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The Most Helpful Yes No Not Given IELTS Reading Practice Test 9

The IELTS Reading section is a pivotal component where candidates strive for practice and proficiency across varied formats. Seeking practice resources in PDF forms, especially those tailored to the 2023 format, proves crucial for comprehensive preparation. Access to practice tests with answers is highly sought after, aiding in self-assessment and skill improvement. Embracing online platforms and computer-based tools enriches the practice experience, providing an interface akin to the actual examination setting. For those targeting the academic module, specific practice materials designed for the academic version are invaluable. PDFs with answers remain a preferred choice, offering detailed explanations and enabling comprehensive self-study. Among the variety of question types, mastering the yes no not given format is key. Aspiring candidates often search for tips, tricks, and sample questions to excel in this question type, seeking guidance on distinguishing between factual information, statements requiring inference, and those where information is not given. The inclusion of various question types with examples further enriches the practice experience, allowing candidates to hone their skills across a spectrum of question styles.


Scientists have learned more about the way cancer spreads from one place in the body to another.  Once it spreads, it gets more difficult to treat.
Cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cell growth.  Traditional thinking is that cells simply break off the main cancer, travel through the blood and grow in other organs.
But the new findings suggest there is more to this process.  Researchers found that cells from the main tumor send out messengers.  These prepare the new organ for a secondary tumor.
It works this way.  The primary tumor releases proteins called growth factors into the blood.  They signal cells at the target organ to produce a sticky protein, called fibronectin.  Fibronectin attaches to the surface of bone marrow cells.  The result is a kind of landing area for cancer to arrive and grow into a secondary tumor.
The bone marrow cells help make vessels for blood to pass through and feed the cancer cells.  The researchers believe that without the bone marrow cells, the tumors could not land on the new organ and grow.
Scientists from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, led the research.  The study appeared in the publication Nature.  It involved laboratory mice.  The researchers killed off bone marrow cells in the animals and replaced them with special new ones.  The bone marrow cells were brightly colored, so the researchers could observe them.  The mice were then injected with lung cancer cells.
The researchers were surprised when the bone marrow cells reached the lungs days before any cancer cells.  They found that the bone marrow cells arrived to prepare the lungs for the cancer to spread.  Other tests led to similar findings.
The researchers believe they would find the same results in humans.  They say knowledge of the process could lead to new ways to fight cancer.
Cancers can be caused by genetic or environmental conditions, or a combination.  There are estimates that about one-third of cancer deaths could be prevented if people took better care of themselves.  That includes better diet, exercise and no smoking.
Researchers recently studied the causes of the seven million cancer deaths worldwide in two thousand one.  They linked nine avoidable risks to almost two and one-half million of them.  The study led by Harvard researchers in the United States appeared in the Lancet.


here are five Yes/No/Not Given questions based on the provided article:

  1. Did the new findings in cancer research suggest that cells from the main tumor release messengers to prepare a new organ for a secondary tumor?

  2. Were the bone marrow cells replaced in laboratory mice in the study conducted by scientists from Cornell University?

  3. Did the study in laboratory mice show that the bone marrow cells reached the lungs after the arrival of cancer cells?

  4. Is it stated in the article that better diet, exercise, and smoking cessation could potentially prevent around one-third of cancer deaths?

  5. Did the study by Harvard researchers link nine avoidable risks to all seven million cancer deaths worldwide in 2001?

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. No
  4. Yes
  5. Not Given

1. What is the “Yes/No/Not Given” question type in IELTS Reading? The “Yes/No/Not Given” question type in IELTS Reading asks test-takers to determine if statements in the text are true, false, or if the information is not given (cannot be inferred) according to the passage.

2. Where can I access IELTS Reading practice materials that include “Yes/No/Not Given” questions? You can find IELTS Reading practice tests emphasizing “Yes/No/Not Given” questions on official IELTS websites, study guides, and various online platforms offering IELTS preparation materials.

3. Are there PDFs available specifically targeting “Yes/No/Not Given” question formats in IELTS Reading practice tests? Yes, there are IELTS Reading practice test PDFs focusing on the “Yes/No/Not Given” question type. These materials help familiarize test-takers with this specific format.

4. How can I practice “Yes/No/Not Given” questions for the IELTS Reading test online? Various online platforms offer IELTS Reading practice tests with “Yes/No/Not Given” questions. These simulations help you practice under timed conditions and improve your skills.

5. What are some tips and tricks for answering “Yes/No/Not Given” questions in IELTS Reading? Focus on keywords in statements, avoid making assumptions, rely on information directly from the text, and differentiate between “Not Given” and “False” statements for accurate responses.

6. Can I find sample questions specifically designed for “Yes/No/Not Given” tasks in IELTS Reading? Yes, authentic IELTS study guides, online resources, and official IELTS preparation materials offer sample questions tailored for “Yes/No/Not Given” tasks.

7. Are there IELTS Reading question-type examples that include “Yes/No/Not Given” tasks? Yes, IELTS study guides and online resources often provide question-type examples with “Yes/No/Not Given” tasks to aid in understanding this specific format.

8. How can I differentiate between “Yes/No/Not Given” statements effectively in the IELTS Reading test? Enhance your skimming and scanning skills, refer to the text directly, and avoid personal assumptions or opinions to discern between the three categories accurately.

9. Can I find PDFs with tips specifically aimed at “Yes/No/Not Given” IELTS Reading practice? Yes, certain study guides and online resources offer downloadable PDFs with dedicated tips and strategies aimed at excelling in “Yes/No/Not Given” questions in the IELTS Reading section.

10. Is it possible to access a collection of “Yes/No/Not Given” IELTS Reading sample questions? Yes, various reputable IELTS preparation platforms provide collections of sample questions focused specifically on “Yes/No/Not Given” tasks to help in practice and preparation.

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