10001 |
Gusty – वातमय |
lots of wind – बहुत सारी हवा |
The National Kite Flying Association for Girls recommends gusty winds of 20 miles per hour to fly a kite. |
10002 |
Contractor – ठेकेदार |
a person or company that accepts a contract to provide materials or labor for a job – एक व्यक्ति या कंपनी जो किसी कार्य के लिए सामग्री या श्रम उपलब्ध कराने का अनुबंध स्वीकार करती है |
We obviously don’t have the labor to build a house with just two of us, so we’ll use a contractor to provide us with workers. |
10003 |
Complimentary – मानार्थ |
given/supplied free of charge – नि:शुल्क दिया/आपूर्ति किया गया |
The hotel offers a complimentary breakfast that is free of charge for any guest that books a room. |
10004 |
Lethargic – सुस्त |
feeling sluggish or lacking energy – सुस्ती या ऊर्जा की कमी महसूस होना |
During the hottest days of summer I feel so lethargic that all I want to do is drink iced tea and paint. |
10005 |
Dement – पागल कर देना |
someone who is enduring a form of dementia or senility – कोई व्यक्ति जो किसी प्रकार के मनोभ्रंश या बुढ़ापे से पीड़ित है |
I was saddened as my elderly mom became a dement when she kept forgetting words and even her family members’ names. |
10006 |
Elimination – निकाल देना |
the complete destruction or annihilation of something – किसी चीज़ का पूर्ण विनाश या विनाश |
Because our enemy does not take prisoners, we will face total elimination if we even think of surrendering to them. |
10007 |
Archaeology – पुरातत्त्व |
the study of the past by excavation and analysis of its material remains – उत्खनन द्वारा अतीत का अध्ययन और उसके भौतिक अवशेषों का विश्लेषण |
Thanks to the efforts of archaeology, excavators were able to discovered a new species of dinosaur. |
10008 |
Mugwump – असर डालनेवाला मनुष्य |
a term for 1884 Republicans who voted for the Democratic candidate (Grover Cleveland) over their own party candidate who they viewed as corrup – 1884 रिपब्लिकन के लिए एक शब्द जिन्होंने अपनी ही पार्टी के उम्मीदवार के बजाय डेमोक्रेटिक उम्मीदवार (ग्रोवर क्लीवलैंड) को वोट दिया, जिसे वे भ्रष्ट मानते थे |
Independent and liberal, the mugwump refused to vote Republican in the 1884 election and submitted his ballot for Cleveland instead. |
10009 |
Apex – सर्वोच्च |
the greatest or topmost position – सबसे बड़ा या सर्वोच्च स्थान |
At the apex of our country sits the president of our nation. |
10010 |
Conjecture – अनुमान |
an opinion or idea formed without proof or sufficient evidence – बिना सबूत या पर्याप्त सबूत के बनी कोई राय या विचार |
Since the police have not given a statement yet, the reporter can only make a conjecture about the crisis. |
10011 |
Trick – चाल |
a cunning scheme intentionally designed to deceive someone – जानबूझकर किसी को धोखा देने के लिए बनाई गई एक चालाक योजना |
The high temperatures and severe lack of water in the desert often trick people into thinking that they see an oasis or some other form of respite. |
10012 |
Kindliness – नेकी |
kindness; compassion – दयालुता; करुणा |
The sweet woman’s kindliness was well known in her small community. |
10013 |
Paradise – स्वर्ग |
a very pleasant place – बहुत ही सुखद जगह |
The dog was in his paradise whenever his owner took him to the dog park. |
10014 |
Floating – चल |
resting on top of the surface of a liquid – किसी तरल पदार्थ की सतह के ऊपर आराम करना |
The boat was seen floating lazily down the river several hours after it drifted away from the dock. |
10015 |
Fertilize – खाद |
to enrich soil by adding nutrients – पोषक तत्वों को जोड़कर मिट्टी को समृद्ध करना |
In order to grow a substantial amount of corn, Farmer Jimmy first had to fertilize all of his acreage by adding nitrogen compounds to the dirt. |
10016 |
Naiveté – सरलता |
the state of being innocent – निर्दोष होने की अवस्था या भाव |
Danielle’s naiveté allowed her to foolishly believe the stranger would repay the money she loaned him. |
10017 |
Amends – हरजाना |
to fix a mistake that you made or to make a bad situation better; to make right – आपके द्वारा की गई किसी गलती को सुधारने के लिए या किसी बुरी स्थिति को बेहतर बनाने के लिए; सही करने के लिए |
In an effort to make amends with his girlfriend after cancelling their dinner, he brought her a dozen roses. |
10018 |
Clamp down – शिकंजा कसना |
to make the rules harsher – नियमों को कठोर बनाने के लिए |
Due to the extinction of many of the game animals, the local town council had to clamp down on the hunting rules by only allowing hunters to hunt in a few months of the year. |
10019 |
Prospector – सोना निकालनेवाला |
an explorer in search of mineral deposits – खनिज भंडार की खोज में एक खोजकर्ता |
The gold prospector ventured to the area in 1867 looking to strike it rich. |
10020 |
Plication – तह |
fold or crease – मोड़ना या मोड़ना |
The dress had a small crease and plication in it, but it was soon smoothed out. |
10021 |
Wallet – बटुआ |
a small case for money and other things that fits into a pocket – पैसे और अन्य चीज़ों के लिए एक छोटा सा डिब्बा जो जेब में समा जाता है |
Sam’s lost leather wallet was finally turned in to the police, but his sixty dollars and his driver’s license were gone. |
10022 |
Crapshoot – बकवास |
something risky or unpredictable – कुछ जोखिम भरा या अप्रत्याशित |
Spring weather always seems like a crapshoot since one second the sun is shining and the next it is raining. |
10023 |
Melancholy – उदासी |
a feeling of deep sadness – गहरी उदासी की अनुभूति |
The film’s tragic ending put us all in a melancholy mood. |
10024 |
Carve – उत्कीर्ण |
to cut a material into a finished work – किसी सामग्री को काटकर तैयार कार्य करना |
Dustin used a hammer and chisel to carve out his name in the wood. |
10025 |
Presented – पेश किया |
gave something formally – औपचारिक रूप से कुछ दिया |
Ariane Grande was presented with the Woman of the Year Award at the 2018 Billboards. |
10026 |
Crucify – क्रूस पर |
to torture or torment someone as a punishment – सज़ा के तौर पर किसी को यातना देना या कष्ट देना |
After missing the important meeting, my boss would crucify me by firing me during our country’s economic recession. |
10027 |
Intersection – चौराहा |
a place where two or more paths meet, typically in reference to roads – वह स्थान जहाँ दो या दो से अधिक रास्ते मिलते हैं, आमतौर पर सड़कों के संदर्भ में |
Because two different roads meet at this intersection, they form a cross that provides four different directions for a driver to travel. |
10028 |
Disreputable – जर्जर |
not worthy of respect – सम्मान के योग्य नहीं |
When the disreputable man ran for political office, he received less than one percent of the votes. |
10029 |
Bill – बिल |
an amount of money owed for goods supplied or services rendered – आपूर्ति की गई वस्तुओं या प्रदान की गई सेवाओं के लिए बकाया धनराशि |
The company sent the homeowner a water bill for the amount used during the month of January. |
10030 |
Dogged – हठी |
marked by stubborn determination – जिद्दी संकल्प द्वारा चिह्नित |
Even though John was miles behind the other runners, his dogged determination would not let him quit the race. |
10031 |
Harmony – सद्भाव |
agreement; peace – समझौता; शांति |
The laid-back husband wanted to live in harmony with his wife, but her argumentative ways wouldn’t allow them to be at peace. |
10032 |
Guide – मार्गदर्शक |
to show people around a place and offer information – लोगों को किसी स्थान के आसपास दिखाना और जानकारी प्रदान करना |
During a recent College campus tour, the guide led the prospective college students around the institution learning about the programs offered. |
10033 |
Merriment – आमोद |
laughter, happiness, and enjoyment – हँसी, ख़ुशी, और आनंद |
The party was filled with the wonderful sounds of merriment. |
10034 |
Exemplar – नमूना |
a person or thing that serves as a model or ideal – कोई व्यक्ति या वस्तु जो आदर्श या आदर्श के रूप में कार्य करती हो |
The school valedictorian is an exemplar of the perfect student. |
10035 |
Invocation – मंगलाचरण |
a method of asking for assistance from a higher power – किसी उच्च शक्ति से सहायता माँगने की एक विधि |
During the invocation, the church leader asked for love, happiness, and good fortune for the newborn baby. |
10036 |
Aunt – चाची |
the sister of one’s father or mother or the wife of one’s uncle – किसी के पिता या माता की बहन या किसी के चाचा की पत्नी |
Sarah’s niece bought her a “best aunt in the world” t-shirt for her and her twin sister’s birthday. |
10037 |
Sneak peak – एक झलक |
an opportunity to see something before it is officially accessible – किसी चीज़ के आधिकारिक रूप से उपलब्ध होने से पहले उसे देखने का अवसर |
Our local movie theater will be giving a sneak peak of the new thriller that won’t be officially released until next week. |
10038 |
Unseemly – गंदा |
not in good taste – अच्छे स्वाद में नहीं |
William acted in an unseemly manner when he wore his pajamas to his mother’s funeral. |
10039 |
Routine – दिनचर्या |
activities performed at fixed times for intervals – अंतराल के लिए निश्चित समय पर की जाने वाली गतिविधियाँ |
The teacher explained the classroom routine to students so they would know when it was time to go to lunch. |
10040 |
Ague – जूड़ी |
a fever that causes you to shake, sweat and feel cold – ऐसा बुखार जिसके कारण आपको कंपकंपी आती है, पसीना आता है और ठंड लगती है |
Dr. Frank determined that his patient acquired ague based on the symptoms but, he realized it was not malaria because the patient had not visited tropical areas lately. |
10041 |
Empowered – अधिकार |
acting with confidence – आत्मविश्वास के साथ कार्य करना |
After being praised to the sky, Jack felt empowered and was ready to tackle the job. |
10042 |
Safety net – सुरक्षा तंत्र |
a sort of cushion or protection against something negative – किसी नकारात्मक चीज़ से एक प्रकार का तकिया या सुरक्षा |
When Katie applied to college, she chose one easy to get into school as a safety net in case all of her top choices rejected her. |
10043 |
Merely – केवल |
only, just, and nothing more – केवल, बस, और कुछ नहीं |
The knight wondered how he, being merely a man, could hope to defeat the dragon. |
10044 |
Equipoise – पासंग |
a state of balance; equilibrium – संतुलन की स्थिति; संतुलन |
As she stacked the cans into a pyramid, the stocker was precise in order to ensure equipoise and stop the cans from crashing down. |
10045 |
Conciliate – समझौता करना |
make calm and content; placate – शांत और संतुष्ट बनाओ; तसल्ली देना |
Sarah rebuffed William’s attempts to conciliate her by buying her a bouquet of flowers. |
10046 |
Guzzle – लालची की तह भोजन करनेवाला |
to drink something down quickly – जल्दी से कुछ पीना |
In an effort to quench her thirst, the exhausted runner began to guzzle down water, bottle after bottle. |
10047 |
Abandon – छोड़ देना |
to stop caring and leave or to desert – परवाह करना बंद कर देना और चले जाना या वीरान हो जाना |
Since the young girl was unable to care for the newborn, she decided to abandon the child at a fire station. |
10048 |
Quadrangle – अहाता |
a rectangular or square shaped courtyard – आयताकार या चौकोर आकार का आँगन |
Overlooking the quadrangle, the children could not wait to leave their apartment and play in the square courtyard. |
10049 |
Finicky – नकचढ़ा |
overly fussy and particular in regards to taste or standards – अत्यधिक उधम मचाने वाला और स्वाद या मानकों के संबंध में विशेष |
The finicky toddler refuses to eat anything other than chicken strips and French fries. |
10050 |
Constant – स्थिर |
nonstop; ceaseless; for a long duration – बिना रुके; अनवरत; लंबी अवधि के लिए |
The Earth is in constant motion as it spins on its axis. |
10051 |
Expostulate – समझाना |
to express strong disagreement – तीव्र असहमति व्यक्त करने के लिए |
More than likely, the cat will expostulate his opinion of his new food by leaving it in his dish. |
10052 |
Liveliness – जीवंतता |
being energetic, active, and outgoing – ऊर्जावान, सक्रिय और मिलनसार होना |
Playing and laughing, the children’s liveliness filled the whole room. |
10053 |
Indelible – अमिट |
difficult to remove or wash away; incapable of being canceled or forgotten – हटाना या धोना कठिन; रद्द किये जाने या भुलाये जाने में असमर्थ |
Although she knew that it embarrassed her son, she nevertheless printed his name in indelible marker on the waistbands of all his underwear before he went off to camp. |
10054 |
Folklore – लोक-साहित्य |
native sayings, stories, beliefs, and customs – देशी कहावतें, कहानियाँ, मान्यताएँ और रीति-रिवाज |
According to folklore passed down from generation to generation, the stars are departed spirits watching over their loved ones. |
10055 |
Localization – स्थानीयकरण |
the process of making something more suitable for or restricted to a certain place – किसी चीज़ को किसी निश्चित स्थान के लिए अधिक उपयुक्त या प्रतिबंधित बनाने की प्रक्रिया |
An art exhibit put on by Samsung helped with localization and moved the communications company into the French market in 2009. |
10056 |
Inconstancy – चंचलता |
infidelity; unfaithfulness – बेवफाई; अविश्वास |
Known for his inconstancy, the married man had children with women all over town. |
10057 |
Louse – जूं |
an immobile insect that extracts blood from humans or animals – एक गतिहीन कीट जो मनुष्यों या जानवरों का खून निकालता है |
Once the child began to scratch her head, a louse was found attached to a follicle of her hair. |
10058 |
Humanity – इंसानियत |
the attribute of being kind – दयालु होने का गुण |
A serial killer normally does not reveal any sign of humanity to his victims. |
10059 |
Cosmopolitan – कॉस्मोपॉलिटन |
reflecting the influence of numerous cultures and countries – अनेक संस्कृतियों और देशों के प्रभाव को दर्शाता है |
Since Jane loved being around people of various cultures, she enjoyed the cosmopolitan atmosphere of the international market. |
10060 |
Blueprint – खाका |
a design plan or a detailed technical drawing – एक डिज़ाइन योजना या एक विस्तृत तकनीकी ड्राइंग |
Because the blueprint seemed to be missing some details, the builders were concerned. |
10061 |
Austerity – तपस्या |
a state of reduced spending that causes people to live without luxuries – कम खर्च की स्थिति जिसके कारण लोगों को विलासिता के बिना रहना पड़ता है |
During a time of austerity, the government shut down all spending except for fundamental services. |
10062 |
Argent – चांदी |
a shiny light gray to light silver color – चमकदार हल्का भूरा से हल्का चांदी जैसा रंग |
As the 60-year old woman grew old gracefully, her argent hair showed her age but still made her appear beautiful. |
10063 |
Nettlesome – बिछुआ |
irritating; annoying – परेशान करने वाला; कष्टप्रद |
Asking another nettlesome question, the child irritated her mother to no end. |
10064 |
Palisade – कटघरा |
posts usually made out of wood that form a fenced-in area – खंभे आमतौर पर लकड़ी से बने होते हैं जो एक बाड़ वाले क्षेत्र का निर्माण करते हैं |
As news of the Union troops marching closer to their town, the citizens built a palisade around their houses in order to defend themselves if troops attacked. |
10065 |
Mortician – ताबूत बनानेवाला |
the person who is in charge of a funeral including preparing the deceased body – वह व्यक्ति जो मृतक के शरीर को तैयार करने सहित अंतिम संस्कार का प्रभारी है |
Often viewed as a scary job, the mortician actually performs a service that is needed by the community. |
10066 |
Liable – उत्तरदायी |
responsible – जिम्मेदार |
If you poke a bear, you are liable to get hurt. |
10067 |
Irrepressible – सदा एकसां |
not controllable – नियंत्रणीय नहीं |
Jason could not control his irrepressible temper. |
10068 |
Homosapien – होमोसैपियन |
the human species; a human being – मानव प्रजाति; एक इंसान |
As one of them myself, I can’t help but feel that my fellow homosapiens spend too much time watching movies and TV. |
10069 |
Recording – रिकॉर्डिंग |
sounds that have been stored electronically, on disk, on tape, etc – ध्वनियाँ जो डिस्क, टेप आदि पर इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रूप से संग्रहीत की गई हैं |
The judge heard a voice recording of the suspect admitting that he committed the murder. |
10070 |
Secular – धर्मनिरपेक्ष |
not driven by religious principles – धार्मिक सिद्धांतों से प्रेरित नहीं |
Since Bill was not a spiritual man, he went out of his way to attend a university with a secular focus. |
10071 |
Mumps – कण्ठमाला का रोग |
a contagious viral disease that causes the glands in the face to swell – एक संक्रामक वायरल रोग जिसके कारण चेहरे की ग्रंथियाँ सूज जाती हैं |
Because the child’s cheeks were swollen like a chipmunk, the doctor knew that she probably had a viral case of the mumps. |
10072 |
Genie – जिन्न |
a magical person that lives in a lamp and grants wishes to the person who calls on it – एक जादुई व्यक्ति जो दीपक में रहता है और उसे बुलाने वाले की इच्छा पूरी करता है |
The genie was trapped in the magic lamp for thousands of years before anyone rubbed the side. |
10073 |
Slasher – स्लेशर |
a genre of horror film in which a psychopath murders a group of people – हॉरर फिल्म की एक शैली जिसमें एक मनोरोगी लोगों के एक समूह की हत्या कर देता है |
The 1960 film ‘Psycho’ is one of the most notable and revered slasher films of the century. |
10074 |
Voltage – वोल्टेज |
the electrical energy measured in volts – विद्युत ऊर्जा वोल्ट में मापी जाती है |
Unfortunately, it is hard for the average person to determine if the voltage is low in a car’s battery because it usually just stops working at once without warning. |
10075 |
Victim of circumstance – परिस्थिति का शिकार |
a person who has suffered at the hands of someone else or a situation that is out of their control – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी अन्य के हाथों पीड़ित हुआ हो या ऐसी स्थिति जो उसके नियंत्रण से बाहर हो |
A victim of circumstance, the murder target was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time. |
10076 |
Exacerbation – तेज़ हो जाना |
worsening or increasing in severity – गंभीरता का बिगड़ना या बढ़ना |
Exacerbation of the illness caused the patient to become sicker and sicker as each day passed. |
10077 |
Loosen – ढीला |
to make something less tight – किसी चीज़ को कम कड़ा बनाना |
As she lost weight, Pamela’s once fitted clothes began to loosen and sag on her now thinner body. |
10078 |
Cranny – छेद |
a small, narrow opening – एक छोटा, संकीर्ण उद्घाटन |
A cranny in the rock surface caused the hiker to twist their ankle. |
10079 |
Vanish – गायब होना |
disappear from sight – दृष्टि से ओझल हो जाना |
The child watched in wonder as the magician made the coin vanish from behind his ear. |
10080 |
Modality – साधन |
the way in which something is executed – वह तरीका जिससे कोई चीज़ क्रियान्वित की जाती है |
John gets multiple assignments done by working in a productive modality that allows him to combine tasks. |
10081 |
Furtive – चुराया हुआ |
marked by quiet, caution, and secrecy – शांति, सावधानी और गोपनीयता द्वारा चिह्नित |
When the professor turned his back, the cheating student cast a furtive glance at his neighbor’s test paper. |
10082 |
Slander – बदनामी |
to make a statement that cannot be proven in order to injure someone’s reputation – किसी की प्रतिष्ठा को ठेस पहुंचाने के लिए ऐसा बयान देना जिसे साबित नहीं किया जा सके |
To win the election for homecoming queen, Jill resorted to slander to ruin her competitors’ reputations. |
10083 |
Capillary – केशिका |
associated with the tiny vessels of blood that link the arteries to the veins – रक्त की छोटी वाहिकाओं से जुड़ा हुआ है जो धमनियों को नसों से जोड़ती हैं |
Whenever Jane has a nosebleed, she knows a capillary vessel has burst. |
10084 |
Voluntary exchange – स्वैच्छिक विनिमय |
the practice of freely and willingly transacting between consumers and vendors without pressure or force – उपभोक्ताओं और विक्रेताओं के बीच दबाव या बल के बिना स्वतंत्र रूप से और स्वेच्छा से लेनदेन करने की प्रथा |
At the mall, the vendors could price their items based on their own beliefs since they were involved in a voluntary exchange. |
10085 |
Intrigue – साज़िश |
a complex scheme devised to gain something in a sneaky way – गुप्त तरीके से कुछ हासिल करने के लिए तैयार की गई एक जटिल योजना |
The intrigue surrounding the latest political scandal has created some interesting tabloid articles. |
10086 |
Appreciate – प्रशंसा करना |
to understand the worth, value, or importance of something – किसी चीज़ का मूल्य, मूल्य या महत्व समझना |
As an art dealer, the man can appreciate fine pieces and see their worth in a way that others can’t. |
10087 |
Whereabouts – ठिकाने |
the place where something is located – वह स्थान जहाँ कोई चीज़ स्थित हो |
The police told me they would contact me if they got any information on my missing car’s whereabouts. |
10088 |
Rehabilitate – पुनर्वास |
to bring back to a healthy or useful state – स्वस्थ या उपयोगी अवस्था में वापस लाना |
The image consultant believes she can rehabilitate the reputation of the disgraced politician. |
10089 |
Vaccine – टीका |
a special substance that is made of a weakened virus or disease that is used to prevent them from getting the actual illness – एक विशेष पदार्थ जो कमजोर वायरस या बीमारी से बना होता है जिसका उपयोग उन्हें वास्तविक बीमारी से बचाने के लिए किया जाता है |
The very first vaccine was created by a scientist looking for a substance that would prevent people from getting smallpox. |
10090 |
Hull – पतवार |
the main part of a ship or boat – जहाज या नाव का मुख्य भाग |
The hull of a flat bottom boat is shaped differently than the body of other vessels. |
10091 |
Anthropology – मनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान |
the study of the origin of mankind – मानव जाति की उत्पत्ति का अध्ययन |
By examining past societies, those learned in anthropology believe they can solve world issues today. |
10092 |
Disquietude – घबराहट |
a condition of worry or concern – चिन्ता या चिन्ता की स्थिति |
The little boy listened in disquietude as his parents argued in the kitchen. |
10093 |
Hoodlum – बदमाश |
a person who engages in crime and violence – एक व्यक्ति जो अपराध और हिंसा में लिप्त है |
The ringleader of the teen gang was hoodlum from the southside who had a knack for stealing cars. |
10094 |
Clinical – क्लीनिकल |
related to the observation and treatment of a patient – किसी रोगी के निरीक्षण और उपचार से संबंधित |
Clinical studies showed that many patients improve after taking the medication. |
10095 |
Rediscover – पुनः खोजना |
to discover something again – फिर से कुछ खोजने के लिए |
Kiran believes Atlantis is a real place, and his life’s dream is to rediscover the lost city and learn its secrets. |
10096 |
Lingua Franca – सामान्य भाषा |
a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers that have different native languages – वह भाषा जिसे विभिन्न मूल भाषाएँ बोलने वालों के बीच एक आम भाषा के रूप में अपनाया जाता है |
The Lingua Franca of the country with two factions of speakers is an accepted mix of Spanish and Italian. |
10097 |
Ultra – अत्यंत |
extra; extremely – अतिरिक्त; अत्यंत |
Lexie’s ultra-thin body is so bony that you can see her ribs through her skin. |
10098 |
Falter – लड़खड़ाना |
to hesitate, stumble, or waver – झिझकना, लड़खड़ाना या डगमगाना |
When the bank teller noticed that the masked man began to falter slightly, she discreetly pressed the silent alarm. |
10099 |
Triumph – विजयोल्लास |
a final success or victory – अंतिम सफलता या जीत |
Surviving brain cancer is Mark’s biggest triumph in life. |
10100 |
Optimum – अनुकूलतम |
the best condition – सर्वोत्तम स्थिति |
It takes Jared an hour to drive to work even in optimum traffic conditions. |
10101 |
Cypress – सरो |
an evergreen tree with scaly or pointy leaves and small rounded woody growths – पपड़ीदार या नुकीली पत्तियाँ और छोटे गोलाकार काष्ठीय विकास वाला एक सदाबहार वृक्ष |
The bald cypress is a distinct type of tree in that it differs from other types of cypress and does not stay evergreen all year long. |
10102 |
Empire – साम्राज्य |
a state or area ruled by one individual who is normally referred to as an emperor – एक राज्य या क्षेत्र जिस पर एक व्यक्ति का शासन होता है जिसे सामान्यतः सम्राट कहा जाता है |
The emperor governed his empire without asking anyone for advice. |
10103 |
Loose – ढीला |
not firmly or tightly in place – मजबूती से या कस कर जगह पर नहीं |
My pants were a bit loose around my waist, so I needed to find a belt to hold them up before I left the house. |
10104 |
Appearance – उपस्थिति |
what something looks like – कुछ कैसा दिखता है |
Having just drove through a bunch of mud on his ATV, Mark’s appearance was little more than wet brown dirt on every inch of his face. |
10105 |
Federalist – संघीय |
one who favors a system of governance in which the main power lies with the national government – जो ऐसी शासन प्रणाली का समर्थन करता है जिसमें मुख्य शक्ति राष्ट्रीय सरकार के पास होती है |
The politician is a federalist because he believes the states should have less power than the central government. |
10106 |
Amateur – शौकिया |
person who engages in a particular activity without pursuing it professionally – वह व्यक्ति जो किसी विशेष गतिविधि को व्यावसायिक रूप से अपनाए बिना उसमें संलग्न होता है |
Even though I am an amateur singer, I hope to make a career out of it one day. |
10107 |
Untenable – अस्थिर, असमर्थनीय |
not capable of being supported or maintained – समर्थन या रखरखाव करने में सक्षम नहीं |
The losing debate team had an untenable argument. |
10108 |
Buys – खरीदता |
a verb that means to acquire something through payment – एक क्रिया जिसका अर्थ है भुगतान के माध्यम से कुछ प्राप्त करना |
She buys a new car every year. |
10109 |
Metric – मीट्रिक |
a system of measurement based on the meter – मीटर पर आधारित माप की एक प्रणाली |
Using the metric system as a base, the scientist measured the plant’s height with a meter stick. |
10110 |
Rotogravure – रोटार फोटो |
a process used for printing in which the paper is rolled through a cylinder that has numerous indentions – मुद्रण के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली एक प्रक्रिया जिसमें कागज को एक सिलेंडर के माध्यम से घुमाया जाता है जिसमें कई इंडेंटेशन होते हैं |
One of my grandmother’s most treasured possessions was a portrait of her parents that was printed in rotogravure through a rolling process. |
10111 |
Rake – जेली |
to gather things together into a pile – चीजों को एक साथ ढेर में इकट्ठा करना |
During the fall, we must rake all the leaves and acorns from the oak tree into big piles for disposal. |
10112 |
Prolixity – प्रोलिक्सिटी |
long and wordy, using too many words to express a thought or idea – लंबा और शब्दाडंबरपूर्ण, किसी विचार या विचार को व्यक्त करने के लिए बहुत सारे शब्दों का उपयोग करना |
The paper was marked down for the writer’s use of prolixity to lengthen it. |
10113 |
Groggy – शराबी |
being so tired and weak that one is unable to think or walk correctly – इतना थका हुआ और कमजोर होना कि व्यक्ति ठीक से सोचने या चलने में भी असमर्थ हो जाता है |
After taking the strong painkillers, the patient was groggy and could barely stay awake. |
10114 |
Dome – गुंबद |
a rounded top on a building or object – किसी भवन या वस्तु का गोलाकार शीर्ष |
Shaking the glass dome, the boy seemed spellbound by the falling snow inside the globe. |
10115 |
Sinuous – टेढ़ा |
winding and twisting – घुमावदार और घुमाव |
According to the treasure map, the cave is located at the end of the sinuous path that winds up the mountain. |
10116 |
Leverage – फ़ायदा उठाना |
something that can be used to sway a negotiation – कुछ ऐसा जिसका उपयोग बातचीत को प्रभावित करने के लिए किया जा सकता है |
Gina is keeping a copy of the nude photo of her boss in case she ever needs leverage to keep her job. |
10117 |
Snippet – टुकड़ा |
a small piece of something – किसी चीज़ का छोटा सा टुकड़ा |
A snippet of the code was placed on the screen for viewers to copy down. |
10118 |
Calumnious – अपवादात्मक |
slanderous or defamatory – निंदनीय या मानहानिकारक |
The calumnious tabloid article painted a slanderous tale of two star crossed lovers. |
10119 |
Navy – नौसेना |
a country’s armed service using ships and boats – जहाजों और नावों का उपयोग करने वाली देश की सशस्त्र सेवा |
During the war, the ships from the country’s navy were sent out to defend against the attack on their land. |
10120 |
Topsy-turvy – घपला |
upside down or reversed from the way it should be – जिस तरह से होना चाहिए उससे उलटा या उल्टा |
The political climate is a state of topsy-turvy where every day the world seems more upside down. |
10121 |
Tempting – मोहक |
appealing and able to attract someone, especially to something that is wrong – आकर्षक और किसी को आकर्षित करने में सक्षम, विशेषकर उस चीज़ की ओर जो गलत है |
It might be tempting to cheat on your exam, but if you get caught it will cost you double the money. |
10122 |
Addressed – संबोधित |
spoke to, usually in a formal way – आमतौर पर औपचारिक तरीके से बात की जाती थी |
The speaker turned and addressed the crowd, grabbing their attention by the tone in his voice. |
10123 |
Mantic – मनटिक |
a person who can tell or see the future – वह व्यक्ति जो भविष्य बता या देख सके |
After looking into his crystal ball, the mantic was able to tell the woman who she was going to marry. |
10124 |
Turnaround – मुड़ो |
a reversal that is seen as an improvement – एक उलटफेर जिसे सुधार के रूप में देखा जाता है |
The struggling franchise made quite a turnaround, winning almost all of their games this season. |
10125 |
Bulwark – बांध |
an object that acts as a shield – एक वस्तु जो ढाल के रूप में कार्य करती है |
Vaccines act as a bulwark against many childhood diseases. |
10126 |
Levity – छिछोरापन |
a lack of seriousness – गंभीरता की कमी |
After battles, some soldiers try and add levity to their days by telling jokes around the campfire. |
10127 |
Alpine – अल्पाइन |
part of a high mountain – ऊँचे पर्वत का भाग |
In the alpine village, many skiers would purchase their needed supplies in order to go skiing the next day. |
10128 |
Variation – उतार-चढ़ाव |
something that is slightly different from the original – कुछ ऐसा जो मूल से थोड़ा अलग है |
Rugby is a variation of football. |
10129 |
Risk – जोखिम |
a probability or chance of danger or hazard – खतरे या खतरे की संभावना या संभावना |
After smoking for 30 years, the risk that the man would acquire lung cancer was high since smoking had blackened his lungs. |
10130 |
Unfathomable – अपरिमेय |
impossible to comprehend or understand – समझना या समझ पाना असंभव है |
After five hours, we still could not figure out the unfathomable riddle. |
10131 |
Moue – माउ |
a pouty expression made with the lips to show annoyance or disapproval – झुंझलाहट या अस्वीकृति दिखाने के लिए होठों से की गई एक भद्दी अभिव्यक्ति |
Giving a lip-quivering moue, the spoiled girl was able to get her way with her parents. |
10132 |
Founded – स्थापित |
started; established – शुरू कर दिया; स्थापित |
Debbie founded an outreach that helped the homeless find shelter and a hot meal. |
10133 |
Oppressive – दमनकारी |
overwhelming; restricting – भाव विह्वल करने वाला; प्रतिबंधित करने |
Because I am very sensitive to the oppressive heat, I tend to spend most of the summer indoors. |
10134 |
Tortuous – कपटपूर्ण |
containing coils, turns and curves – कुंडलियाँ, घुमाव और वक्र युक्त |
When the tortuous snake moved across the Sahara Desert, his body made an S-shape in the sand. |
10135 |
Albinism – रंगहीनता |
an inherited condition that one is born with that involves lack of color in the pigment that colors hair, skin, and eyes – एक विरासत में मिली स्थिति जिसके साथ कोई व्यक्ति पैदा होता है, उसमें बालों, त्वचा और आंखों को रंगने वाले रंगद्रव्य में रंग की कमी शामिल होती है |
The couple’s baby was born with albinism and had hair that was as white as snow. |
10136 |
Stripe – पट्टी |
a single line that is different from the whole in color, texture, appearance – एक पंक्ति जो रंग, बनावट, स्वरूप में संपूर्ण से भिन्न होती है |
The navy blue purse had a single red stripe down the middle. |
10137 |
Abrasive – अपघर्षक |
unlikeable; nasty – अवांछनीय; बहुत खराब |
Because of Kurt’s abrasive personality, most people try to avoid him at work. |
10138 |
License – लाइसेंस |
a permit that allows for someone to do something such as run a business or drive – एक परमिट जो किसी को व्यवसाय चलाने या गाड़ी चलाने जैसा कुछ करने की अनुमति देता है |
The boy has to take a written and practical test to earn his driver’s license. |
10139 |
Clientele – ग्राहकों को |
the individuals who frequent a certain business – वे व्यक्ति जो किसी निश्चित व्यवसाय में बार-बार आते हैं |
A good restaurant will design its menu to suit the tastes of its clientele or customers. |
10140 |
Tremulous – थरथरानेवाला |
shaking or quivering – हिलना या कांपना |
Her voice was weak and tremulous, but the audience clapped politely when she finished the aria. |
10141 |
Proletariat – सर्वहारा |
the class that is at the bottom of the social ladder – वह वर्ग जो सामाजिक सीढ़ी में सबसे नीचे है |
The members of the proletariat are threatening to cease their farm work if their wages are not increased. |
10142 |
Recorded – रिकॉर्डेड |
put something down in writing, usually to keep track of something – आमतौर पर किसी चीज़ का हिसाब-किताब रखने के लिए कुछ लिखकर रखना |
The scientist recorded how much rainfall happened for several days in a row, writing down the results each evening. |
10143 |
Blues – ब्लूज़ |
sadness or depression – उदासी या अवसाद |
The depressed widow has been filled with the blues ever since her husband’s tragic death. |
10144 |
Fantastic – ज़बरदस्त |
extraordinarily good; incredibly wonderful – असाधारण रूप से अच्छा; अविश्वसनीय रूप से अद्भुत |
The strong winds make for a fantastic day of kite flying. |
10145 |
Renascent – नवयुग का |
becoming popular again – फिर से लोकप्रिय हो रहा हूँ |
The renascent team was becoming more and more popular with every step they took towards the playoffs. |
10146 |
Linchpin – लींचपीण |
a person/thing vital to holding something together – किसी चीज़ को एक साथ रखने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति/वस्तु |
Brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis is the linchpin of good oral hygiene. |
10147 |
Carpe Diem – कार्पे डियं |
an exclamation that urges individuals to seize the day with little concern of the future – एक विस्मयादिबोधक जो व्यक्तियों को भविष्य की थोड़ी सी चिंता के साथ दिन का आनंद लेने का आग्रह करता है |
Carpe Diem is a Latin term that urges us to seize the day, rather than let anxiety and fear stop us from doing it. |
10148 |
Castigate – पीटना |
to criticize someone or something severely – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु की कड़ी आलोचना करना |
My mother was a cruel woman who never missed an opportunity to castigate my father. |
10149 |
Screamed – चिल्लाया |
let out a loud, high-pitched cry – जोर से, ऊंचे स्वर में चिल्लाओ |
As the roller coaster picked up speed, the terrified riders screamed at the top of their lungs. |
10150 |
Babelicious – बेबलिसियस |
describes a woman who is very sexually attractive – एक ऐसी महिला का वर्णन करता है जो यौन रूप से बहुत आकर्षक है |
Babelicious and sexy, the supermodel strutted her stuff down the runway. |
10151 |
Alas – हाय |
disappointingly; unfortunately – निराशाजनक रूप से; दुर्भाग्य से |
Alas the reviews for Jared’s book were awful, and as such, the book’s sales were dismal. |
10152 |
Bellow – bellow |
a low and roaring sound – एक धीमी और गर्जन वाली ध्वनि |
Since the medic did not have anesthesia, he expected to hear a loud bellow as he removed the bullet from the soldier. |
10153 |
Unfettered – निरंकुश |
not confined or restrained – सीमित या प्रतिबंधित नहीं |
Unfettered from his leash, the dog ran freely around the backyard. |
10154 |
Limerence – लाइमरेंस |
the overwhelming need to be with or receive similar feelings from another person that manifests in physical trembling and pain when the other person is not around. Beyond simple infatuation or lust – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के साथ रहने या उससे समान भावनाएं प्राप्त करने की अत्यधिक आवश्यकता जो शारीरिक कंपकंपी और दर्द में प्रकट होती है जब दूसरा व्यक्ति आसपास नहीं होता है। साधारण मोह या वासना से परे |
When Romeo first laid eyes on Juliet, he was struck with such limerence that his need for her became like a drug that could only be satisfied by returned feelings. |
10155 |
Slang – बोलचाल की भाषा |
a form of informal language – अनौपचारिक भाषा का एक रूप |
The children used slang as a secret language, not realizing their parents had cracked their codes long ago. |
10156 |
Sweet – मिठाई |
generally pleasing or nice – आम तौर पर सुखदायक या अच्छा |
The little girl was very sweet to me, asking if I wanted one of her cookies. |
10157 |
Cynic – निंदक |
a person who believes that humans are only motivated by selfishness and their own interests – एक व्यक्ति जो मानता है कि मनुष्य केवल स्वार्थ और अपने हितों से प्रेरित हैं |
Being a cynic, the husband had a hard time believing his wife was faithful to him. |
10158 |
Hulking – बहुत बड़ा |
very large or heavy – बहुत बड़ा या भारी |
A hulking figure hid in the shadows, scaring passersby with his large frame. |
10159 |
Wander – घूमना |
to stray from a path or walk about without a purpose – किसी मार्ग से भटक जाना या बिना किसी उद्देश्य के इधर-उधर घूमना |
The bookworm loved to wander through the library and brush her fingers against the spines of the books. |
10160 |
Riposte – जवाबी हमल |
a quick, witty remark that is said as a reply to criticism – एक त्वरित, मजाकिया टिप्पणी जिसे आलोचना के उत्तर के रूप में कहा जाता है |
Full of quick comebacks, the comedian always has a riposte to any heckler in the crowd. |
10161 |
Wondering – ताज्जुब |
thinking about or questioning something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में सोचना या प्रश्न करना |
The children spend the day wondering where their missing dog could have run off to, but they never came up with an answer. |
10162 |
Acclamation – अभिनंदन |
loud praise or approval – ज़ोर से प्रशंसा या अनुमोदन |
Debra’s staff works tirelessly and deserves every acclamation. |
10163 |
Parapet – रेलिंग |
a wall located near the ground that protects the border of a roof, bridge, or other raised area – जमीन के पास स्थित एक दीवार जो छत, पुल या अन्य ऊंचे क्षेत्र की सीमा की रक्षा करती है |
The parapet on the roof prevented the attacking soldiers from hitting the men who hid behind it. |
10164 |
Bate – ग़ुस्सा |
the action of a hawk beating its wings to attempt a takeoff from its perch – एक बाज़ द्वारा अपने स्थान से उड़ान भरने का प्रयास करने के लिए अपने पंख फड़फड़ाने की क्रिया |
A baby hawk will have to bate furiously to lift its tiny body out of its nest and into the air for the first time. |
10165 |
Parasol – छत्र |
a lightweight umbrella used to block the sun – सूरज को रोकने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला एक हल्का छाता |
Hiding from the Kentucky Derby heat, the toffee-nosed lady shaded herself with a parasol. |
10166 |
Requite – लौटाना |
to give payment for something – किसी चीज़ के लिए भुगतान देना |
Ted chose to requite Carol for the lovely dinner by presenting her with a bouquet of flowers. |
10167 |
Scram – दौड़ना |
to leave a place quickly – किसी स्थान को शीघ्रता से छोड़ना |
“Scram!” the gardener yelled at the cat as he shooed him out of his orchard. |
10168 |
Electrocardiogram – इलेक्ट्रोकार्डियोग्राम |
a test used to monitor and detect problems with a person’s heart – एक परीक्षण जिसका उपयोग किसी व्यक्ति के हृदय की समस्याओं की निगरानी और पता लगाने के लिए किया जाता है |
The electrocardiogram was able to tell the cardiologist which kind of heart attack the patient was suffering from. |
10169 |
High – उच्च |
rising or extending upward – ऊपर की ओर उठना या फैलना |
Kim flew her kite high above the ocean and the beach shore. |
10170 |
Skid – फिसलने की क्रिया |
to slide unintentionally on a surface – किसी सतह पर अनजाने में फिसलना |
While driving over the ice, the out of control car began to skid to the left of the road and into the ditch. |
10171 |
Nihilist – नाइलीस्ट |
a rebel of practical beliefs who does believe that the world is pointless – व्यावहारिक मान्यताओं का एक विद्रोही जो मानता है कि दुनिया व्यर्थ है |
“There is no reason to go to church, school or get a job because life doesn’t matter,” the nihilist whined. |
10172 |
Unsettling – बेचैन |
causing anxiety and uneasiness – चिंता और बेचैनी पैदा कर रहा है |
As he walked down the dark alley, the uneasy pedestrian had an unsettling feeling that someone was watching him. |
10173 |
Numismatist – मुद्रा शास्त्री |
a professional coin or medal collector – एक पेशेवर सिक्का या पदक संग्राहक |
To find out the true value of his coin collection, the man sought an accredited numismatist. |
10174 |
Budget – बजट |
inexpensive; cheap – सस्ता; सस्ता |
Staying in a budget hotel came with a price, mainly in the form of smelly sheets and cockroaches. |
10175 |
Philosophy – दर्शन |
a study or branch that includes the deep explanations on reason and beliefs – एक अध्ययन या शाखा जिसमें तर्क और मान्यताओं पर गहन व्याख्या शामिल है |
After studying philosophy at school, Pete now understands the reason people act the way they do. |
10176 |
Heartfelt – हार्दिक |
honestly meant; sincere – ईमानदारी से मतलब; ईमानदार |
Because the apology was heartfelt, I accepted it without hesitation. |
10177 |
Demote – अवनति |
to lower someone’s rank – किसी का पद कम करना |
The decision to demote the officer to a lower rank was based on his inability to perform on the field. |
10178 |
Utterly – बिलकुल |
completely; absolutely – पूरी तरह; बिल्कुल |
Juliet was utterly in love with Romeo, completely captivated and willing to give her life if they couldn’t be together. |
10179 |
Interstitial – मध्य |
situated in interstices (small spaces) – अंतरालों (छोटी जगहों) में स्थित |
Because they are so tiny, the interstitial animals can live in the spaces between small grains of sand. |
10180 |
Infidel – बेवफ़ा |
an individual who does not believe in a specific religion – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी विशिष्ट धर्म में विश्वास नहीं करता |
The old woman called me an infidel because I refused to attend her church. |
10181 |
Blot – दाग |
to dab at a spot or stain in order to remove it – किसी स्थान या दाग को हटाने के लिए उस पर थपथपाना |
After dripping spaghetti sauce on her dress, the woman took a napkin and began to blot the stain. |
10182 |
Disquiet – बेचैनी |
a feeling of anxiety or unease – चिंता या बेचैनी की भावना |
Public disquiet about the tainted water supply continued to grow, with each day increasing community anxiety. |
10183 |
Exact – एकदम सही |
precise or accurate – सटीक या सटीक |
When the two runners crossed the line, the judge needed an exact time for each runner since it was unknown who won. |
10184 |
Faction – गुट |
a group within a larger group that has different ideas and opinions than the rest of the group – एक बड़े समूह के भीतर एक समूह जिसके विचार और राय बाकी समूह से भिन्न हों |
In the novel, the heroine was born into a faction of the population that dedicated their lives to helping each other. |
10185 |
Opera – ओपेरा |
a theatrical production including loud vocals – तीव्र गायन सहित एक नाट्य प्रस्तुति |
When the conductor led the opera, the singers and musicians performed their very best for the audience. |
10186 |
Tar – टार |
a thick and flammable liquid distilled from wood and coal – लकड़ी और कोयले से आसवित गाढ़ा और ज्वलनशील तरल पदार्थ |
Tar is a black gooey substance used in paving roads, which is why most roads are black themselves. |
10187 |
Rudiments – मूलतत्त्व |
the simple skills or facts needed to begin or learn something – कुछ शुरू करने या सीखने के लिए आवश्यक सरल कौशल या तथ्य |
In French 101, students will learn the rudiments of the language. |
10188 |
Xylem – जाइलम |
plant tissue that carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves – पौधे के ऊतक जो पानी और खनिजों को जड़ों से पत्तियों तक ले जाते हैं |
Xylem carried water from the root of the plant to the very center of the leaf. |
10189 |
Sensationalize – सनसनीखेज़ बनाना |
to embellish or play up news or an action – किसी समाचार या कार्य को अलंकृत करना या दिखाना |
No one wanted to sensationalize the teen’s bad behavior because it might result in younger kids admiring the teen’s actions. |
10190 |
Pulse – नाड़ी |
the throb from the heart – दिल से धड़कन |
After running for a mile, I felt the pulse in my throat vibrate with the beat of my heart. |
10191 |
Libation – मदिरा |
a beverage that contains some form of alcohol – एक पेय जिसमें किसी प्रकार का अल्कोहल होता है |
After a rough day at work, I usually stop by a bar for a relaxing libation. |
10192 |
Canceled – रद्द |
ended; stopped – समाप्त; रोका हुआ |
Avery canceled her Netflix subscription since she didn’t want to have to pay for a service she didn’t use. |
10193 |
Berth – बर्थ |
a bunk bed on a ship, train, or another means of transportation that is fixed to the wall – जहाज़, ट्रेन या परिवहन के किसी अन्य साधन पर एक चारपाई बिस्तर जो दीवार से जुड़ा होता है |
The sailors argued about who would get the upper berth and finally drew straws to decide on their sleeping arrangement. |
10194 |
Agility – चपलता |
nimbleness and quickness of motion, both physically and figuratively – शारीरिक और आलंकारिक रूप से, चपलता और गति की तीव्रता |
The coach was amazed at Jim’s agility on the court, especially the way he switches direction without pause. |
10195 |
Reconstruct – फिर से संगठित |
to rebuild or renovate – पुनर्निर्माण या नवीनीकरण करना |
Piecing together the night’s events, the detectives tried to reconstruct what really happened. |
10196 |
Instant – तुरंत |
happening or coming immediately – तुरंत होने वाला या आने वाला |
The instant the baking soda hit the vinegar, it exploded into a foamy, mess of bubbles and liquid. |
10197 |
Invoice – चालान |
a document that lists what services have been provided or goods delivered as well as how much is owed – एक दस्तावेज़ जो सूचीबद्ध करता है कि कौन सी सेवाएँ प्रदान की गई हैं या सामान वितरित किया गया है और साथ ही कितना बकाया है |
The owner of LawnPros sent an invoice to the business owner as a reminder that payment for mowing was due. |
10198 |
Aggravate – छेड़ना |
to make worse, or more severe – बदतर, या अधिक गंभीर बनाना |
I left the party early so the noise would not aggravate my headache. |
10199 |
Disject – खारिज करना |
to break apart – अलग होना |
The boulder will disject if we use a jackhammer to strike at a single point. |
10200 |
Sensibility – संवेदनशीलता |
one’s ability to feel or be aware of something – किसी चीज़ को महसूस करने या जागरूक होने की क्षमता |
President Lincoln’s sensibility about the situation helped him make right decisions regarding the abolition of slavery. |
10201 |
Courtly – सभ्य |
courteous, polite and civil – विनम्र, शिष्ट और सभ्य |
Even though the customer received a courtly response from the company, he wished the company would also issue an apology and refund for getting a defective product. |
10202 |
Conjuncture – संकट की स्थिति |
a combination of events that create a crisis – घटनाओं का एक संयोजन जो संकट पैदा करता है |
A conjuncture of highly unlikely weather events leads to a devastating spring snowstorm. |
10203 |
Sob – सिसकी |
to cry in a noisy fashion or a loud gasp made when a person cries – शोर मचाते हुए रोना या किसी व्यक्ति के रोने पर जोर से हांफना |
Spoiled toddlers often sob when their parents leave home. |
10204 |
Doff – उतारना |
means to tip or remove (one’s hat) in salutation – इसका अर्थ है अभिवादन में (किसी की टोपी) टिप देना या हटाना |
Before he could doff his hat at the busy woman, she hurried by without paying him any attention. |
10205 |
Immunize – छुटकारा देना |
to make something immune or invulnerable to something else – किसी चीज़ को किसी और चीज़ से प्रतिरक्षित या अजेय बनाना |
We use vaccination to immunize the human body, making it highly resistant to certain contagions like the flu. |
10206 |
Referred – निर्दिष्ट |
passed a matter or task on to someone else – कोई मामला या कार्य किसी दूसरे को सौंपना |
The lawyer doesn’t handle matters of divorce, so he referred his client to a family law attorney he knows. |
10207 |
Armada – बेड़े |
a fleet of warships – युद्धपोतों का एक बेड़ा |
During the war a country’s navy sent its armada to attack its enemy. |
10208 |
Psychotic – मानसिक |
mentally unstable in a way in which one is disconnected from reality – एक तरह से मानसिक रूप से अस्थिर होना जिसमें व्यक्ति वास्तविकता से अलग हो जाता है |
The psychiatrist prescribed medication to rid the patient of psychotic symptoms that made her think she had special powers. |
10209 |
Xeric – ज़ेरिक |
an area or climate that gets a very low volume of water and is often extremely dry – ऐसा क्षेत्र या जलवायु जिसमें बहुत कम मात्रा में पानी मिलता है और जो अक्सर अत्यधिक शुष्क होता है |
The xeric environment of the desert makes it difficult for plants that require a substantial amount of water to grow. |
10210 |
Outcast – जाति से निकाला हुआ |
someone who is excluded from a group – कोई व्यक्ति जिसे किसी समूह से बाहर रखा गया हो |
After calling the police at a party, the teenager became an outcast among her friends and classmates. |
10211 |
Tinker – टिन से मढ़नेवाला |
to try to fix something – किसी चीज़ को ठीक करने का प्रयास करना |
Every now and then my father would go to the basement to tinker with a gadget, but he rarely got anything repaired. |
10212 |
Ennui – विरक्ति |
boredom arising from a lack of interest or activity – रुचि या गतिविधि की कमी से उत्पन्न होने वाली बोरियत |
Ennui crept up in the heart of the lonely child who had nothing better to do than to take a nap. |
10213 |
Undefeated – अपराजित |
having never suffered a defeat or a loss – कभी पराजय या हार का सामना नहीं करना पड़ा |
Filipe’s team is undefeated and hasn’t lost a single football game all year. |
10214 |
Shenanigans – धोखाधड़ी |
actions or behaviors that are dishonest, immoral, or stupid – ऐसे कार्य या व्यवहार जो बेईमान, अनैतिक या मूर्खतापूर्ण हों |
Because my meal is taking forever to be prepared, I’m certain the kitchen staff is fooling around and engaging in shenanigans. |
10215 |
Zone – क्षेत्र |
an area or division – एक क्षेत्र या प्रभाग |
The zone only has houses and no stores or shops can be built there. |
10216 |
Maid – नौकरानी |
a domestic servant who cleans and waits on others – एक घरेलू नौकर जो सफ़ाई करता है और दूसरों का इंतज़ार करता है |
The maid spent most of her day ironing clothes and folding laundry for her mistress. |
10217 |
Pseudoscience – छद्म |
an idea. claim, or belief that looks like science, but is not – एक आइडिया। दावा, या विश्वास जो विज्ञान जैसा दिखता है, लेकिन है नहीं |
Because no connection between the positions of stars and human behavior can be proven scientifically, astronomy is classified as pseudoscience. |
10218 |
Took – लिया |
to have removed something from a particular place – किसी विशेष स्थान से कुछ हटाना |
The student took several pieces of paper from the classroom down to the office for his teacher. |
10219 |
Precarity – अनिश्चितता |
the state of having employment or income that is insecure – रोजगार या आय होने की स्थिति जो असुरक्षित है |
Many older workers face employment precarity as the job opportunities they once had have disappeared. |
10220 |
Compensatory – प्रतिपूरक |
to repay for damage – क्षति का बदला चुकाने के लिए |
A compensatory award was given by the drunk driver so the victim could get his car repaired and his medical bills resolved. |
10221 |
Sufferance – सबर |
the ability to tolerate hurt and discomfort – चोट और असुविधा को सहन करने की क्षमता |
Nurses typically sympathize with their patients due to their sufferance of the ailments that they have. |
10222 |
Prestigious – प्रतिष्ठित |
highly regarded – उच्च माना |
The prestigious doctor had a long waiting list of patients. |
10223 |
Activism – सक्रियतावाद |
a strategy of undertaking direct action to achieve a social or political goal – किसी सामाजिक या राजनीतिक लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए सीधी कार्रवाई करने की रणनीति |
Protesting the war is a type of activism. |
10224 |
Parallax – लंबन |
the impression that the direction or location of an object appears to vary when observed from diverse viewpoints – यह धारणा कि विभिन्न दृष्टिकोणों से देखने पर किसी वस्तु की दिशा या स्थान भिन्न-भिन्न प्रतीत होता है |
Because of the concept of parallax, locations look different when viewed at unique angles. |
10225 |
Wholly – पूर्ण |
totally or completely – पूरी तरह से या पूरी तरह से |
According to the police, the intoxicated man was wholly at fault for the car accident. |
10226 |
Lure – चारा |
to tempt a person or an animal into going somewhere else – किसी व्यक्ति या जानवर को कहीं और जाने के लिए प्रलोभित करना |
The hunter used apples to lure the deer out into the clearing. |
10227 |
Relieve – राहत देना |
to take away – ले जाने के |
Medication to relieve the gun shot victim’s pain wasn’t strong enough to make a real difference. |
10228 |
Dismissed – ख़ारिज |
got rid of; let go – को दूर कर दिया; जाने दो |
Because he was caught stealing from clients’ accounts, the bank manager was dismissed from his position. |
10229 |
Underling – छोटा सा अफसर |
a person lower in rank or status when compared to someone else – किसी अन्य की तुलना में पद या स्थिति में कमतर व्यक्ति |
The playground bully always looked for an underling to bully since picking on weaker kids always made him feel better about himself. |
10230 |
Predator – दरिंदा |
an organism that preys on other creatures – एक जीव जो दूसरे प्राणियों का शिकार करता है |
A child predator recently tried to lure my daughter away from the park. |
10231 |
Audible – सुनाई देने योग्य |
capable of being perceived – समझने में सक्षम |
To block out audible sounds, Jack uses earplugs when flying. |
10232 |
Twang – झनकार |
a sharp, vibrating tone like that of a plucked string – तोड़ी हुई डोरी के समान तीक्ष्ण, कंपायमान स्वर |
The sharp twang of the guitar seemed to make the entire room vibrated. |
10233 |
Accurately – सही रूप में |
exactly, precisely – बिल्कुल, बिल्कुल ठीक |
It’s still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes. |
10234 |
Vermin – दरिंदा |
individuals or animals that cause trouble for others – ऐसे व्यक्ति या जानवर जो दूसरों के लिए परेशानी का कारण बनते हैं |
The vermin should be executed for raping and killing the old woman. |
10235 |
Provisional – अनंतिम |
temporary, but with the intention of eventually becoming permanent or being replaced by a permanent equivalent – अस्थायी, लेकिन अंततः स्थायी बनने या किसी स्थायी समकक्ष द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित किये जाने के इरादे से |
Provisional custody arrangements favored the mother, but the children were later ordered to live with their father. |
10236 |
Athlete – धावक |
a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise – एक व्यक्ति जो खेल और शारीरिक व्यायाम के अन्य रूपों में कुशल है |
The ballet dancer raged when people scoffed and said that she wasn’t an athlete because she spent as many hours training as NFL players. |
10237 |
Topsoil – ऊपरी मिट्टी |
the upper level of dirt on the ground – ज़मीन पर गंदगी का ऊपरी स्तर |
Since the topsoil is rich in nutrients, many plants will flourish since their roots are planted there. |
10238 |
Sidesplitting – ज़ोर की आवाज़ का |
so funny that you laugh hard enough to make your sides sore – इतना मज़ेदार कि आप इतना ज़ोर से हंसते हैं कि आपका पक्ष दुखने लगता है |
The sidesplitting skit from the two comedians was so hilarious that my friend and I laughed until it hurt too much to continue. |
10239 |
Barren – अनुपजाऊ |
(of land) a place with little or no vegetation – (भूमि का) वह स्थान जहाँ बहुत कम या कोई वनस्पति न हो |
Looking out the window of the airplane, I realized that some deserts are actually more barren than others. |
10240 |
Gram – ग्राम |
a metric unit that is used to measure mass and is 1/1000 of a kilogram – एक मीट्रिक इकाई जिसका उपयोग द्रव्यमान मापने के लिए किया जाता है और यह एक किलोग्राम का 1/1000 है |
The patient took a two gram does of the medication each morning before bedtime. |
10241 |
Irresponsible – गैर जिम्मेदार |
describes someone that does not show a sense of responsibility or obligation – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करता है जो जिम्मेदारी या दायित्व की भावना नहीं दिखाता है |
My irresponsible cousin has a ton of homework to do, but he has decided to sleep in late and play games instead of doing it. |
10242 |
Self-deprecating – आत्म deprecating |
negatively critical of oneself; underrating oneself – स्वयं के प्रति नकारात्मक रूप से आलोचनात्मक; अपने आप को कम आंकना |
Kevin felt sorry for his friend due to the friend’s self-deprecating vocalization of always insulting himself. |
10243 |
Contemptuous – तिरस्कारपूर्ण |
showing or feeling deep hatred for someone or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु के प्रति गहरी नफरत दिखाना या महसूस करना |
Because he was often in pain, my grandfather was a contemptuous old man who looked down upon practically everyone. |
10244 |
Backrest – बाक़ी |
a support used to brace the area around one’s spine – किसी की रीढ़ के आसपास के क्षेत्र को सहारा देने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला सहारा |
After having surgery on his spine, the patient used a backrest for added support. |
10245 |
Flown – भेजा |
travelled by air; a verb tense of fly – हवाई यात्रा की; मक्खी का एक क्रिया काल |
During the riots, we were flown out of the city by helicopter. |
10246 |
Impute – मढ़ना |
to lay the responsibility or blame on someone else – किसी दूसरे पर जिम्मेदारी या दोष मढ़ना |
It was wrong of me to impute you for the failure of the dinner party when I was the one who did not properly plan the event. |
10247 |
Superhuman – अलौकिक |
possessing qualities beyond that of the average human – औसत मानव से कहीं अधिक गुण रखने वाला |
The man possessed superhuman strength, being able to lift six hundred pounds. |
10248 |
Weird – अजीब |
strange or unusual – अजीब या असामान्य |
Many people find it weird that I put ketchup on every food that I eat. |
10249 |
Perceptible – प्रत्याक्ष |
able to be noted or observed – ध्यान देने योग्य या अवलोकन करने योग्य |
She spoke softly, and her words were barely perceptible. |
10250 |
Whoop-de-doo $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) Prev Word Next Word – हूप-डे-डू $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push([“8f1244f6-5306-4bbe-9562-fc5ef7966ac2”]); }) पिछला शब्द अगला शब्द |
used sarcastically, indicating a lack of enthusiasm – व्यंग्यात्मक रूप से प्रयोग किया गया, जो उत्साह की कमी को दर्शाता है |
Well, whoop-de-doo, they’re offering me a 0.1 percent pay raise! |
10251 |
Festinate – उत्सव मनाना |
to hurry or rush – जल्दी करना या हड़बड़ी करना |
Late for work for the fourth time this week, Lucille began to festinate and made a mad dash for the subway. |
10252 |
Esprit – एस्प्रिट |
the quality of being lively and spirited – जीवंत और उत्साही होने का गुण |
Several of the esprit cheerleaders were able to liven the crowd even though the team was losing. |
10253 |
Sit – बैठना |
to take a seat – बैठने के लिए |
“Sit down at your desk, now!” the teacher demanded because she wanted all of her students to be in their chairs when she started teaching. |
10254 |
Sedition – राजद्रोह |
the act of encouraging opposition to authority – सत्ता के विरोध को प्रोत्साहित करने का कार्य |
The newspaper editor was accused of sedition when he encouraged his fans to rise up against police officers. |
10255 |
Virtuous – धार्मिक |
having strong moral fiber – मजबूत नैतिक फाइबर होना |
Margaret was a virtuous woman who dedicated her life to helping others. |
10256 |
Museum – संग्रहालय |
a building in which artistic, historical, or scientific objects are stored and exhibited – एक इमारत जिसमें कलात्मक, ऐतिहासिक या वैज्ञानिक वस्तुएँ संग्रहीत और प्रदर्शित की जाती हैं |
A new exhibit at the museum displayed hundreds of remains and pictures of extinct plants and animals from around the world. |
10257 |
Rogue – दुष्ट |
a person without principles; a dishonest individual – सिद्धांतों के बिना एक व्यक्ति; एक बेईमान व्यक्ति |
Before Eric turned his life around, he was a rogue who robbed convenience stores. |
10258 |
Combination – संयोजन |
the result of the grouping together of several different things – कई अलग-अलग चीजों को एक साथ समूहित करने का परिणाम |
The kids like to eat pizza that has a large combination of different toppings. |
10259 |
Operative – ऑपरेटिव |
to become fully functional – पूरी तरह कार्यात्मक बनने के लिए |
You must set up a network name, router, and password for the WiFi to become fully operative. |
10260 |
Opal – दूधिया पत्थर |
a shimmery, semi-precious gemstone that comes in many different iridescent colors – एक चमकदार, अर्ध-कीमती रत्न जो कई अलग-अलग इंद्रधनुषी रंगों में आता है |
Lori’s birthday is in October, so her birthstone necklace includes a multi-colored opal surrounded by other semi-precious stones. |
10261 |
Gutless – साहसहीन |
used to describe someone cowardly – किसी कायरतापूर्ण वर्णन करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है |
Matthew was too gutless to stand up to his sister’s bully. |
10262 |
Theorem – प्रमेय |
a statement deduced from studies or experiments – अध्ययन या प्रयोग से प्राप्त एक कथन |
After years of trying different ways to calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a triangle, Pythagoras finally created his theorem. |
10263 |
Agronomy – कृषिविज्ञान |
science of soil management and crop production – मृदा प्रबंधन और फसल उत्पादन का विज्ञान |
Personally I find agronomy to be a rather boring science, but someone has to study all the ways we can make crop production more efficient. |
10264 |
Nastiness – गंदगी |
quality of being gross, dirty, and generally unpleasant – स्थूल, गंदा और आम तौर पर अप्रिय होने का गुण |
The nastiness of the cheap hotel room was evidenced by the rat droppings, bed bugs, and filthy carpet. |
10265 |
Acrid – तीखा |
bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell – स्वाद या गंध में कड़वा और अप्रिय |
The acrid fumes from the plant made my eyes water. |
10266 |
To and Fro – इधर – उधर |
constant backwards and forwards movement – निरंतर पीछे और आगे की ओर गति |
In a game of basketball, the players must go to and fro on the court dozens of times. |
10267 |
Evangelism – इंजीलवाद |
giving sermons and publicizing Christ and the Apostles – उपदेश देना और मसीह और प्रेरितों का प्रचार करना |
As the drifter claimed to be Jesus, his evangelism on the streets caused him to yell about how everyone should follow Jesus’s path. |
10268 |
Countless – अनगिनत |
too many to be counted – गिनने लायक बहुत ज्यादा |
Countless stars lit up the night sky. |
10269 |
Pilot – पायलट |
one who operates aircraft – वह जो विमान चलाता हो |
The pilot navigated his crop duster airplane over the crops to spray them with fertilizer. |
10270 |
Replay – REPLAY |
to repeat or rerun – दोहराना या पुनः चलाना |
I continued to replay the events in my mind, struggling to think of ways that I could make the past different. |
10271 |
Magic – जादू |
the ability to persuade people using illusion and trickery – भ्रम और छल का उपयोग करके लोगों को समझाने की क्षमता |
“The only way the man could have made that bird disappear,” said the amazed young boy as he watched the street performer, “is through magic.” |
10272 |
Enjoyment – आनंद |
a feeling of happiness or pleasure gained from an event or activity – किसी घटना या गतिविधि से प्राप्त खुशी या आनंद की अनुभूति |
Enjoyment of an ice cream cone is one of my favorite summer activities. |
10273 |
Hassle – परेशानी |
a situation that is inconvenient or demanding – ऐसी स्थिति जो असुविधाजनक या मांगलिक हो |
I need to renew my car’s registration, but driving an hour to the DMV is too much of a hassle for me to do today. |
10274 |
Sub-zero – उप शून्य |
registering or recording lower than zero on the Fahrenheit temperature scale – फ़ारेनहाइट तापमान पैमाने पर शून्य से कम दर्ज करना या दर्ज करना |
The sub-zero temperatures in Antarctica make it impossible for anyone to live on the freezing continent. |
10275 |
Notion – धारणा |
an inkling to do something – कुछ करने का आभास |
When Jim realized he would not receive many votes, he dropped the notion of entering the student council race. |
10276 |
Incent – प्रोत्साहन |
to reward with motivation, encouragement or a tangible prize – प्रेरणा, प्रोत्साहन या किसी ठोस पुरस्कार से पुरस्कृत करना |
Since the teacher would incent candy for winning the game, it made the students try harder during class. |
10277 |
Guessed – अनुमान लगाया |
predicted; estimated – भविष्यवाणी की; अनुमानित |
The homeowners guessed that the repairs would cost around 400 dollars, but their estimate was off just a little. |
10278 |
Seine – सीन |
a large weighted fishing net cast in the water under the ship or boat – जहाज या नाव के नीचे पानी में डाला गया एक बड़ा मछली पकड़ने का जाल |
After casting the seine into the ocean, the boat waited on the surface for the fish to be caught in the netting before being raised. |
10279 |
Real-world – असली दुनिया |
reality – वास्तविकता |
Once Steven got a real-world job instead of working for his family whenever he wanted to, Steven would have to put in 40-hour weeks for average pay. |
10280 |
Bleed – ब्लीड |
to lose blood from an injury – किसी चोट से खून बहना |
If you cut your skin deeply enough, it is guaranteed that you will begin to bleed. |
10281 |
Incumbent – पदधारी |
the person or group that currently has the title or position – वह व्यक्ति या समूह जिसके पास वर्तमान में उपाधि या पद है |
The incumbent store manager is not happy about having to train the person who is taking his job. |
10282 |
Reprobation – नीचता |
extreme disapproval – अत्यधिक अस्वीकृति |
I could only express reprobation to my student in response to his cheating. |
10283 |
Rococo – रोकोको |
an ornate and fancy style of architecture and decoration that originated in France in the early 18th century – वास्तुकला और सजावट की एक अलंकृत और फैंसी शैली जिसकी उत्पत्ति 18वीं शताब्दी की शुरुआत में फ्रांस में हुई थी |
18th century rococo style was different from traditional English architecture in that it focused on both ornateness and symmetry. |
10284 |
Aura – आभा |
a unique sensation or feeling that stems from an object, person, or place – एक अनोखी अनुभूति या भावना जो किसी वस्तु, व्यक्ति या स्थान से उत्पन्न होती है |
The angel’s aura made me feel calm and hopeful. |
10285 |
Gigantic – विशाल |
very large in size – आकार में बहुत बड़ा |
The people were driven into despair when a gigantic tornado swept through their small town destroying many homes. |
10286 |
Sealed – सील |
closed tightly so that nothing could go in or out – कसकर बंद कर दिया ताकि कुछ भी अंदर या बाहर न जा सके |
Before placing the package in the mailbox, Lauren sealed it tightly with tape. |
10287 |
Ambuscade – छिपकर आक्रमण |
a deadly strike – एक घातक प्रहार |
At first the plane’s passengers sat quietly until the hijackers led an ambuscade against the plane’s crew. |
10288 |
Orthodontist – ओथडोटिस |
a doctor specializing in dental work for avoiding or improving uneven teeth – असमान दांतों से बचने या उन्हें सुधारने के लिए दंत चिकित्सा कार्य में विशेषज्ञता वाला एक डॉक्टर |
An orthodontist required my daughter to get braces for two years since her front teeth were not in alignment with the other teeth. |
10289 |
Course – अवधि |
a path that something or someone moves along – एक रास्ता जिस पर कोई चीज़ या कोई व्यक्ति चलता है |
Outside the golf club members were working hard to prepare the course for open week. |
10290 |
Waiver – त्याग |
a document that records the fact that someone has given up the right to a claim – एक दस्तावेज़ जो इस तथ्य को दर्ज करता है कि किसी ने दावे का अधिकार छोड़ दिया है |
By signing the waiver, the scuba diver assumed the risk of any accidents. |
10291 |
Limbo – लीम्बो |
being in a lost or unknown position – खोई हुई या अज्ञात स्थिति में होना |
That has created a limbo in terms of how the military deals with gender-specific policies. |
10292 |
Taut – तना हुआ |
stressed to the point of being nervous – घबराहट की हद तक तनावग्रस्त |
As I waited for the results of my lab tests, I was taut with anxiety. |
10293 |
Insurgence – विद्रोह |
an organized rebellion against a country’s government – किसी देश की सरकार के विरुद्ध एक संगठित विद्रोह |
Machine-gun toting rebels have spent months planning an insurgence and intended to rise up against the government at dawn. |
10294 |
Biped – दो पैरों का |
an animal that walks on two feet – एक जानवर जो दो पैरों पर चलता है |
Like a human, an ostrich is a biped or two-footed animal. |
10295 |
Canopy – चंदवा |
a cover of some type that is used as a roof, either for decorative purposes or as shelter – किसी प्रकार का एक आवरण जिसका उपयोग छत के रूप में, सजावटी उद्देश्यों के लिए या आश्रय के रूप में किया जाता है |
We’re going to install a canopy on our back porch so we can enjoy the outdoors on rainy days. |
10296 |
Lowered – घटी |
to be moved in a downward direction – नीचे की दिशा में ले जाया जाना |
The crane lowered the final piece of the structure into place very slowly and very carefully. |
10297 |
Pane – फलक |
a piece of glass used in windows – खिड़कियों में प्रयुक्त होने वाला कांच का एक टुकड़ा |
When the baseball crashed through the pane, the father explained to his son how important it is to hit the ball away from the house. |
10298 |
Retention – अवधारण |
the power to hold on to or keep something – किसी चीज़ को पकड़ने या रखने की शक्ति |
Because of water retention my stomach appears swollen. |
10299 |
Abrasion – घर्षण |
a spot or area that has been scraped or harshly rubbed – वह स्थान या क्षेत्र जिसे खुरच कर या कठोरता से रगड़ा गया हो |
When the little boy fell off his bike, his only injury was a small abrasion on his right leg. |
10300 |
Smile – मुस्कान |
to turn the corners of one’s mouth up as a way of showing happiness or kindness – ख़ुशी या दयालुता दिखाने के तरीके के रूप में किसी के मुँह के कोनों को ऊपर उठाना |
Tim was able to make his baby smile and giggle by tickling him under his chin. |
10301 |
Docile – विनम्र |
easily led or managed – आसानी से नेतृत्व या प्रबंधन किया जा सकता है |
Since the little girl has never ridden a horse, she should ride docile Betsy today. |
10302 |
Gaffer – वृद्ध |
the chief electrician in charge of lighting on a TV or film set – टीवी या फिल्म सेट पर प्रकाश व्यवस्था का प्रभारी मुख्य इलेक्ट्रीशियन |
After designing a lighting plan for the production, the Wizard of Oz’s gaffer instructed his crew on setting up the followspots on the stage. |
10303 |
Assignment – कार्यभार |
a particular task or duty that one is expected to complete – कोई विशेष कार्य या कर्तव्य जिसे पूरा करने की अपेक्षा की जाती है |
On assignment for the Washington Post, the reporter combed the city in search of information. |
10304 |
Eminence – श्रेष्ठता |
having a superior or famed ability at a specific activity – किसी विशिष्ट गतिविधि में श्रेष्ठ या प्रसिद्ध क्षमता होना |
Taylor Swift’s eminence as a creative singer and style icon make her one of the most well known celebrities in the world. |
10305 |
Plodder – मेहनती आदमी |
a person who walks with slow, heavy steps – एक व्यक्ति जो धीमे, भारी कदमों से चलता है |
The plodder trudged through the heavy snow, struggling to get up the hillside as he went. |
10306 |
Sessile – बिना डंठल का |
an organism that is immobile and cannot move – एक जीव जो गतिहीन है और चल नहीं सकता |
The coma patient was sessile as she had not moved since she went into a coma a few years ago after the accident. |
10307 |
Egotistical – घमंडी |
believing oneself to be better, more talented, and more important than others – स्वयं को दूसरों से बेहतर, अधिक प्रतिभाशाली और अधिक महत्वपूर्ण मानना |
My brother is very egotistical and thinks he is the best baseball player. |
10308 |
State of nature – प्रकृति की सत्ता |
a theory that describes a wild, primitive state that is untouched by society – एक सिद्धांत जो एक जंगली, आदिम अवस्था का वर्णन करता है जो समाज से अछूता है |
Some theorists believe that humans once lived a peaceful life in the state of nature before society took over. |
10309 |
Fidgety – बेचैन |
unable to stop moving or be still – हिलना बंद करने या स्थिर रहने में असमर्थ |
Because the child is so fidgety, the teacher allows him to get up and walk around the room sometimes. |
10310 |
Propitiate – संतुष्ट करना |
to make things right by doing something that is requested – अनुरोधित कुछ करके चीज़ों को सही बनाना |
Only an idiot believes he can propitiate his way into heaven by giving the church all of his money. |
10311 |
Analytical – विश्लेषणात्मक |
involving the approach of separating a larger item into smaller parts for ease of reviewing – समीक्षा में आसानी के लिए किसी बड़ी वस्तु को छोटे भागों में अलग करने का दृष्टिकोण शामिल है |
The detective’s analytical mind allowed him to quickly process the crime scene. |
10312 |
Neural – तंत्रिका |
relating to the nervous system – तंत्रिका तंत्र से संबंधित |
Nerves in the brain of mice brains were examined to determine what kind of neural response was released after food was given. |
10313 |
Scarce – अपर्याप्त |
limited or sparse in number – संख्या में सीमित या विरल |
Food was scarce during the Holocaust because many people were not allowed to grow their own food and had to ration what they had. |
10314 |
Paleolithic – पाषाण काल |
a period of time during the Stone Age where many stone and bone artifacts have been discovered – पाषाण युग के दौरान की एक अवधि जहां कई पत्थर और हड्डी की कलाकृतियों की खोज की गई है |
As the historian walked into the old cave, he took notice of the Paleolithic cave paintings depicting people and stones. |
10315 |
Barter – वस्तु-विनिमय |
to make an exchange using something other than a from of currency – मुद्रा के अलावा किसी अन्य चीज़ का उपयोग करके विनिमय करना |
Since I do not have any money, I’m hoping I can barter my maid services in exchange for much-needed lawn care. |
10316 |
Ruffle – चिढ़ाना |
to annoy or upset someone or something – किसी को या किसी चीज को परेशान या परेशान करना |
“I didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers when I told you that your dress looked ugly,” the teenager told her classmate. |
10317 |
Uphill – ऊपर की ओर |
difficult; hard – कठिन; मुश्किल |
Beating the undefeated team was an uphill battle, but the underdogs were able to secure the difficult win by never giving up. |
10318 |
Kudos – प्रशंसा |
praise for one’s accomplishments – किसी की उपलब्धियों के लिए प्रशंसा |
Although the movie director received kudos from the critics, the public hated the film. |
10319 |
Region – क्षेत्र |
a specific area – एक विशिष्ट क्षेत्र |
Differing from the states out west, the northwest region of the United States is known for its cold weather and scrumptious seafood. |
10320 |
Unfavorable – प्रतिकूल |
poor or bad – गरीब या बुरा |
The odds of us being able to go to the ballgame are unfavorable since the weatherman is calling for heavy rain. |
10321 |
Chatoyant – चमकीला |
describes a gemstone that has a reflective streak or cat’s eye effect in the center – एक ऐसे रत्न का वर्णन करता है जिसके केंद्र में एक परावर्तक रेखा या बिल्ली की आंख का प्रभाव होता है |
Each of the chatoyant minerals had a luminous band in the center. |
10322 |
Zestful – दिलचस्प |
full of energy and excitement – ऊर्जा और उत्साह से भरपूर |
The runners like to enter zestful competitions that will push their energy and make them work for the prize. |
10323 |
Offal – आंतरिक अंगों |
the discarded elements of a procedure; in particularly, the leftover animal parts from processed meat – किसी प्रक्रिया के छोड़े गए तत्व; विशेष रूप से, प्रसंस्कृत मांस से बचे हुए पशु अंग |
The dog food is made from the offal that remains after the chicken is cut and processed. |
10324 |
Designed – बनाया गया |
planned or made something – कुछ योजना बनाई या बनाई |
The fashion maven designed several unique pieces for the New York runway show. |
10325 |
Essay – निबंध |
a written composition of moderate length, exploring a particular issue or subject – किसी विशेष मुद्दे या विषय की खोज करने वाली मध्यम लंबाई की लिखित रचना |
For a homework assignment, our teacher Mr. Jones wants the class to write an essay on endangered species. |
10326 |
Conflicting – विरोधी |
contradictory; inconsistent – विरोधाभासी; असंगत |
Laughing while she cried, the woman had conflicting emotions about her daughter leaving for college. |
10327 |
Pluralism – बहुलवाद |
where two or more sources of power exist – जहां शक्ति के दो या दो से अधिक स्रोत मौजूद हों |
Pluralism is a system in which two or more states, groups, or principles coexist together. |
10328 |
Use up – प्रयोग करना |
to consume or drain all of something – किसी चीज़ का पूरा उपभोग या ख़त्म करना |
My sister sucks up so much shampoo; she can use up a whole bottle in a week. |
10329 |
Adopted – अपनाया |
took on responsibility for; embraced or allowed – की जिम्मेदारी ली; अपनाया या अनुमति दी गई |
Because they couldn’t have children of their own, the couple adopted a baby from an orphanage. |
10330 |
Moony – चांद के रूप का |
dreamy and unaware of one’s surroundings, mainly because one is in love – स्वप्निल और अपने परिवेश से अनभिज्ञ, मुख्य रूप से इसलिए क्योंकि वह प्रेम में है |
Smiling in a moony way, the blushing bride looked at her husband as if he was the only one in the room. |
10331 |
Meddling – दखल |
unwanted interference or interruptions – अवांछित हस्तक्षेप या रुकावट |
The evil mastermind would have succeeded with his dangerous plan, were it not for the meddling of the rebel army that opposed him. |
10332 |
Apathy – उदासीनता |
a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm about anything – किसी भी चीज़ में कोई दिलचस्पी या उत्साह न होने का एहसास |
Because of voter apathy, there is a very short line at the polls today. |
10333 |
Complacent – आत्मसंतुष्ट |
pleased; overly content – प्रसन्न; अत्यधिक सामग्री |
I am rightfully not complacent with low quality service. |
10334 |
Furor – उत्तेजना |
a situation that angers and upsets many people – ऐसी स्थिति जो कई लोगों को क्रोधित और परेशान करती है |
Amid accusations of fraud, there was a public furor when the politician was arrested. |
10335 |
Heartily – दिल से |
in a jovial and cheerful way – हर्षित और प्रसन्न तरीके से |
Santa laughed heartily as he smiled at the children with his rosy-red cheeks. |
10336 |
Heartwarming – दिली |
something that brings extreme joy or happiness to a person can be uplifting or inspirational – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो किसी व्यक्ति के लिए अत्यधिक खुशी या खुशी लाती है वह उत्थानकारी या प्रेरणादायक हो सकती है |
The book tells the heartwarming story of a little girl who is reunited with her lost puppy. |
10337 |
Prototype – प्रोटोटाइप |
the original model of something serving as a typical example – किसी चीज़ का मूल मॉडल जो एक विशिष्ट उदाहरण के रूप में कार्य करता है |
The builders created a prototype for how the subdivision was to look. |
10338 |
Printing – मुद्रण |
using a machine and ink to transfer images or words onto paper – छवियों या शब्दों को कागज पर स्थानांतरित करने के लिए मशीन और स्याही का उपयोग करना |
The attorney’s assistant spent her afternoon printing reports and filing each newly produced paper in a file folder. |
10339 |
Lampoon – निन्दालेख |
a written attack or other work ridiculing a person, group, or institution – किसी व्यक्ति, समूह या संस्था का उपहास करने वाला लिखित हमला या अन्य कार्य |
Because Freddy posted an uncomplimentary lampoon of his boss on his Facebook page, he soon found himself looking for new employment. |
10340 |
Tinge – रंग |
a small but noticeable amount – एक छोटी लेकिन ध्यान देने योग्य राशि |
After kissing his wife, Jim had a tinge of lipstick on his lips. |
10341 |
Tear – आंसू |
to rip something apart with brute force – किसी चीज़ को क्रूर बल से तोड़ना |
I tear apart my test in frustration because I got a low grade on it, but unfortunately it doesn’t change anything. |
10342 |
Piety – शील |
respect and devotion to a higher power or religious organization – किसी उच्च शक्ति या धार्मिक संगठन के प्रति सम्मान और भक्ति |
The millionaire’s act of piety was a huge donation that allowed the church to build homes for five needy families. |
10343 |
Maximize – अधिकतम |
to increase something in size, amount, or importance as much as possible – किसी चीज़ के आकार, मात्रा या महत्व को यथासंभव बढ़ाना |
If you increase your advertising in certain areas, you may also be able to maximize profits for your products. |
10344 |
Belonged – थे |
indicating that something once belonged to someone, but does no longer – यह दर्शाता है कि कोई चीज़ पहले किसी की थी, लेकिन अब नहीं है |
That money belonged to you, but now that you spent it, it belongs to the company you bought an item from. |
10345 |
Lore – विद्या |
information and wisdom gained through tradition – परंपरा के माध्यम से प्राप्त जानकारी और ज्ञान |
Lore was passed around the campfire in the form of old folktales. |
10346 |
Stymie – गतिरोध |
to stand as an obstacle – बाधा बनकर खड़ा होना |
My rival did everything she could to stymie my efforts to become homecoming queen. |
10347 |
Agrarian – कृषि |
associated with land cultivation – भूमि खेती से सम्बंधित |
An agrarian college prepares men and women for careers in land cultivation. |
10348 |
Totter – लड़खड़ाते हुए चलना |
to move with an unsteady or unsure gait or walk – अस्थिर या अनिश्चित चाल के साथ चलना या चलना |
Disoriented, I had no choice but to totter towards the edge of the skating rink to grab a hold of the wall before I fell again. |
10349 |
Debilitating – दुर्बल |
making someone very weak (especially physically) – किसी को बहुत कमज़ोर बनाना (विशेषकर शारीरिक रूप से) |
Although polio was once a very common disease, this debilitating infirmity no longer causes paralysis and crippling on a widespread basis. |
10350 |
Unfledged – पंखहीन |
inexperienced; naïve – अनुभवहीन; अनुभवहीन |
The unfledged nurse had very little experience in hospice care. |
10351 |
Evocation – याद दिलानेवाला |
the act of bringing in or recalling a feeling or memory – किसी भावना या स्मृति को लाने या याद करने की क्रिया |
The vivid evocation of the beach made me feel like I was actually laying on the shore. |
10352 |
Grid – ग्रिड |
an object containing spaced bars that are parallel to or cross each other – एक वस्तु जिसमें दूरी वाली पट्टियाँ होती हैं जो एक दूसरे के समानांतर होती हैं या एक दूसरे को काटती हैं |
When pressed down, the grid created perfect parallel lines across the waffles. |
10353 |
Roughshod – असभ्य |
attached horseshoes with nails sticking out of them to stop a horse from sliding – घोड़े को फिसलने से रोकने के लिए घोड़े की नाल के साथ कीलें चिपकाई जाती थीं |
When the rider led the horse down the icy ramp, the horse was able to walk safely without slipping due to its roughshod hooves. |
10354 |
Forged – जाली |
copied fraudulently; faked – धोखे से नकल की गई; झूठा |
The illegal immigrants forged travel documents and were able to scam their way into the country. |
10355 |
Anent – अनंत |
pertaining to; regarding – से संबंधित; के बारे में |
Reading a book anent slavery allowed me to learn about how African Americans were treated a long time ago. |
10356 |
Equate – समानता |
to view as being equal in value – मूल्य में समान होने के रूप में देखना |
I was angry when I learned the insurance check wouldn’t equate to the painting’s purchase price. |
10357 |
Rapprochement – मेल-मिलाप |
an agreement reached by opposing parties – विरोधी दलों द्वारा किया गया समझौता |
After the warring countries reached a rapprochement, things in the area are now more politically calm. |
10358 |
Negligible – नगण्य |
too small to be of importance – महत्व के लिए बहुत छोटा |
Since the price difference between the generic item and the brand item is negligible, I will buy the brand product. |
10359 |
Pentagon – पंचकोण |
a figure with five straight sides and angles – पाँच सीधी भुजाओं और कोणों वाली एक आकृति |
At first I didn’t recognize the shape, but then I remembered it was a pentagon because it had five sides. |
10360 |
Gibbet – फ़ांसी |
a wooden structure used for executing criminals by hanging them – एक लकड़ी का ढाँचा जिसका उपयोग अपराधियों को फाँसी पर लटकाने के लिए किया जाता है |
The spy was convicted for treason and hanged on a gibbet. |
10361 |
Additionally – इसके अतिरिक्त |
used in the place of ‘also’ or to introduce extra facts – ‘भी’ के स्थान पर या अतिरिक्त तथ्य प्रस्तुत करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है |
We started out with just one floor, but additionally, another was added. |
10362 |
Fired – निकाल दिया |
got rid of; let go of, especially on a job – को दूर कर दिया; जाने दो, विशेषकर नौकरी पर |
The lazy worker was fired after he didn’t show up for work several days in a row. |
10363 |
Shake – हिलाना |
to tremble or quiver – कांपना या कांपना |
The woman’s warm natured body would shake every time she felt the cool Chicago air nip and her nose. |
10364 |
Equable – हमवार |
even-tempered; calm – सम स्वभाव वाला; शांत |
Because she is so equable, my even-tempered mother rarely gets upset. |
10365 |
Abscission – विगलन |
the natural shedding of parts of a plant – किसी पौधे के कुछ हिस्सों का प्राकृतिक रूप से झड़ना |
Abscission of leaves occurs during autumn, before winter sets in. |
10366 |
Rabid – विक्षिप्त |
having excessive enthusiasm for something or someone – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति के प्रति अत्यधिक उत्साह होना |
The singer’s rabid fans have been known to dig through his trash. |
10367 |
Strike – हड़ताल |
to forcibly hit – जबरदस्ती मारना |
Should he be provoked, he has no problem with having to strike his attacker in self-defense. |
10368 |
Sheltered – आश्रय |
protected; shielded – संरक्षित; परिरक्षित |
The campers were sheltered by a tent that was sturdy enough to withstand the strong northern winds. |
10369 |
Cretinous – मूढ़ व्यक्ति |
very stupid or insensitive – बहुत मूर्ख या असंवेदनशील |
The cretinous man stupidly projected his insensitive opinions on everyone he met. |
10370 |
Modify – संशोधित |
to change or alter – बदलना या परिवर्तित करना |
Teachers are allowed to modify certain student’s test to level the academic playing field. |
10371 |
Torque – टॉर्कः |
the turning or spinning by force – बलपूर्वक घुमाना या घुमाना |
An automotive expert determined the amount of torque needed to ensure that the car would travel at its maximum speed. |
10372 |
Entelechy – एंटेलेची |
that which makes something real and not just a possibility – जो किसी चीज़ को वास्तविक बनाता है न कि केवल एक संभावना |
Anyone can have a vision, but one needs entelechy to turn that dream into a reality. |
10373 |
Pocket – जेब |
a small pouch sewn in someone’s clothing – किसी के कपड़े में सिलने वाली छोटी थैली |
A few hours after the little boy put the candy bar in his pocket, a melted chocolate stain could be seen on the front of his pants. |
10374 |
Wrong – गलत |
not correct or accurate – सही या सटीक नहीं |
The math student came up with the wrong answer, but his teacher helped him find the right solution. |
10375 |
Dishonorable – नीच |
bringing disgrace or shame – अपमान या लज्जा लाना |
After selling war secrets to the enemy, the dishonorable soldier was placed in a prison cell and stripped of his rank. |
10376 |
Outmoded – अप्रचलित |
to be replaced by a more advanced technology – अधिक उन्नत प्रौद्योगिकी द्वारा प्रतिस्थापित किया जाना है |
Propeller aircraft were swiftly outmoded by jet aircraft after the 70s, vastly increasing the value of air power. |
10377 |
Akin – सदृश्य |
similar in nature – प्रकृति में समान |
For Elizabeth, divorcing her ninth husband was akin to throwing out old shoes and buying a new pair. |
10378 |
Allied – सम्बद्ध |
describing someone that is on your side in pursuit of an interest – किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करना जो किसी हित की खोज में आपके पक्ष में है |
I can always count on my parents to be allied to me, as they want me to succeed in everything I do. |
10379 |
Bedizen – भड़कीले कपड़े पहनना |
to be adorned in tawdry or loud clothing – मटमैले या ऊंचे वस्त्रों से सुशोभित होना |
Due to the girl wanting attention, she decided to be bedizen herself with her brightly colored rhinestone jacket. |
10380 |
Allocation – आवंटन |
an amount of something that is given out or shared – किसी चीज़ की वह राशि जो दी या साझा की जाती है |
Inconsistency in allocation of funds led to a negative balance in one account. |
10381 |
Scan – स्कैन |
to look at something carefully in order to find something – किसी चीज़ को खोजने के लिए उसे ध्यान से देखना |
As he continued to scan the horizon, the hunter was able to spot a flock of geese in the distance. |
10382 |
Barring – को छोड़कर |
excluding a person or something – किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को छोड़कर |
Barring an injury, the star quarterback will be able to play in Sunday’s big game. |
10383 |
Grassroots – जमीनी स्तर पर |
the most basic or most fundamental level of something – किसी चीज़ का सबसे बुनियादी या सबसे बुनियादी स्तर |
Love, trust, and forgiveness are the grassroots parts of a marriage. |
10384 |
Inauguration – उद्घाटन |
the act of formally swearing a person into office – किसी व्यक्ति को औपचारिक रूप से पद की शपथ दिलाने की क्रिया |
After the inauguration, the governor and his wife moved into the mansion on the hill. |
10385 |
Chose – चुना |
the act of having chosen something – कुछ चुनने की क्रिया या भाव |
Mordred of the Round Table chose to betray his Lord, King Arthur, rather than serve him faithfully. |
10386 |
Nano – नैनो |
a prefix added to a word to denote that is very small – किसी शब्द में यह बताने के लिए जोड़ा गया उपसर्ग कि वह बहुत छोटा है |
Because I ordered a nano version of the iPod, it was much smaller than the original product. |
10387 |
Augment – बढ़ाना |
to increase the size or amount of something – किसी चीज़ का आकार या मात्रा बढ़ाना |
Because I want to augment my income, I am thinking about getting a second job. |
10388 |
Physicality – शारीरिक |
involvement of a lot of physical contact – बहुत अधिक शारीरिक संपर्क का शामिल होना |
The physicality of the football game made the players at risk for injury. |
10389 |
Breakable – भंगुर |
fragile and able to be broken – नाजुक और टूटने योग्य |
Because the delicate contents in the box are breakable, the sender placed a ‘fragile’ sticker on top of the package. |
10390 |
Diagnosis – निदान |
the identification of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms – लक्षणों की जांच से किसी बीमारी या अन्य समस्या की पहचान करना |
Ralph struggled with his recent HIV diagnosis, refusing to accept that the blood tests were correct about the disease making him ill. |
10391 |
Phosphorescence – स्फुरदीप्ति |
a glowing illuminated object caused by radiation – विकिरण के कारण चमकने वाली एक चमकदार वस्तु |
The walls showed brightly through the darkness in the room due to the phosphorescence in the paint. |
10392 |
Garden variety – उद्यान किस्म |
ordinary or everyday – साधारण या रोजमर्रा |
So that the house would appeal to the masses, the building contractor put in garden variety cabinets that are seen in most homes. |
10393 |
Coven – कबीला |
a secret gathering of individuals, especially witches – व्यक्तियों, विशेषकर चुड़ैलों का एक गुप्त जमावड़ा |
A coven of witches met at midnight so they could discuss which spells and potions they would use on their neighbors. |
10394 |
Conscientiously – conscientiously |
to be done with care and thoughtfulness – सावधानी एवं विचारपूर्वक किया जाना चाहिए |
Gemma conscientiously studied for her exams every day, determined to earn straight A’s. |
10395 |
Listlessness – असावधानता |
lacking energy or enthusiasm – ऊर्जा या उत्साह की कमी |
Because listlessness is a symptom of low blood sugar, the doctor decided to test the exhausted patient for diabetes. |
10396 |
Physique – काया |
the size and type of a person’s body – किसी व्यक्ति के शरीर का आकार और प्रकार |
The marathoner’s physique is slender and tall. |
10397 |
Apostate – स्वधर्मत्यागी |
an individual who has rejected his faith or religious convictions – एक व्यक्ति जिसने अपने विश्वास या धार्मिक विश्वास को अस्वीकार कर दिया है |
When John challenged his church’s views, the leaders began to see him as an apostate. |
10398 |
Disquiet – बेचैनी |
a feeling of worry and anxiety – चिंता और बेचैनी की भावना |
The novel is a tense thriller that will disquiet the reader. |
10399 |
Ameliorate – सुधारना |
to make better – बेहतर बनाने के लिए |
Scratching your eye will not ameliorate the itching. |
10400 |
Plumb – साहुल |
to explore or delve into – अन्वेषण या गहराई में जाना |
Using the Internet, you can easily plumb your essay topic before writing the paper. |
10401 |
Myopia – निकट दृष्टि दोष |
a restrictive view or an absence of forethought – प्रतिबंधात्मक दृष्टिकोण या पूर्वविवेक का अभाव |
The doctor’s myopia would not allow him to consider any diagnosis other than his own. |
10402 |
Faux pas – गलत क़दम |
a social blunder that is quite embarrassing – एक सामाजिक भूल जो काफी शर्मनाक है |
Cathy committed a huge faux pas when she licked the spoon and put it back in the cake batter. |
10403 |
Repine – विलाप करना |
to yearn for something or someone – किसी चीज़ या किसी के लिए तरसना |
While in prison the man did nothing but repine for his freedom. |
10404 |
Abolition – उन्मूलन |
the action of putting an end to something – किसी चीज़ को ख़त्म करने की क्रिया |
The abolition of smoking in restaurants is a blessing to people like myself who suffer from allergies and asthma. |
10405 |
Brag – डींग |
boastful talk – शेखी बघारने वाली बात |
Kevin would often brag about his many girlfriends when he was in the company of friends. |
10406 |
Inauspicious – अशुभ |
unlucky; not likely to be successful – बदकिस्मत; सफल होने की संभावना नहीं है |
As I looked at the dark clouds in the sky, I knew today was an inauspicious day for a picnic. |
10407 |
Dippy – बावला |
stupid or foolish – मूर्ख या मूर्ख |
I didn’t think George would be this dippy, but he really did try to tip over a bull in the field last night. |
10408 |
Acrimony – रूखापन |
a sharp and bitter hatred – एक तीखी और कड़वी नफरत |
Her acrimony for her neighbors manifests itself with shouting and stomping. |
10409 |
Trusted – विश्वस्त |
believed in; had faith or relied on – में विश्वास; विश्वास था या भरोसा था |
The patient trusted that the doctor knew what he was doing and agreed to undergo the risky surgery. |
10410 |
Masterpiece – कृति |
an outstanding work or skill – एक उत्कृष्ट कार्य या कौशल |
Staring at the blank canvas, the artist pondered how he could turn this slate into a world-renowned masterpiece. |
10411 |
Perk – उबाल आना |
a bonus or incentive – एक बोनस या प्रोत्साहन |
Since the perk to working at the restaurant was the free meals, the young man decided to take this job. |
10412 |
Astride – सवार होकर |
with ones legs on either side of – जिसके दोनों ओर पैर हों |
An old portrait of Molly shows her sitting astride a horse. |
10413 |
Variegated – तरह तरह का |
having patches, spots, or streaks of different colors from the underlying or base color – अंतर्निहित या आधार रंग से भिन्न रंगों के धब्बे, धब्बे या धारियाँ होना |
Calico cats have variegated patches of fur. |
10414 |
Commendation – प्रशस्ति |
an award or honor – एक पुरस्कार या सम्मान |
Receiving a commendation in recognition of his volunteer services was the highlight of the fireman’s day. |
10415 |
Controllable – चलाया हुआ |
able to be controlled; manageable – नियंत्रित करने में सक्षम; प्रबंधनीय |
10416 |
Scorned – अपमानित |
rejected or rebuffed – अस्वीकृत या अस्वीकृत |
The snobby woman scorned the man’s offer to take her out on a date with a firm “no.” |
10417 |
Jilt – बेवफा |
to suddenly reject a lover – किसी प्रेमी को अचानक अस्वीकार कर देना |
The two of them had only been a couple for a few months before they decided to jilt one another for different people. |
10418 |
Whimsical – सनकी |
in an amusing or playful manner – मनोरंजक या चंचल तरीके से |
The whimsical music made me feel like a little kid again. |
10419 |
Departure – प्रस्थान |
leaving; parting – जा रहा हूँ; जुदाई |
Crying at the gate, the soldier’s wife could barely watch his departure. |
10420 |
Throughout – लगातार |
all over or the whole time – हर समय या पूरे समय |
Rain poured down in droves throughout the day without relinquishing causing all of school’s athletic events to be canceled. |
10421 |
Investigated – की जाँच की |
searched, questioned, or researched in order to find out more about something – किसी चीज़ के बारे में और अधिक जानने के लिए खोजा, पूछताछ या शोध किया गया |
This crime will be swiftly investigated by the police so we can determine who the culprit is and arrest them. |
10422 |
Unruffled – चौरस |
composed; self-controlled – शांत; आत्म नियंत्रित |
Even when the children won’t listen to her, the calm teacher remains composed and unruffled. |
10423 |
Photogenic – प्रकाश उत्पन्न करनेवाला |
looking good when photographed – फोटो खिंचवाने पर अच्छा लग रहा है |
Although Rachel claims that she does not look good in pictures, I think that she is the most photogenic student in our class. |
10424 |
Traffic – ट्रैफ़िक |
vehicles or people moving in an area – किसी क्षेत्र में चलने वाले वाहन या लोग |
Traffic creeped to a halt after a car wreck happened just past the bridge. |
10425 |
Passenger – यात्री |
a person who is riding in a vehicle – एक व्यक्ति जो किसी वाहन पर सवार है |
Only one passenger in the train was killed, but several others were injured when the train derailed. |
10426 |
Wrath – क्रोध |
intense anger – तीव्र क्रोध |
In mythology mortals generally feared the wrath of the powerful gods. |
10427 |
Invention – आविष्कार |
something that has been invented – कुछ ऐसा जिसका आविष्कार किया गया हो |
Jane appreciates the invention of the air conditioner on hot summer days. |
10428 |
Posthumous – मरणोत्तर |
taking place after one’s death – किसी की मृत्यु के बाद घटित होना |
The author received several impressive awards for her body of work; unfortunately, they were all posthumous. |
10429 |
Cerebral – सेरिब्रल |
involving the brain or intellect – मस्तिष्क या बुद्धि को शामिल करना |
Neil actually enjoys taking tests of any kind because he gets a rush from cerebral challenges. |
10430 |
Advocate – वकील |
to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things – किसी विशेष नीति या काम करने के तरीके का सार्वजनिक रूप से समर्थन करना |
A tireless advocate for children, Mr. Smith has practiced in the area of child welfare for over 20 years. |
10431 |
Could – सकना |
might being able to do something – शायद कुछ करने में सक्षम हो |
After trying for weeks, Sarah realized she could be pregnant but would only know for sure after using a pregnancy test. |
10432 |
Assume – मान लीजिए |
to suppose to be true, especially without proof – सच मान लेना, विशेषकर बिना प्रमाण के |
If I saw a man dressed all in black, holding a gun, and walking toward me, I would assume that the man is really a dangerous guy and I would run away from him. |
10433 |
Irritable – चिड़चिड़ा |
getting annoyed or angry – नाराज़ होना या क्रोधित होना |
Mel is an irritable person, always getting on peoples nerves. |
10434 |
Restrained – संयमित |
kept under control – नियंत्रण में रखा गया |
A collar and leash were placed on the rambunctious puppy as a way to keep him restrained in public. |
10435 |
Prime – मुख्य |
superior or best – श्रेष्ठ या सर्वोत्तम |
If a customer wants to order the prime cut of meat, he will have to pay top dollar for that dish. |
10436 |
Portrait – चित्र |
a portrait is a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person – पोर्ट्रेट किसी व्यक्ति की पेंटिंग, ड्राइंग या तस्वीर है |
When he had his portrait drawn, he couldn’t move for a few hours while the artist drew an image of him. |
10437 |
Serendipity – नसीब |
the fact of finding pleasant or useful things by chance – संयोग से सुखद या उपयोगी वस्तुएँ मिलने का तथ्य |
The lottery is something one wins by serendipity not by design. |
10438 |
Political Machine – राजनीतिक मशीन |
a political organization with a lead figure that receives the support of businesses and citizens during a campaign – एक प्रमुख व्यक्ति वाला एक राजनीतिक संगठन जिसे किसी अभियान के दौरान व्यवसायों और नागरिकों का समर्थन प्राप्त होता है |
The campaign group and all of its supporters for a President during election is considered a single political engine. |
10439 |
Sigh – साँस |
an audible release of air used to express a feeling – किसी भावना को व्यक्त करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वाली वायु की श्रव्य रिहाई |
When the man realized his wife hadn’t been harmed in the car accident, he released a loud sigh of relief. |
10440 |
Unitary – अमली |
relating to one single unit – एक एकल इकाई से संबंधित |
Those unitary officers are the one allowed to stop drivers in this area. |
10441 |
Painful – दर्दनाक |
experiencing or providing agony or discomfort – पीड़ा या असुविधा का अनुभव करना या प्रदान करना |
The painful bee sting resulted in my arm reddening and swelling to twice its original size. |
10442 |
Remonstrance – प्रतिवाद |
a forceful or aggressive protest – एक सशक्त या आक्रामक विरोध |
Their unruly remonstrance and declarations of protest will not change the law that has been passed. |
10443 |
Sidewalk – फ़ुटपाथ |
a paved path for people to walk on beside a roadway – सड़क के किनारे लोगों के चलने के लिए पक्का मार्ग |
Bikers were afraid to ride in the middle of the busy street, so they cycled down the adjoining sidewalk instead. |
10444 |
Superintendence – देख-रेख |
the process or function of supervising or directing operations – कार्यों के पर्यवेक्षण या निर्देशन की प्रक्रिया या कार्य |
The dean’s superintendence over the school ended when he accepted another position. |
10445 |
Distant – दूरस्थ |
far away from each other physically or in time – शारीरिक रूप से या समय में एक दूसरे से बहुत दूर |
The most distant celestial body from the Sun in our solar system is Pluto, a dwarf planet at the farthest reaches of our immediate space. |
10446 |
Velocity – वेग |
the rate of action or motion – क्रिया या गति की दर |
After the football played injured his knee, his velocity on the field decreased. |
10447 |
Cachet – मुहर |
the condition of having distinction or being admired or respected – विशिष्टता पाने या प्रशंसा या सम्मान पाने की अवस्था |
Being seen with the famous actress gave me cachet with the Hollywood media. |
10448 |
Innocence – बेगुनाही |
the state of being not guilty or blameless – दोषी या निर्दोष न होने की अवस्था या भाव |
The murder suspect insists on his innocence, but no one believes he didn’t commit the crime. |
10449 |
Gall – पित्त |
daring conduct – साहसी आचरण |
After Paul made the mistake, he had the gall to blame me for his error. |
10450 |
Indifferent – उदासीन |
not interested in or concerned about something – किसी चीज़ में रुचि या चिंता न होना |
As political aides, we are going door-to-door in hopes of getting indifferent voters to come out to the polls. |
10451 |
Regarded – माना |
considered or thought of – विचार या विचार किया हुआ |
Although the husband was regarded as a suspect early on, the police have now cleared him of any involvement in the crime. |
10452 |
Doubtless – निस्संदेह |
presumably; probably – संभवतः; शायद |
As you doubtless already know, it is extremely important that you show up to work on time every day. |
10453 |
Bolshie – बोल्शी |
purposefully uncooperative or combative – जानबूझकर असहयोगी या लड़ाकू |
The bolshie worker constantly crashed with his manager and refused to cooperate with co-workers. |
10454 |
Entreat – विनती करना |
to make an important request; ask for – एक महत्वपूर्ण अनुरोध करने के लिए; पूछना |
I entreat you to donate some time tomorrow for our neighborhood clean-up program. |
10455 |
Disguise – भेस |
to alter the appearance of a thing or person – किसी वस्तु या व्यक्ति का रूप बदलना |
Maybe we can disguise the car damage by repainting the scratched area. |
10456 |
Differ – अलग होना |
to disagree or clash – असहमत होना या टकराव होना |
After discussing the dress code, the teacher’s opinion of wanting longer skirt requirements would differ from the students wanting to wear shorter skirts. |
10457 |
Determined – दृढ़ निश्चय वाला |
strong-minded; set on getting something done – मजबूत दिमाग वाला; कुछ करने के लिए तैयार हो जाओ |
Determined to beat his cancer, the man sought medical treatment for several months. |
10458 |
Cumbrous – गरु |
difficult to handle or manage – संभालना या प्रबंधन करना कठिन |
Since the professor had once taught higher level classes, his students dreaded his cumbrous tests. |
10459 |
Shady – छायादार |
sly and suspicious – धूर्त और संदिग्ध |
Every member of the secret round table meeting was either a shady mobster or a crooked politician. |
10460 |
Gruff – कर्कश |
severe in tone or manner – स्वर या ढंग में गंभीर |
Although the old man pretends to be gruff, he is really warm and kind. |
10461 |
Impolitely – अशिष्टता |
doing something rudely or without manners – अशिष्टतापूर्वक या बिना शिष्टाचार के कुछ करना |
Lucas impolitely burped at the table during dinner and failed to excuse himself. |
10462 |
Incipient – उत्पन्न होनेवाला |
just beginning to appear or develop – अभी प्रकट होना या विकसित होना शुरू हो रहा है |
Since the rumor is incipient, we can stop it by telling the truth immediately. |
10463 |
Bought – खरीदा |
purchased – खरीदा |
The customer bought several different beauty products from the department store, but the concealer was by far her favorite purchase. |
10464 |
Biased – पक्षपाती |
showing unfair prejudice for and against something – किसी चीज़ के पक्ष और विपक्ष में अनुचित पूर्वाग्रह दिखाना |
The biased news program tends to take a right-wing stance on things before even exploring the issue. |
10465 |
Weather – मौसम |
the state of the air and atmosphere in a specific place and time – किसी विशिष्ट स्थान और समय में वायु और वातावरण की स्थिति |
Rainy weather ruined our family picnic soon after we arrived at the park. |
10466 |
Persnickety – persnickety |
being overly focused on small details – छोटी-छोटी बातों पर अत्यधिक ध्यान केंद्रित करना |
The persnickety housewife couldn’t stand for anything to be out of place in her perfect home. |
10467 |
Rube – रुबे |
an uneducated or uncultured person that is from a rural area – एक अशिक्षित या असंस्कृत व्यक्ति जो ग्रामीण क्षेत्र से हो |
An ignorant rube, the country bumpkin can’t even tell you what two plus two equals. |
10468 |
Approve – मंज़ूरी देना |
to officially accept something, considering it good or okay – किसी बात को अच्छा या ठीक मानकर आधिकारिक तौर पर स्वीकार करना |
Before the bank will approve your loan, you must sign a note promising to repay the money with interest. |
10469 |
Radical – मौलिक |
an idea that is different from traditional views – एक विचार जो पारंपरिक विचारों से भिन्न है |
The conservative church leaders were not interested in hearing any radical religious ideas. |
10470 |
Persevere – दृढ़ रहें |
to persist in completing a task or meeting a goal – किसी कार्य को पूरा करने या किसी लक्ष्य को पूरा करने में लगे रहना |
If you want to achieve your goal, your must persevere despite all obstacles. |
10471 |
Urchin – नटखट लड़का |
a young child that runs through the streets in dirty clothing, behaving badly – एक छोटा बच्चा जो गंदे कपड़ों में सड़कों पर दौड़ता है और बुरा व्यवहार करता है |
The little urchin ran through the streets of New York barefoot and looking for trouble. |
10472 |
Breach – उल्लंघन |
a violation of an agreement, law, or code of ethics or conduct – किसी समझौते, कानून, या आचार संहिता या आचरण का उल्लंघन |
Sarah was allowed to keep her job because the committee decided her efforts to save the patient were not a breach of any nursing laws or codes. |
10473 |
Profit – लाभ |
the amount of money a business has left over after subtracting any expenses – किसी भी खर्च को घटाने के बाद किसी व्यवसाय के पास बची हुई धनराशि |
The football team sold candy bars at school and kept the profit to buy new helmets and uniforms. |
10474 |
Contacted – व्यक्ति से संपर्क किया |
got in touch with; communicated – साथ संपर्क में; भेजी |
After the student failed another test, her teacher contacted her parents through a hand-written note. |
10475 |
Beggary – भीख |
a state of extreme poverty or lack of resources – अत्यधिक गरीबी या संसाधनों की कमी की स्थिति |
Filled with beggary, the streets of the slum looked more like a war zone than a neighborhood. |
10476 |
Lean – दुबला |
to tilt to the side, usually to rest against something – एक ओर झुकना, आमतौर पर किसी चीज़ पर टिकना |
Mariah watched in horror as the pile of books stacked almost to the ceiling started to lean and toppled over. |
10477 |
Microloan – सूक्ष्म ऋण |
a small sum of money that is lent to start a new business at low interest – एक छोटी सी धनराशि जो कम ब्याज पर नया व्यवसाय शुरू करने के लिए उधार दी जाती है |
Once he received the microloan, Nick used the five hundred dollars to buy the needed equipment for his car detailing start-up. |
10478 |
Kinky – गांठदार |
sexually unorthodox but arousing – यौन रूप से अपरंपरागत लेकिन उत्तेजक |
According to Max, his girlfriend enjoys some kinky activities in the bedroom, but I didn’t ask what they were. |
10479 |
Impulsive – आवेगशील |
tending to make decisions without thinking – बिना सोचे-समझे निर्णय लेने की प्रवृत्ति |
The impulsive woman regretted getting into the stranger’s car. |
10480 |
Painless – पीड़ारहित |
without pain or trouble – बिना दर्द या परेशानी के |
Thanks to the anesthesia, the surgery was painless for Shirley. |
10481 |
Barbaric – असभ्य |
uncivilized; rude – असभ्य; अशिष्ट |
Because the barbaric moviegoer shouted and threw popcorn at other guests, he was asked to leave. |
10482 |
Tense – तनावग्रस्त |
stressful; worrying – तनावपूर्ण; चिंता |
Taking several tests back to back made the anxious student even more tense than she was at the beginning of the day. |
10483 |
Lost – खो गया |
misplaced; not able to be found – ग़लत जगह पर; नहीं पाया जा सका |
Leslie lost her car keys days ago and has been searching high and low for them ever since. |
10484 |
Belie – झुठलाना |
to give a false impression of – गलत धारणा देना |
Janice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt. |
10485 |
Relational – रिलेशनल |
relating to the connection between two things – दो चीजों के बीच संबंध से संबंधित |
The relational database contained data that was connected to both of the businesses. |
10486 |
Thirsty – प्यासा |
to be slightly dehydrated or dry – थोड़ा निर्जलित या सूखा होना |
After running a few miles in the hot sun, the runner became thirsty and grabbed a cup of water from a volunteer during the marathon. |
10487 |
Compartmentalize – compartmentalize |
to separate and isolate things into compartments or categories – चीजों को डिब्बों या श्रेणियों में अलग करना और अलग करना |
We are taught to compartmentalize our work and personal lives, but sometimes it is hard to separate the two. |
10488 |
Laminate – टुकड़े टुकड़े में |
to cover a flat surface (especially paper) with a layer of plastic for protection – सुरक्षा के लिए समतल सतह (विशेषकर कागज) को प्लास्टिक की परत से ढकना |
It is quite common to laminate important documents, like IDs and driver’s licenses, so they aren’t damaged. |
10489 |
Dismay – बेचैनी |
the emotion felt by a person who is saddened, worried, or disappointed – दुखी, चिंतित या निराश व्यक्ति द्वारा महसूस की गई भावना |
To the children’s dismay, there was not enough snow in the yard to build a snowman. |
10490 |
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – सुपरकैलिफ्रैगिलिस्टिकएक्सपियालिडोसियस |
incredible; extremely pleasing – अविश्वसनीय; अत्यंत सुखदायक |
Because the dinner at the restaurant was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, I cannot wait to return for my next meal. |
10491 |
Transfer – स्थानांतरण |
to move or relocate something – किसी चीज़ को स्थानांतरित या स्थानांतरित करना |
The banker agreed to transfer the client’s money to a different type of account since he was unhappy with the current fees. |
10492 |
Choice – पसंद |
an option; a decision; an opportunity to choose or select something – एक विकल्प; एक फैसला; कुछ चुनने या चयन करने का अवसर |
Now that I’ve graduated High School, I have a choice to make whether I go to College. |
10493 |
Ponder – विचार करें |
to think about something seriously – किसी बात पर गंभीरता से सोचना |
Because my father debates every decision, he will ponder before deciding if I can take part in my friend’s mixed gender sleepover. |
10494 |
Canister – कनस्तर |
a container with a lid that is used for keeping dry products – ढक्कन वाला एक कंटेनर जिसका उपयोग सूखे उत्पादों को रखने के लिए किया जाता है |
The little girl reached into the cookie canister and grabbed several chocolate chip cookies from the jar. |
10495 |
Sink – डूबना |
to float down – नीचे तैरना |
A hole in the bottom of the boat caused it to fill with water and sink down to the bottom of the lake. |
10496 |
Qualification – योग्यता |
a special skill or requirement that makes a person eligible for a position or activity – एक विशेष कौशल या आवश्यकता जो किसी व्यक्ति को किसी पद या गतिविधि के लिए योग्य बनाती है |
One qualification for employment is that the potential employee must meet a drug screener. |
10497 |
Derivative – यौगिक |
an object or idea that is produced from something else – कोई वस्तु या विचार जो किसी अन्य चीज़ से उत्पन्न हुआ हो |
The new antibiotic is listed as a derivative of penicillin because it was produced from a penicillin base. |
10498 |
Distribution – वितरण |
the provision of goods and materials to multiple recipients – एकाधिक प्राप्तकर्ताओं को वस्तुओं और सामग्रियों का प्रावधान |
Multiple people won the contest held by the state, but they would have to wait for the prize distribution to take place a month later. |
10499 |
Diplomatic – कूटनीतिक |
describes a way of dealing with people that are polite and tactful – लोगों के साथ विनम्र और व्यवहारकुशल व्यवहार करने के तरीके का वर्णन करता है |
The US once had diplomatic relations with China, but lately, talks between the two nations have been strained. |
10500 |
Mumblecore – मम्बलकोर |
a genre of low-budget narrative film that focuses on the intimate lives of young adult characters using dialogue and on professional actors – कम बजट की कथात्मक फिल्म की एक शैली जो संवाद और पेशेवर अभिनेताओं का उपयोग करके युवा वयस्क पात्रों के अंतरंग जीवन पर केंद्रित है |
The mumblecore filmmakers create low-budget films focus on the lives of young lovers. |
10501 |
Inanity – बेहूदा बात |
senselessness; ridiculousness – संवेदनहीनता; असंगति |
The attorney quickly realized her statement was inanity and withdrew the silly comment front the record. |
10502 |
Dissatisfied – असंतुष्ट |
not happy or content – खुश या संतुष्ट नहीं |
Dissatisfied with the restaurant service, the man asked the terrible waitress if he could speak to her manager. |
10503 |
Bunk – चारपाई |
to sleep in a narrow bed or a room with lots of people – एक संकीर्ण बिस्तर या बहुत सारे लोगों वाले कमरे में सोना |
All of the soldiers had to bunk in one room while in boot camp. |
10504 |
Dispossess – छीन लेना |
to deprive someone of the possession of land, especially by evicting them – किसी को भूमि के कब्जे से वंचित करना, विशेषकर उसे बेदखल करके |
Once the real estate investor neglected to pay his property taxes, the government took action to dispossess his land. |
10505 |
Smite – हराना |
to strike something with a firm blow – किसी चीज़ पर ज़ोर से प्रहार करना |
Bringing his sword down swiftly, the knight tried to smite the enemy before he could get away. |
10506 |
Photography – फोटोग्राफी |
using illumination and a camera to create pictures of objects – वस्तुओं के चित्र बनाने के लिए रोशनी और कैमरे का उपयोग करना |
While the young woman positioned the camera with the sun behind her back, the couple realized she had probably studied photography. |
10507 |
Convince – राजी करना |
to talk someone to into doing or believing something – किसी को कुछ करने या उस पर विश्वास करने के लिए बातचीत करना |
Even though his drinking was a problem, no one could convince the alcoholic to get help. |
10508 |
Get together – एक साथ हो जाओ |
a casual party of friends or family – दोस्तों या परिवार की एक आकस्मिक पार्टी |
The next get together for the neighbors would most likely be a barbecue during one of the summer months. |
10509 |
Tocsin – ख़तरे का घंटा |
an alarm – एक अलार्म |
Pulling the fire alarm at school will set off an ear grating tocsin that lets everyone know that they are supposed to vacate the building as quickly as possible. |
10510 |
Coupling – युग्मन |
the pairing of two or more things – दो या दो से अधिक चीजों का युग्म बनाना |
The husband and wife seemed like a strange coupling since he was 6 foot tall and skinny and she was a chubby five-foot-one. |
10511 |
Hustle – धक्का-मुक्की करना |
to hurry or rush – जल्दी करना या हड़बड़ी करना |
The hustle and bustle of the city during Christmastime makes it difficult to travel. |
10512 |
Corpus – कोर्पस |
a large collection of writing – लेखन का एक बड़ा संग्रह |
The corpus contained many different articles written by the author shortly before his death. |
10513 |
Biomass – बायोमास |
plant life used as a source of energy or fuel – पादप जीवन का उपयोग ऊर्जा या ईंधन के स्रोत के रूप में किया जाता है |
The biomass that fuels the bus comes from processed vegetation. |
10514 |
Compelling – सम्मोहक |
captivating; enthralling – मनोरम; दिलचस्प |
When I read the compelling novel, I couldn’t put it down until I got to the last page. |
10515 |
Nepenthe – विस्मृति देनेवाला |
a fictional potion said to have been used by the ancient people to erase the memory of pain or sorrow – एक काल्पनिक औषधि जिसके बारे में कहा जाता है कि इसका उपयोग प्राचीन लोग दर्द या दुख की स्मृति को मिटाने के लिए करते थे |
To help her chase away all of her sorrow, Polydamna gave Helen a nepenthe potion. |
10516 |
Succession – उत्तराधिकार |
the process of taking over the duties and privileges of another person – किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के कर्तव्यों और विशेषाधिकारों को संभालने की प्रक्रिया |
When William married the former prostitute, he was removed from the line of succession to the throne. |
10517 |
Pallid – पीला |
pale skin or lacking in vitality or interest – पीली त्वचा या जीवन शक्ति या रुचि की कमी |
Although she is a redhead with very fair skin, Maureen has tried all sorts of ways to give her pallid complexion just a touch of color. |
10518 |
Torso – धड़ |
part of the body from the neck down excluding the limbs – अंगों को छोड़कर गर्दन से नीचे तक शरीर का भाग |
Since the man’s t-shirt and shorts covered his torso, he decided to get a tattoo so no one could see it through his clothes. |
10519 |
Impressively – प्रभावशाली |
done in a way that brings awe and admiration – इस तरह से किया जाए जिससे विस्मय और प्रशंसा हो |
The pitcher impressively struck out eighteen batters in a nine-inning game. |
10520 |
Bugle – बिगुल |
a small brass instrument that resembles a trumpet and is usually sounded before an announcement – एक छोटा पीतल का वाद्य यंत्र जो तुरही जैसा होता है और आमतौर पर किसी घोषणा से पहले बजाया जाता है |
Each call from the brass bugle had a different meaning for the recruits who knew the signals well. |
10521 |
Usher – उपशिक्षक |
a guide that shows someone to their seats – एक गाइड जो किसी को उसकी सीट दिखाता है |
Guiding the man and women to their table, the usher let the couple know that their waiter would be there soon. |
10522 |
Elapse – बीतना |
to pass or move by – पास से गुजरना या आगे बढ़ना |
Due to my head injury, severe blackouts occurred that meant ten minutes would elapse without knowing what happened. |
10523 |
Contained – निहित |
included; held – सम्मिलित; आयोजित |
The moving box contained most of the kitchen items and also held a few tools from the shed. |
10524 |
Following – अगले |
coming after; behind – के बाद आ रहा है; पीछे |
Another snowstorm is predicted following the current blizzard, so we expect to see snow on top of snow. |
10525 |
Infuriated – व्यथित |
extremely angry – बहुत ही नाराज़ |
The CEO was infuriated when he saw the fictitious news piece insulting his company. |
10526 |
Championship – चैंपियनशिप |
the position of being the best in a particular sport or activity – किसी विशेष खेल या गतिविधि में सर्वश्रेष्ठ होने की स्थिति |
During the championship game, the two highest ranked football teams in the nation faced off against one another. |
10527 |
Neurotic – न्युरोटिक |
overly anxious; unstable – अत्यधिक चिंतित; अस्थिर |
Sally is a neurotic person who is often moody. |
10528 |
Litigation – मुकदमेबाजी |
the conduct of a lawsuit – मुकदमे का संचालन |
Charles entered into litigation when he opened a civil suit, attempting to hold his former employer liable for withholding wages. |
10529 |
Ascending – आरोही |
listed from smallest to greatest or from of least importance to most – सबसे छोटे से सबसे बड़े या सबसे कम महत्व से सबसे अधिक तक सूचीबद्ध |
The twenty pairs of shoes for sale in the store were stocked in ascending order from size 5 to 12. |
10530 |
Fraternal – भाईचारे का |
of brothers; brotherly – भाइयों का; भाई |
The lifelong friends shared a fraternal bond. |
10531 |
Concrete – ठोस |
solid, real, or tangible, something physical that can be touched – ठोस, वास्तविक या मूर्त, कोई भौतिक चीज़ जिसे छुआ जा सकता है |
While thought may not be tangible, the human brain is a very concrete thing that can be touched and felt. |
10532 |
Fungi – कवक |
a type of organism that is mostly known for including mushrooms – एक प्रकार का जीव जो अधिकतर मशरूम सहित जाने के लिए जाना जाता है |
Analyzing the fungi in science class allowed the students to determine that the plants all produced spores and fed on natural material. |
10533 |
Gem – रत्न |
something that is prized because of its worth – कोई ऐसी चीज़ जो अपने मूल्य के कारण बेशकीमती हो |
The building is a gem and is expected to get city landmark designation. |
10534 |
Best – श्रेष्ठ |
the top or most desirable of several options – कई विकल्पों में से शीर्ष या सबसे वांछनीय |
I like sevearl flavors of ice cream, but strawberry is the best kind of all. |
10535 |
Admitted – स्वीकार किया |
allowed or permitted someone to enter a certain place or take part in a specific activity – किसी को किसी निश्चित स्थान में प्रवेश करने या किसी विशिष्ट गतिविधि में भाग लेने की अनुमति देना या अनुमति देना |
Several children have been admitted to the local hospital with fevers and flu-like symptoms. |
10536 |
Faulty – ख़राब |
defective and not functioning properly – ख़राब है और ठीक से काम नहीं कर रहा है |
One faulty bulb caused all of the lights on the Christmas tree to go out. |
10537 |
Coexist – एक साथ होना |
to live in peaceful accord with others – दूसरों के साथ शांतिपूर्ण ढंग से रहना |
The gangs hang out at different parks because they can’t coexist at the same recreational area. |
10538 |
Traverse – पार |
to travel a rough path – कठिन रास्ते पर यात्रा करना |
To get to the highest mountain peak in the world, we will have to traverse a very rocky path. |
10539 |
Elasticity – लोच |
flexibility or stretchiness – लचीलापन या खिंचाव |
The skin’s elasticity (or lack of) determines if a woman will get stretch marks while pregnant. |
10540 |
Created – बनाया था |
made; produced – बनाया; उत्पादन |
Before he created his most famous masterpiece, the artist painted several pieces that no one liked very much. |
10541 |
Truancy – कामचोरी |
skipping school without valid reason – बिना वैध कारण के स्कूल छोड़ना |
Jorge’s truancy is a major problem, as he has already missed two weeks of school just because he didn’t feel like going. |
10542 |
Thing – चीज़ |
an object – एक वस्तु |
The only thing that should be placed in the cabinet are cans. |
10543 |
Immoral – अनैतिक |
morally wrong – नैतिक रूप से ग़लत |
It was indecent and immoral for the young teenagers to rob the vulnerable old lady crossing the street. |
10544 |
Perpetuate – यादगार बनाना |
to cause to continue – जारी रखने के लिए कारण |
If you yell at Jane after she yells at you, your actions will only perpetuate the argument. |
10545 |
Distinguish – अंतर करना |
to recognize something or someone as being unique – किसी चीज़ या व्यक्ति को अद्वितीय के रूप में पहचानना |
A police detective often finds himself in the position of having to distinguish between a lie and a truth. |
10546 |
Purloin – चुराना |
to take another’s belongings without permission – बिना अनुमति के दूसरे का सामान लेना |
Because Eddie tried to purloin the woman’s purse, he spent the night in jail. |
10547 |
Psychedelic – साइकेडेलिक |
describing the effects of drugs that produce hallucinations – मतिभ्रम पैदा करने वाली दवाओं के प्रभावों का वर्णन करना |
Hallucinations may be the product of psychedelic drugs that make you see things that aren’t really there, such as LSD. |
10548 |
Mug – लूट के लिए हमला करना |
a mug is a large round cup – मग एक बड़ा गोल कप होता है |
On a cold winter day, I sipped the mug of hot chocolate as I watched my favorite movie. |
10549 |
Superadd – सुपरएड |
to add to something that has already been added to – किसी ऐसी चीज़ में जोड़ना जो पहले ही जोड़ी जा चुकी हो |
When the young man was shot, this injury would superadd to his medical problems since he already had an existing stab wound. |
10550 |
Hypnotize – सम्मोहित |
to fascinate in a way that captures one’s full attention – इस तरह से मोहित करना जो किसी का पूरा ध्यान खींच ले |
The sway in the woman’s hips seemed to hypnotize the men who drooled as they stared. |
10551 |
Disgust – घृणा |
extreme dislike – अत्यधिक नापसंदगी |
I felt a feeling of disgust after I took bite of the rotten sushi. |
10552 |
Inquisition – न्यायिक जांच |
intensive questioning – गहन पूछताछ |
As soon as I get home from my first date, I will have to face my nosey mother’s inquisition. |
10553 |
Pipsqueak – तुच्छ बात |
a small, weak and unimportant person – एक छोटा, कमज़ोर और महत्वहीन व्यक्ति |
While the majority of people in the world are stronger than I am, this particular pipsqueak is not. |
10554 |
Clambering – चढ़ना |
ascending in an awkward manner – अजीब तरीके से चढ़ना |
We were so exhausted we started clambering up the hill that led to the cabin. |
10555 |
Desecrate – अपवित्रा |
to treat a sacred place or object with disrespect – किसी पवित्र स्थान या वस्तु के साथ अनादर का व्यवहार करना |
Having a party in a cemetery at night is one way to desecrate the resting place of the dead. |
10556 |
Shortfall – कमी |
a failure to get an expected return – अपेक्षित रिटर्न प्राप्त करने में विफलता |
Because of fewer donations this year, the charity is facing a million-dollar shortfall. |
10557 |
Brutish – पाशविक |
cruel – निर्दयी |
Brutish by nature, the dictator even treated his own family members cruelly. |
10558 |
Enamor – आनंदित करना |
to trigger feelings of adoration – आराधना की भावनाएँ जगाने के लिए |
My daughter hopes her makeover will enamor feelings from her secret crush. |
10559 |
Befriend – मित्रवत व्यवहार करना |
to become a person’s pal or friend – किसी व्यक्ति का दोस्त या मित्र बनना |
In an effort to befriend me, my rival offered to treat me to lunch. |
10560 |
Accidental – आकस्मिक |
something happening unplanned or unforeseen – कुछ अनियोजित या अप्रत्याशित घटित हो रहा है |
Since the boy wasn’t looking, stepping on his friend’s foot was an accidental occurrence. |
10561 |
Freehand – मुक्तहस्त |
to draw without using tools of any kind – किसी भी प्रकार के उपकरण का उपयोग किए बिना चित्र बनाना |
Since Beverly was bored in the dentist’s waiting room, she began to sketch freehand with her pencil and the backside of a brochure. |
10562 |
Esquire – साहब |
an old title of respect accorded to men of higher social rank – उच्च सामाजिक स्तर के पुरुषों को दी जाने वाली सम्मान की एक पुरानी उपाधि |
A gentleman in all sense of the word, the esquire was known not just for his social status but also his chivalry. |
10563 |
Purported – कथित |
claimed that something was true without proof – दावा किया गया कि बिना सबूत के कुछ सच था |
The purported rumors were proven untrue, and the man who made the allegations against the celebrity was asked to apologize. |
10564 |
Serious – गंभीर |
requiring careful thought and deep consideration – सावधानीपूर्वक विचार और गहन विचार की आवश्यकता है |
I thought you were joking about how much weight you’ve lost, but now I can see that you were serious. |
10565 |
Unceasingly – unceasingly |
unendingly or constantly – अनवरत या निरंतर |
I usually never get a word in during the conversation with Bill since he talks unceasingly about every topic he can think of. |
10566 |
Extrovert – बहिर्मुखी |
an individual who is sociable and enjoys conversing with others – एक व्यक्ति जो मिलनसार है और दूसरों के साथ बातचीत करना पसंद करता है |
Because Pat is an extrovert who enjoys chatting with others, she is the ideal talk show host. |
10567 |
Handicapped – विकलांग |
having a condition that restricts one’s ability to function – ऐसी स्थिति होना जो किसी की कार्य करने की क्षमता को प्रतिबंधित करती हो |
Having lost his legs in the war, my father is unfortunately handicapped and requires a wheelchair to move about. |
10568 |
Disapproval – अस्वीकृति |
disdain, disappointment, or disagreement – तिरस्कार, निराशा, या असहमति |
My father gave me a look of disapproval when he learned that I had gotten into a fight at school. |
10569 |
Analysed – विश्लेषण |
having been thoroughly examined and studied – पूरी तरह से जांच और अध्ययन किया गया है |
The data has been analysed by our scientists, but they can’t determine what kind of disease killed this animal. |
10570 |
Except – के अलावा |
not included, other than – के अलावा अन्य शामिल नहीं है |
My six year old son claimed to love everyone in the whole world except our neighbor, who won’t play catch with him. |
10571 |
Tribute – श्रद्धांजलि |
a way to honor a person – किसी व्यक्ति का सम्मान करने का एक तरीका |
The concert is a tribute to the men and women of the military who protect our nation. |
10572 |
Introvert – अंतर्मुखी |
one who concentrates on his own life and shows little interest in socializing – जो अपने जीवन पर ध्यान केंद्रित करता है और सामाजिक मेलजोल में बहुत कम रुचि दिखाता है |
Because I am an introvert, I rarely go to parties. |
10573 |
Void – खालीपन |
not legal – कानूनी नहीं |
Since the judge did not sign the final page of the documents, our divorce is void. |
10574 |
Worth – लायक |
having a particular value – एक विशेष मूल्य होना |
The jewelry isn’t worth much money, but it is a beautiful color. |
10575 |
Fixated – उतारना चाहते |
focused solely on one thing or person – केवल एक चीज़ या व्यक्ति पर केंद्रित |
The stalker was completely fixated on the actress. |
10576 |
Bog – दलदल |
similar to a swamp but it is a collection of large stagnant water that is usually located on a higher level than what is around it – एक दलदल के समान लेकिन यह बड़े स्थिर पानी का एक संग्रह है जो आमतौर पर इसके आसपास के स्तर से ऊँचे स्तर पर स्थित होता है |
Scientists put on their wading boots so that they could march up the incline to test the plant life in the bog. |
10577 |
Compounded – चक्रवृद्धि |
intensified; made something worse – तीव्र; कुछ और खराब कर दिया |
Bad weather compounded the traveler’s problems since they were already stranded on the side of the road. |
10578 |
Rule – नियम |
a law or regulation that tells what actions should or shouldn’t be done – एक कानून या विनियमन जो बताता है कि क्या कार्य करना चाहिए या क्या नहीं करना चाहिए |
Our state has put a law in place requiring everyone in a moving car to wear a seatbelt. |
10579 |
Forage – चारा |
to look widely for nourishment or other provisions – पोषण या अन्य प्रावधानों को व्यापक रूप से देखना |
As the night grew colder, the soldiers started to forage for firewood. |
10580 |
Cognizant – जानकार |
knowledgeable of something, especially through personal experience – किसी चीज़ का जानकार, विशेषकर व्यक्तिगत अनुभव के माध्यम से |
Because I have been on a tight budget for two years, I am very cognizant of the importance of using coupons to get the best deals. |
10581 |
Penetrated – प्रवेश |
penetrated means to go through – प्रवेश का अर्थ है पार हो जाना |
The doctor’s scalpel penetrated the patient’s skin as he began the autopsy. |
10582 |
Saying – कह रहा |
a simple statement that expresses some kind of truth or wisdom – एक सरल कथन जो किसी प्रकार की सच्चाई या ज्ञान व्यक्त करता है |
The saying ‘love is blind’ means that people who are in love often ignore things that are very obvious to everyone else. |
10583 |
Displace – विस्थापित |
to forcibly move people from their homeland, or to move someone or something – लोगों को उनकी मातृभूमि से जबरन स्थानांतरित करना, या किसी व्यक्ति या वस्तु को स्थानांतरित करना |
The destructive fire would displace many people from their homes. |
10584 |
Conservatorship – संरक्षकता |
the system were someone is legally appointed to haveownership of a legal ward’s property – प्रणाली यह थी कि किसी को कानूनी वार्ड की संपत्ति का स्वामित्व रखने के लिए कानूनी रूप से नियुक्त किया जाता है |
While John was in a coma, the court appointed conservatorship of all his property to his brother Bill. |
10585 |
Primate – रहनुमा |
a member of the most developed and intelligent group of mammals (i.e., humans, monkeys, and apes) – स्तनधारियों के सबसे विकसित और बुद्धिमान समूह का सदस्य (अर्थात, मनुष्य, बंदर और वानर) |
The biology teacher explained to the students that both monkeys and humans fall into the primate category. |
10586 |
Blamed – को दोषी ठहराया |
to be accused of being the reason for something happened – किसी घटना का कारण बनने का आरोप लगाया जाना |
I’ve been blamed for many things that I had no hand in, but people still hold me accountable for some reason. |
10587 |
Individualism – व्यक्तिवाद |
uniqueness, distinctiveness – विशिष्टता, विशिष्टता |
The bride’s need for individualism led her to seek out a dress that was exotic. |
10588 |
Override – अवहेलना |
To use one’s authority to cancel or overrule the action or decision of another – किसी दूसरे के कार्य या निर्णय को रद्द या अस्वीकार करने के लिए अपने अधिकार का उपयोग करना |
A manager is needed to override the transaction if the clerk makes a mistake. |
10589 |
Sinecure – सिनेक्योर |
a position that requires no work but still gives a payment; a cushy job – ऐसी स्थिति जिसके लिए किसी काम की आवश्यकता नहीं है लेकिन फिर भी भुगतान मिलता है; एक आरामदायक काम |
Even thought we all thought of the job as a sinecure, Jane took her position very seriously and always worked late into the evening. |
10590 |
Tantalizing – tantalizing |
displaying something that arouses desire or interest – कोई ऐसी चीज़ प्रदर्शित करना जिससे इच्छा या रुचि पैदा हो |
Since I am on a diet, I must ignore the tantalizing smells coming from the bakery. |
10591 |
Muslim – मुसलमान |
a follower of the religion of Islam – इस्लाम धर्म का अनुयायी |
The Muslim was a follower of Islam, one of the three major monotheistic world religions. |
10592 |
Contemporary – समकालीन |
quite recent – बिल्कुल ताज़ा |
While young people tend to prefer contemporary music, the older generation prefers to listen to music from the 1970’s and the 1980’s. |
10593 |
Neutrality – तटस्थता |
the state or quality of being neutral; state of taking no part on either side – तटस्थ होने की अवस्था या गुण; किसी भी पक्ष की ओर से कोई भाग न लेने की अवस्था |
Neutrality was impossible when choosing to write a persuasive speech. |
10594 |
Tumor – फोडा |
an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant – ऊतक की असामान्य वृद्धि, चाहे सौम्य हो या घातक |
The malignant tumor spread from the large intestine into the bloodstream. |
10595 |
Conciliatory – मिलाप करनेवाला |
To regain (friendship or goodwill) by pleasant behavior; to reconcile – सुखद व्यवहार से पुनः (दोस्ती या सद्भावना) प्राप्त करना; मान जाना, स्वीकार करना |
Even though Henry hated fruit cake, he still accepted the conciliatory gift from his neighbor. |
10596 |
Infamy – बदनामी |
the condition of being known for something unpleasant or bad – किसी अप्रिय या बुरी बात के लिए जाने जाने की अवस्था |
In hopes of gaining infamy, the troubled youth brought a gun to school. |
10597 |
Prevailing – प्रचलित |
gaining control or influence over – नियंत्रण या प्रभाव प्राप्त करना |
Because logic was prevailing over his emotions, the betrayed husband didn’t lose his temper when he caught his wife having an affair. |
10598 |
Pitiful – रहमदिल |
producing pity – दया उत्पन्न करना |
As soon as Kate heard the stray cat’s pitiful cries, she took fresh water and food outside. |
10599 |
Reasoning – तर्क |
thinking; figuring – सोच; लगाना |
When the couple fell in love, all logical reasoning flew out the window. |
10600 |
Garnishment – सजावट |
a legal procedure by which a creditor can collect what a debtor owes before it even reaches the debtor – एक कानूनी प्रक्रिया जिसके द्वारा एक लेनदार देनदार के बकाया राशि को देनदार तक पहुंचने से पहले ही वसूल कर सकता है |
Because she defendant owed it thousands of dollars, the bank issued a garnishment against them for the return of the money owed. |
10601 |
Emancipate – स्वतंत्र करना |
to give freedom to someone – किसी को आज़ादी देना |
As my father walked me down the aisle, he told me he was happy to emancipate me so I could live my own life. |
10602 |
Ornament – आभूषण |
a decoration added onto something else to make it more beautiful – इसे और अधिक सुंदर बनाने के लिए किसी अन्य चीज़ पर सजावट जोड़ी गई |
The 3-year-old child hung the blue sparkling globe on the Christmas tree because it was his favorite ornament. |
10603 |
Berry – बेर |
a small succulent fruit; of any one of many varieties – एक छोटा रसीला फल; अनेक किस्मों में से किसी एक का |
Every summer we’d pluck berries from a berry tree and make jam. |
10604 |
Bombard – बौछार |
to attack continually, either physically or verbally – शारीरिक या मौखिक रूप से लगातार हमला करना |
When people discover you won the big lottery, they’re going to bombard you with requests for money. |
10605 |
Accepted – स्वीकृत |
received; agreed to take – प्राप्त हुआ; लेने पर सहमति व्यक्त की |
Paul accepted the job offer and will start his new coaching job in two weeks. |
10606 |
Kick – लात मारना |
to punt or move the leg and foot out quickly – टांग और पैर को तेजी से बाहर निकालना या हिलाना |
The punter would pull his leg all the way back so he could kick the ball across the football field. |
10607 |
Implode – फटना |
to explode inward – भीतर की ओर फूटना |
Everyone was shocked to see the loving couple’s relationship implode and end in divorce. |
10608 |
Caught – पकड़ा गया |
captured or seized something – किसी चीज पर कब्ज़ा या कब्ज़ा करना |
The police are looking for the armed suspect who remains on the run, not yet to be caught. |
10609 |
Mitosis – पिंजरे का बँटवारा |
the course in which a cell divides and forms two distinct cells, each having the same amount of chromosomes as the original cell – वह क्रम जिसमें एक कोशिका विभाजित होती है और दो अलग-अलग कोशिकाएँ बनाती है, जिनमें से प्रत्येक में मूल कोशिका के समान ही गुणसूत्र होते हैं |
A worm that has been split apart can often regenerate through a type of cell division known as mitosis. |
10610 |
Buy – खरीदना |
obtain in exchange for payment – भुगतान के बदले में प्राप्त करें |
She went to the mall to buy a new dress for her interview. |
10611 |
Foreign – विदेश |
derived from another country or nation – दूसरे देश या राष्ट्र से प्राप्त |
The coin collector amassed a vast collection of foreign currency from all over the world. |
10612 |
Furore – उत्तेजना |
great emotion (either positive or negative) shown by a crowd of people – लोगों की भीड़ द्वारा प्रदर्शित महान भावना (या तो सकारात्मक या नकारात्मक)। |
Furore from the protestors outside could be heard from the president and the remaining workers inside the company. |
10613 |
Stool – स्टूल |
a place to sit that usually is taller than a chair and does not have a back to it – बैठने की वह जगह जो आमतौर पर कुर्सी से ऊंची होती है और उसमें पीछे की ओर कोई जगह नहीं होती |
The interior designer placed a stool at the breakfast bar in the newly remodeled kitchen. |
10614 |
Tickle – गुदगुदी |
to poke or slightly grab someone resulting in laughing – किसी को थपथपाना या हल्के से पकड़ना जिसके परिणामस्वरूप हंसी आती है |
While sitting on his lap, Uncle Paul would tickle his niece under her chin causing her to giggle. |
10615 |
Layout – लेआउट |
the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out – वह तरीका जिससे किसी चीज़ के हिस्सों को व्यवस्थित या बिछाया जाता है |
A blueprint of the home was drafted so that the designers could take a look at the house’s layout. |
10616 |
Already – पहले से |
at present; even now – वर्तमान में; अब भी |
The banker couldn’t attend the board meeting since he was already in a loan hearing across town. |
10617 |
Clod – ढेला |
lump of something, especially of earth or clay – किसी चीज़ का ढेला, विशेषकर मिट्टी या मिट्टी का |
After a long slow rainstorm, the soccer field created problems when the ball would make an awkward bounce after hitting a clod of dirt. |
10618 |
Replacement – प्रतिस्थापन |
something that replaces another – कुछ ऐसा जो दूसरे का स्थान ले ले |
After Carl was fired from the position of secretary, the boss decided to look for a replacement to take his position. |
10619 |
Debilitate – दुर्बल करना |
to weaken – कमज़ोर बनाने के लिए |
Cancer can quickly debilitate an otherwise healthy person. |
10620 |
Demanded – मांग की |
commanded or insisted that someone do something – किसी को कुछ करने के लिए आदेश देना या जोर देना |
The upset customer demanded to see the manager after the clerk was rude to her at the counter. |
10621 |
Ceremonial – अनुष्ठानिक |
relating to or used for formal religious or public events – औपचारिक धार्मिक या सार्वजनिक आयोजनों से संबंधित या उपयोग किया जाता है |
The priest wears a formal ceremonial robe when he is baptizing children. |
10622 |
Shrapnel – गंजगोला |
the pieces of a bomb or bullet that has exploded – बम या गोली के टुकड़े जो फट गए हों |
Shrapnel rained down on the city as the bomb exploded throughout the building. |
10623 |
Sentry – पहरेदार |
a solider whose job is to stand watch and guard against intruders – एक सिपाही जिसका काम निगरानी करना और घुसपैठियों से बचाव करना है |
Standing at the gate, the Iraqi sentry guarded the entrance to the embassy. |
10624 |
Exclusive – अनन्य |
private; restricted – निजी; वर्जित |
Although the pool was exclusive to paid members, we usually were allowed to swim after hours. |
10625 |
Sanctum – पवित्र स्थान |
a private place where no interruptions occur – एक निजी स्थान जहाँ कोई व्यवधान न हो |
Deep inside the sanctum, the lovers were able to enjoy each other’s company with no chance of being discovered. |
10626 |
Unpolitical – सियासी नहीं |
not concerned with politics – राजनीति से कोई सरोकार नहीं |
Otherwise unpolitical people have strong stances on whether or not ‘taking a knee’ is disespectful to the U.S. government. |
10627 |
Dinosaur – डायनासोर |
an (usually large) ancient reptile that lived millions of years ago – एक (आमतौर पर बड़ा) प्राचीन सरीसृप जो लाखों साल पहले रहता था |
The dinosaur bones were buried deep within the earth and painted a detailed picture of what life was like as a reptile years ago. |
10628 |
Titillate – गुदगुदाना |
to arouse – जगाने के लिए |
The woman hoped her sexy dress would titillate her husband so much he would overlook her outrageous credit card bills. |
10629 |
Stereotypical – टकसाली |
having the qualities that you expect a particular type of person to have – उन गुणों का होना जो आप एक विशेष प्रकार के व्यक्ति से अपेक्षा करते हैं |
Because he holds stereotypical views about women, Grandpa thinks that girls belong in the kitchen and not in the boardroom. |
10630 |
Consort – बातचीत करना |
a partner or associate with whom one shares something – एक साथी या सहयोगी जिसके साथ कोई कुछ साझा करता है |
Whenever the king travels, he is always accompanied by his consort, his queen. |
10631 |
Publisher – प्रकाशक |
a person or company prepares and issues written news, books, journals, or music for sale – एक व्यक्ति या कंपनी बिक्री के लिए लिखित समाचार, किताबें, पत्रिकाएँ या संगीत तैयार करती है और जारी करती है |
The publisher will only agree to release the journal if the author signs over all rights. |
10632 |
Rigorously – कड़ाई से |
in a way that is rigidly harsh or difficult because of high standards – एक तरह से जो उच्च मानकों के कारण अत्यंत कठोर या कठिन है |
The speed limits are rigorously enforced in this town, and the police will stop you for going just one mile over. |
10633 |
Ruse – चाल |
a plan or plot to mislead someone – किसी को गुमराह करने की योजना या षडयंत्र |
The security guard knew the girls were going to try and use a distractive ruse in order to shoplift. |
10634 |
Indecisive – दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ |
hesitant; wavering – झिझकने वाला; ढुलमुल |
An indecisive shopper, the customer could not choose between the two dresses she liked. |
10635 |
Stork – सारस |
A large wading bird with long legs and a long beak of the family Ciconiidae – सिकोनीडे परिवार का एक बड़ा पक्षी, जिसके लंबे पैर और लंबी चोंच होती है |
Waddling near the ocean, a stork reached down and grabbed a fish swimming close to the shore. |
10636 |
Accommodate – समायोजित करना |
to fulfill a request or meet the needs of – किसी अनुरोध को पूरा करना या जरूरतों को पूरा करना |
When I told my manager I was going to school at night, he told me he would try and accommodate my preference to work on the day shift. |
10637 |
Shun – सीधे खड़े हो |
to avoid, especially persistently – बचने के लिए, विशेष रूप से लगातार |
Mom’s doctor told her that if she wants to live to see her grandchildren she must shun fatty foods. |
10638 |
Managed – प्रबंधित |
was in charge of; oversaw – का प्रभारी था; का निरीक्षण किया |
Terrence managed several different departments in the company, supervising over 100s of employees over the years. |
10639 |
Slake – स्लेक |
slake means to quench or satisfy one’s thirst – स्लेक का अर्थ है किसी की प्यास बुझाना या संतुष्ट करना |
This electrolyte water should help slake the runners’ thirst during the marathon. |
10640 |
Lisp – तुतलाना |
when a person cannot pronounce “z” or “s” sounds properly – जब कोई व्यक्ति “z” या “s” ध्वनियों का उच्चारण ठीक से नहीं कर पाता है |
Christian’s classmates made fun of his lisp, but he could not help that he could not make “s” and “z” sounds. |
10641 |
Imbecile – मूर्ख |
a word used to describe a person who behaves in a stupid or foolish manner – एक शब्द जिसका प्रयोग किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति का वर्णन करने के लिए किया जाता है जो मूर्खतापूर्ण या मूर्खतापूर्ण व्यवहार करता है |
The teacher was reprimanded for referring to one of her students as an imbecile because he constantly asked silly questions. |
10642 |
Discarded – बाहर किया हुआ |
threw out; disposed of – बाहर फेंक दिया; का निपटारा |
The librarian tried to give away the tattered books and discarded what no one wanted into the dumpster. |
10643 |
Scab – पपड़ी |
a dry protective crust that forms over a cut or wound during healing – एक सूखी सुरक्षात्मक परत जो घाव भरने के दौरान कट या घाव पर बनती है |
A scab formed around the little girl’s scraped knee several days after she hurt it on the sidewalk. |
10644 |
Wiles – छल – कपट |
devious or cunning strategies – कुटिल या धूर्त रणनीतियाँ |
Lyla used her feminine wiles to deceive Jake into buying a dress for her, only to break up with him afterwards. |
10645 |
Register – पंजीकरण करवाना |
to enlist or enroll – भर्ती करना या नामांकित करना |
Several customers agreed to register for the new loyal customer program during check out. |
10646 |
Peculiarity – विशिष्टता |
having an odd or strange way or action – अजीब या विचित्र ढंग या कार्य करना |
Wearing a wide-brimmed red hat and a bright flowery outfit, the peculiarity of the woman caught everyone’s attention. |
10647 |
Inflame – भड़काना |
to cause someone to become very angry or a situation to become extremely tense – किसी को अत्यधिक क्रोधित कर देना या स्थिति अत्यधिक तनावपूर्ण हो जाना |
When calling each other names and pushing, the couple seemed to inflame the fight that landed them both in jail. |
10648 |
Liquefy – दव्र बनाना |
to turn something into a liquid – किसी चीज़ को तरल में बदलना |
Using a food processer, the chef was able to liquefy the ingredients into a watery mixture. |
10649 |
Emesis – वमन |
throwing up; barfing – फेंक रहा; बर्फ़ीला तूफ़ान |
When Bridgett was pregnant, she realized salty foods could help her fight the emesis associated with morning sickness. |
10650 |
Mercantile – व्यापारिक |
concerned with the buying and selling of goods for money – पैसे के लिए सामान खरीदने और बेचने से संबंधित |
I joined our family’s mercantile business, buying and selling paper goods. |
10651 |
Wussy – वुस्सी |
a person who is weak and afraid – ऐसा व्यक्ति जो कमज़ोर और डरा हुआ हो |
A wussy when it comes to heights, Elaina is afraid of anything that takes her more than a foot off the ground. |
10652 |
Affray – कलह |
a disruptive fight – एक विघटनकारी लड़ाई |
What began as a simple squabble between friends turned into an affray among several people. |
10653 |
Similitude – समानता |
the condition of being alike – एक जैसे होने की अवस्था |
Because the murders in the two states have similitude and share similar features, the cases will be given to the national police. |
10654 |
Glaring – स्पष्ट |
frowning; looking angrily – भौंह सिकोड़ना; गुस्से से देख रहे हैं |
Glaring out at the crowd, the angry police officer ordered the protesters to leave immediately. |
10655 |
Compatible – अनुकूल |
able to occur together or exist without conflict – एक साथ घटित होने या बिना संघर्ष के अस्तित्व में रहने में सक्षम |
While Fido is compatible with dogs, he does not get along with cats. |
10656 |
Pass up – हाथ से जाने देना |
to let something go without accepting it or taking advantage of the benefits – किसी चीज़ को स्वीकार किए बिना या लाभों का लाभ उठाए बिना उसे जाने देना |
Because he enjoyed the position he was in, Clark decided to pass up the opportunity to become store manager. |
10657 |
Abash – लज्जित करना |
to humiliate someone and make them feel embarrassed or ashamed – किसी को अपमानित करना और उन्हें लज्जित या लज्जित महसूस कराना |
The officer tried to abash the inmates, humiliating them and treating them like dogs. |
10658 |