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The Most Helpful 1000 Word meaning English to Hindi.

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1 Aardvark एर्डवार्क a large, long-eared nocturnal animal that uses its long tongue to eat ants and termites The long-eared aardvark slept all day and ate insects all night.
2 Abaft जहाज़ की पतवार की ओर toward the stern; behind The wind was abaft which made the ship glide faster towards our destination.
3 Abandon छोड़ देना to stop caring and leave or to desert Since the young girl was unable to care for the newborn, she decided to abandon the child at a fire station.
4 Abase अपमानित करना to lower so as to hurt feelings My stepmother is an evil woman who likes to abase little children because she had a miserable childhood herself.
5 Abaser अपघर्षक someone who degrades or lowers someone After the abaser would make fun of her daughter-in-law’s cooking, she would then continue to talk bad about the young woman’s appearance as well.
6 Abash लज्जित करना to humiliate someone and make them feel embarrassed or ashamed The officer tried to abash the inmates, humiliating them and treating them like dogs.
7 Abate रोक-थाम करना to reduce in degree or intensity I hope this medicine will abate the pain in my leg.
8 Abatement उपशमन reduction or weakening or something Natalie longed for the abatement of the screaming rock music from her brother’s band so she could focus on her homework.
9 Abattoir कसाईखाना a place where animals are taken to slaughter Although many farmers own cattle, they don’t slaughter the animals on site but send them to an abattoir.
10 Abbess महन्तिन the female superior of a community of nuns An Abbess is the female leader of a small community of nuns.
11 Abbreviate संक्षिप्त to shorten a word or phrase Learning to abbreviate long words will help the court reporter type more quickly.
12 Abdicate त्यागना to stop accepting a particular responsibility or obligation that you have The young prince became king after his older brother decided to abdicate the throne.
13 Abdominal पेट related to the abdomen/stomach, or the part between the thorax and the pelvis My severe abdominal pains sent me to the hospital where I learned that it was nothing more than trapped gas.
14 Abduct अपहरण to grab an individual by trickery or force The kidnappers planned to abduct the millionaire’s daughter.
15 Abecedarian नवसिखुआ alphabetical We decided to organize the files in an abecedarian manner so we could find what we were looking for by name more easily.
16 Aberrant धर्मपथ से हटनेवाला straying from the normal or right way John’s aberrant behavior is going to get him in a lot of trouble one of these days.
17 Aberration विपथन deviating from what is normal or desirable, not typical Shelley’s angry retort was an aberration from her normally quiet demeanor.
18 Abet उकसाना to encourage or support a behavior or action The photo editing software is sure to abet my odds of winning the photo competition.
19 Abeyance ठहराव a state of temporary disuse or suspension Immediately following the terrorist attack, pilots had to observe a period of abeyance where they could not depart from the airport.
20 Abhor घृणा करना to reject something very strongly; hate I abhor liars.
21 Abhorrence घृणा a strong feeling of hate paired with a feeling of loathing My abhorrence of racism makes me avoid people with racist attitudes.
22 Abhorrent घिनौना causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred As I looked around the filthy apartment, I had to wonder who could live in such abhorrent conditions.
23 Ability क्षमता the skill or capability to do something The Flash has the ability to run faster than the speed of light.
24 Abiotic अजैव abiotic means something that is sterile; not from living organisms Unlike alive biotic organisms, abiotic factors are nonliving.
25 Abject अधम cast down in spirit or hope After his wife died, he was an abject man.
26 Abjure त्यागना to give up a belief or an activity After the tyrant took over the country, the citizens had to abjure their political beliefs.
27 Ablaze जलता हुआ burning fiercely; in a blaze; on fire The cops threw Jack to the ground and arrested him after he set the American flag ablaze.
28 Able-bodied ह्रष्ट-पुष्ट physically strong and healthy If you are not injured or sick, you can generally be considered an able-bodied individual capable of physical exertion.
29 Able योग्य having the capability of doing something Being a healthy young man, I am perfectly able to engage in manual labor, no matter what kind of physical stress that includes.
30 Ablution स्नान the act of washing or cleansing Sylvia has a rare condition that makes her break out in a rash if she gets water on her skin, so her morning ablution consists of using cleansing cream and tissue.
31 Abnegation अस्वीकार the act of rejecting or refusing something  Her abnegation of ice cream and cookies is due to her Olympic team training.
32 Abnormal असामान्य out of the ordinary; unusual William worried that his abnormal bleeding was a symptom of cancer.
33 Abnormality असामान्यता a feature that is not normal or average Albinism is an abnormality in the pigmentation of one’s body, making them so pale as to appear white.
34 Aboard समीप on board, into or within a ship or boat The stewardess welcomed everyone aboard and asked us to pay attention to what she had to say.
35 Abolish समाप्त करना to put an end to The Supreme Court believed it was time to abolish the outdated amendment.
36 Abolition उन्मूलन the action of putting an end to something The abolition of smoking in restaurants is a blessing to people like myself who suffer from allergies and asthma.
37 Abolitionist उन्मूलनवाद one who supports the elimination of practices or laws that are viewed as dangerous The abolitionist is recruiting like-minded people who share her opposition to the pro-abortion laws.
38 Abominable घिनौना horrible; terrible Last year’s record final record was abominable and we finished the season with no wings.
39 Abominate घृणित to despise intensely Since I abominate liver, I will starve to death before I eat it.
40 Abomination नफरत something that is hated The marketing team thought the new ad to be an abomination and worked hard to come up with one they didn’t hate.
41 Aboriginal आदिवासी associated with being part of the original population; native The Indian tribe’s aboriginal dialect has been replaced by the English language.
42 Abort बीच में बंद करें to stop something from happening any longer; to discontinue The law allows women to abort an early-stage pregnancy.
43 Abound प्रचुर मात्रा में available in large quantity or number At the beginning of the school year, computer deals abound on the Internet.
44 Above ऊपर overhead or directly over the head As the children heard the airplane, they looked above to see the big Boeing 747 flying within inches of the treetops.
45 Above ऊपर at a higher layer or level than something else If you look above you while outside, you will almost certainly spot clouds, the sun, or the moon, though in some cases you might not see them at all.
46 Abraded घिसा हुआ to produce damage or irritation by scraping, rubbing, or crushing The wool blanket abraded my legs and gave me a rash.
47 Abrasion घर्षण a spot or area that has been scraped or harshly rubbed When the little boy fell off his bike, his only injury was a small abrasion on his right leg.
48 Abrasive अपघर्षक unlikeable; nasty Because of Kurt’s abrasive personality, most people try to avoid him at work.
49 Abreast बराबर में remaining up to date on a topic To stay relevant in the field of computer programming, Kurt must stay abreast of the latest programming languages.
50 Abridge संक्षेप करना to make shorter His agent told him that he needed to abridge some of the content of his novel so that it would be under 400 pages.
51 Abroad विदेश in foreign countries His plan is to get a degree in economics and then work abroad for a year.
52 Abrogate अभिनिषेध करना to abolish; to do away with You cannot abrogate anyone’s right to free speech!
53 Abrupt आकस्मिक without notice; sudden The bus came to an abrupt halt outside the school.
54 Abruption एकाएक टूटने का कार्य a sudden breaking away During Tara’s pregnancy, placental abruption occurred when the placenta pulled away from the uterine wall.
55 Abscess फोड़ा cavity filled with pus A tame rabbit was brought in with a large abscess about the size of an egg on its cheek.
56 Abscission विगलन the natural shedding of parts of a plant Abscission of leaves occurs during autumn, before winter sets in.
57 Abscond फ़रार होना escape into hiding; to leave quickly and hide to avoid punishment Do you think he has plans to abscond with the stolen money?
58 Absence अनुपस्थिति being gone from a place or person She felt his absence like a gaping hole in her chest that was too painful to ignore.
59 Absent-minded अनुपस्थित विचार वाले describes a person who is forgetful or constantly distracted The absent-minded professor was always forgetting an ingredient or two in his experiments.
60 Absent अनुपस्थित not present; not in a place one is expected to be The absent father never came to his kids’ school events or picked them up for a weekend visit.
61 Absenteeism कार्य से अनुपस्थित होना the practice of missing school or work without good reason The student’s absenteeism has caused him to miss a lot of work.
62 Absolute शुद्ध complete or total, undisputable The fact that two plus two equals four is absolute in mathematics, and cannot ever be disputed with any logical argument.
63 Absolutely बिल्कुल with no limitation, restriction, or caveat My cousin is absolutely convinced that there are aliens out there, even though we have no concrete evidence to back up such a notion.
64 Absolution मुक्ति setting free from guilt, sin or penalty; forgiveness of an offense The killer got on his knees and begged for absolution at his execution.
65 Absolve दोषमुक्त करना to make (someone) free from guilt, responsibility, etc. The jury’s innocent verdict appears to absolve the defendant of any guilt.
66 Absorb अवशोषित करना to take in or soak up a substance A sponge will absorb any water it is placed in quite well, since it is porous and designed for exactly that purpose.
67 Absorption अवशोषण the act by which one substance takes in something or is taken in The paper towels are thick, and as such, have a heavy absorption rate.
68 Absquatulate क्षमा करना to depart hurriedly Before the thief could absquatulate with the diamonds, he was surrounded by police officers.
69 Abstain बचना restrain oneself from doing or enjoying something Because of my health, I am going to abstain from the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
70 Abstemious संयमी marked by moderation and holding back on indulgence Gerald was abstemious at dinner and only ate a little of the food on his plate.
71 Abstention बचाव a decision to not vote for or against a proposition I decided to settle on an abstention when the family voted on where we should eat, as personally I didn’t care where we went.
72 Abstinence परहेज़ the act of not taking part in something According to my religion, one should refrain from having sex and practice abstinence until marriage.
73 Abstract अमूर्त being present as an idea but not in a definite form I cannot distinguish any defined shapes within the artist’s abstract painting.
74 Abstruse अव्यक्त difficult to understand Some of the classic novels are too abstruse for beginning readers to understand.
75 Absurd निरर्थक ridiculous, silly, foolish Spending the week in jail for stealing a loaf of bread is an absurd punishment for such a minor crime.
76 Absurdity मूर्खता the quality of being ridiculous To believe that the earth is flat is an absurdity.
77 Abundance प्रचुरता a large quantity; many We’re wishing you two an abundance of love and happiness.
78 Abuse गाली देना Improper treatment All abuse, whether physical, verbal, psychological or sexual, is bad.
79 Abuse गाली देना to treat a person or animal in a cruel or mean way Mean little Griffin used to abuse his dog by kicking and hitting him when his parents weren’t looking.
80 Abuse गाली देना to mistreat or misuse something The evil man would always abuse his dog, kicking and hitting the puppy for no reason.
81 Abusive अपमानजनक describing continuous violence or cruelty towards something or someone It is sad to think that many animals suffer at the hands of an abusive owner every day, being physically beaten or deprived of nutrition on a regular basis.
82 Abut सीमा पर एकत्रित होना to touch or lean on The chair abuts the wall because it is missing a leg and cannot stand up otherwise, though sitting in it is still risky.
83 Abysmal abysmal very bad Since Troy did not study for the test, he earned an abysmal score on the exam.
84 Abyss रसातल an area that appears endless and immeasurable If you’re an alcoholic, the temptation to drink may seem like a huge abyss.
85 Academia एकेडेमिया the environment associated with researching, teaching, and learning at a college or university  Gail found the real world of business to be quite different from what she learned in academia.
86 Academic अकादमिक school-related; educational The academic magazine was full of tips for both teachers and students.
87 Academy अकादमी a school or place of training in which some special art is taught The military academy trains up to 2,000 officer cadets each year.
88 Accede मान लेना to agree with someone or give in to his or her wish At your insistence and to avoid a prolonged argument, I will accede to your contract terms.
89 Accelerate में तेजी लाने to increase the motion or growth It was fun to watch the racecar accelerate from zero to one hundred and fifty miles per hour.
90 Acceleration त्वरण an escalation in pace or speed With a little acceleration on my part, I should be able to catch up with the mailman’s truck.
91 Accent लहज़ा a distinctive pronunciation of language often associated by nationality or culture If you ever meet someone from another country, you will likely note that they have an accent when they speak your language.
92 Accentuate दबाव का चिह्न to highlight  The bright colored eyeliner will accentuate Ann’s beautiful eyes.
93 Accept स्वीकार करना to agree to take or receive Cinderella tried to accept the prince’s invite to the ball, but her stepmother got in the way.
94 Acceptable स्वीकार्य satisfactory; adequate Savannah’s grades were acceptable, but her parents had hoped she would score higher than average.
95 Acceptance स्वीकार the act of taking/receiving something that is being offered Acceptance of the offer means we will be selling our house to the Jeffersons.
96 Accepting स्वीकार करना agreeing to take or receive something Accepting his assistant’s resignation was difficult for the attorney because he didn’t want her to leave.
97 Access पहुँच gain entrance to She could no longer access her bank account because there had been too many suspicious purchases.
98 Accessible पहुंच योग्य capable of being accessed The hotel offers accessible rooms for its handicapped guests.
99 Accessory सहायक an article that completes one’s basic outfit, such as a scarf or gloves This silk scarf is the perfect accessory for stylish summer evenings.
100 Accident दुर्घटना unexpected event with negative consequences By accident he touched the hot metal, and yanked his hand away with a cry of pain.
101 Accidental आकस्मिक something happening unplanned or unforeseen Since the boy wasn’t looking, stepping on his friend’s foot was an accidental occurrence.
102 Acclaim एक्लेम public praise and applause Showered with acclaim, the dancer loved all of the praise she was getting from the crowd.
103 Acclamation अभिनंदन loud praise or approval Debra’s staff works tirelessly and deserves every acclamation.
104 Acclimate अभ्यास होना to adapt to a new place or different conditions When you go up into the mountains, allow yourself a little time for your lungs to acclimate to the high elevation.
105 Acclivity चढ़ाना an upward slope We scrambled up the acclivity to view the setting sun.
106 Accolade सम्मान an acknowledgement or an award When the police officer was offered the plaque, he refused to accept an accolade for doing his job.
107 Accommodate समायोजित करना to fulfill a request or meet the needs of  When I told my manager I was going to school at night, he told me he would try and accommodate my preference to work on the day shift.
108 Accommodating मिलनसार inclined to make happy or content The accommodating hostess made sure everyone had enough to eat at the party.
109 Accommodation आवास a place for someone to live, stay, or work The only accommodation offered is a thin old mattress.
110 Accompanied के साथ joined by an item or a companion  The rain was accompanied by thunder and lightning.
111 Accompaniment संगत  a thing which is provided as a supplement to something else The accompaniment of the violin really took the song to a new level of sophistication.
112 Accompany साथ to go along with something or someone According to the menu, a side salad and rolls will accompany the steak.
113 Accompanying साथ में appearing or going along with someone or something else In next week’s newspaper, my article and accompanying photo will be printed.
114 Accomplice साथी a person who helps another person perform a task that is usually criminal in nature The police are hoping the accomplice will lead them to the mastermind of the crime.
115 Accomplish पूरा करना to achieve or complete something Even though I used to be pretty bad at mathematics, through hard work and dedication I was able to accomplish my goal of getting an A in the class as my final grade.
116 Accomplished कुशल to have achieved or completed something successfully The committee met for several hours, but accomplished nothing because they argued the whole time.
117 Accomplishment उपलब्धि a goal or success that is achieved because of hard work Being the first one in my family to graduate from college is an accomplishment that I’m very proud of.
118 Accord एकॉर्ड agreement or concurrence of opinion The entire table was in accord that mozzarella sticks would be the appetizer.
119 Accordance अनुसार to be in compliance with something or someone The company refunded the customer’s money in accordance with their request based on the company’s money back guarantee.
120 Accordingly इसलिए in a suitable way Once the payment is received, we will process your order accordingly.
121 Accosted टोका forcefully confronted When the man accosted me with a gun, I quickly handed over my purse.
122 Account खाता a statement of facts or occurrences He gave a very vivid and often shocking account/description of his time in prison.
123 Accountability जवाबदेही the state of being accountable; responsible for Their lack of accountability has corroded public respect for business and political leaders.
124 Accountable उत्तरदायी held as liable for a person or thing The boy lied because he didn’t want to be held accountable for breaking his neighbor’s window.
125 Accounting लेखांकन the system of recording and managing financial transactions and accounts The millionaire hired an accounting firm to take care of his financial accounts.
126 Accoutrement साजसामान an accessory used in a specific situation or for a specific task The only accoutrement missing from my kitchen is a hand mixer.
127 Accredit सच मानना to bestow official approval upon  During the ceremony, the dean will accredit students who met the graduation requirements.
128 Accreditation प्रत्यायन formal endorsement of a person, school program, or organization When the school lost its national accreditation, it saw its enrollment dramatically decline.
129 Accretion एक साथ वृद्धि act of increasing by natural growth The accretion of traffic accidents and drunk driving was attributed to the opening of the new downtown mall.
130 Accrue उपाजित होना increase Even though a traditional savings count will accrue a small amount of interest every year, other types of investments are better hedges against inflation.
131 Acculturation संस्कृति-संक्रमण a course by which a person’s or group’s culture is altered as a result of contact with another culture Many immigrants have forgotten their native cultures because of acculturation in their new countries.
132 Accumulate संचय करें to pile up or collect I will accumulate wealth due to disciplined investing.
133 Accuracy शुद्धता the state of being correct or precise The archer’s accuracy is spot on and he always hits his target.
134 Accurate शुद्ध without mistakes Since you did not type in the accurate pin number, you cannot withdraw funds from the ATM.
135 Accurately सही रूप में exactly, precisely It’s still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.
136 Accusation आरोप a charge or claim against someone in which they are accused of doing something wrong or illegal The defendant denied the accusation and held firm that he was not guilty.
137 Accusation आरोप a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong An accusation of murder was made against the man, but there was no evidence to prove he killed his friend.
138 Accusatory दोष लगानेवाला blaming a person or group for something My wife’s accusatory questions are starting to disrupt our marriage.
139 Accuse आरोप attribute blame to someone Due to Peter’s location at the time of the incident, the police would accuse him of being an accomplice to murder.
140 Accustom आदी बनाना to make familiar by use I blinked repeatedly, trying to accustom my eyes to the bright light from the sun.
141 Acerb खट्टा sour, bitter, and sharp in taste The bitter lemon’s acerb taste caused the toddler to frown.
142 Acerbic एसिड expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way After John heard his teacher’s acerbic comments, he was not motivated to complete his project.
143 Ache दर्द continious, but not strong pain The doctor was able to diagnose Mark’s illness based on the symptom being a sharp pain instead of a small ache in his head.
144 Achieve प्राप्त करना to successfully get or accomplish I will achieve my goal through patience and diligence.
145 Achievement उपलब्धि a thing done successfully I consider it an achievement that I learned to control my spending.
146 Achromatic बिना रंग का for something to be colorless usually with black, white and grays Since the house was newly built, it looked like nobody lived in it due to it achromatic walls and stark rooms.
147 Acidulous थोड़ा अम्ल harsh in manner or flavor The acidulous drink burned my tongue.
148 Acknowledge स्वीकार करना to confirm or admit the truth about something The president will acknowledge the soldiers’ suspicious deaths during his address to the nation.
149 Acknowledgment स्वीकृति the act of recognizing or admitting the truth of something There is great acknowledgment in America that minimum wage levels are too low.
150 Acme परिपूर्णता the highest peak that is reachable At her acme, the singer was making over thirty million dollars a year.
151 Acoustic ध्वनिक relating to sound or hearing Enjoying the sound of the acoustic guitar, the crowd nodded along and moved closer to the band.
152 Acquaint परिचित to become at ease with The faculty mixer is the perfect time for you to acquaint yourself with your teachers.
153 Acquaintance जान-पहचान a person one knows slightly but not well Ms. Smith was embarrassed that she didn’t know the name of the acquaintance who recognized her at the store.
154 Acquainted परिचित familiar with a specific subject or person If you are acquainted with the hiring manager, I would love to give him a copy of my resume.
155 Acquiesce संतुष्ट होना to agree or express agreement While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, her begging eventually caused me to acquiesce.
156 Acquiescent संतुष्ट willing to acquiesce, accept or agree to something without objection, protest or resistance More often than not, he possessed an acquiescent nature, which made it easy to work alongside him in combination with his quick thinking and street smarts.
157 Acquire अधिग्रहण करना to obtain something You will need a great deal of money to acquire the valuable painting.
158 Acquisition अधिग्रहण the thing acquired or gained; a gain. Because he was marrying her, there would be an acquisition of all of her real estate.
159 Acquisitive प्राप्त करने की लालसावाला eager and capable of making acquisitions  While I am somewhat acquisitive and can afford to buy anything I want, I try to only purchase things I need.
160 Acquittal दोषमुक्ति a setting free from the charge of an offense or verdict After the defendant learned of his acquittal, he jumped for joy.
161 Acquitted विमुक्त found innocent of a charge or accusation Even though the judge believed the defendant was guilty, he could say nothing when the jury acquitted the man of all charges.
162 Acrid तीखा bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell The acrid fumes from the plant made my eyes water.
163 Acrimony रूखापन a sharp and bitter hatred Her acrimony for her neighbors manifests itself with shouting and stomping.
164 Acrobat नट an athlete who performs acts requiring skill, agility and coordination. The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope.
165 Acronym परिवर्णी शब्द a term created out of the first letters of a multi-word phrase In history class, the students learned the acronym NATO stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
166 Acrophobia एक्रोफोबिया an unusual dread of elevated places Because I have acrophobia, I never ride anything other than the Ferris wheel at the amusement park.
167 Acropolis एथेन्स् का दुर्ग a stronghold or sanctuary used for defensive and religious purposes in ancient Grecian cities In the middle of the city, an acropolis of stone walls was erected to act as a shelter during times of war.
168 Across आर-पार from one side to another Swimming across the wide river left the stranded paddler gasping for air.
169 Action कार्य combat; battle The movie was full of action, with most of the scenes containing fighting or warfare.
170 Activate सक्रिय to trigger or start something If you want to use the new debit card, you have to call a new number and activate it.
171 Activism सक्रियतावाद a strategy of undertaking direct action to achieve a social or political goal Protesting the war is a type of activism.
172 Activist कार्यकर्ता a person who campaigns for some kind of social change The political activist spent hours trying to convince us to vote for Ted.
173 Activity गतिविधि something that people do, usually with a particular aim or goal in mind The teacher brought all of the paper, glue, and other items needed for the students to complete the crafting activity.
174 Actual वास्तविक Real or concrete Although there is actual proof that they existed, some still don’t believe in dinosaurs.
175 Actuality सत्यता the state of existing; existence Although it was thought that no one had been working on the project, in actuality Barbara had been trying to get things of the ground for a long time.
176 Actuate उकसाना to trigger a movement or action The teenager touched the screen to actuate the mobile app.
177 Acuity तीक्ष्णता sharpness in relation to thought, vision, or hearing In order for my daughter to get into the school’s gifted program, she had to take a mental acuity test.
178 Acumen कुशाग्रता experience or expertise in something John’s business acumen, along with his computer skills, made him an asset to the software company.
179 Acupuncture एक्यूपंक्चर a medical practice in which thin needles are inserted into specific points of the body as a way to relieve pain or treat disease As soon as the acupuncture needles entered the man’s spine, he felt relief from his pain.
180 Acute तीव्र extremely pressing; critical Because my appendicitis was an acute issue, the nurse took me directly into an emergency station for treatment.
181 Acuteness तीक्ष्णता sharpness; insight The boy’s acuteness made him an excellent chess player.
182 Adage कहावत old saying that has come to be accepted as truth over time He gets tired of all the same old sayings, so he is always trying to come up with a new adage.
183 Adamant अटल refusing to be persuaded; cannot change one’s mind Robert, a first year physics student, is adamant in his decision to peruse a career in engineering.
184 Adamantine कड़ा unyielding; firm and unbreakable The hero was adamantine and stuck to his values no matter what problem he faced.
185 Adapt अनुकूल बनाना get used to something new or change to fit When James relocates to a different side of the country, he will have to adapt to a new weather pattern.
186 Adaptable अनुकूलनीय able to change When dogs live in the wild, their bodies must be adaptable to the environment or they will suffer.
187 Adaptation अनुकूलन an alteration that makes an animal or thing more suitable for a certain environment This adaptation of the novel was written so the story could be performed as a play.
188 Addend योज्य a number added to another number I asked our math teacher to help me with the addend in my math problem.
189 Addendum परिशिष्ट something to be added; especially text added as an appendix or supplement to a document Maria’s article was written in 1965, but it was updated with an addendum in recent years.
190 Addict व्यसनी someone that is obsessed with something to an extent where they suffer withdrawal without it My baby brother is a sugar addict, unable to go even two hours without consuming some sort of sweet to sate his obsession.
191 Addictive नशे की लत something that is easy to be addicted to; easy to develop a reliance on This game is extremely addictive, having roped me into playing it for over six hours even though I only planned to play for one.
192 Additional अतिरिक्त added or extra Additional charges will be added if you do not pay the bill on time.
193 Additionally इसके अतिरिक्त used in the place of ‘also’ or to introduce extra facts We started out with just one floor, but additionally, another was added.
194 Addle सड़ा to cause a person’s thoughts to become jumbled or confused Is it true smoking marijuana can addle your brain and make it difficult for you to concentrate?
195 Addled सड़ाया हुआ incapable of thinking in a clear manner Because my grandmother is in her mid-nineties, she is a bit addled at times and requires the aid of a personal caregiver.
196 Address पता a description of the location of a property The pizza delivery man had no problem finding my address to deliver my order.
197 Adduce प्रस्तुत करना to produce as support during a discussion or argument During the trial the defense attorney will adduce evidence to show the defendant’s innocence.
198 Adduction हवाला देन the act of bringing a body part usually an arm or leg inward to the middle part of the body When the patient’s adduction of her knee up to her waist caused agonizing pain, the doctor recommended that she return to standing straight on her two feet.
199 Adept निपुण very good at doing something that is not easy Mark is an adept juggler who can easily manager four balls in the air without dropping one.
200 Adequacy पर्याप्तता being satisfactory or acceptable The adequacy of the program is being questioned since few seem to graduate after starting.
201 Adequacy पर्याप्तता the quality of being sufficient, adequate or able to meet the needs It’s important to review the adequacy of your medical insurance coverage each year.
202 Adequate पर्याप्त enough; good enough Adequate water intake is necessary for your body to function properly.
203 Adhere मानना conform to or follow rules exactly When I tell you to sit down, adhere to my order!
204 Adherence अनुपालन faithful support for a cause  The teacher demanded the students adherence to the rules while in her classroom.
205 Adherent पक्षपाती a material that sticks to other things or a person who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas The adherent properties of Super Glue are so strong that some people have had to go to the ER to get un-stuck from something.
206 Adhesion आसंजन a substance’s ability to attach to another substance For sturdier adhesion, apply hot glue to the sequins prior to attaching them to the leotard.
207 Adhesive गोंद sticky Mom does not like to use Elmer’s glue because she claims that our project requires a stronger adhesive.
208 Adieu विदाई a farewell, a goodbye; especially a fond farewell, or a lasting or permanent farewell We bid each other adieu after the movies by giving one another a hug.
209 Adjacent नज़दीक lying next to, close, or contiguous; neighboring When the opposing attorneys asked for a sidebar with the judge, the jury was sent to wait in an adjacent area.
210 Adjoining साथ लगा हुआ। next to or joined with something else The travelers requested adjoining rooms so that they would be beside each other.
211 Adjudge निर्णय करना to view or determine something in a particular manner Because of your drug problem, the court will probably adjudge you to be an unfit mother.
212 Adjunct सहायक something that is joined or added to another thing, but not part of the whole My math teacher was adjunct faculty and did not work for the school full time.
213 Adjure शपथ लेकर कहना request or urge someone to do something I had to adjure myself to stay awake, despite having not slept in two days.
214 Adjust समायोजित करना to change something a little so that it fits or works better The distraught teacher preferred her students to adjust their attitude before she initiated her next plan of referring those students to the office.
215 Adjustment समायोजन a small change that improves something or makes it work better The academic advisor made an adjustment to the college student’s classes so that it would fit better with her work schedule.
216 Adjutant एजीटांट A military officer that is an administrative assistant to a senior officer Lieutenant Tirado is my adjutant, taking care of administrative duties when my position as a Colonel demands my attention.
217 Administer प्रशासन to supply or give out something The nurse will administer pain medicine every four hours.
218 Administer प्रशासन to give, handout, or dispense A nurse came into the patient’s hospital room to change his sheets and administer his nightly medication.
219 Administration प्रशासन the process of running some sort of organization I do not wish to work in administration because I do not like being in charge of other people, though I still have to order around a few people in my work.
220 Admirable प्रशंसनीय worthy of respect and admiration The colonel is an admirable man who has won numerous medals of valor.
221 Admiration प्रशंसा a sentiment of esteem and respect When the teacher retired, she was given a gold watch in admiration of her fifty years of service to the county.
222 Admire प्रशंसा करना to hold a thing or person in high esteem As a former soldier, I admire all the men and women who are currently serving in the military.
223 Admissible स्वीकार्य something that is allowed or considered appropriate Judge Taylor declared the evidence against the defendant admissible in court which became detrimental to the defense’s case.
224 Admit भर्ती होना to acknowledge that something is real, valid, or true It took the woman a long time to admit she has a drinking problem.
225 Admittedly आशा से certainly; definitely The joke was admittedly risky but the crowd didn’t seem to mind much.
226 Admonish धिक्कारना to scold; to warn strongly Do not admonish him for being gay!
227 Admonition चेतावनी a warning or reprimand given with advice Gerald’s admonition against the other police officers served as a warning to those doing wrong in the organization.
228 Admonitory भर्त्सक conveying a warning The teacher’s voice had an admonitory tone as she told the students to stop talking or lose recess.
229 Ado हलचल trouble, difficulty, or complications There was a great deal of ado in trying to stop the committee from cancelling the school talent show, but all of the trouble was worth it since we succeeded.
230 Adobe एडोब sundried bricks made of clay The village dwellings were adobe style and were crafted from clay and water.
231 Adolescence किशोरावस्था the time period when a young person becomes a grownup When children reach the period of adolescence, they crave freedom to make their own choices.
232 Adonis अदोनिस a very handsome young man “Look at that Adonis,” the girl giggled to her friend as the handsome new freshman walked into the cafeteria.
233 Adopt गोद लेना a legal process to take care of another’s biological child as your own Many childless couples will adopt the less fortunate children from around the globe.
234 Adoptive गोद लेने योग्य related to someone through adoption (becoming a parent or child of someone not by birth) The little girl’s adoptive parents gained legal custody of her when she was just two weeks old.
235 Adoptive गोद लेने योग्य related through adoption Because her adoptive parents were so wonderful while raising her, the young woman had no desire to meet the birth family who had given her up.
236 Adorable प्यारा charming and easy to love because it is so attractively cute With an adorable smile, the delightful toddler stole the hearts of everyone in the room.
237 Adoration आराधना deep love, devotion, and respect The young man’s adoration for the new girl in class was evident when the teacher called him out for staring at her.
238 Adore प्यार करते हैं to idolize or worship something, or to love it very much My mother loves to adore me in public even though I find it embarrassing, praising me in front of everyone as if I were still a child.
239 Adorn सजाना make more attractive or beautiful George likes to adorn his office with expensive paintings so that everyone knows how wealthy he is.
240 Adornment अलंकरण an ornament or decoration that adds attractiveness The plain tree need an adornment, so a silver star was added to the top.
241 Adrenaline एड्रेनालाईन a chemical produced by your adrenal glands that gives you a rush of energy when you are frightened, excited, or angry I had a rush of adrenaline as I jumped out of the airplane.
242 Adrift भटकते हुए uncontrolled floating on water  The U.S. Coast Guard located two boats adrift in the ocean after a storm passed through.
243 Adroit निपुण clever or skillful The child was an adroit pianist at an early age.
244 Adscititious Adcititious additional or external; coming from an outside source The supplemental information was adscititious and wasn’t a part of the original investigation.
245 Adulation मनुहार great praise for someone, often more than what is deserved Although Jason was a famous celebrity, he was very uncomfortable with the adulation from his fans.
246 Adulterate मिलावट to make a substance less pure by adding something else to it If you want to adulterate your alcoholic drink, you should add some water to it.
247 Adultery व्यभिचार sexual activity between a married person and someone other than their spouse The attorney’s marriage was ruined by his decision to commit adultery with his secretary.
248 Adulthood वयस्कता the state or condition of being fully grown or mature In the United States, a child reaches adulthood at the age of 18.
249 Adumbrate ढांचे में दिखलाना to create an outline or a faint shadow  With assistance from the victim, the sketch artist will adumbrate a picture of the robbery suspect.
250 Advance अग्रिम before; ahead of time The concert goers bought their tickets in advance so they wouldn’t end up with terrible seats.
251 Advanced विकसित progressive; complex or of a higher order Advanced courses are offered for students who want to progress quickly in a subject.
252 Advantage फ़ायदा a condition or circumstance that gives someone a greater chance of success The thief took advantage of the light security on New Year’s Eve to empty every cash register in the mall.
253 Advantageous लाभदायक helpful or useful and likely to make you more successful It would be advantageous for the couple to buy the bedroom set while it was on sale.
254 Advent आगमन the coming or arrival of something With the advent of the internet, working from home has become a real phenomenon.
255 Adventitious आकस्मिक not natural; foreign The weird-looking plant is adventitious and not native to this country.
256 Adventure साहसिक काम an exciting or dangerous experience Setting off on an adventure, Peter Pan hoped to avoid any pitfalls that would put him in the hand of Captain Hook.
257 Adventuresome हिम्मतवाला adventurous or prone to going on adventures My adventuresome friend is constantly looking for ways to explore new places, see new things, and meet new people.
258 Adventurous साहसी daring; brave Bold and adventurous, the dare devil was always looking for a new exploit to undertake.
259 Adversary वैरी one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute I will destroy my adversary during our battle.
260 Adverse हानिकर negative, harmful, or unpleasant Jim’s adverse reaction to the drug was so intense that we rushed him to the hospital.
261 Adversely प्रतिकूल in a negative or bad way If the medicine adversely changes your health, you should stop taking it immediately.
262 Adversity आपदा a difficult situation or condition; misfortune Because of the five-year drought, the farmer experienced a long period of adversity.
263 Advert विज्ञापन an advertisement The newspaper advert announced position openings at the local potato plant.
264 Advertise विज्ञापित to provide information about a person or goods and services to influence others  Retail stores advertise their sales products by using the newspaper, radio and television to attract customers into their stores.
265 Advice सलाह an opinion recommended or offered, as worthy to be followed; counsel Beatrice hates to take advice from anyone, which is why she is doomed to fail in everything that she does.
266 Advisable उचित worthy of being recommended; desirable It is advisable to fill your tank before heading out on a trip so that you do not waste time worrying about where to find the nearest gas station.
267 Advise सलाह देना to offer suggestions to a person or group Could you please advise me on the best way to get to the interstate?
268 Advisement सलाह advice that is both carefully considered and thought out before given The homeowners association calls meetings for neighborhood members to voice their opinions on important issues that they were record, take under advisement, and use to make decisions for the community in the future.
269 Advisory सलाहकार an official announcement that usually serves as a warning to the public The city government released an advisory during the hurricane warning all residents not to go outside.
270 Advocacy वकालत the practice of supporting someone to make their voice heard  Recently the gun advocacy groups have spoken to Congress with hopes of change to current gun laws.
271 Advocate वकील to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things Any good doctor will advocate healthy eating for his patients.
272 Aegis एजिस under the influence or protection of a specific individual, body, or government As a young salesman, Stan worked under the aegis of his father who emphasized the value of treating customers fairly.
273 Aerate वायु-प्रसार करना to cause air to circulate through something The cleaners needed to aerate the room to get the strong odor out.
274 Aerial हवाई happening in the air An aerial view of the city showed just how cluttered and crowded the metropolitan area looks from above.
275 Aerie ऊँचा नीड़ a nest built in a high place by a predatory bird  While hiking in the hills, we spotted a hawk leave it’s aerie on the cliff.
276 Aerobic एरोबिक activity used to strengthen the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes The aerobic component of the test consists of a strenuous one-mile hike.
277 Aerodynamics वायुगतिकी the study of air and how it works when an object moves through it Birds have a natural understanding of aerodynamics that allows them to fly through even the windiest conditions.
278 Aeronautics एयरोनॉटिक्स the science of flight A Boeing 727 was donated to the college’s aeronautics program for further flight studies.
279 Aerosol एयरोसोल substances confined under pressure and typically released in the form of a spray A well-known form of aerosol is Febreeze, which is a spray that is released from under pressure to eliminate bad odors.
280 Aerospace एयरोस्पेस the atmosphere of the Earth and the region of space around it; the industry concerned with aircraft, missiles, satellites and spacecraft From the aerospace department of the scientific company, many reports revealed their aviation problems were due to human error.
281 Aesthete सौंदर्य-विज्ञान का मतावलंबी one who strongly appreciates beauty, art and music The aesthete obtained box tickets to the opera.
282 Aesthetic सौंदर्य विषयक concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste Our aesthetic enjoyment of the art show was increased by the presence of the open bar.
283 Afar दूर in a distant area Everyone could tell that the stranger came from afar due to his unknown accent.
284 Afebrile बुखार नहीं having no fever Garry worried that his girl was running a fever, but the doctor assured him that she was afebrile.
285 Affable मिलनसार friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to Instead of being such a jerk, you should try being more affable!
286 Affair मामला an issue or concern that is handled Stealing office supplies became a company affair when the company began to lose money due to the theft.
287 Affect चाहना to change or influence If the boy had known skipping class would negatively affect his grades, he would never have missed his lectures.
288 Affectation दिखावा an unnatural form of behavior that is meant to impress others Jake’s proper manner of speaking was an affectation he put on when he was surrounded by the country club set.
289 Affection स्नेह a feeling of love or strong attachment Rick expressed deep affection for his wife at their fortieth anniversary party.
290 Affectionate स्नेही loving My sister is very affectionate and always gives me a goodbye hug.
291 Affiliated संबद्ध formally associated with a group or organization After being fired, the doctor was no longer affiliated with the hospital.
292 Affiliation संबंधन the involvement or connection that somebody has with a religious or political organization The interviewer acted in rude fashion when questioning the candidates about their religious affiliation.
293 Affinity आत्मीयता a natural liking or attraction for someone or something Although Adam is very different than me, I have an affinity for him which I cannot describe.
294 Affirm वाणी to publicly verify something Tonight, the police will affirm the suspect’s identity on national television.
295 Affirmation प्रतिज्ञान an action of approval or support I enjoyed the food critic’s affirmation in his column after he dined in my restaurant.
296 Affix प्रत्यय to stick, attach, or fasten I plan to affix a stamp on every one of the hundreds of envelopes that we need to mail out.
297 Afflatus देवशान a skill or gift that seems to be given by a God or higher power The dancer was struck with afflatus and moved like she was gifted with skills from the gods.
298 Afflicted पीड़ित stricken, distressed, or impaired The man was afflicted with a painful snake bite after a hike on the mountain.
299 Affliction यातना a state of pain, suffering, distress or agony Although some people claim that she is lucky because she can’t gain weight, she considers it an affliction.
300 Affluence समृद्धि a situation in which one has a great amount of wealth When the economy crashed, many people of affluence became poor.
301 Affluent धनी wealthy, rich Only affluent families could afford the top-dollar price tags attached to the homes in that neighborhood.
302 Afford खर्च करना have enough money to pay for something The bum claimed he couldn’t pay his bills, but always found a way to afford cigarettes and booze.
303 Affray कलह a disruptive fight What began as a simple squabble between friends turned into an affray among several people.
304 Affright ऊधम fright; fear  Ghosts and goblins haunted the house, leaving the children in affright.
305 Affront अपमान to do or say something that shows a lack of respect  The crooked cop is an affront to all that is good about law enforcement.
306 Aficionado एफ़िसिओनाडो an expert or enthusiast who is extremely knowledgeable about a subject or activity A wine tasting aficionado, Lynn is convinced that no one has sampled as many different types of vino as she has.
307 Afield खेत far away from their comfortable environment While working afield in a foreign country, the young businessman was completely lost as to how to communicate or act in this new place.
308 Afloat बचाए floating or balancing on top of liquid An overturned life raft was able to keep several of the Titanic passengers afloat until help arrived.
309 Aforementioned पूर्वकथित regarding someone or something spoken about previously Any of the aforementioned applicants will make great company employees.
310 Aforesaid पूर्वोक्त previously mentioned After pleading my case to my mom, I went to my dad and repeated the aforesaid points in hopes that he would let me go to the mall.
311 Afraid डरना scared or frightened The toddler is afraid of the dark and will not sleep without a nightlight.
312 Aftermath परिणाम the aftereffects or consequences of an unpleasant or destructive event More frightening than the hurricane was the aftermath and incomprehensible task of rebuilding.
313 Afterthought बाद का विचार something you think of or mention later because it was not included beforehand Often considered as an afterthought, Nick realized that he was not valued by the basketball team.
314 Afterwards उसके बाद following; after a previous event I will take you to the park, but afterwards we must clean the house.
315 Against ख़िलाफ़ anti; not in favor of Many people were against the war and didn’t think we should be fighting overseas.
316 Agape मुंह खोले हुए open Before you eat oysters, clams, or mussels, always check to be sure that the shells are firmly closed and not even a little bit agape.
317 Age आयु the amount of time someone or something has been living The youthful woman’s age was actually much older it appeared to be.
318 Agency एजेंसी a business, usually government related, that provides a particular service As head of the agency, the top-manager was in charge of all spending decisions.
319 Agenda कार्यसूची a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting Without a clear agenda for what is to be accomplished I feel that the meeting will be a waste of time.
320 Agent प्रतिनिधि a person who acts on behalf of an individual or some other group My insurance agent sold me a new life insurance policy through the company he works for.
321 Agglomeration ढेर a collection or mass of things The mayor has an agglomeration of complaints against him, which is why he may not be in office much longer.
322 Aggrandize शक्ति अथवा प्रतिक्षा में बढ़ाना make great or greater in power, rank, honor, or wealth; increase I attempted to aggrandize the CEO’s high status in the company to sweet talk him into signing off on the deal.
323 Aggrandizement अभ्युदय an increase in power, importance, or reputation that is undeserved Suzan suggests that aggrandizement of one’s self-worth may be a desperate attempt to boost one’s low self-esteem.
324 Aggravate छेड़ना to make worse, or more severe I left the party early so the noise would not aggravate my headache.
325 Aggregate सकल to place into a category or cluster Schools often use test scores to aggregate students into classes based on intelligence.
326 Aggregator एग्रीगेटर someone or something that gathers together materials from a variety of sources and combines them into one The aggregator was able to gather articles from many different websites and condense them into one publication.
327 Aggression आक्रमण violent and hostile behavior Seething with aggression, the deranged man was shot after he lunged at police with a knife.
328 Aggressive आक्रामक pushy or forceful when trying to get others to believe or do something The aggressive vendor tried to force the tourists into buying his wares.
329 Aggressor आक्रामक the person or country that first attacks or makes an aggression Once the two kids were separated, it became obvious who the aggressor was due to his explanation about how he hit first.
330 Aggrieve पीड़ा देना to badly mistreat/make upset If the boy insults my mother and continues to tease and taunt me, he would prove he knows how to aggrieve me.
331 Aggrieved पीड़ित angry or resentful due to unjust treatment Parking almost fifteen feet from the corner, the aggrieved driver tore up the ticket he received for parking too close to the intersection.
332 Aghast भौचक्का shocked or surprised in an upsetting way The teacher was aghast at the large number of students who failed the easy test.
333 Agile फुर्तीला able to move fast and easily Because he practiced parkour, he was an extremely agile athlete.
334 Agility चपलता nimbleness and quickness of motion, both physically and figuratively The coach was amazed at Jim’s agility on the court, especially the way he switches direction without pause.
335 Agitate आंदोलन to disturb or upset Barking at the dog will only agitate him further.
336 Agitated उत्तेजित upset; disturbed Barbara felt agitated when her husband did not pick up his phone, especially since she had been calling all day.
337 Agitation घबराहट a stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquility  The father of one made no attempt to hide his agitation while viewing his son’s failing report card.
338 Agitprop एगिटप्रॉप something that looks like art but is actually political propaganda or misinformation Many documentaries come across as entertainment but this one is a political agitprop that is being used to deceive people.
339 Agnostic अज्ञेयवाद का unsure about the existence of a god or holy being After my husband became agnostic, he stopped going to church because of his doubt about god’s existence.
340 Agnostic अज्ञेयवाद का someone who believes there is no way to know if God does or does not exist As an agnostic, Devin questioned whether there is any proof that a God created the universe.
341 Agnostic अज्ञेयवाद का a person who knows there is no way to know if God exists or not The agnostic woman has read the Bible and other religious texts but still doesn’t think there is a way to prove that God exists.
342 Agog लौटने में filled with anticipation and excitement The little kids were agog as they waited for Santa Claus to arrive.
343 Agonize तड़पना to endure a great deal of distress After resigning from my job, I started to agonize over my decision.
344 Agonizing अति पीड़ा देनेवाला distressing; painful The pain of breaking my femur was agonizing.
345 Agony पीड़ा intense pain or suffering When my brother died, I was in emotional agony for months.
346 Agoraphobia भीड़ से डर लगना the fear of wide open spaces, crowds, or uncontrolled social conditions Even the big deals on Black Friday could bring out even those people who suffer from agoraphobia, but the large groups of people could cause them to have anxiety attacks.
347 Agrarian कृषि associated with land cultivation An agrarian college prepares men and women for careers in land cultivation.
348 Agree सहमत to say yes or give consent My father wishes I would agree to move back home, but I enjoy living by myself.
349 Agreeable सहमत nice and good; pleasant After considerable negotiations, both parties became agreeable by each side giving in to some part of the situation.
350 Agreement समझौता a contract or deal By signing an agreement with the lawyer, the client agreed to pay two thousand dollars for his services.
351 Agribusiness कृषि व्यवसाय any business that has to do with agriculture and supplies associated with farming John Deere is a well known agribusiness that supplies many farms with bright green tractors.
352 Agriculture कृषि the discipline of farming The state manages a department of agriculture which provides support to farmers.
353 Agronomy कृषिविज्ञान science of soil management and crop production Personally I find agronomy to be a rather boring science, but someone has to study all the ways we can make crop production more efficient.
354 Ague जूड़ी a fever that causes you to shake, sweat and feel cold Dr. Frank determined that his patient acquired ague based on the symptoms but, he realized it was not malaria because the patient had not visited tropical areas lately.
355 Ahead आगे to move forward from current placement The determined student tried to get ahead on her homework by completing her project two weeks in advance.
356 Ahem अहम an utterance similar to the sound of clearing one’s throat, used to attract attention or fill in a pause “Ahem,” the man breathed nervously as he cleared his throat.
357 Aid सहायता to back or help someone or something so they are successful Red Cross workers usually aid in the recovery of victims of natural disasters by providing medical care to those who are injured.
358 Ail बीमार होना a trouble, symptom, or affliction A common ail that afflicts people when they have a cold is a runny nose, but that is just one of the sinus issues that come along with that.
359 Ailment रोग a condition that affects a person’s mental or physical wellbeing Unfortunately, the stomach ailment causes vomiting and chronic diarrhea.
360 Ailurophile Ailurophile a person who loves cats The neighborhood children only saw the ailurophile as a nutty cat lady.
361 Aim उद्देश्य to point something in a certain direction The hunter began to aim his bow at the deer as soon as it came out of the clearing.
362 Aimlessly बिना किसी उद्देश्य के without an aim, purpose or direction I love to spend my weekends wandering aimlessly through the streets of Manhattan, checking out stores and shops that pique my interest.
363 Air वायु the invisible mixture of gases that covers the earth A tasty odor in the air seemed to float through around the kitchen.
364 Aisle गलियारा a clear path between rows of seating The bus ride home was so packed that anyone without a seat was forced to sit in the center aisle.
365 Ajar अधखुला slightly opened She left her bedroom door ajar, so I figured it was safe to enter.
366 Akimbo अकीम्बो with the hand on the hip and elbow turned outward Mom looked at the mess in my room, arms akimbo, and began yelling at the top of her lungs.
367 Akin सदृश्य similar in nature For Elizabeth, divorcing her ninth husband was akin to throwing out old shoes and buying a new pair.
368 Alabaster सिलखड़ी a smooth, white, and often translucent hard material that is typically carved Her smooth, white skin resembled alabaster sculptures.
369 Alacritous अलाक्रिटस being eager and willing The alacritous recruit was ready to join the Army and signed up the day he turned eighteen.
370 Alacrity तत्परता Cheerful willingness and eagerness Having studied really hard last night, the student took the exam with alacrity.
371 Alas हाय disappointingly; unfortunately Alas the reviews for Jared’s book were awful, and as such, the book’s sales were dismal.
372 Albatross भारी अड़चन a species of large seafaring bird that is found mostly in the south Pacific An albatross has a significantly larger wingspan than a seagull, but personally I think they’re nearly the same bird.
373 Albeit यद्यपि even though; although I am a huge fan of Madonna’s music, albeit I do not own any of her albums.
374 Albinism रंगहीनता an inherited condition that one is born with that involves lack of color in the pigment that colors hair, skin, and eyes The couple’s baby was born with albinism and had hair that was as white as snow.
375 Alchemist रसायन बनानेवाला a person who practiced a medieval form of chemistry that dealt with metal transformations The medieval alchemist spent most of his days trying to change metal to gold.
376 Alchemy रस-विधा a kind of chemistry that is associated with changing something ordinary into something extraordinary In the story the fairy godmother used alchemy to turn the pumpkin into a fine carriage.
377 Alcove घिरौची a small area that is secluded from a large space The alcove above the living room is the perfect place for the kids to hang out and play videogames.
378 Aleatory पाँसे random, dependent on luck or chance Rick laughs at anyone who spends money at the slot machines, because it’s a purely aleatory game that has no intellectual component whatsoever.
379 Alert चेतावनी to strongly make someone or something aware of trouble or something dangerous that is about to occur Sheriff Taylor needed to alert the citizens of his small town about the approaching large hurricane close to them.
380 Alfresco खुली हवा में outdoors, open to the atmosphere The park has a really nice restaurant where you can dine alfresco while watching the birds as they come pecking at your food.
381 Algae शैवाल an organism often found on or in bodies of water that resembles a plant or moss and uses photosynthesis to supply oxygen A thin layer of green algae lined the bottom of the dirty swimming pool.
382 Algorithm कलन विधि set of instructions Many scientists were required to solve and describe the algorithm for each problem they solved in order to be accepted to the company.
383 Alias उपनाम an alternate name used by a person who wishes to keep his or her identity secret If you’re having a hard time locating Sarah’s blog, try searching for it under her alias, Hannah Martin.
384 Alibi अन्यत्र उपस्थिति a reason or excuse why someone could not have done something While the witness claims the suspect was at the murder scene, the suspect’s alibi places him in another state.
385 Alien विदेशी different from the norm or what is considered to be acceptable Everyone in the room disbelieved the man’s story about being abducted by an alien from another planet.
386 Alienate विमुख to make an individual feel unwanted or removed from a group or relationship  Teachers will alienate their students if they talk down to them.
387 Alight प्रदीप्त करना to descend from something  The birds will alight from the sky and then eat from the feeder.
388 Align संरेखित line up; straighten Every afternoon, the teacher has to align the desks that her students have pushed out of place.
389 Alignment संरेखण positioning of things so that they are in a straight line The chiropractor was able to bring the woman’s discs into alignment so that her back would be straight.
390 Alike एक जैसे similar in a certain way Because my sister and I are identical twins, we are very much alike in appearance.
391 Aliment पुष्टिकर पदार्थ a minor illness or sickness The boy faked an aliment so that he could stay home and not go to school.
392 Alimentary पाचन of, or relating to food, nutrition or digestion The esophagus is considered part of the alimentary canal because it is one of the passageways for food.
393 Alimony निर्वाह निधि payment paid to one’s former spouse to support their living Alimony payments were made from the wealthy ex-husband to his bitter ex-wife.
394 Alive जीवित living, not dead The possum played like he was dead, but he was really alive.
395 All-around चारो ओर versatile; able to do many things Aaron is an all-around athlete who shines in many different sporting events.
396 Allay निराकरणकरना to make quiet or calm A good teacher will work hard to allay the concerns of a new student.
397 Allegation आरोप a claim or a statement saying someone has done something illegal or wrong, which is not necessarily based on facts The professor made an allegation of cheating against his student.
398 Allege आरोप है to claim without evidence In the lawsuit, the parents allege the school system failed to protect their daughter from bullies.
399 Alleged कथित questionable; not confirmed While the alleged suspect was arrested today, he still has to be tried in a court of law.
400 Allegedly कथित तौर पर suspected of participating in something immoral or illegal  According to the witness, the mailman allegedly broke into the woman’s car.
401 Allegiance निष्ठा loyalty to some cause, nation or ruler Standing opposite the flag, I placed my right hand on my heart to recite the pledge of allegiance.
402 Allele एलील an alternative pattern of a gene that results in a variation of a trait The dominant allele is the one that determines a physical characteristic or trait.
403 Alleviate कम to make something less painful, severe, or serious Take an aspirin to alleviate your headache.
404 Alley गली a narrow passageway Walking through the dark alley, Giana thought the passageway seemed to be filled with scary sights at every turn.
405 Alliance गठबंधन an association between parties or states with similar interests We formed a neighborhood alliance to plan events in our community.
406 Allies मित्र राष्ट्रों friends or supporters; those who can be trusted The USSR and Russia were allies in World War II, but their friendship turned to mistrust soon after the conflict ended.
407 Alliteration अनुप्रास the recurrence of consonants at the start of two or more terms  In poetry, alliteration is sometimes used to create a unique tone by repeating consonant sounds.
408 Allocate का आवंटन to give out according to a system I must allocate my weekly salary in a way that allows me to pay all my bills.
409 Allocation आवंटन an amount of something that is given out or shared Inconsistency in allocation of funds led to a negative balance in one account.
410 Allocution व्याख्यान a speech given to a convicted defendant by the judge just prior to sentencing During the allocution, the convicted party refused to listen to the judge as she spoke.
411 Allotment आवंटन one share of something that has been given out in portions Staring at the plates on the tables, the bride was happy to see the caterer had given each guest a large allotment of shrimp.
412 Allow अनुमति देना to permit or let something happen Please allow five days for the package to get from the store to your home.
413 Allowance भत्ता a share or portion of something that is granted by another person Timmy is given an allowance of his mother’s income, but is expected to do well in school and finish his chores.
414 Allowed अनुमत permitted or let something happen Lola’s mom allowed her to spend the night at my house last weekend but wouldn’t let her come over today.
415 Allowed अनुमत let or permitted someone to do something The professor allowed her son to turn his essay in one day late but took points off.
416 Alloy मिश्र धातु a mixed metal made by combining two or more others that is usually stronger than pure metals Alloy wheels are made from a mixture of other metals, making them tougher.
417 Allude संकेत करना to make an indirect reference The teacher asked the students to not allude to any online sources in their research papers.
418 Allure फुसलाना a quality that produces attraction The woman’s allure was her floral perfume that captivated the man’s senses.
419 Allusion संकेत a statement that refers to something indirectly; an indirect reference The author’s new book contains an allusion to mythological gods.
420 Allusion संकेत a figure of speech that is used in literature to make an indirect reference to something The author included an allusion in her speech when she referred to Romeo but didn’t explain who he was.
421 Allusive सांकेतिक implying, hinting or indirectly suggesting something The man was very allusive when he dropped hints about the gifts he bought for his wife’s birthday.
422 Alluvial कछार का related to alluvium, a deposit of clay, silt, and gravel left by a flowing river in a delta The sediment around this river delta is alluvial, full of silt and clay that will make the soil extremely fertile.
423 Ally मित्र a friend; someone who is ready to help you When my friends were arguing, Carly was my ally and defended my actions.
424 Almanac पंचांग an annual calendar with important events and astronomical data An almanac is not really different from most other calendars, but it also has a great deal of other information in it, like astronomical data needed for farming.
425 Almighty सर्वशक्तिमान omnipotent or having complete power The men seemed to worship the almighty dollar and cared little about anything else.
426 Almost लगभग very nearly but not exactly or entirely The bandits almost made it to their get-away van, but the police caught them just in time.
427 Alms भिक्षा items which are given to the needy If not for the alms given to him by charitable groups, the man would have died of hunger.
428 Aloft ऊपर in the air or sky When the hot air balloon was aloft, they could see everything on the horizon.
429 Alone अकेला having no one else present; on one’s own She loved being alone where no one could bother her and she could relax with a good book.
430 Along साथ में beside or by-the-side of something else The road along the river was recently closed due to flooding.
431 Alongside साथ – साथ along the side; by the side; side by side with The students walked alongside each other on the way to school.
432 Aloof अलग removed or distant either physically or emotionally The aloof princess stood in a corner alone.
433 Alpine अल्पाइन part of a high mountain In the alpine village, many skiers would purchase their needed supplies in order to go skiing the next day.
434 Already पहले से at present; even now The banker couldn’t attend the board meeting since he was already in a loan hearing across town.
435 Alter ऑल्टर to change in some way The Photoshop expert can alter the picture to make people think you spent your vacation on the beach.
436 Alteration परिवर्तन the condition of being changed Since I have gained weight, I’ll need a seamstress to make an alteration to my wedding dress.
437 Altercation तकरार a loud and heated disagreement  The best friends had an altercation over a girl they both liked.
438 Alternate एकांतर when one thing comes after another; fluctuate Instead of choosing one pain reliever, Judy decided to alternate between Aspirin and Tylenol.
439 Alternative विकल्प alternative means another possibility that is available As an alternative to expulsion, the mischievous student opted to attend in-school suspension.
440 Altimeter altimeter an instrument used in an aircraft to measure altitude/the distance above sea or land An aneroid barometer is an altimeter that is used to detect drops in atmospheric pressure inside an airplane.
441 Altitude ऊंचाई the height of something above sea level or the earth’s surface The pilots began shifting gears in order to gain altitude.
442 Altitudinous ऊंचाई being at or having a very high level of elevation Because they are so high up the mountain, the altitudinous villages can only be reached by helicopter.
443 Altruist परोपकार के सिद्धन्त का regard for others without regard for oneself; devotion He was an altruist, and he loved others better than himself.
444 Altruistic परोपकारी sincerely concerned about the well being of others The billionaire is an altruistic man who gives away millions of dollars every year to various charities.
445 Alum फिटकिरी a chemical substance containing aluminum used in dye things or to make the skin tighter The chemist explained that alum is a compound often used as an astringent to tighten the skin and remove pimples.
446 Alumna एल्युमना a female graduate of a school or university The Lake County High School alumna missed her high school days and wished she could relive them.
447 Alumnus भूतपूर्व छात्र an individual who graduated from or took classes at a specific university, school, or college  As part of his last will and testament, the wealthy alumnus left his fortune to the university from which he graduated.
448 Alveoli एल्वियोली sacs in the lungs which gather and filter oxygen The alveoli in the smoker’s lungs were so coated in tar from years of cigarettes that they barely output air.
449 Amalgam मिश्रण a mixture of unlike items The potluck supper at the church always consists of an amalgam of foods ranging from apricot salad to zucchini casserole.
450 Amalgamate मिलाना to join or combine The two companies will amalgamate in a mutually beneficial merger next week.
451 Amalgamation मिश्रण the process of combining two or more companies  The amalgamation process is sometimes decided upon to avoid bankruptcy.
452 Amanuensis लिपिकार a secretary whose job is to write or type what someone else is saying Her Majesty’s amanuensis quickly wrote down all of her extravagant demands.
453 Amass एकत्र करना to bring together a large amount To start a business, one needs to amass a huge sum of ready money.
454 Amateur शौक़ीन व्यक्ति person who engages in a particular activity without pursuing it professionally Even though I am an amateur singer, I hope to make a career out of it one day.
455 Amatory प्रेम उत्पन्न करनेवाला associated with expressing erotic or sexual love The amatory letters described the couple’s steamy love affair.
456 Amaze अमेज to fill with surprise, astonish Arthur does not fail to amaze everyone with his quick wit and humor.
457 Amazed चकित shocked; stunned Amazed by the great temple, the tourist stood in awe of the beautiful building.
458 Amazement विस्मय the condition of being surprised or overcome by wonder  As my boyfriend told me about his plans to propose to another woman, I stared at him in amazement.
459 Amazing अद्भुत impressive; incredible Looking up at the amazing pyramid, it was hard for Frank to imagine building something so impressive.
460 Amber अंबर a yellowy-tan color  The dentist noticed the amber color of the woman’s teeth and realized that she probably hadn’t brushed them in a long time.
461 Ambiance माहौल the mood in a place The scented ambiance of the candle shop made me feel warm and comfortable.
462 Ambidextrous कपटी having equal ability in both hands; in particular, able to write equally well with both hands The team manager was very excited when he heard that the new pitcher was ambidextrous and could throw a mean fastball with either hand.
463 Ambiguity अनिश्चितता something that does not have a clear meaning Although Hank wants to sign the contract, he needs to understand the ambiguity of some of the language first.
464 Ambiguous अस्पष्ट confusing; difficult to understand Because his driving directions are ambiguous, I use my reliable map.
465 Ambition महत्वाकांक्षा a desire to accomplish (complete) a task Despite his old age, Frank has a very strong ambition to climb Mount Everest.
466 Ambitious महत्वाकांक्षी strongly desirous and determined to succeed The professor has an easy time controlling his class because the students are ambitious about their studies.
467 Ambivalence दुविधा mixed feelings or emotions Even though the new job meant more money, Tad felt a great deal of ambivalence about accepting the position.
468 Ambivalent एम्बीवेलेंट uncertain as to which path to take When it comes to the election, I am ambivalent about the candidates.
469 Amble टहलना to stroll in a relaxed manner Since we arrived too early to check into the hotel, we decided to amble down the beach.
470 Ambrosial दिव्य appealing to one’s sense of smell or taste  Because Janice liked the ambrosial scent of the shrubs, she decided to plant a few in her front yard.
471 Ambuscade छिपकर आक्रमण a deadly strike At first the plane’s passengers sat quietly until the hijackers led an ambuscade against the plane’s crew.
472 Ambush घात लगाना the act of concealing oneself and lying in wait to attack by surprise A suicide bomber waited in ambush for the right opportunity to detonate his bomb, but was tackled before he had the opportunity.
473 Ameliorate सुधारना to make better Scratching your eye will not ameliorate the itching.
474 Ameliorate सुधारना to make something better or more manageable The police tried to ameliorate the situation after the false arrest, but the family didn’t want to hear their apologies.
475 Amenable वश्य willing to comply or cooperate My husband never complains about anything and is amenable to all my vacation suggestions.
476 Amend सुधार करना to make better Chris said that he would amend the bill before the year’s end due to the public outcry.
477 Amendment संशोधन a change or alteration An amendment was made to the original divorce decree because the wife’s name was spelled wrong.
478 Amends हरजाना to fix a mistake that you made or to make a bad situation better; to make right In an effort to make amends with his girlfriend after cancelling their dinner, he brought her a dozen roses.
479 Amenity सुख सुविधा a thing or condition that makes an event or life more enjoyable The walk-in closet was my favorite amenity in the apartment.
480 Amiable सुशील being nice; displaying a friendly and pleasant manner Because she was nice to all her fellow students, my cousin Sally was voted the most amiable female at her school.
481 Amicable मैत्रीपूर्ण showing a polite and friendly desire to avoid disagreement and argument If you were a bit more amicable, people would not be afraid to approach you.
482 Amid के बीच in the middle of; surrounded by Amid a crowd of cheering fans, Larry stood out as the one person who was clearly uninterested in the game.
483 Amidst बीच में in the middle or mist of As I gazed out the back of the car, I saw a lone deer standing amidst the trees on the side of the road.
484 Amiss अनुचित improper; wrong When I saw the lights on in the house after midnight, I knew something was amiss because my grandmother always went to bed early.
485 Amity मेल – जोल a supportive relationship between people or countries Because of the amity in our subdivision, everyone looks out for each other.
486 Amnesia स्मृतिलोप loss of memory; forgetfulness Bob sustained brain damage from the fall, which caused amnesia to set in.
487 Amnesty आम माफ़ी a formal pardon or reprieve given to one who has committed a criminal or political offense  Although Bill Smith was sentenced to life in prison in 1998, he was later released after receiving amnesty from the president.
488 Amoeba एक सलि का जन्तु a single-celled animal which catches food and moves about by extending finger-like projections The amoeba can only be used through a microscope since it is such a tiny animal.
489 Amok आपे से बाहर a desire or passion to attack or murder Terrorists fighting amok in the Middle East was disturbing enough until they would cause the death of people near the city where I lived.
490 Amongst बीच में surrounded by; In the company of Amongst the bushes, a small rabbit hid from the hunter.
491 Amorous रसिक having or showing strong feelings of sexual attraction or love The amorous couple could not stop kissing in public.
492 Amorphous बेढब having no clear shape or form Because the painting was amorphous, I had no idea what it represented.
493 Amortization ऋणमुक्ति the process of determining the cost of something intangible over time You can try to use amortization to determine the value of something unseen, such as friendship or memories, but ultimately that might still be impossible.
494 Amortize ऋण चुकाना to the amount of a loan or debt by paying small payments over time The businessman was able to amortize his building loan by paying monthly payments on the first and the 15th.
495 Amount मात्रा the total number or quantity A large amount of ducks in the area will leave here and fly south for the winter.
496 Amour प्रणय a secret lover Kissing his amour goodbye, the lovesick man could not bear to part from .
497 Amphibious द्विधा गतिवाला capable of functioning on land or in water Frogs are amphibious creatures because they can survive in both land and water.
498 Amphitheater अखाड़ा an open-air theatre used for entertainment, performances, and sports Tickets to the concert were less expensive since the venue was an outdoor amphitheater.
499 Amplify बढ़ाना to render larger, more extended, or more intense We were fine with booking the large ballroom because we knew that the loudspeakers would amplify the sound adequately.
500 Amplitude आयाम the measure of something’s size, especially in terms of width or breadth; largeness, magnitude The amplitude of the student’s knowledge about astronomy and physics was beyond the teacher’s grasp.
501 Amulet ताबीज़ a necklace with an ornament to ward off harm Dressed in the traditional religious garb, the young woman threw the amulet around her neck in order to be cautious of the hexes.
502 Amusement मनोरंजन fun or entertainment Some cruel children hurt animals for amusement, but their actions rarely go unpunished, so they don’t enjoy it for long.
503 Amusing विनोदी adding humor or fun to something As Bobo the Clown entertained the group of three-year olds, it made for an amusing time for everyone.
504 Anachronism कालभ्रम something that doesn’t fit its time period, like if you say you’ll “dial” your smartphone Since there were not laptop computers during the Civil War, the presence of a portable computer in the history film is a definite anachronism.
505 Anagram अनाग्राम a word formed from the rearranged letters of another word I find it rather funny that the anagram ‘bad credit’ to ‘debit card’ exists, as a clear representation of how many people flounder with money.
506 Analogous अनुरूप similar Because my teacher is analogous to my mother, I have accidentally called her, “mom.”
507 Analogy समानता a comparison to show similarity between two things In her analogy, the poet compared love to an endless well.
508 Analysis विश्लेषण the breaking down of something complex into smaller elements so it can be evaluated The sheriff was impatient as he waited for the analysis of the fingerprints.
509 Analyst विश्लेषक a qualified person who can decipher data  The company called for a business analyst to help plan the budget for next year.
510 Analytical विश्लेषणात्मक involving the approach of separating a larger item into smaller parts for ease of reviewing The detective’s analytical mind allowed him to quickly process the crime scene.
511 Analyze विश्लेषण to review thoroughly and in a logical manner The psychiatrist will analyze the patient’s behaviors and thoughts in order to diagnose the condition.
512 Anaphase एनाफ़ेज़ the stage in mitosis in which the cell starts to lengthen and the two members of each chromosome pair separate and move toward opposite poles During anaphase, the cell’s homologous chromosomes are separated.
513 Anaphora अनाफोरा repetition of a phrase used for emphasis The poem was a great example of anaphora as it started each line with the same three words.
514 Anarchist अराजकतावादी a person who acts against the orders of a ruling body As an anarchist, Jim is always pointing out the flaws of the government.
515 Anarchy अराजकता chaos resulting from a lack of order or authority As soon as the teacher stepped in the hall, the classroom descended into anarchy.
516 Anathema अभिशाप something or someone that one strongly dislikes; someone who is cursed or shunned After the world learned of his heinous crimes, the dictator was considered an anathema.
517 Anatomical संरचनात्मक structural; bodily The animal’s anatomical makeup includes several stomachs.
518 Anatomy शरीर रचना the review of a plant or animal’s structure In our anatomy class, we learned about the shapes and sizes of the organs in the human body.
519 Ancestor पूर्वज a member of your family who lived a long time ago While researching my family tree, I noticed an ancestor of mine was born in Iceland at the turn of the century.
520 Ancestor पूर्वज family relative or thing that existed long ago While researching my family tree, I noticed an ancestor of mine was born in Iceland at the turn of the century.
521 Ancestral पैतृक referring to the family’s predecessors Since my ancestral chart only showed my relatives who were blood related to me, I had to consult the family tree to determine the name of my great-aunt’s second husband.
522 Anchor लंगर a person or mainstay that can be relied on for support or security Chicken is the chef’s anchor ingredient when he can’t come up with any creative dishes.
523 Ancient प्राचीन referring to something that is extremely old or something that happened long ago To the boy, his grandfather was nearly ancient at eighty years of age.
524 Ancillary अधीनस्थ in addition to the main unit, worker, or task If we start the ancillary generators, we should have enough power to keep the main generator online.
525 Andragogy Andragogy the practice of teaching adult learners Some teachers prefer andragogy because they would rather teach adults students than children, being less hassle.
526 Androgynous उभयलिंगी partly female and partly male in appearance As an androgynous, Patrick’s gender will remain uncertain indefinitely.
527 Anecdotal उपाख्यानात्मक not necessarily true or dependable, because based on someone’s personal experience and not on facts or research The anecdotal nature of the interview will never be considered proof enough in a court of law.
528 Anecdote उपाख्यान a brief, often funny, telling of something that happened  Jillian’s anecdote about her crowded flight made us all laugh.
529 Anecdote उपाख्यान an interesting or amusing short story My favorite anecdote tells the story of an adventurous dog making his way through the city.
530 Anemia रक्ताल्पता a medical condition in which your blood does not transport enough oxygen to the rest of your body, either because of too few red blood cells, or because of too little hemoglobin When Frank was diagnosed with a red blood cell condition called anemia, we understood why he had been feeling so weary lately.
531 Anemic रक्तहीनता से पीड़ित exhausted; weak Although the woman was anemic, she made one final push in order to deliver her baby.
532 Anesthetize चतनाशून्य करना to give a person or animal medication that will put them in an unconscious or comatose state  The doctor will anesthetize the patient using Propofol so that he feels no pain during surgery.
533 Aneurysm धमनीविस्फार an abnormal blood-filled bulge of a blood vessel and especially an artery resulting from weakening as from disease of the vessel wall  During a brain aneurysm, an artery fills with blood and blows up like a balloon before leaking blood into the brain.
534 Anew नये सिरे से to take place once more After divorcing her husband last year, she married anew to a man she only knew for about three months.
535 Anfractuous चक्करदार having many winding twists and turns The couple struggled to get through the anfractuous maze, constantly getting lost in the twists and turns.
536 Angelic दिव्य pure and innocent like an angel The woman’s pure voice sounded both angelic and beautiful.
537 Anger गुस्सा a strong feeling of being annoyed, irritated, or hostile Pounding his fists in anger, the upset toddler demanded that his mother feed him lunch.
538 Angrily गुस्से से with rage The woman yelled angrily at her cheating spouse.
539 Angry गुस्सा having a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed Even if I am angry at my husband, I try not to go to bed still upset.
540 Angst गुस्से a mood associated with intense worry and unhappiness A day before the fight, the inexperienced boxer was plagued with angst about losing his first match.
541 Anguish पीड़ा extreme suffering or grief When my husband died, the anguish I felt was nearly unbearable.
542 Angular कोणीय so thin or skinny that one’s bones can be seen  The angular boy was so thin you could see his rib cage.
543 Anhedonia एनाहेडोनिया the physical and mental inability to get feelings of pleasure from typically enjoyable activities Depressed individuals suffer from anhedonia because what used to bring them joy only fills them with sadness.
544 Anhydrous निर्जल describes a substance that has no water The anhydrous mineral is unique because it lacks water in its makeup.
545 Animadversion निन्दा a judgmental remark or criticism The judge warned the hostile lawyer to not make another animadversion to the witness.
546 Animal जानवर a living, breathing organism Amber’s favorite animal is a lion as she likes the way he roars when he’s mad.
547 Animate चेतन to become enlivened and stimulated Once the upbeat music began, it seemed to animate the toddlers into jumping and dancing all around the room.
548 Animated एनिमेटेड active and energetic In order to get the attention of her students, the animated teacher would throw her hands wildly around and move quickly around the room to explain a concept.
549 Animation एनिमेशन the technique causing images to appear to move  Due to the computer animation, it is now possible to make cartoon films more quickly.
550 Animism जीववाद a belief that natural objects have spirits The philosopher argued that he does not support animism because of how rocks seem to clearly lack any kind of vitality.
551 Animosity बैर a strong feeling of disliking someone or something Why do you have such animosity towards me when I have done nothing to you?
552 Animus विरोधपूर्ण भावना an intense feeling of loathing or disgust; hatred My animus towards my roommate stems from the fact he is constantly stealing my food.
553 Annals वर्षक्रमिक इतिहास a record of historical events (in chronological order) The annals of the museum held many interesting artifacts.
554 Anneal पानी रखना to heat and slow cool metal or glass in order to toughen it The welder was able to anneal the metal, heating it to make it stronger.
555 Annexation राज्य-हरण the official action of securing something by taking it over, often relating to land To obtain lower property taxes, the citizens of the standalone area voted to approve their district’s annexation into a nearby town.
556 Annihilate संहार करना to destroy, to eradicate During the war, our soldiers will annihilate the enemy and secure our land.
557 Anniversary सालगिरह the date on which an even took place the year before Celebrating their anniversary with a candlelit dinner, the couple was happy to be married for another year.
558 Annotate एन्नोटेट to add notes to a text or diagram in order to provide additional insight and understanding about something The student is free to annotate the textbook with notes, as well as to highlight any text that they choose.
559 Annotation टिप्पणी a note or comment added to a document or book Surprisingly, my critical professor returned the rough draft of my essay without a single annotation.
560 Announce की घोषणा to give out news in a public way The salon will announce the winner of the free hair cut on their Facebook page at noon.
561 Announcement घोषणा a public statement or report that gives information to those listening or viewing During the family get together, the happy couple made the announcement that they were having a baby.
562 Annoy चिढ़ाना to irritate or bother someone to the point of aggravation The buzzy fly continued to annoy the house guests until someone finally stood up and swatted the pest.
563 Annoyance चिढ़ irritation; nuisance Bernie’s state of annoyance was aggravated by the non-stop pestering of his crazy neighbor.
564 Annual वार्षिक happening once a year We worried that our state would impose water rationing because of how little annual rainfall we had received this year.
565 Annuity वार्षिकी an allotment of money paid from an insurance company either in a full payment or in installments usually for retirement purposes Due to a small pension from her job, Matilda considered buying an annuity at the Lawton Insurance Company so she could live freely during her retirement.
566 Annul रद्द to officially make something invalid  After the actress tied the knot with a stranger in Mexico, she was persuaded by her manager to annul the marriage.
567 Anomalous नियमविरूद्ध unordinary, unusual, or distinctly different from the norm The scientists at the weather station were extremely worried about the anomalous readings they were getting from their instruments, as they were far beyond the norm.
568 Anomaly विसंगति something unusual or unexpected In order to find the anomaly, scientists had to repeat the experiment over a hundred times.
569 Anomie एनोमी social instability caused by erosion of standards and values  Carl claims that the children of gangsters are prone to anomie because they were never raised with a sense of right and wrong.
570 Anon शीघ्र in a short time; soon The game will begin anon so hurry up and get here!
571 Anonymity गुमनामी the condition of having one’s identity unknown For anonymity, the famous actress wore dark glasses and a baseball cap while walking in the park.
572 Anonymous अनाम not named The donor requested to remain anonymous so that others wouldn’t bother him for money.
573 Answer उत्तर to give a response The student raised his hand to answer the question, but the teacher called on someone else.
574 Antagonism विरोध strong dislike After deciding to become a cheerleader, the teenage boy had to deal with the antagonism of his peers.
575 Antagonist प्रतिपक्षी a challenger or foe Do you think the antagonist is going to kill the hero at the end of the movie?
576 Antagonistic विरोधी showing or feeling aggression or hostility towards something My step-brother has always been very antagonistic towards me, never sharing his things or spending any time with me if he can help it.
577 Antagonize विरोध करना to trigger hostility or anger If you antagonize the dog, he will bite you.
578 Ante पूर्व to make an investment in money before knowing one’s chances  Every player is required to place an ante of the chosen amount into the center of table when playing poker.
579 Antecedent पूर्वपद something that came before something else and may have influenced or caused it Can you identify the antecedent that led to Jane’s emotional breakdown?
580 Antedate समय से पूर्व घटित होना to occur before something else  In general, sex will normally antedate a pregnancy.
581 Antediluvian पुराना greatly out of date My daughter often tells me I wear antediluvian clothes that are way out of style.
582 Antemeridian पूर्व मध्याह्न in the morning or before noon The antemeridian brunch was held before noon so that more people could attend.
583 Anterior पूर्वकाल का nearer the front Marc’s anterior teeth are yellow, although his molars are pearly white.
584 Anteroom गलियारा a small waiting area that leads into a bigger room The principal makes the students wait in his anteroom before he calls them into his office.
585 Anthem गान a song that is said to represent the masses, whether it be cultural or social Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” became an anthem for the LGBT community.
586 Anthology संकलन a collection of writings The band’s anthology was set to release in a few days.
587 Anthropoid मानवाकार having characteristics of a human being, usually in terms of shape or appearance While visiting the zoo, we watched a monkey peal a banana in such an anthropoid way.
588 Anthropologist मानव विज्ञानी an individual who studies the development of human beings As an anthropologist, Sara spends her days examining the evolution of human beings.
589 Anthropology मनुष्य जाति का विज्ञान the study of the origin of mankind By examining past societies, those learned in anthropology believe they can solve world issues today.
590 Anthropomorphic मानवरूपी having attributes of humans The boy’s favorite cartoon stars an anthropomorphic cat who talks and walks like a person.
591 Anthropomorphism अवतारवाद giving human traits to objects and living creatures that are not human The author uses anthropomorphism to give human personalities to her animal characters.
592 Anti एंटी opposed to or against The world is almost entirely anti-imperialism these days, condemning any country that would try to expand its own borders through conquest.
593 Antibiotic एंटीबायोटिक दवाओं any substance that can destroy or inhibit the growth of bacteria and similar microorganisms Her doctor said that she should take an antibiotic because it will help her fight the bacterial infection that is causing her strep throat.
594 Antibody एंटीबॉडी a blood protein your body creates to fight disease Finding the right antibody to fight the contagion is critical and can determine between life and death.
595 Anticipation प्रत्याशा the condition of being excited about something that is going to occur In anticipation of the baby’s arrival, we have prepared the nursery.
596 Anticipatory अग्रिम happening or performed in anticipation of something The soldiers took anticipatory defensive positions, preparing for the wave of attackers that would no doubt assault their position within the hour.
597 Anticlimactic anticlimactic lacking climax, disappointing or ironically insignificant following of impressive foreshadowing Although the child anticipated that the gift would bring him endless enjoyment, it quickly turned into an anticlimactic experience.
598 Anticlimax अवनति a shift from an exciting event to a disappointing event As the story wrapped up, it became apparent that Sonny’s break-up with his girlfriend would be the anticlimax.
599 Antics हरकतों silly or outrageous conduct The students’ disruptive antics caused the speaker to stop talking.
600 Antidote विषहर औषध a substance to counteract a poison Because he was bit by a snake, they had to give him the antidote so he would survive.
601 Antigen एंटीजन a toxin or foreign substance that causes the body to produce antibodies After many tests were conducted, it was discovered that he carried the antigen for a genetic disorder.
602 Antinomy अधिकार-विरोध an apparent contradiction between valid conclusions The Kansas born man spoke antinomy when he stated that all Americans are liars.
603 Antipathy घृणा a feeling of dislike The source of my antipathy is my ex-husband’s new wife!
604 Antipodes प्रतिलोभ a nickname for Australia and New Zealand Far from the antipodes, the couple was homesick for both Australia and New Zealand.
605 Antiquated प्राचीन dated; from the past Why would such a young woman wear antiquated dresses that make her look like an old lady?
606 Antique एंटीक an old piece of furniture, household item, or other similar item After researching the antique car, I became aware that it was over 100 years old and came directly off of Ford’s assembly line.
607 Antiquity प्राचीन काल an out of date period While many females got married in their teens in antiquity, today women tend to marry in their later years.
608 Antiseptic सड़न रोकनेवाली दबा very clean and free of disease-causing organisms While cleaning with an antiseptic spray, I realized my friend would find it impossible to say anything negative at our playdate about any germs being in the house.
609 Antisocial सामाजिक सिद्धान्तों के विस्र्द्ध unwilling or unable to associate normally with other people People say that I am antisocial because I don’t talk that much.
610 Antithesis विलोम the total opposite of an object or person In the movie, Robert’s character of an abusive husband is the antithesis of the caring spouse the actor really is.
611 Antitrust एंटीट्रस्ट a law against trusts and monopolies, designed to promote competition in business Antitrust laws are in place to prevent companies from having a monopoly on any good or service.
612 Antonym विलोम a word that means the opposite of another word in the same language One antonym pair we are very used to in driving is ‘go’ and ‘stop,’ for obvious reasons.
613 Anxiety चिंता an uncomfortable feeling of worry or nervousness Because she was suffering from anxiety, her therapist recommended taking some medication to help.
614 Anxious चिंतित worried or concerned Sylvia was anxious to finish her speech since getting in front of a large crowd of people made her tremble.
615 Anyway फिर भी anyhow; nevertheless I figured that he mall would be very busy on Saturday afternoon, but I decided to go anyway.
616 Apart अलग to be separated by a typically considerable distance The two lovers were struggling with the rules of their people that kept them apart, and they decided to flee the stratifications of their home.
617 Apartheid रंगभेद discriminatory policy of racial separation used by South Africa Apartheid was discrimination against Africans based on skin color or ethnicity.
618 Apathetic उदासीन having little or no interest or concern The employee’s apathetic attitude was apparent in the rude way he greeted customers.
619 Apathy उदासीनता a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm While some of the group’s members could not stop talking during the budget discussion, other members were frozen with apathy and did not engage in the conversation.
620 Apathy उदासीनता a feeling of having no interest in or enthusiasm about anything The serial killer’s lack of apathy left even the judge speechless.
621 Aperture छेद a gap such as a hole or cavity The missile left a gigantic aperture in the wall of the terrorist’s hideout.
622 Apex सर्वोच्च the greatest or topmost position At the apex of our country sits the president of our nation.
623 Aphorism कहावत a brief and witty saying While Ted’s aphorism was short and funny, it was enough to make us briefly forget our father was having life-saving surgery.
624 Aphotic एफ़ोटिक a region of water that is so deep that it does not receive sunlight In the aphotic section of the ocean, many sea creatures have the ability to glow in the pitch black depths.
625 Aphrodisiac कामोद्दीपक something that produces or enhances desire of a sexual nature My husband hoped the aphrodisiac would stimulate his sexual desires.
626 Apiary मधमक्खियों के पालने का स्थान a place where bees and hives are kept  Although he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was seldom stung by a bee.
627 Apical शिखर-संबंधी top, important, best, highest When he was elected president, it was an apical point in his life.
628 Aplomb अभिमान confidence and skill shown, especially in a difficult situation; keeping your cool Because the negotiator handled the hostage situation with aplomb, the kidnapper released everyone without harm.
629 Apocalypse कयामत a huge catastrophe that causes devastating destruction and loss Many religious groups believe an apocalypse will one day terminate the lives of all sinners.
630 Apocryphal शंकायुक्त well-known but probably not true Scientists claim the apocryphal story about creation is not true.
631 Apodictic अपोडिक्टिक unquestionably true or certain After spending 16 years teaching English, I had an apodictic assurance that I could pass an adolescent literature class.
632 Apogee पराकाष्ठा the highest point The apogee of my happiness was when I married the love of my life.
633 Apologetic क्षमाशील remorseful; sorry for committing a wrong Though she pretended to be apologetic, Lesley wasn’t really sorry for the things she had done wrong.
634 Apologize क्षमा माँगना to express regret for one’s actions; to say that you are sorry The woman’s stubborn boyfriend never likes to apologize, even when he knows he was wrong.
635 Apology क्षमायाचना an expression of regret; remorse  The Congressman has made mistakes, as he himself acknowledged during a televised apology last weekend.
636 Apoplectic मिरगी से ग्रस्त incredibly angry The victim’s family was apoplectic when the case against their son’s killer was dismissed.
637 Apoplexy मिरगी the inability to speak or perform as a result of an intense emotion or serious medical condition During a bout of apoplexy caused by anger, Jim couldn’t respond to the accusations made against his wife.
638 Apostasy स्वधर्मत्याग the act of renouncing one’s religious beliefs After Sue underwent her apostasy, she declared herself an atheist and never returned to church.
639 Apostate स्वधर्मत्यागी an individual who has rejected his faith or religious convictions When John challenged his church’s views, the leaders began to see him as an apostate.
640 Apothecary अत्तार a person who makes and provides/sells drugs and/or medicines When she realized that she was sick, the young woman sought the assistance of the local apothecary.
641 Apothegm एपोथेगम a short, witty, instructive saying “Don’t cry over spilled milk” is an apothegm which has become worn from overuse, but which will forever remain true and relevant.apothegm which has become worn from overuse, but which will forever remain true and relevant.’,3,1,3);”> 🔊
642 Apotheosis गुणगान perfect example of something or the best point in one’s life or job I consider the apotheosis of my career to be when I received CEO of the company.
643 Appalled चकित struck with horror When the stranger approached us and pulled down his pants, we were appalled.
644 Appalling भय उत्पन्न करनेवाला very bad The guru’s lie was appalling to those who followed his teachings.
645 Apparatus उपकरण the tools, equipment, and machinery you use for particular purposes The firefighter donned a breathing apparatus before entering the blaze, to search for people trapped in the inferno.
646 Apparel परिधान clothing Shirley needs learn about different kinds of apparel that are fitting for various social settings, so that she does not stand out like a sore thumb.
647 Apparent प्रकट clearly visible or understood; obvious After the jury listened to the witness talk about the murder, it became apparent that he had never witnessed it.
648 Apparition प्रेत a ghostly appearing figure Casper the Friendly Ghost is a cartoon apparition that even little kids can be comfortable with.
649 Appeal अपील करना to make a request for I have made an appeal to my parents to reduce the length of time I am grounded, but so far I have had no success in convincing them of that.
650 Appealing आकर्षक tempting; alluring After a week without food, even insects were appealing to the starving sailor.
651 Appear के जैसा लगना to become visible; to come into sight The magician made the rabbit appear out of nowhere, surprising the audience who were shocked to see it hop out of the hat.
652 Appearance उपस्थिति what something looks like Having just drove through a bunch of mud on his ATV, Mark’s appearance was little more than wet brown dirt on every inch of his face.
653 Appease खुश to make (someone) pleased or less angry by giving or saying something desired When I reported the cashier’s poor customer service, the manager tried to appease me with the offer of a free pizza.
654 Appeasement मनौती to calm or persuade into an agreement usually in the angry party’s favor The appeasement of the angry mob was only possible when the governor spoke to their leader and came to an agreement.
655 Appellation पदवी a term or title by which a person or thing is identified Because there is no appellation on the product, consumers are confused about the brand’s name.
656 Append संलग्न attach; affix The charm bracelet had acquired so many charms that Stacey had a hard time finding space to append her newest one.
657 Appendage अनुबंध a limb or other extremity that stick outs from the upper or lower portion of a body Using a claw-like appendage, the videogame monster killed the soldiers.
658 Appendix अनुबंध the last part of a book or essay where extra information pertaining to the topic is included; sometimes with a graphic aid “Your APA paper should contain an appendix located after the works cited page of your paper,” said the professor to his students.
659 Appetence अभिलाषा the state or action of desiring or craving Watching how donuts were made gave Greg an appetence for a soft, warm, glazed donut.
660 Appetite भूख a strong desire for something Because I’m so hungry, I have a real appetite for just about anything edible at this point.
661 Appetizing स्वादिष्ट appealing or attractive, typically in reference to food The melted cheese of a grilled cheese sandwich is extremely appetizing when I am hungry.
662 Applaud सराहना to congratulate by clapping Following the wonderful performance of the local opera company on opening night, the audience did applaud by standing up at the end and cheering.
663 Applause वाहवाही the act of praise publicly expressed by the clapping of hands During the Olympics the crowd was instructed to hold their applause until the end of the gymnast’s performance.
664 Appliance उपकरण a piece of equipment designed to perform a domestic task The dishwasher is a staple appliance in American kitchens, and has been for many decades, alongside the sink.
665 Applicable उपयुक्त suitable for application, relevant The judge said that New Jersey law was not applicable in this case because the crime took place in Delaware and that the criminal had not driven over state lines.
666 Applicant आवेदक one who applies for something; one who makes a request The company has promised to see all applicants who meet the specification for the vacant job.
667 Application आवेदन an official permission to a higher figure for something Since I needed to travel to another county, I was required to fill out an application for a new passport six weeks in advance by completing the required form.
668 Apply आवेदन करना to smear or rub a substance on something else I need to apply sunscreen all over my pale skin before I go out in the sun.
669 Appoint नियुक्त करना to assign a responsibility, job, or role to someone After the scandal broke, the CIA was quick to appoint a new director with no ties to the former director who was now heading to jail.
670 Appointed नियुक्त to pick or choose for a task, duty, job or title position After Scalia’s death, the president appointed the replacement for the Supreme Court of the United States.
671 Appose अपील to place things next to or near another thing The artist chose to appose the two students beside one another so he could paint them at the same time.
672 Apposite उचित fitting for the situation or suited My daughter and I usually disagree about which clothing items are apposite for school.
673 Apposition समानाधिकरण a grammatical relation between an adjective and the noun behind it In the movie title, “My Fair Lady”, my fair is in apposition to the word lady.
674 Appraisal मूल्यांकन an opinion or estimated value Though my car was in good condition, the appraisal of my vehicle came back with a below trade-in value.
675 Appraised मूल्यांकन to have had its worth evaluated The insurance company appraised the famous painting at ten million dollars.
676 Appreciable प्रशंसनीय adequately considered to be substantial or significant After providing her medical records, the young student’s appreciable impairment was taken seriously now from her teachers.
677 Appreciate प्रशंसा करना to understand the worth, value, or importance of something As an art dealer, the man can appreciate fine pieces and see their worth in a way that others can’t.
678 Appreciative सराहना displaying or feeling gratitude My appreciative daughter thanked everyone who gave her a birthday present.
679 Apprehend पकड़ना to catch a person for criminal reasons Hopefully the law enforcement agents will apprehend the killer before he harms anyone else.
680 Apprehension आशंका capturing and arresting a lawless person Both the army and the police were involved in the apprehension of the terrorists.
681 Apprehensive भयभीत worried that something bad may happen; afraid With recent job cuts, Kate is apprehensive about losing her job.
682 Apprentice शिक्षु trainee (beginner) especially in a skilled trade Before he became a professional, he worked as an apprentice in the industry.
683 Apprenticeship शागिर्दी job training that involves working for an expert to learn a particular trade James took a culinary apprenticeship to learn the skills necessary to become a chef.
684 Apprise सूचना देना to report on the status of something The scouts went back to apprise their commanding officer of the enemy’s location.
685 Approach दृष्टिकोण so come near something The hunter tried to approach the deer quietly so he would not scare it away.
686 Approachable सुलभ easy to talk to Due to my approachable teacher, I felt comfortable asking her any question about physics without feeling dumb.
687 Approbation प्रशंसा to gain approval I need to write a powerful resume to gain approbation from an employor.
688 Appropriate उचित right or suited for a particular situation Her speech on retirement was appropriate for her middle-aged audience.
689 Appropriation विनियोग money set aside for a specific purpose Joy works at city hall where she gets to oversee the appropriation of funds to both the public school and the public library systems.
690 Approve मंज़ूरी देना to officially accept something, considering it good or okay Before the bank will approve your loan, you must sign a note promising to repay the money with interest.
691 Approximate अनुमानित close to the exact; estimated Because Jack did not want to place an exact figure on how much he was willing to spend, I asked him for an approximate ball park figure.
692 Approximately लगभग close to, but not exactly The newborn baby weighed approximately 8 pounds, but I would need to look at his birth certificate to be certain.
693 Appurtenant लगाव belonging Appurtenant to the property, the single oak stump was an eyesore to both the owners and the neighbors.
694 Apropos अनुरूप fitting; at the right time Justine’s apropos comment fit in perfectly with our discussion.
695 Apt उपयुक्त likely to do something The apt student was on his way to claiming honor roll status.
696 Aptitude कौशल the capability to do something well The aptitude test will identify your strongest areas in math.
697 Aptly जिसे उपयुक्त in a fitting way When my aunt labels my moody uncle as grumpy, she aptly refers to him.
698 Aptness उपयुक्तता being suitable or right for something Michael’s long legs given him an aptness for being a good track athlete.
699 Aquatic जलीय associated with water, often living in or taking place in water All aquatic activities will take place in the indoor pool.
700 Aqueduct नहर an artificial channel that is constructed to transport water from one location to another Once completed, the aqueduct will carry fresh water into the mainland.
701 Aqueous जलीय associated with water The punch is an aqueous solution composed of water and fruit juice.
702 Aquifer एक्विफायर a rock deposit that bears water and is under the ground  Several people became ill after drinking water from the aquifer located under the chemical plant.
703 Arabesque अरबस्क a graceful, Arabian design usually seen in metal, ceramic, or stone that resembles vines and leaves Arabesque gates with curving iron doors guarded the entrance into the garden.
704 Arable कृषि योग्य adequate for cultivating The soil in the front yard is arable and perfect for planting a rose garden.
705 Arbiter मध्यस्थ one who can settle a disagreement between parties An arbiter will help the divorcing couple come to terms on a settlement.
706 Arbitrage पंचायत a method of buying something for one price and then immediately selling it for another price somewhere else The broker decided to use arbitrage techniques to buy foreign stocks at a discount and quickly unload them in the US.
707 Arbitrary मनमाना not done for any particular reason; chosen or done at random In spite of the cold weather, we made an arbitrary trip to the beach.
708 Arbitrate पंचायत करना to settle an argument between two people or groups after hearing the opinions and ideas of both Often, I am called upon to arbitrate disagreements between my two best friends.
709 Arcane भेद का understood by only a few; obscure Because it is no longer taught in schools, people are concerned that cursive writing will become arcane.
710 Arch मेहराब a semi-circle shape, like an inverted “U” Write the letter U upside down to best visualize an arch.
711 Archaeology पुरातत्त्व the study of the past by excavation and analysis of its material remains Thanks to the efforts of archaeology, excavators were able to discovered a new species of dinosaur.
712 Archaic प्राचीन old and no longer useful Because my archaic computer is no longer useful to me, I am giving it away for free.
713 Archenemy कट्टर दुश्मन a main enemy that is extremely opposed to someone or something Glaring at this archenemy, the runner was determined to beat him in the race.
714 Archetype मूलरूप आदर्श an ideal example that people often attempt to duplicate The film that won the best picture award should be considered the archetype of all future movies.
715 Archipelago द्वीपसमूह a group of islands After island-hopping in the Aegean Sea, the tourists slept for a couple days due to previous excessive boating and walking to the different islands on the archipelago.
716 Architecture वास्तुकला the science of designing and constructing The architecture of the boat was supposed to make the vessel unsinkable.
717 Archive पुरालेख a collection of historical documents or records providing information about a place, institution, or group of people The archive was full of photographs, letters, and historical documents from WWI.
718 Archly चालाकी से cunningly or slyly The thief archly planned the robbery.
719 Ardent उत्साही feeling great passion, or felt very passionately When the rock star checks his mail, he almost always finds one or two bizarre gifts from some of his ardent fans.
720 Ardor ललक great warmth of feeling; passion While Jane enjoyed spending time with John, she did not return the ardor he felt for her.
721 Arduous कठिन demanding great effort or labor; difficult Last semester was a piece of cake, but taking seven classes along with an internship this semester is going to be arduous!
722 Area क्षेत्र a particular geographic region The Everglades are an area of swamp in southern Florida.
723 Argot कठबोली a unique language used by certain groups or people with a particular occupation The old woman could not understand the argot her granddaughter used to communicate with her friends.
724 Arguably यकीनन possibly or probably Ms. Ray believed that her chocolate cake would arguably win the top prize at Florida’s Cake Contest.
725 Argue बहस करना to give reasons for your support or condemnation of certain ideals, typically in an aggressive manner If you wish to argue for an ideal that you believe in, you are better off relying on logic than emotion.
726 Argument तर्क a discussion where both sides explain their contrasting viewpoints usually with an angry tone Everyone in the apartment complex could hear the argument between the couple due to their loud voices and the thin walls.
727 Argumentative विवादपूर्ण predisposed to debating, disagreeing, or expressing controversial opinions or beliefs An argumentative student will often disagree with the teacher just for the sake of doing so rather than having a good reason.
728 Argyle आर्गाइल a pattern that features a series of diamonds and a solid colored background that was originally modeled from Scottish tartan The doting grandfather made a habit of wearing argyle vests because his granddaughter loved to trace the diamond patterns and nuzzle into the wool.
729 Arid शुष्क incredibly dry; lacking water  The crops will not grow in the arid ground because the soil is too dry.
730 Aridity शुष्कता long term lack of rainfall or moisture The aridity of the soil was not ideal for planting.
731 Arise उठना to get up from a seated or laying position Once the small children saw the sun peak through their windows, they would arise and go downstairs on Christmas day.
732 Aristocracy शिष्टजन a group of people who are viewed as being better than others, usually because of a title or status in society The richest people in our town are considered to be the town aristocracy.
733 Aristocratic भव्य relating to nobility or upper class The man’s aristocratic background caused him to crave fine dining and lavish parties.
734 Armada बेड़े a fleet of warships During the war a country’s navy sent its armada to attack its enemy.
735 Armament अस्त्र – शस्त्र military weapons or equipment The armament technician’s job is to make sure that all of the troop’s weapons are in working order.
736 Armistice युद्धविराम a break from fighting which gives two warring factions time to negotiate peace The accidental firing of the missile broke the armistice and destroyed the chance of peace between the two nations.
737 Armor कवच metal coverings that are worn to protect one’s body, especially during battle The soldiers dressed their bodies in armor and prepared to face their enemies on the battlefield.
738 Aroma सुगंध a distinctive, typically pleasant smell A pleasant aroma rose from Janet’s oven, as her apple pie neared completion.
739 Aromatic खुशबूदार fragrant or strong-smelling The aromatic scent of grandma’s spaghetti sauce wafted through the house.
740 Arose पड़ी to start to exist or occur A disagreement arose during the game, and the referee had to clear the field to end the fight.
741 Around आस-पास nearby; In the area There is supposed to be a park around the corner, but we haven’t been able to find it.
742 Arouse जगाना to stimulate or provoke a reaction or response After Sandy began asking her friends to lie about her whereabouts on the night of the crime, she began to arouse suspicion from the detective.
743 Arraign आरोप लगाना to charge someone in a court of law His lawyer was not present when the suspect was set to arraign.
744 Arraignment आक्षेप to take before a judge based on charges brought against the person The community was relieved when the gang members were arrested and brought in for an arraignment.
745 Arrange व्यवस्थित करना to plan or set up The musician tried to arrange a meeting at the record label, but no one would agree to meet with him.
746 Arrangement व्यवस्था how something is positioned or displayed Anna worked on the arrangement of the flowers, positioning each rose in a specific way.
747 Arrant कुख्यात complete, total, or utter (example: “arrant nonsense”) If you allow your son to participate in such arrant nonsense with his friends, he’s going to end up either hurt or in a juvenile detention center.
748 Array सरणी a large collection of things or people The store offers an array of neckties for sale, of every color, stripe and texture.
749 Arrest गिरफ़्तार करना to seize someone and take them into legal custody The police officer decided not to arrest the woman even though he could have taken her to jail.
750 Arresting गिरफ्तार fascinating; striking in an eye-catching way The eye-catching painting was visually arresting to all of the art gallery visitors.
751 Arrhythmic अतालता having an irregular beat or pace After diagnosing the patient with an arrhythmic heartbeat, the doctor knew he needed to prescribe medication to get the beat back into a steady rhythm.
752 Arrival आगमन the act of reaching the place to which you were traveling Because of the blizzard weather, my arrival to New York will be delayed.
753 Arrogance अभिमान a rude and insulting way to act that comes from thinking you are better and more important than other people The sheer arrogance of Hitler to think that he could dominate the world was shattered when he assassinated himself in his bunker.
754 Arrogant अभिमानी one who rudely acts as though he is better than other people The arrogant young man quickly discounted his friends’ suggestions.
755 Arrogate हथियाना to seize without having the right to do so The gang is trying to arrogate the public park and turn it into their private meeting space.
756 Arsenal शस्त्रागार a stock of weapons When they arrested the suspect, he had an arsenal of firearms in his possession.
757 Arsenic हरताल a very harmful substance that kills people and animals that ingest it The husband was accused of sprinkling arsenic on his wife’s food in an effort to kill her.
758 Arson आगजनी illegally setting something on fire Fire investigators suspected arson when they couldn’t find an electrical source for the fire.
759 Artful धूर्त showing creativity or skill The photographer’s artful shot showed a new side of the great wall.
760 Arthritis वात रोग inflammation and stiffness in the joints Timothy’s doctor explained that the sharp pains in his joints were caused by arthritis.
761 Article लेख a story or report that you can read in a newspaper, journal, or online I read an article in the newspaper about the effect of social networking sites on children.
762 Articulate स्पष्ट, गाँठदार expressing oneself clearly A polished speaker, Jenna was able to articulate her points during any discussion.
763 Artifact विरूपण साक्ष्य a handmade object that is often found in some type of archaeological dig  The artifact was discovered near the site of the ancient burial ground.
764 Artifice युक्ति a move made to obtain an advantage or trick someone The company’s artifice centers on lowering their prices to the point that no other company can compete.
765 Artificial कृत्रिम man made and/or unnatural The health-conscious mother banned anything with artificial flavors from the house.
766 Artillery तोपें long range explosive bombardment weapons, such as cannons or mortars During World War Two, battleships served as artillery for many of the island invasions the US underwent against Japan.
767 Artisan शिल्पकार skilled craft worker who makes or creates things by hand The artisan cheesemakers specialized in making cheeses on their small dairy farm.
768 Artistic कलात्मक having or revealing creative skill Ways to be artistic include writing, painting, drawing, singing, playing an instrument, and doing arts and crafts.
769 Ascend Ascend to travel in an upward direction Sam was able to ascend the corporate ladder because of his relationships with powerful executives.
770 Ascendancy प्रभुत्व a situation of power from which an individual can influence ordirect other individuals Jim is an arrogant man who believes he has an ascendancy that allows him to order his wife around like a slave.
771 Ascendant प्रबल rising in power, status, or influence The king desperately looked for a way to fend off the ascendant regime rising to power.
772 Ascension अधिरोहण a rise in status or physical position The plane’s ascension took it from the landing strip far into the skies above the airport it called home for a few hours.
773 Ascent आरोहण a path that leads upward My legs were tired after I took the ascent to the cabin on the ridge.
774 Ascertain पता लगाना learn or discover with certainty; determine Detective Jimmy was able to quickly ascertain the suspect was not being honest with him.
775 Ascetic तपस्वी leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, usually for spiritual reasons Jacob chose to live an ascetic life because of his strict religious beliefs.
776 Ascribe कारण बताना attribute a cause or characteristic While you can sometimes ascribe these symptoms to allergies, I’m pretty sure you have a full-fledged cold.
777 Aseptic सड़न रोकनेवाला free from living germs that cause disease After undergoing extensive surgery, Karen’s bloodstream became aseptic which would label her as healthy.
778 Ashamed शर्मिंदा embarrassed because of one’s own actions Ashamed of the lies she told her husband, the cheating wife hung her head in shame.
779 Ashore तट पर the land along the edge of a large body of water The passengers went ashore once the cruise line made their scheduled stop in Florida.
780 Aside अलग out of the way; to the side Placing all problems aside, Lila decided to give her boyfriend a second chance.
781 Asinine गदहे का very stupid or foolish How asinine of you to pay for a television in pennies!
782 Askance कनखियों से with doubt or suspicion The wealthy man looked askance as the gang members approached him.
783 Askew तिरछा tilted to one side; in a crooked position I’ve tried straightening out the poster three times, but it still looks askew.
784 Aspect पहलू a specific part of something The critic’s review was single-minded and focused only on one aspect of the film.
785 Aspects पहलू parts of something As we toured the home, I mentioned that the aspects of house were not my style.
786 Asperity तीक्ष्णता harsh manner or tone of voice When I was a teenager, my father used asperity when he spoke with all my dates in hopes of scaring them away.
787 Aspersion कलंक a false charge meant to harm someone’s reputation Jack’s political rival cast an aspersion against him right before the election.
788 Asphyxiate गला घोंटना to stop the flow of air to a person’s lungs by obstructing their breathing pathway Detective Jones realized the killer did asphyxiate the victim by wrapping a belt around her throat and pulling it as tight as possible.
789 Asphyxiation asphyxiation the act of restricting oxygen to the brain in someone or something Due to the red marks around her neck and her pale blue skin, the medical examiner determined that the woman died of asphyxiation.
790 Aspirant आकांक्षी a person or group that strives to achieve something, take on a certain career, or follow a particular path Though she didn’t possess much natural talent, the aspirant practice dancing every single day in hopes that she would be good enough to become a professional dancer.
791 Aspirate महाप्राण a medical term that means to draw in something by suction During the science experiment, students tried to aspirate some of the excess liquid from the bowl using a syringe.
792 Aspiration आकांक्षा a dream of accomplishing something My husband and I share the aspiration of having a marriage that lasts a lifetime.
793 Aspire महत्त्वाकांक्षा करना to hope or dream Even though he claims that he doesn’t aspire to greatness, I have never seen anyone work the media the way that he does.
794 Assail आक्रमण करना to attack violently If anyone ever talks negatively about Alex’s father, his response is to assail the person with insults.
795 Assailant आक्रमण-संबंधी  an individual who attacks another individual I was able to give the police a detailed description of the assailant who attacked me in the parking lot.
796 Assassinate हत्या to murder a famous or otherwise important person with a surprise attack The murder only spent a few hours planning the killing, but was able to assassinate the politician right outside his home.
797 Assault हमला a physical attack An assault of the police officer left him bloody and battered.
798 Assay परख a test or assessment on something to determine what it contains The laboratory conducted an assay to quantitatively measure the presence of ore in the composition.
799 Assemblage संयोजन an assembly or collection An assemblage of rust-colored antiques lined the tables of the thrift store.
800 Assemble इकट्ठा to put together The chef needed to assemble the ingredients for the meal.
801 Assembly सभा construction Toys R Us hires workers whose sole work task is assembly of bikes and other buildable toys.
802 Assent अनुमति to agree to something especially after thoughtful consideration For a while, it seemed as if Karen was not going to assent to Jim’s marriage proposal.
803 Assert ज़ोर to express an opinion or fact in a confident manner The lawyer will assert his client’s innocence despite the overwhelming evidence against him.
804 Assertion बल देकर कहना a bold declaration without proof The lawyer’s assertion will have us believe her client was not in the state at the time of the murder.
805 Assertive निश्चयात्मक boldly self-assured; confident without being aggressive The flight attendant became assertive when confronting the man who took his seat belt off during takeoff.
806 Assess आकलन to judge or evaluate the state or value of something The field test will assess the police candidate’s ability to perform under stress.
807 Assessment आकलन the process of making a judgement or evaluation about someone or something The assessment of my car damage was that it was totaled from the accident.
808 Asset संपत्ति an individual, quality, or thing that is considered valuable Jane’s ’67 Mustang is her favorite asset.
809 Asseverate यकीन करना to state in a definite manner The teacher could not believe the class mischief-maker had the nerve to asseverate a zombie stole his homework.
810 Assiduous परिश्रमी showing hard work and care that is brought about by attention to detail That was very assiduous of you to finish those financial reports weeks ahead of schedule.
811 Assign सौंपना to designate or set apart something for some purpose  The store managers will assign daily duties to the seasonal employees.
812 Assignation नियुक्ति an appointment or date to meet someone in secret, typically between lovers I had an assignation with my girlfriend yesterday, the two of us sneaking out into town so our parents wouldn’t know what we were doing.
813 Assignment कार्यभार a particular task or duty that one is expected to complete On assignment for the Washington Post, the reporter combed the city in search of information.
814 Assimilate अपनाना to learn something so that it is fully understood and can be used Because I am not good with math, I find it difficult to assimilate most of the geometry formulas.
815 Assist सहायता देना a helpful action or act of giving  I’m always willing to assist the elderly across the street when I see they’re struggling.
816 Assistance सहायता help; aid The doctor called for assistance and the nurse came running.
817 Assistant सहायक a worker who helps in a particular field for task Each library assistant was given a specific section of the library to put away books.
818 Assisted असिस्टेड helped; aided The kindergarten teacher assisted the children with tying their shoes and opening their milk cartons.
819 Associate संबंद्ध करना to connect things in one’s mind Even my two year old niece can associate the yellow arch with McDonald’s cheeseburgers.
820 Association संगठन a group of people organized for a particular purpose or mission The association was created to help struggling veterans find housing and work.
821 Associative जोड़नेवाला having a connection between two things Research studies have shown time and time again that there is an associative connection between smoking and cancer.
822 Assonance स्वरों की एकता the duplication of similar or identical vowel sounds in sentences, phrases, or words If you find yourself repeating vowel vibrations in your poems, you’re probably making use of assonance in your rhymes.
823 Assortment वर्गीकरण a diverse collection of things or people As she ventured into the closet, the maid was amazed by the assortment of shoes that lined the shelves.
824 Assuage शांत करना to provide relief; causing to feel better In an effort to assuage angry customers, the store issued everyone a full refund.
825 Assuage शांत करना to relieve or ease unpleasant feelings Darren tried to assuage his wife’s fear of flying by buying her a drink and holding her hand during takeoff.
826 Assume मान लीजिए to suppose to be true, especially without proof If I saw a man dressed all in black, holding a gun, and walking toward me, I would assume that the man is really a dangerous guy and I would run away from him.
827 Assumption मान्यता the act of assuming, or taking to or upon one’s self; the act of taking up or adopting When the young woman became engaged, the assumption of wedding planner was taken on by the bride’s mother.
828 Assurance बीमा a promise that relieves doubt In his address, the president will provide the public with an assurance the economy is slowly improving.
829 Assure आश्वासन to promise or guarantee Unions are able to assure workers certain protections and benefits not guaranteed in nonunion states.
830 Assured आश्वासन दिया guaranteed; promised The dog groomer assured the dog’s owner that she would be satisfied with the pet’s haircut.
831 Asterisk तारांकन a print symbol used for numerous purposes including highlighting something or signaling a note is included at the end of a page  As Tim studied his notecards, he put an asterisk beside any information he felt he needed to revisit.
832 Asteroid छोटा तारा a rocky object that is smaller than a planet that most often orbits a star Believing that an asteroid would one day strike the Earth, the citizens decided to live on Mars.
833 Asthenosphere एस्थेनोस्फीयर the portion of the mantle of the Earth that rests under the lithosphere and is comprised of rocks that can be altered in shape The asthenosphere is an underlying layer of the Earth positioned beneath the lithosphere.
834 Astir उत्तेजना में in motion By dawn of Christmas Day, the excited children were already astir.
835 Astonish चकित to trigger surprise or wonder Hopefully the magic show will astonish our guests and leave them amazed.
836 Astonished आश्चर्यचकित greatly surprised or amazed After weeks of studying the Civil War, Kevin was astonished with his below average grade on his history test.
837 Astonishing आश्चर्यजनक causing amazement The magic show was an astonishing display of illusions and wonder.
838 Astound हक्का बक्का to overpower with amazement The taste of the wonderful dessert is sure to astound anyone who likes chocolate.
839 Astral एस्ट्रल related to the stars A telescope is being used to look at stars and other astral objects in the sky.
840 Astray गुमराह not on the desired path My partying friends tried to lead me astray from my studies.
841 Astride सवार होकर with ones legs on either side of  An old portrait of Molly shows her sitting astride a horse.
842 Astringent स्तम्मक acidic The sauce was way too astringent for my taste, as I dislike bitter flavors.
843 Astrology ज्योतिष the study of the movements and positions of the planets and stars and how they might affect our lives Because she followed astrology, she read her horoscope each day.
844 Astute चतुर marked by practical hardheaded intelligence The astute businessman went from rags to riches with one great idea.
845 Asunder अलग-अलग separate into distinct parts When I learned my husband had been cheating on me, I felt as though my world had been blown asunder.
846 Asylum अस्पताल place of safety Clara’s lifelong dream is to start a program that grants asylum to persecuted citizens from other countries.
847 Asymmetrical विषम having two uneven or crooked sides I have asymmetrical eyes, with one eye bigger and lower than the other.
848 Asymptomatic स्पर्शोन्मुख displaying no signs or symptoms of illness  Although the doctor says I have a heart condition, I’m currently asymptomatic and feel fine.
849 Asynchronous अतुल्यकालिक not happening or occurring at the same time The online course was asynchronous, allowing students to learn at their own pace.
850 Atheism नास्तिकता a lack of belief in the existence of a God or gods The man’s atheism was a surprise to his family members who were devout Catholics and wholeheartedly believed in God.
851 Athlete धावक a person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise The ballet dancer raged when people scoffed and said that she wasn’t an athlete because she spent as many hours training as NFL players.
852 Atlas एटलस a book of maps Containing 40 maps, the atlas showed various boundaries between countries and states.
853 Atmosphere वायुमंडल the climate or mood in a certain place The atmosphere in the party was very festive.
854 Atmospheric वायुमंडलीय relating to the atmosphere (air that surrounds the Earth.) Global atmospheric levels of the gas continue to rise throughout the world’s air.
855 Atom एटम the smallest portion of an element that contains the chemical traits of the element Water consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.
856 Atomize परमाणुओं में परिणत करना to reduce something into small particles or a fine mist When scientists atomize a solution into tiny bits, an aerosol spray is created.
857 Atone मेल करना to reimburse for a wrongdoing To atone for racist actions in his youth, the billionaire established a scholarship fund for minority students attending his alma mater.
858 Atrabilious अत्रबिलियस bad-tempered or irritable The pupils were afraid to ask the atrabilious teacher questions.
859 Atrocious नृशंस heinous; monstrous After receiving atrocious reviews, the play closed the day after opening.
860 Atrocity क्रूरता a horrific action The atrocity of the murders stunned the entire city.
861 Atrophy शोष to weaken in ability or function It was hard to watch my mother atrophy as she experienced the weakening disease of Alzheimer’s.
862 Attach संलग्न करना to tie or connect something to something else The student will attach a lock to his locker to keep other students from stealing his things.
863 Attached जुड़ा हुआ tied or connected something to something else At the airport, the clerk attached a piece of paper with our names on it to our luggage.
864 Attack आक्रमण करना aggressive or violent action The attack took place in the middle of the street and frightened many people watching the fight.
865 Attain प्राप्त to accomplish; to achieve Linda can not attain peace of mind until she finds her missing dog.
866 Attainment प्राप्ति the act of gaining something by working for it For Phillip, one of the proudest achievements of his life was the attainment of his medical degree.
867 Attempt कोशिश करना to try; make an effort Hoping that they could attempt to save their marriage, the husband asked his wife to go to counseling.
868 Attend भाग लेना to go to an event or meeting If you want to attend the sales conference, you must sign up online by Friday.
869 Attendance उपस्थिति the number of people present at an event Attendance at the concert was low because the ticket prices were so high.
870 Attention ध्यान the concentration or awareness of something Her attention to detail when she constructed the very thorough employee manual answered every question a new employee had.
871 Attentive सचेत observant; watchful As a loyal husband, Barry is very attentive to the needs of his wife Drew.
872 Attenuate दुर्बल होना to reduce to a weaker or smaller state Doctors claim taking the flu vaccine will attenuate the effects of the illness.
873 Attest यह प्रमाणित करते हैं to uphold something as real or true As any police officer can attest, driving while texting is not safe.
874 Attire पोशाक one’s dress or clothes The high school prom required formal attire, but no one was allowed to rent a limousine.
875 Attitude नज़रिया a person’s opinions or feelings about a specific thing, person, or idea His positive attitude helped everyone enjoy the trip during the rainstorm.
876 Attorney प्रतिनिधि a person appointed to act for another in business or legal matters If you’re ever arrested, refuse to answer questions and ask to speak to an attorney.
877 Attract आकर्षित करना to cause something to be drawn towards something else The sweet smell of the flower nectar can attract bees from many miles away.
878 Attractive आकर्षक good-looking; appealing Although she found the handsome gentleman attractive, Christine wasn’t sure if she could date a younger guy.
879 Attribute गुण a characteristic of something If you want to be a nurse, being compassionate is one attribute you should have.
880 Attribution आरोपण the act of assigning someone credit or acknowledgement for doing something My book included an attribution to all those who edited the manuscript.
881 Attune लय में करना to customize or modify something to be more receptive or capable The radio transmitter wasn’t picking up what we needed, so I had to attune it to the right frequency.
882 Atypical अनियमित not normal Eating meat would be completely atypical for a vegetarian.
883 Auction नीलामी public sales event A vintage 1929 Mercedes Benz was sold at auction last week to an anonymous buyer.
884 Audacious साहसी recklessly bold; daring Cooper was an audacious soldier who never ran from a battle.
885 Audacity धृष्टता a confident and daring quality that is often seen as shocking or rude To everyone’s surprise, Jackie had the audacity to invite herself to her rival’s wedding.
886 Audible सुनाई देने योग्य capable of being perceived To block out audible sounds, Jack uses earplugs when flying.
887 Audience श्रोता a group of viewers or spectators Bowing gracefully in front of the audience, the ballerina beamed ear to ear as the attendees shouted for an encore.
888 Audit अंकेक्षण to conduct an independent review and examination of certain data  Before baking brownies, make an audit of the ingredients available to see whether there is enough flour, eggs, and sugar.
889 Audition श्रवण to present talents in front of a judge or judges in order to achieve a desired position or role Diana flew to New York to audition for the leading role of Eliza in Hamilton.
890 Auditorium सभागार a large room or building where people gather to watch a performance or hear a speech The packed auditorium held almost a thousand concert-goers who were eagerly awaiting the arrival of their idol.
891 Auditory श्रवण of or pertaining to hearing Many people are auditory learners who learn best through hearing.
892 Aught किसी प्रकार से anything or for all My psychiatrist says I worry too much, but for aught I know, a stranger could be watching all of my actions.
893 Augment बढ़ाना to increase the size or amount of something Because I want to augment my income, I am thinking about getting a second job.
894 Augur शकुनश to predict what is yet to come  Even the film’s initial reviews augur the movie’s A-list cast will be front and center on Oscar night.
895 Augury भविष्यवाणी a prediction or omen There are those who view the virus as an augury of the world coming to an end.
896 August अगस्त much-admired and respected Everyone wanted the chance to dine with the august president.
897 Aural कर्ण-संबंधी pertaining to the ear or the sense of hearing Instead of using his eyes to read the book, the truck driver used his aural sense to listen to the contents of the novel.
898 Auricular चुपचाप कान मे कहा of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing After getting hearing aids, Grandpa Taylor realized he had fixed his auricular deficiency.
899 Auriferous सुवर्णपूर्ण describes rocks or minerals that contain gold Placing his hands on the auriferous treasure, the pirate lusted for the golden trinkets.
900 Auspices तत्त्वावधान guidance and support Under the auspices of their commander-in-chief, the troops crossed the border into the war zone.
901 Auspicious शुभ being a sign of future success; indicating a promising future His brilliant acceptance speech was an auspicious start to his political career.
902 Austere सीधा-सादा without any decoration; strict and serious in manner Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind woman.
903 Authentic प्रामाणिक genuine; real; unfaked We went to an authentic Mexican restaurant for my birthday where they served cuisine like you would find in Mexico.
904 Authenticate प्रमाणित to prove that something is true or genuine We will need to authenticate your orders to make sure that they did indeed come from high command before we can let you past this point.
905 Author लेखक someone who writes books for a living Theodor Seuss Geisel was a famous author who published over sixty children’s books bearing the name Dr. Seuss.
906 Authoritarian सत्तावादी preferring or enforcing strict obedience to authority as opposed to individual freedom Our teacher is very authoritarian in her management and doesn’t allow us any wiggle room on the rules.
907 Authoritative आधिकारिक having an attribute that encourages people to obey you The principal has such an authoritative presence that even rebellious students behave around him.
908 Authority अधिकार the power to enforce rules or give orders Because I am the manager, I have the authority to change the policy at my job.
909 Authorize अधिकृत to give official permission A manager must authorize the transaction before we can give the customer the money.
910 Authorship ग्रन्थकारिता the job of written composition  In the Bible, the authorship of Revelations is believed to be drafted by John the Apostle because there is evidence that he wrote it.
911 Autobiography आत्मकथा the story of an individual’s life written by that individual To learn about the deceased celebrity, you should read the autobiography he wrote about his life.
912 Autochthonous मूल निवासी original inhabitants of a place without any migration or intermingling of other groups Many autochthonous tribes in remote corners of Siberia have never been approached by colonists or married outside of their group.
913 Autocracy एकतंत्र a government type in which one person has boundless power The country is an autocracy that is controlled solely by a member of the royal family.
914 Autocrat अनियन्त्रित शासक an individual who rules without considering others The corrupt autocrat views the brutal dictator as a role model.
915 Autocratic निरंकुश not concerned about the wishes or opinions of others; heavy-handed The autocratic dictator ordered the deaths of people who opposed him.
916 Autodidact ऑटोडिडैक्ट self-taught person After moving to the rural village of the Congo, the autodidact learned math and science due to the only school being over one hundred miles away.
917 Autograph हस्ताक्षर a person’s own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person In order for the check to be valid, Greg needed to include his autograph.
918 Automated स्वचालित controlled by a machine rather than a person If you call the hotline, you will talk to an automated system instead of a real person.
919 Automatic स्वचालित something that is automated, or acts of its own accord without conscious effort or input A car with an automatic transmission will shift gears appropriately while driving, without any input from the driver themselves.
920 Automatically खुद ब खुद spontaneously and involuntarily As I inhaled dust when I shook the dirty rug, I automatically sneezed without any warning.
921 Automation स्वचालन the process of making a machine or system work without having to be controlled by a person Automation of the cotton picking process through the creation of the cotton gen changed the south forever.
922 Automotive ऑटोमोटिव pertaining to a car or other powered automobile After wrecking my car at the intersection, I took my damaged Honda Accord to the automotive center for repairs.
923 Autonomy स्वायत्तता the quality or state of being self-governing Teenagers should have the autonomy to make their own decisions in preparation for their lives as adults.
924 Autopsy ऑटोप्सी dissection of a body after death that is conducted to determine how the person died An autopsy of the deceased was performed against the family’s wishes since neglect was suspected.
925 Autumn पतझड़ the season between summer and winter; fall Even though autumn is such a beautiful season, raking all of those leaves becomes such a daily chore for me.
926 Auxiliary सहायक a group or team that provides assistance When my grandmother retired, she joined the hospital auxiliary team that visited lonely patients.
927 Avail लाभ लेना to be of advantage or use Stranded in the desert, Jake tried to restart his car but to no avail.
928 Availability उपलब्धता having the time or means supplies to do something The secretary informed the caller of her boss’s availability to meet that week.
929 Available उपलब्ध accessible and obtainable When my dream house was put on the market and appraised in my price range, I knew the house would be available for me to purchase it.
930 Avalanche हिमस्खलन an unexpected accumulation During the power outage, our office faced an avalanche of distress calls.
931 Avant-garde हरावल cutting-edge; trendy The elderly poet was confused by the youth’s avant-garde style of writing.
932 Avarice लोभ A strong desire and greed for money/material things Mr. Krab’s avarice for money caused him to work his employees to the bone for little pay.
933 Avaricious लालची desirous of wealth or advancement Since Tiffany was an avaricious reader, her reading level was at 12th grade level even though she was still in 4th grade.
934 Avatar अवतार in technology, an icon or figure representing a particular person In the hybrid chat room, an avatar is used in place of the person’s real picture.
935 Avenue मार्ग a method or means by which something may be accomplished  Admittedly, anger is an all too human response to frustration; but it’s still no avenue to solid achievement.
936 Aver दृढ़ता से कहना to assert something in a convincing way  Even though the country is in an economic crisis, its leader will aver the nation is doing well during his monthly address.
937 Average औसत ordinary; not very special Although others thought the woman to be very beautiful, she was insecure and only saw herself as average.
938 Averse प्रतिकूल actively not liking something For those who are averse to spaghetti, you also have the meal choice of baked chicken with roasted potatoes.
939 Aversion घृणा a feeling of disgust toward something with a desire to avoid it Older people who are unfamiliar with computer technology often have an aversion to it.
940 Avert टालना to stop an incident from occurring I always avert my eyes to avoid seeing the bloody movie scenes.
941 Avian एवियन relating to birds The avian part of the animal kingdom includes every type of bird there is, from the flightless penguin to the majestic eagle.
942 Aural कर्ण-संबंधी pertaining to the ear or the sense of hearing Instead of using his eyes to read the book, the truck driver used his aural sense to listen to the contents of the novel.
943 Auricular चुपचाप कान मे कहा of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing After getting hearing aids, Grandpa Taylor realized he had fixed his auricular deficiency.
944 Auriferous सुवर्णपूर्ण describes rocks or minerals that contain gold Placing his hands on the auriferous treasure, the pirate lusted for the golden trinkets.
945 Auspices तत्त्वावधान guidance and support Under the auspices of their commander-in-chief, the troops crossed the border into the war zone.
946 Auspicious शुभ being a sign of future success; indicating a promising future His brilliant acceptance speech was an auspicious start to his political career.
947 Austere सीधा-सादा without any decoration; strict and serious in manner Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind woman.
948 Authentic प्रामाणिक genuine; real; unfaked We went to an authentic Mexican restaurant for my birthday where they served cuisine like you would find in Mexico.
949 Authenticate प्रमाणित to prove that something is true or genuine We will need to authenticate your orders to make sure that they did indeed come from high command before we can let you past this point.
950 Author लेखक someone who writes books for a living Theodor Seuss Geisel was a famous author who published over sixty children’s books bearing the name Dr. Seuss.
951 Authoritarian सत्तावादी preferring or enforcing strict obedience to authority as opposed to individual freedom Our teacher is very authoritarian in her management and doesn’t allow us any wiggle room on the rules.
952 Authoritative आधिकारिक having an attribute that encourages people to obey you The principal has such an authoritative presence that even rebellious students behave around him.
953 Authority अधिकार the power to enforce rules or give orders Because I am the manager, I have the authority to change the policy at my job.
954 Authorize अधिकृत to give official permission A manager must authorize the transaction before we can give the customer the money.
955 Authorship ग्रन्थकारिता the job of written composition  In the Bible, the authorship of Revelations is believed to be drafted by John the Apostle because there is evidence that he wrote it.
956 Autobiography आत्मकथा the story of an individual’s life written by that individual To learn about the deceased celebrity, you should read the autobiography he wrote about his life.
957 Autochthonous मूल निवासी original inhabitants of a place without any migration or intermingling of other groups Many autochthonous tribes in remote corners of Siberia have never been approached by colonists or married outside of their group.
958 Autocracy एकतंत्र a government type in which one person has boundless power The country is an autocracy that is controlled solely by a member of the royal family.
959 Autocrat अनियन्त्रित शासक an individual who rules without considering others The corrupt autocrat views the brutal dictator as a role model.
960 Autocratic निरंकुश not concerned about the wishes or opinions of others; heavy-handed The autocratic dictator ordered the deaths of people who opposed him.
961 Autodidact ऑटोडिडैक्ट self-taught person After moving to the rural village of the Congo, the autodidact learned math and science due to the only school being over one hundred miles away.
962 Autograph हस्ताक्षर a person’s own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person In order for the check to be valid, Greg needed to include his autograph.
963 Automated स्वचालित controlled by a machine rather than a person If you call the hotline, you will talk to an automated system instead of a real person.
964 Automatic स्वचालित something that is automated, or acts of its own accord without conscious effort or input A car with an automatic transmission will shift gears appropriately while driving, without any input from the driver themselves.
965 Automatically खुद ब खुद spontaneously and involuntarily As I inhaled dust when I shook the dirty rug, I automatically sneezed without any warning.
966 Automation स्वचालन the process of making a machine or system work without having to be controlled by a person Automation of the cotton picking process through the creation of the cotton gen changed the south forever.
967 Automotive ऑटोमोटिव pertaining to a car or other powered automobile After wrecking my car at the intersection, I took my damaged Honda Accord to the automotive center for repairs.
968 Autonomy स्वायत्तता the quality or state of being self-governing Teenagers should have the autonomy to make their own decisions in preparation for their lives as adults.
969 Autopsy ऑटोप्सी dissection of a body after death that is conducted to determine how the person died An autopsy of the deceased was performed against the family’s wishes since neglect was suspected.
970 Autumn पतझड़ the season between summer and winter; fall Even though autumn is such a beautiful season, raking all of those leaves becomes such a daily chore for me.
971 Auxiliary सहायक a group or team that provides assistance When my grandmother retired, she joined the hospital auxiliary team that visited lonely patients.
972 Avail लाभ लेना to be of advantage or use Stranded in the desert, Jake tried to restart his car but to no avail.
973 Availability उपलब्धता having the time or means supplies to do something The secretary informed the caller of her boss’s availability to meet that week.
974 Available उपलब्ध accessible and obtainable When my dream house was put on the market and appraised in my price range, I knew the house would be available for me to purchase it.
975 Avalanche हिमस्खलन an unexpected accumulation During the power outage, our office faced an avalanche of distress calls.
976 Avant-garde हरावल cutting-edge; trendy The elderly poet was confused by the youth’s avant-garde style of writing.
977 Avarice लोभ A strong desire and greed for money/material things Mr. Krab’s avarice for money caused him to work his employees to the bone for little pay.
978 Avaricious लालची desirous of wealth or advancement Since Tiffany was an avaricious reader, her reading level was at 12th grade level even though she was still in 4th grade.
979 Avatar अवतार in technology, an icon or figure representing a particular person In the hybrid chat room, an avatar is used in place of the person’s real picture.
980 Avenue मार्ग a method or means by which something may be accomplished  Admittedly, anger is an all too human response to frustration; but it’s still no avenue to solid achievement.
981 Aver दृढ़ता से कहना to assert something in a convincing way  Even though the country is in an economic crisis, its leader will aver the nation is doing well during his monthly address.
982 Average औसत ordinary; not very special Although others thought the woman to be very beautiful, she was insecure and only saw herself as average.
983 Averred औसतन stated something that was true and accurate The witness averred that he had seen the suspect run away with the cash and sealed the man’s fate with his damning testimony.
984 Averse प्रतिकूल actively not liking something For those who are averse to spaghetti, you also have the meal choice of baked chicken with roasted potatoes.
985 Aversion घृणा a feeling of disgust toward something with a desire to avoid it Older people who are unfamiliar with computer technology often have an aversion to it.
986 Avert टालना to stop an incident from occurring I always avert my eyes to avoid seeing the bloody movie scenes.
987 Avian एवियन relating to birds The avian part of the animal kingdom includes every type of bird there is, from the flightless penguin to the majestic eagle.
988 Aviary पक्षीशाल confinement for keeping birds; a birdhouse The cockatiel breeder used a suspended aviary to breed new birds.
989 Aviation विमानन the activity of designing, producing, or flying an aircraft The top-notch aviation school only allows students with the highest potential to join its pilot program.
990 Aviator हवाबाज़ a pilot The aviator prepared for his first flight across the Pacific by checking his engine and fueling his aircraft.
991 Avid उत्सुक enthusiastic; passionate James is an avid supporter of any organization that is trying to improve the environment.
992 Avidity उत्कट इच्छा a strong eagerness or desire The journalist’s avidity to learn everything there is to know about the case drove her to work long hours.
993 Avidly उत्सुकतापूर्वक in an excited or enthusiastic manner Airport police became suspicious of a passenger after one of the drug dogs avidly sniffed his carry-on bag.
994 Avocation धन्धा an activity one enjoys when he or she is not working Recently, Sherman discovered woodworking is the type of avocation he enjoys in his spare time.
995 Avoid टालना to keep away from; dodge or evade The dieter tries to avoid foods that are high in fat or sugar.
996 Avoidable परिहार्य able to be stopped or prevented Diabetes can be avoidable if you reduce your sugar intake and exercise regularly.
997 Avoidance परिहार the act of staying away from someone or something The procrastinator’s therapist tried to explain that avoidance of a task doesn’t make it disappear.
998 Avoirdupois मोटापन a system in the United States for measuring a pound equaling to sixteen ounces To calculate the weight of the gold using avoirdupois, it was determined that the gold weighed over a pound.
999 Avouch दृढ़तापूर्वक कहना to declare freely and openly; to assert Standing at the witness stand, I stated that I could avouch for the sterling reputation of Jennifer.
1000 Avow खुलकर कहना to admit or confess something publicly Because the man would not avow himself as a follower of the king in front of the villagers, he was sentenced to death.

Here are some frequently asked questions.

Aardvark एर्डवार्क
Abaft जहाज़ की पतवार की ओर
Abandon छोड़ देना
Abase अपमानित करना
Abaser अपघर्षक
Abash लज्जित करना
Abate रोक-थाम करना
Abatement उपशमन
Abattoir कसाईखाना
Abbess महन्तिन
Abbreviate संक्षिप्त
Abdicate त्यागना
Abdominal पेट
Abduct अपहरण
Abecedarian नवसिखुआ
Aberrant धर्मपथ से हटनेवाला
Aberration विपथन
Abet उकसाना
Abeyance ठहराव
Abhor घृणा करना
Abhorrence घृणा
Abhorrent घिनौना
Ability क्षमता
Abiotic अजैव
Abject अधम
Abjure त्यागना
Ablaze जलता हुआ
Able-bodied ह्रष्ट-पुष्ट
Able योग्य
Ablution स्नान
Abnegation अस्वीकार
Abnormal असामान्य
Abnormality असामान्यता
Aboard समीप
Abolish समाप्त करना
Abolition उन्मूलन
Abolitionist उन्मूलनवाद
Abominable घिनौना
Abominate घृणित
Abomination नफरत
Aboriginal आदिवासी
Abort बीच में बंद करें
Abound प्रचुर मात्रा में
Above ऊपर
Above ऊपर
Abraded घिसा हुआ
Abrasion घर्षण
Abrasive अपघर्षक
Abreast बराबर में
Abridge संक्षेप करना
Abroad विदेश
Abrogate अभिनिषेध करना
Abrupt आकस्मिक
Abruption एकाएक टूटने का कार्य
Abscess फोड़ा
Abscission विगलन
Abscond फ़रार होना
Absence अनुपस्थिति
Absent-minded अनुपस्थित विचार वाले
Absent अनुपस्थित
Absenteeism कार्य से अनुपस्थित होना
Absolute शुद्ध
Absolutely बिल्कुल
Absolution मुक्ति
Absolve दोषमुक्त करना
Absorb अवशोषित करना
Absorption अवशोषण
Absquatulate क्षमा करना
Abstain बचना
Abstemious संयमी
Abstention बचाव
Abstinence परहेज़
Abstract अमूर्त
Abstruse अव्यक्त
Absurd निरर्थक
Absurdity मूर्खता
Abundance प्रचुरता
Abuse गाली देना
Abuse गाली देना
Abuse गाली देना
Abusive अपमानजनक
Abut सीमा पर एकत्रित होना
Abysmal abysmal
Abyss रसातल
Academia एकेडेमिया
Academic अकादमिक
Academy अकादमी
Accede मान लेना
Accelerate में तेजी लाने
Acceleration त्वरण
Accent लहज़ा
Accentuate दबाव का चिह्न
Accept स्वीकार करना
Acceptable स्वीकार्य
Acceptance स्वीकार
Accepting स्वीकार करना
Access पहुँच
Accessible पहुंच योग्य
Accessory सहायक
Accident दुर्घटना

Here is the list of 50 difficult words.

absentmindedness   a lack of attention or awareness to whatyou are doing or what is happening around you [synonym: inattentiveness]
accountableness   the quality or state of being answerable oraccountable
acquaintanceship   the state of being familiar to sb in a waythat involves less intimate relation than friendship
acquisitiveness   excessive interest in acquiring and owningmoney or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms:covetousness, hoarding, materialism]
acrimoniousness   (of an argument, a speech, discussion,behavior, etc.) the fact or quality of having strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). state of having a strong unpleasant taste or smell
advantageousness   the quality or state of being good, useful,helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonym: profitableness]
adventurousness   (a). the trait of being willing to take risksand try new ideas, methods, things or experiences | (b). a state of having full of new, exciting or dangerous ideas, methods, things or experiences [synonyms: audaciousness, boldness, daringness]
ambidextrousness   the fact or property of being equallyskillful with each hand
antagonistically 16   In a manner that shows or feels dislike oropposition [synonym: hostility]
anthropocentric   believing that humans are the mostsignificant or central entity of the universes
anthropocentricism   the belief that humans are the mostsignificant or central entity of the universes
anthropomorphic   treating gods, animals or objects as ifthey have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings
anthropomorphism   treatment of gods, animals or objects asif they have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings
approachability   the quality or state of being easy to get to[synonym: accessibility]
approachableness   the quality of being friendly and easy tomeet, talk to, or deal with | (of a place) the quality of being able to be reached from a particular direction or position, or by a particular method. [synonym: accessible]
argumentatively   in a manner that shows someone wantsto argue
argumentativeness   the state or fact of showing tendency toargue
ascertainableness   the quality of being able to be found out,determined, fixed, etc.
asymptomatically   (of a person or illness) in a manner thatshows no symptoms
atmospherically   (a). in a manner that relates to themixture of gases that surrounds a place, earth, planet, star, etc. | (b). in a manner that creates an emotional or thrilling mood
biblioraphical   (a). relating to a list of books or articlesabout a specific subject or by a specific author or publisher | (b). relating to a list of all of the resources such as articles, books that have been used in the process of researching a work | (c). relating to the study of the history of books and their publication or production
biodegradability   the fact of breaking down of organicmatter to the base substances by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi
blasphemousness   (of behavior or language) the fact ofshowing contempt or disrespect for God, deity, religion or holy/sacred objects [synonym: irreverence]
broadmindedness   the state or quality of being open to newthings, ideas or improvements, etc.
bureaucratically   In a manner that is connected with thesystem of extremely complicated and often unnecessary official rules and ways of doing things that a government or an organization has [synonyms: administratively, civically, governmentally, procedurally]
cannibalistically   (a). in a manner that relates to thepractice or behavior of eating the flesh of a human being by another human being | (b). in a manner that relates to the practice or behavior of eating the flesh of an animal by the member of its own species
cantankerousness   bad-tempered, quarrelsome, difficult orirritating to handle [synonym: crankiness]
carnivorousness   (a). (of an animal) the fact of feeding on theflesh of other animals | (b).(of a plant) the fact of being able to trap and digest small creatures such as insects
cartographically   In a manner that relates to the art,science, process or practice of drafting, drawing or making maps
ceremoniousness   the fact of behaving or being performed inan extremely formal, serious or polite way [synonym: dignified]
chauvinistically   In a way that seems to have an aggressive,unreasonable and enthusiastic belief that your own group, country, etc. is s the best or most important
chemotherapeutic   relating to the treatment of a disease,especially cancer by means of chemical substances that stop the growth of cancer cells
chemotherapeutical   in a manner that relates to thetreatment of a disease, especially cancer by means of chemical substancesthat stop the growth of cancer cells
cinematographer   a person who specializes in the art andmethods relating to the shooting of a film that involves shots, lighting,operating a camera, etc.
circumnavigation   (a). the action or process of traveling orsailing all the way around the island, continent, world, etc. | (b). the action of going around something in order to avoid an obstacle | (c). the action of avoiding a problem, difficulty or unpleasant thing, etc.
circumstantially   relating to, or derived from or dependenton circumstances
collaboratively   (a). in the manner of working togetherwith sb in order to create/produce a particular thing or achieve a particular goal [synonym: cooperate] | (b). in the manner of working secretly to help the enemy of your country during a war
combustibleness   the quality, state or fact of being able tocatch fire and burn easily
comfortableness   the quality or state of being physically ormentally relaxed and feeling no pain
commemorational   relating to the act or an instance ofremembering or memorizing sb/sth
commendableness   the quality or state of being worthy ofadmiration or praise
commercialization   the act or fact of managing, using, orexploiting sth and making them available as a commodity to gain profit, especially in a way that other people does not welcome
communicableness   (a). (of an infectious disease) the qualityof being able to be transmitted from one person or animal to another | (b). (of a message) the quality of being able to be communicated from one person or animal to another
communicational   relating to the act or process of sharingor exchanging ideas, information or news
communicatively   in a manner that is characterized bywillingness, eagerness, or ability to talk, exchange or impart ideas,information or news
communicativeness   the quality of being willing, eager, orable to talk, exchange or impart ideas, information or news
companionableness   the quality of being close, social andfriendly
compassionately   in a sympathetic way [synonyms:benevolently, empathetically, sympathetically]
comprehensibility   the state or fact of being possible to beunderstood [synonyms: explicability, intelligibility]
comprehensibleness   the quality, state or fact of beingpossible to be understood [synonym: intelligibleness]

Here is the list of 10 Intersecting words.

incomprehensibility   the state or fact of being impossible orextremely difficult to be understood [synonyms: inexplicability, unintelligibility]
incontrovertibility   the quality of being unable to bequestioned and not worth arguing about [synonym: indisputability]
interchangeableness   the quality of being easily able to beused in place of each other
interdenominational   existing, occurring, conductedbetween, or involving two or more religious denominations
unselfconsciousness   natural or sincere behavior withoutshowing concern for what other people think of you
unselfconsciousness   the fact of always behaving in anatural, confident and sincere way
chemotherapeutically   In a manner that relates to thetreatment of a disease, especially cancer by means of chemical substancesthat stop the growth of cancer cells
incomprehensibleness   the quality, state or fact of beingimpossible or extremely difficult to be understood [synonyms: inexplicableness, unintelligibility]
incontrovertibleness   the quality, state or fact of beingundeniable and not worth arguing about
uncharacteristically   in a manner that is not typical ofsb/sth or of sb’s usual behavior [synonyms: aberrantly, atypically]
indistinguishableness   the quality of being not easy to berecognized, noticed or identified as different from others of the same type

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