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The Most Helpful IELTS Listening Practice Test 6

Engaging in IELTS Listening is a fundamental aspect of preparing for the exam. Dedicated listening practice through structured IELTS Listening practice tests aids in honing crucial skills. These practice sessions simulate the listening exam environment, allowing candidates to familiarize themselves with the listening test format. Consistent exposure to diverse audio scenarios in IELTS exam listening practice enhances one’s ability to comprehend spoken English effectively. Success in the IELTS listening exam demands comprehensive listening practice tests, where individuals refine their listening abilities and develop strategies to tackle the test confidently.


1 The first East Asia Summit in Kuala Lumpur involved leaders from ________ countries to plan for a united future in Asia.
2 The new sixteen-member group from the East Asia Summit will work together to improve ________ conditions in Asia.
3 The sixteen-member group will represent about ________ million people, approximately half of the world’s population.
4 An expert on Asia predicts that by 2050, the region will possess three of the world’s ________ economies.
5 Some Asian leaders believe the new group is necessary to prevent the loss of trade and influence to the ________ and Europe.
6 The W.T.O. ministerial conference aims to negotiate trade rules and involves ________ members.
7 The last ministerial conference in Cancun ended without a new trade agreement, primarily due to objections by poor countries to ________ in wealthy nations.
8 At the Hong Kong conference, wealthy nations proposed plans for aid to poor countries and the elimination of import taxes, yet some officials felt these proposals came with too many ________.
9 The W.T.O. initially hoped for a free trade agreement by the end of last year, focusing on trade in farm, industrial goods, and services, aiming to complete it by the end of ________.
10 European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson expressed concerns that the ongoing talks at the Hong Kong conference were, if anything, ________.
1 Sixteen
2 Economic, security, and political
3 Three thousand
4 Four largest
5 Americas
6 One hundred forty-eight
7 Agricultural support programs and trade barriers
8 Conditions
9 Two thousand six
10 Going backwards
Two meetings this week in Asia could set the direction for the future of world trade, and the future of Asia itself.
In Kuala Lumpur, leaders of sixteen countries held the first East Asia Summit.  The leaders met Wednesday in the Malaysian capital to plan for a united future.  They agreed to create a group that will work together to improve economic, security and political conditions in Asia.
The new sixteen-member group will include both China and India.
The leaders represented the ten members of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.  They also represented Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Korea.
The sixteen-member group will represent about three thousand million people, half the world’s population.  And it will represent about twenty percent of world trade.
Both numbers are expected to increase in the future.  An expert on Asia says it will have three of the four largest economies in the world by two thousand fifty.
Some Asian leaders say the new group is needed because East Asia does not want to lose trade and influence to the Americas and Europe.  Supporters say the new group could become an economic force like the European Union in the future.
But that will take work.  For now, the sixteen leaders from Asia and the Pacific have agreed to meet again next year.  They plan to meet in the Philippine capital, Manila, just after the next ASEAN meeting.
The other big meeting in Asia this week is the ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization.  There are protests outside, as at earlier meetings.
The W.T.O. has one hundred forty-eight members.  It is the only international organization that negotiates trade rules.  The last ministerial conference two years ago in Cancun, Mexico, ended without a new trade agreement.  Objections by poor countries to agricultural support programs and trade barriers in wealthy ones were major issues.
The United States, the European Union and Japan said they have been trying to avoid such problems in Hong Kong.  They announced plans for thousands of millions of dollars in aid to poor countries.  They also announced plans to end import taxes on goods from some of these nations.  Some officials, however, said the proposals came with too many conditions.
The W.T.O. had hoped for a free trade agreement by the end of last year on trade in farm and industrial goods and services.  Now the hope is to have one completed by the end of two thousand six.  But in Hong Kong Friday, Reuters news agency said rich nations were arguing over protected farm markets.  And developing countries threatened to block any deal that did not give them better prices for bananas, sugar and cotton.
European Union Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson said the talks were, if anything, “going backwards.”  The meeting is to end on Sunday.
  1. What is an IELTS Listening practice test?

    • A: An IELTS Listening practice test is a simulated exam component designed to help individuals prepare for the listening section of the IELTS exam. It mimics the format and structure of the actual test.
  2. How does practicing IELTS Listening benefit test-takers?

    • A: Regular IELTS Listening practice enhances listening comprehension skills, familiarizes candidates with the exam format, and boosts confidence in understanding diverse audio scenarios.
  3. Where can I find IELTS Listening practice tests?

    • A: Several resources offer IELTS Listening practice tests, including official IELTS preparation materials, online platforms, and IELTS coaching centers.
  4. How often should one practice IELTS Listening tests?

    • A: It’s recommended to practice IELTS Listening tests regularly, aiming for a consistent schedule, such as a few times a week, to reinforce listening skills.
  5. Are there different levels of difficulty in IELTS Listening practice tests?

    • A: Yes, IELTS Listening practice tests often come in varying difficulty levels to cater to different skill levels, from beginner to advanced.
  6. What is the format of an IELTS Listening practice test?

    • A: Typically, an IELTS Listening practice test consists of four sections, each with different types of audio recordings, including conversations, monologues, and lectures.
  7. Do I need special equipment for IELTS Listening practice tests?

    • A: No special equipment is required. A reliable computer or mobile device with speakers or headphones is sufficient to access and practice IELTS Listening tests online.
  8. Can I take IELTS Listening practice tests multiple times?

    • A: Yes, candidates can take IELTS Listening practice tests multiple times to improve their skills and track their progress.
  9. How do I assess my performance in IELTS Listening practice tests?

    • A: Reviewing your answers against the provided answer key or solutions is a great way to evaluate your performance and identify areas for improvement.
  10. Should I simulate test conditions while practicing IELTS Listening tests?

    • A: Yes, simulating test conditions by taking practice tests in a quiet environment and adhering to time limits helps replicate the actual exam experience and prepares you better.

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