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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 10

Looking For Jumbled Sentence Exercise? We have more than 1 lakh Jumbled Sentence Questions With Answers. In each part, we are sharing 100 questions with answers. download our 100% free app to get all your questions on 1 app. CLICK HERE to download.


901 agnostic.   told   he   Tom   me   was   thought   Mary
902 tomorrow.   told   he   Tom   me   win   thought   he’d
903 tomorrow.   told   he   Tom   me   win   thinks   he’ll
904 Mary.   told   he   Tom   me   kissing   saw   somebody
905 that   told   that   Tom   me   done   he   hadn’t   yet.
906 early   told   that   Tom   me   here   he   got   today.
907 in   told   that   Tom   me   this   he   cave.   found   a
908 that   told   he   Tom   me   what   doesn’t   know   is.
909 go   told   he   Tom   me   to   didn’t   us.   want   with
910 come   told   he   Tom   me   anyone   didn’t   see   in.
911 what   told   he   Tom   me   us   could   need.   get   we
912 city.   told   Boston   Tom   me   favorite   was   his
913 do   told   I   Tom   Mary   to   was   reluctant   that.
914 do   told   I   Tom   Mary   to   was   motivated   that.
915 do   told   I   Tom   Mary   to   was   desperate   that.
916 told   that   Tom   everyone   unemployed.   he   was
917 told   that   Tom   everyone   suspicious.   he   was
918 told   that   Tom   everybody   skeptical.   he   was
919 told   that   Tom   everyone   interested.   he   was
920 told   that   Tom   everybody   depressed.   he   was
921 ourselves.   thinks   can   Tom   we   of   take   care
922 him.   thinks   bad   Tom   nothing   to   can   happen
923 French.   thinks   is   Tom   Mary   at   pretty   good
924 the   thinks   is   Tom   Mary   win   going   to   race.
925 snakes.   thinks   Mary   Tom   that   of   is   afraid
926 he   thinks   I   Tom   that   what   don’t   know   did.
927 thinks   he’s   Tom   that   here.   tallest   person
928 thinks   better   Tom   he’s   people.   than   other
929 mistake.   thinks   that   Tom   doing   a   would   be
930 good   thinks   that   Tom   doing   a   may   be   idea.
931 bad   thinks   doing   Tom   that   a   that   is   idea.
932 same.   thinks   all   Tom   that   the   Asians   look
933 says   you’ve   Tom   that   arrested.   never   been
934 do   says   Mary   Tom   that   to   would   like   that.
935 doing.   says   Mary   Tom   that   he’s   knows   what
936 cooking.   says   isn’t   Tom   Mary   at   very   good
937 doing   says   Mary   Tom   that   at   is   good   that.
938 myself.   says   I   Tom   that   about   always   talk
939 times.   says   he’s   Tom   that   several   met   you
940 at   says   he’ll   Tom   that   up   pick   Mary.104166666666667
941 here.   says   he’ll   Tom   that   back   never   come
942 all.   says   he   Tom   that   at   wasn’t   surprised
943 buried   says   he   Tom   that   be   wants   to   here.
944 racket.   says   needs   Tom   he   tennis   a   better
945 Boston   says   has   Tom   he   to   to   go   tomorrow.
946 anything.   says   doesn’t   Tom   he   eat   want   to
947 do   says   he   Tom   that   to   doesn’t   want   that.
948 back.   said   he’s   Tom   that   you’re   glad   that
949 do   said   he   Tom   that   could   wished   he   that.
950 do   said   he   Tom   that   we’d   was   hoping   that.
951 sleepy.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   Mary
952 scared.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   Mary
953 pretty.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   Mary
954 lonely.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   Mary
955 hungry.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   Mary
956 asleep.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   Mary
957 afraid.   said   he   Tom   that   was   thought   Mary
958 John.   said   he   Tom   that   hated   thought   Mary
959 not   said   he   Tom   that   might   thought   I   win.
960 hungry.   said   he   Tom   that   looked   thought   I
961 win.   said   he   Tom   that   couldn’t   thought   he
962 do   said   he   Tom   that   can   thinks   Mary   that.
963 do   said   he   Tom   that   would   knew   Mary   that.
964 do   said   he   Tom   that   could   knew   Mary   that.
965 do   said   he   Tom   that   won’t   hopes   you   that.
966 be   said   he   Tom   that   won’t   hopes   you   late.
967 do   said   he   Tom   that   will   hopes   Mary   that.
968 win.   said   he   Tom   that   wouldn’t   hoped   Mary
969 cry.   said   he   Tom   that   wouldn’t   hoped   Mary
970 do   said   he   Tom   that   could   figured   I   that.
971 she   said   Mary   Tom   that   and   would   win   did.
972 can   said   he’ll   Tom   that   he   take   what   get.
973 want   said   help   Tom   he’ll   we   us   to.   if   him
974 Monday.   said   get   Tom   he’ll   before   it   done
975 as   said   do   Tom   he’ll   soon   that   can.   as   he
976 that.   said   he’d   Tom   that   do   very   unlikely
977 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   to   still   like   that.
978 with   said   he’d   Tom   that   go   rather   not   us.
979 anymore.   said   rather   Tom   he’d   that   not   do
980 week.   said   he’d   Tom   that   next   rather   come
981 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   to   prefer   not   that.
982 that   said   prefer   Tom   he’d   do   not   to   here.
983 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   to   never   want   that.
984 that   said   never   Tom   he’d   do   try   to   alone.
985 said   never   Tom   he’d   Mary.   testify   against
986 do   said   never   Tom   he’d   to   tell   Mary   that.
987 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   you   never   let   that.
988 to   said   he’d   Tom   that   that   never   do   Mary.
989 again.   said   never   Tom   he’d   here   come   back
990 do   said   never   Tom   he’d   to   allow   you   that.
991 that,   said   he’d   Tom   that   do   help   you   too.
992 wanted   said   help   Tom   he’d   I   me   to.   if   him
993 I   said   help   Tom   he’d   what   me   find   needed.
994 said   finish   Tom   he’d   tomorrow.   doing   that
995 hasn’t   said   do   Tom   he’d   he   that,   but   yet.
996 wanted   said   do   Tom   he’d   I   that   to.   if   him
997 this   said   do   Tom   he’d   Mary   that   for   time.
998 himself.   said   do   Tom   he’d   by   his   homework
999 hasn’t   said   call   Tom   he’d   he   me,   but   yet.
1000 do   said   he’d   Tom   that   to   be   willing   this.


901 Tom told me he thought Mary was agnostic.
902 Tom told me he thought he’d win tomorrow.
903 Tom told me he thinks he’ll win tomorrow.
904 Tom told me he saw somebody kissing Mary.
905 Tom told me that he hadn’t done that yet.
906 Tom told me that he got here early today.
907 Tom told me that he found this in a cave.
908 Tom told me he doesn’t know what that is.
909 Tom told me he didn’t want to go with us.
910 Tom told me he didn’t see anyone come in.
911 Tom told me he could get us what we need.
912 Tom told me Boston was his favorite city.
913 Tom told Mary I was reluctant to do that.
914 Tom told Mary I was motivated to do that.
915 Tom told Mary I was desperate to do that.
916 Tom told everyone that he was unemployed.
917 Tom told everyone that he was suspicious.
918 Tom told everybody that he was skeptical.
919 Tom told everyone that he was interested.
920 Tom told everybody that he was depressed.
921 Tom thinks we can take care of ourselves.
922 Tom thinks nothing bad can happen to him.
923 Tom thinks Mary is pretty good at French.
924 Tom thinks Mary is going to win the race.
925 Tom thinks that Mary is afraid of snakes.
926 Tom thinks that I don’t know what he did.
927 Tom thinks that he’s tallest person here.
928 Tom thinks he’s better than other people.
929 Tom thinks doing that would be a mistake.
930 Tom thinks doing that may be a good idea.
931 Tom thinks that doing that is a bad idea.
932 Tom thinks that all Asians look the same.
933 Tom says that you’ve never been arrested.
934 Tom says that Mary would like to do that.
935 Tom says that Mary knows what he’s doing.
936 Tom says Mary isn’t very good at cooking.
937 Tom says that Mary is good at doing that.
938 Tom says that I always talk about myself.
939 Tom says that he’s met you several times.
940 Tom says that he’ll pick Mary up at 2:30.
941 Tom says that he’ll never come back here.
942 Tom says that he wasn’t surprised at all.
943 Tom says that he wants to be buried here.
944 Tom says he needs a better tennis racket.
945 Tom says he has to go to Boston tomorrow.
946 Tom says he doesn’t want to eat anything.
947 Tom says that he doesn’t want to do that.
948 Tom said that he’s glad that you’re back.
949 Tom said that he wished he could do that.
950 Tom said that he was hoping we’d do that.
951 Tom said that he thought Mary was sleepy.
952 Tom said that he thought Mary was scared.
953 Tom said that he thought Mary was pretty.
954 Tom said that he thought Mary was lonely.
955 Tom said that he thought Mary was hungry.
956 Tom said that he thought Mary was asleep.
957 Tom said that he thought Mary was afraid.
958 Tom said that he thought Mary hated John.
959 Tom said that he thought I might not win.
960 Tom said that he thought I looked hungry.
961 Tom said that he thought he couldn’t win.
962 Tom said that he thinks Mary can do that.
963 Tom said that he knew Mary would do that.
964 Tom said that he knew Mary could do that.
965 Tom said that he hopes you won’t do that.
966 Tom said that he hopes you won’t be late.
967 Tom said that he hopes Mary will do that.
968 Tom said that he hoped Mary wouldn’t win.
969 Tom said that he hoped Mary wouldn’t cry.
970 Tom said that he figured I could do that.
971 Tom said that Mary would win and she did.
972 Tom said that he’ll take what he can get.
973 Tom said he’ll help us if we want him to.
974 Tom said he’ll get it done before Monday.
975 Tom said he’ll do that as soon as he can.
976 Tom said that he’d very unlikely do that.
977 Tom said that he’d still like to do that.
978 Tom said that he’d rather not go with us.
979 Tom said he’d rather not do that anymore.
980 Tom said that he’d rather come next week.
981 Tom said that he’d prefer not to do that.
982 Tom said he’d prefer not to do that here.
983 Tom said that he’d never want to do that.
984 Tom said he’d never try to do that alone.
985 Tom said he’d never testify against Mary.
986 Tom said he’d never tell Mary to do that.
987 Tom said that he’d never let you do that.
988 Tom said that he’d never do that to Mary.
989 Tom said he’d never come back here again.
990 Tom said he’d never allow you to do that.
991 Tom said that he’d help you do that, too.
992 Tom said he’d help me if I wanted him to.
993 Tom said he’d help me find what I needed.
994 Tom said he’d finish doing that tomorrow.
995 Tom said he’d do that, but he hasn’t yet.
996 Tom said he’d do that if I wanted him to.
997 Tom said he’d do that for Mary this time.
998 Tom said he’d do his homework by himself.
999 Tom said he’d call me, but he hasn’t yet.
1000 Tom said that he’d be willing to do this.

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