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The Best English Reading Paragraphs. Part – 7

  1. Engaging in English reading paragraphs is essential for language development and comprehension skills.
  2. Improving English comprehension paragraphs helps individuals grasp complex ideas and enhances their overall understanding of the language.
  3. Diverse reading comprehension passages offer varied content, enabling readers to explore different topics and expand their knowledge.
  4. Practice with a specific paragraph for reading practice contributes to honing one’s ability to extract information efficiently.
  5. Regular exposure to reading comprehension paragraphs is vital for academic and professional success, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.
  6. The importance of reading paragraph lies in its role as a fundamental building block for effective communication and information processing.
  7. Consistent reading paragraph practice is recommended for those aiming to enhance their reading speed and comprehension accuracy.
  8. For individuals preparing for language proficiency exams like IELTS, mastering IELTS reading paragraphs is crucial for success.
  9. Reading a paragraph in English daily is a simple yet effective habit to develop and maintain language proficiency.
  10. Emphasizing the importance of reading paragraph in educational settings contributes to a well-rounded academic experience.
  11. The cumulative effect of dedicated practice with english reading paragraphs results in improved language skills and a broader intellectual horizon.
Last week, we discussed new findings about the way cancer spreads from one part of the body to another.  Now, medical researchers in the United States are beginning an effort to find the genes that cause cancer.
Experts say cancer is not a single disease, but more than two hundred different diseases.  In each case, they say, uncontrolled cell growth starts with molecular changes at the genetic level.  In some cases the cells metastasize, or spread to other parts of the body, making the cancer more difficult to treat.
The Cancer Genome Atlas project could lead to new treatments and possibly even new ways to prevent cancer.  Officials of the National Institutes of Health have agreed to spend one hundred million dollars over the next three years.  Depending on the results, the project may be expanded in the future.
Doctor Francis Collins of the National Institutes of Health announced the project last week.  Half the money will come from the National Cancer Institute.  The other half will come from the National Human Genome Research Institute, where Doctor Collins is the director.
The idea for the project came about after the successful effort to map the human genes.  The Human Genome Project was completed in two thousand three.
Now scientists will use that same technology to search for the genetic changes that lead to cancer.  But they say mapping cancer genes will be much more complex than the human genome project.  The researchers will study hundreds of examples of tissue taken from cancerous growths.
Cancer is the second leading killer in most developed countries, after heart disease.  But survival rates have improved with medical progress in finding, treating and preventing cancer.
Researchers have worked for years to find the many genetic changes involved in cancer.  But so far they have found very few.  Many researchers have called for a systematic way to study cancer.
Drugs have successfully blocked some cancer-causing genes.  But experts say only a small number of people have the genetic conditions that the drugs target.


Word Synonyms Antonyms Meaning Example
Genes Genetic material, DNA, Chromosomes Traits, Characteristics, Features The units of heredity that are passed from parent to offspring The Cancer Genome Atlas project aims to identify the genes responsible for cancer and understand their role in disease development.
Cancer Carcinoma, Tumor, Neoplasm Health, Wellness, Soundness A group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled cell growth Researchers are studying tissue samples from cancerous growths to better understand the genetic changes associated with different types of cancer.
Metastasize Spread, Disseminate, Propagate Contain, Localize, Confine The spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body Metastasizing cells make cancer more challenging to treat effectively, as they can affect various organs and tissues.
Treatments Therapies, Interventions, Remedies Neglect, Ignore, Disregard Medical procedures or actions taken to cure or manage a disease The Cancer Genome Atlas project aims to discover new treatments for cancer based on a deeper understanding of the genetic causes of the disease.
Prevention Avoidance, Prophylaxis, Hindrance Promotion, Encouragement, Facilitation Actions taken to stop something from happening, such as a disease Discovering cancer genes through the project may lead to new ways of cancer prevention, addressing the molecular changes that initiate the disease.
Project Initiative, Venture, Assignment Inactivity, Stagnation, Halt A planned undertaking or task with specific goals The Cancer Genome Atlas is a research project launched by the National Institutes of Health to identify cancer-related genes and advance our understanding of the disease.
Molecular Microscopic, Chemical, Atomic Macroscopic, Visible, Tangible Related to molecules, the smallest units of a chemical compound The study focuses on molecular changes at the genetic level that trigger uncontrolled cell growth, a key aspect of cancer development.
Complexity Complication, Intricacy, Difficulty Simplicity, Ease, Straightforwardness The state of being intricate or involved Mapping cancer genes is expected to be more complex than the Human Genome Project due to the diverse genetic changes involved in different cancer types.
Survival Endurance, Persistence, Resilience Failure, Demise, Extinction The state of continuing to live or exist despite challenges Improved survival rates in cancer patients result from advancements in medical treatments, early detection, and prevention efforts.
Progress Advancement, Development, Improvement Regression, Setback, Stagnation Forward movement or improvement, especially in medical science Medical progress has contributed to better understanding and management of cancer, leading to improved survival rates.
Systematic Methodical, Organized, Planned Chaotic, Unsystematic, Haphazard Carried out according to a plan or system Researchers emphasize the need for a systematic approach to studying cancer genes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the disease.
Genetic Conditions Hereditary traits, Inherited factors Acquired traits, Nonhereditary factors Characteristics passed down from one generation to the next Only a small number of people have the specific genetic conditions targeted by cancer drugs, limiting the effectiveness of these treatments.
Blocking Obstructing, Hindering, Preventing Allowing, Facilitating, Encouraging The act of preventing or impeding something from happening Drugs have been developed to block specific cancer-causing genes, inhibiting the growth of tumors in individuals with the corresponding genetic conditions.
Systematic Way Organized Approach, Methodical Method Random Manner, Chaotic Approach A planned and orderly method or strategy A systematic way of studying cancer involves structured research methods to analyze genetic changes and their role in disease development.
Genome Genetic Code, DNA Sequence, Chromosome Disorder, Confusion, Irregularity The complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell The Human Genome Project successfully mapped the human genome, providing valuable insights into the genetic basis of various diseases.
Effort Attempt, Endeavor, Striving Inactivity, Indifference, Apathy An attempt to do something, often requiring exertion or work The Cancer Genome Atlas project represents a significant effort by medical researchers to identify cancer genes and advance cancer research.
Uncontrolled Unrestrained, Unchecked, Unregulated Controlled, Regulated, Governed Lacking regulation or control Uncontrolled cell growth at the genetic level is a hallmark of cancer, leading to the formation of tumors and potential metastasis.
Chronic Diseases Persistent Illnesses, Long-term Conditions Acute Conditions, Temporary Illnesses Long-lasting medical conditions requiring ongoing treatment Cancer is considered a chronic disease with various forms, each characterized by distinct genetic changes leading to uncontrolled cell growth.
Diagnosis Identification, Detection, Recognition Misjudgment, Misinterpretation The identification of a disease or condition through examination Early and accurate diagnosis is crucial for effectively treating cancer and implementing targeted therapies based on genetic factors.
Genetic Research Genomic Investigation, DNA Analysis Non-genetic Research, Non-genomic Study Scientific study focused on understanding genetic information Genetic research plays a crucial role in uncovering the genetic factors responsible for cancer, providing insights for targeted therapies.

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