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Why You Should Never Go For an English Speaking Course?

Looking for an English speaking course online or, free English courses online speaking? After reading this post you will never look for one. You don’t need English Speaking Course.

20 Reasons Why You should never go for English Speaking course.

How to get access to A-Z English Learning Study Material

Download this free English Listening & Speaking app. In this app, you will get access of 100+ hours of study material ( Listening, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary, Quiz, Fun Games and much more) This app is free to use and you can learn a lot using this app.

  1. Lack of personalized attention: English speaking courses often have large class sizes, which can make it challenging for the instructor to provide individual attention to each student.

  2. Time commitment: Learning a language requires a significant investment of time, and some people may not have the time to commit to attending a course.

  3. Lack of practical application: English speaking courses often focus on grammar and vocabulary, but may not provide enough opportunities to practice speaking in real-life situations.

  4. Cost: English speaking courses can be expensive, and some people may not feel that the cost is worth the investment.

  5. Ineffective teaching methods: Some English speaking courses may use outdated or ineffective teaching methods, which can make it difficult for students to learn effectively.

  6. Language barriers: If the course is taught by a non-native speaker, there may be language barriers that make it challenging for students to learn.

  7. Lack of motivation: If students do not have a genuine interest in learning English, they may not be motivated to attend classes and practice regularly.

  8. Self-study resources: There are many free or low-cost resources available online that can help people learn English, such as language learning apps and websites.

  9. Lack of progress: Some students may not feel that they are making enough progress in the course, which can be discouraging.

  10. Unnecessary for certain professions: Depending on the individual’s career path, learning English may not be necessary or relevant.

  11. Personal learning style: Some people may learn better through self-study or one-on-one tutoring rather than in a classroom setting.

  12. Limited class schedule: If the course schedule does not fit the student’s availability, it may be challenging to attend classes regularly.

  13. Cultural differences: English speaking courses may not address cultural differences that can affect communication and understanding.

  14. Lack of real-life context: English speaking courses may not provide enough opportunities to practice English in real-life situations, such as conversations with native speakers.

  15. Limited curriculum: Some English speaking courses may only focus on basic grammar and vocabulary, which may not be enough to help students become proficient speakers.

  16. Better alternatives: Some people may find that immersion programs, travel, or living in an English-speaking country is a more effective way to learn English.

  17. Lack of follow-up support: After completing the course, students may not receive enough support to continue practicing and improving their English skills.

  18. Unrealistic expectations: Some students may have unrealistic expectations about how quickly they will be able to learn and become proficient in English.

  19. Lack of fun and engagement: English speaking courses may not be engaging or fun, which can make it challenging for students to stay motivated and interested.

  20. Not a priority: For some people, learning English may not be a priority or necessary for their personal or professional goals.

Our Suggestion.

We would recommend you to learn online without any course. you can listen to audiobooks, podcasts, and English songs. You can go through an online chat website where you can communicate with strangers.

If you are looking for study material then you can use English Listening & Speaking app,

Download this free English Listening & Speaking app. In this app, you will get access of 100+ hours of study material ( Listening, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Speaking, Vocabulary, Quiz, Fun Games and much more) This app is free to use and you can learn a lot using this app.

Some Frequently asked questions.

You can improve English Speaking using this amazing app called English Listening and Speaking. Here are 8 reasons behind it.

  1. Interactive Learning: Your app provides an interactive and engaging way for learners to practice their English speaking skills through conversation practice, role-playing, and interactive exercises.

  2. Convenience: Your app allows learners to practice their English speaking skills at their own pace and on their own schedule, making it a convenient way to improve their skills.

  3. Pronunciation Practice: Your app includes tools to help learners improve their pronunciation, such as recording and playback features, and the ability to compare their pronunciation to that of a native speaker.

  4. Vocabulary Building: Your app provides learners with opportunities to learn new vocabulary and practice using it in context, helping them to expand their language skills.

  5. Access to Native Speakers: Your app provides learners with access to native English speakers through recorded conversations and dialogues, helping them to learn natural language patterns and improve their listening and speaking skills.

  6. Personalized Learning: Your app adapts to the learner’s skill level and learning style, providing personalized feedback and guidance to help them improve their English speaking skills.

  7. Affordable: Your app provides a cost-effective way for learners to improve their English speaking skills, making it accessible to a wider range of learners.

  8. Suitable for Different Levels: Your app is suitable for learners of different levels, from beginner to advanced, helping them to improve their speaking skills at their own pace.


Starting an English speaking course can be a great way to improve your English speaking skills. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Assess your current level: It’s important to determine your current level of English speaking proficiency before starting a course. You can take an online language assessment or speak with a language instructor to help determine your level.

  2. Research English speaking courses: Look for English speaking courses in your area or online. Consider the course format, schedule, instructor qualifications, and cost.

  3. Choose a course: Once you have identified several English speaking courses that meet your needs, choose one that fits your budget and schedule, and has a good reputation.

  4. Register for the course: Contact the course provider and register for the course. You may need to complete an enrollment form and pay a registration fee.

  5. Attend the course: Attend the course regularly and actively participate in class activities. Take advantage of opportunities to practice speaking in class and with classmates.

  6. Practice outside of class: Practice speaking English outside of class by engaging in conversation with native speakers or practicing with language exchange partners.

  7. Set goals: Set specific goals for what you want to achieve in the course, such as improving your pronunciation or increasing your vocabulary, and track your progress over time.

Remember that improving your English speaking skills takes time and practice, so be patient and persistent. With the right course and effort, you can improve your English speaking skills and become a more confident speaker.

You can learn English in 30 days and speak like native speaker in 30 days using this amazing app called English Listening and Speaking. Why? Here are 8 reasons behind it.


  1. Interactive Learning: Your app provides an interactive and engaging way for learners to practice their English speaking skills through conversation practice, role-playing, and interactive exercises.

  2. Convenience: Your app allows learners to practice their English speaking skills at their own pace and on their own schedule, making it a convenient way to improve their skills.

  3. Pronunciation Practice: Your app includes tools to help learners improve their pronunciation, such as recording and playback features, and the ability to compare their pronunciation to that of a native speaker.

  4. Vocabulary Building: Your app provides learners with opportunities to learn new vocabulary and practice using it in context, helping them to expand their language skills.

  5. Access to Native Speakers: Your app provides learners with access to native English speakers through recorded conversations and dialogues, helping them to learn natural language patterns and improve their listening and speaking skills.

  6. Personalized Learning: Your app adapts to the learner’s skill level and learning style, providing personalized feedback and guidance to help them improve their English speaking skills.

  7. Affordable: Your app provides a cost-effective way for learners to improve their English speaking skills, making it accessible to a wider range of learners.

  8. Suitable for Different Levels: Your app is suitable for learners of different levels, from beginner to advanced, helping them to improve their speaking skills at their own pace.

Oh, sure! Just go ahead and absorb the entire English language, including all of its grammar rules, vocabulary, and nuances, in just one hour. It’s as simple as waving a magic wand and poof! You’re fluent in English. Easy-peasy!

Oh, speaking fluent English in just a day is a piece of cake! All you have to do is sit in a dark room with a dictionary and a thesaurus, and repeat every single word out loud until it’s ingrained in your memory. Then, voila! You’ll wake up the next day and be a fluent English speaker! It’s that simple, right?

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