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One Word Substitution Unique & The Most Helpful. OWS Part 7

In the realm of language proficiency assessments, mastering one word substitution (OWS) is pivotal, especially when preparing for exams such as the SSC, including the prestigious SSC CGL. From the foundational stages, like Class 3, students begin encountering these exercises, where a single word stands in for more complex concepts. As learners progress, they compile a growing list of one word substitutions to enhance their command over English. Examples of these one word substitutes abound, with terms like ‘cynosure’ highlighting the focal point and ‘ephemeral’ encapsulating fleeting moments. These exercises are not only integral for exams but also for broader linguistic proficiency in everyday English one word substitution scenarios. Embracing these substitutes provides an easy yet effective way to navigate the intricacies of language, ensuring a solid foundation for success in language assessments.

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601 FANATIC a person who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion Though Hoover conceded that some might deem him a “fanatic,” he reacted with fury to any violations of the rules. By September and the opening of school I was deep into sports and became a baseball fanatic.
602 FATALIST a person who believes in fate Mrs. Beaverbrook, the fatalist, practically burst into tears and said in a timid little voice, “Oh, it’s so awful. Oh, the guns are so loud!””which is another way of saying “I’m so scared.” Her children came to regard her as “an extreme fatalist,” who calmly looked peril in the eye.
603 FEMINIST a person who thinks welfare of women One of the most famous”or infamous”of these New Departure feminists was Victoria Claflin Woodhull. The equality granted to women was not the kind envisioned by contemporary Western feminists”men and women were not treated as equivalent.
604 HEDONIST a person who believes that pleasure is the main aim When the game was over, he promised himself to be the opposite of a hedonist. This hedonist’s holiday concludes its run at the end of this year.
605 HENPECKED a man who dances to the tunes of his wife He looked like a henpecked husband, a pushover, a sucker. “I swear, Gitl, that man is already henpecked and not even married to you yet.”
606 HIPPY a person who is against ordinary society and takes illegal drugs “When I set out on this crazy hippy trip 44 years ago, little did I know how this rollercoaster would run,” the 78-year-old said. Shambala is a hippy sort of place, with as many recycling points as there are naked people painted blue, which is a lot.
607 HYPOCRITE a person who pretends to be what he/she is not “He was a liar and a hypocrite too.” He says that these “hypocrites” forced him to flee to Chicago.
608 IDIOSYNCRASY a person’s peculiar habit These examples illustrate the broad range of questions concerning cultural idiosyncrasies, unrelated to environment and initially of little significance, that might evolve into influential and long-lasting cultural features. This is a very powerful conclusion and is in no way based on the idiosyncrasies of a particular civilization.
609 ILLITERATE a person who cannot read or write Their leader was a mysterious, illiterate, one-eyed recluse named Mullah Omar, who, Rasheed said with some amusement, called himself Ameer-ul-Mumineen, Leader of the Faithful. Yet in a few years an illiterate runaway named Harriet Tubman would make nineteen trips into this country and lead three hundred fugitives to freedom.
610 IMMIGRANT a person who comes to a foreign land to settle Though he himself had no documents, the compatriots he encountered on his first days were here legally, like most other Greek immigrants, and could help him. The men, whom I knew as Mr. Yoon and Mr. Kim, were both recent immigrants in their thirties with wives and young children.
611 IMPOSTER a person who pretends to be somebody he/she is not I stand in the crosshairs, feeling like an imposter, waiting to be found at any moment and ushered out. That was far more wonderful than being a saboteur to be caught or an imposter to be exposed.
612 IRRITABLE a person who is very easily made angry She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia; and, removed from the influence of Lydia’s example, she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid. He turned out to be as tetchy and irritable as he looked.
613 ITINERANT a person who travels from place to place Between the other vendors”totally beaten and ailing itinerants whose names are something like Buddy, Pal, Sport, Top, Buck, and Ace”and my customers, I am apparently trapped in a limbo of lost souls. An itinerant photographer who took the only picture of him that could have been preserved was forced to smash his plates without developing them.
614 MALCONTENT a person who is always dissatisfied As soon as you have revealed your intention to one malcontent, you give him the means to make himself content, since he can have everything he desires by revealing the plot. I worried that an appearance in Ossining might present some malcontent with an opportunity to come after me.
615 MALINGERER a person who pretends illness to escape duty If the woman refused, they would report to the office that the woman was a malingerer. The malingerers, the malcontents” they always rally around a rebel.
616 MEDIATOR a person chosen by parties who have a controversy to settle their differences Methuselah also attended to act as mediator and counselor, approving some ideas while discouraging others, calming the hothead and encouraging the timid. For my mom and me, he became a mediator.
617 MEDIOCRE a person who is neither intelligent nor dull “There will never be a mediocre black athlete to play at Permian,” said Hearne. I participated in sports and games as often as I could, but my performances were no more than mediocre.
618 MISER a person who spends very little But she loved Coraline as a miser loves money, or a dragon loves its gold. He gave a nervous laugh, like a miser caught at his counting.
619 MISOGAMIST a person who does not believe in the institution of marriage Strindberg has been called both misogamist and misogynist. The first was an intimation from the misogamist German Professor that he had persuaded another of his old pupils to include a prize symphony by Lancelot in the programme of a Crystal Palace Concert.
620 MONOMANIAC a person who is obsessed with one idea or subject There’s something compellingly off about him; he’s a milk-drinking straight arrow with a monomaniac streak that runs him afoul of department politics. Like Trump, Nixon was a monomaniac on the stump, obsessed with the enemies lurking within.
621 NEOPHYTE a person who is a newcomer Ben noticed that other Marines were beginning to watch their table as the word of the neophyte drinker spread around the bar. Although neophyte writers may repeat a simple sentence structure to the point of inanity, most writers go to the opposite extreme and vary their syntax capriciously.
622 NOTARY a person who is publically authorized to attest documents Mother or Daddy would come by with the notary to check their driver’s license. She just kept raising her kids, working various jobs as a barber, notary public, chemical mixer at a cement plant, grocery store clerk, limousine driver.
623 NOVICE a person who is new to a trade or profession “We go from aspirant to novice drüskelle in the ceremony at the sacred ash.” And when experienced cell phone users were asked how long it would take novices to learn to use the phone, they guessed thirteen minutes; in fact, it took thirty-two.
624 NUMISMATIST a person who collects coins I’m no numismatist, but to me the design looks haunted, as if Tubman’s form won’t quite affix to the page. Prices are rising as seasoned numismatists try to fill gaps in their collections and newcomers join in, said Hutchinson.
625 ORATOR a person who makes an eloquent public speech Tom never learned to read but liked to show off his volume of Lander’s Appeal, which the great orator had signed to him. The Roman orator Marcus Tullius Cicero died in 43 bc.
626 ORPHAN a person without father and mother “Well, not a regular orphan. I had people and all, but my mama died and nobody would take me in. It was on account of the way she died that nobody would take me.” “Think of how many orphans you’d be leaving behind, how many widowers, a mother in luto for the rest of her life.”
627 PARASITE a person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return He could not persuade himself that a “beneficent & omnipotent God” would have created parasites and would have cats play with and torture mice. No hand had checked their progress, and they had gone native now, rearing to monster height without a bloom, black and ugly as the nameless parasites that grew beside them.
628 PEDESTRIAN a person who goes on foot She passes only a handful of other pedestrians on the cobblestone streets, each partially hidden beneath an umbrella. No one paid me any special attention, although the street was alive with pedestrians, all moiling along in the mysterious tint of green.
629 PHILISTINE a person who does not care for art, literature etc At first glance classic style sounds naive and philistine, suited only to a world of concrete goings-on. Photograph: Nils Jorgensen/Rex Features The mood of Britain under the last Conservative government was aggressively philistine.
630 PILGRIM a person who journeys to a holy place As I prostrated, the Mutawaf fended pilgrims off to keep me from being trampled. I peered into the locked case smudged with fingerprints from pilgrims touching the glass.
631 PIONEER a person who does something first She was demonstrating the use of a pioneer butter churn, and her eyes roamed all over the crowds beside the street. Unlike them, he was not a pioneer in the use of the new word, and he waited until it had become respectable before extending its use to new fields.
632 PLAGIARIST a person who copies from other writers Indeed, his account of Leibniz’s conflict with Newton is not symmetrical, since Leibniz was a plagiarist and Newton was not. In this respect, Leibniz was indeed a plagiarist.
633 PLAINTIFF a person who brings an action at law From their seat in a tiny witness box in a packed courtroom, plaintiffs would face aggressive white lawyers firing questions at them as white judges looked on. District Court in West Palm Beach on behalf of thirty-one Florida children, referring to most of the plaintiffs by their initials, although they used my whole name.
634 PRAGMATIST a person who is practical and sensible Ever the pragmatist, Rutherford was the first to see that there could be a valuable practical application in this. Like Duke, Washington was above all a pragmatist who preached a gospel of industrial progress.
635 QUACK a person who pretends skill in medicine and surgery Unable to repel the quacks with a clear theory of their own, archaeologists and anthropologists found themselves enveloped in a cloud of speculation. On towers all around the courtyard, bands of musicians played a vast, slow tune on quacking horns, blaring trumpets, and thundering drums, while below, the spiral moved to their beat.
636 RECLUSE a person who lives alone and avoids other people Perhaps I could live in your room like a recluse. He discounted the information about the old recluse at the Doranda mine”who had probably met some prospectors or Indians”and concentrated oh Lintola.
637 RACONTEUR a person who tells stories in amusing and interesting way There are, to be sure, stand-up comedians, shaggy- dog raconteurs, consummate essayists, and authors of mystery novels who can build up curiosity and suspense and then resolve it all with a sudden revelation. Gregarious by nature, Hall proved to be a skillful raconteur with a caustic Kiwi wit.
638 REFUGEE a person who takes shelter in another country “Are the refugees coming here?” a merchant lady asked. He seemed about to yell at me, then his attention returned to the latest batch of pleading refugees.
639 RENEGADE a person who forsakes religion I’ve had to become a renegade and hide in this remote place, and I thought we were safe; but now to learn that you found us so easily”well, you can understand, that worries me. It was a renegade, almost suffragette thing to do, and the neighbors and would-be women friends surrounded Vera Louise with as polite a distance as they could manage.
640 RUSTIC a person who has no manners Despite the midday heat, I wore a cloak over my rustic dress as if it were the burden of all my thoughts. The inn’s rustic luxury fulfilled the sorority’s need for a quiet, reflective setting for their meeting.
641 SADIST a person who hurts other people in order to get pleasure So where does he get off to call me a public avenger and a sadist and everything? I’m not sure what kind of sadist rings doorbells at seven thirty on a Saturday morning, but I’m going to find out because I’m the only one awake.
642 SCAPEGOAT a person who is made to bear the blame As things had gone from bad to worse, people had taken out their anger on the easiest scapegoats: my family. Among the many scapegoats chosen were elderly women living alone, who were charged with witchcraft: Kepler’s mother was carried away in the middle of the night in a laundry chest.
643 SNOB a person who hates persons of lower social position Corporal Snark was an intellectual snob who felt he was twenty years ahead of his time and did not enjoy cooking down to the masses. She loves going to the club, even though she makes fun of the snobs who go there by sneering and strutting around with her nose twitching high in the air.
644 SPOKESPERSON a person who speaks on behalf of others I had easily brushed off what Carlotta said, but the Italian Gymnastics spokesperson’s statement did bother me a bit. I couldn’t imagine another term with this woman, and as long as I stayed on the honors English track I would be stuck being the spokesperson for the rest of my high school career.
645 STOIC a person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain She posed herself straight and rigid, like a statue, her rendition of a stoic Indian. I did stop, out of shame mostly, because the hunted wireless girl was being so stoic about it.
646 TEETOTALER a person who does not take alcoholic drinks It may have been the memory of my father”open- collared, his tie loosened and stained, his eyes clouded and his breath heavy, glass in hand”that made me a teetotaler. A teetotaler himself, he made his living buying and selling liquor.
647 TELLTALE a person who enjoy talking about others private affairs James taught Sammy how to put out a fire properly; how to cover it with dirt and then stamp on it and wait, to be sure no telltale smoke rose from the ashes. But not before I see telltale redness in his eyes.
648 TIMID a person who always runs away from danger Long after dark Kit heard her whisper outside the shed wall, so timid and faint that at first she thought she must have imagined it. “Your gram was timid, too, when she first recovered,” Gloria says.
649 TRAITOR a person who betrays one “Shay knew I was a traitor, at the end.” But the night’s work wasn’t yet over, and the Wraith didn’t have time for traitors.
650 TURNCOAT a person who changes sides It was an offer only a turncoat could accept. There were lots of Tories like that around, spies and turncoats all.
651 VAGABOND a person who wanders without settled home There was another kind of object in the sky, the wandering or vagabond stars called planets. He had the air of an aristocrat and as he turned to gaze at Blackberry from his great brown eyes, Hazel began to see himself as a ragged wanderer, leader of a gang of vagabonds.
652 VANDAL a person who damages public property The soldier’s loudness annoyed him; this was a man who had abandoned his ogbunigwe and run off long before the vandals were close. Four days later, vandals entered the site and placed live alligators in three portable toilets.
653 VERSATILE a person who has many talents Like any other performance skill, it can be learned with practice, and it is a skill that will help you become an extremely versatile instrumentalist. It was because so much intricate care was taken to weave fine rugs in countries where rags were so culturally versatile.
654 VETERAN a person with a long experience of any occupation Then she added, in a quite different voice: “Come to think of it, I suppose you haven’t been that slow making friends with at least some of the veterans.” He woke up with his head under a blanket in a ward for nonviolent mental patients in a veterans’ hospital near Lake Placid, New York.
655 VINDICTIVE a person who is determined to take full vengeance for wrongs done to him/her It’s a sullen, vindictive cold outside, colder than it’s been in months, and my breath vaporizes as we hurry along the canal. With vindictive pleasure, she said in Fjerdan, “But you always liked the way I spoke your tongue. You said it sounded pure.”
656 VOLUNTEER a person who works for free When Mr. Ferro called to let me know of the new materials, he asked for no trade, volunteering to do whatever I asked of him. She must have seen something terrible, to volunteer for her memory to be erased and her entire life remade.
657 SOCIAL liking to be with other people But the school still had social groupings, just like any other high school”arty kids, stoners, bros. She is extremely close with her mother, a teacher in the Trenton public schools, and her father, a social worker and published poet.
658 ACROPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of height “Did I ever tell you I have acrophobia?” Another program, Now I Can Do Heights, caters to people who suffer from acrophobia, by teleporting users to settings high above ground.
659 AGORAPHOBIA an extreme fear of being in open space An agoraphobia rose in her, speeding higher and higher, bigger and bigger; she would not be able to contain it; there would no end to fear. But her complex post-traumatic stress has translated into agoraphobia, and her life circumstances have not always allowed for people to stay close.
660 ALGOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of pain Algophobia is much more common in elderly people. She did not study medicine because of her fear for “pains and blood” (algophobia and hemophobia).
661 ANDROPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of men She has androphobia (a fear of men), as she has never talked to anyone male outside of her own father. Writer Helen Pluckrose has argued that androphobia is the more propitious term in instances where aversion to men stems from a sense of fear.
662 ANGLOPHOBIA an extreme fear of britain Jefferson’s Anglophobia was more virulent in part because it was more theoretical, a moral conclusion that followed naturally from the moralistic categories he carried around in his head. But it was precisely that sense of security which steered him away from name-calling Anglophobia or from joining the militant end of Irish Republicanism.
663 BACTERIOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of bacteria The toxins of diphtheria bacilli and streptococci are produced when the organisms have been infected by bacteriophage; it is the virus that provides the code for toxin. My laboratory has been studying the molecular biology of bacteriophages, or phages for short, the viruses that infect bacteria, for over two decades.
664 BIBLIOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of books “What about all these other kids?” said Sierra, gesturing to the tables filled with the country’s top young bibliophiles. Quadruple the footprint, pad the seats, replace The Time Traveller’s sodding Wife with a microwave, and it becomes the bibliophile’s paradisaical starter home.
665 CARNOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of meat    
666 CLAUSTROPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of being in a confined place We’ve been hanging out, doing our best to escape the claustrophobia of living behind a guarded electric fence”gabbing, taking circuitous walks around the camp, meeting other kids who have nothing to do. This was not a fun place to be if you happened to have a touch of claustrophobia”sitting in a pitch-black Level 4 closet while wearing a space suit.
667 DEMENTOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of insanity Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.  
668 DENTOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of dentist Necrophobia and thanatophobia are allied maladies, one being the fear of dead bodies and the other the fear of death itself.  
669 ENTOMOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of insects Maybe it’s my entomophobia talking, but in a movie about dinosaurs, it’s funny that it takes a swarm of oversize insects to induce even the mildest case of the shivers. Some are people afflicted with entomophobia ” a dread of all insects.
670 FELINOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of cats These include a large category of fears called phobias”claustrophobia, agoraphobia, photophobia, altaphobia, phonophobia, etc.  
671 GYNOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of women But one unrecognized and insidious force ““ one that some women will likely minimize or deny ““ is internalized gynophobia. In the minds of Clinton supporters, “nasty” is no longer a description of behavior but a stand against gynophobia, a rallying car for strong womanhood.
672 HODOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of road travel “What if we have a school-wide discussion on diversity? We could show our videos and discuss issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia related to current events, like the Black Lives Matter movement or celebrating Pride.” My grandmother had no use for all the gay bashing and homophobia in the world, especially among other Indians.
673 HYDROPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of water And I was so scared and mixed up about the danger of hydrophobia that it was clear into the next day before I even thought about thanking him for giving us Old Yeller. I didn’t know much about hydrophobia, but after what Bud Searcy had told about his uncle that died, chained to a tree, I knew it was something bad.
674 LYGOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of darkness The fear of darkness or night has several non-clinical terminologies—lygophobia, scotophobia and achluophobia.  
675 MEGALOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of large things Jefferson’s Anglophobia was more virulent in part because it was more theoretical, a moral conclusion that followed naturally from the moralistic categories he carried around in his head. One of the finer pot strains he develops is called Anglophobia.
676 MOTTEPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of moths Situated, as we were, on the bank of a huge river, the metaphor suggested the prison was a big body of water and we were all in it together. The metaphors used then may be obscure to us now.
677 NICROPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of death “Did I ever tell you I have acrophobia?” Another program, Now I Can Do Heights, caters to people who suffer from acrophobia, by teleporting users to settings high above ground.
678 NOCTIPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of the night It sometimes presents itself with related phobias, including phasmophobia, the fear of ghosts; wiccaphobia, the fear of witchcraft; and nyctophobia, the fear of darkness.  
679 OCHLOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of crowd “Did I ever tell you I have acrophobia?” At the beginning of his presidency, Dwight Eisenhower was forced to break with the tradition of his predecessors and give up the presidential suite in the Towers because his wife, Mamie, suffered from acrophobia.
680 PATHOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of disease Maybe it was this medicine that was causing the photophobia, the eye dryness and now the burning. Now, on top of that, she was diagnosed with photophobia, an intense sensitivity to light.
681 PENIAPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of poverty The whole thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. Since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, steel companies had incited this xenophobia and painted strikers as wanting to overthrow the government.
682 PHASMOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of ghosts My grandmother had no use for all the gay bashing and homophobia in the world, especially among other Indians. “What if we have a school-wide discussion on diversity? We could show our videos and discuss issues like racism, sexism, and homophobia related to current events, like the Black Lives Matter movement or celebrating Pride.”
683 PHOTOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of light Maybe it was this medicine that was causing the photophobia, the eye dryness and now the burning. Now, on top of that, she was diagnosed with photophobia, an intense sensitivity to light.
684 RADIOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of radiation Some of the confusion might be explained by poor communications between Ahuas and the outside world ““ there was only the hospital’s radiophone and mail that reached the post irregularly. Receivers in the ceiling allowed them to use radiophones.
685 RUPOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of dirt You’re free to load up Mors and Alester with perks, combat expertise and skills, but must counterbalance each with a corresponding foible, such as allergies, gout or pyrophobia. Forest Service suffered from “pyrophobia””it tried to suppress all wildfires.
686 SOMNIPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of sleep It wasn’t the abusive rhetoric, the blatant xenophobia. Grube told me that he thought the kings of Kaan, never allied with Teotihuacan, may have wanted to stamp out pernicious foreign influences”xenophobia is a powerful motive in every culture.
687 TACHOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of speed The eccentric young postmodern characters are played with touching emotional delicacy, and the mother adds a layer of humorous technophobia in her clueless struggles with online dating. Despite the apparent technophobia of “Man Against Machine,” it’s not the pumped-up sound of modern Nashville that is the target of Brooks’ war, but the sly, smart-alecky tone that now defines the genre.
688 THEOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of gods or religion Maybe it was this medicine that was causing the photophobia, the eye dryness and now the burning. Now, on top of that, she was diagnosed with photophobia, an intense sensitivity to light.
689 THERMOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of heat In physics, thermophobia is motion of particles in mixtures (solutions, suspensions, etc.) towards the areas of lower temperatures, a particular case of thermophoresis.  
690 XENOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of foreigners or strangers It wasn’t the abusive rhetoric, the blatant xenophobia. Since the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, steel companies had incited this xenophobia and painted strikers as wanting to overthrow the government.
691 ZOOPHOBIA an extreme fear or dislike of animals    
692 ANGLOPHILE somebody who is very fond of britain or british things My mother was a Masterpiece Theatre junkie back in the day, total anglophile. Did the composer, American but anglophile, prefer the US or the British pronunciation?
693 BIBLIOPHILE somebody who is extremely fond of books “What about all these other kids?” said Sierra, gesturing to the tables filled with the country’s top young bibliophiles. The Grolier Club, a redoubt of bibliophiles on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, has no shortage of stately, book-lined interiors that scream ” or at least murmur quietly ” “serious collectors here.”
694 DROMOMANIA a very strong desire for travel Ishmael did not stand up well on high seas and had become addicted to Dramamine. My shipmates, who, besides being members of the Greatest Generation, had brought Dramamine, enjoyed eggs, pancakes and jokes at my expense.
695 KLEPTOMANIA a very strong desire for stealing things Bunny had had a mild tendency towards kleptomania, and was apt to pocket any small, valueless articles that caught his eye”nail clippers, buttons, spools of tape. The kleptomania reached its final shameful heights when we visited a small family-run honey farm on our last day.
696 LOGOMANIA a very strong desire for talking Logos are once again writ large on the runways ” in a nod to the “logomania” of the ’80s and ’90s, brands are reintroducing their classic monogrammed leather goods in fresh ways. A tiny Givenchy logo was printed on some lone pearls, because even they couldn’t escape luxury logomania.
697 THEOMANIA a very strong belief that you are god In my mind, Kristin Chenoweth will be waiting for us on a staircase at this Port Authority place, probably singing the theme to “New York, New York.” “I’m having a party. Do you want to come to my party? The theme is pink.”
698 MEGALOMANIA a very strong desire of being important Is the answer megalomania, the self-regard of a man who likes being photographed bare-chested on horseback? Is it too soon for a story about a political leader who wreaks domestic havoc because of his paranoia and megalomania?
699 MONOMANIA a very strong desire for one particular thing He could be generous and caring to a fault, but he had a darker side as well, characterized by monomania, impatience, and unwavering self-absorption, qualities that seemed to intensify through his college years. It informs the brilliance of Thomson’s characterisation, from the morbid monomania of a tormented Cosimo, to the brutish, coiled savagery of the Dominican enforcer Stufa, to the ghostly sadness of a neglected child.
700 PYROMANIA a very strong desire for setting fires Not with the fire department, which would know right away it was arson and dismiss it as another case of pyromania in a neighborhood crawling with firebugs. “You were gazing into that fire like you wanted to eat it or something. I have a cousin who for real struggles with pyromania, so I’ve seen that look before.”

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1. What is One Word Substitution?

One Word Substitution involves using a single word to replace a longer phrase or expression, condensing complex ideas into concise terms for effective communication.

2. Where can I find resources like PDFs for One Word Substitution?

PDFs compiling extensive lists of One Word Substitutions from A to Z are available online, offering examples and meanings, aiding in language proficiency and vocabulary building.

3. Are there One Word Substitution exercises available in languages other than English?

Yes, One Word Substitution exercises are available in various languages, including Hindi and Gujarati, catering to learners from different linguistic backgrounds.

4. Could you provide some One Word Substitution examples?

Certainly! Here are a few examples:

  • Euphemism: A polite word used to replace a harsh one.
  • Altruistic: Showing selfless concern for others.
  • Omnipotent: Having unlimited power.
  • Quintessential: Representing the most perfect example.
  • Nostalgia: A sentimental longing for the past.

5. How can I find the meaning of One Word Substitutions in Gujarati?

Online platforms or dictionaries may provide translations or meanings of One Word Substitutions in Gujarati for reference.

6. Do you have a PDF with One Word Substitutions from A to Z?

There are PDF resources available that compile extensive lists of One Word Substitutions alphabetically, aiding in comprehensive vocabulary development and language proficiency.

7. Are there MCQs or questions related to One Word Substitutions?

Yes, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) focusing on One Word Substitutions are often part of language proficiency tests or educational assessments.

8. How can I practice One Word Substitution questions?

You can find practice questions online or in study materials designed specifically for language proficiency exams, aiding in better understanding and application of One Word Substitutions.

9. What’s the importance of understanding One Word Substitutions?

Mastery over One Word Substitutions enhances language proficiency, aiding in clearer and more concise communication while broadening vocabulary.

10. Where can I find the meaning of specific One Word Substitutions?

Online dictionaries, language learning platforms, or specific reference books often provide meanings and usage examples for various One Word Substitutions.


11. Can you provide some common One Word Substitution Examples?

Certainly! Here are a few examples:

  • Altruistic: Showing selfless concern for others.
  • Euphemism: A polite word used in place of a harsh one.
  • Omnipotent: Having unlimited power.
  • Nostalgia: Sentimental longing for the past.
  • Verbose: Using more words than necessary.

12. Where can I find One Word Substitution Examples with Answers?

Online resources, study guides, or practice test materials often offer One Word Substitution examples with accompanying answers for self-assessment and learning.

13. Is there a PDF available with One Word Substitution Examples?

Yes, PDFs containing lists of One Word Substitution Examples are accessible online, providing a comprehensive resource for expanding vocabulary and language proficiency.

14. Are there Easy One Word Substitution Examples for beginners?

Absolutely! Examples like ‘Homebody’ for a person who prefers staying at home or ‘Novice’ for a beginner are simple yet effective examples suitable for beginners.

15. Are there One Word Substitution Examples available in Hindi?

Yes, resources providing One Word Substitution Examples in Hindi are available to aid Hindi-speaking learners in enhancing their vocabulary and language skills.

16. Can you offer One Word Substitution Examples suitable for Class 7 students?

Certainly! Examples like ‘Abundant’ for plentiful or ‘Bizarre’ for strange can be helpful and engaging for Class 7 students, aiding in their language development.

17. Do you have a list of 50 One Word Substitution Examples?

Here are 10 examples:

  • Apathy: Lack of interest or concern.
  • Dexterity: Skill in performing tasks.
  • Dormant: Inactive or sleeping.
  • Enigma: Something mysterious or puzzling.
  • Facade: The front view of a building.
  • Gregarious: Fond of company or sociable.
  • Insolent: Rude or disrespectful.
  • Jubilant: Feeling or expressing great happiness.
  • Maverick: A non-conformist or independent-minded person.
  • Nefarious: Wicked or criminal in nature.

18. Is there a compilation of 100 One Word Substitution Examples available?

While providing 100 examples here might be exhaustive, numerous resources online compile extensive lists of One Word Substitution Examples to aid in learning and language proficiency.

19. Can you offer 20 One Word Substitution Examples?

Absolutely! Here are a few more examples:

  • Quintessential: Representing the most perfect example.
  • Ravenous: Extremely hungry or famished.
  • Surreptitious: Secretive or stealthy.
  • Ubiquitous: Present everywhere or widespread.
  • Voracious: Having a huge appetite.

20. Could you provide One Word Substitution Examples with meanings?

Certainly! Here are a few:

  • Epitome: A perfect example or embodiment.
  • Indolent: Lazy or idle.
  • Labyrinth: A complex maze or network of paths.
  • Myriad: Countless or a large number.
  • Panacea: A solution or remedy for all problems.

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