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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 31

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


3001 in   wish   were   I   I   back   with   Tom   Australia.
3002 to   told   that   I   Tom   going   I   was   Australia.
3003 in   told   you   I   Tom   live   used   to   Australia.
3004 Australia.   thought   Tom   I   that   to   had   gone
3005 Tom.   thought   were   I   you   with   in   Australia
3006 to   told   Tom   I   you   go   wanted   to   Australia.
3007 in   love   fact   I   the   back   Tom   is   Australia.
3008 forget   I’ve   Don’t   that   Australia.   been   to
3009 soon.   know   will   I   Tom   Australia   leave   for
3010 in   know   Tom   I   that   house   has   a   Australia.
3011 Australia.   hope   Tom   I   that   in   isn’t   still
3012 that.   no   that   There’s   reason   do   Tom   would
3013 that.   bet   you’re   I   that   doing   tired   after
3014 Australia.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   to   would   go
3015 Australia.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   in   would   be
3016 Australia.   didn’t   that   I   think   in   Tom   was
3017 in   didn’t   Tom   I   tell   up   I   grew   Australia.
3018 Australia?   did   know   How   Tom   from   Mary   was
3019 Australia?   Tom   you   Does   know   in   were   born
3020 in   long   Tom   How   did   was   say   he   Australia?
3021 stayed   Australia   Everybody   in   except   Tom.
3022 in   lot   people   A   of   live   I   know   Australia.
3023 case.   findings   that   My   suggest   the   is   not
3024 the   quite   to   It’s   clear   is   me   that   truth.
3025 happen.   intend   see   I   to   doesn’t   that   that
3026 work?   you   think   Do   really   would   that   that
3027 happened.   don’t   Tom   I   think   that   was   glad
3028 happened.   seemed   be   Tom   to   that   glad   that
3029 to   do   know   How   you   belongs   that   that   Tom?
3030 warned   that   Tom   Mary   happen.   would   likely
3031 was   anybody   Tom   surprised   there.   else   was
3032 really   that   I’m   surprised   here.   Tom   isn’t
3033 surprised   doesn’t   I’m   Tom   bicycle.   have   a
3034 wasn’t   Mary   Tom   surprised   time.   wasn’t   on
3035 wasn’t   that   Tom   surprised   there.   Mary   was
3036 wasn’t   that   Tom   surprised   up.   Mary   showed
3037 race.   was   that   Tom   surprised   the   Mary   won
3038 up.   was   that   Tom   surprised   still   Mary   was
3039 job.   was   that   Tom   surprised   her   Mary   quit
3040 that.   wasn’t   you   I   surprised   do   needed   to
3041 that.   wasn’t   Tom   I   surprised   do   wanted   to
3042 that.   wasn’t   Tom   I   surprised   do   needed   to
3043 do   wasn’t   that   I   surprised   to   I   had   that.
3044 well.   was   Tom   I   surprised   so   spoke   French
3045 do   was   I   I   surprised   to   didn’t   need   that.
3046 do   was   I   I   surprised   to   didn’t   have   that.
3047 that.   very   Tom   I’m   surprised   do   wanted   to
3048 that   not   for   It’s   necessary   do   us   to   now.
3049 that   isn’t   for   It   necessary   do   us   to   now.
3050 eye.   isn’t   visible   It   really   naked   to   the
3051 eye.   not   visible   It’s   really   naked   to   the
3052 schedule.   isn’t   late   It   too   the   to   change
3053 schedule.   not   late   It’s   too   the   to   change
3054 at.   not   that   It’s   something   good   I’m   very
3055 can   not   that   It’s   something   I   I   think   do.
3056 at.   isn’t   that   It   something   good   I’m   very
3057 can   isn’t   that   It   something   I   I   think   do.
3058 it   isn’t   difficult   It   as   as   to   do   sounds.
3059 it   not   difficult   It’s   as   as   to   do   sounds.
3060 island.   isn’t   to   It   possible   that   live   on
3061 island.   not   to   It’s   possible   that   live   on
3062 that.   isn’t   to   It   right   like   treat   people
3063 that.   not   to   It’s   right   like   treat   people
3064 this.   isn’t   to   It   right   like   treat   people
3065 this.   not   to   It’s   right   like   treat   people
3066 home   isn’t   for   It   safe   walk   you   to   alone.
3067 home   not   for   It’s   safe   walk   you   to   alone.
3068 isn’t   responsibility   It   Tom’s   that.   to   do
3069 not   responsibility   It’s   Tom’s   that.   to   do
3070 coming.   isn’t   you   It   like   this   didn’t   see
3071 coming.   not   you   It’s   like   this   didn’t   see
3072 to   isn’t   I   It   like   else   have   anything   do.
3073 to   not   I   It’s   like   else   have   anything   do.
3074 survived.   isn’t   how   It   known   them   many   of
3075 survived.   not   how   It’s   known   them   many   of
3076 do   isn’t   why   It   clear   to   Tom   wanted   that.
3077 do   not   why   It’s   clear   to   Tom   wanted   that.
3078 say   down   I   Write   what   to   am   you.   going   to
3079 to   sure   Check   make   correct.   everything   is
3080 don’t   know   I   You   that   that,   can’t   do   you?
3081 it   isn’t   hot   It   as   as   in   July.   in   June   is
3082 it   not   hot   It’s   as   as   in   July.   in   June   is
3083 to   isn’t   easy   It   as   think   as   that.   you   do
3084 to   not   easy   It’s   as   think   as   that.   you   do
3085 isn’t   suitable   It   a   discussion.   topic   for
3086 not   suitable   It’s   a   discussion.   topic   for
3087 isn’t   to   It   necessary   letter.   answer   that
3088 not   to   It’s   necessary   letter.   answer   that
3089 that.   isn’t   which   It   clear   wanted   of   them
3090 that.   not   which   It’s   clear   wanted   of   them
3091 that.   not   who   It’s   Tom   do   has   me.   to   It’s
3092 that.   isn’t   who   It   Tom   do   has   me.   to   It’s
3093 his   promised   that   I   Tom   at   we’d   be   party.
3094 with   promised   I’d   I   Tom   Boston   go   to   him.
3095 with   promised   that   I   Tom   that   I’d   do   him.
3096 do   forgot   promised   I   I   I’d   Tom   that   that.
3097 for   promised   that   Tom   me   that   he’d   do   me.
3098 room.   promised   that   Tom   me   his   he’d   clean
3099 promised   he   Tom   me   anybody.   wouldn’t   tell
3100 of   promise   that   I   you   care   I’ll   take   Tom.


3001 I wish I were with Tom back in Australia.
3002 I told Tom that I was going to Australia.
3003 I told Tom you used to live in Australia.
3004 I thought that Tom had gone to Australia.
3005 I thought you were in Australia with Tom.
3006 I told you Tom wanted to go to Australia.
3007 I love the fact Tom is back in Australia.
3008 Don’t forget that I’ve been to Australia.
3009 I know Tom will leave for Australia soon.
3010 I know that Tom has a house in Australia.
3011 I hope that Tom isn’t still in Australia.
3012 There’s no reason that Tom would do that.
3013 I bet that you’re tired after doing that.
3014 I didn’t think Tom would go to Australia.
3015 I didn’t think Tom would be in Australia.
3016 I didn’t think that Tom was in Australia.
3017 I didn’t tell Tom I grew up in Australia.
3018 How did Tom know Mary was from Australia?
3019 Does Tom know you were born in Australia?
3020 How long did Tom say he was in Australia?
3021 Everybody stayed in Australia except Tom.
3022 A lot of people I know live in Australia.
3023 My findings suggest that is not the case.
3024 It’s quite clear to me that is the truth.
3025 I intend to see that that doesn’t happen.
3026 Do you really think that that would work?
3027 I don’t think Tom was glad that happened.
3028 Tom seemed to be glad that that happened.
3029 How do you know that that belongs to Tom?
3030 Tom warned Mary that would likely happen.
3031 Tom was surprised anybody else was there.
3032 I’m really surprised that Tom isn’t here.
3033 I’m surprised Tom doesn’t have a bicycle.
3034 Tom wasn’t surprised Mary wasn’t on time.
3035 Tom wasn’t surprised that Mary was there.
3036 Tom wasn’t surprised that Mary showed up.
3037 Tom was surprised that Mary won the race.
3038 Tom was surprised that Mary was still up.
3039 Tom was surprised that Mary quit her job.
3040 I wasn’t surprised you needed to do that.
3041 I wasn’t surprised Tom wanted to do that.
3042 I wasn’t surprised Tom needed to do that.
3043 I wasn’t surprised that I had to do that.
3044 I was surprised Tom spoke French so well.
3045 I was surprised I didn’t need to do that.
3046 I was surprised I didn’t have to do that.
3047 I’m very surprised Tom wanted to do that.
3048 It’s not necessary for us to do that now.
3049 It isn’t necessary for us to do that now.
3050 It isn’t really visible to the naked eye.
3051 It’s not really visible to the naked eye.
3052 It isn’t too late to change the schedule.
3053 It’s not too late to change the schedule.
3054 It’s not something that I’m very good at.
3055 It’s not something that I think I can do.
3056 It isn’t something that I’m very good at.
3057 It isn’t something that I think I can do.
3058 It isn’t as difficult to do as it sounds.
3059 It’s not as difficult to do as it sounds.
3060 It isn’t possible to live on that island.
3061 It’s not possible to live on that island.
3062 It isn’t right to treat people like that.
3063 It’s not right to treat people like that.
3064 It isn’t right to treat people like this.
3065 It’s not right to treat people like this.
3066 It isn’t safe for you to walk home alone.
3067 It’s not safe for you to walk home alone.
3068 It isn’t Tom’s responsibility to do that.
3069 It’s not Tom’s responsibility to do that.
3070 It isn’t like you didn’t see this coming.
3071 It’s not like you didn’t see this coming.
3072 It isn’t like I have anything else to do.
3073 It’s not like I have anything else to do.
3074 It isn’t known how many of them survived.
3075 It’s not known how many of them survived.
3076 It isn’t clear why Tom wanted to do that.
3077 It’s not clear why Tom wanted to do that.
3078 Write down what I am going to say to you.
3079 Check to make sure everything is correct.
3080 You know that I can’t do that, don’t you?
3081 It isn’t as hot in June as it is in July.
3082 It’s not as hot in June as it is in July.
3083 It isn’t as easy as you think to do that.
3084 It’s not as easy as you think to do that.
3085 It isn’t a suitable topic for discussion.
3086 It’s not a suitable topic for discussion.
3087 It isn’t necessary to answer that letter.
3088 It’s not necessary to answer that letter.
3089 It isn’t clear which of them wanted that.
3090 It’s not clear which of them wanted that.
3091 It’s not Tom who has to do that. It’s me.
3092 It isn’t Tom who has to do that. It’s me.
3093 I promised Tom that we’d be at his party.
3094 I promised Tom I’d go to Boston with him.
3095 I promised Tom that I’d do that with him.
3096 I forgot I promised Tom that I’d do that.
3097 Tom promised me that he’d do that for me.
3098 Tom promised me that he’d clean his room.
3099 Tom promised me he wouldn’t tell anybody.
3100 I promise you that I’ll take care of Tom.

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