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121 Hard English Words. Check How Good is Your Vocabulary?

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121 Hard English Words With Meaning.

absentmindedness   a lack of attention or awareness to whatyou are doing or what is happening around you [synonym: inattentiveness]
accountableness   the quality or state of being answerable oraccountable
acquaintanceship   the state of being familiar to sb in a waythat involves less intimate relation than friendship
acquisitiveness   excessive interest in acquiring and owningmoney or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms:covetousness, hoarding, materialism]
acrimoniousness   (of an argument, a speech, discussion,behavior, etc.) the fact or quality of having strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). state of having a strong unpleasant taste or smell
advantageousness   the quality or state of being good, useful,helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonym: profitableness]
adventurousness   (a). the trait of being willing to take risksand try new ideas, methods, things or experiences | (b). a state of having full of new, exciting or dangerous ideas, methods, things or experiences [synonyms: audaciousness, boldness, daringness]
ambidextrousness   the fact or property of being equallyskillful with each hand
antagonistically 16   In a manner that shows or feels dislike oropposition [synonym: hostility]
anthropocentric   believing that humans are the mostsignificant or central entity of the universes
anthropocentricism   the belief that humans are the mostsignificant or central entity of the universes
anthropomorphic   treating gods, animals or objects as ifthey have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings
anthropomorphism   treatment of gods, animals or objects asif they have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings
approachability   the quality or state of being easy to get to[synonym: accessibility]
approachableness   the quality of being friendly and easy tomeet, talk to, or deal with | (of a place) the quality of being able to be reached from a particular direction or position, or by a particular method. [synonym: accessible]
argumentatively   in a manner that shows someone wantsto argue
argumentativeness   the state or fact of showing tendency toargue
ascertainableness   the quality of being able to be found out,determined, fixed, etc.
asymptomatically   (of a person or illness) in a manner thatshows no symptoms
atmospherically   (a). in a manner that relates to themixture of gases that surrounds a place, earth, planet, star, etc. | (b). in a manner that creates an emotional or thrilling mood
biblioraphical   (a). relating to a list of books or articlesabout a specific subject or by a specific author or publisher | (b). relating to a list of all of the resources such as articles, books that have been used in the process of researching a work | (c). relating to the study of the history of books and their publication or production
biodegradability   the fact of breaking down of organicmatter to the base substances by microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi
blasphemousness   (of behavior or language) the fact ofshowing contempt or disrespect for God, deity, religion or holy/sacred objects [synonym: irreverence]
broadmindedness   the state or quality of being open to newthings, ideas or improvements, etc.
bureaucratically   In a manner that is connected with thesystem of extremely complicated and often unnecessary official rules and ways of doing things that a government or an organization has [synonyms: administratively, civically, governmentally, procedurally]
cannibalistically   (a). in a manner that relates to thepractice or behavior of eating the flesh of a human being by another human being | (b). in a manner that relates to the practice or behavior of eating the flesh of an animal by the member of its own species
cantankerousness   bad-tempered, quarrelsome, difficult orirritating to handle [synonym: crankiness]
carnivorousness   (a). (of an animal) the fact of feeding on theflesh of other animals | (b).(of a plant) the fact of being able to trap and digest small creatures such as insects
cartographically   In a manner that relates to the art,science, process or practice of drafting, drawing or making maps
ceremoniousness   the fact of behaving or being performed inan extremely formal, serious or polite way [synonym: dignified]
chauvinistically   In a way that seems to have an aggressive,unreasonable and enthusiastic belief that your own group, country, etc. is s the best or most important
chemotherapeutic   relating to the treatment of a disease,especially cancer by means of chemical substances that stop the growth of cancer cells
chemotherapeutical   in a manner that relates to thetreatment of a disease, especially cancer by means of chemical substancesthat stop the growth of cancer cells
cinematographer   a person who specializes in the art andmethods relating to the shooting of a film that involves shots, lighting,operating a camera, etc.
circumnavigation   (a). the action or process of traveling orsailing all the way around the island, continent, world, etc. | (b). the action of going around something in order to avoid an obstacle | (c). the action of avoiding a problem, difficulty or unpleasant thing, etc.
circumstantially   relating to, or derived from or dependenton circumstances
collaboratively   (a). in the manner of working togetherwith sb in order to create/produce a particular thing or achieve a particular goal [synonym: cooperate] | (b). in the manner of working secretly to help the enemy of your country during a war
combustibleness   the quality, state or fact of being able tocatch fire and burn easily
comfortableness   the quality or state of being physically ormentally relaxed and feeling no pain
commemorational   relating to the act or an instance ofremembering or memorizing sb/sth
commendableness   the quality or state of being worthy ofadmiration or praise
commercialization   the act or fact of managing, using, orexploiting sth and making them available as a commodity to gain profit, especially in a way that other people does not welcome
communicableness   (a). (of an infectious disease) the qualityof being able to be transmitted from one person or animal to another | (b). (of a message) the quality of being able to be communicated from one person or animal to another
communicational   relating to the act or process of sharingor exchanging ideas, information or news
communicatively   in a manner that is characterized bywillingness, eagerness, or ability to talk, exchange or impart ideas,information or news
communicativeness   the quality of being willing, eager, orable to talk, exchange or impart ideas, information or news
companionableness   the quality of being close, social andfriendly
compassionately   in a sympathetic way [synonyms:benevolently, empathetically, sympathetically]
comprehensibility   the state or fact of being possible to beunderstood [synonyms: explicability, intelligibility]
comprehensibleness   the quality, state or fact of beingpossible to be understood [synonym: intelligibleness]
conceivableness   the quality or state of being possible toimagine or think of
configurability   the state or quality of allowingrearrangement or adjustment
conformableness   the quality or state of being similar incharacter, form or nature to something
connoisseurship   a kind of expertise in a particular subjectsuch as arts, food, drink, etc.
consanguineously   in a manner that relates to or involvespeople of the same blood or origin, descended from the same ancestor
conscientiously   In a manner that involves great care,attention [synonym: alertly]
conscientiousness   the quality of wishing to do one’s work orduty attentively, correctly, properly and thoroughly [synonyms: meticulousness, fussiness]
consequentially   In a manner that is of great importanceor significance [synonym: inevitably]
conservativeness   tendency to preserve or maintain existingconditions, institutions, traditions, etc.
conspicuousness   the quality of being very noticeable or easyto see, especially in a way that is not wanted
constitutionalism   a doctrine that a government’s authorityis determined or limited by a body of established set of principles or constitution
constitutionally   (a). in a manner that relates to theestablished set of principles of nation, state, organization or group | (b). in a manner that is allowed or limited by the established set of principles of a nation, state, organization or group | (c). in a manner that relates to the ability of the body or mind to stay fit, healthy and strong
contemporaneous   happening, originating, living orexisting in the same period of time [synonyms: contemporary, simultaneous]
contemporaneously   in a way that is happening,originating, living or existing in the same period of time [synonyms: contemporarily, simultaneously]
contemptibility   the quality or state of not deserving anyadmiration or respect at all [synonym: despicability]
contemptibleness   the quality or state of not deserving anyadmiration or respect at all
contemptuousness   the state of feeling or showing extremedislike, hatred or disapproval for sb/sth [synonyms: disdainfulness, scornfulness]
contentiousness   the quality or state of being argumentative,irritable or quarrelsome
contractibleness   the fact of being able to be shrunk orcontract
controversially   in a manner that creates controversy orintense public disagreement
conventionality   (a). the state or quality of being based on orin accordance with conduct, standards, etc that has been generally accepted, believed, or done in a society for a long time [synonyms: orthodoxy, traditionalism] | (b). the tendency to follow conduct, standards, etc that is generally accepted, believed, or done in a society and seems to be boring
conversableness   the quality or state of being easy andpleasant to talk with
convertibleness   the fact of being able to be changed to adifferent character, form, function, or use: [synonym: changeableness]
corroboratively   in a manner that is characterized byserving to support, establish a statement, theory, or finding by providing information or evidence [synonym: confirmatively]
corruptibleness   the quality or state of being susceptible todo something dishonest or immoral
decomposability   the extent, state or quality of breaking intoconstituent parts or elements
delightsomeness   the quality or state of having great pleasure
demonstrableness   the quality of being apparent or evidentin a clear way, or capable of being proved in a logical way
differentiation   (a). the action or process of showing, findingor recognizing the difference between two things [synonym: demarcation] | (b). treatment of people or things in a different and unfair way [synonym: discrimination]
disadvantageous   creating unfavorable circumstances forsb/sth to succeed or do something especially in comparison with other people or things that are getting successful [synonym: detrimental]
disadvantageously   In a manner that involves creatingunfavorable circumstances for sb/sth to succeed or do something especially in comparison with other people or things that are getting successful [synonym: detrimentally]
disagreeableness   the quality or state of being unpleasant,unfriendly or bad-tempered
discernibleness   (a). the quality or state of being able to bedecided, found out, known, recognized, or understood in spite of not being very noticeable [synonym: perceptibility] | (b). the quality or state of being able to be seen, smelt or heard through senses with difficulty [synonym: distinguishableness]
discontinuously   (a). in a manner that has intervals; in amanner that is characterized by stopping and starting again | (b). in a manner that lacks sequence || [synonyms: interruptedly, intermittently]
discriminatingly   in a manner that is characterized by theability to show good judgment and understanding about the quality of sb/sth [synonyms: judiciously, perceptively, sensibly]
disestablishment   an act of depriving of an established status,especially of a Church or similar organized group
dishonorableness   the quality or state of not deservingadmiration, honor or respect [synonym: shamefulness]
disinterestedness   the quality or state of being impartial; thequality or state of not being involved in a particular event, circumstance or situation
dispassionately   in an unemotional, rational, reasonableand unbiased manner [synonyms: impassively, objectively]
disproportionally   In a manner that is not proportional orrelative to sth
disproportionate   too large or too small when comparedwith something else; out of proportion in amount, size, etc. in comparison with something else
disproportionately   to an extent that is too large or toosmall when compared with something else [synonyms: erratically, inconsistently, unduly]
disreputableness   the quality or state of lackingrespectability reputation, or grace [synonyms: disreputability]
efficaciousness   (of something) the property of being capableof producing the effects or results that are desired, intended or wanted, especially of a drug or a medical treatment [synonym: effectiveness]
enthusiastically   in a way that makes it clear that you areintensely excited about something [synonyms: eagerly, earnestly, fervently, passionately]
entrepreneurial   having the attitude, courage or qualitiesof an entrepreneur or industrialist; willing to take risks with the intention of making a profit [synonym: industrial]
entrepreneurially   in a manner that shows the attitude,courage or qualities of an entrepreneur or industrialist; in a manner that shows the willingness to take risks with the intention of making a profit [synonym: industrially]
entrepreneurship   the activity or process of creating abusiness or businesses, bearing any of its financial risks with an aim to generate profit
exceptionableness   the quality of being liable to exception,disapproval, objection or opposition
expeditiousness   The quality of being quick and attentive todetail without wasting time, money, energy, etc [synonyms: celerity, rapidity]
extraordinarily   (a). in a very unusual, unexpected, strangeor remarkable way | (b). to a remarkable amount, extent or degree [synonym: extremely]
extraterrestrial   existing, happening, originating oroccurring outside the limits of the earth or its atmosphere [synonym: celestial] || [n.] 
extraterritorial   located outside the territorial boundariesor jurisdiction of the country
extraterritorially   In a manner that is located outside theterritorial boundaries or jurisdiction of the country
flirtatiousness   (of behavior, actions or individuals) theproperty of suggesting a sexual interest that is not serious, through comments or actions [synonym: playfulness]
gastrointestinal   relating to, including of, or affecting thestomach and intestines
gastronomically   In a manner that is connected withpreparing, cooking and eating good and quality food
grandiloquently   (of a person, their language or writing)in a manner that is characterized by using long, complicated or difficult words with an intention to impress people [synonym: pompously]
hardheartedness   an absence of concern, feeling, orcompassion for the well-being of others. [synonym: heartlessness]
heterogeneously   in a manner that is characterized by thecomposition of arts, elements, people or things that are unrelated from each
heterogeneousness   (a). the quality or state of beingcomposed of many different, dissimilar, diverse or unrelated elements, ingredients, or parts | (b). the property of being not of the same kind or type | (chemistry) denoting a process involving substances in solid, liquid, orgaseous)
homogeneousness   (a). the property of being composed ofmany same, similar or related elements, ingredients, or parts | (b). The property of being of the same kind or type
identifiableness   the quality or state of being able to berecognized
Ignominiousness   characterized by deserving publicembarrassment, shame or humiliation and loss of honor [synonym: disgracefulness]
illimitableness   the quality or state of being without limit orbounds
Illustriousness   the fact of being very famous or popular, andmuch admired, especially because of your great achievement(s). [synonyms: eminence, reputation, recognition]
immeasurableness   the quality or state of being so large orgreat that it cannot be measured or known precisely
impenetrability   (a). the state, condition or quality of beingimpassable | (b). the state, quality of being incomprehensible or Inexplicable
impenetrableness   the quality of being impassable orinaccessible
imperceptibility   the quality, state or fact of being extremelyslight or small and therefore impossible or very difficult to be seen or felt, or affect the senses
imperceptibleness   so slight or gradual that cannot bedetectable or distinguishable by a sense or by the mind

Here is the list of The most difficult 20 words.


absentmindedness   a lack of attention or awareness to whatyou are doing or what is happening around you [synonym: inattentiveness]
accountableness   the quality or state of being answerable oraccountable
acquaintanceship   the state of being familiar to sb in a waythat involves less intimate relation than friendship
acquisitiveness   excessive interest in acquiring and owningmoney or new possessions (material things) in a greedy way [synonyms:covetousness, hoarding, materialism]
acrimoniousness   (of an argument, a speech, discussion,behavior, etc.) the fact or quality of having strong bitter, sharp or harsh feelings and words | (b). state of having a strong unpleasant taste or smell
advantageousness   the quality or state of being good, useful,helpful or favorable in a particular situation [synonym: profitableness]
adventurousness   (a). the trait of being willing to take risksand try new ideas, methods, things or experiences | (b). a state of having full of new, exciting or dangerous ideas, methods, things or experiences [synonyms: audaciousness, boldness, daringness]
ambidextrousness   the fact or property of being equallyskillful with each hand
antagonistically 16   In a manner that shows or feels dislike oropposition [synonym: hostility]
anthropocentric   believing that humans are the mostsignificant or central entity of the universes
anthropocentricism   the belief that humans are the mostsignificant or central entity of the universes
anthropomorphic   treating gods, animals or objects as ifthey have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings
anthropomorphism   treatment of gods, animals or objects asif they have characteristics (in terms of appearance, behavior, etc.) of human beings
approachability   the quality or state of being easy to get to[synonym: accessibility]
approachableness   the quality of being friendly and easy tomeet, talk to, or deal with | (of a place) the quality of being able to be reached from a particular direction or position, or by a particular method. [synonym: accessible]
argumentatively   in a manner that shows someone wantsto argue
argumentativeness   the state or fact of showing tendency toargue
ascertainableness   the quality of being able to be found out,determined, fixed, etc.
asymptomatically   (of a person or illness) in a manner thatshows no symptoms
atmospherically   (a). in a manner that relates to themixture of gases that surrounds a place, earth, planet, star, etc. | (b). in a manner that creates an emotional or thrilling mood

Here is the list of 10 Hardest words.


conceivableness   the quality or state of being possible toimagine or think of
configurability   the state or quality of allowingrearrangement or adjustment
conformableness   the quality or state of being similar incharacter, form or nature to something
connoisseurship   a kind of expertise in a particular subjectsuch as arts, food, drink, etc.
consanguineously   in a manner that relates to or involvespeople of the same blood or origin, descended from the same ancestor
conscientiously   In a manner that involves great care,attention [synonym: alertly]
conscientiousness   the quality of wishing to do one’s work orduty attentively, correctly, properly and thoroughly [synonyms: meticulousness, fussiness]
consequentially   In a manner that is of great importanceor significance [synonym: inevitably]
conservativeness   tendency to preserve or maintain existingconditions, institutions, traditions, etc.
conspicuousness   the quality of being very noticeable or easyto see, especially in a way that is not wanted

We have already added 121 difficult words with meaning. do check out our blog for more. If you are looking for more than 50000 words I would like to request you to check this English Listening & Speaking app.

Here is the list of 10 The Most Unfamiliar words.


incommensurable   that cannot be measured or comparedby the same or common basis, standard or measure
incommensurably   In a manner that involves the inabilityto be measured or compared by the same standard or measure
incommensurately   in a manner that is characterized bybeing out of keeping or proportion with sth in size, importance, quality, etc. [synonyms: disproportionately, unequally]
incommunicability   the state or quality of being unable to becommunicated, imparted, shared, etc.
incommunicableness   the quality of being inexpressible orbeyond description
incomparableness   the quality of being so good that nothingelse can match up [synonym: uniqueness]
incompatibility   (a). (of two or more actions, things ideas,etc.) the fact of being so different that they cannot be used, mixed or exist, etc. together because of basic differences | (b). (of two people) the fact of being so different from each other that they can’t be able to live or work happily together | (c). (of a thing or person) the fact of being not reliable or able to coexist with another | [synonym: incongruity]
incompatibleness   the quality or state of not deserving anyadmiration or respect at all
incomprehensible   that is impossible or extremely difficultto be understood [synonyms: inexplicable, unfathomable, unintelligible]
incomprehensibly   In a manner that is impossible orextremely difficult to be understood [synonyms: inexplicably, unfathomably, unintelligibly]

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