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1000 The Most Helpful Preposition Exercise. No Need for Preposition Worksheet With Answer

  1. Preposition Exercise: Complete the challenging preposition exercise by inserting the correct prepositions into the provided sentences.
  2. Preposition Worksheets: My class received engaging preposition worksheets to reinforce our understanding of spatial relationships in language.
  3. Exercises Using Prepositions: Enhance your writing skills with creative exercises using prepositions, emphasizing their role in conveying precise meanings.
  4. Preposition Practice Sheets: Improve your language proficiency with dedicated preposition practice sheets that cover a range of usage scenarios.
  5. Preposition Sheets: Explore comprehensive preposition sheets to deepen your understanding of how these words connect ideas in sentences.
  6. Preposition Worksheet with Answer: After completing the preposition worksheet, cross-check your responses with the provided answer key for immediate feedback.
  7. Prepositions Worksheets for Class 3: The teacher distributed colorful prepositions worksheets for the Class 3 students, making learning both fun and educational.
  8. Preposition Test: Prepare thoroughly for the upcoming preposition test to showcase your mastery of using prepositions in different contexts.
  9. Preposition Practice: Consistent preposition practice is essential for developing a strong command over these crucial elements of language.
  10. Preposition Test Online: Take advantage of the convenience of an online preposition test to assess your skills and receive instant results.
  11. Preposition Quiz: Challenge yourself with an intriguing preposition quiz designed to test your knowledge in an engaging format.
  12. Activities About Prepositions: Participate in interactive activities centered around prepositions, fostering a practical understanding of their usage.
  13. Article and Preposition Exercise: Combine articles and prepositions in a thought-provoking exercise, illustrating the importance of these elements in constructing meaningful sentences.
1 Focal point your attention _______? (a) below, (b) above
2 Quaff a drink _______ the bar? (a) by, (b) across
3 Moral values are important _______ life? (a) in, (b) for
4 Shall we meet _______ the clock? (a) beside, (b) against
5 Slash _______ the jungle? (a) across, (b) below
6 Chart your course _______ the river? (a) beside, (b) along
7 Alert the team _______ the game? (a) before, (b) beneath
8 Flare up _______ the sky? (a) around, (b) in
9 Dotty _______ excitement? (a) with, (b) upon
10 Crept silently _______ the shadows? (a) beside, (b) among
11 State your opinion _______ the meeting? (a) with, (b) before
12 Sense the danger _______ the air? (a) with, (b) in
13 _______ my worries? (a) With, (b) Least
14 _______ his decisions? (a) With, (b) Below
15 Delay the process _______ a while? (a) for, (b) with
16 Peeve _______ injustice? (a) against, (b) beside
17 Amass wealth _______ limits? (a) beneath, (b) within
18 Hound the suspect _______ behind? (a) with, (b) from
19 Scant information _______ the topic? (a) on, (b) within
20 Torah studied _______ dedication? (a) with, (b) around
21 Clown entertained the audience _______? (a) on, (b) around
22 Yacht sailed _______ the ocean? (a) beneath, (b) across
23 Blare the horn _______ the turn? (a) on, (b) before
24 Loyal to the cause _______ reason? (a) within, (b) beside
25 Synod discussed the issue _______ members? (a) with, (b) among
26 Evoke emotions _______ the audience? (a) among, (b) within
27 Patch the hole _______ the roof? (a) in, (b) within
28 Lunar eclipse seen _______ the sky? (a) below, (b) across
29 Foist your ideas _______ the team? (a) upon, (b) around
30 Strut _______ the runway? (a) upon, (b) down
31 Rusty _______ age? (a) with, (b) off
32 Video played _______ the screen? (a) beneath, (b) across
33 Knell rang _______ the distance? (a) off, (b) in
34 Frump dressed _______ style? (a) in, (b) with
35 Light up the room _______ positivity? (a) with, (b) in
36 Thief stole the jewels _______ the safe? (a) with, (b) from
37 Penalize those who go _______ the rules? (a) in, (b) against
38 Xerox the document _______ the meeting? (a) before, (b) with
39 Repay the debt _______ a month? (a) upon, (b) within
40 Ledge hangs _______ the abyss? (a) below, (b) above
41 _______ the group, she felt alone? (a) Above, (b) Apart
42 Pique interest _______ a captivating story? (a) with, (b) in
43 Revel _______ the success of your team? (a) in, (b) with
44 Manic _______ excitement after the win? (a) with, (b) in
45 Gelid _______ fear _______ the haunted house? (a) with, (b) in
46 Trump the competition _______ skill? (a) with, (b) by
47 Guild worked _______ the project with care? (a) with, (b) in
48 Handy _______ tools _______ the workshop? (a) with, (b) in
49 Close the door _______ leaving? (a) before, (b) with
50 Decay _______ the old building? (a) within, (b) in
51 _______ its leaves, the tree stood tall? (a) Without, (b) For
52 _______ often passes as entertainment? (a) Often, (b) With
53 _______ is the motive behind the deal? (a) With, (b) Behind
54 _______ into the wall and damage the car? (a) Into, (b) Within
55 Minor _______ his parents at the amusement park? (a) For, (b) With
56 _______ the files beneath the desk? (a) For, (b) Beneath
57 _______ the best ideas come to mind during walks? (a) With, (b) Often
58 _______ marched in formation? (a) With, (b) In
59 _______ lies on the table? (a) On, (b) Beside
60 Scuff your shoes _______ the mat? (a) For, (b) Against
61 _______ to his plans, the mistake cost him dearly? (a) For, (b) Fatal
62 _______ the target with precision? (a) For, (b) With
63 _______ for the concert is the stadium? (a) In, (b) For
64 _______ allegiance to the flag? (a) With, (b) To
65 _______ by a famous actor, the mansion was grand? (a) For, (b) Owned
66 _______ the accounts for discrepancies? (a) With, (b) For
67 _______ into the unknown? (a) For, (b) In
68 Hammy _______ his gestures on stage? (a) For, (b) With
69 Blink _______ surprise at the sudden news? (a) In, (b) With
70 Moist _______ dew in the morning? (a) For, (b) With
71 _______ the opportunity to learn? (a) For, (b) With
72 Fauna thrives _______ the lush forest? (a) In, (b) For
73 _______ in simplicity? (a) For, (b) In
74 Sissy _______ his delicate demeanor? (a) With, (b) For
75 Frond swayed _______ the breeze? (a) With, (b) In
76 _______ sung during the ceremony? (a) For, (b) With
77 _______ fell from the sky? (a) With, (b) From
78 _______ provides relief in the hot sun? (a) For, (b) In
79 _______ on the branch and enjoy the view? (a) With, (b) On
80 _______ a word with caution? (a) With, (b) For
81 _______ the intensity of the storm? (a) For, (b) With
82 _______ the origin of the problem? (a) For, (b) With
83 _______ within your grasp? (a) With, (b) Within
84 _______ the results of the experiment? (a) With, (b) For
85 _______ provides essential nutrients? (a) With, (b) For
86 _______ unnecessary details from the report? (a) For, (b) Elide
87 _______ the clouds, the view was breathtaking? (a) Above, (b) Below
88 Wacky _______ his eccentric ideas? (a) With, (b) For
89 Scent _______ through the air? (a) With, (b) Through
90 _______ the threads into a beautiful design? (a) For, (b) Into
91 Cycle _______ the scenic route? (a) With, (b) Along
92 _______ times had their own charm? (a) With, (b) Olden
93 _______ ties with toxic relationships? (a) With, (b) Sever
94 Avian species thrive _______ the rainforest? (a) For, (b) In
95 _______ in need of repair, the house looked shabby? (a) For, (b) In
96 _______ the last moment, the outcome remained uncertain? (a) In, (b) Until
97 _______ accidents, be cautious on the slippery floor? (a) For, (b) Prone
98 _______ the child with kindness? (a) For, (b) With
99 _______ fell from the flower? (a) For, (b) From
100 Ember glowed _______ the dying fire? (a) With, (b) In
101 _______ your attention on the details? (a) On, (b) With
102 Fluky _______ his luck in games? (a) With, (b) In
103 _______ for exceptional performance? (a) For, (b) With
104 Gland produces hormones _______ the body? (a) In, (b) With
105 _______ in favor of the proposed changes? (a) With, (b) For
106 _______ the soil under the scorching sun? (a) For, (b) Under
107 Lunge forward _______ determination? (a) With, (b) For
108 _______ your energy levels in the morning? (a) For, (b) In
109 _______ in the neck after a long flight? (a) In, (b) With
110 _______ excelled in the challenging role? (a) For, (b) In
111 _______ in physics at the university? (a) With, (b) In
112 _______ after your dreams with passion? (a) With, (b) After
113 _______ the toilet after use? (a) For, (b) After
114 _______ the beauty of nature? (a) In, (b) With
115 _______ in her elegant attire? (a) With, (b) In
116 _______ in the success of your team? (a) With, (b) In
117 _______ up the difficulty level? (a) With, (b) Up
118 _______ filled with memories? (a) For, (b) With
119 _______ the samples for accuracy? (a) For, (b) With
120 _______ on the road after the snowfall? (a) For, (b) On
121 _______ the dough for perfect bread? (a) With, (b) For
122 _______ with envy at her success? (a) With, (b) In
123 _______ from the ashes like a phoenix? (a) With, (b) From
124 Nomad wandered _______ the desert? (a) In, (b) Through
125 _______ of the storm hit the coastal areas? (a) With, (b) In
126 _______ for the top position in the competition? (a) In, (b) For
127 _______ in his religious beliefs? (a) With, (b) In
128 _______ snacks for the movie night? (a) For, (b) With
129 _______ the old habits for a healthier lifestyle? (a) For, (b) With
130 Amble _______ the park in the evening? (a) For, (b) Through
131 _______ from the kingdom? (a) With, (b) From
132 Beast _______ the jungle roared loudly? (a) With, (b) In
133 _______ with courage in difficult times? (a) With, (b) In
134 _______ at the unfair decision? (a) For, (b) At
135 _______ over the desk while working? (a) With, (b) Over
136 Derpy _______ clumsiness in his actions? (a) With, (b) In
137 Caper _______ the room with joy? (a) With, (b) Around
138 _______ in solving complex problems? (a) With, (b) In
139 _______ of her innocence? (a) With, (b) Of
140 _______ yourself before the party? (a) With, (b) Before
141 Bogus _______ false claims? (a) With, (b) In
142 _______ your time for greater productivity? (a) With, (b) For
143 _______ the data for backup? (a) With, (b) For
144 _______ the experiment for accuracy? (a) With, (b) For
145 _______ from the main topic, he discussed other issues? (a) With, (b) Aside
146 _______ the luggage securely? (a) For, (b) Securely
147 _______ in age but wise in knowledge? (a) In, (b) With
148 _______ out the wet clothes? (a) For, (b) Out
149 _______ in the calculation? (a) In, (b) With
150 Zesty _______ flavor and spices? (a) With, (b) In
151 _______ on the swing set in the park? (a) On, (b) With
152 _______ dedicated to lost love? (a) With, (b) For
153 Sapid _______ rich flavors? (a) With, (b) In
154 Birch tree stood tall _______ the forest? (a) In, (b) With
155 _______ gracefully across the ice? (a) With, (b) Across
156 _______ for a photograph? (a) In, (b) For
157 _______ of cookies baked with care? (a) For, (b) With
158 _______ on one foot while dancing? (a) With, (b) On
159 _______ for the task at hand? (a) With, (b) For
160 Folly _______ his decision-making? (a) In, (b) With
161 Crude oil extracted _______ the ground? (a) With, (b) From
162 _______ the old machinery for parts? (a) With, (b) For
163 Allee lined _______ beautiful trees? (a) With, (b) For
164 _______ through the trail in the forest? (a) With, (b) In
165 _______ statement that conveys a message? (a) In, (b) With
166 _______ celebrated with enthusiasm? (a) For, (b) With
167 _______ ownership of the property? (a) With, (b) For
168 Niece _______ a talent for music? (a) With, (b) For
169 Clown entertained _______ the audience? (a) With, (b) In
170 _______ raged through the night? (a) In, (b) With
171 Bored _______ the routine? (a) In, (b) With
172 _______ the opportunity with both hands? (a) With, (b) In
173 _______ on the water with ease? (a) With, (b) In
174 Wedge _______ the rocks? (a) With, (b) Between
175 _______ measures frequency? (a) With, (b) Measures
176 _______ to the crowd from the stage? (a) In, (b) With
177 Ideal _______ the job? (a) For, (b) With
178 _______ the bag with essentials? (a) For, (b) With
179 _______ power responsibly? (a) With, (b) For
180 _______ the book on the shelf? (a) With, (b) On
181 Arson set _______ the building on fire? (a) With, (b) On
182 _______ to the customs of the new country? (a) With, (b) Alien
183 Shyly _______ a timid smile? (a) With, (b) In
184 _______ for the survival of the species? (a) With, (b) For
185 Scene _______ in a bustling city? (a) With, (b) Set
186 Atoll surrounded _______ clear blue water? (a) With, (b) by
187 Puffy clouds _______ the sky? (a) With, (b) In
188 Stoop _______ pick up the fallen pen? (a) With, (b) to
189 Lurch forward _______ the moving train? (a) With, (b) In
190 Wheel _______ around the corner carefully? (a) With, (b) Around
191 Creek flowed _______ the valley? (a) Through, (b) With
192 _______ with sarcastic remarks? (a) With, (b) In
193 Liege _______ the king in feudal times? (a) With, (b) to
194 Crime _______ in broad daylight? (a) With, (b) In
195 _______ for the wedding? (a) With, (b) For
196 Mores _______ ingrained in the culture? (a) With, (b) In
197 _______ tightly to secure the panel? (a) With, (b) to
198 Sober _______ a night of celebration? (a) With, (b) After
199 _______ the rumors with evidence? (a) With, (b) In
200 _______ beyond the horizon? (a) With, (b) Beyond
1 (b) above
2 (b) across
3 (a) in
4 (b) against
5 (a) across
6 (b) along
7 (a) before
8 (b) in
9 (a) with
10 (b) among
11 (b) before
12 (b) in
13 (b) Least
14 (a) With
15 (a) for
16 (a) against
17 (b) within
18 (b) from
19 (a) on
20 (a) with
21 (b) around
22 (b) across
23 (b) before
24 (a) within
25 (b) among
26 (b) within
27 (a) in
28 (b) across
29 (a) upon
30 (b) down
31 (a) with
32 (b) across
33 (b) in
34 (b) in
35 (a) with
36 (b) from
37 (b) against
38 (a) before
39 (b) within
40 (b) above
41 (b) Apart
42 (a) with
43 (b) in
44 (a) with
45 (b) in
46 (b) by
47 (a) with
48 (b) in
49 (a) before
50 (b) in
51 (a) Without
52 (a) Often
53 (b) Behind
54 (a) Into
55 (b) With
56 (b) Beneath
57 (b) Often
58 (b) In
59 (a) On
60 (b) Against
61 (b) Fatal
62 (b) With
63 (b) In
64 (b) To
65 (b) Owned
66 (b) For
67 (a) For
68 (b) With
69 (a) In
70 (b) With
71 (b) For
72 (a) In
73 (b) In
74 (a) With
75 (b) In
76 (b) During
77 (b) From
78 (b) In
79 (b) On
80 (a) With
81 (b) the intensity of
82 (b) the origin of
83 (b) Within
84 (b) For
85 (b) essential nutrients
86 (b) Elide
87 (a) Above
88 (a) With
89 (b) Through
90 (b) Into
91 (b) Along
92 (b) With
93 (b) Sever
94 (b) In
95 (a) For
96 (b) Until
97 (b) Prone
98 (b) With
99 (b) From
100 (b) In
101 (a) On
102 (a) With
103 (a) For
104 (a) In
105 (b) For
106 (b) Under
107 (b) with
108 (b) In
109 (a) In
110 (b) In
111 (b) In
112 (b) After
113 (b) After
114 (b) In
115 (b) In
116 (b) In
117 (b) Up
118 (b) With
119 (b) For
120 (b) On
121 (b) For
122 (a) With
123 (b) From
124 (b) Through
125 (b) In
126 (b) For
127 (b) In
128 (b) For
129 (a) For
130 (b) Through
131 (b) From
132 (b) In
133 (a) With
134 (b) At
135 (b) Over
136 (a) With
137 (b) Around
138 (b) In
139 (b) Of
140 (b) Before
141 (b) With
142 (b) For
143 (b) For
144 (b) For
145 (b) Aside
146 (b) Securely
147 (b) In
148 (b) Out
149 (a) In
150 (a) With
151 (a) On
152 (b) For
153 (b) With
154 (b) In
155 (b) Across
156 (b) For
157 (b) With
158 (b) On
159 (b) For
160 (b) In
161 (b) From
162 (b) For
163 (a) With
164 (a) With
165 (b) In
166 (b) With
167 (b) For
168 (a) With
169 (b) the
170 (b) Through
171 (b) With
172 (b) With
173 (a) On
174 (b) Between
175 (b) Measures
176 (b) to
177 (a) For
178 (b) with
179 (a) With
180 (b) On
181 (a) On
182 (b) to
183 (a) With
184 (b) For
185 (b) Set
186 (b) by
187 (b) In
188 (b) to
189 (b) In
190 (a) With
191 (a) Through
192 (a) With
193 (b) to
194 (b) In
195 (b) For
196 (b) In
197 (b) to
198 (b) After
199 (b) With
200 (b) Beyond
201 _______ of innocence hid the true intentions? (a) With, (b) Of
202 _______ at the breathtaking view? (a) With, (b) At
203 _______ on delicious cuisine? (a) With, (b) On
204 Mousy _______ her shy demeanor? (a) With, (b) In
205 _______ hidden beneath the ancient ruins? (a) In, (b) Beneath
206 _______ at the new restaurant? (a) With, (b) At
207 _______ handed out to passersby? (a) With, (b) To
208 _______ played by a skilled musician? (a) With, (b) By
209 _______ in stature but tall in spirit? (a) With, (b) In
210 Carin _______ her caring attitude? (a) With, (b) In
211 _______ on time to meet the deadline? (a) With, (b) On
212 _______ in the face of danger? (a) With, (b) In
213 Legal _______ proper documentation? (a) With, (b) In
214 Fancy _______ intricate designs? (a) With, (b) In
215 _______ for the new position? (a) With, (b) For
216 _______ to avoid a collision? (a) With, (b) To
217 _______ the code for errors? (a) For, (b) With
218 _______ in judgment led to the mistake? (a) With, (b) In
219 _______ for him to arrive late? (a) With, (b) For
220 _______ with emotions? (a) With, (b) In
221 _______ with your partner gracefully? (a) With, (b) For
222 _______ in pain after the fall? (a) With, (b) In
223 _______ under the bed to retrieve the toy? (a) With, (b) Under
224 _______ in the library? (a) With, (b) In
225 _______ of appreciation for the hard work? (a) With, (b) Of
226 _______ of flowers for the celebration? (a) With, (b) For
227 _______ for the job online? (a) For, (b) With
228 Mushy _______ a soft texture? (a) With, (b) In
229 _______ hair framed her face? (a) With, (b) In
230 _______ growth in technology? (a) With, (b) In
231 Matte finish _______ the painting? (a) With, (b) On
232 _______ the edges for a neat look? (a) With, (b) For
233 Natty _______ his stylish attire? (a) With, (b) In
234 Quilt _______ intricate patterns? (a) With, (b) In
235 _______ the eggs for breakfast? (a) For, (b) With
236 _______ reflects light beautifully? (a) With, (b) In
237 _______ broke out in the bar? (a) With, (b) In
238 Shrew _______ sharp instincts? (a) With, (b) In
239 _______ used for construction? (a) With, (b) For
240 Trove _______ treasures discovered? (a) With, (b) Of
241 _______ with her charismatic personality? (a) With, (b) In
242 _______ on the horse for a ride? (a) With, (b) On
243 _______ in his explanations? (a) With, (b) In
244 Fuzzy feeling _______ warmth? (a) With, (b) of
245 Blunt _______ his words? (a) With, (b) In
246 Trait _______ in her personality? (a) With, (b) In
247 Abode _______ in the quiet countryside? (a) With, (b) In
248 _______ for the accused? (a) With, (b) For
249 _______ the glasses for a toast? (a) With, (b) For
250 _______ around to gather information? (a) With, (b) Around
251 Techy is fascinated _______ the latest gadgets. (a) with, (b) in, (c) among
252 The sun makes everything _______ brightly. (a) shine, (b) in, (c) across
253 We need to amend the document _______ accuracy. (a) by, (b) for, (c) with
254 It’s important to interact _______ the guests at the party. (a) with, (b) among, (c) around
255 She is aging _______ grace and wisdom. (a) in, (b) with, (c) toward
256 Winning the lottery is a fluke _______ luck. (a) across, (b) of, (c) in
257 He awoke suddenly, _______ a startle. (a) in, (b) with, (c) by
258 Frogs tend to croak _______ loudly in the swamp. (a) with, (b) in, (c) across
259 In the _______ of the bustling city, finding peace can be challenging. (a) before, (b) midst, (c) below
260 Thieves often steal _______ unsuspecting victims. (a) from, (b) with, (c) in
261 It’s important to be couth _______ proper etiquette. (a) with, (b) in, (c) for
262 He couldn’t help but smirk _______ satisfaction. (a) in, (b) with, (c) across
263 It’s wise to scram _______ a dangerous situation. (a) with, (b) from, (c) in
264 The _______ valuable items is a serious offense. (a) against, (b) of, (c) with
265 She decided to sweep _______ the room before the guests arrived. (a) with, (b) across, (c) in
266 Cats like to prowl _______ the neighborhood at night. (a) in, (b) around, (c) with
267 Birds prefer to roost _______ the high branches of trees. (a) with, (b) in, (c) on
268 He’s always sharp _______ his witty remarks. (a) in, (b) with, (c) against
269 Being hasty _______ making decisions can lead to mistakes. (a) with, (b) in, (c) at
270 Be careful not to get the _______ of the fork stuck in the food. (a) prong, (b) in, (c) below
271 He provided an alibi _______ his absence. (a) with, (b) for, (c) in
272 Don’t _______ from the main path while hiking. (a) with, (b) stray, (c) in
273 It takes skill to shoot _______ the target with precision. (a) with, (b) at, (c) in
274 Heavy rain can flood the area _______ water. (a) with, (b) in, (c) off
275 The surface became slick _______ oil. (a) with, (b) in, (c) from
276 Some people are naturally pudgy _______ a round face. (a) with, (b) in, (c) beneath
277 Rabbits are furry _______ soft fur. (a) with, (b) in, (c) beneath
278 The room was messy _______ the party. (a) with, (b) in, (c) after
279 She needed a large swath _______ fabric for the dress. (a) with, (b) of, (c) beneath
280 Some people fill the room with inane _______ meaningless chatter. (a) with, (b) in, (c) from
281 He hung a beautiful piece _______ art on the wall. (a) with, (b) of, (c) below
282 The old manor _______ a grand entrance is now a museum. (a) with, (b) in, (c) of
283 It’s important to sleep _______ peacefully in the bed. (a) with, (b) in, (c) beside
284 A bidet is used _______ personal hygiene. (a) with, (b) for, (c) in
285 It’s a strategic move to merge _______ the two companies for efficiency. (a) with, (b) in, (c) between
286 Many climbers aspire to climb _______ the top of the mountain. (a) with, (b) to, (c) in
287 Hold the tool _______ a firm grip on the handle. (a) with, (b) in, (c) by
288 It’s essential to atone _______ the mistakes made. (a) with, (b) for, (c) in
289 Some people snore _______ loudly during the night. (a) with, (b) in, (c) during
290 It’s nice to serve _______ a smile. (a) with, (b) in, (c) at
291 Be sure to bevel _______ the edges for a polished look. (a) with, (b) the, (c) for
292 It’s always fun to party _______ friends and family. (a) with, (b) in, (c) among
293 She left the room _______ a heavy heart. (a) with, (b) in, (c) sadly
294 It’s time to alter _______ the course of action. (a) with, (b) in, (c) the
295 Strive to excel _______ academic achievements. (a) with, (b) in, (c) at
296 Many students hunch _______ the desk in concentration. (a) with, (b) in, (c) over
297 The organization follows a dogma _______ strict rules. (a) with, (b) in, (c) of
298 The grand foyer _______ the entrance of the building is impressive. (a) with, (b) in, (c) at
299 It’s common to flail _______ arms in the air during a dance. (a) with, (b) in, (c) the
300 In a crowded room, there’s often a babel _______ voices. (a) with, (b) of, (c) in
301 Which book do you prefer _______ the two options? (a) among, (b) at, (c) between
302 It’s common to mimic _______ the actions of the leader. (a) with, (b) around, (c) against
303 The journalist went gonzo _______ a wild adventure. (a) on, (b) across, (c) against
304 She was laser focused _______ the task at hand. (a) on, (b) by, (c) with
305 He was amiss _______ his calculations. (a) in, (b) with, (c) among
306 A dirge is often played _______ funerals. (a) at, (b) with, (c) during
307 The whole family gathered _______ dinner. (a) at, (b) during, (c) in
308 The crown rested _______ the king’s head. (a) upon, (b) above, (c) with
309 She always cared _______ her friends. (a) for, (b) about, (c) with
310 Saying adieu can be difficult _______ a heavy heart. (a) with, (b) in, (c) upon
311 A gully runs _______ the valley. (a) through, (b) along, (c) with
312 Shall we dance _______ the stars? (a) under, (b) with, (c) on
313 The cobra slithered _______ silently. (a) around, (b) in, (c) with
314 He found himself alone _______ the dark forest. (a) in, (b) with, (c) within
315 She was loved _______ everyone in the community. (a) by, (b) with, (c) around
316 There’s empty space _______ the shelves. (a) between, (b) with, (c) around
317 The Holy Grail is often sought _______ many adventurers. (a) by, (b) among, (c) with
318 Thick fog covered _______ the landscape. (a) in, (b) with, (c) upon
319 The truck was parked _______ the driveway. (a) in, (b) with, (c) beside
320 He looked dopey _______ a silly grin. (a) with, (b) in, (c) upon
321 A chute is essential _______ skydiving. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
322 There’s a hutch _______ the bed. (a) beside, (b) with, (c) above
323 The painting displayed vivid colors _______ the canvas. (a) on, (b) within, (c) in
324 Phoenix is said to arise _______ the ashes. (a) from, (b) with, (c) above
325 He became testy _______ the argument. (a) during, (b) with, (c) at
326 The farmer decided to graft _______ the new branch onto the tree. (a) onto, (b) with, (c) in
327 There’s always a craze _______ the latest fashion. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
328 She learned to carry _______ the burden with strength. (a) with, (b) in, (c) on
329 Hard work is amply rewarded _______ success. (a) with, (b) in, (c) upon
330 The ambitious noble planned to usurp _______ the throne from the king. (a) upon, (b) with, (c) from
331 He tried _______ failed multiple times. (a) and, (b) with, (c) against
332 The actress was a buxom woman _______ a curvy figure. (a) with, (b) in, (c) having
333 The depot is located _______ the station. (a) near, (b) with, (c) above
334 There’s a straw hat _______ the scarecrow. (a) on, (b) with, (c) beside
335 The lobby is filled _______ people. (a) with, (b) in, (c) beside
336 People often experience shock _______ severe storms. (a) during, (b) with, (c) in
337 The rumor spread _______ the community quickly. (a) through, (b) in, (c) among
338 The pupil dilated _______ the dim light. (a) in, (b) with, (c) under
339 The valet parked the car _______ the entrance. (a) at, (b) beside, (c) in
340 Biting nails can be a bad habit _______ many people. (a) for, (b) with, (c) among
341 There’s a gooey substance _______ the floor. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
342 She decided to demur _______ the suggestion. (a) at, (b) in, (c) with
343 The swash _______ waves against the shore is calming. (a) of, (b) with, (c) along
344 If you need a ride, you can hitch _______ a stranger. (a) with, (b) on, (c) beside
345 The armor provides protection _______ the knight. (a) to, (b) for, (c) against
346 She was ahead _______ the race. (a) in, (b) with, (c) among
347 There’s always a vogue _______ the latest trends. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
348 A shoal _______ fish can often be seen in the ocean. (a) of, (b) with, (c) among
349 Some people enjoy telling bawdy jokes _______ parties. (a) at, (b) during, (c) with
350 They were stuck _______ traffic for hours. (a) in, (b) with, (c) at
351 The knight sheathed his sword _______ its scabbard. (a) in, (b) with, (c) beside
352 The loud clang echoed _______ the valley. (a) through, (b) within, (c) against
353 It’s important to shrug _______ the criticism. (a) off, (b) against, (c) in
354 He stood _______ her side during the ordeal. (a) by, (b) with, (c) around
355 Many organizations lobby _______ environmental protection. (a) for, (b) with, (c) around
356 The liquid began to froth _______ the surface. (a) on, (b) in, (c) within
357 The hardy plant is thriving _______ the garden. (a) in, (b) with, (c) within
358 The fakir lived _______ alms. (a) on, (b) with, (c) within
359 He carefully aimed _______ the target. (a) at, (b) for, (c) within
360 Her face turned ashen _______ the shocking news. (a) after, (b) with, (c) in
361 It’s wise to invest in good stocks _______ the market. (a) in, (b) with, (c) within
362 He understood the ambit _______ his responsibilities. (a) of, (b) within, (c) with
363 Making that gutsy move _______ the game paid off. (a) in, (b) with, (c) for
364 The smell of burnt toast lingered _______ the kitchen. (a) in, (b) with, (c) around
365 His gaze remained fixed _______ the horizon. (a) on, (b) with, (c) within
366 It’s crucial to have a firm grasp _______ the concept. (a) of, (b) with, (c) around
367 The valley looked enchanting _______ the misty morning. (a) in, (b) with, (c) during
368 She had a query _______ the project. (a) about, (b) with, (c) around
369 Let’s go to the beach and watch _______ the sunset. (a) for, (b) with, (c) upon
370 Give him a gentle nudge _______ wake him up. (a) to, (b) with, (c) around
371 Developing the nerve _______ speak in public is a valuable skill. (a) to, (b) with, (c) around
372 Please be quiet; there’s a class _______ session. (a) in, (b) with, (c) within
373 Success often requires a joint effort _______ the team. (a) for, (b) with, (c) around
374 Infinite possibilities exist _______ the realm of imagination. (a) within, (b) in, (c) with
375 He’s a friendly bloke _______ a charming smile. (a) with, (b) in, (c) having
376 The morning was filled with the chirp _______ birds in the garden. (a) of, (b) with, (c) within
377 There’s a bleak outlook _______ the project’s success. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
378 A healthy snack can help stave _______ hunger. (a) off, (b) with, (c) against
379 She visited the salon _______ a haircut. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
380 The deck of cards includes a knave _______ the traditional suits. (a) in, (b) with, (c) among
381 A beautiful bloom _______ the flower enhances its charm. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
382 It’s not polite to boast _______ your achievements. (a) about, (b) with, (c) around
383 Unfortunately, there’s been zilch _______ progress. (a) in, (b) with, (c) for
384 He maintained a stony expression _______ his face. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
385 The breathtaking sight _______ the mountains left them in awe. (a) of, (b) with, (c) within
386 His success was often attributed to his guile _______ deceptive tactics. (a) in, (b) with, (c) of
387 Her kindness is just one facet _______ her personality. (a) of, (b) with, (c) within
388 Some believe in a godly intervention _______ times of crisis. (a) in, (b) with, (c) at
389 Please dispose of your trash _______ the street. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
390 The hotel room offered a beautiful vista _______ the city skyline. (a) of, (b) with, (c) within
391 She held a torch _______ her hand to light the way. (a) in, (b) with, (c) above
392 The drone can hover _______ the ground for an aerial view. (a) above, (b) with, (c) within
393 Some people exhibit loony behavior _______ parties. (a) at, (b) with, (c) during
394 He is suing _______ damages after the accident. (a) for, (b) with, (c) against
395 The ozone layer protects _______ harmful UV rays. (a) against, (b) with, (c) from
396 She had a valid excuse _______ being late to the meeting. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
397 The artist sought to reify _______ the abstract concept in a tangible form. (a) the, (b) within, (c) with
398 The cheetah is known for its swift movement _______ the savannah. (a) across, (b) with, (c) in
399 Please don’t block _______ the entrance. (a) the, (b) with, (c) in
400 His cocky attitude often rubs people the wrong way _______ challenges. (a) towards, (b) with, (c) during
201 (b) Of
202 (b) At
203 (b) On
204 (b) With
205 (b) Beneath
206 (b) At
207 (b) To
208 (b) By
209 (b) in
210 (a) With
211 (b) On
212 (b) In
213 (b) With
214 (a) With
215 (b) For
216 (b) To
217 (b) For
218 (b) in
219 (b) For
220 (a) With
221 (a) With
222 (b) In
223 (b) Under
224 (b) In
225 (b) Of
226 (b) For
227 (b) For
228 (a) With
229 (b) In
230 (a) With
231 (b) On
232 (b) For
233 (a) With
234 (b) with
235 (b) For
236 (a) With
237 (a) With
238 (a) With
239 (b) For
240 (b) Of
241 (a) With
242 (b) On
243 (b) In
244 (b) of
245 (a) With
246 (b) In
247 (b) In
248 (b) For
249 (b) For
250 (b) Around
251 (a) with
252 (b) shine
253 (b) for
254 (a) with
255 (b) with
256 (b) of
257 (b) with
258 (a) with
259 (b) midst
260 (a) from
261 (a) with
262 (b) with
263 (b) from
264 (b) of
265 (b) across
266 (b) around
267 (c) on
268 (b) with
269 (b) in
270 (a) prong
271 (b) for
272 (b) stray
273 (b) at
274 (a) with
275 (b) with
276 (a) with
277 (a) with
278 (c) after
279 (b) of
280 (b) and
281 (b) of
282 (c) of
283 (b) in
284 (b) for
285 (c) between
286 (b) to
287 (a) with
288 (b) for
289 (c) during
290 (a) with
291 (c) for
292 (a) with
293 (c) sadly
294 (a) with
295 (b) in
296 (c) over
297 (c) of
298 (b) at
299 (a) with
300 (c) of
301 (c) between
302 (b) around
303 (b) across
304 (a) on
305 (a) in
306 (a) at
307 (a) for
308 (a) upon
309 (a) for
310 (b) with
311 (a) through
312 (a) under
313 (b) in
314 (a) in
315 (a) by
316 (a) between
317 (b) among
318 (a) in
319 (a) in
320 (a) with
321 (a) for
322 (a) beside
323 (a) on
324 (a) from
325 (a) during
326 (a) onto
327 (a) for
328 (a) with
329 (a) with
330 (a) upon
331 (a) and
332 (a) with
333 (a) near
334 (a) on
335 (a) with
336 (a) during
337 (a) through
338 (a) in
339 (b) beside
340 (b) with
341 (a) on
342 (a) at
343 (a) of
344 (a) with
345 (c) against
346 (a) in
347 (a) for
348 (a) of
349 (c) during
350 (a) in
351 (a) in
352 (a) through
353 (a) off
354 (a) by
355 (a) for
356 (a) on
357 (b) in
358 (a) on
359 (a) at
360 (a) after
361 (a) in
362 (a) of
363 (a) in
364 (a) in
365 (a) on
366 (a) of
367 (a) in
368 (a) about
369 (b) with
370 (a) to
371 (a) to
372 (a) in
373 (a) for
374 (a) within
375 (a) with
376 (a) of
377 (a) for
378 (a) off
379 (a) for
380 (a) in
381 (a) on
382 (a) about
383 (a) in
384 (a) on
385 (a) of
386 (c) of
387 (a) of
388 (b) with
389 (a) on
390 (a) of
391 (b) with
392 (a) above
393 (b) with
394 (c) against
395 (c) from
396 (a) for
397 (c) with
398 (b) with
399 (a) the
400 (a) towards
401 Daffy danced _______ the stage. (a) across, (b) with, (c) at
402 _______ waiting, she read a book. (a) While, (b) After, (c) During
403 The puppy played happily _______ the yard. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
404 She fell victim to a prank played _______ her friends. (a) on, (b) with, (c) against
405 She felt dazed _______ the intense workout. (a) after, (b) with, (c) in
406 The gleam _______ sunlight through the trees was beautiful. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
407 The datum was recorded _______ the database. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
408 An oasis appeared _______ the middle of the desert. (a) in, (b) with, (c) at
409 Careful not to singe _______ the edges of the paper. (a) with, (b) on, (c) at
410 She felt a thorn pricking _______ her finger. (a) in, (b) with, (c) at
411 It’s common to skirt _______ the issue in difficult conversations. (a) around, (b) with, (c) on
412 The sound of slosh _______ water in the bucket was soothing. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
413 It’s essential to start _______ the basics when learning something new. (a) with, (b) on, (c) at
414 To avoid injury, try to dodge _______ the obstacle in the path. (a) the, (b) with, (c) around
415 There was a thick layer _______ snow _______ the ground. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
416 Let’s posit _______ an alternative solution to the problem. (a) with, (b) on, (c) against
417 It’s wise to hoard supplies _______ the winter months. (a) for, (b) with, (c) during
418 Kids often stomp _______ the floor to make noise. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
419 She felt ferly curious _______ the unknown. (a) about, (b) with, (c) on
420 The griot shared traditional stories _______ the community. (a) with, (b) to, (c) within
421 The basal temperature is usually measured _______ the body. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
422 It’s easier to write _______ a pen _______ paper. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
423 Be cautious of the cleft _______ the rocks; it can be dangerous. (a) between, (b) with, (c) on
424 Make sure to label the boxes _______ care. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
425 It’s not advisable to feign ignorance _______ a meeting. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
426 Plan your route _______ the scenic hills for a picturesque journey. (a) through, (b) with, (c) in
427 She greeted everyone with a broad smile _______ her face. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
428 In case of car trouble, it’s safer to shunt _______ the side of the road. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
429 Her expression revealed the agony _______ her experience. (a) in, (b) with, (c) during
430 She decided to gussy up _______ the party. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
431 The valve is essential to control the flow _______ water. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
432 Some people prefer the crust _______ the surface of the bread. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
433 Being naive _______ the complexities can lead to mistakes. (a) about, (b) with, (c) in
434 The garden was adorned with lilac flowers _______ the spring. (a) in, (b) with, (c) during
435 They lived in a cozy house _______ the corner of the street. (a) on, (b) with, (c) at
436 She took some time to primp _______ the mirror before the event. (a) before, (b) with, (c) in
437 He’s the go-to person _______ advice _______ the team. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
438 It’s common to liken _______ the situation _______ a puzzle. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
439 The old woman had the appearance of a crone _______ wisdom _______ her eyes. (a) with, (b) in, (c) on
440 Feeling weary _______ a long journey is natural. (a) after, (b) with, (c) during
441 The fugitive managed to elude capture _______ the escape. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
442 The doctor declared him unfit _______ the strenuous activity. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
443 He was known for his brash _______ his approach to challenges. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
444 She sat and gazed _______ the distance, lost in thought. (a) into, (b) with, (c) on
445 Despite his hokey _______ humor, he always made people laugh. (a) sense, (b) with, (c) on
446 The artist added a small fleck _______ paint _______ the canvas. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
447 The book contains a monde _______ information. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
448 It’s a tradition to hoist _______ the flag _______ the mast during ceremonies. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
449 The clerk _______ the front desk assisted customers. (a) at, (b) with, (c) on
450 Having a strong credo is essential to believe _______ the company’s mission. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
451 Be cautious with toxic chemicals _______ the laboratory. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
452 The goose waddled _______ the pond. (a) across, (b) with, (c) around
453 They rented a shack _______ the beach for vacation. (a) by, (b) with, (c) in
454 There’s a delicious crock _______ soup _______ the stove. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
455 The army launched a siege _______ the fortress. (a) against, (b) with, (c) in
456 It’s essential to unite _______ colleagues for a successful project. (a) with, (b) on, (c) against
457 Some people may retch _______ the smell of rotten food. (a) at, (b) with, (c) around
458 It’s important to exalt _______ the virtues of kindness. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
459 There’s a serene copse _______ trees _______ the park. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
460 It’s natural to waver _______ the face of uncertainty. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
461 The artist decided to mould _______ the clay into a beautiful sculpture. (a) into, (b) with, (c) on
462 The ratio _______ success to failure is crucial in business. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
463 The aegis _______ protection hovers _______ the city. (a) of, (b) with, (c) over
464 Let’s do a quick recap _______ the important points. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
465 The main topic _______ discussion _______ the meeting was sustainability. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
466 It’s essential to weigh _______ the pros and cons before making a decision. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
467 Understanding an idiom _______ everyday language can be challenging. (a) in, (b) with, (c) for
468 Schools may expel students _______ serious misconduct. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
469 She wore a luxurious sable fur coat _______ the winter. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
470 There’s a strong nexus _______ science and technology. (a) between, (b) with, (c) in
471 Always cross _______ the bridge carefully to avoid accidents. (a) the, (b) with, (c) over
472 She discovered some dowdy clothes _______ the ’80s in the attic. (a) from, (b) with, (c) in
473 It’s essential to learn _______ past mistakes for personal growth. (a) from, (b) with, (c) on
474 They believed it was a quirk _______ fate _______ their favor. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
475 Cleaning the house can be a tedious chore _______ the weekend. (a) of, (b) with, (c) during
476 It’s essential to inure yourself _______ criticism in a competitive field. (a) to, (b) with, (c) against
477 She kept a diary _______ personal reflections _______ her experiences. (a) with, (b) on, (c) of
478 It’s crucial to allow _______ flexibility _______ the plan to accommodate changes. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
479 The region experienced tidal waves _______ the coastline. (a) along, (b) with, (c) against
480 Unfortunately, jowls tend to sag _______ age. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
481 The driver navigated the curve _______ the road with skill. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
482 She’s crazy _______ the latest trend in fashion. (a) about, (b) with, (c) on
483 Mechanics often turbo charge _______ the engine for increased performance. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
484 He liked to strum _______ the guitar while sitting by the fire. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
485 The new gadget is a nifty addition _______ everyday use. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
486 The event was canceled owing _______ unforeseen circumstances. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
487 Everyone sang a paean _______ praise _______ her achievements. (a) of, (b) with, (c) for
488 There was chaos _______ the busy marketplace. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
489 To see results, you need to exert _______ effort _______ the gym. (a) effort, (b) with, (c) in
490 The commander carried a saber _______ ceremonial purposes. (a) for, (b) with, (c) in
491 In fencing, it’s crucial to parry _______ the opponent’s attack. (a) the, (b) with, (c) against
492 Some people love to prate _______ the phone for hours. (a) on, (b) with, (c) at
493 The cells _______ the human body are incredibly diverse. (a) within, (b) with, (c) on
494 The detective decided to probe _______ the mysterious case. (a) into, (b) with, (c) on
495 She maintained a kempt appearance _______ the party. (a) at, (b) with, (c) for
496 It’s not attractive to constantly whine _______ trivial issues. (a) about, (b) with, (c) on
497 The alphabet consists of vowel sounds _______ consonants. (a) in, (b) with, (c) and
498 Some people might exhibit queer behavior _______ public. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
499 It’s important to allot _______ time for relaxation in a busy schedule. (a) time, (b) with, (c) in
500 The sudden blast _______ wind caught everyone off guard on a stormy day. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
501 The fugitive was considered a goner _______ the eyes of the law. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
502 A majestic fjord runs _______ the rugged coastline. (a) along, (b) with, (c) on
503 She enjoyed listening to sappy love songs _______ the ’90s. (a) from, (b) with, (c) on
504 It’s essential to purge _______ the toxins _______ your body regularly. (a) the, (b) with, (c) from
505 He decided to stay sober _______ a night of celebration. (a) after, (b) with, (c) for
506 The comedian shared funny jokes _______ the audience. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
507 The teacher had a stern look _______ her face when addressing the class. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
508 The spy operated as an agent _______ a secret mission. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
509 The majestic steed galloped _______ the meadow with grace. (a) through, (b) with, (c) in
510 A massive whale was spotted _______ the shore. (a) near, (b) with, (c) on
511 She felt gawky _______ the awkward phase of her teenage years. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
512 The police were determined to catch the crook _______ the fraudulent scheme. (a) behind, (b) with, (c) in
513 A posse _______ cowboys rode _______ horseback across the prairie. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
514 Locate the digit _______ the numeric keypad to enter the code. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
515 She felt irked _______ constant interruptions during the meeting. (a) by, (b) with, (c) in
516 The picnic was interrupted by the sting _______ a bee. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
517 They decided to kayak _______ the peaceful river for a relaxing day. (a) along, (b) with, (c) on
518 They found a buyer _______ the antique furniture _______ an auction. (a) for, (b) with, (c) at
519 The adventurers decided to tramp _______ the dense forest for an exciting journey. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
520 When in doubt, it’s advisable to refer _______ the dictionary for definitions. (a) to, (b) with, (c) in
521 Keeping up with the latest trend _______ the fashion industry can be challenging. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
522 The sky painted an azure hue _______ the horizon. (a) above, (b) with, (c) on
523 She preferred to remain aloof _______ the social gathering. (a) from, (b) with, (c) at
524 Use both hands to shove _______ the heavy door and push it open. (a) the, (b) with, (c) against
525 The mysterious figure decided to skulk _______ the shadows to remain unnoticed. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
526 The youth were filled _______ dreams _______ success for their future. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
527 She displayed agile movements _______ the dance floor during the performance. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
528 Drivers may be fined _______ speeding _______ the highway. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
529 Use a sharp knife to slice _______ the ripe watermelon. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
530 They decided to pedal _______ the mountain trail for a challenging ride. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
531 It’s considered impolite to barge _______ a room without knocking first. (a) into, (b) with, (c) on
532 The crew gathered abaft _______ the ship’s stern for a group photo. (a) the, (b) with, (c) of
533 The irony _______ the situation was hard to ignore. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
534 She surprised her hubby _______ a beautiful bouquet of flowers. (a) with, (b) on, (c) at
535 They booked a suite _______ the luxury hotel for a comfortable stay. (a) at, (b) with, (c) in
536 It’s natural to cling _______ cherished memories _______ difficult times. (a) to, (b) with, (c) during
537 The scientists worked with inert gas _______ the laboratory. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
538 The defense attorney decided to plead _______ the judge for leniency. (a) with, (b) on, (c) to
539 She infused great verve _______ her performance on the stage. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
540 It’s important to begin _______ a clean slate when starting a new project. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
541 The auctioneer announced the final price _______ the rare artifact. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
542 The harsh words were like a harpy _______ criticism that haunted him. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
543 It’s advisable to shred _______ the old documents for privacy. (a) the, (b) with, (c) of
544 Rather than covet _______ the neighbor’s garden, consider discussing landscaping tips. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
545 They stood _______ the brink of a breakthrough in scientific research. (a) on, (b) with, (c) at
546 They believed they saw a fairy _______ the enchanted forest. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
547 The guests were sated _______ a delicious meal at the fancy restaurant. (a) with, (b) on, (c) at
548 The troth _______ the lovers was sealed with a romantic gesture. (a) between, (b) with, (c) on
549 It’s essential to tweak _______ the settings for better results. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
550 It’s essential to tweak _______ the settings for better results. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
551 The yokel felt out of place _______ the rural community. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
552 The old statue began to erode _______ time due to weathering. (a) over, (b) with, (c) by
553 The colorful balloons floated aloft _______ the clear blue sky. (a) in, (b) with, (c) above
554 Expect heavy rain _______ the night. (a) throughout, (b) with, (c) on
555 The dress was beautifully lined _______ intricate patterns. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
556 Keep moving apace _______ the changing trends to stay relevant. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
557 The elder had a responsibility to guide _______ the younger generation. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
558 The bully enjoyed asserting dominance _______ weaker opponents. (a) against, (b) with, (c) on
559 She wore a tunic made _______ fine silk to the royal ball. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
560 She remained stoic _______ the face of adversity. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
561 The main tenet _______ the philosophy is compassion. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
562 The eerie memories continued to haunt _______ the old abandoned house. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
563 She wanted to achieve an ombre effect _______ her hair. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
564 The skilled hunter knew how to snare _______ the elusive prey. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
565 The girth _______ the ancient tree was impressive. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
566 It’s not advisable to flout _______ the rules of the institution. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
567 The scrag _______ a wild bush scratched his arm. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
568 The leaders negotiated a truce _______ the warring factions. (a) between, (b) with, (c) on
569 The path was clear _______ no obstacles in sight. (a) with, (b) on, (c) of
570 She loved to croon _______ a melodious tune during quiet evenings. (a) a, (b) with, (c) to
571 The hosts used an aloha _______ welcome guests to the luau. (a) to, (b) with, (c) for
572 The kitchen was filled with the delicious aroma _______ freshly baked bread. (a) of, (b) with, (c) from
573 The gown was made of silky fabric that felt soft _______ the skin. (a) against, (b) with, (c) on
574 It’s natural to feel guilt _______ the mistakes made in the past. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
575 He looked gaunt _______ a prolonged illness. (a) after, (b) with, (c) in
576 The ballroom was grand _______ intricate details in the architecture. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
577 Students ought _______ follow the rules to maintain discipline. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
578 The new acquisition proved to be a valuable asset _______ the company’s portfolio. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
579 They requested a table _______ the window for a scenic view. (a) by, (b) with, (c) on
580 The investigators discovered a fraud _______ financial transactions. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
581 He wisely acted _______ the advice given by the experienced mentor. (a) upon, (b) with, (c) on
582 The atmosphere was noisy _______ the bustling market. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
583 It’s important to be civil _______ everyone in the office. (a) with, (b) on, (c) to
584 Can you point _______ the correct answer on the map? (a) to, (b) with, (c) at
585 For safety, it’s wise to stash _______ the valuables in a secure place. (a) away, (b) with, (c) on
586 Brace yourself for a bumpy ride _______ the uneven road. (a) on, (b) with, (c) over
587 The duties of the laity _______ the church community are diverse. (a) within, (b) with, (c) on
588 They placed the thermometer _______ the window to get an accurate reading. (a) by, (b) with, (c) on
589 The spray helps repel _______ insects during outdoor activities. (a) with, (b) on, (c) against
590 Accentuate your waist _______ a stylish belt. (a) with, (b) on, (c) by
591 The cottage was located in a rural setting _______ scenic views. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
592 It’s essential to rinse _______ thoroughly with water after using the cleanser. (a) thoroughly, (b) with, (c) on
593 The authorities decided to mulct _______ an unauthorized entry fee. (a) the, (b) with, (c) for
594 Remember, a colon _______ separates two clauses in a sentence. (a) separates, (b) with, (c) in
595 She’s a bit of a prude _______ it comes to modesty. (a) when, (b) with, (c) on
596 The actions were considered legal _______ the specified limits. (a) within, (b) with, (c) on
597 A sudden whiff _______ a pleasant fragrance caught her attention. (a) of, (b) with, (c) in
598 The clash _______ rival groups intensified as tensions rose. (a) between, (b) with, (c) on
599 Developers need to embed _______ the code into the webpage for it to function. (a) the, (b) with, (c) into
600 Developers need to embed _______ the code into the webpage for it to function. (a) the, (b) with, (c) into
401 (a) across
402 (a) While
403 (a) in
404 (a) on
405 (a) after
406 (a) of
407 (a) in
408 (a) in
409 (a) with
410 (b) with
411 (a) around
412 (a) of
413 (a) with
414 (c) around
415 (a) of, (c) on
416 (a) with
417 (a) for
418 (a) on
419 (a) about
420 (a) with
421 (b) with
422 (a) with, (b) on
423 (a) between
424 (a) with
425 (a) during
426 (a) through
427 (a) on
428 (c) to
429 (a) in
430 (a) for
431 (a) of
432 (a) on
433 (a) about
434 (a) in
435 (a) on
436 (a) before
437 (a) for, (c) on
438 (a) to, (b) with
439 (a) with, (b) in
440 (a) after
441 (c) during
442 (a) for
443 (a) in
444 (a) into
445 (a) sense
446 (a) of, (c) on
447 (a) of
448 (a) the, (c) on
449 (a) at
450 (a) in
451 (a) in
452 (a) across
453 (a) by
454 (a) of, (c) on
455 (a) against
456 (a) with
457 (a) at
458 (c) the
459 (a) of, (c) in
460 (a) in
461 (a) into
462 (a) of
463 (a) of, (c) over
464 (a) of
465 (a) for, (c) in
466 (a) the
467 (a) in
468 (c) for
469 (a) for
470 (a) between
471 (a) the
472 (a) from
473 (a) from
474 (a) of, (c) in
475 (a) of
476 (a) to
477 (a) with, (b) on
478 (a) for, (b) in
479 (a) along
480 (a) with
481 (a) of
482 (a) about
483 (a) the
484 (a) on
485 (a) for
486 (a) to
487 (a) of, (c) for
488 (a) in
489 (a) effort, (c) in
490 (a) for
491 (a) the
492 (a) on
493 (a) within
494 (a) into
495 (a) at
496 (a) about
497 (a) in
498 (a) in
499 (a) time, (c) in
500 (a) of
501 (a) in
502 (a) along
503 (a) from
504 (c) the, (c) from
505 (a) after
506 (a) for
507 (a) on
508 (a) with
509 (a) through
510 (a) near
511 (a) in
512 (a) behind
513 (a) of, (c) on
514 (a) on
515 (a) by
516 (a) of
517 (a) along
518 (a) for, (c) at
519 (a) through
520 (a) to
521 (a) in
522 (a) above
523 (a) from
524 (a) the
525 (a) in
526 (a) with
527 (a) on
528 (a) for, (c) on
529 (a) through
530 (a) on
531 (a) into
532 (a) the
533 (a) of
534 (a) with
535 (a) at
536 (a) to, (c) during
537 (a) in
538 (a) with
539 (a) in
540 (a) with
541 (a) of
542 (a) of
543 (a) the
544 (a) the
545 (a) on
546 (a) in
547 (a) with
548 (a) between
549 (a) the
550 (a) the
551 (a) in
552 (a) over
553 (c) above
554 (a) throughout
555 (a) with
556 (a) with
557 (a) to
558 (a) against
559 (a) of
560 (a) in
561 (a) of
562 (a) in
563 (a) on
564 (a) the
565 (a) of
566 (a) the
567 (a) of
568 (a) between
569 (a) with
570 (c) to
571 (a) to
572 (a) of
573 (a) against
574 (a) for
575 (a) after
576 (a) with
577 (a) to
578 (a) in
579 (a) by
580 (a) in
581 (a) upon
582 (a) in
583 (a) with
584 (a) to
585 (a) away
586 (a) on
587 (a) within
588 (a) by
589 (a) against
590 (a) with
591 (a) with
592 (a) thoroughly
593 (a) the
594 (a) separates
595 (a) when
596 (a) within
597 (a) of
598 (a) between
599 (c) into
600 (c) into
601 She filled the tub with _______ tepid water for a warm bath. (a) a, (b) with, (c) off
602 People tend to be jolly _______ the festive season. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
603 There is a growing number of women _______ leadership roles. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
604 She became a widow _______ her husband’s death. (a) after, (b) with, (c) on
605 Many people tithe _______ support the church and its activities. (a) to, (b) with, (c) off
606 I can vouch _______ his credibility and honesty. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
607 The company found its niche _______ the market. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
608 It’s not advisable to broil _______ the scorching sun for too long. (a) under, (b) with, (c) on
609 May you be blessed _______ good fortune and happiness. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
610 The hotel room was plush _______ luxurious furnishings. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
611 Be cautious while driving in areas _______ dense fog obscuring the view. (a) with, (b) on, (c) of
612 It’s a hairy _______ situation to handle, but we’ll manage. (a) situation, (b) with, (c) on
613 He fixed it in a trice _______ a quick motion. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
614 A surge _______ excitement ran through the crowd. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
615 He wanted to appear manly _______ his demeanor and style. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
616 She exclaimed, “Pshaw _______ expressing disbelief.” (a) expressing, (b) with, (c) on
617 He was considered a nabob _______ great wealth and influence. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
618 People formed a queue _______ the popular ride at the amusement park. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
619 Use vibrant color _______ the artwork to make it visually appealing. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
620 A large swarm _______ bees gathered in the garden. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
621 It’s important to stay quite _______ the meditation session. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
622 Everyone should be treated equal _______ rights and opportunities. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
623 They shared a passionate smack _______ the lips. (a) on, (b) with, (c) to
624 The museum displayed a relic _______ ancient times. (a) from, (b) with, (c) on
625 She had an elfin _______ delicate features that captivated everyone. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
626 The project will phase _______ different stages of development. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
627 The company hired influencers to shill _______ the new product. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
628 She found herself in a vapid _______ conversation at the party. (a) conversation, (b) with, (c) on
629 Her health became frail _______ due to illness. (a) due, (b) with, (c) on
630 When asked about his opinion, he replied, “Ditto _______ the same response.” (a) with, (b) on, (c) for
631 The rabbit emerged, poking its snout _______ the burrow. (a) from, (b) with, (c) on
632 Embark on a quest _______ knowledge and continuous learning. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
633 With determination, she bound _______ the finish line in the race. (a) toward, (b) with, (c) on
634 They lived in a hovel _______ the impoverished neighborhood. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
635 The old staircase creaked _______ each step as they ascended. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
636 She tried to feign _______ innocence, but everyone saw through it. (a) innocence, (b) with, (c) on
637 The ancient tree was hoary _______ age, standing as a witness to history. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
638 The chosen theme _______ throughout the event was “Enchanted Forest.” (a) throughout, (b) with, (c) on
639 The boat was borne _______ strong currents in the river. (a) by, (b) with, (c) on
640 Despite challenges, they hoped _______ a positive outcome. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
641 He shook _______ excitement upon receiving the good news. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
642 In rural areas, people are often eking _______ a living with limited resources. (a) out, (b) with, (c) on
643 She complained of a crick _______ her neck after the long drive. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
644 The majestic lion displayed a tawny _______ color of fur. (a) color, (b) with, (c) on
645 They chose an optic _______ for better visibility in low-light conditions. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
646 The air was heady _______ the smell of flowers in the botanical garden. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
647 She remained rigid _______ her decision despite opposition. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
648 Fans were amped _______ the upcoming concert of their favorite band. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
649 The shark is known _______ its sharp teeth and powerful bite. (a) with, (b) on, (c) for
650 The tenor _______ his voice conveyed a sense of sadness in the song. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
651 This tool is utile _______ everyday tasks. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
652 You can find the index _______ the back of the book. (a) at, (b) with, (c) on
653 The fashion model walked _______ grace on the runway. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
654 There’s a slump _______ the global economy. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
655 They remained silent _______ the card game of whist. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
656 It’s essential to forge _______ despite challenges. (a) ahead, (b) with, (c) on
657 Don’t be slack _______ completing assignments on time. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
658 The aural experience _______ the concert was truly captivating. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
659 Let’s watch a movie _______ the big screen. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
660 The historical event occurred _______ the 19th century. (a) circa, (b) with, (c) on
661 You can enhance the taste by adding a pinch _______ salt. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
662 She had a burning ardor _______ adventure. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
663 The children were giddy _______ excitement before the festival. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
664 Swipe _______ the screen to navigate through the menu. (a) across, (b) with, (c) on
665 This product is cheap _______ price but good in quality. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
666 The grand prize _______ the winner is a luxury vacation. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
667 People gathered for a picnic along _______ the riverbank. (a) along, (b) with, (c) on
668 The baker added yeast _______ the bread dough to make it rise. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
669 It’s not polite to be nosey _______ others’ affairs. (a) about, (b) with, (c) on
670 The creature has the ability to morph _______ a different form. (a) into, (b) with, (c) on
671 The new song is liked _______ many fans. (a) by, (b) with, (c) on
672 The cat slunk _______ behind the curtains, waiting for its prey. (a) behind, (b) with, (c) on
673 The couple decided to elope _______ a romantic destination. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
674 The camouflage pattern helps the animal blend _______ the surroundings. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
675 Unfortunately, that moment marked the nadir _______ his career. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
676 To succeed, you need to rival _______ strong competitors. (a) against, (b) with, (c) on
677 The book tells a captivating story _______ triumph and adversity. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
678 The adorable puppies were born _______ the animal shelter. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
679 There’s a chill _______ the air during the winter season. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
680 It’s easy to swoon _______ a romantic gesture like that. (a) over, (b) with, (c) on
681 The movie was criticized for being trite _______ its cliché portrayal. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
682 She can be catty _______ her remarks, often making sarcastic comments. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
683 Many people use music _______ relaxation and stress relief. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
684 The athlete managed to vault _______ the obstacle with ease. (a) over, (b) with, (c) on
685 It’s important to treat others _______ kindness and respect. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
686 The same dream tends to recur _______ his dreams. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
687 You can often see swine _______ foraging in the mud. (a) foraging, (b) with, (c) on
688 The horses neigh _______ loudly in the pasture. (a) loudly, (b) with, (c) on
689 There was a thump _______ the door, signaling someone’s arrival. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
690 The truck maneuvered _______ the rough terrain with ease. (a) across, (b) with, (c) on
691 She couldn’t help but wince _______ the sudden noise. (a) at, (b) with, (c) on
692 The scouts decided to troop _______ the dense forest. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
693 He was known as a miser _______ his savings, rarely spending on luxuries. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
694 She was saved _______ a difficult situation by her quick thinking. (a) from, (b) with, (c) on
695 He worked as a miner _______ the coal industry for several years. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
696 Let’s take a jaunt _______ the city and explore its attractions. (a) around, (b) with, (c) on
697 She became huffy _______ the criticism, defending her work passionately. (a) about, (b) with, (c) on
698 The husky is a breed known _______ a thick coat suitable for cold climates. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
699 The burly man worked _______ the construction site, handling heavy machinery. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
700 The majestic horse looked regal _______ its appearance. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
701 She wore a beautiful frock _______ delicate embroidery. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
702 Choose khaki _______ the outdoor adventure to blend with nature. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
703 In winter, I wear layer _______ layer of clothing to stay warm. (a) upon, (b) with, (c) in
704 She focused on doing well _______ the examination. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
705 Don’t forget to baste the turkey _______ herbs for extra flavor. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
706 He dealt _______ the situation calmly, without panicking. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
707 The child scamped _______ the pages of the book with excitement. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
708 The explorers faced peril _______ the haunted house. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
709 She danced like a slave _______ the rhythm of the music. (a) to, (b) with, (c) in
710 The artist decided to craft _______ a beautiful sculpture. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
711 The player managed to fling the ball _______ the field. (a) across, (b) with, (c) on
712 Being quick _______ making decisions is a valuable skill. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
713 The garden became a haven _______ tranquility and peace. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
714 Let’s tarry _______ a while and enjoy the sunset. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
715 This pumpkin is a gourd _______ a unique shape. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
716 He’s quite savvy _______ handling technology and gadgets. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
717 The sleek sedan was parked _______ the curb. (a) by, (b) with, (c) on
718 The important information is noted _______ the report. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
719 Be cautious of the word FALSE _______ the statement. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
720 Hold the reins _______ the powerful horse firmly. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
721 The company’s gross income _______ the year was impressive. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
722 Over the years, he has grown _______ a mature individual. (a) into, (b) with, (c) on
723 The activist spoke with venom _______ injustice in society. (a) against, (b) with, (c) on
724 Drink this tonic _______ boost your energy levels. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
725 It’s important to adapt _______ changing circumstances. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
726 The political group, known as the junta, is plotting _______ a coup. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
727 Due to the circumstances, they decided to waive the fees _______ now. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
728 To reach the destination, they had to weave _______ the crowded market. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
729 The green algae floated _______ the pond’s surface. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
730 The crowd was astir _______ excitement as the concert began. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
731 You can feel your blood pumping _______ your veins during intense exercise. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
732 The Renaissance was a significant epoch _______ human history. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
733 Let’s take a trail _______ the forest path and enjoy nature. (a) along, (b) with, (c) on
734 A covey _______ birds flew gracefully in the sky. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
735 His skin began to chafe _______ the rough fabric of the old chair. (a) against, (b) with, (c) on
736 The room was plain _______ minimal decorations. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
737 The artwork was lurid _______ its vibrant and bold color scheme. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
738 The tutor is knowledgeable _______ various subjects. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
739 The rover is designed for exploring _______ the unknown. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
740 Rumors say there’s a ghost _______ the haunted mansion. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
741 Use a sieve _______ strain out the impurities. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
742 There is amity _______ the two nations, fostering peaceful relations. (a) between, (b) with, (c) on
743 Many people yearn _______ success in their personal and professional lives. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
744 The atmosphere was foggy _______ the early morning, reducing visibility. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
745 She always chooses outfits that are outre _______ avant-garde fashion. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
746 His actions were driven by greed _______ wealth and power. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
747 The car was a wreck _______ the collision with another vehicle. (a) after, (b) with, (c) on
748 She looked at him coyly _______ a flirtatious smile on her face. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
749 He became angry _______ the unfair treatment he received. (a) about, (b) with, (c) on
750 The young explorer was lusty _______ adventure and discovery. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
751 She decided to adorn the room _______ colorful flowers. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
752 As you grow older, you will wisen _______ experience. (a) through, (b) with, (c) on
753 The old woman was a witch _______ magical powers. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
754 It’s essential to touch the surface _______ gently. (a) gently, (b) on, (c) in
755 The tropics are known for their balmy weather _______ the year. (a) in, (b) on, (c) for
756 Yowza! _______ was unexpected. (a) That, (b) It, (c) This
757 To ensure safety, we need to limit the number _______ participants. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
758 Before starting the project, make sure to equip yourself _______ the necessary tools. (a) with, (b) on, (c) for
759 Don’t addle your brain _______ too much information at once. (a) with, (b) on, (c) by
760 Many ancient cultures practiced pagan rituals _______ their beliefs. (a) in, (b) on, (c) for
761 It’s crucial to cater _______ the needs of the customers for satisfaction. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
762 The team began to exult _______ joy after the victory. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
763 It’s not acceptable to cheat _______ the exam. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
764 Take some time to think _______ deeply about the problem. (a) about, (b) on, (c) in
765 The grand ceremony featured a rajah _______ a golden crown. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
766 Feel free to chime _______ with your opinion during the discussion. (a) in, (b) with, (c) on
767 The positive feedback augurs _______ well for the future. (a) well, (b) on, (c) in
768 The adventurer discovered a cache _______ hidden treasures. (a) of, (b) on, (c) in
769 He displayed a cocky attitude _______ the interview. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
770 A plume _______ smoke was seen rising from the chimney. (a) of, (b) on, (c) in
771 Prepare the dough _______ making bread. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
772 She is crazy _______ the latest trends in fashion. (a) about, (b) on, (c) in
773 The imago _______ a butterfly is a beautiful and delicate stage. (a) of, (b) on, (c) in
774 If you want to speak to him, sidle _______ to him discreetly. (a) up, (b) with, (c) on
775 The artifact dated _______ to ancient times. (a) back, (b) with, (c) on
776 The ship is equipped with radar _______ detecting objects at sea. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
777 Please don’t annoy _______ constant noise in the library. (a) with, (b) on, (c) by
778 It’s essential to be frank _______ your feelings in a relationship. (a) about, (b) on, (c) with
779 The referee ensured to level _______ the playing field for fair competition. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
780 Don’t brood _______ the decision for too long. (a) over, (b) with, (c) on
781 If you want to prove your point, provide evidence _______ your argument. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
782 Maintaining a sense of humor _______ difficult situations is important. (a) in, (b) on, (c) for
783 It’s advisable to hedge _______ financial risks by diversifying investments. (a) against, (b) with, (c) on
784 Success often comes to those who stick _______ the plan. (a) to, (b) with, (c) on
785 The journey was beset _______ challenges, but they overcame them. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
786 You can easily print documents _______ paper using the printer. (a) on, (b) with, (c) in
787 Use a quill _______ writing to give your letters a classic touch. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
788 Take pride _______ your achievements and celebrate your success. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
789 He couldn’t resist making a snide remark _______ the meeting. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
790 The bride received a dower _______ her family as part of the tradition. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
791 The training program is meant _______ success in your career. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
792 Polar bears are commonly found _______ the Arctic region. (a) in, (b) on, (c) for
793 Despite being small _______ size, the device is powerful. (a) in, (b) on, (c) for
794 Make sure to frame _______ the picture properly before hanging it. (a) the, (b) on, (c) in
795 He built his brawn _______ muscle through regular workouts. (a) and, (b) on, (c) in
796 The swish _______ the wind through the trees was calming. (a) of, (b) with, (c) on
797 The city has a beautiful canal _______ it, adding charm to the urban landscape. (a) through, (b) on, (c) with
798 Unfortunately, he managed to botch _______ the painting. (a) the, (b) on, (c) up
799 The North Pole is located _______ the equator. (a) of, (b) on, (c) in
800 The project was lousy _______ problems, causing delays. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
601 (b) with
602 (a) during
603 (a) in
604 (a) after
605 (a) to
606 (a) for
607 (a) in
608 (a) under
609 (a) with
610 (a) with
611 (a) of
612 (a) situation
613 (a) with
614 (a) of
615 (a) in
616 (c) on
617 (a) with
618 (a) for
619 (a) in
620 (a) of
621 (a) during
622 (a) in
623 (a) on
624 (a) from
625 (a) with
626 (a) through
627 (a) for
628 (a) conversation
629 (a) due
630 (a) with
631 (a) from
632 (a) for
633 (a) toward
634 (a) in
635 (a) with
636 (b) with
637 (a) with
638 (a) throughout
639 (a) by
640 (a) for
641 (a) with
642 (a) out
643 (a) in
644 (b) with
645 (a) for
646 (a) with
647 (a) in
648 (a) for
649 (a) for
650 (a) of
651 (a) for
652 (a) at
653 (a) with
654 (a) in
655 (a) during
656 (a) ahead
657 (a) in
658 (a) of
659 (a) on
660 (a) circa
661 (a) with
662 (a) for
663 (a) with
664 (a) across
665 (a) in
666 (a) for
667 (a) along
668 (a) in
669 (a) about
670 (a) into
671 (a) by
672 (a) behind
673 (a) to
674 (a) with
675 (a) in
676 (a) against
677 (a) of
678 (a) in
679 (a) in
680 (a) over
681 (a) in
682 (a) with
683 (a) for
684 (a) over
685 (a) with
686 (a) in
687 (a) foraging
688 (a) loudly
689 (a) on
690 (a) across
691 (a) at
692 (a) through
693 (a) with
694 (a) from
695 (a) in
696 (a) around
697 (a) about
698 (a) with
699 (a) in
700 (a) in
701 (a) with
702 (a) for
703 (a) upon
704 (a) in
705 (a) with
706 (a) with
707 (a) through
708 (a) in
709 (a) to
710 (a) with
711 (a) across
712 (a) in
713 (a) of
714 (a) for
715 (a) with
716 (a) in
717 (a) by
718 (a) in
719 (a) in
720 (a) of
721 (a) for
722 (a) into
723 (a) against
724 (a) to
725 (a) to
726 (a) for
727 (a) for
728 (a) through
729 (a) in
730 (a) with
731 (a) through
732 (a) in
733 (a) along
734 (a) of
735 (a) against
736 (a) with
737 (a) in
738 (a) on
739 (a) the
740 (a) in
741 (a) to
742 (a) between
743 (a) for
744 (a) in
745 (a) with
746 (a) for
747 (a) after
748 (a) with
749 (a) about
750 (a) for
751 (a) with
752 (a) through
753 (a) with
754 (a) gently
755 (a) in
756 (b) It
757 (a) of
758 (a) with
759 (a) with
760 (a) in
761 (a) to
762 (a) with
763 (a) on
764 (a) about
765 (a) with
766 (a) in
767 (a) well
768 (a) of
769 (a) in
770 (a) of
771 (a) for
772 (a) about
773 (a) of
774 (a) up
775 (a) back
776 (a) for
777 (a) with
778 (a) about
779 (a) the
780 (a) over
781 (a) for
782 (a) in
783 (a) against
784 (a) to
785 (a) with
786 (a) on
787 (a) for
788 (a) in
789 (a) during
790 (a) from
791 (a) for
792 (a) in
793 (a) in
794 (b) on
795 (a) and
796 (a) of
797 (a) through
798 (a) the
799 (a) of
800 (a) with
801 If untreated, an ulcer _______ the stomach can cause discomfort. (a) in, (b) on, (c) for
802 Some people breed dogs _______ competitions and dog shows. (a) for, (b) with, (c) on
803 The poor often had gruel _______ breakfast due to limited resources. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
804 You can find the snacks _______ aisle seven in the supermarket. (a) in, (b) on, (c) at
805 There is a whole world _______ our imagination waiting to be explored. (a) beyond, (b) on, (c) in
806 Don’t panic _______ the last moment; plan ahead for better outcomes. (a) at, (b) on, (c) for
807 Pay attention to teeny-tiny details _______ they can make a big difference. (a) as, (b) on, (c) for
808 A curse _______ the wicked is believed to bring bad luck. (a) upon, (b) on, (c) in
809 Celebrate each moment _______ today as if it were your last. (a) of, (b) on, (c) for
810 Place the doily _______ the vase to protect the table surface. (a) under, (b) on, (c) in
811 The farmer let the chaff _______ the wind, allowing it to scatter. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
812 Don’t always place the blame _______ others; take responsibility too. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
813 The orchestra played a beautiful fugue _______ the concert. (a) during, (b) on, (c) in
814 After hard work, you get to taste _______ the sweetness of victory. (a) the, (b) on, (c) in
815 It’s time to cease _______ all activities and take a break. (a) all, (b) with, (c) on
816 The author cited several references _______ the research paper. (a) in, (b) on, (c) for
817 Golly! _______ was surprising. (a) That, (b) It, (c) This
818 We need to get rid of that pesky mosquito _______ the room. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
819 She gained clout _______ the industry due to her successful projects. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
820 People always crowd _______ the stage during concerts. (a) around, (b) on, (c) in
821 Coconut oil is extracted from copra, which comes _______ coconuts. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
822 Build a fence _______ the garden to protect it from animals. (a) around, (b) on, (c) in
823 She nobly accepted _______ the challenge despite the difficulties. (a) the, (b) with, (c) on
824 His crass behavior _______ the party offended many guests. (a) at, (b) on, (c) in
825 The realm _______ imagination has no limits. (a) of, (b) on, (c) in
826 It’s common to bandy ideas _______ the meeting to encourage discussion. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
827 The king used to reign _______ the kingdom with authority. (a) over, (b) on, (c) in
828 Some animals display batty behavior _______ midnight. (a) at, (b) on, (c) in
829 Use a timer _______ the kitchen to avoid overcooking your meals. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
830 If you’re lucky, you might spot a moose _______ the forest. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
831 It’s hard to resist and not yield _______ the temptation. (a) to, (b) on, (c) in
832 Managers should avoid putting undue pressure _______ employees. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
833 It’s essential to avoid conflicts _______ the workplace. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
834 Make sure there’s enough fluid _______ the container for the experiment. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
835 It’s natural to mourn _______ the loss of a loved one. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
836 Water turns into vapor _______ the atmosphere at high temperatures. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
837 Many birds hatch _______ the egg, and then they learn to fly. (a) from, (b) on, (c) in
838 Some people experience angst _______ the future and what it holds. (a) about, (b) on, (c) in
839 I broke off a small chunk _______ chocolate from the bar. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
840 She couldn’t resist making a saucy comment _______ the meeting. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
841 Some people develop a mania _______ collecting stamps as a hobby. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
842 Many people were moved _______ the touching story and shed tears. (a) by, (b) on, (c) in
843 Chaos ensued _______ the incident, and it took a while to restore order. (a) after, (b) on, (c) in
844 The team prepared a pitch _______ the new project to present to the investors. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
845 The artist chose a muted color palette _______ the painting. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
846 The police finally captured the felon and put him _______ bars. (a) behind, (b) on, (c) in
847 Her bossy attitude _______ work alienated her colleagues. (a) at, (b) on, (c) in
848 The sculpture is delicate, so touch _______ caution to avoid damage. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
849 Don’t forget to affix _______ the stamp to the envelope before mailing it. (a) to, (b) on, (c) in
850 Arrange the plump cushions _______ the sofa for a comfortable seating area. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
851 We often find heath _______ the meadow. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
852 The country was ruled _______ the monarchy for centuries. (a) by, (b) on, (c) in
853 The experience felt quasi like a dream, surreal and unreal. (a) like, (b) on, (c) with
854 Be careful; there’s a mouse _______ the kitchen. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
855 To enhance the flavor, saute _______ the vegetables with some spices. (a) the, (b) on, (c) with
856 There was a melee _______ the protest, with people shouting and pushing. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
857 Divvy the tasks _______ the team members to ensure a balanced workload. (a) among, (b) on, (c) with
858 When it gets cold, cover yourself _______ a warm blanket. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
859 The movement of cilia _______ the cell surface helps in fluid circulation. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
860 You might encounter a lorry _______ the highway; drive carefully. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
861 Voting is a civic duty that citizens should fulfill. (a) duty, (b) on, (c) with
862 There’s great value _______ the antique vase; it’s a collector’s item. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
863 Her forte lies _______ playing the piano with great skill. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
864 The robot is equipped _______ artificial intelligence for advanced functions. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
865 The village faced havoc _______ the storm, with houses damaged and trees uprooted. (a) after, (b) on, (c) in
866 There’s a sense _______ the statement that resonates with many people. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
867 The daring stunt _______ the action film impressed the audience. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
868 Some people tend to get weepy _______ sad movies, feeling emotional. (a) during, (b) with, (c) on
869 Watch out for the flame _______ the candle; it can be dangerous. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
870 She bowed _______ respect when meeting the elders. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
871 Before cooking, make sure to scour _______ the kitchen for cleanliness. (a) the, (b) on, (c) with
872 Speak with a voice _______ passion to convey your message effectively. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
873 Fetch water _______ the well for daily use. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
874 Athletes need to train _______ the marathon to build endurance. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
875 Be careful; the blade _______ the knife is sharp. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
876 The incident occurred _______ the event, causing a temporary disruption. (a) during, (b) on, (c) in
877 The project has begun _______ enthusiasm and high hopes. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
878 The cat loves to bathe _______ the sunlight streaming through the window. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
879 She smiled wryly _______ the comment, sensing some sarcasm. (a) at, (b) on, (c) in
880 Let’s discuss the issues anent _______ the topic at hand. (a) the, (b) on, (c) with
881 She was timid _______ her approach, hesitating to speak up. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
882 Despite challenges, he clung _______ the idea, determined to make it a reality. (a) to, (b) on, (c) in
883 There’s a sense of scorn _______ the foolish decisions made by some. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
884 She can guide you _______ expertise on the best practices in the industry. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
885 He tends to be wimpy _______ challenging situations, lacking courage. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
886 She always looks dishy _______ her appearance, stylish and attractive. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
887 Let’s smoothly segue _______ the next topic without abrupt transitions. (a) to, (b) on, (c) in
888 Some animals quail _______ the sound of thunder. (a) at, (b) on, (c) in
889 Before brewing, grind _______ the coffee beans for a fresh cup. (a) the, (b) on, (c) in
890 He chose a plaid pattern _______ the shirt for a casual look. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
891 The detective is afoot _______ the investigation, searching for clues. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
892 It’s wise to defer _______ the expert’s opinion in matters of specialization. (a) to, (b) on, (c) in
893 A stent is often placed _______ the artery to improve blood flow. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
894 A guppy swims _______ the aquarium, adding vibrant colors to the tank. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
895 You can frame _______ the picture and hang it on the wall. (a) the, (b) on, (c) in
896 The apple was crisp _______ a crunchy texture that delighted the taste buds. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
897 The delicious aroma of crump _______ the oven filled the kitchen. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
898 Apply pressure to stop the flow of blood _______ the wound. (a) from, (b) on, (c) in
899 The audience was awing _______ the spectacular performance on stage. (a) at, (b) on, (c) in
900 Take the time to emend _______ the document for errors and improvements. (a) the, (b) on, (c) in
901 Enhance economic growth by engaging in trade _______ neighboring countries. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
902 The report will issue _______ the printer once it’s ready. (a) from, (b) on, (c) in
903 Display the latest fashion trends by draping tweed _______ the mannequin. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
904 To find the information, thumb _______ the book’s pages quickly. (a) through, (b) on, (c) in
905 He approached every new opportunity with gusto _______ adventure. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
906 His responses were always pawky, leaving people amused _______ his wit. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
907 She’s vocal _______ her opinions, expressing them confidently. (a) about, (b) on, (c) with
908 She can be fussy _______ details, making sure everything is perfect. (a) over, (b) on, (c) in
909 Sometimes, it’s good to crack _______ a joke to lighten the mood. (a) a, (b) on, (c) with
910 Tropical climates tend to be humid, with high levels of moisture _______ the air. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
911 The picture frame was askew _______ the impact, and needed adjusting. (a) after, (b) on, (c) with
912 Encourage others to reach _______ the stars and pursue their dreams. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
913 There’s always one moron _______ the room who makes silly comments. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
914 Receiving an award is a badge _______ honor for one’s achievements. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
915 The wrestler displayed brute force, overpowering his opponent _______ strength. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
916 If someone misbehaves, it’s necessary to eject them _______ the premises. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
917 She was known as a saint _______ compassion, always helping those in need. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
918 Use this as a basis _______ comparison when evaluating different options. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
919 The sudden flash _______ lightning illuminated the dark sky. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
920 He had a barmy idea that seemed crazy to everyone else. (a) idea, (b) on, (c) in
921 The stadium serves as the arena _______ sports events, hosting various competitions. (a) for, (b) on, (c) in
922 The street was named _______ a famous person who contributed to the community. (a) after, (b) on, (c) in
923 He went afoul _______ the law and faced legal consequences. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
924 The divers observed a polyp _______ the coral reef, part of the vibrant underwater ecosystem. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
925 His face showed a blank expression, revealing nothing about his thoughts. (a) expression, (b) on, (c) in
926 It’s understandable to feel upset _______ the current situation. (a) about, (b) on, (c) with
927 Give a gentle knock _______ the door to announce your presence. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
928 Finding a hotel _______ the city center is convenient for tourists. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
929 Feel free to opine _______ the matter during the discussion. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
930 The whelp stayed close _______ its mother, learning essential survival skills. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
931 The craft store sells a skein _______ yarn for knitting enthusiasts. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
932 Birds often perch _______ the branch, observing their surroundings. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
933 Choose an appropriate getup _______ the event to make a good impression. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
934 The new car model is sleek _______ design, with smooth lines and a modern appearance. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
935 Linguists often need to parse _______ the sentence to understand its grammatical structure. (a) the, (b) on, (c) in
936 Some styles may become passé _______ fashion, while others remain timeless. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
937 She’s a maven _______ the field, with extensive knowledge and expertise. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
938 It’s essential to align _______ the values of the organization to contribute effectively. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
939 After shouting, he developed a raspy voice. (a) voice, (b) on, (c) in
940 The totem plays a significant role _______ the cultural ceremony. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
941 Their actions indicated a tacit agreement, with no need for verbal communication. (a) agreement, (b) on, (c) in
942 Be cautious when traversing the swamp _______ the forest, as it may be challenging. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
943 Some cultures deify _______ the legendary figures, considering them divine. (a) the, (b) on, (c) in
944 Taking care of nappy hair requires specific products and techniques. (a) hair, (b) on, (c) in
945 Don’t forget to laugh _______ the joke; humor is essential. (a) at, (b) on, (c) with
946 Identifying the cause _______ the problem is the first step to finding a solution. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
947 Climbers aim to scale _______ the mountain and reach the summit. (a) the, (b) on, (c) with
948 The glare _______ the headlights made it difficult to see the road clearly. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
949 Analyze the meter _______ the poem to understand its rhythmic structure. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
950 Children often become silly _______ joy when they receive exciting news. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
951 Leaves rustled _______ the wind, creating a soothing sound. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
952 He could perform a magic trick _______ a deck of cards. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
953 Artists often carve intricate designs _______ the wood. (a) into, (b) on, (c) with
954 A local guide can lead you _______ the city and its hidden gems. (a) through, (b) on, (c) in
955 Be diligent in checking for any sign of a louse _______ the dog’s fur. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
956 There was an outbreak of mumps _______ the community, prompting health measures. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
957 Aladdin rubbed the lamp, and a genie emerged _______ the lamp. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
958 The new computer processor is ultra _______ performance, delivering high-speed capabilities. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
959 Books were scattered and placed loosely _______ the shelf. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
960 The musician expressed deep emotions through the blues _______ the music. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
961 Teenagers often use slang _______ their conversation, creating a unique language. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
962 There are various sweet options _______ the dessert menu. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
963 Despite being a cynic _______ the outcome, she hoped for the best. (a) about, (b) on, (c) with
964 The chef yelled at the staff to scram _______ the kitchen. (a) from, (b) on, (c) with
965 It’s crucial to be exact _______ the measurements in a recipe. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
966 Enjoying an opera _______ a full orchestra is a rich auditory experience. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
967 Xylem is a plant tissue responsible for transporting water _______ the plant. (a) within, (b) on, (c) with
968 The pulse _______ the veins indicates the heartbeat. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
969 Each passenger had a designated berth _______ the ship. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
970 Plants adapted to xeric conditions can thrive in arid environments. (a) within, (b) on, (c) with
971 The employees experienced ennui _______ the workplace, leading to a lack of motivation. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
972 The country song had a distinct twang _______ the music. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
973 The kite had flown _______ new heights, propelled by a strong wind. (a) to, (b) on, (c) with
974 The old mansion had a weird _______ appearance, with eerie architecture. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
975 The detective suspected a rogue _______ the group was responsible for the theft. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
976 The acrid smell _______ smoke lingered in the air after the fire. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
977 They selected an experienced pilot _______ the experiment. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
978 There was a sense of magic _______ the air during the festival. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
979 Fishermen use a seine _______ fish in large quantities. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
980 The ink began to bleed _______ the paper, creating an artistic effect. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
981 The character existed in a state of limbo _______ two worlds, unsure where to belong. (a) between, (b) on, (c) with
982 She was known for being weird _______ her decisions and choices. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
983 The plot revealed a rogue _______ the movie, causing unexpected twists. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
984 The lab had an acrid smell _______ chemicals, indicating a spill. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
985 The experienced pilot was _______ the airplane, ready for takeoff. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
986 The magician performed magic tricks _______ a wand. (a) with, (b) on, (c) in
987 Researchers use a seine _______ information to gather relevant data. (a) for, (b) on, (c) with
988 The color started to bleed _______ the fabric, creating a tie-dye effect. (a) through, (b) on, (c) with
989 The project was stuck in a state of limbo _______ uncertainty, awaiting a decision. (a) in, (b) on, (c) with
990 His behavior was weird _______ the meeting, drawing attention. (a) during, (b) on, (c) with
991 There was a rogue _______ the team, causing disruption. (a) among, (b) on, (c) with
992 The kitchen had an acrid smell _______ rotten eggs, signaling spoilage. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
993 The pilot flew _______ the landscape, providing passengers with a scenic view. (a) over, (b) on, (c) with
994 The magician performed magic tricks _______ the show, captivating the audience. (a) during, (b) on, (c) with
995 They used a seine _______ the river to catch fish efficiently. (a) through, (b) on, (c) with
996 The artist let the colors bleed _______ the canvas, creating a beautiful painting. (a) onto, (b) on, (c) with
997 The dancer balanced in a state of limbo _______ the edge of the platform. (a) on, (b) in, (c) with
998 His comments were weird _______ the discussion, causing confusion. (a) during, (b) on, (c) with
999 There was a rogue _______ the organization, causing internal conflicts. (a) within, (b) on, (c) with
1000 The acrid smell _______ burning rubber filled the air after the accident. (a) of, (b) on, (c) with
801 (a) in
802 (a) for
803 (a) for
804 (a) in
805 (a) beyond
806 (a) at
807 (a) as
808 (a) upon
809 (a) of
810 (a) under
811 (a) in
812 (a) for
813 (a) during
814 (b) on
815 (a) all
816 (a) in
817 (b) It
818 (a) in
819 (a) in
820 (a) around
821 (a) from
822 (a) around
823 (a) the
824 (a) at
825 (a) of
826 (a) during
827 (a) over
828 (a) at
829 (a) for
830 (a) in
831 (a) to
832 (a) on
833 (a) in
834 (a) in
835 (a) for
836 (a) in
837 (a) from
838 (a) about
839 (a) of
840 (a) during
841 (a) for
842 (a) by
843 (a) after
844 (a) for
845 (a) for
846 (a) behind
847 (a) at
848 (a) with
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850 (a) on
851 (a) in
852 (a) by
853 (a) like
854 (a) in
855 (a) with
856 (a) during
857 (a) among
858 (a) with
859 (a) on
860 (a) on
861 (a) duty
862 (a) in
863 (a) in
864 (a) with
865 (a) after
866 (a) in
867 (a) for
868 (a) during
869 (a) from
870 (a) in
871 (a) the
872 (a) with
873 (a) from
874 (a) for
875 (a) on
876 (a) during
877 (a) with
878 (a) in
879 (a) at
880 (a) the
881 (a) in
882 (a) to
883 (a) for
884 (a) with
885 (a) in
886 (a) in
887 (a) to
888 (a) at
889 (a) the
890 (a) on
891 (a) with
892 (a) to
893 (a) in
894 (a) in
895 (a) the
896 (a) with
897 (a) in
898 (a) from
899 (a) at
900 (a) the
901 (a) with
902 (a) from
903 (a) on
904 (a) through
905 (a) for
906 (a) in
907 (a) about
908 (a) over
909 (a) a
910 (a) in
911 (a) after
912 (a) for
913 (a) in
914 (a) of
915 (a) with
916 (a) from
917 (a) with
918 (a) for
919 (a) of
920 (a) idea
921 (a) for
922 (a) after
923 (a) of
924 (a) on
925 (a) expression
926 (a) about
927 (a) on
928 (a) in
929 (a) on
930 (a) with
931 (a) of
932 (a) on
933 (a) for
934 (a) in
935 (a) the
936 (a) in
937 (a) in
938 (a) with
939 (a) voice
940 (a) in
941 (a) agreement
942 (a) in
943 (a) the
944 (a) hair
945 (a) at
946 (a) of
947 (a) the
948 (a) from
949 (a) of
950 (a) with
951 (a) in
952 (a) with
953 (a) into
954 (a) through
955 (a) on
956 (a) in
957 (a) from
958 (a) in
959 (a) on
960 (a) in
961 (a) in
962 (a) on
963 (a) about
964 (a) from
965 (a) in
966 (a) with
967 (a) within
968 (a) in
969 (a) on
970 (a) within
971 (a) in
972 (a) in
973 (a) to
974 (a) in
975 (a) in
976 (a) of
977 (a) for
978 (a) in
979 (a) for
980 (a) on
981 (a) between
982 (a) with
983 (a) in
984 (a) of
985 (a) on
986 (a) with
987 (a) for
988 (a) through
989 (a) in
990 (a) during
991 (a) among
992 (a) of
993 (a) over
994 (a) during
995 (a) through
996 (a) onto
997 (a) on
998 (a) during
999 (a) within
1000 (a) of
  1. What are prepositions?
  • Answer: Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in a sentence. They indicate location, direction, time, or the relationship between objects.

2. How can I practice using prepositions?

  • Answer: You can practice using prepositions through worksheets, exercises, and online quizzes. These resources help reinforce your understanding and usage of prepositions in different contexts.

3. Where can I find preposition worksheets?

  • Answer: You can find preposition worksheets online, on educational websites, or in grammar workbooks. These worksheets typically include sentences with blanks where you fill in the correct preposition.

4. Are there preposition practice sheets available?

  • Answer: Yes, preposition practice sheets are available online and in educational materials. They provide additional exercises to help you become more proficient in using prepositions.

5. Do you have preposition worksheets with answers?

  • Answer: Yes, many preposition worksheets come with answer keys. These keys allow you to check your responses and understand the correct usage of prepositions in each context.

6. Can you recommend preposition worksheets for class 3 students?

  • Answer: There are specific preposition worksheets designed for class 3 students available on educational websites. These worksheets are tailored to their level of understanding and learning.

7. Is there a preposition test online that I can take?

  • Answer: Yes, there are online platforms offering preposition tests. These tests evaluate your knowledge and application of prepositions in sentences. Search for “preposition test online” to find suitable resources.

8. How can I prepare for a preposition quiz?

  • Answer: To prepare for a preposition quiz, review preposition rules, practice with worksheets, and take online quizzes. This will help you feel more confident in identifying and using prepositions accurately.

9. What activities can help me learn about prepositions?

  • Answer: Engage in activities like sentence construction, games, and real-life scenarios where you actively use prepositions. These practical exercises enhance your understanding and application of prepositions.

10. Do you have an article and preposition exercise?

  • Answer: Yes, you can find exercises focusing on articles and prepositions. These exercises involve using the correct articles and prepositions in given sentences to improve your grammar skills.

11. Can you suggest activities about prepositions for a classroom setting?

  • Answer: Classroom activities could include preposition games, role-playing exercises, and group discussions where students actively use prepositions in sentences to reinforce their understanding.

12. How can I improve my understanding of prepositions?

  • Answer: Consistent practice, reviewing grammar rules, and actively applying prepositions in your writing and speech can help improve your understanding of prepositions over time.

13. Are there any common mistakes to avoid when using prepositions?

  • Answer: Common mistakes include using the wrong preposition, omitting prepositions where needed, and placing prepositions at the end of sentences. Regular practice and awareness can help you avoid these errors.