ______the water, I wonder? (when/we/go on/?)
128 He still carries the marks of his box on the ear, and he______himself any bad luck! (not/wish)
129 And let it be remembered that in dealing with the question of slavery, we______extreme cases. (not/deal with)
130 I______you to believe it. (not/ask)
131 .______now, may I ask? (where/you/go/?)
132 It______in front of the house. (wait)
133 I______this letter from my brother. (think over)
134 I______my bit of a pig. (sell)
135 I______forward to look for her. (go)
136  -grotesque spectres-a fantastic minuet in the moonlight, amid the cypresses of a cemetery, along the pathways bordered by graves? (they/dance/?)
137 And______to you seriously? (why/I/talk/?)
138 You______on the brink of a terrible abyss. (stand)
139 You don’t know whom you______to! (speak)
140 The boy______us across the island. (not/take)
141 But now I______upon a wilderness. (enter)
142 She______a letter with evident interest. (read)
143 I______of the poor mother now. (think)
144 4.______what you are going to do with it? (everybody/not/wonder/?)
145 She doesn’t know what I ! (feel)
146 But______all these things to you? (why/I/write/?)
147 Then______the matter? (what good/it/discuss/?)
148 But there, there,______about? (what/I/talk/?)
149 I______only for myself-I’m not indeed. (not/speak)
150 At all events, he______his own life. (not/take care of)
151 I______away for a few days. (go)
152 ______the same that he has been wishing for when awake? (he/dream/?)
153 O why and ? (for what/we/wait/?)
154 However, I suppose I______to you at all. (not/talk)
155 I______of any one else. (not/think)
156 ______here on the off-chance of another row? (you/stay/?)
157 I discover he______to me. (not/listen)
158 I______in a room in a dirty hotel. (sit)
159 But I______of myself, I am quite sure of that. (not/think)
160 But I______to the exceptional instance here and there. (not/refer)
161 But______for our money? (what/we/get/?)
162 You______of the impropriety of it. (not/think)
163 I know I______a great liberty. (take)
164 4.______for to hear now? (what/I/wait/?)
165 They______for the sacred right of revolution. (not/contend)
166 They don’t know what they______about! (talk)
167 She______with me for the winter. (stay)
168 I______a compliment from you. (not/seek)
169 I______of a faithfulness that knows no bounds, for what is it? (not/speak)
170 But he______to see through her. (begin)
171 You______a line of steamships. (not/run)
172 And______in the inn? (how/you/get on/?)
173 They______to your style of beauty. (not/become)
174 We______to perpetuate oppressive power. (not/seek)
175 I______to murder your churchman. (not/go out)
176 ______of her, that you need tell me that? (I/complain/?)
177 ______here in the dark? (why/you/sit/?)
178 I______you to lie again. (not/ask)
179 I______to be worthy of her. (seek)
180 Where do the people come from and ? (where/they/go/?)
181 I______that you leave them. (not/ask)
182 This is why I______to you. (write)
183 He______right in the same place. (rise)
184 This sketch has several blemishes in it; for instance, the wagon______as fast as the horse is. (not/travel)
185 , or what is the subject of your thoughts, besides the great studies of your profession? (what books/you/read/?)
186 Do you think I______about you? (speak)
187 And______in it for? (what/he/poke/?)
188 When I , I ; I cannot sit and think. (not/walk) (read)
189 She______at the chain. (not/even/tug)
190 That is what I______to hear. (wait)
191 She______her heart about Charlie. (not/break)
192 Do tell me, another time, if you______away. (not/go)
193 We______to prevent a German future for Europe. (fight)
194 I______of you or Aggie. (not/think)
195 You______on my father’s land. (walk)
196 ______at, man? (what on earth/you/drive/?)
197 I______myself about my motives. (not/deceive)
198 May I be allowed to ask ? (where/he/go/?)
199 I______you this money, you understand? (not/give)
200 I______at my mother’s house. (stay)

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101 You can see she isn’t thinking of the music. (not/think)
102 He is stopping right here in this hotel. (stop)
103 But I am not asking for your sympathy. (not/ask)
104 He knows that we are talking about him. (talk)
105 He is dancing again with the dead ones. (dance)
106 I am beginning to understand what it is. (begin)
107 Those other girls aren’t going, too, are they? (not/go)
108 You must understand that I am not talking here of material existence. (not/talk)
109 We aren’t writing a book upon primitive psychology. (not/write)
110 She isn’t feeling well, but she can walk. (not/feel)
111 Isn’t he giving the things that are his for only a few years, and that he can’t get back again? (he/not/give/?)
112 What in the world are you talking about? (what in the world/you/talk/?)
113 Why are you sitting there like a hen on a perch? (why/you/sit/?)
114 I do not know where I am going. (go)
115 I am playing an open hand with you. (play)
116 You aren’t waiting to fall in love, are you? (not/wait)
117 I am now departing to put this hope to the issue. (now/depart)
118 I am not pleading for the Negro alone. (not/plead)
119 I am not taking you from her, am I? (not/take)
120 Eh, Tom, my lad, what are you dreaming about? (what/you/dream/?)
121 Do you know who you are talking to? (talk)
122 Yes, I’m sure of that, because he told me himself- what are you laughing at? (what/you/laugh/?)
123 Am I talking to you or the wall? (I/talk/?)
124 I don’t know what people are thinking about. (think)
125 What is she doing about it, and in what direction is she searching? (in what direction/she/search/?)
126 We are fighting the battle of the ages. (fight)
127  When are we going on the water, I wonder? (when/we/go on/?)
128 He still carries the marks of his box on the ear, and he isn’t wishing himself any bad luck! (not/wish)
129 And let it be remembered that in dealing with the question of slavery, we aren’t dealing with extreme cases. (not/deal with)
130 I am not asking you to believe it. (not/ask)
131 Where are you going now, may I ask? (where/you/go/?)
132 It is waiting in front of the house. (wait)
133 I am thinking over this letter from my brother. (think over)
134 I am selling my bit of a pig. (sell)
135 I am going forward to look for her. (go)
136  Are they dancing-grotesque spectres-a fantastic minuet in the moonlight, amid the cypresses of a cemetery, along the pathways bordered by graves? (they/dance/?)
137 And why am I talking to you seriously? (why/I/talk/?)
138 You are standing on the brink of a terrible abyss. (stand)
139 You don’t know whom you are speaking to! (speak)
140 The boy isn’t taking us across the island. (not/take)
141 But now I am entering upon a wilderness. (enter)
142 She is reading a letter with evident interest. (read)
143 I am thinking of the poor mother now. (think)
144 Isn’t everybody wondering what you are going to do with it? (everybody/not/wonder/?)
145 She doesn’t know what I am feeling! (feel)
146 But why am I writing all these things to you? (why/I/write/?)
147 Then what good is it discussing the matter? (what good/it/discuss/?)
148 But there, there, what am I talking about? (what/I/talk/?)
149 I am not speaking only for myself-I’m not indeed. (not/speak)
150 At all events, he isn’t taking care of his own life. (not/take care of)
151 I am going away for a few days. (go)
152 Is he dreaming the same that he has been wishing for when awake? (he/dream/?)
153 O why and for what are we waiting? (for what/we/wait/?)
154 However, I suppose I am not talking to you at all. (not/talk)
155 I am not thinking of any one else. (not/think)
156  Are you staying here on the off-chance of another row? (you/stay/?)
157 I discover he isn’t listening to me. (not/listen)
158 I am sitting in a room in a dirty hotel. (sit)
159 But I am not thinking of myself, I am quite sure of that. (not/think)
160 But I am not referring to the exceptional instance here and there. (not/refer)
161 But what are we getting for our money? (what/we/get/?)
162 You aren’t thinking of the impropriety of it. (not/think)
163 I know I am taking a great liberty. (take)
164 What am I waiting for to hear now? (what/I/wait/?)
165 They aren’t contending for the sacred right of revolution. (not/contend)
166 They don’t know what they are talking about! (talk)
167 She is staying with me for the winter. (stay)
168 I am not seeking a compliment from you. (not/seek)
169 I am not speaking of a faithfulness that knows no bounds, for what is it? (not/speak)
170 But he is beginning to see through her. (begin)
171 You aren’t running a line of steamships. (not/run)
172 And how are you getting on in the inn? (how/you/get on/?)
173 They aren’t becoming to your style of beauty. (not/become)
174 We aren’t seeking to perpetuate oppressive power. (not/seek)
175 I am not going out to murder your churchman. (not/go out)
176  Am I complaining of her, that you need tell me that? (I/complain/?)
177  Why are you sitting here in the dark? (why/you/sit/?)
178 I am not asking you to lie again. (not/ask)
179 I am seeking to be worthy of her. (seek)
180 Where do the people come from and where are they going? (where/they/go/?)
181 I am not asking that you leave them. (not/ask)
182 This is why I am writing to you. (write)
183 He is rising right in the same place. (rise)
184 This sketch has several blemishes in it; for instance, the wagon isn’t traveling as fast as the horse is. (not/travel)
185 What books are you reading, or what is the subject of your thoughts, besides the great studies of your profession? (what books/you/read/?)
186 Do you think I am speaking about you? (speak)
187 And what is he poking in it for? (what/he/poke/?)
188 When I am not walking, I am reading; I cannot sit and think. (not/walk) (read)
189 She isn’t even tugging at the chain. (not/even/tug)
190 That is what I am waiting to hear. (wait)
191 She isn’t breaking her heart about Charlie. (not/break)
192 Do tell me, another time, if you aren’t going away. (not/go)
193 We are fighting to prevent a German future for Europe. (fight)
194 I am not thinking of you or Aggie. (not/think)
195 You are walking on my father’s land. (walk)
196  What on earth are you driving at, man? (what on earth/you/drive/?)
197 I am not deceiving myself about my motives. (not/deceive)
198 May I be allowed to ask where is he going? (where/he/go/?)
199 I am not giving you this money, you understand? (not/give)
200 I am staying at my mother’s house. (stay)

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