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The Most Important Jumbled Sentence Exercise Part 21

When dealing with jumbled sentences, it’s essential to correct the sentence structure for better understanding. Phrase correction in English involves rearranging or fixing misplaced words to form coherent sentences. Identifying jumbled words within a sentence is crucial for accurate communication. Correcting sentences in English requires attention to grammar, syntax, and word order to convey the intended meaning effectively. Through practice and understanding of sentence structure, one can improve their ability to correct sentences and phrases in English, ensuring clarity and coherence in communication. For Mose Such Questions CLICK HERE to download the app.


2001 window.   didn’t   we   I   think   the   should   shut
2002 didn’t   Tom   I   think   that.   would   understand
2003 win.   didn’t   that   I   think   really   Tom   would
2004 place.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   this   would   like
2005 me.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   forgive   would   ever
2006 for   didn’t   Tom   I   think   that   would   do   you.
2007 us.   didn’t   that   I   think   believe   Tom   would
2008 impatient.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   so   would   be
2009 all   didn’t   Tom   I   think   here   would   be   day.
2010 on   didn’t   Tom   I   think   here   would   be   time.
2011 so   didn’t   that   I   think   be   Tom   would   busy.
2012 do   didn’t   Tom   I   think   to   would   want   that.
2013 do   didn’t   Tom   I   think   to   would   need   that.
2014 that.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   doing   would   like
2015 do   didn’t   Tom   I   think   to   would   have   that.
2016 worried.   didn’t   that   I   think   be   Tom   would
2017 present.   didn’t   that   I   think   be   Tom   would
2018 nervous.   didn’t   that   I   think   be   Tom   would
2019 jealous.   didn’t   that   I   think   be   Tom   would
2020 again.   didn’t   we’d   I   think   other   see   each
2021 longer.   didn’t   we   I   think   any   should   wait
2022 that.   didn’t   that   I   think   do   anyone   could
2023 this.   didn’t   that   I   think   do   anyone   could
2024 me.   didn’t   that   I   think   help   anyone   could
2025 yet.   didn’t   that   I   think   that   anyone   knew
2026 didn’t   anyone   I   think   yesterday.   was   here
2027 didn’t   that   I   think   satisfied.   anyone   was
2028 didn’t   anyone   I   think   that.   would   dispute
2029 happen.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   to   wanted   that
2030 either.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   that   should   do
2031 know.   didn’t   Tom   I   think   to   really   wanted
2032 do   didn’t   Tom   I   think   to   really   had   that.
2033 do   don’t   that   I   think   to   Tom   needed   that.
2034 do   didn’t   that   I   think   to   Tom   liked   that.
2035 Australia?   does   plan   Where   Tom   in   to   stay
2036 all   children   Were   your   Australia?   born   in
2037 lived   Australia   We’ve   in   years.   for   three
2038 Australia.   think   you   We   that   to   should   go
2039 me.   sister   three   My   is   than   years   younger
2040 spring.   might   go   We   not   this   to   Australia
2041 few   may   in   We   live   a   Australia   for   years.
2042 year.   may   be   We   actually   all   in   Australia
2043 in   told   that   Tom   me   up   he   grew   Australia.
2044 Australia.   told   he   Tom   me   in   likes   living
2045 in   told   he   Tom   me   live   used   to   Australia.
2046 Australia.   told   he’d   Tom   me   to   never   been
2047 Australia.   told   he’s   Tom   me   to   never   been
2048 Australia.   told   he   Tom   Mary   to   was   moving
2049 Australia.   told   that   Tom   Mary   to   you   went
2050 told   Mary   Tom   everybody   Australia.   was   in
2051 thought   Mary   Tom   that   Australia.   lived   in
2052 thought   Mary   Tom   that   Australia.   was   from
2053 thought   wouldn’t   Tom   Mary   like   Australia.
2054 him.   suggested   go   Tom   I   with   to   Australia
2055 Australia.   suggested   go   Tom   I   to   with   him
2056 with   one   to   No   wants   Australia   go   to   you.
2057 you.   wants   go   Nobody   to   with   to   Australia
2058 Tom.   assume   be   I   you’ll   with   eating   lunch
2059 to   said   was   Tom   he   go   going   to   Australia.
2060 Australia.   said   never   Tom   he’d   to   go   back
2061 week.   said   be   Tom   he’ll   next   in   Australia
2062 year.   said   go   Tom   he’ll   next   to   Australia
2063 Australia.   said   Mary   Tom   that   to   had   gone
2064 Australia.   said   is   Tom   Mary   in   now   living
2065 Australia.   said   Mary   Tom   that   in   was   born
2066 soon.   says   he’ll   Tom   that   Australia   go   to
2067 much.   says   talk   Tom   I   too   about   Australia
2068 said   enjoyed   Tom   he   Australia.   himself   in
2069 Australia.   said   just   Tom   he   from   got   back
2070 him.   said   went   Tom   Mary   with   to   Australia
2071 to   said   I   Tom   that   come   had   to   Australia.
2072 Australia.   said   didn’t   Tom   he   to   often   go
2073 heard   you’re   I’ve   that   leaving   Australia.
2074 in   it   you   Is   TRUE   live   used   to   Australia?
2075 a   lived   Australia   Tom   in   was   when   he   kid.
2076 do.   knows   about   Tom   more   I   Australia   than
2077 days.   be   Australia   I’ll   in   more   for   three
2078 won’t   anybody   I   tell   Australia.   you’re   in
2079 as   won’t   in   I   stay   long   Australia   as   Tom.
2080 right   wish   could   I   I   Australia   be   in   now.
2081 to   wish   I   I   that   back   could   go   Australia.
2082 longer.   wish   could   I   we   Australia   stay   in
2083 Australia.   wish   you   I   that   to   wouldn’t   go
2084 hopes   Mary   Tom   that   Australia.   will   visit
2085 with   doesn’t   to   Tom   plan   Boston   go   to   us.
2086 Boston.   doesn’t   that   Tom   think   in   Mary   is
2087 want   purchase   I   to   Australia.   property   in
2088 month.   thought   go   I   I’d   next   to   Australia
2089 thought   you   I   that   Australia.   didn’t   like
2090 think   Australia   I   that   visiting.   is   worth
2091 summer.   think   go   I   I’ll   next   to   Australia
2092 to   think   ought   I   we   back   to   go   Australia.
2093 to   think   we   I   that   go   ought   to   Australia.
2094 thirty.   died   Australia   Tom   in   was   when   he
2095 Australia.   didn’t   me   Tom   tell   in   he   lived
2096 winter.   know   were   I   you   last   in   Australia
2097 Australia.   knew   wouldn’t   I   you   in   like   it
2098 in   hope   have   I   you   time   a   good   Australia.
2099 in   hope   had   I   you   time   a   great   Australia.
2100 visit   hope   get   I   I   to   a   chance   Australia.


2001 I didn’t think we should shut the window.
2002 I didn’t think Tom would understand that.
2003 I didn’t think that Tom would really win.
2004 I didn’t think Tom would like this place.
2005 I didn’t think Tom would ever forgive me.
2006 I didn’t think Tom would do that for you.
2007 I didn’t think that Tom would believe us.
2008 I didn’t think Tom would be so impatient.
2009 I didn’t think Tom would be here all day.
2010 I didn’t think Tom would be here on time.
2011 I didn’t think that Tom would be so busy.
2012 I didn’t think Tom would want to do that.
2013 I didn’t think Tom would need to do that.
2014 I didn’t think Tom would like doing that.
2015 I didn’t think Tom would have to do that.
2016 I didn’t think that Tom would be worried.
2017 I didn’t think that Tom would be present.
2018 I didn’t think that Tom would be nervous.
2019 I didn’t think that Tom would be jealous.
2020 I didn’t think we’d see each other again.
2021 I didn’t think we should wait any longer.
2022 I didn’t think that anyone could do that.
2023 I didn’t think that anyone could do this.
2024 I didn’t think that anyone could help me.
2025 I didn’t think that anyone knew that yet.
2026 I didn’t think anyone was here yesterday.
2027 I didn’t think that anyone was satisfied.
2028 I didn’t think anyone would dispute that.
2029 I didn’t think Tom wanted that to happen.
2030 I didn’t think Tom should do that either.
2031 I didn’t think Tom really wanted to know.
2032 I didn’t think Tom really had to do that.
2033 I don’t think that Tom needed to do that.
2034 I didn’t think that Tom liked to do that.
2035 Where does Tom plan to stay in Australia?
2036 Were all your children born in Australia?
2037 We’ve lived in Australia for three years.
2038 We think that you should go to Australia.
2039 My sister is three years younger than me.
2040 We might not go to Australia this spring.
2041 We may live in Australia for a few years.
2042 We may actually be in Australia all year.
2043 Tom told me that he grew up in Australia.
2044 Tom told me he likes living in Australia.
2045 Tom told me he used to live in Australia.
2046 Tom told me he’d never been to Australia.
2047 Tom told me he’s never been to Australia.
2048 Tom told Mary he was moving to Australia.
2049 Tom told Mary that you went to Australia.
2050 Tom told everybody Mary was in Australia.
2051 Tom thought that Mary lived in Australia.
2052 Tom thought that Mary was from Australia.
2053 Tom thought Mary wouldn’t like Australia.
2054 Tom suggested I go to Australia with him.
2055 Tom suggested I go with him to Australia.
2056 No one wants to go to Australia with you.
2057 Nobody wants to go to Australia with you.
2058 I assume you’ll be eating lunch with Tom.
2059 Tom said he was going to go to Australia.
2060 Tom said he’d never go back to Australia.
2061 Tom said he’ll be in Australia next week.
2062 Tom said he’ll go to Australia next year.
2063 Tom said that Mary had gone to Australia.
2064 Tom said Mary is now living in Australia.
2065 Tom said that Mary was born in Australia.
2066 Tom says that he’ll go to Australia soon.
2067 Tom says I talk about Australia too much.
2068 Tom said he enjoyed himself in Australia.
2069 Tom said he just got back from Australia.
2070 Tom said Mary went to Australia with him.
2071 Tom said that I had to come to Australia.
2072 Tom said he didn’t often go to Australia.
2073 I’ve heard that you’re leaving Australia.
2074 Is it true you used to live in Australia?
2075 Tom lived in Australia when he was a kid.
2076 Tom knows more about Australia than I do.
2077 I’ll be in Australia for three more days.
2078 I won’t tell anybody you’re in Australia.
2079 I won’t stay in Australia as long as Tom.
2080 I wish I could be in Australia right now.
2081 I wish that I could go back to Australia.
2082 I wish we could stay in Australia longer.
2083 I wish that you wouldn’t go to Australia.
2084 Tom hopes that Mary will visit Australia.
2085 Tom doesn’t plan to go to Boston with us.
2086 Tom doesn’t think that Mary is in Boston.
2087 I want to purchase property in Australia.
2088 I thought I’d go to Australia next month.
2089 I thought that you didn’t like Australia.
2090 I think that Australia is worth visiting.
2091 I think I’ll go to Australia next summer.
2092 I think we ought to go back to Australia.
2093 I think that we ought to go to Australia.
2094 Tom died in Australia when he was thirty.
2095 Tom didn’t tell me he lived in Australia.
2096 I know you were in Australia last winter.
2097 I knew you wouldn’t like it in Australia.
2098 I hope you have a good time in Australia.
2099 I hope you had a great time in Australia.
2100 I hope I get a chance to visit Australia.

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