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The Best English Reading Paragraphs. Part – 14

  1. Engaging in English reading paragraphs is essential for language development and comprehension skills.
  2. Improving English comprehension paragraphs helps individuals grasp complex ideas and enhances their overall understanding of the language.
  3. Diverse reading comprehension passages offer varied content, enabling readers to explore different topics and expand their knowledge.
  4. Practice with a specific paragraph for reading practice contributes to honing one’s ability to extract information efficiently.
  5. Regular exposure to reading comprehension paragraphs is vital for academic and professional success, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.
  6. The importance of reading paragraph lies in its role as a fundamental building block for effective communication and information processing.
  7. Consistent reading paragraph practice is recommended for those aiming to enhance their reading speed and comprehension accuracy.
  8. For individuals preparing for language proficiency exams like IELTS, mastering IELTS reading paragraphs is crucial for success.
  9. Reading a paragraph in English daily is a simple yet effective habit to develop and maintain language proficiency.
  10. Emphasizing the importance of reading paragraph in educational settings contributes to a well-rounded academic experience.
  11. The cumulative effect of dedicated practice with english reading paragraphs results in improved language skills and a broader intellectual horizon.
Last week, we told you about a big honor for a California teenager who is home-schooled.  Sixteen-year-old Michael Viscardi of San Diego won first prize in the Siemens Westinghouse Competition in Math, Science and Technology.  He showed solutions to a nineteenth-century math problem.
Michael has been schooled by his mother, who has a doctorate in neuroscience.  He also worked on his project with a professor at a university.
Home-schoolers have won other honors including national competitions in geography and spelling.
The National Center for Education Statistics did its latest research on home-schooling in two thousand three.  Researchers found that more than one million American students learned at home.  That was more than two percent of the school-age population.
The report said the number of home-schooled students had increased.  In  nineteen ninety-nine, about eight hundred fifty thousand students were considered home-schooled.  This meant they were taught at home instead of a school for at least part of their education.  The students’ time spent in public or private schools could not be more than twenty-five hours a week.
Michael Viscardi, for example, has been taught mostly at home, but with advanced math classes at a local university.
The researchers asked parents why they home-schooled their children.  Thirty-one percent said the most important reason was concern about the environment of the local schools.  Thirty percent said it was to provide religious instruction.  Sixteen percent said they were not satisfied with the quality of the instruction in the local schools.
The Associated Press recently reported about an increase in the number of black Americans home-schooling their children.  An education expert said much of this increase was in cities with histories of racial tension.  Also, some families were concerned that local schools were not teaching about African-American history and culture.
Critics of home-schooling say children need to attend school to help them learn social skills.  They also say that some home-schooled children do not get a very good education.  Still, all fifty states and the District of Columbia permit home-schooling.  But some require more parent preparation or student testing than other states do.


HonorsAwards, DistinctionsDisgraces, DishonorsMarks of distinction or achievementMichael Viscardi received honors for winning first prize in the Siemens Westinghouse Competition, showcasing his exceptional abilities in math, science, and technology.
NeuroscientistBrain researcher, NeurologistNon-expert, LaypersonA scientist who specializes in the study of the nervous systemMichael Viscardi’s mother, being a neuroscientist, provided him with a strong educational foundation, contributing to his success in the Siemens Westinghouse Competition.
CompetitionContest, TournamentCooperation, CollaborationAn event or contest in which individuals or teams compete against each other to achieve a specific goalThe Siemens Westinghouse Competition in Math, Science, and Technology is a prestigious national competition where students showcase their research projects to compete for top honors.
PopulationInhabitants, ResidentsEmptiness, UninhabitantsAll the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or countryThe National Center for Education Statistics conducted research on home-schooling, revealing that more than one million American students, over two percent of the school-age population, learned at home in the year 2003.
InstructionTeaching, TrainingIgnorance, NeglectThe action or process of teaching or providing knowledge and information to someoneThirty percent of parents who home-school their children cited providing religious instruction as a significant reason for choosing this method of education.
EnvironmentSurroundings, AtmosphereIsolation, VacuumThe surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operatesThirty-one percent of parents chose home-schooling due to concerns about the environment of local schools, indicating dissatisfaction with the conditions or atmosphere in traditional educational settings.
DissatisfactionUnhappiness, DispleasureSatisfaction, ContentmentThe feeling of discontent or lack of fulfillment with someone or somethingSixteen percent of parents expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of instruction in local schools as a reason for opting for home-schooling.
IncreaseRise, GrowthDecrease, DeclineAn instance of becoming greater or largerThe number of home-schooled students increased from about eight hundred fifty thousand in 1999 to more than one million in 2003, reflecting a growing trend in alternative education.
Racial tensionEthnic conflict, StrifeHarmony, UnityThe feeling of hostility, unease, or conflict between different racial or ethnic groupsAn increase in home-schooling among black Americans in cities with histories of racial tension suggests concerns about the racial climate or the lack of cultural representation in local schools.
Social skillsInterpersonal abilities, Social abilitiesAntisocial behavior, IsolationThe skills used to communicate and interact effectively with othersCritics of home-schooling argue that children need to attend school to develop social skills, as they have opportunities to interact with peers and learn from social experiences.
PermissionAuthorization, ConsentProhibition, RestrictionThe action of officially allowing someone to do a particular thingAll fifty states and the District of Columbia permit home-schooling, although the requirements and regulations may vary, granting parents the legal permission to educate their children at home.

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