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Correct English sentence & Rearranging sentences Exercise For Better English Writing.

Looking for rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences & English sentence correction exercise? then you are at the right place. we have added 50 questions of rearrange the sentence and 50 questions of Correct English sentence.

Rearrange Sentence Exercise.

1 The dog chased the cat.
2 She is studying for her exams.
3 He likes to play video games.
4 They were singing songs at the concert.
5 The boy rode his bike to school.
6 She will bake a cake for her friend’s birthday.
7 They had a picnic in the park yesterday.
8 He listens to music while he works.
9 The teacher taught us a new lesson today.
10 She loves to dance in her free time.
11 They always take a walk after dinner.
12 He is studying to become a doctor.
13 She was watching a movie when I called.
14 They went to the beach last weekend.
15 He takes a shower every morning.
16 The teacher gave the students a quiz.
17 They love to travel to new places.
18 He doesn’t like to eat vegetables.
19 The baby is sleeping in the crib.
20 They are planning a surprise party for their friend.
21 He is always late for his appointments.
22 She enjoys playing the piano in her free time.
23 They were singing happy birthday to their friend.
24 He is very good at playing basketball.
25 She is working on a project for school.
26 They always bring snacks to the movie theater.
27 He is writing a book about his travels.
28 She likes to read books in the park.
29 The dog chased the cat.
30 She is writing a letter to her friend.
31 He is playing basketball with his friends.
32 They are going to the beach tomorrow.
33 The boy kicked the ball into the net.
34 She will bake a cake for her sister’s birthday.
35 They watched a movie at the theater last night.
36 He bought a new car last week.
37 The teacher explained the lesson to the students.
38 She has a beautiful garden in her backyard.
39 The boy threw the ball to his friend.
40 She is singing a song in the shower.
41 They are organizing a charity event next month.
42 He wrote a letter to his grandmother.
43 The cat is sleeping on the couch.
44 She will visit her grandparents this weekend.
45 They played soccer in the park yesterday.
46 He painted the walls of his room blue.
47 The teacher graded the students’ papers.
48 She has a collection of stamps from different countries.
49 The boy caught the ball with his glove.
50 She is learning Spanish online.
51 They will prepare dinner together tonight.
52 He fixed the broken window in his room.
53 The teacher gave a presentation on the history of art.
54 She bought a new dress for the party.
55 They cleaned the house before their guests arrived.
56 He drove his car to the beach.

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1 The cat was chased by the dog.
2 For her exams, she is studying.
3 Video games are liked by him.
4 Songs were being sung by them at the concert.
5 To school, the boy rode his bike.
6 A cake will be baked by her for her friend’s birthday.
7 In the park yesterday, a picnic was had by them.
8 While he works, music is listened to by him.
9 A new lesson was taught to us by the teacher today.
10 In her free time, she loves to dance.
11 After dinner, a walk is always taken by them.
12 To become a doctor, he is studying.
13 A movie was being watched by her when I called.
14 Last weekend, the beach was visited by them.
15 Every morning, a shower is taken by him.
16 The students were given a quiz by the teacher.
17 To new places, they love to travel.
18 To eat vegetables, he doesn’t like.
19 In the crib, the baby is sleeping.
20 A surprise party is being planned for their friend by them.
21 For his appointments, he is always late.
22 In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano.
23 Happy birthday was being sung to their friend by them.
24 At playing basketball, he is very good.
25 For school, a project is being worked on by her.
26 To the movie theater, snacks are always brought by them.
27 About his travels, a book is being written by him.
28 In the park, she likes to read books.
29 The cat was chased by the dog.
30 A letter is being written by her to her friend.
31 Basketball is being played by him with his friends.
32 Tomorrow, they are going to the beach.
33 The ball was kicked by the boy into the net.
34 A cake will be baked by her for her sister’s birthday.
35 A movie was watched by them at the theater last night.
36 A new car was bought by him last week.
37 The lesson was explained to the students by the teacher.
38 In her backyard, she has a beautiful garden.
39 The ball was thrown by the boy to his friend.
40 A song is being sung by her in the shower.
41 A charity event is being organized by them next month.
42 A letter was written by him to his grandmother.
43 On the couch, the cat is sleeping.
44 Her grandparents will be visited by her this weekend.
45 Soccer was played by them in the park yesterday.
46 The walls of his room were painted blue by him.
47 The students’ papers were graded by the teacher.
48 A collection of stamps from different countries is had by her.
49 The ball was caught by the boy with his glove.
50 Spanish is being learned by her online.
51 Dinner will be prepared by them together tonight.
52 The broken window in his room was fixed by him.
53 A presentation on the history of art was given by the teacher.
54 A new dress was bought by her for the party.
55 The house was cleaned by them before their guests arrived.
56 His car was driven

Correct The Sentence Exercise

1 They was going to the store.
2 She don’t like spicy food.
3 He do not have any siblings.
4 The dog barks loud.
5 They was running late for the meeting.
6 She don’t have enough money to buy a new phone.
7 He can’t hardly wait to go on vacation.
8 The cake tastes goodly.
9 They was going to the beach, but it started to rain.
10  She don’t understand the instructions.
11  He don’t like to eat vegetables.
12  The movie was real boring.
13  They was supposed to meet at 3pm.
14  She ain’t never been to New York City.
15  He don’t have time to play video games.
16  The teacher gave the class a lot of homeworks.
17  They was singing in the choir last Sunday.
18  She don’t want to go to the party.
19  He can’t barely hear you over the music.
20  The cat scratched me so bad.
21  They was planning to go camping this weekend.
22  She don’t like the taste of coffee.
23  He done his homework before dinner.
24  The weather was real bad yesterday.
25  They was walking in the park when it started to rain.
26  She ain’t got no time for drama.
27  He don’t want to go to the dentist.
28  The coffee tasted bitterly.
29  They was studying for the exam all night.
30  She don’t know how to swim.
31  He can’t hardly believe what he just heard.
32 She eated breakfast this morning.
33 Their going to the mall after school.
34 The dog chased it’s tail in circles.
35 I seen a movie last night.
36 He don’t like spicy food.
37 Her and I are going to the beach.
38 They was playing soccer in the park.
39 He don’t have any money in his wallet.
40 She has went to the store.
41  Me and my friend is going to the concert.
42  They was supposed to be here by now.
43  He seen the car accident on the highway.
44  Her hair is more beautiful than mine.
45  They have went to the beach every summer.
46  He don’t know how to swim.
47  She was laying on the couch watching TV.
48  Their going on vacation next month.
49  He seen a shooting star last night.
50  Me and my friends is going to the game tonight.
51  She done her homework already.
52  They was talking loudly in the library.
53  He don’t like to eat vegetables.
54  Her and her sister is very close.
55  They has been waiting for over an hour.
56  He seen the sunrise this morning.
57  She don’t want to go to the party.
58  Their parents is coming to visit next week.
59  He has went to the store to buy some milk.
60  She was feeling badly after the accident.
61  They was happy to hear the news.
62  He don’t like to exercise.
63  Her and her friends went to the beach last weekend.
64  They has been best friends for years.
1 The cat was chased by the dog.
2 For her exams, she is studying.
3 Video games are liked by him.
4 Songs were being sung by them at the concert.
5 To school, the boy rode his bike.
6 A cake will be baked by her for her friend’s birthday.
7 In the park yesterday, a picnic was had by them.
8 While he works, music is listened to by him.
9 A new lesson was taught to us by the teacher today.
10 In her free time, she loves to dance.
11 After dinner, a walk is always taken by them.
12 To become a doctor, he is studying.
13 A movie was being watched by her when I called.
14 Last weekend, the beach was visited by them.
15 Every morning, a shower is taken by him.
16 The students were given a quiz by the teacher.
17 To new places, they love to travel.
18 To eat vegetables, he doesn’t like.
19 In the crib, the baby is sleeping.
20 A surprise party is being planned for their friend by them.
21 For his appointments, he is always late.
22 In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano.
23 Happy birthday was being sung to their friend by them.
24 At playing basketball, he is very good.
25 For school, a project is being worked on by her.
26 To the movie theater, snacks are always brought by them.
27 About his travels, a book is being written by him.
28 In the park, she likes to read books.
29 The cat was chased by the dog.
30 A letter is being written by her to her friend.
31 Basketball is being played by him with his friends.
32 Tomorrow, they are going to the beach.
33 The ball was kicked by the boy into the net.
34 A cake will be baked by her for her sister’s birthday.
35 A movie was watched by them at the theater last night.
36 A new car was bought by him last week.
37 The lesson was explained to the students by the teacher.
38 In her backyard, she has a beautiful garden.
39 The ball was thrown by the boy to his friend.
40 A song is being sung by her in the shower.
41 A charity event is being organized by them next month.
42 A letter was written by him to his grandmother.
43 On the couch, the cat is sleeping.
44 Her grandparents will be visited by her this weekend.
45 Soccer was played by them in the park yesterday.
46 The walls of his room were painted blue by him.
47 The students’ papers were graded by the teacher.
48 A collection of stamps from different countries is had by her.
49 The ball was caught by the boy with his glove.
50 Spanish is being learned by her online.
51 Dinner will be prepared by them together tonight.
52 The broken window in his room was fixed by him.
53 A presentation on the history of art was given by the teacher.
54 A new dress was bought by her for the party.
55 The house was cleaned by them before their guests arrived.
56 His car was driven
1 They were going to the store.
2 She doesn’t like spicy food.
3 He does not have any siblings.
4 The dog barks loudly.
5 They were running late for the meeting.
6 She doesn’t have enough money to buy a new phone.
7 He can hardly wait to go on vacation.
8 The cake tastes good.
9 They were going to the beach, but it started to rain.
10 She doesn’t understand the instructions.
11 He doesn’t like to eat vegetables.
12 The movie was really boring.
13 They were supposed to meet at 3pm.
14 She has never been to New York City.
15 He doesn’t have time to play video games.
16 The teacher gave the class a lot of homework.
17 They were singing in the choir last Sunday.
18 She doesn’t want to go to the party.
19 He can barely hear you over the music.
20 The cat scratched me so badly.
21 They were planning to go camping this weekend.
22 She doesn’t like the taste of coffee.
23 He did his homework before dinner.
24 The weather was really bad yesterday.
25 They were walking in the park when it started to rain.
26 She doesn’t have any time for drama.
27 He doesn’t want to go to the dentist.
28 The coffee tasted bitter.
29 They were studying for the exam all night.
30 She doesn’t know how to swim.
31 He can hardly believe what he just heard.
32 She ate breakfast this morning.
33 They’re going to the mall after school.
34 The dog chased its tail in circles.
35 I saw a movie last night.
36 He doesn’t like spicy food.
37 She and I are going to the beach.
38 They were playing soccer in the park.
39 He doesn’t have any money in his wallet.
40 She has gone to the store.
41 My friend and I are going to the concert.
42 They were supposed to be here by now.
43 He saw the car accident on the highway.
44 Her hair is more beautiful than mine.
45 They have gone to the beach every summer.
46 He doesn’t know how to swim.
47 She was lying on the couch watching TV.
48 They’re going on vacation next month.
49 He saw a shooting star last night.
50 My friends and I are going to the game tonight.
51 She has done her homework already.
52 They were talking loudly in the library.
53 He doesn’t like to eat vegetables.
54 She and her sister are very close.
55 They have been waiting for over an hour.
56 He saw the sunrise this morning.
57 She doesn’t want to go to the party.
58 Their parents are coming to visit next week.
59 He has gone to the store to buy some milk.
60 She was feeling bad after the accident.
61 They were happy to hear the news.
62 He doesn’t like to exercise.
63 She and her friends went to the beach last weekend.
64 They have been best friends for years

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